UNLABELED Marc Goldman Farmland Dairies of Wallington lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Ralph Nader Public Dining Room pos#IN NN , PRP$ NN IN DT lc#, the rc#. lex#food Our Man path#appos|->appos->man->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#man UNLABELED Showalter Tigers lex#interested trigger#manager rc#because they pos#MD VB DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-interested->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-manager->poss->|poss pos#VBZ RBR JJ IN DT rc#' manager lc#development said trigger#interested ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Justice Department Hudson County pos#VBZ lex#awards rc# path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->iobj->|iobj trigger#award ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Gary Chadwick Brien pos#, rc#'s high lc#summer and ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss UNLABELED William P. Rogers Mr. Nixon pos#, path#appos|->appos->secretary->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s lc#Secretary ; trigger#secretary UNLABELED Donald J. Trump Alexanders lex#embattled real estate developer owns percent trigger#percent pos#, DT JJ JJ NN NN , VBZ NN IN rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->percent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Thomas C. West Newton pos#, IN trigger#child rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#children , path#appos|<-appos<-child->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Barry Carol Schwartz path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#MD RB VB rc#, who lex#face trigger#face UNLABELED New Year 's Day Angelica Film Center trigger#play rc#in lower path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, '' WDT VBZ RB VBG IN DT ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#'' playing UNLABELED Westerners Bangladesh lc#When lex#condemn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-condemn->dobj->|dobj trigger#condemn pos#VBP ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#out of UNLABELED Roberto Castenada Guatemalan Berries Commission rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Craig Anderson Productions Lorimar Television pos#IN NN IN lc#presented by lex#association path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-present->prep->in->pobj->association->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#association ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and Prairie trigger#present UNLABELED Lucile Petry Frog Heaven lex#child high school principal wife born path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, in trigger#bear pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NN NN CC PRP$ NN , VBD VBN IN , IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. Shabazz United States pos#VBD TO DT lex#returned rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#'s , trigger#return NEGATIVE E-Plus Veba rc#and the path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#unit lc#stake in trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Murray Miss Cratchitt lc#) , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD lex#played trigger#play ner#PERSON->MISC rc#in the UNLABELED Bob Hall Defense Department pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, said pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#, but path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn rc#spokesman . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Ron Mayer Mr. Mackey pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN NN IN , VBZ VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-know->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#partner consulting engineering firm rc#since their trigger#know UNLABELED White Nimzo-Indian rc#after lc#, invites ner#PERSON->MISC pos#TO DT path#dobj|<-dobj<-invite->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#invite UNLABELED Vittorio Storaro Mr. Bertolucci trigger#collaborate lc#by lex#film 's director photography collaborated rc#on " ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN POS NN IN NN , WP RB VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->collaborate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED American Council of Life Insurance Washington-based pos#, DT NN POS lc#of the lc#At the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#industry 's lc#The pos#, DT lc#the lc#to the path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod rc#trade group trigger#group rc#industry group lc#for the UNLABELED Robert Sweers Paribas Capital Markets lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#. '' NEGATIVE Post Jimmy Carter lex#endorsed President lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#in the pos#VBD NNP REL$NA trigger#endorse path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-endorse->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Bonilla America trigger#criticize pos#VBD JJ lex#criticized corporate rc#for its ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-criticize->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Giuliani South Street Seaport rc#, the lex#made announcement pos#VBD DT NN IN DT trigger#make lc#As ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Birmingham Birmingham Groves High School pos#, DT JJ NN WDT VBZ IN NN , , NN IN rc#, said ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#In trigger#principal lex#fashionable suburb spends pupil principal path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Hollinger Montreal pos#, DT IN , WDT VBZ CC VBZ NNS IN JJ NNS CC NN , CC , RB IN lc#suitors include path#advmod|->advmod->also->dep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#hollinger rc#, which REL$NA lex#owns interests financial services energy UNLABELED Jeff Coverdale First Infantry Division lc#Capt. lex#black planning officer trigger#officer pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#based at UNLABELED Holland America Line Carnival Cruises ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#woman for lex#subsidiary rc#based in pos#, DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Lieutenant Adams Republican rc#, says trigger#call ner#PERSON->MISC lex#calls conservative path#rcmod|->rcmod->call->dep->|dep pos#, WP VBZ PRP DT JJ UNLABELED Mr. Williams Brunswick Hospital Center lex#charged first-degree burglary pos#, WP VBD VBN IN JJ NN , VBD VBN TO trigger#take path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED FURNITURE Eighteenth Bronx lc#GARDEN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#from Friday lex#19th-century benches tables fountains statues urns botanical prints weather vanes gardening books treasures sale path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#eighteenth pos#: CC JJ NNS , NNS , NNS , NNS , NNS , JJ NNS , NN NNS CC NN NNS MD VB IN DT NNS IN NN IN DT IN DT IN DT UNLABELED Nellie Forbush Little Rock path#appos|->appos->nurse->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#Before rc#, lex#nurse ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#nurse UNLABELED Dr. Herbert Kleber Center on Addiction pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and lex#executive vice president trigger#president NEGATIVE Orchestra Yuri Temirkanov pos#VBN IN rc#, including ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#lead lc#' rmonic lex#led REL$NA path#partmod|->partmod->lead->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Senate John F. Russo lex#President pos#NNP , rc#of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-president->appos->|appos lc#the former trigger#president NEGATIVE White House Charles W. Colson path#nn|<-nn<-aide->appos->|appos rc#, said lex#aide ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#a former trigger#aide REL$NA pos#NN , UNLABELED Ms. Montalvo Volkswagen Jetta pos#VBD PRP$ JJ lc#today , lex#drove four-door trigger#drive rc#into the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-drive->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE West Coast Dinard path#nn|<-nn<-champion->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#defeat the lex#champion REL$NA trigger#champion pos#NN , UNLABELED Duncan MacLane Young America rc#, the trigger#manager lc#'' said pos#, NN CC NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#design technology manager ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Henry Leuthardt Henry Leuthardt Nurseries path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj trigger#leuthardt ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBZ lex#owns rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Lady Monarchs Stanford trigger#follow lc#The pos#, DT NN POS JJ NN , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-follow->dobj->|dobj rc#and lex#nation 's second-ranked team ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Harvey Heinbach Merrill Lynch pos#, path#appos|->appos->analyst->poss->|poss lc#'' said pos#, NN IN rc#, but ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, predicted path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT lex#automotive analyst trigger#analyst rc#, noted pos#, DT NN NN NN IN lex#auto industry analyst rc#analyst . rc#'s automotive path#appos|->appos->analyst->nn->|nn rc#, '' rc#. lex#auto analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN pos#, JJ NN IN lc#words of path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#in lc#But lc#" said rc#. '' UNLABELED Oleg Olympic path#appos|->appos->champion->nn->|nn pos#CC , DT rc#pairs champions ner#PERSON->MISC lc#said that trigger#champion UNLABELED Chana Green Eva Hillman ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos rc#, all lc#daughter , pos#: DT NN , , CC DT NN , trigger#daughter lex#brother sister UNLABELED Lou Piniella Spoljaric pos#, trigger#manager ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss rc#'s manager UNLABELED Mr. Layton Vietnam rc#veteran and pos#, DT trigger#veteran path#appos|->appos->veteran->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Dole San Diego trigger#be pos#MD VB VBG IN lex#arriving rc#. trigger#arrive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT NN IN PRP$ NN DT NN IN rc#, where path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#that faces rc#with ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN trigger#face lc#Tuesday , lex#eve nomination week path#dobj|<-dobj<-face->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Charlie Ward Walter Camp pos#VBD DT trigger#win lc#quarterback ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->award->nn->|nn trigger#award rc#award yesterday lex#won REL$NA UNLABELED Erik Burns Michael Gilbert path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review pos#VBZ NN IN rc#. lex#reviews book UNLABELED Long Island Jewish Medical Center Dr. David R. Dantzker lex#today announced appointment pos#NN VBD DT NN IN rc#as president trigger#announce ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-announce->dobj->appointment->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#appointment NEGATIVE Levy Rockville Centre path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#Senator REL$NA NEGATIVE European Union Renato Ruggiero pos#VBZ VBG rc#, a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-back->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#while the trigger#back REL$NA lex#backing UNLABELED MICHAEL ADAMS Charlotte Hornets trigger#trade rc#for second-round ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-trade->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#they traded pos#TO DT NEGATIVE Frederick Johnson All Saints Episcopal Church lc#Sunday , pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN NN `` DT CC DT , '' MD VB TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lex#writer television soap opera The rc#in trigger#go UNLABELED Allan Budi Kusuma Olympics lc#When trigger#defeat pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC lex#defeated countryman rc#, giving path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Phil Engelauf Johnson Space Center rc#in pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lc#" said lex#flight director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Scribner International Labor Defense trigger#active pos#VBD JJ IN DT lex#active path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-active->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Dr. Robert A. Weinberg Whitehead Institute trigger#biologist lex#leading cancer biologist lc#view of pos#, DT VBG NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->biologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Odeh Mohammed Sadik Howaida lex#reportedly slightly rendering ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj rc#. lc#attention , pos#RB VBD DT RB JJ NN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Ecogen Inc. Bioenterprises pos#, WDT RB VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#recently acquired trigger#acquire path#rcmod|->rcmod->acquire->dobj->|dobj lc#, like rc#, an UNLABELED Gladys Ibanez Impacto lex#writes food column newspaper trigger#write pos#, WP VBZ DT NN NN IN DT NN rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->write->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said UNLABELED Kinkade Forth Worth lc#runs a lex#gallery path#nn|<-nn<-gallery->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, trigger#gallery ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Bauer Governor Bush of Texas lc#, when lex#turned rc#and said pos#VBD TO trigger#turn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ron Wertheimer Storytellers pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->program->nn->|nn rc#television program ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#program UNLABELED Mr. Foley National Governors ' Association trigger#speak rc#as it pos#, DT , VBD TO DT JJ lex#spoke bipartisan path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Sergei B. Stankevich Moscow path#appos|->appos->mayor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said trigger#mayor lex#Deputy Mayor pos#, DT NNP NNP IN rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Michael Christensen Utah Foundation trigger#director lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Lucy Edwards Russian-born pos#, path#appos|->appos->executive->amod->|amod lc#married to trigger#executive ner#PERSON->MISC rc#bank executive UNLABELED Dennis J. Niermann Ms. Lia trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#and pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said NEGATIVE Finley Catfish trigger#give rc#and apparently lex#'s flamboyant owner gave nickname ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT NNP POS JJ NN , VBD PRP DT NN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Dana Sinkler Terra Chips lex#president lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Caronnas 72d Street lc#, the lex#arrived path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN trigger#arrive rc#and ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Dorna USA New York pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#has acquired trigger#acquire path#dobj|<-dobj<-acquire->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, which POSITIVE Orange County Kiryas Joel lc#in the lex#village ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/us_county/hud_county_place pos#NN IN rc#, where rc#, made path#nn|<-nn<-village->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#village lc#for the UNLABELED Peter A. Jaszi American University pos#, DT NN NN IN DT IN lc#'' said trigger#specialist lex#copyright specialist path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#here . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Splash Inn lex#opened weekend pos#VBD IN NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#at lc#, trigger#open ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Anthony New York pos#, rc#made the trigger#have lex#3-pointers run lc#But is path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->as->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->choice->poss->|poss rc#'s first-round lc#lawyer for trigger#choice lex#season ready rc#'s No. pos#, CC DT VBD NNS IN DT NN , IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, RB IN PRP$ NN , JJ TO VB REL$NA trigger#guard path#appos|->appos->guard->poss->|poss UNLABELED Anne Victorian Eureka path#amod|<-amod<-house->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#house rc#and finding pos#NN IN lex#house lc#a Queen ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Stephen J. Verdier Independent Bankers Association of America pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, described lex#lobbyist trigger#lobbyist path#appos|->appos->lobbyist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Sylvia Goetzmann Mark of Pennington ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->son->appos->|appos pos#CC , DT IN , : NNS , trigger#daughter rc#, lex#sons trigger#son lc#daughters , NEGATIVE Greece Czechoslovakia lc#points for pos#, CC VBD IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#have lex#champion upset path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-upset->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN , VBD VBN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. rc#, trigger#upset REL$NA NEGATIVE Snyder Zuckerman ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bring pos#VBD RP lex#brought path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Gary B. Eichhorn Workstation Systems Group trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN POS lex#general manager 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Our Lady of Calvary Retreat House Sisters of the Cross and Passion lex#operated pos#VBN IN DT trigger#operate ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#-- path#partmod|->partmod->operate->prep->by->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE ANGELS Lance Parrish path#rcmod|->rcmod->hit->nsubj->|nsubj lex#AP ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#hit a pos#, , -LRB- NNP -RRB- : trigger#hit REL$NA NEGATIVE Martinique Puerto Rico ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#in the trigger#south path#appos|->appos->south->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#yesterday in REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN IN lex#island south UNLABELED Gayle Howard Gayle 's Little People Inc. trigger#found lex#founded pos#, WP VBD lc#exception is ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Mrs. Smith Maria Bello ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ IN DT VBG JJ NN , VBZ VBN IN rc#as if lex#works competing rent-a-spy company played UNLABELED Fools of Fortune Carnegie Hall Cinema lex#'' opens today lc#'s '' rc#, wears trigger#open pos#, '' WDT VBZ NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Marc Almond Bowery Ballroom path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-concert<-dobj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN trigger#review trigger#concert lc#pop singer rc#; photo ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ray Allen Huskies pos#VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->lead->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD DT trigger#lead lex#led path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED David D. Hale Kemper Financial pos#, JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, was ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief economist trigger#economist UNLABELED Craig Worthington Ripken pos#VBD trigger#score lex#scored ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#with a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Danzon Directed Rodrigo Garcia pos#IN : NN -LRB- IN IN NNS -RRB- IN CC : NN IN NN , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#dep|->dep->director->appos->|appos rc#; edited lex#screenplay subtitles director photography trigger#director UNLABELED H. Russel Holland United States District of Alaska trigger#judge rc#, said pos#, DT NNP NNP IN DT lex#Chief Judge lc#But Judge ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->judge->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Barbara J. Fife Planning and Development pos#, NNP NNP IN path#appos|->appos->mayor->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, said trigger#mayor rc#, who lex#Deputy Mayor lc#represent , rc#. lex#'s Deputy Mayor lc#, says ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#words of pos#, POS NNP NNP IN lc#" said rc#, when UNLABELED Q. Mary Bible pos#VBZ DT RB JJ NN IN DT lex#fairly sketchy figure rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-figure->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#figure NEGATIVE Nassau County Colin Ferguson ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#delay the path#nn|<-nn<-trial->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#trial pos#NN NN IN lex#murder trial REL$NA rc#, saying UNLABELED Mets Charles Dillon Stengel trigger#manager lc#announced the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#manager path#poss|<-poss<-manager->appos->|appos rc#, which NEGATIVE Loja Southern Highlands lc#fly to path#appos|->appos->town->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#town rc#. lex#small town REL$NA pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Darius Knolys Lithuanian trigger#minister pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#and path#appos|->appos->minister->nn->|nn rc#Minister of NEGATIVE de Klerk African National Congress lex#invited path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-call->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lex#president path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invite->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj lc#that President pos#RB VBD DT rc#and other pos#VBZ VBN IN DT trigger#call lex#called path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#CC , DT NN IN DT pos#VBZ VBN DT rc#, were rc#of acting ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#accuse lc#President REL$NA trigger#president rc#to abandon trigger#invite lex#recently accused UNLABELED Gary Crayton Florida trigger#director rc#, said lex#director ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Army Air Force Chicago lc#of the rc#area price path#poss|<-poss<-section->nn->|nn lex#'s pos#POS ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#section UNLABELED Dying Days Of the Despots State Department lc#Leaders The trigger#announce rc#announced that lex#In ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-announce->nsubj->|nsubj pos#IN DT UNLABELED Mrs. Kimes Chubb pos#VBD NN IN lex#filed suit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->against->pobj->|pobj trigger#file ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and began UNLABELED MCI upstart ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-company->amod->|amod pos#VBZ DT rc#company that trigger#company UNLABELED Maurice Jr. Dawson ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#brother , rc#, trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, IN UNLABELED L. Kurland Countrywide Credit Industries lc#said Stanford pos#, JJ VBG NN IN trigger#officer path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#chief operating officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Cocoanuts Paper Mill lc#" The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-represent->dobj->|dobj pos#'' -RRB- , VBZ DT lex#represents rc#at its trigger#represent UNLABELED London Mr. Previn lc#halfway between pos#CC , WRB ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#hold rc#held conducting UNLABELED Lieut. Gen. Philippe Morillon French Army pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn trigger#officer rc#officer who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Sovremennik Theater Company Cherry Orchard pos#POS NN IN DT trigger#production lex#'s production The path#poss|<-poss<-production->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#reviews ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, directed UNLABELED McDonnell Douglas Finns lex#sells rc#most of ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#sell pos#RB VBZ DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Richard Gilder Central Park Conservancy rc#trustee and pos#, NN IN rc#who has pos#, DT trigger#trustee ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->trustee->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#trustee path#appos|->appos->trustee->nn->|nn UNLABELED Motorola Dell Computer path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD , TO : rc#, lex#added trigger#add UNLABELED Heinz Roquette Group of France pos#VBD DT NN TO DT rc#this path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell lex#sold company ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Irabu Allen Watson pos#IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-replace->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#replace rc#rather than REL$NA lc#to replace UNLABELED Mr. Bremer Maryland trigger#be rc#, serving path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#prison ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBZ RB IN NN IN NEGATIVE The Guardian Frank Kermode path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#write ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#issue of lex#scholar critic Sir pos#, DT NN CC NN NNP rc#wrote that REL$NA UNLABELED Miami Mastec ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, he trigger#headquarters pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-headquarters->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#In the lex#headquarters UNLABELED Gulch Star Standard ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD POS rc#. lc#Thunder lex#beat 's NEGATIVE Jim Brochu ABC pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Mr. Rush Mr. Daley path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#accuses trigger#accuse pos#, , DT IN DT , VBZ rc#of '' UNLABELED James Balsley New York City rc#landscape designer pos#, DT VBN lc#She recruited trigger#designer ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->designer->nn->|nn lex#respected UNLABELED Mr. Mehta New York rc#and the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-stay->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#for path#appos|->appos->conductor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VB IN lc#point , pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#conductor lc#troubles , trigger#stay lex#stay lex#conductor UNLABELED SoHo United States lex#Through long honorable career designer teacher trigger#have rc#. pos#IN VBD DT JJ CC JJ NN IN DT NN CC NN , RB IN DT , IN , CC RB IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#Prince Street NEGATIVE Vin Baker Milwaukee Bucks lex#season-best trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->as->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT JJ IN DT lc#points and rc#staved off ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Pyxis San Diego path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, had pos#, VBN IN trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#based UNLABELED CARLO FONTANA La Scala trigger#manager ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lex#general manager pos#, DT JJ NN IN UNLABELED Historic Hudson Valley John D. Rockefeller Jr. trigger#found ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#addition , lex#founded path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, WDT VBD VBN IN rc#in UNLABELED Hillbilly of Valley Ranch Cowboys ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT lc#, the rc#' suburban path#appos|->appos->center->poss->|poss trigger#center UNLABELED Willi Seitz West German path#appos|->appos->consultant->amod->|amod pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#consultant rc#consultant hired UNLABELED Juilliard Opera Center New York trigger#bring lc#and the rc#this week pos#VBZ VBG PRP TO ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#bringing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Petropavlovsk Milkovo lc#us from ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#take pos#TO rc#, an path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Genscher East Germany trigger#come rc#, a lc#awareness that ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Schwartzes Sumitomo Realty lex#list path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#The pos#VBD DT NN TO ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#take rc#, which NEGATIVE Chicago Board of Trade P.M. trigger#close lc#The rc#, pos#, DT CC DT MD RB VB IN lex#close path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-close->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Arnette French New York trigger#go lex#wo n't lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#RB MD RB VB TO rc#to see UNLABELED Neil Strauss Neil Todd ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->k->dep->|dep rc#. lc#: Poor pos#, DT NN DT trigger#strauss UNLABELED Jonas Svensson ATP Zaragoza Open pos#IN VBD IN , , , NN IN DT trigger#defeat lc#The second-seeded path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#defeated yesterday rc#in UNLABELED Harris Court Stratford Center path#advmod|->advmod->south->dep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#up on pos#RB IN lex#south rc#, dozens trigger#south ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED George Elrick Cummings Bennington path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, Vt lex#professional squash player coach died Friday trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN NN CC RB DT NN , VBD IN NNP IN UNLABELED Mr. Mason Mr. Inman lex#recruited path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recruit->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#as chairman trigger#recruit pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Mr. Abrams United States Senate pos#POS NN IN DT lc#up in lex#close friend occasional mentor ran unsuccessfully lex#unsuccessfully ran lex#'s campaign lc#, while rc#, is lc#job when rc#last summer pos#RB VBD IN DT trigger#run pos#, DT JJ NN CC JJ NN , VBD RB IN DT path#poss|<-poss<-campaign->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#and then trigger#campaign path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, WP VBZ VBG IN DT lc#suit by rc#in lex#running NEGATIVE Rossini Paris path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-settle->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#settle lex#settled rc#, where lc#, " ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD IN REL$NA NEGATIVE Thomas Green Massachusetts lc#'' said lex#Assistant Attorney General trigger#general path#appos|->appos->general->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NNP NNP NNP IN rc#who participated ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED John S. Susan Dreier ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#sons , rc#of trigger#daughter trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#, IN , , CC , IN , : DT NN , POSITIVE New York Mets New York City path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-reach->dobj->agreement->prep->with->pobj->|pobj:INV rc#to move:INV lex#reached agreement principle:INV trigger#agreement trigger#reach pos#VBD NN IN NN IN DT:INV REL$/sports/sports_team/location ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Frank Schweibold G.M. Electric Vehicles pos#, NN IN NN CC NN IN trigger#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director finance strategy ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Republican Pro-Life Caucus trigger#head rc#. ner#MISC->MISC lex#heads 's pos#WP VBZ DT POS path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj lc# NEGATIVE Haynes Steve Lappas pos#POS NN , POS JJ rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-coach->appos->|appos lc#, " lex#'s coach 's REL$NA trigger#coach UNLABELED Virginia Countess of Airlie ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos pos#, DT lc#daughter , rc#, who trigger#daughter UNLABELED Seventh Congressional District North Carolina path#dobj|<-dobj<-represent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN JJ rc#since lex#southernmost lc#represented the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#represent NEGATIVE Cuban Israel pos#NN TO trigger#ambassador rc#. path#amod|<-amod<-ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#was the REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#ambassador UNLABELED William Sullivan Counterintelligence Program trigger#come pos#VBD RP IN DT rc#-- " lc#'s ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Eisenstein Dr. Falke ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, shows pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-friend->appos->|appos lex#'s friend trigger#friend lc#But NEGATIVE Annie Manhattan rc#restaurant . path#appos|->appos->restaurant->nn->|nn pos#POS , lex#'s trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#reviews REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Leo P. Kadanoff University of Chicago rc#, believes pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#physicist trigger#physicist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->physicist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED POOH RICHARDSON Knicks trigger#announce rc#announced they pos#-LRB- VBN RB NN NN -RRB- WP VBZ RB JJ IN NNP : DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#torn calf muscle questionable Game The lc#, replacing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-announce->nsubj->|nsubj NEGATIVE John Huston Finley The New York Times trigger#editor pos#, NN IN lc#And rc#, who path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Conqueror Battle of Hastings rc#and the trigger#win path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj lc#the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBD VBN DT lex#won REL$NA UNLABELED Republican Richard Rosenbaum lex#candidates pos#NNS , ner#MISC->PERSON path#amod|<-amod<-candidate->appos->|appos rc#and lc#other potential trigger#candidate UNLABELED Croft Polar Exploration pos#VBD IN '' trigger#write lc#'' Colonel path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#wrote '' rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Salvador Charlie Christian lc#, ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, WP$ NN VBD RB , VBD trigger#hear lex#originally heard rc#on a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hear->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mrs. Zorbaugh CBS pos#VBD IN TO lex#moved path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in NEGATIVE Perot Bradley path#dep|<-dep<-%<-dep<-president->dep->%->dep->|dep lc#% lex#... ... GOVERNOR reporting ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#-- -- GOVERNOR reporting pos#: : NN NN NN NN rc#( D trigger#% path#dep|<-dep<-%->dep->|dep rc#-- REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Heartland Business Center Deer Park lex#office complex rc#, lc#model the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#complex path#appos|->appos->complex->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Timberwolves Phoenix trigger#win path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#and the rc#for the lex#won ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD IN NEGATIVE London Lynne lc#in north lex#wife pos#IN PRP$ NN , rc#, who ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#live trigger#wife path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-live->prep->with->pobj->wife->appos->|appos REL$NA UNLABELED Harold Coker Chattanooga trigger#dealer lex#group 's co-chairman tire dealer path#appos|->appos->dealer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN POS NN , DT NN NN IN rc#, lc#asked ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Torres Ocean Parkway pos#, WP VBD IN rc#, lex#lived path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED African South Jamaica trigger#community lc#the poorest rc#. pos#NN IN lex#community ner#MISC->LOCATION path#amod|<-amod<-community->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Oren Goeldi Natural History Museum pos#, DT NN NN IN DT trigger#scientist lex#staff scientist path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Middlebury Plattsburgh State ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#beat lc#college after UNLABELED Mr. Paxon Mr. Gingrich path#rcmod|->rcmod->appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#appointed leadership position trigger#appoint pos#, WP VBD VBN VBN TO PRP$ NN NN IN lc#praise for rc#but resigned NEGATIVE Wescott University of Chicago lex#student pos#VBD DT NN IN DT rc#. trigger#student path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-student->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#when UNLABELED Mr. Vardeu di Mare trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD RB IN rc#in UNLABELED Ora Robbins San Francisco rc#, and pos#IN , : DT NN , , IN lex#brother daughters path#dep|->dep->brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#mother , lex#brother trigger#brother rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN , : DT NN , , IN , CC NNS , , IN UNLABELED Ben Ratliff Experimental Intermedia trigger#review lex#reviews performance electronic composer path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#; photo ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ NN IN JJ NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Dodd Clinton pos#, DT JJ trigger#tie pos#VBZ JJ NNS TO NNP path#poss|<-poss<-relationship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#President against lex#'s close relationship President rc#, in pos#POS JJ NN IN NNP rc#, and lex#close trigger#supporter trigger#relationship path#appos|->appos->supporter->nn->|nn rc#supporter and lex#close ties President lc#hopes on path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->tie->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Poultney Herbert Daskum Gibson lex#Vt. named pos#, NNP , VBN ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. path#partmod|->partmod->name->dep->|dep trigger#poultney lc#captain from UNLABELED Gennady Jr. United States lex#shares father 's passion soccer born trigger#bear lc#artist ; path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, , WP VBZ PRP$ NN POS NN IN NN , CC , , WP VBD VBN IN DT rc#. '' UNLABELED Skip James Stewart lex#played gangly young trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBG VBN IN DT JJ JJ path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#with every lc#could imagine UNLABELED Rair Simonyan Institute of the World Economy and International Relations pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#economist UNLABELED Sprint Corporation JWT West trigger#expand ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#expanded relationship lc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-expand->dobj->relationship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN trigger#relationship rc#in NEGATIVE Fred Meyer Republican lc#race prompted lex#state lc#list delights rc#chairman . path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn pos#, DT pos#, DT NN ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->chairman->amod->|amod lc#a lc#" offers rc#state chairman lc#, " REL$NA rc#chairman , trigger#chairman lc#" said UNLABELED Eddie Menendez Times Square Business Improvement District pos#, WP VBZ IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#work rc#and who lex#works ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Fluid Metering Oyster Bay path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based NEGATIVE Anthony Lake United Nations trigger#delegate lc#, both lex#national security adviser delegate lex#national security adviser representative path#appos|->appos->delegate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->representative->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, were rc#, have pos#, DT JJ NN NN , CC , DT NN TO DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#representative UNLABELED Marsha Stoltman Kelsey Group lc#" said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED George W. van der Ploeg Alice F. Mason Ltd. ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#town house specialist lc#according to pos#, DT NN NN NN IN trigger#specialist path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Checkup Bush pos#VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->PERSON lex#finds rc#in excellent trigger#find UNLABELED Banco de la Nacion Switzerland trigger#official rc#, lc#accounts of path#nn|<-nn<-official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#NNS IN lex#officials UNLABELED Bukharans New York pos#WP VBD TO lc#The path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#in the ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#bukharans UNLABELED Julio A. Garcia Olveras Chamber of Commerce pos#, DT NN IN POS rc#, who trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#removal of NEGATIVE Peterson Wakefield ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, and rc#, trigger#live path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#lives pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Louis L. Perazza St. Peter 's trigger#director lc#conducting and rc#, accompanying ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#music director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED TODD FULLER Golden State Warriors pos#VBD DT NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#yesterday . trigger#contract path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->contract->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#signed contract lc#center trigger#sign UNLABELED Luis R. Marcos Department of Mental Health lex#commissioner 's trigger#commissioner rc#, pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jodie Bernstein F.T.C. Bureau of Consumer Protection lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT rc#, adding lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Howard J. Goldman Chapin trigger#lawyer lc#And ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, said lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Sandwip Educational and Cultural Society Bangladeshi Muslims lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#group rc#. lex#growing group devout pos#, DT VBG NN IN JJ path#appos|->appos->group->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Chirac Americans path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj rc#but dwelt pos#VBD DT lc#Today , lex#praised path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-assure->dobj->|dobj trigger#assure pos#IN JJ NNS IN RB TO VB ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#praise rc#of his lex#bends backward assure UNLABELED Bernard Holland Westminster Choir rc#conducted by ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review trigger#concert pos#VBZ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->concert->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#reviews concert UNLABELED Merkin Concert Hall James Richman Concert Royal lc#, harpsichordist rc#, strode lex#artistic director pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Big Idea William Jennings Bryan path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-take->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD VBN RP IN POS trigger#take lex#'s rc#, " lc#and his NEGATIVE Tim Bakersfield lc#sons , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Mr. Kiepper Mr. Gunn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD lex#praised ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#midtown , trigger#praise rc#and UNLABELED HERBERT J. GANS Columbia University New York trigger#professor path#nn|<-nn<-professor->appos->|appos pos#NNP IN NNP , rc#, lex#Professor Sociology ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Jean Thomases Neighborhood Family Services Coalition pos#, NN IN DT lex#coordinator trigger#coordinator rc#. path#appos|->appos->coordinator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Diane L. Mustain Duff & Phelps Inc. path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in lc#" said NEGATIVE Islander Bill Torrey trigger#manager path#nn|<-nn<-manager->appos->|appos pos#JJ NN , lex#general manager lc#the former rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON REL$NA NEGATIVE Pistols New York rc#debut . lc#to the path#poss|<-poss<-debut->nn->|nn pos#POS trigger#debut ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Pat Varinelli Jamie rc#as '' trigger#describe ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, NN IN NN NNS IN , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj lex#director pupil personnel UNLABELED DEXTER CORP. John D. Thompson pos#, , , DT NN IN NN NNS , VBN path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lex#manufacturer specialty materials named rc#senior vice ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#president UNLABELED Panasonic Company Vtech Communications Inc. trigger#call lc#-- the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj pos#, IN DT NN NN : NNP , WDT VBZ DT NN NN , CC DT JJ NN VBD lex#analog unit Code-a-Phone analog unit small company called rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Moore Democrats lex#seat back ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#take pos#VBD DT NN RB IN DT rc#with a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Foyle Class D Hamilton lex#senior rc#( trigger#senior ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ IN path#appos|->appos->senior->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Simeus William Mowry ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced trigger#replace pos#, JJ , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Malone Broadcasting trigger#quote pos#, WP VBD VBG JJ NN CC VBD RB VB NN NNS , VBD RB VBN IN lex#traveling week return phone calls recently quoted rc#and path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-quote->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED US Open Tennis Flushing Meadows path#nn|<-nn<-tournament->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, stemming lc#resentments at pos#NN IN lex#tournament trigger#tournament ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Chos Moran lex#named daughter lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-name->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD PRP$ NN rc#( pronounced trigger#name UNLABELED British Northern Ireland Peter Brooke lc#by the pos#NNP , lex#Secretary ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, to trigger#secretary path#nn|<-nn<-secretary->appos->|appos UNLABELED Interbrand Chicago path#poss|<-poss<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#'s offices lc#, trigger#office rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#POS NNS , IN UNLABELED Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc. Dr. Ronald Evans trigger#found ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#based founded pos#, VBN IN , VBD VBN IN IN rc#, a UNLABELED Ed Wankel Long Island lex#'s deputy commissioner operations trigger#commissioner pos#, DT POS NN NN IN NNS IN rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Houston Bird and Boston ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#lose pos#VBD TO lc#center , lex#lost path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#again by UNLABELED Forman Interactive Corporation Stamford pos#, DT NN WDT VBZ NN TO VB JJ NNS VBP JJ NN , CC NNP , DT NNP NN NN IN lc#featured the trigger#agency rc#, Conn lex#company creates software small businesses conduct on-line commerce E-Media Web development agency ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->agency->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Hartmarx Robert lex#owns percent ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#percent path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->percent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#'s , REL$NA pos#RB VBZ IN NN IN NEGATIVE Polish Finance trigger#minister pos#NNP IN path#nn|<-nn<-minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#A former rc#, lex#Minister ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Randall Turk Mr. Smith trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Red Rock West The New York Times pos#, '' WDT MD VB VBN DT JJ , JJ NN CC VBD , VBD IN lex#tough smart film wrote trigger#write ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#with " rc#, " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Gary Garland Qualcomm lc#'' said lex#vice president business development pos#, DT NN NN IN NN NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Leslie Cheek Jr. Richmond path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#architect director died Sunday home rc#. trigger#home trigger#die pos#, DT NN CC DT JJ NN IN DT IN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Messier Gilmour trigger#do pos#VBD lex#met trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#TO VB TO lc#expect path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lc#Soon after lex#gave trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj rc#, kiss rc#with a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#a taste REL$NA UNLABELED Mark V. Lommano Smith Travel Research trigger#director lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED GE Capital General Electric Inc lc#financing from ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#appos|->appos->arm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#arm lex#arm pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Graham Spring Valley lex#senior trigger#senior path#appos|->appos->senior->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ IN rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. White Scarsdale path#rcmod|->rcmod->grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said pos#, WP VBD RP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew trigger#grow NEGATIVE Canandaigua Almaden pos#VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj lex#acquired trigger#acquire rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Giants Mimic Jets Misery Giants path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-love->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB DT lex#love trigger#love ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#Uh-Oh , rc#and UNLABELED Panamco Francisco Sanchez-Loaeza lc#, '' rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-chairman->appos->|appos lex#'s chairman chief executive pos#POS NN CC JJ NN , trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Rambus Mountain View path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN NN IN lc#was rc#, lex#semiconductor technology company trigger#company REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED BOSNIAN Croatian trigger#leader lex#CROAT RESISTANCE Local pos#NNP NNP NNP rc#religious and ner#MISC->MISC path#nn|<-nn<-leader->amod->|amod UNLABELED East Meadow Certilman Balin Adler & Hyman lc#in the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, is lex#law firm pos#NN NN IN trigger#firm UNLABELED BPI Communications Affiliated Publications Inc lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#published by pos#, DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Marlo Thomas Mary Tyler Moore ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD TO rc#. trigger#lead lex#led REL$NA UNLABELED GEORGE A. DEAN Southport lex#advertising executive trigger#executive pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Cooper Compaq Center rc#, and pos#VBD NN TO DT lex#returned home lc#points , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return UNLABELED Christopher Keene City Opera Orchestra trigger#conduct path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-conduct->dobj->|dobj rc#. lex#conducted occasionally shaky pos#VBD DT RB JJ ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED ROBERT Bergen County Cooperative Library System Hackensack pos#NNP NNP NNP NNP , lex#W. WHITE Executive Director rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-director->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED John E. McKinley Mr. Burke ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#replace pos#, DT NNP NNP NN , MD VB lex#C&S executive replace path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj rc#as senior UNLABELED Paul E. Ustic Herald rc#for asking pos#VBD DT trigger#assail path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-assail->dobj->|dobj lex#assailed The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Aid International Washington trigger#headquarters pos#NN IN lc#'s lex#headquarters ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-headquarters->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Grambling Derrick Ned path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#30-24 lead 9-yard touchdown pass reserve quarterback rc#as the ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#take pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NN NN IN NN NN TO UNLABELED Crystal Muresan lex#movie 's producer asked ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#to dunk path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD RB DT NN POS NN , VBD trigger#ask UNLABELED Cafe Botanica Essex House lc#more casual path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#(212) 484-5120 opened ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#last month trigger#open pos#, NNP , VBD IN DT NEGATIVE Christie Brinkley Matt Dillon path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->nsubj->|nsubj rc#; trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON REL$NA lc#There was pos#: NEGATIVE Texas Ranger Yankees rc#this trigger#victory path#nn|<-nn<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj lex#victory pos#NN IN DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#a 4-2 UNLABELED LEROY San Francisco Redevelopment Commission trigger#writer pos#NNP NNP NN VBZ NN IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-writer<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lex#KING The writer president NEGATIVE Childe Hassam Moran lc#artists like ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT rc#family , path#appos|->appos->family->nn->|nn REL$NA trigger#family UNLABELED Grupo A8 Peruvian Air Force pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#branch trigger#branch path#appos|->appos->branch->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, flies UNLABELED Mrs. Heins Paul path#poss|<-poss<-husband->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#'s husband rc#, an trigger#husband UNLABELED Richard Zwetchkenbaum International Data trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lex#personal computer hardware research manager trigger#analyst rc#. lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN pos#, DT JJ NN NN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said NEGATIVE Ewing Pat Riley rc#, the pos#VBD trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#'s coach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj rc#of the path#poss|<-poss<-coach->appos->|appos lex#gave lc#but which REL$NA trigger#coach UNLABELED Red Sox Beehive Stadium pos#VBP VBN VBG IN trigger#play lex#playing rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#time the UNLABELED Assemblyman LeRoy J Jones Jr Black path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#State Sen members 's rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, NNP NNP CC , NNS IN POS UNLABELED Penn Drazan lc#When ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-introduce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#introduce pos#VBZ VBN IN lex#introduced UNLABELED Jim Fouts Missouri path#appos|->appos->farmer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said rc#and president lex#elk farmer ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#farmer pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED ADAM BAUM Elizabeth Hope Clancy ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#costume pos#CC DT NN NN IN : VBN IN : VBN IN : NNS IN rc#; lighting lex#AND THE JEW MOVIE By directed set costumes path#dep|->dep->costume->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Center for Science Harlan Page Hubbard Lemon Awards rc#; ' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->dobj->|dobj lex#presented annual pos#IN DT VBD PRP$ JJ pos#IN VBZ PRP$ JJ lex#Public Interest presented annual lc#criticism when ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#when the pos#IN DT VBZ PRP$ JJ rc#. lex#presents annual pos#IN DT NNP NNP VBD PRP$ JJ trigger#present UNLABELED Gary Streeter Conservative pos#, DT trigger#member ner#PERSON->MISC rc#member , path#appos|->appos->member->amod->|amod UNLABELED Nicoletta Orlandi Grossetto path#appos|->appos->student->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#high-school student rc#, who trigger#student ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#" said NEGATIVE New York City North General Hospital lex#sold building lc#July , rc#, said pos#VBD DT NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Register Citizen Eagle Publishing Group ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. pos#, DT , , NN IN DT NN IN JJR IN , IN DT lex#newspaper circulation trigger#buy path#dobj|<-dobj<-buy->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#buy The UNLABELED Mr. Rose Joseph B. Rose rc#, became ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-cousin->appos->|appos trigger#cousin pos#POS NN , lex#'s cousin UNLABELED Frank Keller PTC Aerospace trigger#official rc#, said path#appos|->appos->official->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#marketing official ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED USAir Air Line Pilots Association lc#of the lex#division ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#with the rc#, declined rc#for a path#nn|<-nn<-division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN DT trigger#division UNLABELED Mary Shirley Knapp Remington rc#for path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#work pos#, WP VBZ VBN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#worked lc#" said UNLABELED Denver Broncos XXIV path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-qualify->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lc#after the lex#qualified ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#qualify UNLABELED Jennifer Gasperini St. Paul lc#'' said lex#expedition spokeswoman rc#, Minn trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Indiana Texas Christian trigger#defeat pos#VBD lc#No. 13-ranked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#in the lex#defeated ner#LOCATION->MISC NEGATIVE Pearson McGraw-Hill pos#MD VB IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-compete->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#compete lex#compete UNLABELED Arden Brooks West path#poss|<-poss<-husband->appos->|appos lc#Miss ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#'s husband rc#, an trigger#husband UNLABELED P. BELL Chicago Organization of History Teachers ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN VBZ NN IN DT rc#. lc#EARL path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#The writer president trigger#president NEGATIVE Paul Cavallini Dallas lc#sent defenseman trigger#send rc#for future pos#TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#dobj|<-dobj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Theresa Grentz Rutgers rc#and the pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->coach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, said path#appos|->appos->coach->nn->|nn lex#coach lex#'s coach ner#PERSON->MISC rc#coach , ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA trigger#coach pos#, POS NN IN lc#under UNLABELED Ivana Trump chez Mar-a-Lago Palm Beach path#appos|->appos->estate->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#estate lc#she resembled ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#estate that UNLABELED Pissarros Tate trigger#get ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#from the lc#getting path#dobj|<-dobj<-get->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT UNLABELED David Kaminer RBC Dominion Securities lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in UNLABELED Suzy Kim Minkahyup lc#'' said lex#international secretary path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#secretary pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED George Keith Funston Greenwich pos#, WP VBD PRP DT `` NN IN NNS IN '' IN VBG DT IN DT NN IN JJ NN CC NN IN NN IN DT POS , VBD IN PRP$ NN NN IN PRP$ NN NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, Conn trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#proclaimed salesman shares leading period rapid expansion revival influence 's died sleep yesterday summer home UNLABELED Family Life Insurance Co. Financial Industries pos#NN TO path#nn|<-nn<-unit<-dobj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#sell rc#, lc#sell its lex#unit trigger#unit UNLABELED Middle Egypt Sohag ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#director for rc#district said trigger#district lex#'s pos#POS path#poss|<-poss<-district->nn->|nn UNLABELED Plum Island Thomas Sawicki pos#NN NN , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#safety officer lc#by a trigger#officer path#nn|<-nn<-officer->appos->|appos rc#, men NEGATIVE Ronald Reagan Britain lc#who was trigger#ambassador rc#. pos#POS NNP TO path#poss|<-poss<-ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#'s Ambassador ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Elk Investors SW Management trigger#call lc#: ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj rc#. lex#company called pos#CC DT NN VBD UNLABELED Latina Magazine Online NEW YORK lex#http://www.latina.com/ REPORT pos#NNP NNP : rc#ON LINE ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#report path#nn|<-nn<-report->dep->|dep POSITIVE Susquehanna River Harrisburg path#advmod|->advmod->south->dep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$/geography/river/cities ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#RB IN lex#south trigger#south rc#, Pa lc#on the NEGATIVE Chekhov Moscow path#advmod|->advmod->south->dep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN POS JJ NN NN , IN NNS RB IN lc#was probably lex#general staff 's main command post miles south rc#. trigger#south ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Rhoda Diskin Saul ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos rc#of trigger#daughter pos#IN : CC NNS , lc#mother , lex#brothers UNLABELED Arundel Meadows Inn Kennebunk rc#( trigger#north lex#north path#advmod|->advmod->north->dep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, , RB IN UNLABELED Single Future of the Night Gallery lc#: The trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#'' VBZ IN rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#'' POSITIVE Pace University New York City REL$/location/location/containedby ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-campus->nn->|nn trigger#campus lex#'s pos#POS lc#graduates of rc#campus was NEGATIVE Texan Japan lc#, a path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#WP VBZ RB VBN TO trigger#texan ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#, does REL$NA NEGATIVE Roberta Smith Basquiat path#nn|<-nn<-article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#, romantic ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#article 's film pos#NN IN POS NN trigger#article REL$NA NEGATIVE Medoc Olympus lex#d'Or inspiration reached pos#CC DT NNP IN PRP$ NN , CC DT CC VBD VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-reach->dobj->|dobj lc#to the trigger#reach ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#on the REL$NA UNLABELED Albany County Cal Rerucha rc#, charged lc#But the rc#, said pos#NNP , lc#The lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-attorney->appos->|appos trigger#attorney lex#Attorney UNLABELED Anthony P. Cutugno Westchester pos#, POS JJ NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#'s regional director ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said trigger#director UNLABELED Felicja Blumental Annette Celine Blumental rc#, a ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN WP VBD VBN IN PRP$ NNS IN JJ NNS CC NN IN JJ NNS , VBD IN NNP IN , WRB PRP VBD VBG DT NN IN PRP$ NN , trigger#die path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->dobj->|dobj lex#pianist performances 19th-century rarities music contemporary composers died Tuesday attending recital daughter POSITIVE Portland Maine pos#, trigger#school pos#NNP NNP IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->city->poss->|poss REL$/location/location/containedby rc#last weekend trigger#city lc#drive from lex#High School rc#'s largest path#nn|<-nn<-school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#At UNLABELED Autissier Kerguelen Islands lex#arrived pos#VBD IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#arrive ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Spear Revlon rc#, the trigger#president pos#VBD JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#executive vice president NEGATIVE Ed Lynch Chicago trigger#manager path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#When lex#left lc#'' said trigger#leave pos#, DT rc#general manager path#appos|->appos->manager->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Miss Maves Bridal Shop II pos#VBD VBN DT RB , JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#bought long beaded gown trigger#buy ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Harriet Prichard Alternative Gifts pos#, NN IN lc#'' said trigger#founder lex#founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which UNLABELED Fred Swaffer Hewlett-Packard trigger#manager lex#corporate travel manager rc#. path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Harlin Hollywood pos#, WP RB VBD DT NN IN rc#by directing trigger#make lex#made splash path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#So ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Riccio Mr. Hendrickson pos#VBD trigger#describe ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#him , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj rc#as " UNLABELED Trudi Schoop Swiss-born pos#, DT JJ lex#popular pos#, JJ ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#dancer path#appos|->appos->dancer->amod->|amod rc#comic dancer NEGATIVE George Flagler Beach lc#brother , rc#, trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Mr. Adams United Nations Assocation lex#president rc#of the path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ RB NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Cleary Fire Department pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#half-hour , UNLABELED E. Michael Peterson Mr. Moore pos#MD VB ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#succeed rc#as publisher path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj trigger#succeed NEGATIVE Amy Christian lex#calls '' specifically pos#VBZ PRP '' RB RB trigger#call ner#PERSON->MISC lc#; and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dep->|dep REL$NA rc#. '' NEGATIVE Tokyo Salomon Smith Barney lc#in the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said trigger#office pos#NN IN lex#office REL$NA UNLABELED Wanda Willis Searcy lc#home of ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#member rc#, and lex#member school board nearby path#appos|->appos->member->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, , DT NN IN DT NN NN IN JJ UNLABELED Nahalat Shiva Jerusalem lc#in the lex#neighborhood rc#. pos#NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#neighborhood path#nn|<-nn<-neighborhood->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mary Ruth Yoe The University of Chicago Magazine trigger#editor lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#. '' NEGATIVE Roberto Alomar Bip Roberts path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-single->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#from lc#LEAD : pos#VBD NN lex#singled home trigger#single REL$NA UNLABELED Jean-Louis Tauvy French pos#, DT rc#banker who ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->banker->amod->|amod trigger#banker lc#" said UNLABELED John McCarthy Smith Barney & Company lc#ago , rc#, decided path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president UNLABELED American Way New York rc#office , path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn trigger#office pos#CC NN IN PRP$ lex#director ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#for the NEGATIVE Kleinman Yankees lex#joined pos#VBD DT path#appos|->appos->officer->poss->|poss path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-dismiss->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#TO VB IN DT lex#executive vice president chief operating officer lc#he expected pos#VBD RB VBN IN DT trigger#join lc#even though pos#, DT rc#' former rc# lc#to give rc#, contends path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD JJ NN NN CC NN VBG NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss pos#VBD IN DT trigger#work path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#there is rc#. pos#, DT JJ NN NN NN IN DT lex#resign trigger#officer rc#, rc#' executive trigger#dismiss lc#If while path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-resign->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#shortly after lex#recently dismissed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#worked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#executive vice president rc#soon and REL$NA trigger#president trigger#resign UNLABELED Ms. Rodrigues New School for Social Research trigger#department path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, said trigger#head lex#head foreign language department pos#, NN IN DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Victor Itard path#poss|<-poss<-relationship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN ner#PERSON->MISC lex#'s relationship rc#is not trigger#relationship lc#course of POSITIVE Pebble Beach Washington lc#, of:INV path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->dep->brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/location/containedby pos#: DT NN , , IN:INV lex#brother:INV trigger#son trigger#brother rc#,:INV UNLABELED Robert C McFarlane Op Ed rc#article and lc#says that ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#article lex#'s pos#POS path#poss|<-poss<-article->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Murphy Administrations pos#, WP VBZ VBN DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->advise->dobj->|dobj trigger#advise rc#on lex#advised UNLABELED New World Ronald O. Perelman ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-chairman->appos->|appos lex#'s chairman pos#POS NN , lc#apart when rc#, turned trigger#chairman UNLABELED Laurence Colombo Brewster ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#artist path#appos|->appos->artist->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#, DT NN IN lex#artist lc#sculpture by UNLABELED Ken Jacobson California Perot Petition Committee pos#, DT NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->coordinator->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#coordinator lex#talent coordinator ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Norrington Beethoven pos#VBZ VBN DT JJ NN IN trigger#do rc#both in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#thing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Buckeyes St. Petersburg path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#left trigger#leave rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD IN lc#Before the UNLABELED John E. Springer Dukane Corporation of St. Charles trigger#manager lex#sales manager pos#, NNS NN IN DT rc#, path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Schroder Mr. Scharping lc#But when lex#sided ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-side->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#and ordered trigger#side pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Madison Square Garden El Gran Combo lc#before , lex#hold sextuple bill world 's propulsive bands playing mambos cha-chas guaguancos boleros salsa 's ever-expanding domain pos#MD VB DT JJ NN IN DT IN DT NN POS RBS JJ NNS , VBG NNS , NNS , NNS CC NNS IN NN POS JJ NN : path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#from trigger#hold UNLABELED Peter Mallela Northern Illinois University trigger#professor lex#retired professor economics rc#, was path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN NNS IN UNLABELED Detlef Schrempf SuperSonics pos#VBD DT trigger#lead lex#led path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Suffolk County Yapank ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#section at trigger#headquarters rc#. pos#NN NN IN lex#police headquarters path#nn|<-nn<-headquarters->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED James L. Thayer Stearns ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->nn->|nn rc#analyst who pos#, DT , lc#" said UNLABELED Chancel Choir Congregational Church of Manhasset ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#soloist offer P.M. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, CC CC , NN , NN IN NN IN DT trigger#offer rc#on lc#that the UNLABELED Razorbacks North Carolina trigger#defeat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD rc#by pos#MD VB lex#play lc#The lc#The third-seeded trigger#play rc#( path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj lex#defeated lex#meet ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Victor Zuckerman Roth ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s famous lex#aging father trigger#father pos#, DT VBG NN IN path#appos|->appos->father->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#renunciation recalls UNLABELED Dr. Robert Cherry Jersey City Medical Center lex#trauma surgeon rc#. path#appos|->appos->surgeon->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#surgeon ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Glen Greenberg Chieftain Capital Management pos#, NN IN rc#, said trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Major West World War II pos#CC NNP , WP VBD DT JJ NN IN JJ VBD RB IN trigger#send lex#Maj. commanded unit black overseas rc#, were path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED John Alofsin J World lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Museum of Modern Art The New York Times lex#wrote trigger#write pos#, VBD IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#with the rc#that it path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Britain Social Chapter pos#MD VB DT NN POS JJ rc#of workplace lc#that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->MISC lex#sign alliance 's so-called trigger#sign UNLABELED John A. Pallante Jr. Federal Aviation Administration trigger#manager lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss pos#, DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#'s air-traffic UNLABELED Willie Brian Wimmer lex#played ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, VBN IN rc#, has path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Brathwaite Long Island College Hospital lex#force lc#Officer trigger#take path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ VBN IN DT NN IN , VBD VBN TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE Greenwich Gold Coast ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#give '' The trigger#give path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->dobj->|dobj pos#CC , WDT VBP '' DT rc#'' its lc#, including REL$NA UNLABELED MANN Philadelphia Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#The writer chairman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, DT NN VBZ DT JJ NN , pos#, DT NN VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT lc# trigger#chairman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->appos->|appos lex#The writer past chairman UNLABELED Matt Giegerich Quantum Group rc#, the lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#; path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, consumer trigger#president UNLABELED Bayou Live Blues Jam ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#The trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBG DT rc#, as NEGATIVE Dudley Clendinen Adam Nagourney ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBG DT NN , IN lex#writing book rc#, about REL$NA POSITIVE Kutaisi Georgia pos#, ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/location/containedby path#appos|->appos->city->poss->|poss rc#'s rc#'s second-largest lc#miles of lc#official in trigger#city lc#residents of UNLABELED Mr. Hoagland Laurie path#rcmod|->rcmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, is trigger#hoagland pos#, WP VBZ VBN IN NEGATIVE Alps Nest pos#WRB VBD PRP$ POS trigger#build rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->build->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lex#built 's lc#near the REL$NA UNLABELED Starr Supreme Court Justices lc#Was lex#sending coded messages trigger#send rc#via path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBG VBN NNS TO ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED District of Columbia Government Hill trigger#send lc#, the pos#VBD NN TO DT rc#to help path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#staff ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Sheik Yassin Gaza rc#will be path#poss|<-poss<-presence->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN lex#'s presence lex#returned rc#, where ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ RB VBN TO trigger#return trigger#presence UNLABELED BBDO Rapp Collins Marcoa pos#POS NN NN , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-agency->appos->|appos trigger#agency lex#'s sibling agency rc#in NEGATIVE Silverman Republican trigger#fund-raiser pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#was Joy path#appos|->appos->fund-raiser->amod->|amod rc#fund-raiser who REL$NA NEGATIVE Nickelodeon Manhattan lc#, because pos#, DT NNS POS NN NN VBN IN , VBZ VBG DT JJ JJ JJ NN NN IN IN lex#children 's cable network owned opening major digital animation studio trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#next month REL$NA UNLABELED Ropers Knots English trigger#site ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#The pos#NN IN lex#site rc#gets about path#nn|<-nn<-site->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED East Brunswick C.I.C. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#brunswick rc#, and pos#, WDT VBZ RB VBN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#owned lc#of UNLABELED Ray Marshall University of Texas lex#Labor Secretary professor economics public affairs path#dep|->dep->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor lex#Secretary Labor President professor economics public affairs pos#, NNP IN NNP IN NNP , VBZ NN IN NNS CC JJ NNS IN DT pos#, NNP NNP IN DT CC RB DT NN IN NNS CC JJ NNS IN DT rc#. lc#, and rc#, suggested rc#, schools ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mara Krechesvsky Project Zero lc#'' said lex#psychologist trigger#psychologist ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Greater New York Orchid Show West Street lex#opens today lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NN IN DT IN DT , IN trigger#open rc#between ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED George Hotel Cleveland pos#MD VB RB TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#to catch trigger#go UNLABELED Mike Slade Starwave rc#, perhaps lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Elizabeth Devereaux Elvin rc#by ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review pos#VBZ NN NNP lex#reviews book Extreme path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Bechtel Corporation and Brown & Root Inc. Halliburton Company pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#like the lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, have trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mahdad Hassan Ghani Benadir rc#. lex#staff worker trigger#worker ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#said path#appos|->appos->worker->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED KLEMENS VON KLEMPERER Northampton Smith College path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-emeritus->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#The writer professor emeritus history pos#, , DT NN VBZ NN NN IN NN IN trigger#emeritus UNLABELED Paul Corbin Jones Pres Clinton pos#POS JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, fearing path#poss|<-poss<-lawsuit->prep->against->pobj->|pobj lc#in advancing trigger#lawsuit lex#'s sexual misconduct lawsuit UNLABELED Russell B. Klein Seven-Up Company lc#" said rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lex#senior vice president marketing NEGATIVE Hudson Saratoga pos#, NN IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#reach the rc#, and trigger#north lex#north REL$NA path#appos|->appos->north->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Moncrief I.R.S. trigger#pay rc#, but lex#pay lc#, pos#VBD VB TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Baptist Church Madison Square Garden path#advmod|->advmod->south->dep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#the lex#south trigger#south pos#, RB RB IN rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Pebereau Banque Nationale pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s chairman lc#as path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Ferruccio Vitale Grove pos#VBD lex#bought rc#, where ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj lc#landscape architect REL$NA trigger#buy NEGATIVE Andy Pettitte Rick Reed lex#losses decisions pitch ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#pitch path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pitch->prep->against->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lc#The struggling REL$NA pos#, WP VBZ NNS IN PRP$ JJ NNS , MD VB IN DT DT IN DT POS UNLABELED Gage Andretta HIP trigger#lawyer lex#lawyer ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN rc#, could NEGATIVE America Holland path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base lc#merging Beverage REL$NA lex#based UNLABELED United States Government Venezuelan Embassy lc#, a trigger#letter path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->letter->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#write pos#JJ VBD DT NN TO DT lex#official wrote letter ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#in UNLABELED Stephen R. Hardis Eaton Corporation in Cleveland path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, for trigger#chairman UNLABELED NCAA Cedric W Dempsey pos#JJ NN ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#article lex#executive director lc#Letter from rc#disputes path#nn|<-nn<-article->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Kramer Miss Gabor pos#VBD NN IN lex#filed suit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->against->pobj->|pobj trigger#file rc#on Thursday ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Parking Violations Bureau Robocop pos#POS NN IN rc#, just lex#'s version trigger#version ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#not the path#poss|<-poss<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ruth Reichl Pondicherry pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED ALLEN GUTTERMAN OTB pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#But UNLABELED SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. Industria Quimica Elgin rc#of ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, , DT NN NN , VBD lex#paint manufacturer bought trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Preisser Harlem School of the Arts trigger#department lex#chairman theater department lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman pos#, NN IN DT NN NN IN DT rc#. '' UNLABELED Bronx Arts Ensemble Russian Mission lex#performs today P.M. pos#VBZ DT IN NNS IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#perform ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#The trigger#give trigger#play lc#, the lex#plays pos#VBZ IN DT rc#to the lex#concerts lc#P.M. the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NN IN NN IN DT NEGATIVE Mr. Goodman Herbert London ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#CC VBD JJ NNS IN DT JJ NN CC NN NN IN DT JJ NN , trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj lex#strong reservations statewide stature fund-raising capability candidate lc#Both REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED Manny De La Cruz Normand Rochefort path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#attends worked trigger#work pos#, , WP VBZ CC , VBD IN NEGATIVE Fiesta Bowl Cornhuskers path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-meet->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#meet trigger#meet REL$NA lc# UNLABELED Benito Oliver Galina Komar trigger#kill ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#defendant judge released prosecutor 's objections killed girlfriend pos#, DT NN DT NN VBN IN DT NN POS NNS , VBD PRP$ JJ NN , rc#, and lc#attention , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-kill->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Kendra Montessori trigger#school lc#teachers at rc#school that ner#PERSON->MISC path#poss|<-poss<-school->nn->|nn lex#'s pos#POS REL$NA UNLABELED Michaela New Dramatists pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->dobj->|dobj lex#started trigger#start ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, " lc#lot since NEGATIVE Bart Oates Redskins trigger#give path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj rc#the ball lex#gave lc#quarter between ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#CC VBD DT NEGATIVE New York City Guyana trigger#come rc#to make rc#to live pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc# lc#family to lc#came to path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#move REL$NA path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jerry Bohne Baby Nursing rc#, said path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner 's UNLABELED Nicholas Brodszky Mario Lanza pos#-LRB- DT ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#hit lc#, and rc#hits " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Charles Pepper Virginia path#appos|->appos->doctor->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#doctor whose lc#after a trigger#doctor ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Arafat Mr. Izetbegovic pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lc#story , rc#if trigger#ask UNLABELED Labor Carter Administration rc#; path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-secretary->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#secretary ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT lc#Secretary of NEGATIVE Ottone Nerone pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s rival trigger#rival lc#'s path#appos|->appos->rival->poss->|poss REL$NA UNLABELED New York Security Pacific Corporation ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#division lc#from a rc#. path#nn|<-nn<-division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN DT trigger#division UNLABELED Debbie Worten P.M. pos#, DT NN , VBN RP IN NN IN DT NN IN DT JJ NN CC PRP$ NNS IN lex#homemaker set search circus neighbor children path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#on Monday trigger#set ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Abramowitz Moses A. Farrow pos#VBD TO VB NN IN PRP$ NN IN POS NN VBD JJ IN VBG IN PRP VBD VBN TO PRP$ NN IN IN PRP$ VBN NN , lex#cast doubt assertion 's behavior inappropriate showing consented adoption adopted son ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-try->dobj->|dobj rc#, trigger#try NEGATIVE South Jamaica New York lc#in the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#NN IN rc#, where path#nn|<-nn<-section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#section REL$NA trigger#section UNLABELED Gay Mr. McAlary rc#and an lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-denounce->dobj->|dobj trigger#denounce ner#MISC->PERSON lex#organization serves advocate victims sexual assault harassment crimes denounced pos#CC , DT NN WDT VBZ IN DT NN IN NNS IN JJ NN , NN CC JJ NNS , VBD UNLABELED Alfred L. Evans Jr. Partners & Shevack lc#* rc#, path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-name->prep->to->pobj->position->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN TO DT JJ NN IN JJ NN NN IN trigger#position ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#named position senior vice president UNLABELED San Diego Ms. Greer trigger#diego ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, DT VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#and lex#owned rc#and her UNLABELED Gothic Northeast Philadelphia lc#, red-brick path#nn|<-nn<-building->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, set lex#building trigger#building ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Cowtown Arena Salem County pos#IN , DT NN NN IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->community->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#community lc#rodeo at rc#. lex#farming community NEGATIVE Sophia Antipolis France lc#in the lex#region southern ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#region rc#, for pos#NN IN JJ REL$NA path#nn|<-nn<-region->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Mendes Donmar Warehouse path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-direct->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#directed earlier critically praised '' Cabaret '' lc#'' said lc#( pos#, WP VBD DT JJR RB VBN '' NNP '' IN DT trigger#direct pos#VBD DT NN IN '' NNP '' IN IN DT lex#directed show path#rcmod|->rcmod->direct->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN DT lex#directed revival '' Cabaret '' ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Philip J. Quigley Pacific Telesis Group rc#, said pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN DT lex#chairman chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED New Mexico Democrat North Korea lc#, a rc#when the pos#WP VBD VBG trigger#visit path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#rcmod|->rcmod->visit->dobj->|dobj trigger#democrat lex#visiting rc#at the ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#WP VBD IN POSITIVE Mike Simpson Idaho REL$/people/person/place_lived rc#who served lex#freshman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->freshman->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#freshman UNLABELED Hubert C. Taylor Center City lex#architect president organization black artists died Friday home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home trigger#die rc#here . pos#, DT NN CC NN IN DT NN IN JJ NNS , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Italian Glamour lex#edition path#amod|<-amod<-edition->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#edition pos#NN IN rc#, not lc#was the REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Pat K. Thaler Washington D.C. path#appos|->appos->group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#group rc#" People ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, NN IN DT IN DT NNPS CC DT , DT VBG NN IN lex#chairwoman Professions coordinating group lc#" said UNLABELED Koito Toyota path#poss|<-poss<-relationship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#POS JJ NN NN IN rc#. lex#'s illegal business relationship trigger#relationship ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#contended was UNLABELED Rory MacFarquhar European Center for Economic Policy pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#, noted rc#. lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#economist UNLABELED Doug Lillie Studio Theater pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#artistic director path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ RB JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#'s artistic lc#directed by trigger#director UNLABELED Time Warner Cable Group Time Warner Inc. pos#IN , NN IN lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#part path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#part rc#, selected UNLABELED Robert L. Forward California lc#granted to pos#, DT rc#aerospace engineer path#appos|->appos->engineer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#engineer UNLABELED George R. Mrkonic Mart trigger#president lc#" said path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NNP UNLABELED Col Alexander Nikonov Central Armed Forces Museum lex#director 's rc#. pos#, NN IN POS lc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Ellis Northeast pos#, rc#'s chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Mekong Vietnamese ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#restaurant in pos#VBZ DT trigger#restaurant REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-restaurant->amod->|amod UNLABELED Edward Morse Manhattan-based path#appos|->appos->publisher->amod->|amod pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#newsletter publisher trigger#publisher UNLABELED Herzeg Novi Montenegrin path#appos|->appos->town->nn->|nn trigger#town lc#mountains behind pos#, DT rc#town where ner#PERSON->MISC UNLABELED Mr. Bailey Army trigger#serve pos#, WP VBD IN DT rc#from ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#served UNLABELED Clifford Graves San Francisco Redevelopment Agency lc#" said rc#. path#appos|->appos->employee->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN CC JJ NN IN DT trigger#employee lex#employee executive director UNLABELED Westchester-Connecticut Accountemps trigger#manager path#nn|<-nn<-manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, the pos#NN IN lex#manager ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Allen American Savoyards trigger#member lc#company , ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, playing lex#member 's path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT NN IN POS NEGATIVE Liar Tom Brokaw ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->nsubj->|nsubj pos#'' VBD DT NN lex#word rc#used on REL$NA trigger#use lc#" UNLABELED Blaine Littell Mystic lex#author television news correspondent retired journalism professor died Tuesday nursing home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, Conn trigger#die pos#, DT NN , JJ NN NN NN CC VBN NN NN , VBD IN NNP IN DT NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Solano Villa Marista lex#held path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBG VBN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#hold rc#in UNLABELED American Medical Dallas path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN rc#, said path#rcmod|->rcmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN trigger#base lc#Shares of ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, rose lex#based UNLABELED Buntin Group Nashville trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN lc#at the rc#for the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Juan Darien Vivian Beaumont Theater pos#IN trigger#review rc#. lc#reviews play path#dobj|<-dobj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dougherty MetroStars pos#, DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->get->nsubj->|nsubj rc#got defender trigger#dougherty ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#return for UNLABELED Hey Tony the Tiger pos#, PRP VBP VBN lex#'ve run path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->dobj->|dobj rc#since ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#run UNLABELED Victor Dunham Strike pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s responsible lc#amazement , trigger#brother path#appos|->appos->brother->poss->|poss NEGATIVE Harrah Casino Hotels lc#that its ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-subsidiary->nn->|nn rc#subsidiary was lex#'s pos#POS trigger#subsidiary REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Cornuelle Hawaii pos#, WP VBD VBN IN , VBD PRP$ JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#born began long association rc#when he ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#begin UNLABELED Paul Dresilber Streamline Management of Manhattan lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Ms. Edwards Franklyn Gimbel trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Andre Beer General Motors rc#of path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN NN IN lc#'' predicted ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president UNLABELED T. Mertz North Shore University Hospital pos#, DT JJ NN IN WP VBD VBN IN PRP$ JJ NN IN NN IN DT NNS CC JJ NNS , VBD NN IN lex#general partner extensive philanthropy behalf arts died yesterday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die lc#LuEsther ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE Darren Lewis Bud Black ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, trigger#hit pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN DT CC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#hit two-run homer rc#was sharp REL$NA UNLABELED Overseas Development Baroness Chalker pos#, trigger#minister lc#Minister of rc#of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-minister->appos->|appos UNLABELED Jose Bermudez East New York path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, , WP VBZ IN trigger#live rc#and has ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives lc#" said UNLABELED McQueary Enis pos#CC DT NN IN NNS VBD RP DT NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#cast slack rc#, who trigger#take path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED G.E. George Jamison lex#spokesman ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#A path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos rc#, would trigger#spokesman pos#NN , UNLABELED Valentine Lawford British pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->officer->amod->|amod rc#foreign service lc#biography by trigger#officer UNLABELED Mr. London Mr. Pataki lex#candidate state comptroller unsuccessfully challenged trigger#criticize pos#, DT NN IN NN NN , VBD RB VBN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->criticize->dobj->|dobj lex#criticized pos#, WP VBD VBN ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#challenge rc#for the rc#for not path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-challenge->dobj->|dobj lc#But UNLABELED Mr. Leuliette Siemens Automotive trigger#president rc#, a pos#, , VBD NN NN CC JJ NN IN lex#vice president chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mark Grant Josephthal lex#managing director head fixed-income investing rc#, path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBG NN CC NN IN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Rutgers Southern Cal rc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj lc#When pos#VBZ trigger#play lex#plays ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Zelly Shimma World War II pos#, DT VBN rc#officer . ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn trigger#officer lc#off with lex#decorated NEGATIVE Syrians Clinton lex#President lc#, few trigger#see path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj rc#in the ner#MISC->PERSON REL$NA pos#RB VBD NNP UNLABELED Robert E. Parella Law School trigger#professor rc#, said pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior professor property law 's NEGATIVE Allan Bristow Johnson pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#back into lex#put trigger#put path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lc#Coach UNLABELED Steven A. Rockwell Alex. Brown & Sons lex#restaurant analyst rc#in pos#, NN NN IN rc#, said trigger#analyst rc#. lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Howard Baum Legal Services Staff Association lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, whose path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED MCA New Starlight Express ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#put lc#news , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->dobj->|dobj lex#put reissues cast recordings '' '' '' The pos#VBZ VBN RP NNS IN VBD NNS IN '' '' CC '' DT rc#. '' UNLABELED Gary Zukas Oil lex#president pos#, NN IN DT lc#worker , rc#, Chemical path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Franklin & Marshall Centennial League trigger#leader lc#game against ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#-LRB- -RRB- , DT rc#leader , path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn UNLABELED Merle Las Vegas rc#, trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#brothers , pos#, IN UNLABELED Kelly Chorpening Ms. Jaudon path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-study->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. trigger#study pos#VBD IN lex#studied UNLABELED Masahiro Dozen Daiwa pos#, path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president lc#month , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Ms. Reid Christopher Tubbs lc#When path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos lex#'s son ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , rc#, trigger#son UNLABELED Mr. Ferguson Neal R. Sonnett trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Imperial Army 's Unit China path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBN IN lc#of the trigger#base rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Don Coburn Pine River-Backus High School lex#principal pos#, NN IN rc#, said trigger#principal ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Joanne Legomsky S. & P. rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president corporate finance pos#, NN NN IN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Leonard Seef Veterans Affairs Medical Center lex#chief gastroenterology hepatology path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#chief rc#in pos#, DT NN IN NN CC NN IN DT UNLABELED Yu Weichao Beijing University lex#director archeology professor pos#, NN IN DT CC DT NN NN IN lc#so , rc#, has ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED University of Nevada Board of Regents Jerry Tarkanian lex#held closed-door meeting yesterday basketball coach lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN NN IN NN NN trigger#hold UNLABELED Patrolman Serpico Cooper trigger#complain lex#complained Chief ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-complain->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, " pos#VBD TO NNP NEGATIVE Alex Haynes Ford Motor Company rc#engineer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->engineer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#engineer UNLABELED Dr. David E. Rogers Dr. Myers lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, NN IN DT NN POS CC DT NN IN lex#chairman state 's fan trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' NEGATIVE Bolar Pittsburgh path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#owned by rc#. trigger#base pos#CC , VBN IN REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#based NEGATIVE Hamza Libya path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-flee->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#; ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#fled pos#VBD TO trigger#flee REL$NA rc#in anger UNLABELED Ms. Seger Nancy H. Teeters pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj lex#succeeded trigger#succeed UNLABELED Norway Two United States Olympic Committee path#nn|<-nn<-official->nn->|nn rc#officials said trigger#official ner#LOCATION->MISC lc#to NEGATIVE Timepiece National Institute of Standards and Technology ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#G1-10 A pos#IN NNPS DT lex#Millenniums The path#rcmod|->rcmod->begin->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA trigger#begin rc#in UNLABELED Olaf B. Johnsen Eastern United States trigger#manager lc#'' said lex#manager marketing rc#. pos#, DT NN IN NN IN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Enrich Your Lunch New Britain trigger#series lc#The '' lex#'' series path#nn|<-nn<-series->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#calls it pos#'' NN IN IN NEGATIVE Hugh Brogan Richmond trigger#review rc#at War lex#reviews book Ashes Glory pos#VBZ NN NNS IN NN : ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Larry Racioppo Memorial Landscapes lc#photographer pos#, WP$ NNS VBP IN NN IN NN rc#at trigger#racioppo path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#works exhibit show ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Johnnie Morton Lions lc#'' said trigger#receiver pos#, DT rc#receiver . path#appos|->appos->receiver->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED FROGS Gallery lex#FOR directed director photography edited music production designer produced released The Shooting path#partmod|->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON pos#IN CC VBN IN : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN : VBN IN DT VBG trigger#release UNLABELED Kevin Wardally Democratic trigger#leader rc#district leader pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#Directed by path#appos|->appos->leader->amod->|amod UNLABELED Chris Pipho Educational Commission of the States rc#, a pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. DaSilva Portugal rc#, grew path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear lex#art major born ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN JJ , VBD VBN IN UNLABELED Ann Dougherty Kraus Sharon A. Kraus ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#wife , trigger#daughter path#dep|->dep->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#son lex#sons daughter pos#: NNS , , , CC , DT IN : DT NN , UNLABELED Rob B. Olling Columbia University path#appos|->appos->student->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#student pos#, DT NN NN IN NN IN lex#graduate student astronomy ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said UNLABELED Ellen Hofstetter Hilltop Early Childhood Center rc#, a pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#" said lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Surviving Penelope Rainey lex#wife daughter rc#of trigger#daughter ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#wife pos#VBP PRP$ NN IN , : DT NN , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-wife->dep->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Herb Pinder Richter pos#, lc#today with ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->poss->|poss rc#'s agent path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#negotiations with lex#agent pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Walt Disney World-Oldsmobile Classic Lake Buena Vista trigger#victory path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-victory->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN rc#, lc#the rain-plagued ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Irwin P. Boehm Elizabeth Collins pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN NN IN PRP$ : CC JJ NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#send lex#contribution memory eighth-grade teacher path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj lc#decades , NEGATIVE Republican National Convention San Diego path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#by the lc#of the pos#, WDT MD VB VBN IN lex#held path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#this August rc#, and pos#, WDT VBZ IN rc#. pos#, VBN IN lex#opens trigger#open pos#VBZ VBN IN rc#in August lc#time the ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA lc#before the trigger#hold path#partmod|->partmod->hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED VINCE COLEMAN Florida lc#. . . rc#Friday to path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#fly pos#MD VB TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#fly UNLABELED MARINERS OAKLAND trigger#drive path#rcmod|->rcmod->drive->nsubj->|nsubj rc#, lex#ATHLETICS ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, NNP UNLABELED Dr. James Carleton Maritime Studies Program of Williams College pos#, NN IN DT lc#made by lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, based trigger#director UNLABELED Alex Boraine Truth Commission rc#. '' lc#'' said lex#deputy chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Donald Trott Dean Witter Reynolds ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#analyst rc#. path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED John Baldwin McKean Lewiston lc#Born trigger#raise pos#, PRP VBD VBN IN rc#, path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-raise->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#raised UNLABELED Man Who Listens Random House lex#Horses '' published path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj path#partmod|->partmod->publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lc#'' The trigger#publish rc#. pos#TO NNS , '' VBN IN ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#TO NNS '' MD VB VBN NN IN lex#Horses '' published tomorrow UNLABELED John Ligmanowski Bulls trigger#manager rc#' equipment path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss pos#, DT lc#That left ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Arthur J. O'Brien Associated Dry Goods Corporation rc#, died lex#president pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#LEAD : ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED James Richardson American Association of University Professors pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president rc#, said lc#Still , path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE County Clinton trigger#leader ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#campaign leaders lex#The path#nn|<-nn<-leader->nn->|nn lc#In the pos#NNP REL$NA NEGATIVE Nintendo Burnett path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#awarded 25-million Super account trigger#award rc#in April pos#VBD PRP$ $ JJ NNP NN TO REL$NA UNLABELED REBECCA LOBO UConn pos#, path#appos|->appos->player->poss->|poss ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#'s 6-foot-4-inch trigger#player UNLABELED Mr. Haise NASA pos#VBD lex#left trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED An Artist 's Journal Rutgers University Press pos#IN DT , '' VBN IN rc#( path#partmod|->partmod->publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#publish lc#Grass : lex#'' published UNLABELED Spatial Information Science and Engineering National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis pos#, NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#part path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#department of trigger#part UNLABELED Dr. Joseph H. Bates University of Arkansas lex#professor medicine trigger#professor rc#, who pos#, NN IN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Pistons RICHARD DUMAS path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-back->dobj->|dobj lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#backed heard player proposed deal forward rc#, was pos#VBD RP WRB PRP VBD DT NN IN DT VBN NN , RB trigger#back UNLABELED Mr. Rich James C. Dobson rc#, the pos#POS NNS IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s descriptions path#poss|<-poss<-description->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#description UNLABELED Life Gallery Chelsea lc#Hours for pos#, , NNP NNP NNP , lex#West 22d Street ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos trigger#street UNLABELED New York National Braider 's Guild ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#of the lex#chapter trigger#chapter rc#, both pos#NN IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-chapter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Powell Schopenhauer trigger#read ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD RB VBN lex#read lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-read->dobj->|dobj rc#but had UNLABELED Patty Stonesifer Microsoft Consumer division rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president pos#, NN NN IN DT JJ ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Walter Smith Estee Lauder lc#'' says path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN NN CC NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president research development trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Colby H. Chandler Eastman Kodak Company trigger#executive pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#, is path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#chief executive lc#headed by NEGATIVE Anderson Howell ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, VBG RP IN IN , VBZ VBN lex#working rc#begin to REL$NA trigger#begin UNLABELED Ms. Struba United States trigger#come rc#with her pos#VBD TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Harold W. Robbins Presbyterian Hospital lex#retired associate professor 's died Monday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#LEAD : trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, WP VBD JJ IN DT JJ NN IN POS , VBD IN NNP IN rc#in NEGATIVE Orlando Figes Cambridge University lex#teaches history trigger#teach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NN IN rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED WILDER KAREN WEBB ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#, GENE trigger#married pos#JJ path#dep|<-dep<-married<-amod<-|amod lex#married rc#, a UNLABELED Campbell Mithun Esty Bozell lc#finalists : pos#IN , VBN IN JJ NNS CC DT , CC IN , NN IN lex#owned top managers part path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#part ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Willow Cabin Theater Company Elmer Rice Pulitzer Prize trigger#win lex#'s '' '' won ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj pos#POS '' , '' WDT VBD DT rc#for drama lc#' NEGATIVE Whitestone Howard Weiss trigger#oppose ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->oppose->dobj->|dobj rc#. lc#centered in lex#opposes pos#, , WRB , DT , VBZ REL$NA UNLABELED Peter Drake Vector Securities International lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, an pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president UNLABELED Boston Science Unit BBC pos#IN NN IN lex#association ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#/ rc#, trigger#produce trigger#association path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->prep->in->pobj->association->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Frank Karel Rockefeller Foundation path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" says rc#, which trigger#president pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NEGATIVE Martin Sergi Bruguera rc#, the pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, and lex#beat REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Volpe Ms. Gheorghiu pos#VBD rc#with her ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced trigger#replace path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj lc#relent , UNLABELED Alekos Papadopoulos Vasso Papandreou lc#Interior Minister ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#-- no lex#Public Order Minister replaced trigger#replace path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-replace->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#CC NNP NNP NNP VBD VBN IN NEGATIVE Scott Gottlieb Kaplan lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD rc#with lex#represented REL$NA trigger#represent UNLABELED Nicholas Negroponte Massachusetts Institute of Technology 's Media Labs trigger#head rc#, and lc#already include lex#heads pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED American Jewish Jewish Theological Seminary trigger#professor lex#history path#amod|<-amod<-history<-pobj<-of<-prep<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#professor of pos#NN IN DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#history rc#in UNLABELED Hamilton E. James Donaldson pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss rc#'s managing lc#, said trigger#director UNLABELED Surviving Mimi lex#wife path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-wife->appos->|appos rc#; a ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#wife pos#VBP PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Sally L. Schaadt Republican Party pos#, DT rc#worker in lc#As trigger#worker path#appos|->appos->worker->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Ramsey University of Hartford pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#who has lex#instructor path#appos|->appos->instructor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#instructor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED George H. Hallett Jr. Citizens Union rc#, warned pos#, NN IN DT lc#, path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#secretary trigger#secretary ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Lilian Thomson Mowrer Chicago path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home pos#, NN IN NNS IN IN DT NN IN , VBD NNP IN PRP$ NN IN lc#LEAD : rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#author books eve died Sunday home NEGATIVE American Frank Snepp lex#Defends officer path#amod|<-amod<-officer->appos->|appos pos#NNP NNP JJ NN IN , trigger#officer ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, did REL$NA UNLABELED New York Trumpet Ensemble Mark Gould rc#, will ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#and the pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->direct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#direct lex#directed UNLABELED Orangemen Towson State path#poss|<-poss<-game->prep->against->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#game lex#'s game Thursday lc#after the pos#POS NN NNP IN UNLABELED Michael Carr Rob Glus lc#tackle ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sack->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD NN lex#sacked quarterback rc#on the trigger#sack NEGATIVE Jim Ross Lightfoot Iowa pos#, lc#event for rc#'s path#appos|->appos->candidate->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#candidate UNLABELED ASA Holdings Inc Atlantic Southeast path#appos|->appos->parent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#shares from pos#, NN IN trigger#parent rc#, and lex#parent ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Fabio Italian path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-change->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. trigger#change REL$NA pos#POS IN IN VBZ VBG PRP$ NN TO CC PRP$ NN IN TO DT lex#'s changing menu UNLABELED Honorary Doctorates Besides Dr. Land ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#'s chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->nsubj->|nsubj pos#VBG POS NN , rc#was its trigger#president NEGATIVE Chicago Cubs Micah Bowie lc#from pos#IN JJ NN NN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-acquire->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#and player lex#minor league pitcher trigger#acquire REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Gill Quark ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#executive rc#'s chief path#appos|->appos->executive->poss->|poss pos#CC , NEGATIVE Trump Organization Trump Tower path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#organization lex#owns rc#, was REL$NA pos#, WDT VBZ DT NEGATIVE Linda Hall Juilliard School pos#, NN , DT NN IN DT rc#and an lex#pianist graduate trigger#graduate lc#They are path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Hal Gaither Bush path#appos|->appos->adviser->nn->|nn rc#adviser and lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT trigger#adviser UNLABELED Low-Load Mutual Funds American Association of Individual Investors pos#, '' VBN IN DT path#partmod|->partmod->publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#publish rc#, (312) 280-0170 lex#published lc#to UNLABELED Mary Granskou Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#, an lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Lynn Nesbit Mr. Pirsig pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->poss->|poss rc#'s agent lc#" said UNLABELED Padres Glavine pos#VBD rc#hard , lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#hit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->dobj->|dobj lex#hit UNLABELED Emanuel Azenberg Gene Saks pos#, DT NN IN POS `` , '' WDT VBZ VBN VBG RP IN , VBD DT NN lex#producer 's dismissed director lc#yesterday when ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#dismiss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-dismiss->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED BARBARA LAZEAR ASCHER Robert Allen Lazear Jr. ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write pos#VBD DT NN VBN `` : NNP , '' VBG IN PRP$ NNS IN DT NN IN PRP$ NN , lex#wrote book called emanating feelings death brother rc#, from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Ken Weakley Merrill Lynch lc#But rc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst pos#, DT NN NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#health care analyst UNLABELED Linda Ramous Chase Bank lc#'' said pos#, DT rc#employee who path#appos|->appos->employee->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#employee UNLABELED Jason D. Carter Ritz Plaza trigger#owner rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner NEGATIVE Igor Larionov Soviet Union lex#junior star rc#, attending path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-star->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#star ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, RB IN DT , VBD DT JJ NN IN DT REL$NA NEGATIVE Marvin Rosen Democratic National Committee lex#finance chairman lc#partners include rc#, and lex#national finance chairman rc#. lc#call to pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ian Rowden Coca-Cola trigger#director rc#, said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#advertising director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Dr. Clarenbach Kay ner#PERSON->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN rc#, was trigger#clarenbach UNLABELED Mr. Sciame Sciame Development Inc. lex#principal rc#, restored lc#ago , trigger#principal ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED George E. Bates Harvard Business School path#appos|->appos->emeritus->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#and an lex#professor emeritus investment management pos#, NN NN IN NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#emeritus UNLABELED Mr. Parretti Kirk Kerkorian ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#bought billionaire pos#VBD IN IN DT NN lc#, which trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Leo F. Klagholz Department of Education lex#senior official trigger#official lc#would nominate rc#, to path#appos|->appos->official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Carlos Roesch Carranza Tourism trigger#minister lc#'' said lex#Minister path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NNP IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Ivy Carrasquillo New Jersey pos#, WP VBZ IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives lc#" said UNLABELED Newcastle Tottenham Hotspur lc#while second-place pos#VBD trigger#tie lex#tied ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-tie->dobj->|dobj rc#, NEGATIVE Democratic Poughkeepsie lc#, a pos#JJ NN IN path#amod|<-amod<-candidate->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#mayoral candidate REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#candidate NEGATIVE Pennsylvania Avenue White House ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#side trigger#north pos#NN NN IN DT rc#. rc#on lex#sidewalk north pos#NN IN DT lex#side path#nn|<-nn<-north->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#nn|<-nn<-side->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#on the NEGATIVE David Johnson Gramercy Pictures path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#Directed by rc#. lex#written based The story director photography edited music production manager produced executive producer released trigger#directed pos#: VBN IN IN CC , VBN IN `` DT , '' DT NN IN : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN CC : NN NN , : VBN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA UNLABELED McCann-Erickson North America McCann-Erickson Worldwide Advertising path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#agency is lex#unit trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which UNLABELED Mr. Amir Bar-Ilan University path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-study->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#studied law computers studies pos#VBD NN , NNS CC NNS IN trigger#study ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#near NEGATIVE Dean Asheville lc#son , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Ban Land Mines Nobel Peace Prize trigger#win ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj rc#, reported pos#, WDT VBD DT lex#won lc#to UNLABELED Mr. Salinas Adrian Sada Gonzalez pos#VBD IN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-transfer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, chairman trigger#transfer lex#transferred UNLABELED Patricia Dolan Queens Valley Homeowners Association of Kew Gardens Hills rc#, the lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Miami Miracles Pompano Beach lc#of the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->team->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#team lex#minor league team UNLABELED Nightline MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour pos#'' CC `` DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->do->nsubj->|nsubj lex#The trigger#nightline lc#on " rc#" can ner#ORGANIZATION->NNP UNLABELED City Council Howard J. Lasher rc#; ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#member path#nn|<-nn<-member->appos->|appos lc#the local lex#member pos#NN , UNLABELED Mr. Jiang Soviet Union trigger#visit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ VBN DT rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#visited UNLABELED Mr. Condon Manhattan pos#, WP VBD IN lex#attended rc#and later ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#attend path#rcmod|->rcmod->attend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Sinkler Charleston lex#native rc#, trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB , DT NN IN lc#later by ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Cleve Combustible Edison lc#Brother lex#plays keyboards trigger#play path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#and will ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBZ NNS IN UNLABELED Mr. Murdoch Van Gordon Sauter rc#, the lex#recently named ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-name->dobj->|dobj trigger#name pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Acura Classic California trigger#win pos#IN lc#won the rc#, handing ner#MISC->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Harold H. Goldberg Moody 's Investors Service pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NNS IN rc#that rate lex#chairman committees path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#yesterday about trigger#chairman UNLABELED Internal Affairs Division John Guido path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-run->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD VBN IN trigger#run lex#run rc#, a NEGATIVE United States Senator Republican Party ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#in an path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->dobj->|dobj pos#IN WP VBD DT NN POS lex#held state 's REL$NA lc#was a trigger#hold UNLABELED United States Big lc#to the path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, `` DT trigger#make rc#and ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED Cigar Poor But Honest lc#seemed , pos#VBD JJ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->dobj->|dobj rc#, who trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#moved past UNLABELED Airwaves Seth Abraham HBO Sports lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, knows ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Labor Department Consumer Price Index rc#for February lex#releases ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#and the lc#when the pos#VBZ DT rc#for September rc#. trigger#release path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-release->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Arnone North Mianus pos#, WP VBZ IN PRP$ NN IN , VBD IN lex#lives family taught trigger#teach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#from ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Hoeg New York path#rcmod|->rcmod->travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#traveled rc#recently to pos#, WP VBD TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#travel lc#" said UNLABELED Merv Griffin Resorts International Inc. rc#, the pos#POS JJ NN IN lc#And trigger#purchase ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-purchase->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#'s Drexel-financed purchase UNLABELED Karen Putnam Central Park pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->administrator->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#administrator , rc#administrator and ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#administrator lc#" said UNLABELED Payton SuperSonics pos#VBD DT trigger#lead lex#led path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Hanley Medicaid trigger#director pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#director , pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC rc#program in lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->program->nn->|nn trigger#program lc#" said UNLABELED Arthur Martinez Batus Inc. rc#, met path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#senior vice president trigger#president NEGATIVE Washington Capitals Philadelphia trigger#defeat pos#VBD DT , , JJ IN lc#as the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#defeated ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Bain Villanova pos#VBD trigger#give rc#a 53-51 path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Willie Randolph Williams ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#see path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj lex#third-base coach REL$NA pos#, DT POS JJ NN , VBD rc#as he UNLABELED Mr. Stirling Mary Shand pos#VBD VBN IN TO DT NN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#married designer path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-marry->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#marry UNLABELED Atlanta Peter T. pos#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->appos->|appos lc#, of ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#son rc#, of UNLABELED Commerce Department German ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#The pos#, DT rc#Government and trigger#government path#appos|->appos->government->amod->|amod UNLABELED Magician Scientific Expert lc#The trigger#turn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->prep->into->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#VBZ IN DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lex#turns UNLABELED Brian Desmond Mary Desmond lex#donated percent liver ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#donate pos#, , VBN NN IN PRP$ NN TO rc#of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-donate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#case , NEGATIVE Royals Danny Jackson pos#VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#go to lc#believe the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA trigger#go UNLABELED Mr. dos Santos Mr. Savimbi trigger#defeat pos#VBD trigger#beat pos#IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, rc#in the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#. trigger#lead lex#beat lex#led rc#but failed path#dobj|<-dobj<-pit->prep->against->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj lex#defeated lc#to pit trigger#pit UNLABELED Amado F. Cavazos Du Pont trigger#president pos#, NN NN IN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president marketing ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in lc#But UNLABELED Millennium Approaches Illinois State University path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, '' trigger#receive ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#'' VBD RB VBN JJ NN IN rc#in lex#'' received month UNLABELED David H. Glazier Rockies lc#" said pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#' vice ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Federated Federated Stores Inc. rc#, the trigger#parent lex#Allied retailing arms ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#POS NN , lex#'s parent path#appos|->appos->arm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#arm path#poss|<-poss<-parent->appos->|appos lc#know whether rc#, would pos#CC NNP , DT NN NNS IN UNLABELED Gover Clinton lex#met President ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, pos#VBD NNP trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj rc#at a UNLABELED Delcor Inc. Spangler pos#, DT ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#family investment trigger#company path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Poptsov Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company rc#since it pos#, , VBD VBN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->dobj->|dobj trigger#run lex#run ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED D. W. Bennett American Littoral Society lc#" said trigger#director lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT rc#at pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. rc#, an lex#executive director lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT lc#But rc#, a UNLABELED Ms. Donoghue Beaches pos#, WP VBD `` lex#wrote trigger#write rc#" along path#rcmod|->rcmod->write->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Sharov United States pos#VBD TO DT rc# trigger#immigrate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-immigrate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#immigrated UNLABELED Faye LeDoux Ellerbe Becket trigger#director ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#architectural project director rc#, a UNLABELED Petar Simic Politburo pos#, DT trigger#member ner#PERSON->MISC lc#: Adm. lc#Adm. rc#member and path#appos|->appos->member->nn->|nn UNLABELED Dr. Carlson St. Olaf College rc#in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#receive ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD DT NN IN IN lex#received degree NEGATIVE Michael Waldman Public Citizen trigger#director lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#PERSON->MISC lc#" and path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#spokesman rc#, a UNLABELED Mohammed Salman Syria pos#, trigger#minister rc#'s Information rc#'s Minister path#appos|->appos->minister->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" says UNLABELED Leghari Malik Meraj Khalid path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-lead->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBN VBZ VBN IN NNP NNP trigger#lead lex#appointed led Prime Minister rc#; photo lc#caretaker administration UNLABELED New York Coliseum Mortimer B. Zuckerman lc#of the trigger#sale ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#proposed site square-foot multitowered office apartment retail complex called built pos#TO DT NN trigger#build trigger#sell rc#. path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-build->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#through the lc#the old pos#TO lc#sell the lex#developer pos#, DT VBN NN IN DT NN , JJ NN , NN CC JJ JJ VBN , TO VB VBN IN rc#gave an path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-sale->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#dobj|<-dobj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Goldrich Rypin path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Marcia King New England Brewing Company trigger#president pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Barrie K. Hedge Angotti lex#president pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Greg Young Madison pos#, DT JJ lc#witness , rc#employee who path#appos|->appos->employee->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#employee UNLABELED George Mosse United States trigger#come pos#VBD TO DT lc#, rc#and earned path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Elizabeth Solik Community Board lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#. lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Carol Shields Patchwork Planet rc#by trigger#review lex#reviews book ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ NN DT UNLABELED Mr. LaPierre N.R.A. path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#weekend , rc#, seemed ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chief lex#policy chief pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED KLM United States pos#VBD NNS TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ship->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#have lc#available , rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#CC MD VB TO DT rc#and trigger#ship ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#degree that lex#shipped birds NEGATIVE Yardbirds Marquee lex#played path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#play lc#like the pos#, CC VBD DT REL$NA rc#in their UNLABELED FPL Group , Inc. Florida Power & Light Co. lex#holding company path#appos|->appos->company->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, is ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* trigger#company pos#, DT VBG NN IN UNLABELED Phillip Mackey Public Education Institute path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#consultant rc#, an lc#state by ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#education consultant pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Benbow University of Bridgeport trigger#be rc#. lex#publicly odds administration September law school faculty loudly opposed proposal institute financed affiliate pos#VBZ RB VBN IN NNS IN DT NN IN NNP , WRB PRP CC DT NN NN NN RB VBD DT NN IN DT , DT NN VBN IN DT , TO NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Lawrence O'Donnell Jr. Finance Committee pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn rc#'s chief path#appos|->appos->chief->poss->|poss rc#staff director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#chief trigger#director UNLABELED Dale Durchholz AgriVisor Services Inc. rc#of trigger#analyst lex#livestock analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Paley Park Robert Zion trigger#design ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#designed pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->design->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Daniel McCarthy United States District Court pos#, DT NN , CC , DT NN , VBD NN IN trigger#file path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lawyer businessman filed suit rc#in NEGATIVE German Bernhard Strigel lc#by the trigger#artist rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, for path#amod|<-amod<-artist->dep->|dep REL$NA pos#NN lex#artist UNLABELED Christopher Burbank lc#sons , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN NEGATIVE John Olerud New York Mets pos#VBZ lex#leaves trigger#leave rc#to be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Sara Adler Ethical Culture path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said pos#, DT NN IN DT JJR NNS IN trigger#principal ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#principal lower grades REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Meguid Egyptian trigger#minister pos#, DT JJ lc#- ner#PERSON->MISC rc#Foreign Minister path#appos|->appos->minister->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Walters Chris Childs path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj lc#escalated when pos#VBD rc#for his ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#RB VBD DT NN NN NN trigger#praise lex#recently praised backup point guard path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->dobj->|dobj rc#on the REL$NA trigger#find lex#found UNLABELED Brian S. Mattes Vanguard pos#, lc#'' said lex#vice president path#appos|->appos->spokesman->poss->|poss rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#'s spokesman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#spokesman trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED DR. HIROSHI NAKAJIMA DR. MICHAEL H. MERSON ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NNP NNP IN NNP trigger#general lc#differences with lex#Director General W.H.O. rc#, an path#appos|->appos->general->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Humphrey London lc#Sir rc#, settled trigger#bear path#partmod|->partmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Gazelle Stakes Belmont Park trigger#win pos#IN lc#won the path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#on Saturday UNLABELED Heather Samson Bright Horizons trigger#manager pos#, NN NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#field manager lc#" said UNLABELED MARIA LUISA MENDONCA San Francisco Brazil Elections Information Committee ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#member rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN VBZ DT NN IN DT lex#The writer member UNLABELED Mr. Cuomo Mark R. Chassin ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#led by lex#'s Health Commissioner trigger#commissioner rc#, and pos#POS NNP NNP , path#poss|<-poss<-commissioner->appos->|appos UNLABELED Mr. Roman Mexico City pos#, WP VBD VBN IN , VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#born moved trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#to train UNLABELED Lieut. Col. Michael L. Lustig VII Corps path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, who pos#, DT NN NN NN IN DT trigger#officer lex#aviation intelligence officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Stone Gary E. Johnson ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write pos#, DT NN WP VBD `` '' IN IN , VBD TO NNP rc#last month lex#director filmed wrote Gov. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Brewers Duane Ward path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#score lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD NNS IN DT RP lex#scored times rc#. REL$NA POSITIVE Los Lobos La Bamba ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION REL$/music/composer/compositions trigger#version pos#POS NN IN `` lc#, like rc#, " lex#version path#poss|<-poss<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj POSITIVE Merlin Robert Halmi Sr. trigger#producer ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'' and:INV pos#, DT NN NN , WP$ JJ JJ NNS IN NN VBP '':INV lex#executive producer previous special-effects offerings television include '':INV path#appos|->appos->producer->dep->|dep:INV lc#, replied:INV REL$/film/film/produced_by UNLABELED Sherritt International Corporation Canadian pos#, DT JJ lc#of the lc#by rc#mining concern trigger#concern ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#metals company path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod lex#large lc#sued the trigger#company path#appos|->appos->concern->amod->|amod rc#mining company NEGATIVE Lee Kenneth lc#insisted that ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VB VBN trigger#call lex#called path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-call->dep->|dep rc#rather than REL$NA UNLABELED Mickey Apprentice path#poss|<-poss<-appearance->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#'s appearances The 's trigger#appearance ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NNS IN `` DT POS lc#scenes commemorate rc#, " UNLABELED Vernon E. Jordan Jr. Ms. Lewinsky pos#, DT NN CC NN IN DT NNP , CC , trigger#talk rc#about the ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#mother pos#VBD VBN IN rc#'s mother lc#, like path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-talk->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#talked lc#his friend path#appos|->appos->mother->poss->|poss lex#lawyer friend President NEGATIVE Bridgehampton Long Island path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#have pos#, CC IN JJ lex#eastern rc#had the REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Schwartz Juilliard lex#graduate trigger#graduate rc#and path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Vladimir P. Borisenko Denanska Pravda rc#, the trigger#editor pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Choo Won Suh Korea Federation of Bank and Financial Labor Unions rc#, although lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT lex#chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Sidney Blumenthal Permanent Campaign trigger#writer lc#'' said lex#writer The author '' The rc#'' and pos#, DT NN IN DT CC NN IN '' DT path#appos|->appos->writer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Paul Finch Building Design lex#editor trade publication rc#and an trigger#editor path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT NN NN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Peter Zezel Brian Rolston pos#VBD VBG DT JJ NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#slot while trigger#make rc#. REL$NA lex#making back pass UNLABELED Chase Manhattan Bank and Hearst Magazines Bazaar lc#by the lex#longtime publisher 's pos#, DT NN NN IN POS ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#publisher path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Richard Hoey Drexel pos#, path#appos|->appos->economist->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s chief trigger#economist UNLABELED Marrying Man Directed Buena Vista Pictures Distribution lc#The path#partmod|->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#written director photography film editor music production designer produced presented Pictures released ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#release pos#IN : VBN IN : NN IN NN , : NN NN , : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN : VBN IN NNP : VBN IN UNLABELED Bush Administration Gorbachev pos#VBZ trigger#see ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj lex#sees rc#easing on lc#Page A1 NEGATIVE Bennett Harrison Carnegie Mellon University trigger#professor pos#, NN IN JJ NN IN lex#professor political economy rc#. pos#, DT NN IN JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Vivian Jenkins Nelsen International Institute for Interracial Interaction lc#" said pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#whose headquarters ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED J.P. Morgan & Co. Owen H. Harper ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn lc#* rc#managing director lex#appointed pos#, , VBN trigger#director UNLABELED Eliot H. Benson Hospice of Northern Virginia path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die pos#, DT NNS NN IN , VBD IN NNP IN DT lex#securities analyst died Tuesday ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Jose Sevilla FG Inversiones Bursatiles rc#, a trigger#broker path#appos|->appos->broker->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lex#head research trigger#head lex#broker path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" says pos#, NN IN NN IN UNLABELED Stephen Jones Timothy J McVeigh trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->lawyer->partmod->represent->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#lawyer representing pos#, NN VBG trigger#represent UNLABELED Paul Schulman Paul Schulman Company division of Advanswers Media Programming lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Dr. Fein Brooklyn College pos#, WP VBD VBN IN , VBN IN rc#and received trigger#graduate path#partmod|->partmod->graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#born graduated UNLABELED Mr. Huang Congress lex#testify pos#TO VB IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-testify->prep->before->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#to allow ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#testify UNLABELED Geulah Abrahams Princeton Medical Center lex#modern dancer choreographer died Saturday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN CC NN , VBD IN NNP IN DT trigger#die ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Kurt Keener Detroit Country Day path#appos|->appos->coach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, POS JJ NN NN IN rc#, thinks ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#coach lex#'s high school coach UNLABELED Anne Elizabeth II path#appos|->appos->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#of Princess lex#daughter Queen trigger#daughter rc#, for pos#, NN IN NNP UNLABELED First Air Service Area Command Cairo path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lc#with the pos#, VBN IN trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based NEGATIVE Mr. Raymond Pratt Institute trigger#department path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, has lex#chairman department city regional planning pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NN IN NN CC JJ NN IN DT IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#chairman UNLABELED Felipe Matty pos#, NN IN lex#nephew ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#son of rc#and trigger#nephew path#appos|->appos->nephew->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED CAMILLA Deepa Mehta pos#NNP IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-directed->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#; written trigger#directed lex#Directed UNLABELED Sue Binford CNN lc#'' said pos#, DT rc#spokeswoman . trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Modeling Caprice pos#VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#in the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->dobj->|dobj trigger#find lex#found UNLABELED Damaso Seda Transport Workers Union rc#, Local lex#president pos#IN , NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Thomas J. Spargo Dennis C. Vacco trigger#lawyer trigger#represent ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->lawyer->partmod->represent->dobj->|dobj lex#lawyer representing pos#, DT NN VBG rc#, a UNLABELED Anne George Jr. pos#, IN , , CC IN , : DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->son->appos->|appos trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#, of lc#daughters , lex#son NEGATIVE Sam Johnson House of Representatives rc#from pos#, WP VBD VBN TO DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->elect->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#elect lex#elected ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Stacey King Chicago lex#season-high points lc#The rookie rc#. trigger#point pos#VBD DT JJ NNS IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->point->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Evans Hardy & Young Jonny Cat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-handle->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#handled pos#, , , VBD rc#before it trigger#handle UNLABELED David Hare Mr. Mamet ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#playwright path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN TO trigger#introduce lex#introduced rc#in UNLABELED ELECTRIC CO. Paolo Fresco lex#named path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, , , VBN lc#GENERAL rc#vice chairman trigger#chairman UNLABELED Cult Leader Branch Davidian trigger#leader ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#poss|<-poss<-leader->nn->|nn rc#leader , lex#'s Body Identified The pos#POS NNP NNP NNP UNLABELED Doris Motlin Boutique pos#, DT NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner lc#visiting with UNLABELED John M. Burns Lenox Hill Hospital lex#state legislator advertising broadcast executive officer nonprofit agencies died Tuesday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die pos#, DT JJ NN NN , NN CC NN NN CC NN IN JJ JJ NNS , VBD IN NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE Andy Cohen New York lex#psychologist path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#psychologist rc#, frets pos#, , DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED La Piazza Mountain Village path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#: tablecloths pos#IN lc#lunch at trigger#meet ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Cherry Spencer-Stark Theater lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#in the ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Perry Street Theater Seventh Avenue ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#At the trigger#west ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, , NN IN lex#west rc#. rc#, path#appos|->appos->west->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED The New York Post Steven Hoffenberg lc#sale of trigger#sale pos#, WRB rc#was further rc#, chairman ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#put pos#TO lc#And at path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-sale->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#was approved path#rcmod|->rcmod->put->nsubj->|nsubj rc#, a UNLABELED Norman Dorsen New York University Law School rc#and the pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#who specializes trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#professor lc#" said UNLABELED Lon Rosen Johnson pos#, lc#But ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->poss->|poss rc#'s agent lc#" said UNLABELED Bob Bertini Adweek pos#, DT NN IN IN , VBD NNS IN DT NNS DT NN IN lex#spokesman confirmed report week pos#, DT NN IN IN , VBD DT NN IN DT NN IN lex#spokesman confirmed separate report assignments week lex#spokesman confirmed report change week lex#spokesman confirmed reports assignments week trigger#confirm rc#. rc#, adding lex#spokesman confirmed report reassignment week rc#; billings pos#, DT NN IN IN , VBD DT NN IN DT NN DT NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-confirm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#spokesman confirmed report assignment week ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN , VBD DT JJ NN IN DT NNS DT NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED General Dynamics Electric Boat Division ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#built the trigger#build path#rcmod|->rcmod->build->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, WP$ lc#manufacturer , POSITIVE Park City Ann Beattie REL$/book/book_edition/author_editor pos#VBZ DT NN , RBS RB , IN '':INV path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV rc#: New:INV trigger#author ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#author recently '':INV UNLABELED Stefi Francesca lex#called invites path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invite->dobj->|dobj pos#, IN PRP VBZ VBN , VBZ ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#to mount trigger#invite UNLABELED Gordon Dalton Vietnam trigger#serve pos#, , WP VBD IN rc#from ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#served UNLABELED Versailles Treaty Cynthia Phipps ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, VBN IN trigger#treaty path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#and trained lex#owned UNLABELED Eurilee Johnson Ms. Johnson pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#mother rc#'s mother path#appos|->appos->mother->poss->|poss UNLABELED Jim Beattie Cigna lc#, '' rc#, said pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN NNS IN JJ path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#assistant vice president communications Philadelphia-based trigger#president NEGATIVE Northern California Chester trigger#community ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-community->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#the small rc#. lex#mountain community pos#NN NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Daniel Hechter Menswear Bidermann Industries rc#subsidiary . pos#, DT lc#president at path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#subsidiary UNLABELED Barbara Grove Jane Forsythe lex#daughters ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos rc#of lc#the former trigger#daughter pos#: NNS , UNLABELED Lieut. Mark McCaffrey Navy pos#, DT rc#spokesman at path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED John S. Graham Ethyl trigger#manager rc#, said lex#manager corporate communications path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN JJ NNS IN UNLABELED Felice Besostri Senate pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#from lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Oddzon Inc. Hasbro lc#of the rc#, to ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lex#unit trigger#unit UNLABELED St John Marathon Oil trigger#defeat ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#POS VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#'s defeats NEGATIVE Dakota Territory Chicago ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#take lc#from the pos#TO path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#to UNLABELED Mr. Epstein Janine ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lived two-story brick-and-shingle home 246th wife daughters rc#, pos#, WP VBD IN DT JJ JJ NN IN JJ IN , , IN PRP$ NN , , CC NNS , trigger#live trigger#wife path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->with->pobj->wife->appos->|appos NEGATIVE P.M. Lafayette lex#opposite trigger#school rc#High School ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#JJ path#nn|<-nn<-school->nn->|nn REL$NA lc#at UNLABELED Mr. Mahathir Cabinet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj rc#and neighboring pos#VBD PRP$ trigger#take lc#, since ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Merlin Larsen Pacific Benefits lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Susan Bailey West Palm Beach lc#daughter , trigger#daughter rc#, trigger#brother ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#sisters Md. brother pos#IN : NNS , , , IN , CC , NNP : DT NN , , IN UNLABELED I.O.C. Mali trigger#member lc#children of rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#NNS IN path#nn|<-nn<-member->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#members UNLABELED Fairchild Publications Walt Disney pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN lc#sale of rc#, to ner#MISC->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#publications lex#owned UNLABELED Guglielmo Moscato Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi rc#, the lex#chairman pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, including trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Pietro Tonino Loyola University Medical Center path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, said pos#, NN IN NNS NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chief lex#chief sports medicine UNLABELED Pioline Cedric Pioline ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#AP ) rc#of path#dep|->dep->open->nsubj->|nsubj pos#IN DT : trigger#open UNLABELED Aegean Spetsopoula rc#and stocked trigger#island ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#amod|<-amod<-island->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lc#bought the lex#island UNLABELED CONSPIRACY THEORY Directed Brian Helgeland rc#; director pos#IN : VBN IN trigger#write path#dep|->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#written ner#MISC->PERSON UNLABELED Sheldon Schachter Long Island Rail Road Commuters Council path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. rc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Lars Schonander Latin American pos#, path#appos|->appos->economist->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC rc#economist for lc#, " trigger#economist UNLABELED Central Harlem East Harlem path#rcmod|->rcmod->grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#but now pos#, WP VBD RP IN lc#in trigger#grow lex#grew NEGATIVE Metuchen Piscataway lc#practice in ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#north rc#. path#advmod|->advmod->north->dep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#miles north pos#, NNS RB IN REL$NA UNLABELED Kingsley da Silva International Center for Ethnic Studies trigger#director lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a NEGATIVE Bullets Heat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->against->pobj->|pobj rc#, but lc#The pos#VBP DT NN IN IN DT lex#open season trigger#open ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED HERBERT M. BAUM Quaker State Corporation trigger#head rc#, and path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Peter Jarvis New Jersey Percussion Ensemble rc#in a pos#VBD DT trigger#lead lc#, and lex#led path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Richard Holloway Scottish Episcopal Church pos#IN , NN IN DT rc#, said trigger#head lc#But Bishop path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED John D. Butzner Jr Lyndon B. Johnson ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and path#partmod|->partmod->appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#appoint lex#senior judge appointed bench President pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT IN DT , IN , VBN TO DT NN IN NNP lc#panel are UNLABELED Mr. Posada The Times rc#as saying lex#quoted trigger#quote pos#VBD VBN IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-quote->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Alex. Brown Internal Revenue Service rc#and the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-reach->dobj->agreement->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#unit reached agreement lc#, pos#, RB DT NN IN , RB VBD DT NN IN DT trigger#agreement trigger#reach ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Anne Photographic Arts lc#in the trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#CC IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Harold Lamberg Mount Sinai Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#die lex#philanthropist retired manufacturer died Friday pos#, DT NN CC VBN NN , VBD IN NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Loeb Associates Inc. New York-based ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT lc#president of rc#retail consulting path#appos|->appos->firm->amod->|amod trigger#firm UNLABELED India Hindu-nationalist lc#week since path#poss|<-poss<-government->amod->|amod rc#Government staged lex#'s trigger#government pos#POS ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED General Electric Power Systems General Electric Company path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#unit lc#month , rc#, sold trigger#unit UNLABELED O Padeiro Americas trigger#avenue rc#, near pos#, NNP IN DT lex#Avenue ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->avenue->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED MARC BUREAU Philadelphia lc#, center pos#CC NN , VBD NN IN rc#and lex#defenseman signed yesterday ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#sign UNLABELED Mr. Vesak North Carolina trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#for the ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Dr. Susan Gagnon University of Miami lc#conducted by lex#colleagues path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-conduct->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#conduct ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#but was pos#CC PRP$ NNS IN DT UNLABELED Michael Kimmelman Walters Art Gallery lex#reviews exhibition ivory carvings trigger#review pos#VBZ NN IN NN NNS IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#; photo ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Lynda Windsor rc#the lex#traveled path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#travel pos#CC DT VBD TO UNLABELED Ordway Priceless Countess ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have lex#chance sire speed horse dam pos#MD VB DT NN IN PRP$ NN VBD DT NN NN CC PRP$ NN VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dep->|dep lc#He thinks rc#, a UNLABELED Pam Miracle Apple pos#, DT lc#according to rc#spokeswoman . rc#spokeswoman , lc#, " trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Adventure Financial Pavilion lex#starts trigger#start lc#" The pos#VBZ IN DT rc#, where path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Caroline P. Norris Evanston path#dep|->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#; lex#Wis. son Jr. pos#IN , , CC IN , NNP : DT NN , NNP , IN trigger#son lc#daughters , ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Miss Carolus United Democratic Front path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#carolus rc#from black-consciousness pos#, WP VBZ TO DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Emanuel Weintraub Union Pacific rc#for trigger#follow pos#, WP VBZ ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->follow->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Dr. Kevin D. Dowling St. Francis Hospital trigger#department path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#chairman department orthopedic surgery pos#, JJ NN IN DT NN IN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chairman rc#in NEGATIVE Brownsville Miami lc#in the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, just pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#section REL$NA trigger#section UNLABELED Wendy Patella Mrs. Whitman rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Irara Bahia pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN lc#childhood in rc#in northeastern path#appos|->appos->town->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#town lex#poor rural town UNLABELED George W. Whalen Building Contractors Registration Board pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said trigger#director UNLABELED Dr. Sheldon Weinbaum City College trigger#professor lex#distinguished professor mechanical engineering path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, JJ NN IN JJ NN IN rc#and a UNLABELED Menshevik London lex#moved lc#social democratic path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#with his trigger#move ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#WP VBD TO UNLABELED Fox Family Channel News Corporation ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#. lex#unit trigger#unit lc#on the UNLABELED Freemen United States Government lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recognize->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT IN WP VBP VBN IN NNS IN VBG JJ NNS CC VBG TO VB DT NN , VBP RB VB DT lex#wanted charges circulating bogus checks threatening kill judge recognize rc#. trigger#recognize ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Anita Robinson Regional Planning Board of Princeton rc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, but lex#administrative secretary trigger#secretary ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Santa Fe Upper East Side rc# lc#moved to trigger#move ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT UNLABELED Steve Gillette Treestar Coffeehouse trigger#gillette pos#CC , WP MD VB IN DT lc#duo of rc#at the ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Coppin State Christmas Invitational path#dobj|<-dobj<-face->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#will face rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#face pos#IN IN DT JJ lex#annual UNLABELED Louis Weinstock New York trigger#official pos#, DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn rc#labor union UNLABELED Mr. Arafat Mr. Zubari ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#negotiate lex#negotiated return directly lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-negotiate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#VBD DT NN RB IN UNLABELED Mr. Dombroskas Connecticut pos#, DT rc#native , trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn UNLABELED Christopher J. Bravacos Republican Committee rc#, said ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#political director state pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NN trigger#director UNLABELED Antar Zouabri Armed Islamic Group pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#leader pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#leader lc#are : lc#out by lex#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which rc#in UNLABELED Domenick Lorenzon Consolidated Edison trigger#representative pos#, JJ JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->representative->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#senior real estate representative ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Vernon Robinson North Carolina Education Reform Foundation path#rcmod|->rcmod->direct->dobj->|dobj lex#city councilman directs lc#call from pos#, DT NN NN IN , WP VBZ DT rc#. trigger#direct ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Varsenig Boyajian Dr. V. Adrian Parsegian ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#the former path#dep|->dep->son->appos->|appos trigger#son lex#son pos#: DT NN , UNLABELED Wiese Patrolmen 's Benevolent Association trigger#representative lc#Officer path#appos|->appos->representative->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, has lex#precinct representative ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NEGATIVE Humphrey Columbus path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-arrest->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, Ga. pos#VBD VBN RB NNP IN DT lex#arrested early Sunday trigger#arrest ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Sean McCann Harvard pos#VBD NNS IN trigger#score trigger#goal pos#, DT rc#, all path#appos|->appos->captain->nn->|nn rc#captain and lex#scored goals trigger#captain ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#captain , REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->dobj->goal->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#All Stars lc#" said UNLABELED Didier Massard French path#appos|->appos->photographer->amod->|amod lc#next Friday pos#, DT trigger#photographer ner#PERSON->MISC rc#photographer with UNLABELED Doris Battin Fifth Avenue path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident rc#, said lex#resident ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Dianne S. Gasworth Civil Court path#appos|->appos->candidate->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#IN , DT NN IN DT lc#Judge rc#in the lex#candidate ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#candidate UNLABELED Renaissance Via Giulia lc#, noble rc#, and pos#NN IN lex#building trigger#building path#nn|<-nn<-building->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Callan Manhattan lex#native rc#, received trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED LAURA GELLER Laura Geller Makeup Studios path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN NN WP VBZ VBN VBG IN NN NNS IN , VBZ PRP$ NNS IN DT NN WRB RB VBG IN PRP$ , lex#makeup artist working screen stars takes services road working trigger#take rc#, at UNLABELED Mr. Harrison Manhattan rc#, the trigger#found path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-found->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#born lex#founded rc#, an ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Robert E. Cunningham Turner Mason ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president rc#. lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Albany Peter F. Vallone rc#, offered path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-offer->nsubj->|nsubj lc#In ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#offer pos#, IN DT NNS VBG IN DT NN IN NN , lex#candidates running primary governor UNLABELED Commerce Department Osaka lc#when the trigger#office lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-office->nn->|nn pos#POS ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#office offered UNLABELED Krzysztof Korzeniowski Institute of Psychology lex#researcher pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#But path#appos|->appos->researcher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#of the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#researcher UNLABELED Daniel R. Coats Armed Services Committee pos#IN , DT NN IN DT lc#said Senator path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#. lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Republican Future Republican pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod trigger#group rc#group that ner#MISC->MISC lc#for the UNLABELED Kelsey Selander Lotus pos#, DT NN NN IN NN NNS IN path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn rc#vice president pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#vice president marketing communications lc#week , trigger#president rc#. '' NEGATIVE ARCTIC Thief River Falls pos#NNP NNP , rc#, trigger#inc. lex#CAT INC. path#nn|<-nn<-inc.->appos->|appos REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Jill Reno trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-sister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lc#sister , pos#, IN : CC NNS , , IN lex#brothers REL$NA NEGATIVE Bushes Reagans lex#Me. lex#invited path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invite->dobj->|dobj lc#: the rc#back for trigger#have rc#, their path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD RB VBN DT ner#MISC->MISC ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc#that the REL$NA trigger#invite pos#VBD , NNP : DT NEGATIVE Red Sox Albert Belle pos#MD RB VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-seek->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#, the lex#seek rc#as a trigger#seek REL$NA UNLABELED Yeltsin Communist Zyuganov path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj lc#As autocrat pos#VBZ trigger#lose lex#lose lc#; But ner#PERSON->MISC rc#in the lex#faces rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#MD RB VB TO DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#face UNLABELED Ali Bibi Fordham lex#lives pos#, WP VBZ IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->section->nn->|nn trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#section rc#section of lc#" said UNLABELED Susan Rasky University of California lc#'' said trigger#professor rc#at pos#, DT VBG NN NN IN NN IN DT lex#acting associate professor journalism path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Bluma Marder Care-4-Kids Inc. pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#owner rc#in UNLABELED USX New York Stock Exchange pos#POS NNS VBD RB NN IN DT rc#, although lex#'s shares rose sharply yesterday ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#rise path#poss|<-poss<-share<-nsubj<-rise->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#share UNLABELED Michael J. Howell Salomon Brothers path#appos|->appos->strategist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#strategist lex#chief strategist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED China Deng Xiaoping Beijing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#Leader Transformed pos#, POS JJ NN CC DT NN IN JJ NNS WDT VBD DT NN POS RBS JJ NN , VBD IN rc#. trigger#die lex#'s paramount leader architect economic reforms transformed world 's populous nation died ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dime Savings Bank Bedford-Stuyvesant lc#of the trigger#bear pos#WP VBD VBN IN lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE Carlos Acosta Post Office pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn lc#, and trigger#officer rc#police officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Vin Weber Mr. Grams lex#picks pos#, DT , VBZ ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#because , trigger#pick lc#Former Representative path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pick->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Ray Aranha Raymond rc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ trigger#play lex#plays REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Kamin Dodgers trigger#lawyer pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss rc#' lawyer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Robert W. Tucker Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies pos#, DT NN IN DT IN DT lc#'' said trigger#expert rc#. lex#expert geopolitics path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#expert ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN DT NNS IN DT IN DT lc#, said rc#. '' UNLABELED Crowne Industries Orange pos#, DT NN NN NN IN lex#equipment supply firm lc#president of rc#, path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Helen Glosick Hipp Fanwood pos#: DT NN , , IN path#dep|->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#wife , rc#, trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#son UNLABELED Paolo Fulci Italy pos#, path#appos|->appos->representative->poss->|poss rc#'s representative ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#representative UNLABELED Dr. Rosenthal Brooklyn rc#, graduated pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Clinton Thompson path#dep|<-dep<-%<-dep<-president->dep->%->dep->|dep lex#-- -- -- -- reporting pos#: : NN : : NN NN NN : : NN lex#-- -- -- -- -- -- reporting ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#% reporting pos#: : NN : : NN NN NN lex#-- -- -- -- -- -- SENATE reporting -- -- pos#: : NN : : NN : : NN NNP NN NN : : NN trigger#% pos#: : NN : : NN : : NN NN NN rc#-- REL$NA trigger#president lex#-- -- -- -- reporting -- -- UNLABELED Hamden Jack Molia trigger#manager pos#NN NN , path#nn|<-nn<-manager->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#said the rc#. lex#branch manager UNLABELED U.N. Maintains Sanctions UNITED NATIONS Security Council path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, -LRB- -RRB- : DT lex#-- The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#make rc#, after lc#-------------------- UNLABELED Sheila L. Tschinkel Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lex#research director rc#, and lc#They are pos#, NN NN IN DT lc#vacancy are ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Alvin Bronstein National Prison Project rc#, said lex#director 's pos#, NN IN DT POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Wynalda San Jose Clash pos#, WP VBZ IN DT trigger#play lex#plays lc#it wanted ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED John Gesek Cowboys path#appos|->appos->guard->poss->|poss trigger#guard rc#' right pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->guard->nn->|nn rc#guard , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#Drives As UNLABELED Senator Abraham Senate Commerce subcommittee pos#VBD DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#on aviation lex#asked lc#parent , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj trigger#ask UNLABELED Goya Unanues path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-run->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB VBN IN trigger#run rc#for some lc#doubt that lex#run ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED American Nouvelles Frontieres rc#, may lc#, the lex#division tour operator path#nn|<-nn<-division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#division pos#NN IN DT NN NN UNLABELED Tosano Simonetti Staten Island trigger#commander pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->commander->nn->|nn lc#said that rc#borough commander ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Betsy McCaughey Ross Republican lc#Lieut. Gov. pos#, DT trigger#turn ner#PERSON->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->turn->nsubj->|nsubj rc#turned REL$NA UNLABELED Jose Luis Rodriguez Economy trigger#minister rc#, initially pos#, DT NNP IN DT lex#Minister path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Larry A. Brossman Duff & Phelps Inc. rc#" Companies pos#, DT NN IN NN NN IN lex#head insurance rating trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Aura Gomez Cuba lex#left trigger#leave rc# path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->dobj->|dobj pos#, , WP VBD ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Split Regional Championships Omni lc#The lex#begin tonight path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VB NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#begin rc#in UNLABELED German-American Hitler rc#. pos#NN IN ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#support lc#rife with path#amod|<-amod<-support->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#support UNLABELED George Plaza path#poss|<-poss<-center->nn->|nn rc#shopping center lex#'s pos#POS lc#the Prince trigger#center ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED A.M. Tabitha pos#, NNS IN DT NN , path#appos|->appos->owner->poss->|poss trigger#owner ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#'s owner lex#hours search lc#at UNLABELED Republicans Ms. Whitman rc#to run pos#VBD lex#recruited path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recruit->dobj->|dobj rc#, acknowledge ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj lc#'s trigger#recruit pos#, VBG lex#including NEGATIVE Spectator Marvin R. Shanken path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#The rc#, who ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#publish lex#published pos#VBZ VBN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Dave Francis Drochelman trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#pitched major leagues seasons president sister rc#, path#appos|<-appos<-brother->dep->sister->appos->|appos trigger#brother lc#brothers , pos#, WP VBD IN DT JJ NNS IN NNS , CC , DT JJ NN IN DT : DT NN , UNLABELED Bulls Head Bar Bridgehampton path#dobj|<-dobj<-take->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#take rc#, pos#CC IN lc#over the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Michael DeVine American trigger#living pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->citizen->amod->|amod rc#citizen who ner#PERSON->MISC lc#killing of rc#citizen living rc#living in path#appos|->appos->living->amod->|amod trigger#citizen UNLABELED MANHATTAN BANK Kevin G. Byrnes trigger#executive lc#CHASE ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#appointed path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn pos#, , VBN rc#region executive UNLABELED Vijay Bali United Yellow Cab Drivers Association pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#leader lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Kenneth Laux Joseph Cairo path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT JJ NN RB , VBD DT NN NN IN VBG IN DT NN TO PRP$ NN IN RB VBG DT JJ NN NN , rc#, on lex#longtime committeeman accused party leadership backing favor father indicting election commissioner lc#opponent , trigger#accuse NEGATIVE Peter Murphy Atlantic City High School pos#, WP VBZ IN trigger#teach lex#teaches path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, starts ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Elliott G. Sander City Department of Transportation trigger#commissioner pos#, DT NNP IN DT lex#Commissioner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#But UNLABELED Assenmacher Yankees rc#in a trigger#come pos#VBD TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Todd Marinovich Trojans trigger#quarterback pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->quarterback->poss->|poss lc#semester , rc#' star ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED USTravel Rockville lex#nationwide travel agency based rc#, Md. pos#, DT JJ NN NN VBN IN trigger#agency trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->agency->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Koch Koch Industries path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#longer part pos#VBZ RB RB DT NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->nsubj->|nsubj rc#. trigger#part pos#CC lc#-- ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#begins in REL$NA trigger#begin lex#v. UNLABELED National Research Council Graduate School and University Center path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-mention->dobj->|dobj lc#like the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#'s mention rc#of the trigger#mention pos#POS VBZ RB VB DT NEGATIVE Handley Jeff Hostetler pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-refer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#named ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-name->dobj->|dobj trigger#name lc#, when lex#picked lex#referring trigger#refer pos#VBD VBG TO rc#to replace rc#over the trigger#pick path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pick->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Katharine Johnson Charles pos#: NNS , CC : NNS , lex#daughters sons path#dep|->dep->daughter->dep->son->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#the former trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#and NEGATIVE Laura Atlanta path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#daughter , pos#, IN : NNS , , IN , CC , RB IN : NNS : PRP$ NN , IN , NNP , CC DT NN , , IN rc#. trigger#daughter ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#sons granddaughters mother Va. brother UNLABELED Wilson Reagan pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have path#pobj|<-pobj<-like<-prep<-have->nsubj->|nsubj rc#had a lc#; like UNLABELED Nittany Lions Kentucky lex#shut rc#( lc#, the trigger#shut path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-shut->dobj->|dobj pos#-LRB- -RRB- VBN RP ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Pyra Wise Paris lc#half-sister , trigger#father path#appos|<-appos<-father->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#; and UNLABELED Manhattan Judith Witt lex#daughter lc#, of rc#of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#, CC , IN : DT NN , ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#daughter trigger#son NEGATIVE IBM Internet Explorer lc#desire that ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#promote pos#VB rc#exclusively path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-promote->dobj->|dobj REL$NA trigger#promote UNLABELED Roman Catholic SS trigger#school pos#NN , path#nn|<-nn<-school->appos->|appos rc#. lc#A ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lex#school UNLABELED Sophie Gelles Fifth Avenue trigger#stand lex#standing pos#VBZ VBG IN lc#SMITH path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-stand->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Richard Xia Beijing pos#, DT JJ NN IN JJ , JJ NNS , VBZ RB IN lex#compact man narrow intelligent eyes trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Irina Saminskaya Moscow rc#factory worker pos#, DT trigger#worker path#appos|->appos->worker->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Batt John Davidson path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ trigger#play lex#plays lc#) ; rc#as you UNLABELED Marie Fuchs Louis lex#lives brother trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lc#sister , trigger#brother pos#, WP VBZ IN : DT NN , path#appos|<-appos<-sister->dep->brother->appos->|appos UNLABELED Peter C. Alexanderson Brewster trigger#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->dep->|dep ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT rc#, lc#" said NEGATIVE Eric Asimov Sud ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review rc#, REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Larry Tolpin BBDO lex#executive creative director lc#* rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ JJ NN IN NNP path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Chiberta lc#screen star lex#brought set steel-shafted clubs trigger#bring rc#from pos#VBD DT NN IN JJ NNS TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Foreign Affairs Prof. Michael Mandelbaum path#nn|<-nn<-article->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NN IN lex#article trigger#article lc#approvingly the UNLABELED Brazilian Sid Informatica path#amod|<-amod<-company->dep->|dep lex#company lc#and the rc#, and ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#company pos#NN UNLABELED Judge Wood Wilkinson pos#VBD lc#decision , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#to drop trigger#order lex#ordered path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-order->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Guillaume East Germany rc#for imprisoned trigger#trade pos#VBD VBN IN TO path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-trade->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#traded ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Jacob Yale rc#for his pos#VBD TO lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#go UNLABELED New York Harlem Writers Guild lex#The writer executive director ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. pos#, DT NN VBZ JJ NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#BANKS trigger#director NEGATIVE Algiers Marseilles ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, after pos#TO trigger#fly REL$NA path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#fly from UNLABELED Jamie Old Guard lex#silent impotent representative path#appos|->appos->representative->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#There 's rc#. pos#, DT JJ CC JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#representative UNLABELED Tom Slater Political Gallery path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj lex#owns trigger#slater pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, which lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Lawrence D. Bobo Center for Research on Race lc#" said path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor pos#, DT NN NN CC NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, Politics lex#sociology professor director UNLABELED MARK McLEMORE Texas rc#, if lc#baseman trigger#agent lex#free agent pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Bud Clark Portland pos#, rc#'s Mayor path#appos|->appos->mayor->poss->|poss path#appos|->appos->mayor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#office of trigger#mayor pos#, NNP IN rc#, are lex#Mayor lc#cartoon of ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Robert P. Koch Wine Institute lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED London-based MBC path#amod|<-amod<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lc#, the pos#NN NN IN lex#executive director ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Dave Newmark McMillian ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#teammate lex#teammate rc#, was path#appos|->appos->teammate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Eric Plunk Yankee pos#, DT JJ trigger#pitcher path#appos|->appos->pitcher->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC rc#pitcher to REL$NA UNLABELED American Association Ethiopian Jews lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#IN rc#, said path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Billy Lovett Fordham pos#, rc#'s junior lc#'' said trigger#guard ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->guard->poss->|poss POSITIVE Willy Russell Shirley Valentine ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#NN '' path#nn|<-nn<-play->dep->|dep lc#the rc#, '' lex#play '' REL$/book/author/works_written NEGATIVE Woolf Boston rc#, said lex#attended Friday 's game pos#, WP VBD NNP POS NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#attend path#rcmod|->rcmod->attend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Circa Copiague path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base REL$NA lex#based UNLABELED Lleyton Hewitt Philippoussis path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, , MD VB RP IN rc#in the trigger#take NEGATIVE James Loughran Brooklyn College path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn pos#, DT VBG rc#president , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#acting REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Mariano Florham Park pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#partner trigger#partner rc#law firm path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->firm->nn->|nn trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said UNLABELED Mr. Bourne Swan Lake lc#fun , lex#'s adaptation '' trigger#adaptation trigger#be trigger#create lex#'s '' lc#clear that path#poss|<-poss<-adaptation->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN '' ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have lex#created '' lc#ago , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-create->dobj->|dobj lc#Meanwhile , lex#midst run follow-up '' lc#WHEN rc#'' : rc#, '' path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->nsubj->|nsubj rc#'' has pos#, WP VBD IN PRP$ NN POS WRB PRP VBD '' pos#VBZ IN DT NN IN DT NN IN PRP$ JJ TO '' pos#POS '' trigger#bourne pos#VBD PRP$ '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#'' in lex#mid-30 's created '' UNLABELED Barry F. Lipton Mr. Zuckerman lex#president guild met pos#, NN IN DT NN , WP VBD IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#meet rc#on Wednesday lc#" said UNLABELED Chang Sampras path#rcmod|->rcmod->trail->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj rc#by pos#VBD pos#MD VB lex#play ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play trigger#lose lex#trails pos#, WP VBZ trigger#trail pos#VBD TO rc#in the lex#lost path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#introduce lex#introduced rc#in his lc#" said rc#to fishing UNLABELED Lawrence Rushing Regents trigger#ask path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT NN , RB VBD DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#at a lex#professor recently asked UNLABELED Mr. Salassi Sidewinder trigger#sidewinder ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and path#poss|<-poss<-novel<-nsubj<-|nsubj lex#'s pos#POS NN `` , UNLABELED City-Gates Manufacturing Corporation New York City pos#IN , lc#at the path#appos|->appos->company->poss->|poss trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#'s largest UNLABELED PENN Matt Maloney trigger#score lc#AP ) rc#scored ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, : path#dep|->dep->score->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED State Senate Mr. Cuomo pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj lc#the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#accused rc#of promoting trigger#accuse NEGATIVE Abraham Lincoln John Cage rc#( still ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#RB VBD , DT JJ NN NN , WDT VBZ IN CC , MD VB DT NN IN NNS IN lex#orated superb piano team consists play concert premieres lc#, where REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Aaron M. Priest Ms. Evanovich pos#, rc#'s literary ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->poss->|poss lc#, and UNLABELED Mr. Birinyi Hungary pos#, WP VBD VBN IN lc#, trigger#bear lex#born rc#and educated path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Spanish Broadcasting Miami pos#POS NN IN lc#interview at trigger#headquarters path#poss|<-poss<-headquarters->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#'s headquarters ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Beverly Lowry Track ofReal Desires lex#'s recent The trigger#desires ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-novel<-nsubj<-|nsubj rc#. " pos#POS RBS JJ NN VBZ `` DT UNLABELED M. L. CARR Sylvia ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lc#LEAD : rc#, has trigger#wife lex#'S wife UNLABELED Mr. Tarazevich Communist Party pos#, DT JJ trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn rc#leader in ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED John E. Phelan O'Connor Group pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT rc#, is path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president NEGATIVE Public Theater David Rabe lex#huge six-theater complex presented championed work young playwrights including lc#into the ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN WDT PRP VBD CC VBD DT NN IN JJ JJ NNS , VBG trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Clymer New York City pos#, , VBZ DT NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#native trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#and a NEGATIVE Giants Herschel Walker pos#VBD rc#a pos#MD VB lex#running back trigger#give trigger#have pos#VBG RB rc#, who trigger#let lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-let->dobj->|dobj trigger#run lc#possible the rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave pos#VBP lc#' The REL$NA rc#out of lc#" said UNLABELED Dennis de Tray Indonesia trigger#representative lc#, '' rc#, said rc#representative of pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->representative->nn->|nn pos#, DT NN POS NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said lex#bank 's director trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Davis Mr. Nash trigger#pay pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc# lex#paid path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->iobj->|iobj UNLABELED Mr. Moquin Ms. Tyler ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#high praise trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, rating pos#VBD JJ NN IN UNLABELED Equinox Equitable Center lc#of the pos#NN IN DT IN NNP IN DT trigger#series ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#nn|<-nn<-series->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#series Art UNLABELED Hong Kong Kroll Associates ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#IN rc#, wrote trigger#work trigger#office ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#works in path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lex#office lc#for the rc#. '' UNLABELED Dr. Haddadin Jordanian pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->negotiator->amod->|amod rc#negotiator on trigger#negotiator lc#, said UNLABELED Finn Air Scandinavian lc#sale to trigger#carrier ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#appos|->appos->carrier->amod->|amod pos#, DT JJ JJ rc#carrier , lex#large UNLABELED Dr. Woodrow A. Meyers Greater New York Hospital Association lex#stepped approached path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-approach->dobj->|dobj lc#mounted , rc#, with pos#, WP VBZ IN VBN RP IN , VBD DT trigger#approach ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE OLD Amsterdam lc#THE pos#, NNP NNP NNP IN lex#WHITE HOTEL SOUTH OF trigger#south path#appos|->appos->south->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#was the REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Philadelphia Eagles Canton trigger#play lex#game path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT NN IN rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#play the REL$NA UNLABELED Deane Brooklyn pos#, DT rc#native , lc#Professor trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn UNLABELED Christopher Wigren Connecticut Preservation News trigger#editor pos#, NN IN DT rc#, argued path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Andrew J. Strenio Jr. Federal Trade Commission pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#for the lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Dr. Robert Buckhout Hackensack Medical Center path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#professor psychology testified criminal trials reliability eyewitness identifications died Monday pos#, DT NN IN NN IN WP RB VBD IN JJ NNS IN DT NN IN NN NNS , VBD IN NNP IN DT trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE Roger Neilson Canadiens path#rcmod|->rcmod->lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT POS NN , WP VBD VBN JJ NNS TO DT lc#'' said trigger#lose lex#coach lost successive games ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Solomon Moslin Mr. Maslin pos#, lc#uncle , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->nsubj->|nsubj rc#began trigger#begin POSITIVE Stephen S. Roach Morgan Stanley rc#, the lc#) , pos#, path#appos|->appos->economist->poss->|poss lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN rc#, said REL$/business/person/company ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, who rc#, put rc#, in path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#principal lex#principal senior economist lc#, rc#'s chief rc#, '' rc#. rc#, noting rc#, rc#, points lc#held by lex#economist rc#, was lc#explained by lc#As pos#, JJ JJ NN IN lc#, " rc#, an rc#, pointing lex#top economist pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#senior economist lex#chief economist rc#, for pos#, DT NN IN rc#, assures trigger#economist lc#said pos#, JJ NN IN rc#in pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN lc#" said lc#) : rc#. '' NEGATIVE Mike Wallace Frank Lloyd Wright lc#a famous ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#in the path#nn|<-nn<-interview->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#television interview pos#NN NN IN trigger#interview REL$NA UNLABELED Stephen Kagann Mr. Pataki pos#, path#appos|->appos->economist->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s chief trigger#economist UNLABELED Debbie Landau City Parks Foundation pos#, JJ NN IN DT lc#he and rc#, strolled lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Costain Group P.L.C. British ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT lc#* path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company rc#construction company UNLABELED Dr. William Narrow Epidemiology path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#assistant chief trigger#chief lc#" said UNLABELED Roderick Rory pos#-LRB- ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#) path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->nsubj->|nsubj lc#Chief Inspector trigger#find NEGATIVE Michael Bulls rc#into what trigger#turn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->dobj->|dobj pos#IN NN , NN , JJ NN , VBZ VBG DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#teacher innovator impossible creator turning REL$NA lc#But UNLABELED W. B. Doner & Company Heileman path#appos|->appos->shop->nn->|nn trigger#shop ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#IN , DT JJ rc#shop . lc#moved to UNLABELED David McWilliams UBS Global Research path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#senior economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#economist pos#, JJ NN IN rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Summer Solstice Celebration Hartford lc#annual path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NNP NNP IN rc#, as ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#begins P.M. Friday trigger#begin UNLABELED Michigan Springfield Civic Center ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#game against path#pobj|<-pobj<-against<-prep<-game->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, in trigger#game pos#CC PRP$ NNP NNP IN DT JJ IN DT lex#Fab Four annual UNLABELED Cassatt String Quartet Mozart path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->dobj->|dobj lex#offers pos#VBZ lc#, the trigger#offer rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mayor Peter J. Powers Mr. Giuliani pos#, trigger#manager ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss lc#said Deputy rc#'s campaign UNLABELED Brahms D-minor Concerto Leonards path#partmod|->partmod->feature->dobj->|dobj pos#VBG DT lex#featuring trigger#feature rc#, ner#MISC->PERSON lc#a NEGATIVE Emily Toth English path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor lc#biography , ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA rc#and director lex#professor UNLABELED Jodie Sweetin Stephanie rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN `` '' -LRB- PRP VBZ path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj lex#star hit comedy plays UNLABELED Multinational Strategies Inc. New York pos#, DT rc#consulting company trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn lc#associate of NEGATIVE Ludovic Kennedy British rc#author whose lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->journalist->amod->|amod trigger#journalist pos#, DT trigger#author ner#PERSON->MISC lc#ago by path#appos|->appos->author->amod->|amod REL$NA rc#journalist who NEGATIVE Bosnia Bonn lc#peace in ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#ended path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-end->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#with a pos#VBD IN REL$NA trigger#end UNLABELED Offerdahl Pro Bowl pos#, WP VBZ IN , VBD DT rc#in each trigger#make lex#turns made ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Warehouse Point East Windsor lc#in the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#. pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#section REL$NA trigger#section NEGATIVE Leon Edel James lex#'s monumental five-volume biography ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#and from trigger#biography pos#POS JJ JJ NN IN path#poss|<-poss<-biography->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#, which UNLABELED Hugh Maclellan Provident Life & Accident Insurance Company lc#creditor was lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Alan Goudiss Rangers trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, said lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Clifford L. Alexander Alexander & Associates Inc lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#: path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE John Healy San Remo trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss pos#, DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->manage->dobj->|dobj rc#, declined trigger#manage pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#'s resident REL$NA lex#manages UNLABELED Turner Home Entertainment Time Warner Inc path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#business with rc#. lex#unit trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Lesser Office of Civil Rights and Office of Education trigger#serve path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#RB VBD IN DT rc#in the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#served UNLABELED Science Times Prof Edward O Wilson trigger#profile rc#, author ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-profile->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#profile biologist pos#NN IN NN lc# UNLABELED Community Baptist Church South Ozone Park lc#of the pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-pastor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#pastor ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#pastor of rc#. '' NEGATIVE Brian Kennedy Hertz path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president REL$NA trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Hofstra Brown lc#will play ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#CC MD VB trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj lex#meet rc#on Saturday UNLABELED Primakov Washington trigger#be rc#, he lc#began while path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Department of Environmental Protection Jamyns Productions lex#issued summonses promoter ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD NNS TO DT NN , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-issue->dobj->|dobj lc#city 's trigger#issue rc#, for UNLABELED Jorg Hungerland Germany lc#- path#rcmod|->rcmod->return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#to join pos#, , WP MD VB TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#return lex#return UNLABELED Dwayne Roloson UMass-Lowell rc#goalie , path#appos|->appos->goalie->nn->|nn lc#that beat pos#, DT trigger#goalie ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE United States Army Corps of Engineers Kuwait lc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->dobj->|dobj lex#effectively running trigger#run rc#. pos#VBZ RB RB VBG ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Fox News Network Cable News Network lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-compete->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#competes rc#, which trigger#compete pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Ms. Schonberg Dance Theater trigger#teach rc#of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, pos#RB VBD IN lex#taught ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Fernando Henrique Cardoso Brazilian Social Democratic Party pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Christine Patina lex#restaurant lc#wife , path#appos|<-appos<-wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, IN DT NN trigger#wife ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Richard Schechner Performing Garage trigger#director pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN DT rc#, waxes ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#longtime artistic director UNLABELED Albert Wojnilower New York lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->economist->nn->|nn pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#consultant lex#economic consultant pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said trigger#economist rc#economist . rc#. '' UNLABELED Livingstons Philipsburg Manor trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, the pos#, DT CC JJ JJ NNS MD VB IN NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#prominent families display rc#in UNLABELED Brian J. Murphy Sports Marketing Letter lc#" said rc#, a trigger#editor pos#, NN CC NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor publisher The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#publisher editor The trigger#publisher path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Chicago White Sox JOSE DeLEON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-trade->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#traded reliever pitcher pos#VBD NN TO DT IN NN trigger#trade ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#MAJORS The rc#. NEGATIVE Nelson Stanley rc#, the pos#VBD trigger#strike ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD RP rc#out in REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-strike->dobj->|dobj lex#struck NEGATIVE Chiquita Brands International Democratic National Committee trigger#give lex#gave large donation rc#, in ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#to support pos#, WDT VBD JJ NN TO REL$NA path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Stockholm Olympics path#poss|<-poss<-bid->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#bid lc#head of pos#POS JJ NN IN DT lex#'s troubled bid rc#is accusing ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED Mr. Gorbachev Central Asia pos#VBD NNS IN , IN trigger#send rc#, after lc#January , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#troops ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Janet Fishman John Jay College of Criminal Justice trigger#professor lex#criminology professor rc#. path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Gerald D. Hosier Mr. Lemelson pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#, hotly rc#'s lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have lex#lawyer represents pos#, DT NN WP VBZ path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->nsubj->|nsubj rc#has in lc#partner , path#appos|->appos->lawyer->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj trigger#represent lc#But NEGATIVE Jerry Tucker New Directions lc#" said trigger#found pos#, WP IN VBN ner#PERSON->MISC lex#founded path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->dobj->|dobj REL$NA rc#, a NEGATIVE Fleet Shawmut rc#in a pos#MD VB VBG ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#acquiring path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj trigger#acquire REL$NA lc#announced that UNLABELED British-American Tobacco Company B.A.T. Industries P.L.C. path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#and the lex#unit ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which UNLABELED Robert Marvy Marvicide ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, NN IN DT IN , VBZ trigger#make lex#president makes path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED Strings Michelle Nover lex#played lc#for trigger#play rc#( ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#CC CC VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Gerald Barad American Cactus lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#P.M. rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Rosalia Camerata Scovazzo Sicily lc#'' said rc#, who pos#, NN IN JJ NNS IN JJ trigger#superintendent path#appos|->appos->superintendent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#superintendent cultural affairs western UNLABELED William J. Roberts Environmental Defense Fund lc#" said rc#, termed lex#legislative director pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. rc#, path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN IN DT trigger#director NEGATIVE Gwynedd Valley Philadelphia lc#psychologist in lc#lives in lex#Pa. suburb ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, NNP , DT NN IN trigger#suburb rc#. rc#, visited path#appos|->appos->suburb->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Nancy Hite United Way pos#, DT rc#spokeswoman , trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Gerald Spence Wyoming trigger#lawyer lc#'' said rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Hirsch Organization Almanac rc#" ( lc#, whose ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#publishes The 's trigger#publish path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-publish->dobj->|dobj pos#IN , , VBZ `` NNP POS UNLABELED Jimmy Johnson Irvin path#rcmod|->rcmod->coach->poss->|poss rc#'s coach ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD lc#Coach trigger#coach UNLABELED Mark Logan Federal Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms pos#, DT NN NN IN DT trigger#agent lex#lead agent path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Manhattan Fisher lc#in the path#nn|<-nn<-firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#law firm ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, pos#NN NN IN trigger#firm REL$NA UNLABELED Support Uncertain Moscow India ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-back->dobj->|dobj rc#in world lc#'s lex#frequently backed trigger#back pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Creative Advertising Solutions Masterson Group ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, , NN IN path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#part lc#, to trigger#part rc#to handle POSITIVE Louis Comfort Tiffany Charles Lewis Tiffany ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#appos|->appos->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV pos#, NN IN:INV trigger#son lc#designed by:INV REL$/people/person/parents rc#, now:INV lex#son:INV UNLABELED Sampras Lipton pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->champion->nn->|nn trigger#win rc#champion who lc#Tennis : ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ lex#wins rc#. lex#two-time ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj trigger#champion UNLABELED Calvin Kent Energy Information Adminstration pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head rc#. path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED VITTORIO SELMI Association of Tennis Professionals ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#official trigger#official rc#, said path#appos|->appos->official->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Golden Pond Ms. Hepburn pos#, '' WDT VBD lex#starred lc#" On rc#, ner#MISC->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->star->dobj->|dobj trigger#star UNLABELED Dr. Baker Mr. Dinkins path#rcmod|->rcmod->appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#appointed board ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN pos#, WP VBD RB VBN TO DT NN IN lex#appointed rc#when he trigger#appoint UNLABELED David Beck St. James 's lex#spokesman rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Donald R. Hamilton Mr. Bennett lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, acknowledged pos#, DT NN IN pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#spokesman lex#chief spokesman UNLABELED AMT Capital Advisers Lehman Selected Growth Stock Portfolio pos#MD VB DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#acquire rc#from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj trigger#acquire UNLABELED Warren Thalidomide Victims Association of Canada lex#founder chief executive officer rc#, had trigger#founder pos#, DT NN CC JJ JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Belo Horizonte Sao Paulo pos#IN rc#. trigger#link lc#that links ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA path#dobj|<-dobj<-link->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Kim Yong Nam Beijing rc#for lex#'s No. political leader arrives pos#, POS NN JJ NN , VBZ IN trigger#arrive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Berlex American ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#appos|->appos->unit->amod->|amod pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->division->nn->|nn rc#division of lc#, for trigger#unit trigger#division rc#unit of NEGATIVE Democrat Hackensack lc#, a path#rcmod|->rcmod->include->dobj->|dobj pos#WP$ NN VBZ rc#and much lex#district includes trigger#include REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. Hovnanian ARA lc#that maybe path#poss|<-poss<-husband->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s husband trigger#husband ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Grisham Clinton pos#VBD VBN IN , CC PRP VBD , '' NNP ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bear path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->dobj->|dobj rc#is my lex#born '' President UNLABELED Mike McShane BJ Services pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, also trigger#officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief financial officer NEGATIVE Melodiya Koch trigger#manager rc#, says lc#, ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#NN NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#label manager REL$NA UNLABELED Anne R. Luzzatto Mr. Clinton lex#press secretary pos#, NN NN IN , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->representative->poss->|poss rc#'s trade trigger#representative UNLABELED Jamie Higgins Barbara path#dep|->dep->sister->appos->|appos trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#daughter , rc#, of pos#IN , NNP : NNS , , IN , , , IN , CC , IN , : DT NN , lex#Mass. sons sister UNLABELED Nicholas Brooklyn path#dep|<-dep<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lc#her son trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Mrs. Daniels Nyack Library pos#, WP VBZ NN IN NN NNS IN DT rc#, devoted trigger#head lex#head reference services path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Moscow Lenin Peace Prize ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD VBN PRP DT rc#. trigger#award lex#awarded lc#earlier , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Iver Peterson New Paltz pos#POS PRP$ NNP NN IN path#poss|<-poss<-column->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#'s Our Towns column ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#column UNLABELED Mr. Lugar Senate Agriculture Committee pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#state where lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and pos#VBZ NN IN DT pos#, WP VBZ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, can rc#and a trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Louisville Army ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT lc#drive , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-reach->dobj->|dobj trigger#reach rc#and lex#reached REL$NA UNLABELED Archie Yew Cogent Systems of Alhambra trigger#manager pos#, NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#marketing manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Dianne R. Nielson Department of Environmental Quality trigger#director rc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN DT NN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#executive director state NEGATIVE William Maclay Pennsylvania lc#memory of path#appos|->appos->senator->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#Senator trigger#senator pos#, NNP IN rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED ELEO Spruce Street ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#POMARE DANCE COMPANY rc#, lower pos#NNP NNP NNP , IN DT , trigger#company path#nn|<-nn<-company->appos->|appos lc#to UNLABELED Blair Learn Convention Authority pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#, said trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive UNLABELED Mr. Pollok Mr. Rosen path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#work rc#. pos#VBD IN lex#worked POSITIVE New Britain Connecticut path#dobj|<-dobj<-call->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#DT IN NNS IN lc#would call ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/location/containedby lex#gangs trigger#call rc#, '' UNLABELED Woosnam World Cup trigger#win pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#won individual title ner#PERSON->MISC rc#in UNLABELED Israel Lieut. Gen. Ehud Barak path#poss|<-poss<-chief->appos->|appos rc#, said ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#POS NNP IN , lc#, " lex#'s Chief trigger#chief UNLABELED Kenny Williamson Seton Hall lex#assistant trigger#assistant path#appos|->appos->assistant->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#and a UNLABELED Darrell J. York Amanda Santos rc#, termed path#appos|->appos->attorney->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Meanwhile , lex#attorney trigger#attorney pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Jan Hird Pokorny American rc#architect of trigger#architect pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->architect->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC UNLABELED Mr. Jaso Mr. Starr ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, IN DT JJ NN , WP VBD IN trigger#work lex#hand worked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Pat Wyatt Fox ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, put path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#As lex#president licensing Century pos#, NN IN NN IN NNP trigger#president UNLABELED David Vogel Disney Pictures rc#, last path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president UNLABELED William Vogel Nationsbank Montgomery Securities trigger#analyst rc#, called lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Detmer Hawaii trigger#play pos#VBD VBN RB IN VBZ IN rc#and lex#played poorly defeats ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED EDS General Motors pos#, DT lc#earnings of path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#subsidiary rc#subsidiary that UNLABELED Leszek Stafiej Radio Zet pos#, NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Corroon & Black New York Stock Exchange rc#today , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT IN DT trigger#rise path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-share<-nsubj<-rise->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lex#rose lc#Shares of trigger#share UNLABELED Intuit Corporation Quicken rc#, the lex#producer lc#of the trigger#producer pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->producer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Forbes Patrick J. Buchanan rc#, the lc#here , trigger#criticize ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#RB VBD DT NN IN NN , lex#criticized rival path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-criticize->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Ms. Dunn Mr. Clinton rc#to send pos#VBD lex#challenged ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, trigger#challenge path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-challenge->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE John Russell Humphrey Spender path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review pos#VBZ NN IN IN NNP IN JJ NNS IN JJ NNS IN IN POS , IN JJ NN lex#reviews exhibit Art photographic images hard times 's pioneering photojournalist rc#; photo REL$NA UNLABELED Murray Sabrin Libertarian trigger#candidate lc#percent and pos#, DT pos#, JJ ner#PERSON->MISC lc#trucks , path#appos|->appos->candidate->amod->|amod lc#, and lex#'s rc#candidate . pos#, POS rc#gubernatorial candidate rc#candidate , rc#candidate for NEGATIVE Mike Piazza National League trigger#hitter lc#single to pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->hitter->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->MISC rc#'s leading REL$NA lc# NEGATIVE John Huang Hongkong Chinese Bank path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#work pos#, WP VBD IN DT rc#in the lc#employees -- ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#worked REL$NA UNLABELED Pasqualoni Dick MacPherson pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#and brought lex#replaced trigger#replace path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj lc#when NEGATIVE Minnesota West Lafayette trigger#defeat pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-defeat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, Ind lc#defeated REL$NA NEGATIVE German Stettin lc#in the rc#( now trigger#town lex#town path#amod|<-amod<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Steven Harold Ickes trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#article rc#, former lex#letter Dec article REL$NA pos#NNP NN IN NNP NN IN UNLABELED Dorrette Allen Noel lc#drained ; rc#for most ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-stay->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN , VBZ IN lex#practical nurse stays trigger#stay UNLABELED Carlos Jimenez Public Security Ministry pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Charles Joseph Sylvanus Apps Paris lex#native rc#, trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Serafim Ya Olokum lc#in " trigger#be ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, " pos#, '' IN `` path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj POSITIVE Wealth of Nations Adam Smith pos#VBD IN '':INV rc#. ":INV path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV REL$/book/book_edition/author_editor trigger#describe lex#'':INV ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#is what:INV lc#ago when:INV pos#VBD PRP IN `` DT:INV lex#presented The:INV rc#'' when:INV path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV trigger#present UNLABELED Christopher Bruce Rambert pos#, lc#choreographed by pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss rc#'s newest ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#'s artistic trigger#director NEGATIVE Nationalist Party China lex#born mainland lc#of the pos#, WDT VBD VBN IN NN trigger#bear trigger#flee rc#. lex#forces fled mainland pos#, WP$ NNS VBD JJ path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->flee->dobj->|dobj REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Eduard Ackermann Mr. Kohl path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN , CC , RB DT NNP NN IN NN , VBP VBN IN lex#political adviser Chancellery chief staff worked ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#since trigger#work UNLABELED Repr Richard Gephardt Democratic pos#, trigger#leader lc#Interview with lex#Sen rc#minority leader ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn pos#CC NNP , rc#leaders of path#appos|->appos->leader->amod->|amod UNLABELED Recommended Lis Garden City Stakes trigger#win pos#VBZ lex#wins rc#at ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Troels Eklund Andersen Aalborg University path#appos|->appos->student->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#page by lex#student trigger#student ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, takes UNLABELED PIA LEDY Manhattan ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT rc#designer , trigger#designer path#appos|->appos->designer->nn->|nn UNLABELED Richard Witten Goldman , Sachs & Company lex#partner trigger#expert path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#top currency expert pos#, NN NN IN JJ NN IN pos#, JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#top currency trader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->trader->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#trader rc#in trigger#president lc#" said lex#vice president foreign exchange UNLABELED Berkshire Bank New York lc#by the pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->bank->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#small private bank trigger#bank ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, saying UNLABELED Mr. Ballingal Barclays de Zoete Wedd Securities path#appos|->appos->strategist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, the lex#strategist trigger#strategist pos#, DT NN RB IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, predicts UNLABELED William M. Stanley Last of Their Race lex#painted '' The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-paint->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD '' DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#paint rc#'' after UNLABELED Action From Ireland Dublin-based rc#organization dedicated lc#director of pos#, DT trigger#organization ner#LOCATION->MISC path#appos|->appos->organization->amod->|amod UNLABELED Gary Muhrcke New York City Marathon path#appos|->appos->winner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#winner rc#, nearly pos#, NN IN DT lc#Could lex#winner ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. El Gawli Port Said pos#CC DT VBP IN trigger#come ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED William Krantz AIDS trigger#have lex#chef lives path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and no pos#, DT NN WP VBZ IN , VBZ UNLABELED Alan R. Hoops Pacificare pos#, pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN rc#, said rc#'s chairman path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#'s president lex#president chief executive path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#chairman trigger#president UNLABELED Donald Cline Man Behind the Legend trigger#suggest path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-suggest->dobj->|dobj lex#suggests book '' Kid The pos#VBZ IN PRP$ NN '' DT NNP : DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#conclusively , rc#'' not UNLABELED Henry Gladstone San Diego path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#newscaster radio station WOR died Sunday trigger#die pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN NNP IN , VBD IN NNP IN rc#, where ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Festa da Coca Moncao ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#held annually lc#Festivals The pos#VBZ VBN RB IN rc#on the trigger#hold path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ms. Ernst Movable Garden trigger#describe rc#" as path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj lex#The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD `` DT UNLABELED Mr. Panke McKinsey & Company pos#, DT NN IN WP VBZ DT NN IN NN IN DT , VBD IN lex#graduate holds doctorate physics worked trigger#work path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Dodson Merchant Marine path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#spend pos#VBD IN DT rc#. lc#school , lex#spent ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Faulk Falls San Diego State pos#TO , DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->nsubj->|nsubj rc#running back trigger#run UNLABELED Eleanor Reissa Folksbiene Yiddish Theater lex#artistic director ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which lc#said pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED H. Poindexter Baltimore Gas lc#by lex#chairman chief executive rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN NEGATIVE George W. Bush John Ellis lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-cousin->appos->|appos trigger#cousin pos#POS NN , lex#'s cousin REL$NA rc#, a POSITIVE Yogen Dalal Mayfield Fund lc#" said REL$/business/person/company ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner lex#general partner pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#, a UNLABELED Al Ayam Ramallah path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD NN NN IN lc#, rc#, where ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#begin lex#began home delivery UNLABELED Sylvia Fiddler Community Board lex#employee rc#, path#appos|->appos->employee->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#employee UNLABELED Mr. Gunter Los Angeles path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#native pos#VBD DT NN IN rc#. trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Philippe Borel Luanda path#appos|->appos->director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#" said pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN lex#director operations rc#for the pos#, NN IN NNS IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director NEGATIVE Progressive Policy Institute Democrats pos#, DT NN NN IN JJ path#appos|->appos->center->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#, said lex#research center moderate pos#, DT NN IN JJ lc#to the trigger#group lc#at the rc#. lex#group moderate trigger#center REL$NA path#appos|->appos->group->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Duracell Inc. Charles E. Kiernan path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lex#named rc#senior vice ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, , , VBN lc#* trigger#president NEGATIVE Burne-Jones Birmingham pos#, WP VBD VBN IN IN trigger#bear rc#, lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Disney Sotheby pos#VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj rc#'s to trigger#ask lc#when UNLABELED Arthur E. Levine Harvard path#appos|->appos->expert->nn->|nn rc#education expert trigger#expert pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#TEACHERS COLLEGE UNLABELED John R. Schueler Orange County Register trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#general manager The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Hesh Weiss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-star->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#; play trigger#star pos#IN , IN , VBZ rc#and his lex#stars NEGATIVE John Quincy Adams Supreme Court path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#reached when trigger#take pos#VBZ IN DT lex#takes ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, can REL$NA NEGATIVE Ralph Bunche United Nations trigger#official lc#; pos#, DT rc#official who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn UNLABELED Kornblau Southern trigger#win pos#IN path#dep|->dep->win->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#won , lc#game than UNLABELED Connecticut Trio Kodaly path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#, IN NN IN , VBZ lc#The trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#residence plays rc#and NEGATIVE Unisys Blue Hill path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN trigger#base rc#, Pa. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#based UNLABELED Wells Rich Love New York path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-handle->dobj->|dobj pos#, RB DT NN IN , VBD `` PRP lex#unit handled ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#handle rc#" until UNLABELED Walter L. Fields Jr. Democratic path#appos|->appos->consultant->amod->|amod lc#'' said rc#consultant working pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#consultant NEGATIVE Timm Rosenbach Cardinals trigger#quarterback pos#, DT lc#to contain rc#' mobile path#appos|->appos->quarterback->poss->|poss rc#' quarterback ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#snapped , NEGATIVE Centre College Louisville lex#upset mighty football rc#high school path#appos|->appos->teacher->nn->|nn pos#IN JJ JJ IN NN IN , CC , DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#teacher UNLABELED Mr. Demyon South Hunterdon Regional High School trigger#teach lex#teaches path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#RB VBZ IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Gaines Lakai Worrell rc#, the lex#joined ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-join->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN UNLABELED GARY V. SIMPSON Concord Baptist Church of Christ Brooklyn trigger#minister lc#Rev. ) pos#NNP NNP , lex#Senior Minister rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-minister->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Texaco Heddington Insurance rc#subsidiary , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-subsidiary->nn->|nn lc#officer of lex#'s pos#POS trigger#subsidiary NEGATIVE Clark University of Maryland trigger#professor rc#, who lc#according to lex#zoology professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Dr. Michael F. Tillman United States National Oceanic path#appos|->appos->administrator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBG NN NN IN NNS IN DT rc#and lex#acting assistant administrator fisheries ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#administrator lc#" said NEGATIVE Dubai Citibank ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#offices path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in the trigger#office lc#at the REL$NA pos#NNS IN UNLABELED Mr. Gavin New York trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#as deputy lex#smart manager relies good sense humor fellow agents motivated ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, , VBN IN DT JJ NN WP VBZ IN DT JJ NN IN NN TO VB JJ NNS VBN , VBZ VBN IN UNLABELED Luise Barrack Rosenberg & Estis lex#partner law firm trigger#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN rc#, handling ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#firm UNLABELED Mr. Hogue Dennis Feld trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#of the lex#'s lawyer NEGATIVE Hill Helen lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; a trigger#wife lc#General path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos REL$NA pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Rokuro Ishikawa Japan Chamber of Commerce pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head rc#. path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Carey Chris McLoughlin pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#appointed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appoint->dobj->|dobj trigger#appoint rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Perez de Cuellar Teheran rc#in September pos#VBZ IN lc#occur while trigger#be lc#It was path#poss|<-poss<-trip->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#for talks path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#trip ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#'s two-day trip pos#POS JJ NN TO UNLABELED Syl Mrs. Monro lex#'s curmudgeonly mother path#poss|<-poss<-mother->appos->|appos trigger#mother ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#POS JJ NN , rc#. lc#belongs to NEGATIVE Lani Guinier Clinton lc#speaker was pos#, path#appos|->appos->nominee->nn->|nn trigger#nominee lex#President ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-choice->poss->|poss lc#attacks on path#appos|->appos->nominee->poss->|poss lc#: pos#VBD NNP rc#'s nominee trigger#choice rc#'s choice rc#'s erstwhile rc#nominee in REL$NA pos#, NNP UNLABELED Lee Haskell Sallie Benson Vest ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lex#daughter rc#of lc#the former trigger#daughter pos#: DT NN , UNLABELED Max Sherman University of Texas pos#, NN IN NNP IN NNP NNPS IN DT path#appos|->appos->dean->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#dean School Public Affairs trigger#dean lc#, naming ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Union City Lars rc#, born ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, WP$ NN , trigger#son path#appos|->appos->son->appos->|appos lex#son lc#of NEGATIVE Lott Pascagoula trigger#lawyer lex#lawyer rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lc#Senator path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mamie Nassau County Surrogate 's Court lc#few months rc#raising questions trigger#mamie path#dep|->dep->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#CC VBD IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Englishwoman England rc#, who trigger#bear path#partmod|->partmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN lex#born ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#was an UNLABELED Marta Lagos Hungarians lex#poll taker showed pos#, DT NN NN , VBD DT trigger#show ner#PERSON->MISC rc#the rainbow path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-show->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Wilson William Jennings Bryan pos#POS NNP IN NNP , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-secretary->appos->|appos lc#remark of rc#, that trigger#secretary REL$NA lex#'s Secretary State NEGATIVE Richard Meier Brentwood path#poss|<-poss<-campus->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS JJ NN IN lex#'s cloisterlike campus lc#, trigger#campus ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, for REL$NA UNLABELED Common Stock * Bancorp Hawaii Inc. Montgomery Securities lex#filed common shares pos#, , VBZ VBN IN JJ NNS IN pos#, , VBZ VBG JJ NNS IN DT IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->prep->through->pobj->|pobj trigger#offer trigger#file lex#offering common shares path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->through->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Rinfret Marino lex#Senator lc#today , ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#describe path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD NNP rc#, UNLABELED I.B.M. Peru pos#POS NN IN rc#, wounding trigger#headquarters path#poss|<-poss<-headquarters->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#today outside lex#'s headquarters rc#on Thursday ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#Guerrillas bombed lc#bomb outside NEGATIVE J. C. Penney Westland Mall lex#store lc#into the trigger#store pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-store->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Yankee NYCE lc#switched from trigger#be pos#VBZ VBN IN VBG NN IN JJ , RB IN lex#increasing pressure recent largely ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#TO path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-switch->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#switch UNLABELED Michael Boskin White House pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->adviser->poss->|poss pos#, DT trigger#adviser trigger#head rc#'s chief trigger#office lc#those of lex#head ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn rc#economic office lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Lingle P. & G. lex#joined pos#VBD trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Dr. William Friedrich Mayo Clinic pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#psychologist trigger#psychologist ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Russia United States Energy Department rc#to expand ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#sell weapons-grade uranium dismantled warheads stockpiles trigger#sell lc#also allows pos#VBZ VBN DT lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj pos#TO VB JJ NN , VBN IN VBN NNS CC IN NNS , TO DT rc#, which trigger#ask UNLABELED Pierre Angenieux French pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->designer->amod->|amod trigger#designer rc#optical designer lc#went to UNLABELED Randal Mathis Dallas trigger#lawyer lc#'' said rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn lc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Swiss Sasea Holding lc#to a lex#company rc#. path#amod|<-amod<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#NN , NEGATIVE Don Mattingly Yanks trigger#be rc#who could path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->among->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, CC VBP IN DT NEGATIVE Robert Paul Miami trigger#lawyer pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#lawyer , ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED First Interstate Bancorp Robert Abeles path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lex#named pos#, VBN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#executive vice lc#subsidiary of trigger#president UNLABELED BDB Corporation Barnes & Noble Bookstores path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#corporation lex#owns pos#, WDT VBZ rc#and UNLABELED JEREMY GERARD New York pos#, DT NNS NN IN trigger#editor path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lex#features editor lc#he and ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Paul Griffiths Katya Kabanova ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#at trigger#review trigger#performance path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->performance->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NN IN POS lex#reviews performance 's UNLABELED Paul Maslansky Pathe Entertainment lc#produced by pos#CC : VBN IN trigger#produce trigger#directed rc#, distributed lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce<-partmod<-directed->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED anti-Semitic Wyoming path#amod|<-amod<-group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, an trigger#group rc#. ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#white supremacist hate group pos#, JJ NN NN NN IN NEGATIVE Jack Anderson Pacific Northwest Ballet lex#reviews performance trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->performance->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#performance pos#VBZ NN IN rc#, at ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED John Fox Sullivan The National Journal pos#, NN , JJ NN CC NN IN lex#publisher pos#, NN IN lex#president chief executive publisher lc#* path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#publisher trigger#president path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Buzz Ramsey Northwest Sportsfishing Industry Association lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#But NEGATIVE Montreal Toque lex#restaurant ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-restaurant->appos->|appos rc#, points lc#'s trigger#restaurant REL$NA pos#NN , NEGATIVE Eric Jackson Adweek lex#spokesman confirmed report change week trigger#confirm rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-confirm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN IN , , VBD DT NN IN DT NN DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Les Kate lc#love to ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#( path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife trigger#wife UNLABELED Robert Aronson Air Transport Association pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, notes UNLABELED Al Shifa Mr. bin Laden ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#evidence linking rc#. pos#TO trigger#link path#dobj|<-dobj<-link->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Akbulut Gen. Dogan Gures ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#replace pos#VBD PRP NN IN DT NN IN IN NN IN DT JJ NN IN NN , lex#replaced today officer line military chain command path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Sgt. Wes McBride Los Angeles County Sheriff 's Department trigger#expert path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#gang expert ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, agrees pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Ben Ratliff Freedy Johnson pos#VBZ DT NN NN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#at trigger#review lex#reviews pop singer path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Damphousse Jon Casey pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#beat rc#with a NEGATIVE Marcel Lachemann California trigger#manager pos#, PRP$ VBG NN IN path#appos|->appos->coach->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT rc#manager . path#appos|->appos->manager->nn->|nn rc#manager , ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#pitching coach rc#, recommended REL$NA lc#remembering how trigger#coach lc#" said UNLABELED Sandra B. O'Leary White House Administrations trigger#adviser lex#economic adviser path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#and a UNLABELED Mr. Butler Peter Burleigh path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, the lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#in mid-July trigger#meet pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Julius Novick Purchase College path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->study->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor pos#, NN IN NN CC NN NNS IN rc#, trigger#study lc#Letter from ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#professor literature drama studies NEGATIVE German Eisenach path#amod|<-amod<-city->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#town lex#town lc#the eastern rc#. pos#NN IN ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#city path#amod|<-amod<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#city rc#during UNLABELED Mr. Clifford American pos#VBD NN IN lc#how much lex#chairman path#poss|<-poss<-relationship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#POS JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT NN IN lex#resigned trigger#head rc# pos#, WP VBD VBN rc#, and lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC lc#lawyer for rc#. lex#headed pos#VBZ DT JJ NN IN pos#VBZ DT NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-resign->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#B.C.C.I. , pos#CC VBD IN rc#and rc#, did rc#and B.C.C.I. trigger#relationship lc#except for pos#, DT NN IN lex#'s long relationship path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resign UNLABELED Mr. Clough Delta Shuttle path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD RB IN DT NN IN DT trigger#spend ner#PERSON->MISC lex#spent week rc#between UNLABELED Roosevelt Bull Moose Republican path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-summon->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#summoned one-time trigger#summon lc#When President pos#VBD DT JJ rc#to UNLABELED Toch Yoeun Cabinet pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#of this lex#chief ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chief UNLABELED Sgt. Nicholas Vreeland Police Department pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn rc#spokesman . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#spokesman UNLABELED True North Handicap Belmont Park trigger#win ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#IN DT NN NN IN rc#. lex#nose yesterday path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc# UNLABELED Jeff Morosoff Babylon path#appos|->appos->assistant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said trigger#assistant pos#, NN NN TO DT IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#executive assistant UNLABELED Amy Sacco Monkey Bar trigger#manager lc#When path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#manager rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Estelle Wachtell Katsh Manhattan pos#: PRP$ NNS , , IN lc#, rc#, and lex#sons trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-wife->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#wife ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dr. Schwartz Nashville path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and was trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED David Lewis Sheiner path#appos|<-appos<-brother->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of pos#CC , DT IN , CC , IN , , CC NN , IN , trigger#brother lex#stepchildren lc#brothers , UNLABELED Nicholas Dracopoli Sequana pos#, lc#" said path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s vice ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Pieter A. Fisher Wall Street pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#partner trigger#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->firm->nn->|nn trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#firm of UNLABELED Dr. Kay Lawson San Francisco State University trigger#scientist path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#political scientist rc#and a lc# UNLABELED Lawrence Pezzullo Haiti trigger#envoy pos#, DT POS JJ NN TO lex#'s special envoy ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, told path#appos|->appos->envoy->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Hill Concrete Express path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner rc#, where lc#Steep ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#Crossing That 's steep hill owner pos#IN VBG `` DT VBZ DT JJ NN , '' , DT NN IN NEGATIVE Luella Bartley British pos#, DT JJ trigger#editor rc#editor ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->editor->amod->|amod REL$NA UNLABELED Griffith Clansman lex#'s full-length film The pos#POS JJ NN `` DT rc#, " trigger#film lc#showing of ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-film->dep->|dep UNLABELED William M. Kunstler Abbie Hoffman ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#defend lex#defended path#rcmod|->rcmod->defend->dobj->|dobj rc#and pos#, WP VBD UNLABELED Erwin Motzkus Konigsberg ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, rc#, and pos#VBD VBN IN trigger#bear lex#born UNLABELED William Armistead Christian Hamden path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, Conn trigger#die lex#professor emeritus religious studies died home ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN JJ NNS IN , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN UNLABELED HOUSTON OILERS Curtis Duncan pos#: VBN rc#, wide path#dep|->dep->sign->dep->|dep ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#-- Signed trigger#sign UNLABELED Giuseppe Cipriani International Brotherhood of Teamsters lex#heads family 's operations signed contract Wednesday pos#, WP VBZ DT NN POS NNS IN , VBD DT NN IN NNP IN DT trigger#contract path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->contract->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#Local trigger#sign UNLABELED Jenny Eastern Suffolk Boces Learning Center trigger#send path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN TO DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED House Ways and Means Committee Fed pos#IN NNP , DT path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#Wednesday rc#chairman , trigger#chairman lc#before the NEGATIVE Marc Bazin Haiti pos#, trigger#minister path#appos|->appos->minister->poss->|poss rc#'s de ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#skepticism as UNLABELED Fabio Fabbri Italian trigger#minister pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#recently when rc#Defense Minister path#appos|->appos->minister->amod->|amod UNLABELED Mr. Beck Thomas Vicari ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who pos#POS JJ NN , trigger#neighbor lex#'s next-door neighbor path#poss|<-poss<-neighbor->appos->|appos UNLABELED Etudes Mr. de Leeuw lc#'s '' lex#'' conducted pos#, '' VBN IN trigger#conduct ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->conduct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, was UNLABELED Kristine Kurt lex#'s brother ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-brother->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, trigger#brother UNLABELED John Farrell Canton-Akron of the Eastern League pos#, NN , IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-recall->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#- Recalled ner#PERSON->MISC lex#pitcher trigger#recall rc#and placed UNLABELED Bill Hamm Waldorf College lex#President pos#, NNP IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#said trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Gene Ianette Stratford Township rc#and the lex#school superintendent lc#life , trigger#superintendent path#appos|->appos->superintendent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Mark Geragos Ms. McDougal pos#, trigger#lawyer lc#, '' rc#'s lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s defense path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss NEGATIVE Technomics Chicago lc#according to pos#, DT NN NN NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#market research firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#firm REL$NA UNLABELED B. Carter Counterproliferation rc#, said pos#, DT NNP NNP NNP IN path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#Assistant Defense Secretary trigger#secretary ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED William Morrow New York Times trigger#reporter rc#reporter . lc#( pos#, -RRB- , DT JJ ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->reporter->nn->|nn UNLABELED Barbara Carr Crystal Prism Award rc#by the path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-award->dobj->|dobj trigger#award ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN , , CC IN DT , , VBD VBN DT lex#president awarded NEGATIVE Mike McGrady Naked Came the Stranger lc#reporter trigger#write ner#PERSON->MISC pos#CC NNS VBD '' rc#, '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write<-dep<-|dep lex#friends wrote '' REL$NA UNLABELED Marion Hey Donald Hey ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#the former path#dep|->dep->son->appos->|appos trigger#son lex#son Ga. stepdaughter Bishop stepson pos#: DT NN , , IN , NNP : DT NN , IN NNP , , CC DT NN , NEGATIVE David Miles Merrill Lynch path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#economist REL$NA rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Arlene Hill P.S. trigger#guard path#appos|->appos->guard->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#crossing guard pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Lisa Foster llth Air Defense Artillery Brigade lc#Specialist path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member pos#, , DT NN IN DT lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which UNLABELED Roland Smith British Aerospace P.L.C. lex#chairman lc#Sir rc#, is ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Harold S. Fawcett Grafton path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->hospital->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN WP VBD JJ NNS IN DT NN IN IN , VBD IN NNP IN DT NN IN rc#, trigger#die lex#photographer captured memorable scenes attack died Saturday hospital ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#hospital NEGATIVE Kerwin Danley Gilkey pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#call lex#called path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj rc#back , lc#plate umpire REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Wachtel Audience Research and Analysis lex#president lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Elizabeth Fillmore SoHo lex#young designer restaurant rc#. path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN , IN , DT NN IN lc#doing for NEGATIVE Athens Greeks lc#will visit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj rc#to set pos#TO VB DT ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA trigger#urge lex#urge UNLABELED Rockefeller Tarrytown lc#of the lc#, the lc#to the lex#family estate lex#estate rc#, and trigger#estate lc#, lc#at the pos#NN IN rc#, pos#NN NN IN rc#, where rc#has become rc#, opens rc#, now ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-estate->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED British Land P.L.C. British lc#venture with ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#real estate path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company UNLABELED Hapsburgs Prague rc#in fief lex#held lc#to the pos#, WP VBD VBN path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#hold UNLABELED Claudia E. Mott Prudential Securities rc#. '' lex#head small-stock research lc#-- like lc#'' said rc#, took rc#, packs trigger#head rc#, attributed lc#according to rc#-- are trigger#analyst pos#, NN IN JJ NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#director small-cap research path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#head research small-company stocks pos#, NN IN JJ NN NN IN lex#director small-capitalization research lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said pos#, NN IN NN IN NN NNS IN lex#director small cap research path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Seatle Mariners New York Yankees trigger#defeat pos#VB ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#defeat UNLABELED Alignment Strategies Washington lex#suburban pos#, DT JJ rc#company that trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn lc#businesses was UNLABELED Ellen van der Gulik J. P. Morgan lex#euro area economist ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN trigger#economist rc#here , UNLABELED Dr. Harris LaGuardia Medical Group trigger#director lex#retired medical director pos#VBD DT JJ JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Shas Cabinet lc#When pos#VBD DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-quit->dobj->|dobj trigger#quit lex#quit NEGATIVE Philip S. Khoury Middle East path#appos|->appos->historian->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ trigger#historian lex#historian modern rc#at the ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Croatian Trebinje lc#If the lex#attack path#amod|<-amod<-attack->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#goes beyond trigger#attack ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#said a rc#, a NEGATIVE Winterreise William Parker rc#and the lex#'' performed baritone lc#'s '' trigger#perform ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->perform->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#'' VBN IN DT NN REL$NA UNLABELED Barry Sinrod Sinrod International Marketing Group lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED American Theater Wing Antoinette Perry Awards lc#of the rc#in association ner#MISC->PERSON lex#presents path#rcmod|->rcmod->present->dobj->|dobj trigger#present pos#, WDT VBZ DT UNLABELED MESA New York pos#NNP NNP , ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, named path#nn|<-nn<-group->appos->|appos trigger#group lex#AIR GROUP UNLABELED Dave Pat pos#VBZ TO lex#reports ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-report->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#now , rc#, " trigger#report UNLABELED Tony Ms. Simon lc#is what ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#CC CC , trigger#mother rc#'s mother path#appos|->appos->mother->poss->|poss UNLABELED James Williams Sterigenics International pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief financial officer rc#, which UNLABELED Philip Morris Companies Dibrell Brothers Inc. lc#of the pos#, IN WDT PRP$ NN MD VB POS NN NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->acquire->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#acquire rc#said it lex#affiliate acquire 's cigarette business UNLABELED Oscars Richard Pryor lc#at the ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj rc#, " pos#, VBG lex#including UNLABELED Ibrahim Yazdi Iran Freedom Movement lex#secretary general lc#, '' rc#, said trigger#general pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->general->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE U.S. Uruguay pos#VBZ TO ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#SOCCER trigger#lose path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#Loses REL$NA UNLABELED John J. Tully Con Ed path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#chief operations ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN lc#A.M. trigger#chief rc#in NEGATIVE David Hamilton New York lc#; pos#, DT trigger#critic path#appos|->appos->critic->nn->|nn rc#critic and ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Kennedy Albuquerque rc#, the pos#VBD lex#managed trigger#manage path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-manage->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Realnetworks Inc. Real Player lc#technologies at pos#, NN IN lex#maker ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->maker->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#maker rc#. '' NEGATIVE Frederic Edwin Church Henry Wadsworth Longfellow lex#wrote ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write pos#VBD TO rc#from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#landscape painter UNLABELED Janice Toran Searle trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#lawyer , UNLABELED Ms. Connell Gooch rc#, the pos#MD RB RB VB RBS VBN IN DT JJ path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#know lex#original UNLABELED Ms. Thomases Vincent W. Foster Jr. ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD DT IN DT NN IN DT NN NN , rc#, on path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-assist->dobj->|dobj lex#assisted suicide deputy counsel trigger#assist UNLABELED D.M.S. Travel Group New York lc#president of rc#. lex#travel agency trigger#agency ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->agency->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Hiroshi Hashimoto Foreign Ministry pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman pos#, DT pos#, DT NN lc#, rc#spokesman , rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn lex#chief ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#spokesman lc#But UNLABELED Scott Sassa Turner Entertainment Networks rc#with responsibilty lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#, said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#also made rc#. pos#NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Highlanders Riverdale trigger#defeat lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#in the lex#defeated ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD , , JJ IN UNLABELED RIDDELL New York pos#NNP NNP , trigger#inc. lex#SPORTS INC. ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-inc.->appos->|appos rc#, a UNLABELED Susan Abrahams Lindell Elementary School rc#. lex#teacher class gifted talented graders pos#, DT NN IN DT NN IN JJ CC JJ NNS IN path#appos|->appos->teacher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#teacher lc#" said UNLABELED Yardie Creek Exmouth path#appos|->appos->mile->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, NNS IN lex#miles ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#on the trigger#mile lc#out for NEGATIVE Hightstown East Windsor Regional School District ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#part pos#VBZ NN IN DT trigger#part REL$NA rc#, which UNLABELED Ms. Lowry Brooklyn pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Beijing Chongping County pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-return->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#returning to rc#about trigger#return UNLABELED Pratt & Whitney United Technologies of Hartford lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#made by pos#, DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Howard Schickler Fine Art Broadway pos#IN rc#, near lc#opens at trigger#open path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Colorado Oklahoma State lc#No. trigger#defeat ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#victory pos#VBD lex#'s victory lex#extending career Coach defeated trigger#beat rc#and kept lc#yards as path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj trigger#give pos#-LRB- NN , NN NNP -RRB- , RB MD VB trigger#lose trigger#play pos#POS NN IN path#dep|->dep->play->dobj->|dobj pos#DT JJ NN IN path#iobj|<-iobj<-give->dobj->victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#lost lc#left gave lc#LEAD : rc#. rc#, lex#16-12 victory path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WDT VBZ VBG DT NN IN VB , VBD lc#to seal lex#beat lex#No. No. Times play lc#over path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Jones Austin pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear rc#. lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Gorham Diane Price Baker rc#, the path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-succeed->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#MD VB VBN IN lex#succeeded trigger#succeed NEGATIVE William Finn Playwrights Horizons pos#: CC , JJ NNS IN NN : , JJ NN IN , CC , JJ NN IN lex#co-artistic directors Stage artistic director artistic director rc#. lc#the composer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Smales Procter & Gamble Company rc#, assumed pos#, , DT JJ NN CC JJ NN IN DT lex#retired chairman chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Little Rain Using Guizhou trigger#official rc#said that pos#DT NN , DT NN IN lc#, lex#expression official path#appos|->appos->official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Naples Sarah McCulloch trigger#sister lc#, of rc#of lex#Md. sisters ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-brother->dep->sister->appos->|appos pos#, , CC , IN , NNP : NNS , trigger#brother UNLABELED No Pedestal K. Robert Schwarz path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#write ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#'' -LRB- -RRB- lc#, but rc#writes : NEGATIVE National League Denver path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#And the lex#awarded franchises pos#VBD NNS TO trigger#award rc#and REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Dr. Herbert Y. Meltzer Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland trigger#professor rc#who worked pos#, DT NN IN NN IN lex#professor psychiatry path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Rabbi Schindler Jews ner#PERSON->MISC lex#warned path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-warn->dobj->|dobj trigger#warn lc#talk , rc#against being pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Brazil Marcilio Marques Moreira trigger#minister pos#, path#poss|<-poss<-ambassador->appos->|appos rc#, says rc#, said lc#Minister of pos#POS NNP TO , path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-minister->appos->|appos trigger#ambassador path#poss|<-poss<-minister->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#, and pos#POS NNP NNP , rc#, has pos#POS JJ NNP NNP , lex#'s Ambassador rc#, would lex#'s Economy Minister lc#who said NEGATIVE Allen Wardwell Christie pos#, path#appos|->appos->specialist->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s trigger#specialist REL$NA lc#" said NEGATIVE Capitol Hill Microsoft ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#on lex#The path#nn|<-nn<-chairman->nn->|nn pos#NNP REL$NA rc#chairman , trigger#chairman UNLABELED Ms. Mark Houston path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#left trigger#leave rc#on Friday ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Marino Irving Fryer pos#RB VBD DT JJ NN TO rc#to make trigger#throw ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#threw 4-yard touchdown path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-throw->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED KTSP Great American ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#it became pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#ktsp lex#owned rc#, a UNLABELED JRY Red Sox lex#inappropriate owner ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#MD VB DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#owner rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#bequests , NEGATIVE Incontinence David Salle path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#Promises and rc#, imposing lex#takes cue ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#take pos#, '' VBZ PRP$ NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Storm Cloud Dayna Hanson path#partmod|->partmod->choreograph->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#the ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, VBN IN lex#choreographed rc#and trigger#choreograph UNLABELED English daughter-in-law Bayreuth Festival path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-marry->dobj->|dobj lc#when his pos#, , VBD DT rc#to the ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#marry lex#married POSITIVE Raymond Hood Rockefeller Center REL$/architecture/architect/structures_designed path#appos|->appos->designer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief designer rc#in the lc#shaped by trigger#designer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Senna Nigel Mansell lc#left , pos#VBZ NNS TO ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have rc#'s path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#points NEGATIVE Surrealists Picasso rc#as path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-claim->dobj->|dobj lex#claim ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#prompted the REL$NA pos#TO VB trigger#claim UNLABELED Mr. Mandela David N. Dinkins path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD rc#as lex#praised ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Operation As trigger#praise UNLABELED Paul Thereoux Peter De Vries path#poss|<-poss<-tribute->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Editor : rc#( pos#POS VBG NN TO DT JJ lex#'s moving tribute late trigger#tribute UNLABELED Mrs. Carden Manhattan path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a NEGATIVE Thierry Derocles Front lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Lloyd Mary rc#, died ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife trigger#wife UNLABELED Akiko Kobayashi Bowers Santa Cruz pos#: NNS CC DT NN IN DT JJ NN , CC , IN path#dep|->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, rc#, trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#sons daughter previous marriage UNLABELED Fire Wall Separating Scandal From Business Harold M. Ickes rc#, the lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->nsubj->|nsubj lex#In control trigger#move pos#IN , IN DT VBD NN IN , NEGATIVE Pete Sampras Jim Courier trigger#defeat trigger#beat lc#play fifth-seeded ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#business , pos#VBD TO JJ rc#, path#rcmod|->rcmod->defeat->dobj->|dobj trigger#fall path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fall->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->dobj->|dobj lex#fell seventh-seeded pos#, WP VBD lex#defeated lex#-- beaten pos#: WP VBD VBN lc#to defeat REL$NA NEGATIVE Michael Clemente Pataki ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->aide->nn->|nn lc#monitored by rc#transition aide trigger#aide REL$NA UNLABELED Carlos Peredo Merlo Morelos State pos#, trigger#general path#appos|->appos->general->poss->|poss rc#'s Attorney ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Jose Vasconcelos Mexican trigger#philosopher pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->philosopher->amod->|amod rc#philosopher and UNLABELED Waterford Crystal Inc. Waterford Wedgwood P.L.C lc#of both ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. pos#CC , WDT VBP VBN IN trigger#inc. path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#owned UNLABELED BUFFALO SABRES Matthew Barnaby lex#-- Recalled path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recall->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#recall pos#: VBD rc#, left UNLABELED Harry A. Galinsky Morris lc#'' says path#appos|->appos->superintendent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#longtime superintendent trigger#superintendent rc#and pos#, DT JJ NN IN UNLABELED Michael G. Pugliese Manhattan path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. lex#composer conductor percussionist died Monday home trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN , NN CC NN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN UNLABELED Caren Berlin Fresh Perspectives lex#co-founder president rc#, becomes pos#, , NN CC NN IN trigger#co-founder ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->co-founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Carol Rogers Planned Parenthood pos#, NN IN JJ NNS IN lc#" said rc#of lex#director public affairs ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Eversman Edwards lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , , IN rc#, Colo. trigger#wife UNLABELED Julie Baines International Film Circuit path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. trigger#produce lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release pos#: VBN IN UNLABELED Richard J Davis Combat Police Corruption rc#, replies trigger#letter lex#chairman path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-letter->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN TO lc#Letter from ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Northumberland Bestiary London lc#of the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#dealer rc#dealer , pos#, IN , DT path#appos|->appos->dealer->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Ursula Hegi Nazism rc#and the pos#VBZ IN trigger#write ner#PERSON->MISC lex#writes lc#IN SCHOOL REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->about->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Drug Enforcement Don Ferrarone lc#, a trigger#agent path#nn|<-nn<-agent->appos->|appos ner#MISC->PERSON lex#agent rc#, conceded pos#NN , UNLABELED Gueorgui Makharadze Georgian pos#, lc#immunity for pos#, DT JJ trigger#diplomat lex#senior lc#driven by rc#diplomat who ner#PERSON->MISC rc#diplomat , rc#diplomat involved lex#second-ranking path#appos|->appos->diplomat->amod->|amod lc#for directing rc#diplomat here NEGATIVE Jeff Brohm Toronto trigger#resident path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn rc#resident who pos#, , DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Rachel Hulin Kate trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s sister path#poss|<-poss<-sister->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, UNLABELED Brian Karvelis Transfiguration Roman Catholic Church of Williamsburg pos#, NN IN trigger#pastor path#appos|->appos->pastor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#pastor rc#; Msgr ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Olivier Michel France lc#routines ; path#rcmod|->rcmod->return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, describes ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, WP VBZ VBG NN IN NN TO trigger#return lex#returning body brother UNLABELED FDX Corporation Memphis-based lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#holding company path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod pos#, PRP$ trigger#company UNLABELED Ronnie M. Eldridge Democratic pos#, DT trigger#member pos#, DT NN ner#PERSON->MISC lex#freshman lc#agreement was rc#member from path#appos|->appos->member->amod->|amod rc#member of UNLABELED Karri A. Holley Los Angeles-based path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC rc#animal protection trigger#group lex#campaign director Last Chance Animals pos#, NN NN IN JJ NN IN NNS , DT lc#, said UNLABELED Robin Orr Program Planetree lc#according to lex#national director hospital projects rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN NN NNS IN trigger#director UNLABELED DISNEY Theresa Squire lc#THE PITCHFORK ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#By directed sets costumes trigger#costume rc#; lighting path#dep|->dep->costume->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#IN : VBN IN : NNS IN : NNS IN NEGATIVE Mr. Benson Spencer W. Kimball lex#'s predecessor pos#POS NN IN NN CC VBG NN IN DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lc#counselor to lc#It was pos#POS NN , rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-predecessor->appos->|appos trigger#predecessor lex#'s predecessor president living prophet church REL$NA UNLABELED Costacurta AC Milan pos#, WP VBZ IN trigger#play lex#plays rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Philip Noble Exhibit Denied path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->review->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#by trigger#letter trigger#review ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN NN IN DT lex#letter review An UNLABELED Allan Ostar American Association of State Colleges lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said NEGATIVE Boys Bedford-Stuyvesant lc#taught in path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->nn->|nn pos#CC NNP NNP NNP IN DT lex#Girls High School ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#section rc#section of REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Mali Manhattan path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and was trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ron Hill Brown Brothers Harriman pos#, NN NN IN lc#" said lex#research director rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Sun International Hotels Limited New York path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->dobj->office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#office pos#, WDT RB VBD NN TO VB RP DT NNPS NNP NNP IN , MD VB PRP$ NN IN trigger#open rc#in June lex#recently won approval Resorts Casino Hotel open office ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Deitch Knoxville lex#native rc#, trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Robert Berzok Connecticut rc#, said lex#'s chief spokesman pos#, POS NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Dennis Conner America lex#three-time pos#, DT JJ trigger#defeat rc#'s path#appos|->appos->champion->poss->|poss pos#CC PRP$ NN VBD POS path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#team defeated 's rc#[ 3 lc#operated by lc#managed by ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#champion UNLABELED Mr. Rogers Greenwich Internet pos#, DT rc#consultant , trigger#consultant path#appos|->appos->consultant->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Nestle French pos#CC , DT trigger#concern ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#food concern lc#April , path#appos|->appos->concern->amod->|amod REL$NA UNLABELED Pietro Scotti Da Pietro 's path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner pos#, DT NN CC NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner chef rc#, a UNLABELED Directorially Anderson pos#, trigger#have ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#has the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Sarah Boxer Week in Review of TheNew York Times trigger#editor rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-editor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#editor pos#VBZ DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Continental American Stock Exchange pos#POS NNS VBD DT NN NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#rise rc#, closing path#poss|<-poss<-share<-nsubj<-rise->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lex#'s shares rose share today trigger#share UNLABELED New York State Republican Committee William D. Powers rc#, the pos#, lc#of the lex#chairman rc#, accused lc#as the path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->appos->|appos ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-chairman->appos->|appos trigger#chairman pos#NN , UNLABELED Tri-Star Sony ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN lc#by rc#, said lex#division path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#tri-star lc#executives at trigger#division path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN lex#owned NEGATIVE Indira Nehru ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s daughter trigger#daughter pos#CC , path#appos|->appos->daughter->poss->|poss REL$NA lc#But UNLABELED Foreign Service Officer Genoa lex#serving pos#VBG IN trigger#serve path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#as a rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Tallahassee Florida State Seminoles ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#home rc#. lc#field in path#appos|->appos->home->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#home UNLABELED Herb Scannell Nickelodeon Network rc#, who path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , JJ NN NN IN lc#, and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president UNLABELED Harry Keefe Keefe Managers Inc. rc#, a lex#chairman pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Marquette Southwestern Louisiana lex#crushed pos#VBD rc#by path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-crush->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#crush NEGATIVE English University of Idaho lc#of the rc#, discussed lex#department trigger#department path#amod|<-amod<-department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Grace Chang United States lex#creative director immigrated pos#, , DT JJ NN , VBD TO DT rc#from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-immigrate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#immigrate ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Carol M. Rose Jack R. Byrd pos#IN , CC IN , : DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#daughter path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos rc#, of lex#brother trigger#brother lc#daughters , UNLABELED Mr. Evans Ms. Crosland trigger#count rc#to resemble ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#counting pos#VBZ VBG IN lc#now , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-count->prep->on->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Joseph Warren Village Nursing Home rc#in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN WP VBD IN NNS IN NNS CC NNS , VBD IN NNP IN DT trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#character actor appeared dozens plays films died Friday UNLABELED Brazilian Zelia Cardoso de Mello trigger#minister path#amod|<-amod<-minister->appos->|appos pos#NNP NNP , lc#with the lex#Economics Minister rc#, were ner#MISC->PERSON UNLABELED Miss Durante Titania path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ trigger#play lex#plays ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#in which rc#, a UNLABELED Evan G. Galbraith Rochester trigger#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#lawyer and pos#, DT NN NN CC JJ NN TO , DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#investment banker ambassador NEGATIVE Hansel Switch lc#Should trigger#follow ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-follow->dobj->|dobj rc#into the lex#follow pos#VBP REL$NA NEGATIVE Jeremy Thomas Miramax Films path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. trigger#produce lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA pos#: VBN IN UNLABELED Jack Kintzle Iowa rc#farmer who path#appos|->appos->farmer->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#action , ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#farmer UNLABELED Officer Ariza Williamsburg pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#raise path#rcmod|->rcmod->raise->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and has ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#raised lc#" said UNLABELED Furman Selz New York rc#securities firm path#appos|->appos->bank->nn->|nn trigger#bank path#appos|->appos->brokerage->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT RB VBN lc#sublease from trigger#brokerage rc#brokerage firm pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn path#appos|->appos->brokerage->nn->|nn lex#brokerage lc#it owns rc#brokerage and lc#president of rc#. lc#to buy lc#analyst at trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#investment bank lex#privately held rc#investment-banking firm UNLABELED Lowe Group New York path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#from the lc#The lex#acquiring lc#* The lc#And the rc#and other trigger#group pos#, WDT VBZ IN trigger#base trigger#acquire lex#owns pos#IN , VBN IN rc#; he lex#unit pos#IN VBG , , IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#unit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#acquired ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-unit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#for the lex#based pos#NN IN DT IN NEGATIVE Boston Naples path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, of lex#sons brothers trigger#daughter rc#, REL$NA pos#: NNS , , IN , , IN , CC , IN , CC NNS , , IN UNLABELED William Squier Linda Feinberg ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->direct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#direct lex#directed rc#and lc#, by NEGATIVE Council of Economic Advisers University of California lc#of the trigger#professor rc#at ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, , DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#professor UNLABELED Ritz midtown Manhattan lex#West 54th Street ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, (212) 541-8900 lc#, the pos#, NNP NNP NNP , path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos trigger#street UNLABELED Ellen Crystal Irvington lex#runs Children 's path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ DT NNP POS IN trigger#run rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Government-held Medjedja lc#in the lex#village rc#, in pos#NN IN trigger#village ner#MISC->LOCATION path#amod|<-amod<-village->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Randy Myers Paul O'Neill rc#, the pos#VBD lc#and when ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-walk->dobj->|dobj lex#walked trigger#walk REL$NA UNLABELED La Coruna Spain trigger#bear rc#. lc#born in lex#northwestern ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN JJ path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Bushes Boca Grande pos#VBD NN IN lc#The lex#arrived today trigger#arrive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#at the REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Steve Tucker Ian McGowan path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj lex#national lightweight doubles crew faced heavyweight teammates ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#CC , DT JJ JJ VBZ NN , VBD PRP$ JJ NNS , rc#and trigger#face UNLABELED Mr. Boeker Dow Chemical Co trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. pos#VBD RB IN DT UNLABELED Mitsubishi Motors Chrysler Corporation lc#automobiles that pos#POS NN IN DT path#poss|<-poss<-relationship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#relationship rc#, is pos#VBZ VBN VBG TO DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell lex#selling lc#deals , trigger#relationship rc#plummeted to UNLABELED Walker Ruben Acosta lex#wrote ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write pos#VBD TO rc#, president lc#, " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Mikulas Popovic Dr. Gallo pos#, lc#conduct on trigger#deputy ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->deputy->poss->|poss rc#'s chief UNLABELED Mei Siu United States path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#from pos#, WP VBD TO DT trigger#siu ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Barbara Wiener Harris Drury Cohen pos#, DT NN IN DT NN , VBD DT NNS , WDT VBD VBN IN DT JJ NN IN NNS , IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-identify->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman association identified finalists selected initial list agencies trigger#identify rc#in UNLABELED John Clair Salomon Brothers trigger#analyst rc#. lc#, notes lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mike Ditka Payton path#rcmod|->rcmod->coach->dobj->|dobj rc#for ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#coached pos#, WP VBD rc#during the trigger#coach lc#Coach NEGATIVE Catholic Center Moriches trigger#school pos#NN IN rc#, path#amod|<-amod<-school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA lc#through a lex#school NEGATIVE Harry Burma rc#. lc#school , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD TO CC RB , IN , TO REL$NA trigger#go NEGATIVE Mr. Diamond University of Chicago pos#VBD NN POS CC JJ NNS IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#received bachelor 's graduate degrees trigger#receive rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED William Stratton Clark Dayton path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Rifton N.Y. pos#, trigger#a. ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->a.->nn->|nn lc#, rc#A. It UNLABELED Miami Sam Jankovich rc#, bawling lex#athletic director lc#, the pos#JJ NN , ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, gave path#nn|<-nn<-director->appos->|appos lc#had the trigger#director UNLABELED Peter Mosbacher Alliance trigger#director pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss rc#'s executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Ms. Hill Oklahoma State University pos#VBD TO lc#valedictorian , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and majored REL$NA trigger#go NEGATIVE Vladimir Konstantinov Detroit rc#, the pos#, trigger#score path#appos|->appos->defenseman->poss->|poss lex#scored lc#backside of pos#, CC VBD IN rc#'s rugged pos#, DT rc#'s path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#defenseman lc#return of lc#on attacking rc#. rc#defenseman , path#appos|->appos->defenseman->nn->|nn pos#, , CC RB VBD IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Robert Connie Gray path#appos|<-appos<-brother->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of pos#, IN , NNP , CC , IN , , CC NNS , lex#Vt. sisters trigger#brother lc#brothers , UNLABELED Squibb Corporation Yves Saint Laurent pos#VBD PRP$ IN DT NN TO rc#for about lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell lex#part sold division lex#sold division pos#, RB NN IN , VBD PRP$ IN DT NN TO UNLABELED Elliot Gorn Miami University of Ohio pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN trigger#professor rc#. lex#associate professor history path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Project Return Jane Velez lex#'s president rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-president->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , trigger#president NEGATIVE Warriors Sweet rc#for lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#dep|->dep->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#warrior pos#-LRB- -RRB- VBP IN DT REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Hesse Anne Vandervort Hesse lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; a trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Yitzhak Rabin Gaza pos#, WP VBZ RB NNP NNP , VBD trigger#visit lex#Defense Minister visited path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj rc#today and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#Prime Minister UNLABELED Mr. Massey Chinese trigger#talk pos#POS NNS IN DT lc#focus of ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. lex#'s talks path#poss|<-poss<-talk->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Fuchs Robert Morgado lex#'s predecessor ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#clashing with pos#POS NN , rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-predecessor->appos->|appos trigger#predecessor UNLABELED John Tebbel Spanish-American War rc#and the trigger#letter ner#PERSON->MISC lex#letter review Default The path#nn|<-nn<-letter->dep->|dep pos#NN IN NN IN IN NNP : DT UNLABELED Croatian Kiseljak pos#JJ NN IN trigger#town lex#enclave lex#militia-held town path#amod|<-amod<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#from the path#amod|<-amod<-enclave->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lc#the nearby trigger#enclave ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#has long rc#to UNLABELED Zuzeng Jiming Yu path#appos|<-appos<-brother->appos->|appos pos#, CC NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#sister lc#brother , rc#, both trigger#brother UNLABELED Van Gordon Sauter CBS Sports lex#president lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#. '' NEGATIVE White Sox Torre pos#, lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#noted , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-note->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#note REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Rhee Mr. Kelly trigger#pay pos#VBD rc#at least ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->dobj->|dobj lex#paid NEGATIVE Europe State Department ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-send->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#send trigger#work lc#sent to path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#work in rc#and for REL$NA pos#IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Richard H. Wessman Nuclear Regulatory Commission lex#project director pos#, NN NN IN DT IN DT rc#, stressed path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#Officials Say ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED DANIEL WOLF Kisselgoff ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-chairman->appos->|appos pos#NNP , , NNP rc#replies : trigger#chairman lex#Chairman Ms. NEGATIVE Jeff George Oakland path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD IN NNS CC NNS , RB VBD lex#threw yards touchdowns immediately trigger#take rc#yards ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Army Fort Ord lc#of the path#nn|<-nn<-base->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, the trigger#base pos#NN IN rc#, lex#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Graham Sanders English pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#singer path#appos|->appos->singer->amod->|amod lc#to rc#singer who UNLABELED Ricardo V. Luna Peru pos#, path#appos|->appos->ambassador->poss->|poss rc#'s Ambassador trigger#ambassador lc#) by ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Rod Rust New England pos#, DT JJ trigger#assistant rc#assistant who path#appos|->appos->assistant->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#is reportedly NEGATIVE Joan Mellen Boyle path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#teaches film creative writing presents rc#as a pos#, WP VBZ NN CC JJ NN IN , VBZ lc#, " REL$NA trigger#present UNLABELED Boulder JonBenet Ramsey trigger#kill lc#house in ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#was killed pos#, , WRB path#rcmod|->rcmod->kill->nsubjpass->|nsubjpass UNLABELED Dr. Alfred Tuchfarber University of Cincinnati trigger#director rc#. lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN DT IN DT path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Monserrate Emily ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, describes lex#'s wife trigger#wife lc#, which UNLABELED Edwin F. Hale Baltimore lc#led by trigger#executive pos#, DT rc#executive , path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Stephen L. Gordon Cravath pos#, NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner lex#tax partner rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Cipa Dichter North Salem lc#, '' pos#, DT NN , WP VBZ IN rc#, said lex#pianist lives path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Thomas K Duane New York City Council lex#openly gay member lc#to succeed path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#, attracts ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, RB JJ NN IN UNLABELED Chicago Full Circle Fund ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#have pos#, DT lc#In rc#, had path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-have->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Valerie J. Bogart Legal Services trigger#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN lex#lawyer lc#According to rc#for the lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said pos#, DT NN IN trigger#director NEGATIVE Merrill Lynch Paris path#poss|<-poss<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN lc#head of lex#'s office trigger#office rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA rc#, which UNLABELED Ali Ali Al-Adhadh Geneva lex#opposition group 's representative lc#commission , path#appos|->appos->representative->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN POS NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, told trigger#representative UNLABELED Mr. Cabot Godfrey Lowell Cabot path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#father pos#POS NN , rc#, was lex#'s father NEGATIVE Bob Anderson Congress path#appos|->appos->candidate->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN lex#candidate lc#was that ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA rc#in trigger#candidate NEGATIVE Cherie Mary-Louise Parker lex#played ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play rc#. pos#, VBN IN lc#, and path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Rhein Darien path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#, , WP VBZ IN trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives UNLABELED Lubovitch Metropolitan Opera House trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#The quintessential lex#happily display Tuesday pos#VBD RB IN NN NNP IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, when NEGATIVE Gregg Smith Miami pos#, path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss rc#'s offensive ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#coach lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Avrorin Chelyabinsk-70 rc#, presented trigger#scientist lex#chief scientist lc#, and path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Mohammed Aslam Afghan National Liberation Front lex#senior commander trigger#commander rc#, said path#appos|->appos->commander->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Joan Ostroff M. I. Hummel Club trigger#director lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#executive director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#. '' UNLABELED MANDELA Nelson Mandela United States path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#left lc#VISIT FROM trigger#leave pos#VBD IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#on a UNLABELED Super Stop Mount Vernon rc#to buy lex#grocery store lc#to the trigger#store path#nn|<-nn<-store->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#NN NN IN IN UNLABELED John Powis East Brooklyn Churches path#appos|->appos->co-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN lex#co-chairman ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#co-chairman rc#, a UNLABELED Steve Duprey Mr. Giuliani ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#wanted , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-advise->dobj->|dobj rc#in private trigger#advise lex#state chairman advised pos#, DT NN NN , VBD UNLABELED Ravi Bhatia Citibank rc#in lex#vice president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Bank of New York Republic New York Corporation trigger#bring lc#to the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-bring->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Toronto Brenda lex#lives wife lc#from downtown ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. pos#, WRB PRP VBZ IN PRP$ NN , trigger#live trigger#wife path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->with->pobj->wife->appos->|appos UNLABELED Jason Boe University Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->of->pobj->attack->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NNP IN DT WP VBD DT IN DT POS , VBD IN DT NN NN IN NNP IN lex#President dominated 's died heart attack Tuesday lc#LEAD : trigger#die rc#here . ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#attack UNLABELED Eileen Roper Ast Bozell lc#employees ; pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#spokeswoman , trigger#spokeswoman lex#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn pos#, DT NN IN rc#in lc#But UNLABELED Foreign Ministry Shamshad Ahmed pos#, lc#of the rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-secretary->appos->|appos trigger#secretary UNLABELED Dr. Charles Engh Mount Vernon Hospital path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#runs teaching practice trigger#run pos#, WP VBZ DT NN NN IN lc#Experts like ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Jets DON SILVESTRI pos#VBP RB RB VBN lc#The trigger#see rc#, who ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Distinguished Lecture Staller Center lc#This University lex#held rc#of the pos#MD VB VBN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#hold path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Loup Garou Cajun pos#, DT lc#dancing to path#appos|->appos->band->nn->|nn rc#band . ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#band REL$NA UNLABELED Debs Myers Mayor Robert F. Wagner pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, as path#appos|->appos->spokesman->poss->|poss rc#'s spokesman trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Brewers Mike Matheny pos#, ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#hit a trigger#hit REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Raymond Baltch Queens rc#for path#appos|->appos->attorney->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#attorney lex#principal attorney UNLABELED Mrs. Felissaint Mr. Bong ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD RB VBN lex#identified path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-identify->dobj->|dobj rc#. trigger#identify lc#He said UNLABELED Luisa Manhattan rc#; a lc#wife , path#appos|<-appos<-wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#wife ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Daniel Patrick Moynihan Mr. Koch ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#to Senator lex#top aide pos#, , DT JJ JJ NN TO rc#, path#appos|->appos->aide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#aide UNLABELED David A. Pendlebury I.S.I. path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#, suggested lex#analyst ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Dr. Jones Kansas City trigger#go pos#VBD TO lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Mitch Levy Interpublic Group of Companies lc#; lex#group creative director part unit rc#, and path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#part trigger#unit pos#, , JJ NN JJ NN IN IN , NN IN DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Warner Brothers Steven Spielberg path#rcmod|->rcmod->belong->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#. pos#, WDT RB VBD TO lex#belonged lc#offices at trigger#belong REL$NA UNLABELED Hubbell Robinson Jr. CBS path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#she married lex#vice president rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED FIT TV International Family Entertainment and Body rc#by trigger#tv ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, , NNP , VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#Va. owned UNLABELED Brosius Edison Field rc#this path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-walk->prep->into->pobj->|pobj lex#walked trigger#walk ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED James A. Baker Soviets path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj pos#RB VBD DT lex#praised lc#of State trigger#praise lex#diplomats accused rc#of failing pos#CC NNS VBD DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#accuse rc#, urging UNLABELED Mr. Rosecrance University of California trigger#scientist rc#, path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#political scientist pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Hennessy Lukas ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT lc#against path#appos|->appos->star->nn->|nn trigger#star rc#star , NEGATIVE Tom Prince Buffalo trigger#purchase path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-contract<-dobj<-purchase->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN , IN rc#. trigger#contract lc#contract of ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#catcher UNLABELED Mr. Cuomo Mr. Schneider pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#call lex#called path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->nsubj->|nsubj rc#. lc#, " NEGATIVE Claridge Seagram lex#investment arm head trigger#head ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#; the path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#consists of pos#, DT NN NN IN , DT NN IN UNLABELED Deborah Shinn Cooper-Hewitt Museum lex#assistant curator applied arts rc#, and path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#pantry to ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN VBN NNS IN DT trigger#curator UNLABELED Jonsson Aleksandr Volkov lex#beat second-seeded trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD JJ rc#, also UNLABELED Melania Sobanska-Bondaruk Education Ministry trigger#official pos#, DT rc#official who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn UNLABELED Fed Democrat rc#who heads lex#chairman ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#NN CC , DT path#nn|<-nn<-chairman->appos->|appos lc#has as trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Messier Ranger pos#, DT JJ trigger#score lex#scored goal trigger#give pos#IN , DT pos#, DT lc#all to rc#at pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->captain->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC pos#CC RB VBD rc#captain who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#finally gave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->prep->as->pobj->|pobj rc#fans something lc#between trigger#captain ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#captain , REL$NA UNLABELED Joseph Henry Hartzler Columbus path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN , IN trigger#bear rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED John Jay CUNY trigger#win pos#VBZ RB VBN DT trigger#championship rc#championship . path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->championship->nn->|nn lex#won ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Stephen Booth University of California trigger#scholar rc#at path#appos|->appos->scholar->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#renowned scholar REL$NA pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Dr. David Wong Colorado rc#until recently lex#orthopedist largest review organization pos#, DT NN , DT JJS NN NN IN trigger#organization path#appos|->appos->organization->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said NEGATIVE Cesar Maia Democratic Labor Party lex#economist spokesman center-left pos#, DT NN CC NN IN DT JJ rc#, said path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#Representative ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#economist UNLABELED Allen R. Adams DSC Communications path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN JJ NN IN rc#, acknowledged ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#vice president strategic planning trigger#president UNLABELED Moise Gewoelb Jews lc#'' said ner#PERSON->MISC rc#in the path#partmod|->partmod->represent->dobj->|dobj pos#, VBG lex#representing trigger#represent UNLABELED John Boehner House Republican Conference lex#chairman pos#IN , DT NN IN DT rc#, said pos#IN , NN IN DT lc#But Representative rc#. lc#check out ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Andrew G. Vajna Buena Vista Pictures Distribution path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. pos#CC : VBN IN trigger#produce lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release UNLABELED Mr. Harley Bronx trigger#have rc#. lex#friends quick wit fine sense humor job path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP$ NNS VBD PRP IN VBG DT JJ NN CC JJ NN IN NN , VBD DT NN IN IN IN DT UNLABELED British Telecommunications MCI Communications Corp lex#takeover pos#POS NN IN lc#endorses ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, to trigger#takeover path#poss|<-poss<-takeover->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Zhu Hong China Initiative pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#who was lex#secretary trigger#secretary ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Lament Sergei A. Kovalev Grozny trigger#be pos#, NNP POS JJ JJ NNS NN , VBZ VBN IN rc#for nearly path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'s ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#President 's top human rights representative UNLABELED Basketball DePaul David Booth trigger#score ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#LEAD : rc#scored his pos#, : path#dep|->dep->score->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED General Motors Corporation Tracker lex#makes ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#, said trigger#make path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj lc#for the pos#, WDT VBZ DT NEGATIVE Milan Brooklyn pos#POS , NN IN lex#'s restaurant rc#. path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#restaurant ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#reviews REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Heimann American Brands path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->as->pobj->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#serve pos#VBD IN NN CC JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->MISC rc#from lex#served chairman chief executive lc#sociology , trigger#chairman UNLABELED Millburn School District Vova lc#of the trigger#district pos#, WRB ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->nsubj->|nsubj rc#is in UNLABELED Al Weis Disney Resorts lc#according to rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president UNLABELED Bob Dole Mr. Packwood pos#, path#appos|->appos->friend->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s longtime trigger#friend POSITIVE Vanderbilt Stadium Nashville pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/location/containedby path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-move->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#move lc#to UNLABELED Mr. Ellenoff Bronx pos#VBD VBN IN DT path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear rc#. lex#born ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Stanley Trail Northern Illinois University trigger#professor lex#retired professor mathematics path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN NNS IN rc#in lc#But UNLABELED Moorer Foreman trigger#look lex#looked rc#and said path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-look->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#normally taciturn ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Salvatore Giordano Fedders trigger#leader rc#who is lex#longtime leader path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , DT JJ NN IN lc#son of ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Magaros Manhattan lc#The rc#, were pos#, WP VBP IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#magaros UNLABELED Lawrence H. Summers Jakarta pos#, WP VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#Secretary rc#earlier this ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#summers UNLABELED Lageman Jaguars lc#good chance pos#MD VB RB IN DT lex#sign immediately ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#sign path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, provided NEGATIVE Tours United States Postal Service trigger#win rc#did not pos#, IN CC JJ , path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-win->nsubj->|nsubj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc# NEGATIVE Zhu China lc#" President path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-refer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#runs pos#, WP VBZ path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->dobj->|dobj trigger#refer rc#as a trigger#run rc#day-to-day , pos#, PRP RB VBP TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#refer REL$NA lc#photo ; NEGATIVE Starks Don Nelson path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-sign->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#recently signed ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. pos#VBD VBN RB VBN IN REL$NA trigger#sign UNLABELED Stephen Wausau rc#, Wis. lc#son , trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Donald F. Donahue Depository Trust pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Venus Eros ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#VBZ trigger#send path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj lc#So lex#sends rc#( or UNLABELED Anthony Dowell Swan Lake lex#'s staging ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#" was trigger#staging rc#" on pos#POS NN IN `` lc#Odette-Odile in lc#more often path#poss|<-poss<-staging->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Furst London-based Holoco trigger#own lex#early designers laser special effects owned pos#, WP VBD IN DT JJ NNS IN NN JJ NNS , VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Lvov Courtyard pos#, NN IN `` DT trigger#author lex#author The rc#, " lc#and path#appos|->appos->author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Peter Clark Canadian pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC rc#trade negotiator path#appos|->appos->negotiator->amod->|amod trigger#negotiator REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Hellenistic Messene path#nn|<-nn<-city->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#from the lc#, the pos#NN IN trigger#city ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#city UNLABELED Samir El-Sayed Jersey City path#appos|->appos->driver->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#driver lex#taxi driver rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#" said NEGATIVE Lionel Barrymore Macbeth ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#appeared rc#, " pos#VBD RB IN `` REL$NA lc#'s , trigger#appear UNLABELED Helen Bashford Jamieson Award rc#as trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#won UNLABELED Charles Schreiber House of Heydenryk pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Razorbacks Aggies lc#, deeper rc#down and pos#RB VBD DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#finally wore trigger#wear path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-wear->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Francis X. Fortunato Mr. Florio ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#, formally pos#, DT NN TO trigger#adviser lex#adviser rc#while he UNLABELED William O'Meara Norwood pos#, , NN IN DT IN IN trigger#owner rc#. path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner lc#" said UNLABELED Lisa Heher Claris Schwing trigger#sister pos#IN : DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#daughter , rc#of lex#sister trigger#daughter path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->sister->appos->|appos UNLABELED Clyde Yates Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority lex#retired employee pos#, DT VBN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->employee->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#employee rc#in UNLABELED Richard Orlando lc#son , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Pope Cardinal Sodano path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#and other lc#said the trigger#meet pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Phoenix Mutombo pos#MD VB ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#acquire rc#, while path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj trigger#acquire lc#exchange , UNLABELED David Rockefeller Sr. Rockefeller clan pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, fought trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#spring , UNLABELED Mr. Temperley Gerry Mulligan pos#VBZ RB VB IN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sound->prep->like->pobj->|pobj lex#n't sound trigger#sound UNLABELED David Readerman Montgomery Securities lc#quotation from lc#'' said rc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, who lc#according to lex#software industry analyst trigger#analyst lex#senior analyst rc#, noted pos#, DT NN NN NN IN rc#, and rc#. rc#, has lex#software analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst pos#, DT JJ NN IN lex#computer industry analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#computer analyst pos#, DT NN IN pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#in lc#" said rc#. '' NEGATIVE Mike Ross Sacramento pos#, DT NNS NN IN lex#communications engineer path#appos|->appos->engineer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, gave ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#engineer UNLABELED Richard Leonard Xtreme Inc. lc#" said rc#, a path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Doug Wald Exxon pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Brooklyn Clintons rc#of reneging ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->accuse->dobj->|dobj pos#, WRB PRP VBD DT lex#accused lc#rally in trigger#accuse UNLABELED Mr. D'Amato Clintons trigger#criticize pos#, WP RB VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->criticize->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#harshly criticized rc#during the lc#glory to UNLABELED Richard Seligman ESG lc#'' said trigger#specialist rc#, formerly path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#retail specialist pos#, DT JJ NN IN NNP NEGATIVE Graham Philadelphia Eagles pos#VBD IN IN DT lex#started trigger#start path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->against->pobj->|pobj lc#So ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and played REL$NA UNLABELED British Lieut. Gen. Sir Peter de la Billiere rc#, the path#amod|<-amod<-commander->appos->|appos trigger#commander rc#, said lc#The lc#were the ner#MISC->PERSON lex#commander pos#NN , NEGATIVE Western Poznan lc#in the path#amod|<-amod<-city->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN trigger#city rc#was followed REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#city UNLABELED Judith Laura E. Phinney ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter rc#, and lc#wife , trigger#daughter pos#, IN : DT NN , trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife->dep->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Doreen Goldsmith Scarsdale Exchange trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said lex#manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Robin Pemberton Jack Roush Thunderbird path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#crew chief rc#, driven pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chief UNLABELED Abhay Kewadkar Grover Vineyards trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#general manager lc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN UNLABELED Labor and Human Resources Committee Republicans lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#: WRB rc#hold a lex#-- path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#hold UNLABELED Michael Murphy Overpriced Stock Service path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#publisher pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#editor lc#" warned pos#, NN IN pos#, NN IN DT trigger#write lc#negative is lex#editor The lc#To path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor path#rcmod|->rcmod->write->dobj->|dobj lex#writes rc#, an pos#, WP VBZ DT lc#comes from ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#publisher lc#Prices High rc#in lc#" said rc#, a UNLABELED Harry Boyte Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs lc#" said trigger#fellow path#appos|->appos->fellow->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#at the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT lex#senior fellow UNLABELED Boyette Noriega ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN trigger#go UNLABELED Cavanaughs Knowlton Township lc#The path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBP IN lex#live trigger#live ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#and work UNLABELED GIANTS PLAYOFFS rc#? ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#WILL THE trigger#make lex#MAKE THE pos#VBP DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Agriculture Eisenhower Administration rc#, died path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-secretary->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. rc#, was trigger#secretary pos#IN DT lc#Secretary of UNLABELED Paul M Zasky Frank Rich trigger#letter path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->column->poss->|poss rc#'s ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#letter pos#NN IN trigger#column UNLABELED Dr. Savita Pahwa North Shore University Hospital-Cornell Medical College lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#chief pediatric alllergy immunology pos#, NN IN JJ NN CC NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chief rc#in NEGATIVE Citibank Manila path#poss|<-poss<-branch->nn->|nn rc#branch , lex#'s pos#POS trigger#branch ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lc#funds in UNLABELED Mark Davies Conflicts of Interest Board rc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Fiske Mr. Nussbaum lex#wrote ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#, " pos#VBD IN UNLABELED John Cronin Gov George E Pataki pos#IN , , ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#counsel rc#'s counsel path#appos|->appos->counsel->poss->|poss UNLABELED Daniel T. Jones Cardiff Business School lex#automotive industry researcher pos#, DT NN IN NN NN NN IN DT pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->researcher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#at the path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#professor motor industry management ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT lc#, said lex#professor rc#in lc#" said trigger#researcher UNLABELED Mr. Koch Mr. Abrams pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#fault rc#for refusing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fault->dobj->|dobj lex#faulted NEGATIVE Henderson American League Championship Series trigger#henderson ner#PERSON->MISC lex#terrible pos#, WP VBD DT JJ path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->dobj->|dobj rc#with a REL$NA NEGATIVE Bristol Hamilton College ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attend->dobj->|dobj lc#, Mr. lex#attended REL$NA trigger#attend rc#in UNLABELED O'Donnell Kotite trigger#go ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#Rich path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN TO NNP rc#to UNLABELED Ken Bullock Georgia lc#part , lex#performance artist trigger#artist path#appos|->appos->artist->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#, does UNLABELED Andre Alves Cafe Wha lex#promoter began path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN , VBD IN rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#begin UNLABELED Gazan Khan Yunis lc#in the trigger#town lc#the south lex#town rc#. path#amod|<-amod<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON pos#NN IN rc#, where ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Amal Mustafa Dirani path#poss|<-poss<-chief->appos->|appos ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, had lex#'s shadowy security chief lc#said that pos#POS JJ NN NN , trigger#chief UNLABELED Sheryl De Leo Westchester County STOP-D.W.I. Program pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Koch David Dinkins ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#loss lex#'s election loss pos#POS NN NN TO path#poss|<-poss<-loss->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#responsible for NEGATIVE John Read Harvard lc#by ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#graduate and lex#lawyer minister trigger#graduate pos#, DT NN , NN , path#appos|->appos->graduate->nn->|nn REL$NA UNLABELED Zbigniew Jarecki Gdansk trigger#delegate lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->delegate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#delegate ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Belgian Hungary lex#fled lc#thick-set naturalized trigger#flee path#rcmod|->rcmod->flee->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#in pos#WP VBD UNLABELED Rabbi Schneerson Lubavitch pos#VBD rc#for lc#worldwide , trigger#lead lex#led path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Davar Rad Crown Properties lex#chairman lc#'' said ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Fanny Henry lc#) , lex#discovers ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ trigger#discover rc#in bed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-discover->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Howard E. W. Scripps Company rc#, the pos#VBD IN NN IN DT trigger#serve ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#served president The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->as->pobj->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president NEGATIVE Max Gottlieb Grainne Marmion lc#designer , lex#produced ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-director->amod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#produce rc#; released REL$NA pos#: VBN IN trigger#director UNLABELED United States Banknote International Banknote ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#MD VB lc#proposal , rc#, and lex#acquire path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj trigger#acquire UNLABELED William Roger Connole Washington trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Sotheby John Welch pos#POS VBZ VBG PRP TO ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#attribute path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attribute->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#carving , lex#'s attributing rc#, a UNLABELED Kings Point and Great Neck Tackapousha path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-sell->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#sold settlers Chief ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#to become trigger#sell rc#of the pos#VBD VBN TO NNS IN NNP UNLABELED United States Montreal Protocol ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT lc#The lex#signed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->|dobj rc#, which trigger#sign UNLABELED SHILOH Legacy Releasing ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#partmod|->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#VBN CC VBN IN : VBN IN DT NN IN : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN CC : VBN IN lex#Written directed based director photography edited music production designer produced released trigger#release UNLABELED Mr. Zakaria Mr. Markhasev lc#insisted that ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD VBN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#on the trigger#zakaria UNLABELED Marvin Eisenstadt Ben path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#cafeteria that trigger#father pos#POS NN , rc#, operated lex#'s father UNLABELED Mr. Rewolinski Pierce County Sheriff 's Department pos#VBD DT trigger#call rc#and confessed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj lex#called lc#pieces , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Brad Canham The Independent rc#, the trigger#reporter lex#reporter path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said UNLABELED MARWAN MUASHER Jordan Information Bureau Washington pos#NNP , rc#, lex#Director path#nn|<-nn<-director->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Woldt The Times lex#joined pos#VBD rc#last trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Crain Communications Inc. Advertising Age lex#publishing company owns ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN WDT VBZ rc#, trigger#company REL$NA lc#of path#appos|->appos->company->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Ben Brantley Pirandello lc#When trigger#describe ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->prep->as->pobj->|pobj rc#on Prozac lex#writing 's film-noir satire '' Eye '' '' pos#, VBG IN , VBD POS JJ NN '' IN DT NNP '' IN '' REL$NA UNLABELED Tien Chiau Mr. Chung path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-shoot->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#The pos#VBG RB VBD rc#because lex#shooting reportedly infuriated trigger#shoot UNLABELED Pollock-Krasner House And Study Center Besides Jackson Pollock ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#role historic house study center home pos#PRP$ NN IN DT JJ NN CC NN NN , DT JJ NN IN trigger#home path#appos|->appos->home->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and UNLABELED Richard Redoglio Merrill Lynch Energy Futures path#appos|->appos->strategist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#strategist trigger#strategist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Jennifer Goodale Philip Morris trigger#manager rc#, said lex#manager cultural programs path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN JJ NNS IN UNLABELED Ronaldo H. Schmitz Deutsche Bank pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn lc#along with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#director who trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Lee Koreans lex#put blame crisis largely rc#: they path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#put pos#VBD DT NN IN DT NN RB IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Habibie Carlos Ximenes Belo ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of pos#RB RB VBD NNP lex#recently met Bishop trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Blackie Hillsborough lex#survived wife son trigger#survive pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , : DT NN , , IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->dobj->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. McEwen State Senate rc#for trigger#serve path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#served UNLABELED Mr. Crotty Bell Atlantic trigger#president lc#'' said lex#group president ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->president->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB DT NN NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Warner Brothers New York-born path#appos|->appos->executive->amod->|amod ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#executive was trigger#executive pos#, DT lc#contract with UNLABELED Red Tape East Ninth Street pos#JJ NN IN lc#, opened trigger#open path#dobj|<-dobj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#( between lex#week UNLABELED Willie Jones Community Investment Coalition lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in trigger#director NEGATIVE Casey Martin Stanford pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->captain->nn->|nn rc#captain in trigger#captain ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Bartow-Pell Mansion Bronx lc#to the path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-move->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#to escape ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#move REL$NA pos#IN DT NEGATIVE East Side Congress path#rcmod|->rcmod->send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#send pos#, WDT VBD CC TO ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, was lc#'s REL$NA NEGATIVE Jon Pareles Marshall Crenshaw lex#reviews concert pop singer ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#at trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->performance->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#performance trigger#concert path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->concert->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NN IN NN NN rc#, at lex#reviews performance pop singer REL$NA UNLABELED Lord The Beauty of the Beast ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->book->dobj->|dobj trigger#review rc#. lex#reviews books trigger#book lc#M G pos#VBZ NNS UNLABELED Walter E. Wells of Constantine Sara Elkin ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, , DT NN , lex#daughter lc#son , rc#of path#appos|<-appos<-son->appos->|appos trigger#son UNLABELED Norman J. Shapiro Vanguard Securities rc#, said lex#senior vice president equity trading path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED David Helen Iloulian ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#sons , rc#of trigger#daughter trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#CC -RRB- , DT IN , : CC , DT IN : DT NN , UNLABELED Smith Peter Schaffer lex#'s agent lc#grievance , rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-agent->appos->|appos rc#, have lc#and NEGATIVE Richard Watkins Republican trigger#mayor pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->mayor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC rc#Mayor of REL$NA UNLABELED Jane Bruckel Ankylosing Spondylitis Association trigger#director pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Johnson Reagan path#rcmod|->rcmod->appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#appointed President rc#on trigger#appoint pos#, WP VBD VBN TO DT IN NNP UNLABELED Lord Griffiths Schools Examinations trigger#head ner#PERSON->MISC lex#heads rc#and pos#, WP VBZ DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Ronald Morse Japan path#appos|->appos->expert->nn->|nn trigger#expert pos#, DT lc#For rc#expert and ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Emerson Foote Carmel lex#outspoken co-founder advertising agency chairman died Sunday convalescent home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT , NN NN CC JJ NN IN , VBD IN NNP IN DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Denver Manhattan pos#: DT NN , , IN pos#CC , , WRB PRP VBD IN lex#moved path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, of rc#, and lc#in trigger#daughter rc#. lex#brother trigger#move path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Mrs. Duvalier French Alps pos#VBD PRP CC PRP$ NN IN NN , RB IN DT trigger#join lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and then path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#joined wife exile UNLABELED Mr. Stefani State Control Commission lex#chairman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#said that pos#MD VB NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Estimond Sifford Miami pos#, WP VBZ IN rc#and was path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Lack Mr. Gumbel pos#RB VBD rc#" to ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj trigger#ask UNLABELED BEVERLY United Church of Christ Cleveland lex#J. CHAIN Director Communication ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NNP NNP NNP IN NNP , rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-director->appos->|appos trigger#director UNLABELED Robert Bennett Pres Clinton pos#, trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s personal path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss lc#Editorial scores UNLABELED Ms. Leder Hannah Werntz pos#VBD PRP$ JJ NN , lc#, '' ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#cast child trigger#cast path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-cast->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED David Protess Northwestern University rc#, uncover trigger#professor pos#, DT NN IN NN IN lc#, and lex#professor journalism lc#guided by rc#, have lex#journalism professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Mr. North Mr. George pos#VBD trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave rc#a copy lc#meeting , UNLABELED David Cummins Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania lex#insurance professor lc#" said trigger#professor pos#, DT NN IN NN IN DT rc#. lex#professor insurance path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Nigeria Ogbogu lex#returned regularly business lc#carjacking in path#dep|->dep->be->nsubj->|nsubj ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#was in trigger#nigeria pos#, WRB PRP VBD RB IN NN , WRB UNLABELED Edward Alice pos#, CC NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#father , rc#; a trigger#father lex#mother path#appos|<-appos<-father->appos->|appos UNLABELED Mr. Lane Shearson trigger#spend ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN CC POS , VBD PRP$ NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->spend->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD VBN DT NN CC NN VBG NN IN lex#graduate 's spent career rc#, was rc#and with path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president chief operating officer lc#move , ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Stich Sampras pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#beat third-seeded path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-break->dobj->|dobj lex#broke rc#, rc#for the pos#VBD DT JJ trigger#break UNLABELED Bill Elmore English pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#, and rc#teacher , path#appos|->appos->teacher->amod->|amod trigger#teacher UNLABELED John Jr. Darien lc#son , rc#, and trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED John Ciferni Tarzian Hardware trigger#work ner#PERSON->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, , WP VBZ IN rc#across the lex#works UNLABELED GLS & Associates New Preston rc#, Conn. pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lc#president of path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#pharmaceutical consulting firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#firm UNLABELED Yanyu Guo Orfeo lc#returnee is rc#last ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->sing->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD lex#sang trigger#sing UNLABELED Stanley R. Fimberg Mr. Reynolds pos#, lc#have sued trigger#manager ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss rc#'s former UNLABELED Jerzy Popieluszko Roman Catholic pos#, DT lc#the Rev. ner#PERSON->MISC lc#The Rev. pos#, DT JJ JJ trigger#priest lex#charismatic young path#appos|->appos->priest->nn->|nn rc#priest who NEGATIVE Mercer County Republicans lc#organization in rc#have been pos#, WRB path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#make ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA UNLABELED Global Nuclear Services and Supply Ltd. Washington pos#, DT lc#president of rc#company that trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED Gen. Mikhail A. Moiseyev Soviet trigger#minister lc#, warned rc#officer . pos#, DT pos#, DT VBG ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->officer->amod->|amod trigger#officer rc#Chief of rc#Defense Minister lc#Tuesday with lex#acting trigger#chief path#appos|->appos->minister->amod->|amod lc#of path#appos|->appos->chief->amod->|amod UNLABELED Clinton Father Aristide pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#defend lex#defended path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defend->dobj->|dobj rc#today against lc#President UNLABELED Nationalist Government Communists trigger#lose pos#VBD TO DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#in the lex#lost path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#that the UNLABELED Sheila Terrance path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-place->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ lex#places ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#place rc#and UNLABELED Michael Foley Heineken USA lex#president pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#president chief executive ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Republican Mr. Conrad lc#, a lex#sister married pos#, WP$ NN VBD RB VBN TO path#rcmod|->rcmod->marry->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, sharply ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#marry UNLABELED Edward J. Mary Manning lex#Mass. Vt. Mass. mother brother sister pos#, IN , NNP : , IN , NNP : , IN , CC , IN , NNP : PRP$ NN , IN , : DT NN , , RB IN , CC DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#sons , rc#of path#appos|<-appos<-son->appos->|appos trigger#son UNLABELED Genethia Hayes Nate Holden lex#defeated incumbent member victors Tuesday included ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-include->dobj->|dobj lc#board , trigger#include pos#, WP VBD DT JJ NN , , JJ NNS IN NNP VBD rc#, a UNLABELED Freedom of Information Act University of California trigger#professor rc#at lex#professor physics pos#, , DT NN IN NNS IN DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#Under the UNLABELED BOBBY SMITH Coyotes pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#' vice trigger#president UNLABELED Ms. Jordan American Fitness ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#editor rc#magazine , path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->in->pobj->chief->prep->of->pobj->magazine->nn->|nn lex#editor chief trigger#chief trigger#magazine pos#, NN IN NN IN UNLABELED Albert Mitchler National Republican Senatorial Committee rc#, said lex#finance director pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Social Democrats Hans-Jochen Vogel trigger#leader pos#POS NN , lc#said the ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, was lex#leader path#poss|<-poss<-leader->appos->|appos REL$NA UNLABELED KNOXVILLE CHEROKEES Tim Bernal trigger#manager pos#: VBN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#-- Named path#dep|->dep->manager->nn->|nn rc#general manager lc# NEGATIVE Ramath Orah Rabbi trigger#found ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD VBN IN IN DT NNP rc#of lex#founded Chief path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Philip Palmedo Long Island Research Institute rc#, the lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#According to ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Abdel Wahab Elabd Baltimore-Luxor-Alexandria Sister City Committee pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#chairman rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Robert A. Orben Cummins Engine lex#vice president accounting policy rc#, and pos#, DT NN NN IN NN NN IN lc#board ; path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Horace J. McAfee Presbyterian Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN WP VBD VBN IN IN JJR IN , VBD IN NNP IN trigger#die lex#retired lawyer practiced died Friday ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Patricia Taylor Alcohol Policies Project of the Center for Science lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT rc#in the lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Weiswasser Capital Cities trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN WP VBD lc#But ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#lawyer represented path#appos|->appos->lawyer->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj rc#before joining trigger#represent NEGATIVE Mary Jones Kershaw County School District pos#, NN IN DT rc#, who lex#superintendent trigger#superintendent path#appos|->appos->superintendent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Steve Cuomo Cannondale pos#, trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss rc#'s bicycle ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Kurt Kruger Nationsbanc Montgomery Securities rc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst pos#, DT NN IN IN lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Sanchez Vicario Golarsa pos#VBD rc#times path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-break->dobj->|dobj lex#broke ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#break lc#But UNLABELED Representative Alan Wheat Democrat ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#seeking the path#rcmod|->rcmod->seek->nsubj->|nsubj lc#speaking of trigger#seek UNLABELED Loren Berry mid-America rc#; trigger#bring pos#VBD DT TO ner#PERSON->MISC lex#brought path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Edvin Wide Olympic Games trigger#win path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#won medals rc#and set pos#, WP VBD NNS IN REL$NA NEGATIVE Frank Viola Pittsburgh pos#CC TO trigger#send ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#today to path#dobj|<-dobj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#even sent UNLABELED William Schmidt Mr. Schmidt pos#CC IN DT NN IN rc#; director ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#story trigger#write path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#written by UNLABELED Ovation Instruments Kaman trigger#instruments ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#factory as lex#owned pos#, RB VBN IN UNLABELED Ed Rollins Reagan trigger#manager ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#campaign manager pos#, DT lc#campaign and path#appos|->appos->manager->nn->|nn NEGATIVE William Mulholland Irish pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#immigrant who lc#ends with path#appos|->appos->immigrant->amod->|amod trigger#immigrant REL$NA UNLABELED Borromeo String Quartet Dvorak path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ trigger#play lc#, the lex#plays ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, UNLABELED Honduran Carlos Flores Facusse lex#President pos#NNP , ner#MISC->PERSON path#amod|<-amod<-president->appos->|appos rc#, told trigger#president lc#'' the UNLABELED John Cleary Medicaid trigger#director ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, NN NN NN IN rc#and path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said lex#deputy executive director UNLABELED Dr. Paul E. Gray Massachusetts Institute of Technology pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#chairman lc#, and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and a trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Yankees Andy Stankiewicz rc#to a pos#RB VBN lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#signed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->|dobj REL$NA trigger#sign NEGATIVE West End Smokey Joe lc#in the path#nn|<-nn<-production->dep->|dep rc#'s '' pos#NN IN '' ner#MISC->PERSON lex#production '' trigger#production REL$NA NEGATIVE Europeans Congress of Vienna path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->dobj->|dobj rc#'' ; lc#that worried ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#hold pos#VBP '' DT lex#hold '' NEGATIVE Shuler Saints path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-acquire->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN DT lex#acquired trigger#acquire rc#last season ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Mark Brown Tokyo trigger#analyst rc#. pos#, DT NN IN IN lex#analyst ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Clinton Ms. Reno trigger#speak rc#to adopt path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD pos#MD VB pos#, WP MD VB TO NNP NNP TO VB IN NNS CC TO NNP IN DT VB IN NNS , RB , IN RB , VBZ TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-support->dobj->|dobj lex#turn Education Secretary jawbone politics Secretary chat economics rarely turns ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#spoken lc#pass , pos#POS NN IN rc#during his rc#to name trigger#turn lc#in advance pos#, WP VBD RB VBN pos#, VBG TO VB DT VBG NN , VBD pos#NN RB VBD path#poss|<-poss<-meeting->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#put trigger#put lex#seeking cap growing controversy asked trigger#direct path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->dobj->|dobj lc#possibility that pos#VBD VBN path#rcmod|->rcmod->put->dobj->|dobj lex#urged trigger#support rc#to accelerate rc#for serious rc#near the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj trigger#introduce rc#to discuss lc#later , lc#relieved , rc#at a lex#introduced path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#today directed trigger#urge trigger#meeting pos#VBZ RB VBN TO lex#'s meeting trigger#ask rc#on this lex#support path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-direct->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Hand Cornell University trigger#go lc#the younger path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD TO DT IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Englishman Volvos trigger#design lc#, path#rcmod|->rcmod->design->dobj->|dobj pos#WP VBZ lex#designs ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#and has UNLABELED Turin Philharmonic Signor Bruschino rc#" and trigger#conduct ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-conduct->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN `` lc#conducts the NEGATIVE Jeans Levi pos#, WDT VBZ VBN JJ lex#sells button-front trigger#jeans ner#MISC->PERSON rc#'s at path#rcmod|->rcmod->use->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lc#at UNLABELED Ray Cooney Paper Mill Playhouse lex#produced path#partmod|->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#" by pos#, VBN IN DT rc#, trigger#produce ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Nixon Pacific trigger#serve path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN DT IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#during lex#served UNLABELED Michael T. Carr Weider Publications Inc. trigger#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Kweli Brooklyn pos#, , CC , , DT rc#natives , trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Mary Lou Manhattan lex#daughter rc#, and lc#wife , trigger#daughter ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#: PRP$ NN , , IN REL$NA path#dep|->dep->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED City Opera Heure Espagnole ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#'s existing staging 's trigger#staging pos#POS VBG NN IN POS `` rc#. " lc#bill with path#poss|<-poss<-staging->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mayor Dinkins Cuomo Commission pos#VBD DT rc# lex#appointed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appoint->dobj->|dobj lc#New Course trigger#appoint ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Depression Herbert Hoover lex#confronted President trigger#confront lc#when the rc#, and pos#VBD NNP ner#MISC->PERSON REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-confront->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Blue Jays CHICAGO pos#, ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#dep|<-dep<-allow->nsubj->|nsubj lc#, rc#( AP trigger#allow trigger#hit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->nsubj->|nsubj NEGATIVE Tambo Oliver Tambo trigger#visit ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj pos#POS `` NNP NNP POS , IN DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NN WDT VBD PRP IN JJ NNS IN VBG IN DT JJ NN TO , VBD rc#on Monday lex#'s Tremendous Progress leg foreign tour countries arriving official visit visited REL$NA UNLABELED Larry Foster Hataalii Advisory Council path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#'s chief staff met 's pos#, POS NN IN NN , VBD IN DT POS trigger#meet ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Renaissance School New Visions path#appos|->appos->school->nn->|nn pos#, DT JJ trigger#school ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#and the rc#school , lex#innovative UNLABELED Anderson Armon Gilliam ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#replace path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-replace->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#questionable Sunday 's home game replaced pos#, WP VBZ JJ IN NNP POS NN NN IN DT , VBD VBN IN UNLABELED Zenon Environmental Middle East lex#water treatment company recently set subsidiary lc#, and trigger#set path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN NN IN , , RB VBN RP DT NN IN DT rc#. '' UNLABELED Alija Izetbegovic Muslim Bosnian trigger#leader pos#, DT lc#persuaded President ner#PERSON->MISC rc#leader , path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mrs. Halpert Downtown Gallery trigger#found pos#VBD PRP$ lc#, when lex#founded ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-found->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Elizabeth Dole Clintons rc#with the pos#VBD DT trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lex#beat ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Lithuanian Kovno path#amod|<-amod<-city->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#to the pos#NN IN trigger#city lex#city ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#, a NEGATIVE Anita Baker Radio City Music Hall ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#concert lc#unfolded at rc#. pos#POS JJ NN IN NNP IN lex#'s opening-night concert Saturday path#poss|<-poss<-concert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE McGrath Martina Navratilova trigger#defeat pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc# path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#defeated REL$NA UNLABELED Lee Silver Nassau Community College trigger#come pos#, WP VBZ NNS CC NNS IN , VBZ TO lc#TUESDAY path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#teaches bioethics genetics rc#in UNLABELED Bulk Haulers Inc. St. Louis pos#, DT rc#company that trigger#company lc#manager of ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED Dr. Madelyn S. Gould Columbia University lex#epidemiologist associate professor public health rc#, who path#appos|->appos->epidemiologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN JJ NN IN trigger#epidemiologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said UNLABELED Michael M. Weinstein Economic Scene trigger#column pos#POS JJ lc#This is lex#'s final ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#column . path#poss|<-poss<-column->nn->|nn UNLABELED Robert B. Emden Frank Russell ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. pos#, CC IN VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-represent->dobj->|dobj lex#represented trigger#represent UNLABELED Mrs. Normano Dnepropetrovsk rc#, in trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN , RB lex#born path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Blue Poles United States lex#'' returned pos#'' VBD TO DT rc#for the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return UNLABELED Robert G. Houdek Eritrea pos#, DT JJ NNP TO lc#led by trigger#ambassador path#appos|->appos->ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, has lex#Ambassador ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Frank Hopler Leonia lex#She survived son brothers pos#IN , PRP VBZ VBN IN DT NN , IN : NNS , , IN lc#companion was rc#, path#dep|->dep->brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#brother ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Lascher Alan path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#father pos#POS NN , lex#'s father UNLABELED Mr. Gilmore Donald S. Beyer Jr. rc#, the pos#, , VBD PRP$ NN , trigger#defeat ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#ago , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#defeated challenger UNLABELED David Hood Worldnet Services trigger#president pos#, NN NN NN IN NNP lex#marketing vice president AT&T path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said NEGATIVE Alice English path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#plain trigger#turn rc#, to ner#PERSON->MISC lc#by asking pos#, IN JJ REL$NA UNLABELED Rory McEwen Scottish rc#artist whose pos#, DT trigger#artist ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->artist->amod->|amod lc#images of UNLABELED Tim McIntyre Pizza lc#And pos#, DT NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#spokesman rc#in lex#spokesman 's UNLABELED Douglas Shirley trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#IN , NNP : NNS , IN , , CC IN , : DT NN , IN , : DT NN , lc#son , rc#of trigger#son lex#Ind. daughters brother sister path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->sister->appos->|appos NEGATIVE Robinson Baltimore Orioles trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#assistant general manager pos#, RB DT JJ JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Jerusalem Menelik ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->accompany->dobj->|dobj lc#families of rc#, son lex#accompanied pos#WP VBD trigger#accompany UNLABELED David E. Morse Whitman lex#partner law firm lex#partner ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN rc#, trigger#firm lc#, said pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Brahms Adelphi University-Community Orchestra ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#performed trigger#perform path#partmod|->partmod->perform->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#CC VBN IN DT rc#and lc#chose between UNLABELED Gogol Government Inspector ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#write lex#wrote The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj rc#, " pos#VBD `` DT lc#time that UNLABELED Mr. Nerken Bronx pos#VBD VBN IN DT lc#During Depression path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear rc#. lex#born ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED von Braun United States lc#, Wernher pos#, VBD VBN TO DT trigger#take path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#after UNLABELED Dr. Andrew Odlysko Murray Hill ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#expert rc#, path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT VBG NN IN IN lex#factoring expert UNLABELED Todd D. Fernow University of Connecticut Law School path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said trigger#professor pos#, DT NN IN DT IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#director lex#professor rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Steven Barrard Mr. Huizenga ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#for about trigger#work pos#, WP VBZ VBN IN lex#worked path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Judith Rizzo Crew rc#in both pos#, WP VBD IN trigger#work ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#worked UNLABELED Fred Godomski Pennsylvania State University path#appos|->appos->meteorologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lex#meteorologist trigger#meteorologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Rudman New Hampshire lex#Attorney General pos#, DT JJ NNP NNP IN lex#held subject time news conference today trigger#general rc#. lc#, and pos#VBD RB IN DT NN IN DT NN IN PRP$ NN NN NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, spent ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->general->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#hold UNLABELED E. Cortright Phillips James E. Sok ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced trigger#replace path#rcmod|->rcmod->replace->dobj->|dobj lc#receiver , rc#, former pos#IN , WP VBD UNLABELED Rory Elizabeth Kennedy Robert F. Kennedy path#appos|->appos->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#cousin , rc#, in lex#youngest daughter Senator trigger#daughter pos#, DT JJS NN IN NNP UNLABELED Richard G Klugman Goldman , Sachs & Co pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, who trigger#analyst lc#case of lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Kasten Freedom Support Act lex#proposed trigger#describe pos#VBD DT VBN ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj rc#as " UNLABELED New York City Transportation Department path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-apply->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#, the lc#, that lex#applied rc#. rc#for a lex#regional director state pos#JJ NN IN DT NN pos#VBD VBN TO DT trigger#apply path#nn|<-nn<-director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Americans Southerners lc#found that lex#view rc#almost like ner#MISC->MISC trigger#view pos#VBP REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-view->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Tass Vitaly A. Ignatenko lc#Head of pos#RB VBD PRP$ NN , trigger#head ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, to lex#named spokesman path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-head->appos->|appos UNLABELED Kathleen R. Flynn John H. Kelly pos#, NN IN , VBN IN DT NN IN , VBD TO ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write rc#, an path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#mother murdered air wrote NEGATIVE Marcel Duchamp Dada path#appos|->appos->artist->nn->|nn rc#artist known pos#, DT trigger#artist ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#conjure up REL$NA POSITIVE Seymour Martin Lipset Stanford University trigger#scientist REL$/business/person/company pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->scientist->nn->|nn rc#political scientist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Area Rachel lc#of the lex#research center rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-center->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NN IN trigger#center ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Calpurnia Julius Caesar rc#" ( trigger#role ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#IN `` path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-role->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#role of UNLABELED Georg Gabrielle pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , lex#survived daughter trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, Sir rc#. trigger#daughter path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED CARL A. BALDASSO New York trigger#writer rc#The writer ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-writer->nn->|nn UNLABELED Seth E. Hoyt Mr. Landey lex#'s vice president publisher joined ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join pos#, POS NN NN CC NN IN , WP VBD rc#for the path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Roger Bloomfield Hills lc#brother , trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#, Mich. pos#, IN UNLABELED Mr. Lindsey American Enterprise Institute trigger#lindsey pos#, WP VBZ RB IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED GEORGIANA HAVILL England trigger#visit ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#freelance writer recently visited path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT NN NN , RB VBD rc#for the UNLABELED Whitman Pine Barrens lex#wrote trigger#write pos#RB VBD IN DT rc#, lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->about->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Thomas M. Dashiell Tina D. Roth lex#Va. daughter ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#son , rc#of trigger#daughter trigger#son pos#IN , NNP : DT NN , path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Won Sohn Norwest Corporation of Minneapolis pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#said Sung ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief economist trigger#economist rc#. '' NEGATIVE Luis Reyes Manhattan rc#representative , trigger#representative pos#, DT trigger#member rc#board member rc#representative on path#appos|->appos->member->nn->|nn path#appos|->appos->representative->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#however , REL$NA rc#member of lc#to replace UNLABELED Susan G O'Malley Kingsborough College trigger#professor rc#, scores pos#, NN IN IN lc#Letter by path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor UNLABELED Analysis of New York Yankees Chuck Knoblauch of Minnesota Twins lex#proposed acquisition trigger#acquisition pos#POS JJ NN IN path#poss|<-poss<-acquisition->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#; upside NEGATIVE Doris Ling-Cohan New York City Transit Authority trigger#judge lex#administrative law judge rc#, was pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->judge->prep->for->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#) : UNLABELED Suha Arafat Yassir Arafat pos#, DT NN IN NN rc#, accused ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#wife leader path#appos|->appos->wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#wife lc#while NEGATIVE John Dean Congress trigger#talk path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-talk->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-testify->prep->before->pobj->|pobj lex#counsel President testified rc#; adds pos#VBD TO rc#that lc#did when pos#, DT NN TO NNP , VBD IN lex#talked ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#affair , REL$NA trigger#testify UNLABELED Richard Duque Foreign ministry pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Nutcracker Peekskill Paramount rc#in a trigger#come path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#'' VBN TO NN IN DT lex#life ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#'s " UNLABELED MILWAUKEE Jeff Grayer lex#AP -- trigger#score rc#scored ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#-LRB- NNP -RRB- : path#dep|->dep->score->nsubj->|nsubj lc# NEGATIVE Caravaggio St. John ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#Both of trigger#version rc#in the lex#'s versions '' pos#POS NNS IN '' REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED James G. Gantsoudes Morgan Stanley Group path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NN NN NNS NN IN , MD VB DT JJ NN IN DT JJ rc#. trigger#take lex#head equity capital markets group similar position rival ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Dr. Morosan P.M. rc#, the trigger#give lex#give pre-concert lecture ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB DT JJ NN IN DT IN POSITIVE Specialty Records Sam Cooke lc#singer with ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#work rc#and pos#, WRB PRP VBD IN REL$/music/record_label/artist lex#worked path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Katherine Jennifer Gotwals lex#daughters trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#wife , trigger#daughter pos#: NNS , trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Mr. Velez Pristine Real Time Trading Room path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->dobj->|dobj trigger#start pos#CC PRP$ NN , , DT JJ NNS CC NN NNS , VBD DT lc#, rc#( www.pristine.com ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#partner experienced traders newsletter editors started UNLABELED Mr. Ohl Kerin Ohl pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , lex#survived daughter trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of trigger#daughter path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->daughter->appos->|appos POSITIVE University of New Haven West Haven trigger#professor lc#SACK:INV rc#.:INV lex#The writer professor management:INV REL$/location/location/containedby pos#, , DT NN VBZ DT NN IN NN IN DT:INV ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj:INV UNLABELED Evan McElroy Boys and Girls Clubs rc#in trigger#director pos#, NN IN NN CC NNS IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#director marketing communications path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Symphony Liebeslieder Walzer pos#IN NNS '' VBN DT IN `` lc#and " ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. " lex#Movements shared path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-share->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#share UNLABELED Franklin F. Snyder Brigham pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN NNS CC NN IN , VBD IN NNP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#and Women trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#associate professor emeritus obstetrics anatomy died Tuesday UNLABELED Mahmoud Addelrehiem Laurel Avenue ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#driver path#appos|<-appos<-driver->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#driver , pos#, , IN rc#, stopped UNLABELED Eddie Phil lex#superior condescending betraying pos#VBZ TO trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#-LRB- JJ , JJ , CC VBG -RRB- , RB VBZ TO rc#. lc#is to path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#, so UNLABELED Philip Nichols Jr. Georgetown University Hospital pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT CC DT JJ NNP IN , VBD IN DT NN NN NNP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->of->pobj->attack->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#senior judge Commissioner died heart attack Friday lc#LEAD : trigger#die ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#attack rc#in UNLABELED Bill Sherman Woodmont Baptist Church pos#, NN IN trigger#pastor path#appos|->appos->pastor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#The Rev. lex#pastor ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE Marina Juan Hernandez lex#husband ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos pos#, CC PRP$ NN , lc#daughter , trigger#daughter rc#. " REL$NA UNLABELED Monica Detullio Curacao trigger#detullio path#dep|->dep->be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#last Saturday pos#, WP VBZ , VBD IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Jerde Los Angeles rc#, designed trigger#architect path#appos|->appos->architect->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ '' JJ NN '' IN lex#self-described '' experiential architect '' ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED United States Thai Army ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT rc#to funnel lc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->dobj->|dobj trigger#use NEGATIVE Bret Saberhagen Minnesota trigger#past path#dobj|<-dobj<-lead->prep->past->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#lead lex#past pos#CC IN lc#, leading ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED William P. Casey Reagan ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#asserted that rc#campaign chairman trigger#chairman UNLABELED Ms. Heffner Mr. Lafferty pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj rc#of turning ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#accused path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN TO lc#coincidence , lc#month , trigger#introduce trigger#accuse lex#introduced UNLABELED Tim Kieschnick Kaiser trigger#manager rc#, said pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#strategic development manager ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Marsha Garland North Beach Chamber of Commerce trigger#director pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Joseph R. Coyne Alan Greenspan rc#, the lex#spokesman ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Service Dimensions North American trigger#concern ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT lc#president of rc#consulting concern path#appos|->appos->concern->amod->|amod NEGATIVE Vernice Smith Arizona Cardinals lex#started games lc#included guard path#rcmod|->rcmod->start->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#start rc#, pos#, WP VBD VBN NNS IN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Baker Likud lex#specifically asked rc#to endorse pos#VBD RB VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#ask UNLABELED Chris Peterson Brooklyn College lex#6-foot-6-inch center lc#... rc#( trigger#center pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->center->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Daniel Gould University of North Carolina trigger#professor pos#, DT NN IN NN CC NNS NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor exercise sports science rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Sandy Higgins Physio-Control Corporation pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#According to lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Cooper Keith Roberts ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced pos#MD VB VBN IN IN trigger#replace path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-replace->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, from NEGATIVE John Pinto Michael Ryan pos#, NN IN NN IN DT NNP lex#chief enforcement N.A.S.D. path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, president REL$NA trigger#chief lc#" said UNLABELED Yolanda Sanchez Puerto Rican Association for Community Affairs lc#" said pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, said rc#, lex#executive director lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#director NEGATIVE New York City Ballet Hlinka rc#from soloist lc#The ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#VBD NNP lex#promoted Miss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-promote->dobj->|dobj REL$NA trigger#promote UNLABELED Loyola University Stanley Goldman trigger#professor rc#, who pos#NN NN , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-professor->appos->|appos lex#law professor lc#said a UNLABELED Rubbicco Le Hace lc#license to lex#rode No pos#, WP VBD DT ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#ride rc#to the path#rcmod|->rcmod->ride->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Coleman Sixers pos#, RB CC NN TO DT rc#in exchange trigger#send lex#asks pos#VBZ DT lex#forward guard lc#deal sent path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#to trade path#dobj|<-dobj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#ask lc#Even if NEGATIVE Slavonic Dances New York State Theater trigger#perform path#partmod|->partmod->perform->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#'' CC '' DT , '' VBN IN DT IN NNP IN DT lex#'' '' '' performed Friday ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#, take lc#'' NEGATIVE Ms. Hill Mr. Brown trigger#pay pos#VBD lex#met rc#, said trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#a free trigger#partner path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-partner->poss->|poss rc# pos#, WP VBZ VBN IN NN IN DT IN PRP$ NN NNS TO path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#hill rc#through path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave rc#'s partner trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lex#paid path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->iobj->|iobj pos#RB VBD lex#investigation business ties UNLABELED Andrettis Indy lex#-- -- started lc#The rc#'s trigger#start ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#: , , CC : VBD IN UNLABELED Coughlin Parcell path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->poss->|poss pos#VBD rc#'s assistant ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#coach lc#game ; UNLABELED Pasadena New Year 's Day trigger#go rc#as the ner#LOCATION->MISC pos#, , IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-go->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#went to UNLABELED William W. Prager Mount Sinai Medical Center lex#practiced law died Wednesday pos#, WP VBD NN IN IN , VBD IN NNP IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Janusz Sawicki Poland pos#, lc#Finance Minister rc#'s chief path#appos|->appos->negotiator->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#negotiator NEGATIVE TriBeCa Douglas Elliman ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#office lc#at the pos#NN IN lex#office REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED Italian Bacci pos#NN , IN NN CC VBG NN TO DT JJ NNS IN DT NN , lex#restaurant decor waiting staff culinary feats kitchen lc#another neighborhood ner#MISC->PERSON path#amod|<-amod<-restaurant->appos->|appos trigger#restaurant rc#'s is UNLABELED Mr. Oniki Sarasota trigger#survive path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->dobj->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#survived wife daughters brother trigger#daughter pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , : NNS , , , CC IN , , CC DT NN , , IN rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Vince Sollitto Kyl rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN TO lex#aide path#appos|->appos->aide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#aide UNLABELED Joan B. Carey New York City Courts pos#, DT NN NN JJ NN IN trigger#judge rc#, who lex#deputy chief administrative judge ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->judge->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Erbakan US path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->dobj->|dobj lc#; pos#VBZ lex#presents ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#with serious trigger#present UNLABELED Magali Souriau Birdland lex#leads big band pos#VBZ PRP$ JJ NN IN trigger#lead path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#; photo ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Jean-Benoit Luel University College path#appos|->appos->student->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, , DT NN IN NNS CC NN IN trigger#student rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said lex#student mathematics management UNLABELED Michael S. Gordon Blue Chip Growth trigger#manager lex#manager 's trigger#fund pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#fund , path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->fund->nn->|nn lc#But UNLABELED David Bruger Public Television Stations rc#, a lex#president 's path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED John Cadwalader Revolutionary War pos#, DT trigger#hero ner#PERSON->MISC lc#that General rc#hero , path#appos|->appos->hero->nn->|nn UNLABELED Palmyra Bertrams ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->nsubj->|nsubj lc#cornfield near trigger#live pos#, , WRB DT rc#live . UNLABELED Alan G. Spoon Newsweek trigger#president lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which NEGATIVE Chris Spielman Buffalo pos#VBZ VBN TO lc#losing linebacker trigger#lose rc#. pos#TO path#dobj|<-dobj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#that linebacker path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#go UNLABELED Greyston Bakery Yonkers trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN lc#at the rc#, where ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Margaret M Mulrooney Democratic trigger#win path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->primary->amod->|amod pos#VBZ lex#wins ner#PERSON->MISC rc#mayoral primary trigger#primary lc#primary ; UNLABELED Col. William Peck Salvation Army in Detroit pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#official trigger#official rc#. path#appos|->appos->official->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Effat Marashi Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#wife rc#, who path#appos|->appos->wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#ago with trigger#wife pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Dr. Petrie Rainey Yale-New Haven Hospital rc#. pos#, JJ NN IN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said lex#associate director clinical chemistry path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Cindy Polacek Mets path#appos|->appos->girl->nn->|nn pos#, JJ , DT trigger#girl lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#ball girl NEGATIVE District Far Rockaway path#rcmod|->rcmod->include->dobj->|dobj lc#, of trigger#include pos#, WDT VBZ ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, say REL$NA lex#includes NEGATIVE Scott Weiland Creep pos#VBD IN `` path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sing->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, " rc#, " lex#sang ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#sing REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Richard R. Green Minneapolis lex#arrived path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#with an trigger#arrive ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Ms. Sloan Michigan Technological University in Houghton trigger#professor pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lc#" added lex#electrical engineering professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, Mich. UNLABELED Susan Lanigan Zale rc#, said trigger#counsel path#appos|->appos->counsel->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#general counsel ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN UNLABELED ALAN FRANK T-shirt rc#manufacturer who pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#manufacturer path#appos|->appos->manufacturer->nn->|nn lc#" said NEGATIVE Frank G. Wisner Geneva lc#of State path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#flew rc#, where ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#fly pos#VBD TO IN UNLABELED Mr. Fouladpour VW pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Mr. White Interactive Systems Corporation lex#chairman chief executive software-development company lc#, pos#VBD NN CC JJ NN IN DT NN NN , DT rc#, until ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->appos->|appos UNLABELED George B. Daniels Mayor rc#'s Counsel ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#counsel pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->counsel->poss->|poss lc#aides , NEGATIVE Scudder Boston trigger#manager lc#debt at path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lc#manager at lex#investment manager pos#, CC , DT NN NN IN pos#, CC , DT JJ NN IN lex#mutual-fund company rc#, moved trigger#company lc#markets at ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, CC , DT JJ NN NN IN REL$NA path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, notes lex#mutual fund company UNLABELED Sierra Club San Francisco-based lc#by the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod trigger#group rc#environmental group UNLABELED Martha Wald Alan Rosenberg ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of pos#IN , , CC DT NN , trigger#mother lc#mother , lex#brother path#appos|<-appos<-mother->appos->|appos UNLABELED Clifford Directed Jay Dee Rock pos#IN : VBN IN trigger#write ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#dep|->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#written rc#and UNLABELED Michael J. Baum Pensoft Inc. lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#And path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE Chris Chandler Larry Centers pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#hit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->dobj->|dobj lex#hit rc#with a lc#interesting when REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Withers University of Maryland lex#associate professor art history trigger#professor pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN NN IN DT rc#at lc#ancient , path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Democratic Supervisor Lewis J. Yevoli trigger#challenger lc#The rc#of path#amod|<-amod<-challenger->appos->|appos lc#His lex#challenger ner#MISC->PERSON lc#'s pos#NN , UNLABELED Scott Penman Investors Group Inc. trigger#president lex#senior vice president equities path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN NN IN NNS IN rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Edward Clements Toronto trigger#clements path#dep|->dep->be->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#plays rc#. pos#, WP VBZ , VBZ IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Donald Foster Vassar trigger#professor rc#professor and pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED David Van Taylor Alan Wolfe trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON rc# lex#letter trigger#review pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->review->nn->|nn UNLABELED Loews Corporation United States Tobacco Company path#appos|->appos->parent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#parent pos#, DT NN NN IN , CC , DT NN IN DT rc#. lex#parent company parent lc#include the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED George Little Rhode Island Spring Flower lc#ago , pos#VBD IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lex#put trigger#put rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Tino Martinez Rick Krivda path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-single->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#singled trigger#single REL$NA pos#CC VBD RP UNLABELED Ms. Baff University of California trigger#director lex#program director director education community programs international arts organization rc#at path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD NN NN CC NN IN NN CC NN NNS IN , DT JJ NNS NN , IN DT NEGATIVE Buck Williams Riley path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-blame->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#power forward blamed rc#after Game pos#, DT NN RB , VBD trigger#blame REL$NA UNLABELED Match Trick Linden Press rc#) , ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#do pos#'' -LRB- lc#'' The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->nsubj->|nsubj lex#'' UNLABELED Rodger Kolsky Triax lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Frenchman Potato pos#VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#frenchman lc#a bald REL$NA rc#, would UNLABELED Elm Street C. J. Sambach path#rcmod|->rcmod->present->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, WRB ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#across rc#will present trigger#present UNLABELED KIRBY CORP. Scott Chotin Inc. rc#in a trigger#acquisition pos#, , DT NN CC NN NN , VBD DT NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-complete->dobj->acquisition->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#transportation towing concern completed acquisition trigger#complete UNLABELED Oleg Nikita Rukh trigger#leader lc#'' said pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn rc#leader in UNLABELED David Munves Lehman Brothers path#appos|->appos->strategist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#credit market strategist trigger#strategist pos#, NN NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Jennifer Steinhauer Ri lex#reviews book The trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->book->dep->|dep rc#. trigger#book ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBZ NN DT UNLABELED Mr. Dixon Joint Chiefs of Staff rc#, defended pos#, NNP CC , DT NNP IN DT lex#Secretary Chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman lc#questioning from path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE James Levine Sergiu Celibidache pos#MD VB JJ ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB DT JJ trigger#succeed lc#the conductor rc#as music REL$NA lc#that conductor lex#succeed late UNLABELED Pavel Sheremet Belarus pos#, lc#has freed rc#citizen and path#appos|->appos->citizen->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#citizen UNLABELED Anna Schryver End Inc. pos#, DT NN IN NNP POS rc#, the lex#spokeswoman Lands path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN NNP POS UNLABELED Gabriel Accascina Asia-Pacific Development Information Program trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said rc#, who lex#manager 's pos#, NN IN DT POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Christopher Morris Knight Commission lc#But pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lex#staff director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which trigger#director NEGATIVE Spielman Buffalo Bills rc#, the lc#When pos#VBD IN DT lex#signed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#sign UNLABELED Dr. Tuchman Bronx pos#VBD VBN IN DT path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, and trigger#bear lex#born ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED New York City Health Department White Glove Dry Cleaners lex#closes trigger#close path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-close->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ RP rc#in UNLABELED American Experience Lindbergh Charles A. Lindbergh trigger#profile lc#The pos#NNP NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-profile->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#profile rc#, produced UNLABELED RUBBERMAID INC. Lucius W. Hoffa path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lex#named ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, , , VBN rc#Jr. senior trigger#president NEGATIVE Max Howard Warner Brothers lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#' animation path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->division->poss->|poss trigger#division ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Nelson Kay Orr ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#MD VB NNP lex#challenge Gov. trigger#challenge path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-challenge->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED Margot Rose Adler ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos lc#daughter , rc#of lex#Conn. brother sisters trigger#daughter pos#, IN , NNP : DT NN , , IN : , NNS , UNLABELED IRANIAN French path#nn|<-nn<-official->nn->|nn rc#officials said trigger#official lc#EXTRADITION OF ner#MISC->MISC pos#NNP lex#SOUGHT UNLABELED Ronald S. Pavluvcik Westport Unitarian Singles Group rc#, he trigger#member lc#that lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN DT NN IN DT NEGATIVE Torre Mike Hargrove lex#spoke Manager pos#VBD IN NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#speak ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Perot Jamin B. Raskin trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer rc#, told UNLABELED Reisinger Flight B Knockout Teams Manhattan trigger#win pos#IN lc#won the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#a week UNLABELED Vincent Slight P.M. path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-arrest->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lc#man , rc#on Monday lex#arrested trigger#arrest pos#, , IN IN , VBD VBN IN UNLABELED Charles G. Hendry Hempstead Fire Department path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT rc#. lex#chief ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#chief UNLABELED UMass-Lowell Yale ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lex#beat rc#and lc#teams . . . . NEGATIVE Phil Gramm Washington rc#politician . trigger#politician pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->politician->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED HOSKINS New York University Downtown Hospital path#nn|<-nn<-chief->appos->|appos rc#. lex#Chief obstetrics gynecology lc#ABBASI ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chief pos#NNP IN NNS CC NN , UNLABELED Mr. Taylor Edward Crowninshield Hammond lc#other -- ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s grandfather pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-grandfather->appos->|appos rc#and trigger#grandfather NEGATIVE Democratic Party National Party trigger#win lc#, the pos#VBD NN IN DT JJ JJ NN , IN IN NN IN DT VBG ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#won percent white popular vote percent governing rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED United States DRI ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#economist 's pos#NN IN POS rc#, '' lc#, principal path#nn|<-nn<-economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#the principal trigger#economist rc#in UNLABELED Claritas Blue Blood Estates pos#VBD PRP IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#put path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#put UNLABELED Robert Jegier Coldwell Banker pos#, DT JJ lex#local trigger#broker lc#'' said rc#broker , path#appos|->appos->broker->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE West Jerod Ward ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#lead pos#, VBN IN lex#led rc#and lc#When the REL$NA path#partmod|->partmod->lead->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Edward Khmara Peter Amundson path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-screenplay->dep->edit->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#screenplay by ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; music pos#, CC , VBN IN DT NN `` : DT NN RB PRP VBP , '' IN : NN IN NN , : VBN IN lex#based book The Man Only Knew director photography edited trigger#screenplay trigger#edit UNLABELED HBO Hamed lc#will derail pos#VBD pos#POS NNS IN rc#to a lex#'s plans trigger#plan ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#signed rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->sign->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->|dobj rc#and put lc#the deal pos#, WDT VBD pos#VBD IN trigger#sign path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj path#poss|<-poss<-plan->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Pres Clinton Federal Communications Commission pos#MD VB rc#to examine path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#ask NEGATIVE City Hall Wall Street ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, WRB path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->nsubj->|nsubj rc#, lc#, where REL$NA trigger#hall UNLABELED Kevin Sweeney Patagonia Inc. lc#" said lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman rc#, a UNLABELED Jeanne B Pinder Molly Bang path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review rc#; drawing lex#reviews book Really Really Angry ... pos#VBZ NN : RB , RB NNP : IN UNLABELED Karen Lane Chevron trigger#lawyer rc#, said lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Gambon New York lc#Equity over lex#making trigger#make pos#, WP VBZ VBG PRP$ path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->debut->nn->|nn trigger#debut ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#debut , UNLABELED Lieut. William P. O'Connor Worcester lc#Detective path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->police->nn->|nn trigger#police rc#police said ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED Sigmund Freud Archives London lc#of the pos#IN rc#for criticizing path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Hamming Chicago path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN , IN trigger#bear rc#and earned lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Todd M. Malan Organization for International Investment pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#, a lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Ronald Kutscher Bureau of Labor Statistics lex#associate commissioner trigger#commissioner pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Monarchs Knights trigger#defeat pos#VBD DT trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lc#, the rc#at lc#If the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#defeat lex#beat pos#VBP DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#and have ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED OLGA HAVEL VACLAV HAVEL ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN NNP path#appos|->appos->wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#of trigger#wife lex#wife President UNLABELED Jack Quinn House Republican Labor Task Force path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said pos#IN , NN IN DT JJ ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chairman 40-member trigger#chairman UNLABELED Jeffrey Kalinsky West 14th Street lc#career of trigger#open ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD JJ JJ NN NN IN rc#in lex#opened high fashion shop UNLABELED Mr. Caron Gilda lc#natural that pos#VBD DT NN IN lex#bought store ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#buy rc#in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Lieut. Gen. Ronald R. Blanck Army pos#, DT lc#, trigger#general path#appos|->appos->general->poss->|poss rc#'s surgeon ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Mc Phail Kent School lex#attended high school lc#parents , pos#VBD JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attend->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#attend rc#in NEGATIVE Crown Prince Kuwait ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->governor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, the pos#, , WP VBZ DT JJ NN IN trigger#governor lex#military governor rc#, greeted REL$NA UNLABELED Ghost Trance Festival Knitting Factory lc#The rc#, pos#, IN JJ NNS IN NNS IN DT , VBZ IN NN IN DT lex#premieres compositions continues tomorrow path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-continue->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#continue UNLABELED Bob O'Rourke Riverhead pos#, path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss rc#'s racing ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Jerome S. Glazer Foundation Touro Infirmary Glazer Research Fund path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-support->dobj->|dobj lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#support pos#, VBD DT rc#and contributed lex#supported UNLABELED Mr. Hastings West Virginia trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj lex#left native pos#, , VBD PRP$ JJ ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#during the UNLABELED John D. Hillis News Channel lc#'' said trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive rc#, pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Peter Labe Buckingham Research path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in lc#But UNLABELED Nancy Nesbitt Ost Joan Bender ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos rc#of lc#, lex#daughter Va. sister trigger#daughter pos#: PRP$ NN , IN , NNP , CC DT NN , NEGATIVE Coca-Cola South Africa pos#POS NNS IN lex#'s operations path#poss|<-poss<-operation->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#president of rc#. trigger#operation ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mrs. Westwood Highland lex#survived son trigger#survive rc#, trigger#son lc#husband , pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , , IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Ruskin Gimbels New York lex#joined trigger#join rc#as chief path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj pos#, JJ , VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Judy Lunn Houston trigger#editor pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->editor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#fashion editor UNLABELED DeNaros Queens trigger#own lc#The lex#optical store rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBP DT JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED PETER STANGL Metropolitan Transportation Authority lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#. lc#-- ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Seymour Merrin Merrin Information Systems Inc. lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Romano Miss Franklin pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#'s lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss NEGATIVE Max Manus Norwegian pos#, trigger#leader rc#resistance leader pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn REL$NA path#appos|->appos->leader->amod->|amod NEGATIVE Chris Slade Patriots rc#' linebacker pos#, DT trigger#linebacker lc#fight with path#appos|->appos->linebacker->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Westchester Historical Society Westchester Symphony Orchestra pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#of the rc#and vice lex#director ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Paul J. Wilhelm USX-U.S. Steel lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED John Garden City lc#sons , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Sioux Indian South Dakota rc#to sue lc#allow path#nn|<-nn<-tribe->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS IN trigger#tribe lex#tribes ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Laval Montreal ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT trigger#suburb lc#own in rc#suburb , path#appos|->appos->suburb->nn->|nn lc#center in REL$NA rc#suburb . UNLABELED Staffmark Fayetteville path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lex#national staffing company rc#, pos#, DT JJ NN NNS NN IN trigger#company ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#national staffing services company lc#acquired by UNLABELED ANDREW CORP. Floyd L. English rc#, its lex#named ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, , , VBN path#partmod|->partmod->name->dep->|dep trigger#corp. UNLABELED Dennis deLeon New York lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN DT IN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED National Opinion Resource Center University of Chicago trigger#affiliate path#appos|->appos->affiliate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#affiliate ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#at the rc#that processes UNLABELED Lee Purdue lex#6-foot-6-inch guard rc#was path#appos|->appos->guard->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#guard UNLABELED Robert Ker Jr. Deane ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#hire rc#, and lex#man hired chief executive officer path#rcmod|->rcmod->hire->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN VBD IN JJ JJ NN IN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Gregory M. Herek University of California lc#" said rc#at trigger#psychologist lex#research psychologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED ITT Sheraton Starwood Hotels rc#and Resorts ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell lex#sold Fifth pos#VBD DT , IN IN NNP CC , TO UNLABELED Dr. Jim Gockowski International Institute of Tropical Agriculture pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#, speaking path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#economist lex#agricultural economist UNLABELED Matthew D. Brinckerhoff Francis O'Day trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer lc#earlier by rc#, path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Bloomberg News Patriots path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-agree->nsubj->|nsubj lc#( rc#agreed yesterday ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#The trigger#agree pos#-RRB- NNP UNLABELED American Skiing East path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJS NN NN IN DT lex#largest ski company lc#, trigger#company ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#, expanded UNLABELED Denver Mollie Fleshman lc#, of rc#of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#: NNS , , IN CC , IN , CC NNS , IN , , ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#daughter trigger#son lex#daughters sisters NEGATIVE Manhattan Giuliani pos#, DT JJ trigger#official pos#, DT lc#from leaving rc#administration has ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#top path#appos|->appos->administration->nn->|nn rc#administration official trigger#administration lc#in lower REL$NA path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn UNLABELED Marcia Johnson Marcia the Musical Moose lc#And ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, wins path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj trigger#johnson pos#, RBR VBN IN UNLABELED Fratello Cleveland pos#, lc#" said rc#'s coach ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss NEGATIVE Geraldine Alan ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife->appos->|appos rc#of lc#wife , lex#sons pos#, CC NNS , trigger#wife REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Carns Republican lc#'' said trigger#legislator path#appos|->appos->legislator->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#legislator in UNLABELED Mr. Heyman Wall Street path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ , VBD IN lex#moved trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#to UNLABELED Michael N. Gold United States pos#IN DT , DT NN IN NN NNS IN DT path#appos|->appos->group->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#group rc#who are lex#group investment bankers ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED NATO Simon Haselock ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NN , NNP lc#said the rc#. lex#spokesman Maj. path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Republican-Conservative Mamaroneck lc#, a lex#five-term Mayor path#appos|->appos->mayor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#mayor pos#, , DT JJ NNP IN ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#, unseated NEGATIVE Edgar Bronfman Jr Seagram pos#, trigger#executive lc#as giving rc#'s chief path#appos|->appos->executive->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Luster Democrat lex#telephoned state 's powerful path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-telephone->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#telephone lc#election , pos#VBD DT NN POS RBS JJ rc#, Speaker NEGATIVE Keenan Wayne Gretzky ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN IN rc#will turn lex#'s interest path#poss|<-poss<-interest->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#wonder if trigger#interest REL$NA UNLABELED Intel Corporation Alexis DiFirenzi-Swale lc#: The trigger#manager lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, is lex#'s strategic staffing manager path#poss|<-poss<-manager->appos->|appos pos#POS JJ NN NN , UNLABELED dreadful Braves Smith lc#of the rc#at last lex#late 's suffered losses regular deserved ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#member pos#IN DT JJ POS PRP VBD VBN NNS RB JJ TO VB RB VBN , path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-member->appos->|appos UNLABELED Kenneth L. Kendrick Roosevelt Hospital Center pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN , VBD IN NNP IN : path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#art director died Saturday rc#in UNLABELED Edward Sondik National Health Center for Disease Statistics pos#, NN IN DT rc#, states path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Republican Institute of Politics pos#WP RB VBZ DT pos#WP VBZ RB NN IN DT rc#at lc#the trigger#head path#rcmod|->rcmod->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#a lex#heads ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#at the lex#director path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj trigger#director UNLABELED Springs Industries Springmaid lex#makes trigger#make path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj pos#, WDT VBZ rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Bowens Esiason pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sack->dobj->|dobj lex#sacked lc#play , trigger#sack UNLABELED Ms. Messinger David N. Dinkins trigger#ally pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#loyal ally path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ally->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Utah Jazz Larry Miller path#nn|<-nn<-owner->appos->|appos rc#, who ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#owner lex#owner lc#for the REL$NA pos#NN , UNLABELED David G. Shell Eagle trigger#president pos#, DT NN NN IN ner#PERSON->MISC lex#vice president rc#, which path#appos|->appos->president->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Heather Wilson Demarco Hayes lc#from ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#liver transplant homeless woman irreversible coma path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ DT NN NN , TO , DT JJ NN IN WP MD VB DT JJ NN , TO trigger#move rc#, a NEGATIVE New York Leningrad path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-stretch->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#stretch ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#TO TO rc#, with pos#TO lc#stretched from rc#and trigger#fly REL$NA path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#fly from UNLABELED Jack A. Winter Wisconsin pos#, DT rc#clothing manufacturer trigger#manufacturer path#appos|->appos->manufacturer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Rainbow Boulevard de Grand Case lex#sits beach ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#sit pos#VBZ IN DT NN IN rc#, at path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sit->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Enzon Inc. Piscataway pos#, DT NN NN VBN IN trigger#concern path#appos|->appos->concern->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->company->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#biotechnology company based rc#. trigger#base rc#, trigger#company lex#biotechnology concern ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#instructor at UNLABELED Ayers Group New York rc#, once lc#at the lex#human resources consulting firm rc#. path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NNS VBG NN IN trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#for the UNLABELED Mr. Audibet Prada ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bring pos#VBD TO lc#tone that rc#is still lex#brought path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Milos Forman Oliver Stone ner#PERSON->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#: VBN IN CC : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN lc#Directed by rc#, trigger#directed trigger#produce lex#written director photography edited production designer produced UNLABELED Mr. Schwartz Lisa M. Hansen pos#: NN IN NN , : VBN IN NNP : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#produce rc#; presented lc#story by lex#director photography edited D'Augustine music production designer produced path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-screenplay->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#screenplay UNLABELED Patricia E. Williams American Association of Museums lex#acting president rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT VBG NN IN DT trigger#president UNLABELED Unilever Isaly Klondike Company pos#VBD DT lex#bought rc#, makers ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#January , trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Thomas A. Troyer Washington trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn lc#agreement , ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Boston Dave Gavitt pos#POS JJ NN VBG NN , rc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#'s chief operating officer path#poss|<-poss<-officer->appos->|appos trigger#officer lc#vacancy with REL$NA UNLABELED PENN ALABAMA ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-state->appos->|appos pos#NNP , rc#: trigger#state lc#INVITATIONAL lex#STATE UNLABELED Dick Swensen Federal Bureau of Investigation path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, said trigger#agent lex#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, would UNLABELED Bruce Barton Eastern District pos#, DT NN NN IN DT trigger#executive lex#court executive rc#, covering path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Angela Darata Lodi Boys and Girls Club rc#, began pos#, NN IN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director development ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Nutcracker Jenifer Ringer pos#, '' WDT VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#as a lc#'s " trigger#introduce lex#introduced path#rcmod|->rcmod->introduce->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Louis M. Mancuso Mid-Island Air Service lex#president rc#at path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Rabbi Jacob Rothschild Atlanta trigger#come pos#, DT , VBD TO lc#, when rc#to lead path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Stephen B. Pepper Pike pos#, IN , NNP , , IN lc#sons , lex#Pa. rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Gregory Favre Sacramento Bee trigger#editor rc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#executive editor The ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Avid Amateur Pilot With New York path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-settle->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#outbreak settled permanently trigger#settle rc#and continued ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#DT NN IN , VBD RB IN UNLABELED Red Raiders Eastern Collegiate Athletic Association pos#VBD DT trigger#win lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#title and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->title->nn->|nn lex#won trigger#title UNLABELED Republican Brook Johnson rc#, a trigger#challenger path#amod|<-amod<-challenger->appos->|appos lc#and the path#amod|<-amod<-opponent->appos->|appos lex#challenger lc#for his ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#opponent lc#with his lc#of his lc#'s rc#, did lex#opponent rc#, for pos#NN , NEGATIVE Salk Institute Louis I. Kahn lc#of the lex#designed architect pos#IN , , VBN IN DT NN trigger#design ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#. path#partmod|->partmod->design->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Elsie Hillman Westminster path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attend->dobj->|dobj rc#for a lex#wife industrialist attended pos#IN , NN IN DT NN , VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#attend UNLABELED Cape Town Diana lc#home in ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, , rc#'s brother trigger#brother path#appos|->appos->brother->poss->|poss UNLABELED Peter Norris Barings rc#and the pos#, DT NN IN NN NN IN lc#concluded that trigger#head pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN NN NN IN rc#, and path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#head investment banking path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, is ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Dr. Dennis Selkoe Harvard University School of Medicine rc#, supported trigger#neurologist lex#neurologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->neurologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Federal Reserve Daiwa trigger#criticize lc#The lex#criticized rc#to shut ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#order pos#, DT CC NN NN JJ NNS VBN lex#state bank regulatory agencies ordered path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-order->dobj->|dobj lc#for the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-criticize->dobj->|dobj rc#for failing pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Christopher J. McGillivary Waterford Crystal U.S.A. lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#, said trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#" They lex#chief executive path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, called ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED MONTREAL John Wetteland ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#in the trigger#hit pos#-LRB- NNP -RRB- : VBD DT JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->prep->off->pobj->|pobj lc# lex#AP -- hit grand slam NEGATIVE Kelso Jim Williams rc#, the lc#film introduces ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-introduce->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO trigger#introduce REL$NA NEGATIVE Gulf Paramount ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#acquisition lex#completed acquisition rc#'s parent path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-complete->dobj->acquisition->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#CC VBD PRP$ NN IN trigger#complete path#appos|->appos->company->poss->|poss pos#CC , trigger#company REL$NA lc#plane of rc#in UNLABELED Phil Lynch Louisville lex#spokesman lc#interview , ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman rc#, Ky. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Agricultural-Mechanical Society Chester Fair lc#of the lex#runs path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->dobj->|dobj trigger#run rc#, ner#MISC->PERSON pos#, WDT VBZ DT UNLABELED Mr. Rodham St. Vincent Infirmary Medical Center trigger#remain path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-remain->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#suffered stroke remained critical condition pos#, , WP VBD DT NN IN , VBD IN JJ NN IN rc#here . ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Nick Martucci Patriot League pos#IN , DT path#appos|->appos->player->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#player rc#'s defensive UNLABELED Macarchuk St. Bonaventure lc#'' said trigger#visit rc#( pos#, WP$ VBP path#rcmod|->rcmod->visit->dobj->|dobj lex#visit ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Lemaire Paulin Bordeleau ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj rc#in the pos#, DT VBD lc#, said UNLABELED Garden Explorations New York Botanical Garden Bronx path#appos|->appos->section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#200th Street section ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NNP CC , NN IN DT rc#; (212) 220-8777 trigger#section UNLABELED Gallery Greene Street pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN rc#for lc#owner of ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#gallery NEGATIVE Steve Gainer Chris Davis lex#edited ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-director->dep->edit->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#; music lc#photography , REL$NA pos#: VBN IN trigger#edit trigger#director NEGATIVE Patriots Soldier Field rc#this trigger#beat pos#VBD , , IN lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#beat ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Borden Mr. Smith pos#VBD trigger#describe ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#as wrongfully path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj lc#reporters , NEGATIVE Medicare Los Angeles path#poss|<-poss<-region->nn->|nn trigger#region lex#'s pos#POS rc#region . REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#not by UNLABELED Eric Fischl Mary Boone Gallery lc#paintings by ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#; photo pos#, IN UNLABELED Mr. Marioni Seattle rc#, believes trigger#artist path#appos|->appos->artist->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#visiting artist NEGATIVE Louis Feldman Trinity lc#politician ; pos#, DT rc#graduate and trigger#graduate ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->graduate->nn->|nn REL$NA UNLABELED Frank Palantoni Dannon rc#. pos#, NN NN IN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president marketing ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Quinn Brooklyn rc#with the path#poss|<-poss<-trip->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#'s trip trigger#trip pos#POS NN TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dance Michael Hayes lex#performed trigger#perform ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->perform->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN lc#choreographs Father/Daughter rc#and his NEGATIVE John England Tuscaloosa lex#junior rc#and president trigger#junior pos#, DT NN IN IN path#appos|->appos->junior->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Peter G. Grennan Shearson Lehman Brothers Inc. lc#'' said pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN rc#, noted path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president rc#, referring lc#exclaimed pos#, JJ NN NN IN rc#'' It ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Ms. Iotti Reggio Emilia rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#worker , path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born UNLABELED Mr. Scott Edinburgh pos#, WP VBD VBN IN rc#, relocated trigger#bear lex#born lc#, but path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Markeisha Washington rc#, the pos#VBZ IN DT JJ trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#lives UNLABELED Yonkers N.Y. lex#Purchase rc#, even trigger#purchase ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#in path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->purchase->appos->|appos pos#CC DT IN NNP , UNLABELED Brancusis Klee pos#, WRB , , CC VB trigger#join ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. lc#after the path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->dobj->|dobj lex#join POSITIVE Tom Kite Austin REL$/people/person/place_lived rc#, trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#friend of pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#fellow native NEGATIVE Chad Stanley pos#VBD RB RBR IN '' ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#last week path#dep|->dep->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#longer '' trigger#chad REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Koninklijke Ahold N.V. Marshall J. Collins lex#named path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn pos#, VBN rc#Jr. vice ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#chairman lc#food retailer UNLABELED Pamela Katz Capital Region pos#, JJ NN IN DT NN POS rc#chapter . lc#" said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->chapter->nn->|nn trigger#chapter lex#executive director organization 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Pierre Madon Intelsat pos#, path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn rc#vice president pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss lc#, " rc#'s vice ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Claire Smith Pete Harnisch path#nn|<-nn<-column->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#NN IN NN NN lex#column trading pitcher REL$NA rc#to trigger#column UNLABELED Vaclav Havel Jan pos#IN DT VBD DT JJ NN TO ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#dispatched congratulatory telegram trigger#dispatch path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-dispatch->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#and lc#, President NEGATIVE Raymond Montauk lc#brother , rc#, trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED ANA Grand Hotel All Nippon Airways rc#, will trigger#venture lc#post-modern 205-room ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->venture->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#deluxe venture UNLABELED Rob Ryan Cardinal trigger#assistant rc#assistant who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->assistant->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Holly Waddell Gerber Childrenswear trigger#director lex#director marketing lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN NN IN NEGATIVE Alexei Sultanov Connecticut rc#recital debut pos#, DT NN CC NN IN JJ POS , VBZ PRP$ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->debut->nn->|nn trigger#make trigger#debut ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#pianist winner 's makes UNLABELED Joe Cook J. P. Morgan Securities path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which UNLABELED Farr Danny Tartabull path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj lc#out so pos#MD VB ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. lex#face trigger#face NEGATIVE Larry Dunn Republican path#appos|->appos->member->amod->|amod pos#, DT trigger#member ner#PERSON->MISC REL$NA rc#member of UNLABELED Tom Simons Partners & Simons lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in trigger#president NEGATIVE Betty St. Louis rc#; trigger#mother lc#mother , path#appos|<-appos<-mother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED SYLVIA BABITCH Christmas Day ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#work rc#. pos#VBD IN lex#worked NEGATIVE Miami Kevin Gamble ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-draft->dobj->|dobj rc#. lex#-- Drafted Guard Signed Guard-Forward trigger#draft REL$NA pos#: VBN NNP : VBN NNP UNLABELED Enigmatic No. Suharto trigger#successor rc#of ner#MISC->PERSON lex#potential successor President pos#, DT JJ NN TO NNP lc#'s path#appos|->appos->successor->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Edwin J. Roland Amoco Transport Company rc#and the lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED White Plains Plunkett & Jaffe ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#office of path#nn|<-nn<-firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#law firm rc#, pos#NN NN IN trigger#firm UNLABELED Mr. Granger Granada pos#, DT JJ lc#mind of rc#producer . trigger#producer path#appos|->appos->producer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED David Pullman Pullman Group pos#, VBG NN IN rc#, made lex#managing director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Plane Trip Mr. Binh ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->nsubj->|nsubj pos#TO trigger#trip rc#was not UNLABELED Mr. Gomez Intermediate School pos#, WP VBZ VBG IN DT NN POS NN NN NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#work lex#working city 's summer youth program ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in NEGATIVE John Ash Global Aviation rc#, a lc#'' said pos#, VBG NN IN lex#managing director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED defunct DeAngelis Tangibles Inc. rc#, is lex#company path#amod|<-amod<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company lc#'s ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#NN , UNLABELED Robert Offit AIDS lex#'s friend died trigger#die pos#, POS JJS NN , WP VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->die->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Rev Al Sharpton Michael A Hardy trigger#lawyer ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, in path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Isaias Afwerki Liberation Front lex#secretary general trigger#general lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and head path#appos|->appos->general->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NEGATIVE Charles Wolfe Adweek lex#director tobacco team confirmed report review week trigger#confirm rc#, adding path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-confirm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT NN NN IN , VBD DT NN IN DT NN DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Sadyrin Turkey rc#in a trigger#play path#dep|->dep->play->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP$ NN MD VB ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#team play lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Susan Tereby Extrasolar Research Corp. pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#founder lex#founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Goldstein Lerner Stores Corporation lex#joined retailer previously senior vice president trigger#president pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN , VBD RB VBN DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#and a UNLABELED Robert G. Madey West Islip trigger#architect lc#'' said pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->architect->nn->|nn rc#architect who ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED BET P.L.C. British ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->conglomerate->amod->|amod trigger#conglomerate rc#conglomerate , lc#subsidiary of NEGATIVE McMahon Rochester lex#native lc#, Colonel trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, was ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Lorraine Forte Nashua path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident lex#resident rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED William Mandile Brooklyn pos#, DT rc#native , trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn lc# UNLABELED Mr. Azrie Aleppo pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear lc#release by rc#, lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Harald B. Malmgren Washington rc#trade consultant lex#trade consultant pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#consultant rc#. path#appos|->appos->consultant->nn->|nn lc#, " rc#consultant specializing ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, including pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Chen Yizi Beijing pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN trigger#official lex#high-ranking official path#appos|->appos->official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#who fled ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED David J. Brugger Association of America 's Public Television Stations lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Susan Cremin Amanda pos#VBZ TO ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bring rc#is true lex#brings lc#life that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Marcel Desaulniers Rihga Royal Hotel trigger#be lex#chef owner Va. lc#Wednesday , pos#, DT NN CC NN IN DT IN , NNP , MD VB IN DT IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED WTA Tour Stamford lex#governing body women 's professional tennis move world headquarters lc#The pos#, DT VBG NN IN NNS POS JJ NN , MD VB PRP$ NN NN TO rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Kirill Vladimir rc#, died path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos lex#'s son ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#POS JJ NN , trigger#son lc#and UNLABELED Mr. Clinton Brussels lex#'s arrival pos#POS NN IN lc#, that path#poss|<-poss<-arrival->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#for the ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#arrival UNLABELED Gary Jones Saints in New Orleans rc#Monday trigger#start ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->against->pobj->|pobj lex#rookie start pos#-RRB- , NN MD VB IN DT lc#knee ( UNLABELED New Jersey Newmark & Company lex#operation ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#, the path#nn|<-nn<-operation->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN trigger#operation rc#, a UNLABELED Dr. Ian Weller University College lc#'' said trigger#expert rc#and path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#expert ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mrs. Page English trigger#teach lex#graduate taught rc#at path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-teach->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT NN IN , VBD UNLABELED Tallahassee Varn pos#NN NN , lex#law firm ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-firm->appos->|appos trigger#firm lc#joined the UNLABELED General Re Corporation General Reinsurance of Stamford path#appos|->appos->parent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#parent ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#when the rc#, lex#parent pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Lyndon Comstock Wells Fargo Bank path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#lending officer rc#, to lc#ago by trigger#officer pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Steve LeVine American trigger#journalist path#appos|->appos->journalist->amod->|amod pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#journalist , REL$NA lc#Tuesday of NEGATIVE First Lady Thailand rc#a lc#The pos#, , VBD IN lex#arrived trigger#arrive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Orange Cup Penn pos#IN trigger#take lc#taking the path#dobj|<-dobj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Van Dyke University of Nevada pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->rookie->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, things trigger#rookie lc#out to ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#rookie REL$NA UNLABELED Dennis Kanin Mr. Tsongas pos#, trigger#manager lc#; rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss trigger#partner rc#'s law lex#campaign manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#, " path#appos|->appos->partner->poss->|poss rc#'s national rc#'s campaign lc#" said pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Tim McTaggart Delaware pos#, path#appos|->appos->commissioner->poss->|poss trigger#commissioner rc#'s banking ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Haley Jets lex#joined path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-refer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD DT trigger#join pos#, DT NN IN NN NNS , VBD DT pos#, DT pos#VBD RB VBG TO PRP$ path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj lex#referring trigger#refer rc#' player lc#Although lc#duties with pos#, VBD DT lex#director player personnel joined ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#with that path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->dobj->|dobj REL$NA rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Marilyn Harra Kaye Prudential MLBKaye International Realty lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Downtown Manhattan Los Angeles trigger#be ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#VBZ IN DT NN IN DT NN IN NNS IN DT JJ NN , IN NN lex#middle pack tenants square foot downtown rc#the cheapest path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Saints Rick Venturi pos#VBD DT NNS NN lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hire->dobj->|dobj rc#as an trigger#hire lex#hired linebackers coach REL$NA UNLABELED Timothy McMinn Belleville lex#architect trigger#architect path#appos|->appos->architect->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Sgt. Albert Della Fave New Jersey State Police pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Costantino Rocca Philip Walton ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grab->dobj->|dobj lex#grabbed hero pos#VBD DT JJ NN , REL$NA trigger#grab UNLABELED Kukoc Croatian pos#, DT JJ lc#up on ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#star rc#star with path#appos|->appos->star->amod->|amod lex#6-foot-10-inch UNLABELED Susan Jacoby Evolution of Revenge path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-author->dep->|dep pos#VBZ DT NN IN '' NNP NNP : DT trigger#author lex#author '' Wild Justice The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' NEGATIVE Huntingdon Life Sciences East Millstone lex#offices trigger#sciences lc#contracted with rc#, pos#, WDT VBZ NNS IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED New York City Human Rights Commission Delta Air Lines lc#The trigger#charge ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN VBD lex#yesterday charged path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-charge->dobj->|dobj rc#with violating UNLABELED Michael Schoenfeld Voice of America pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Marilyn A. Zeitlin University Art Museum pos#, NN IN DT rc#, lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Hoover Coolidge path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#" played ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play rc#. " lex#'s REL$NA pos#TO POS UNLABELED Henderson Pat Reedy lex#meet sculler ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Sunday , rc#. trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB DT NN UNLABELED Brandon Margaret Dahl trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, of rc#of lex#Miss. brother sister trigger#son path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->dep->sister->appos->|appos pos#, NNP : DT NN , , IN , : DT NN , UNLABELED William B. Canfield Republicans ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, , WP VBD DT rc#. lc#, and path#rcmod|->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj lex#represented trigger#represent UNLABELED Russians Nagano Games trigger#win pos#VBP RB VBN DT NNS POS , NNS CC NN NN NNS IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#won men 's pairs ice dancing competitions ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Lord Mayor of Istanbul Turkey pos#, path#appos|->appos->city->poss->|poss lc#candidate for trigger#city ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#'s largest UNLABELED Edward L. Barocas Office of the Public Defender pos#, JJ NN IN POS trigger#counsel path#appos|->appos->counsel->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, which lex#special counsel 's UNLABELED Jake Plummer Juan Roque lc#offense : lex#thre yards yards receptions 319-pound left tackle ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-tackle->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBP IN NNS JJ , , WP VBD NNS IN NNS , CC JJ NN VBP rc#. trigger#tackle UNLABELED Mr. Page Diane ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, when path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife trigger#wife rc#, tried UNLABELED Mr. Hynes Mr. Briggs pos#, WP ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#met while trigger#meet path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Mohammed Bakr al-Hakim Iraqi Shiite trigger#leader rc#leader whose pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#business with path#appos|->appos->leader->amod->|amod UNLABELED Mr. Richards Kevin Rehac path#poss|<-poss<-assistant->appos->|appos trigger#assistant ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#'s assistant lc#gimmick , rc#, places UNLABELED J. Anna Parlatore Natalie Pugliese Real Estate trigger#associate pos#, DT NNS NN IN path#appos|->appos->associate->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#sales associate ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED House Mr. Campbell trigger#seat rc#but lost lc#vacated the path#nn|<-nn<-seat->partmod->hold->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#seat held pos#NN RB VBN IN trigger#hold UNLABELED Chesnokov Horst Skoff path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lex#face trigger#face UNLABELED Robert Wrenn Buick Open pos#VBD DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#set rc#record of trigger#record lex#set path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->dobj->record->nn->|nn UNLABELED Kennedy Heathrow Airport lc#trip from pos#TO trigger#trip ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-trip->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Zynolyte Products Co. Carson lc#purchase of trigger#manufacturer rc#, lex#paint manufacturer path#appos|->appos->manufacturer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Ms. Steenburgen Clintons trigger#speak lc#Today , lex#speaks path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#as " UNLABELED John Briley Academy Award trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#for the lc#include lex#won UNLABELED HOWARD FULLER Milwaukee Institute for Transformation of Learning path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->appos->|appos ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, pos#, DT NN , DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NNS , VBZ NN , lex#The writer superintendent public schools director trigger#director NEGATIVE Fernand Braudel Sian Reynolds ner#PERSON->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->translate->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, VBN IN lex#translated lc#, by REL$NA trigger#translate UNLABELED Mr. Siad Barre Kenya lex#arrived rc#by boat pos#VBD VBN IN trigger#arrive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#said UNLABELED Mr. Bumpers Democratic pos#, DT JJ trigger#senator ner#PERSON->MISC rc#Senator from pos#, DT VBN , JJ path#appos|->appos->senator->amod->|amod lex#retired four-term lc#old friend lc#the impassioned NEGATIVE Andy Kaplan Dodge ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#dealer pos#, DT rc#dealer in path#appos|->appos->dealer->nn->|nn lc#recall , REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Donohue Radcliffe College path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#and earned trigger#graduate lex#graduated ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Bob Braddick William M. Mercer path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#principal pos#, DT NNS NN IN rc#who said path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#principal lex#benefits consultant trigger#consultant rc#, an pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said lex#consultant path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#But rc#, a NEGATIVE United States Attorney Bear Stearns trigger#investigate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-investigate->dobj->|dobj lc#The rc#in its ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#investigating pos#IN VBZ RB VBG REL$NA NEGATIVE Franz-Josef Kniola North Rhine-Westphalia trigger#minister lc#'' said rc#, path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#interior minister REL$NA UNLABELED Theater of the Bizarre Elbo Room trigger#perform lc#" The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-perform->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, '' IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Frederic D. Winters Health Department lc#, '' lex#spokesman city 's rc#, said pos#, DT NN IN DT NN POS path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED William Wiggenhorn Motorola University rc#, the lex#runs pos#, WP VBZ path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->dobj->|dobj trigger#run ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Best of Both Worlds Your Place Or Mine ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#The lex#replaced trigger#replace path#rcmod|->rcmod->replace->dobj->|dobj pos#, , , VBZ VBN rc#, which UNLABELED Mr. Myers Mr. Cannata rc#, the trigger#complain ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-complain->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD TO lex#complained lc#that when UNLABELED Faconnable Fifth Avenue path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#at 54th trigger#open pos#, DT NNS POS NN NN , NN VBZ PRP$ NN IN DT , IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#men 's apparel company today opens store UNLABELED Andrei A. Karlov All-Russia Society of Motorists lex#senior expert lc#'' said trigger#expert ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Wright Shirley Chisholm pos#RB VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#challenge path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-challenge->dobj->|dobj lex#unsuccessfully challenged rc#in UNLABELED American Institute for Cancer Research Washington lc#of the lex#held rc#last week pos#, VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#hold path#partmod|->partmod->hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Alex Sanders Cardinals trigger#lead rc#with pos#, DT NN RB , VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lex#junior forward led NEGATIVE Pristina Macedonia path#dobj|<-dobj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#IN trigger#leave ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#who left rc#with hundreds REL$NA UNLABELED Adam Christing Hilarious Collection of Wholesome Jokes lc#FRIDAY trigger#author rc#, Quotes path#appos|->appos->author->dep->|dep pos#, NN IN '' NNP VBZ JJ : DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#author '' Comedy Comes Clean NEGATIVE Ben Brantley Lisa Kron ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review rc#in her REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED John W. Ellwood University of California path#dep|->dep->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor rc#at lc#, pos#, RB DT NN IN DT IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor UNLABELED Alsops Georgetown rc#home , lc#at the trigger#home path#poss|<-poss<-home->nn->|nn pos#POS ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Ilse De Veer William Mercer pos#, DT NNS NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#expert lc#according to path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#benefits expert rc#, a UNLABELED Jackie Chan Alfred Brel Sanchez ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Operation Condor trigger#directed pos#, , , , rc#Directed by path#appos|->appos->directed->nn->|nn UNLABELED James Shapiro Book Review lex#wrote lc#, '' rc#last trigger#write pos#VBD IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Garcia Maria Victoria rc#, a ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->marry->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ VBN VBN IN TO trigger#marry lex#married UNLABELED Mr. Schlesinger Defense lex#Secretary rc#from pos#, WP VBD NNP IN trigger#secretary path#rcmod|->rcmod->secretary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Anna-Lisa Dopirak Paterson pos#, rc#'s business ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->administrator->poss->|poss lc#, said trigger#administrator UNLABELED National Front Jean Marie Le Pen rc#, comes lc#Socialists ; lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#lead pos#, VBN IN rc#, has lex#led lc#for the path#partmod|->partmod->lead->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Timothy Tung Sepember path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->nn->|nn lex#letter 's trigger#letter rc#article pos#NN IN POS lc#theater critic trigger#article ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Omar Ali Pakistan lex#native rc#who lives path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#' UNLABELED Fran Curtis Mr. Jagger pos#, lc#, '' ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->poss->|poss trigger#spokeswoman rc#'s spokeswoman UNLABELED Mr. Nutt Computer Sciences Corporation rc#, died path#rcmod|->rcmod->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Eugene V. Panagopulos Montreal lex#shipowner naval architect died nursing home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN CC JJ NN , VBD IN IN DT NN NN IN rc#. trigger#home trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED C. H. Tung University of Liverpool lc#business , trigger#send rc#. path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN TO DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Persian Gulf Derby ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#after not trigger#finish path#rcmod|->rcmod->finish->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#WP VBD IN DT lc#from the lex#finished REL$NA UNLABELED Codex Santa Anita Derby pos#VBD DT lc#until after trigger#win ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#won path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Adam Dubov Janice Shapiro ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write lex#written lc#Directed by trigger#directed path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#and pos#: VBN IN NEGATIVE Paul Roland Columbia pos#, DT rc#linebacker , trigger#linebacker path#appos|->appos->linebacker->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Brian Ron Anderson ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj pos#, PRP VBP lc#, ' rc#. ' REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Sagan Ann Druyan lex#'s widow ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , lc#he and trigger#widow path#poss|<-poss<-widow->appos->|appos rc#, wanted UNLABELED Raymond Thomas Wellington Jr. Manhattan path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. pos#, DT NN IN NNS WP VBD DT JJ NN IN NN CC NN NN IN CC IN , VBD NNP IN PRP$ NN IN trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#authority wines played major role food wine education died Tuesday home UNLABELED Democrats Siegelman lc#, when rc#-- who lex#backed Governor ner#MISC->PERSON pos#VBN IN NNP trigger#back path#partmod|->partmod->back->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Kroll Buffalo rc#, graduated path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Barbara Ann Bobby ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Vt. ; path#dep|->dep->son->appos->|appos lex#Vt. son trigger#son rc#, of pos#CC , DT IN , NNP : PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Ms. Garcia Wilson ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->iobj->|iobj trigger#send lc#, pos#VBD NNP lex#Sister rc#a note UNLABELED Oregon White Aryan Resistance ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#JJ NN NN , lc#, an rc#, and path#nn|<-nn<-group->appos->|appos trigger#group lex#white supremacist group UNLABELED Oded Katash European pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#league star trigger#star lc#'s path#appos|->appos->star->amod->|amod UNLABELED Steven B. Silk Harvard Business School lc#When rc#graduate with trigger#graduate pos#, , DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->graduate->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Carroll Education Alternatives path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj lex#board 's president praised lc#While pos#CC DT NN POS NN , , VBD trigger#praise ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#for bringing NEGATIVE John Charles Virginia lex#survived wife trigger#survive lc#marriage are pos#IN , , CC IN , VBZ VBN RB IN PRP$ NN , rc#, of trigger#wife ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos REL$NA NEGATIVE Brad Johnson Cris Carter ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#with less trigger#pass pos#POS NN NN TO path#poss|<-poss<-pass->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#But until lex#'s touchdown pass REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Bizimungu France pos#RB RB VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj rc#of blocking lex#directly accused ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#accuse lc#conference , UNLABELED B9 Islanders Jets trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#beat rc#, 5-4 pos#VBP UNLABELED Mr. Mubarak El Arish rc#and drove ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#RB VBD IN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#flew trigger#fly UNLABELED Bantam Books Jim Ploumeri pos#POS NN NN NN , lex#executive art director ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-director->appos->|appos rc#, also trigger#director UNLABELED Margaret Mills New Rochelle Library pos#, WP MD VB DT NN IN , VBZ DT , IN DT lc#The pianist path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#open ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#next Saturday lex#close cycle opens UNLABELED TIM HARDAWAY Golden State rc#guard who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->guard->nn->|nn lc#would replace ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#guard NEGATIVE Bradshaw Henderson ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD DT VBN lex#found changed lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->dobj->|dobj REL$NA trigger#find rc#, a NEGATIVE Lefebvre Colorado Avalanche lex#played trigger#play pos#, WP VBD IN DT rc#last season ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Paula Rodgers Arlen Snow Plowing lc#'' said rc#, in lex#employee path#appos|->appos->employee->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#employee UNLABELED Mr. Hoffman Library of Congress trigger#consultant lex#consultant poetry rc#and now ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Europe War Department ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-send->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#send lc#sent to REL$NA pos#IN DT rc#in UNLABELED MFY Legal Services Chinatown rc#office each trigger#office lc#help from path#poss|<-poss<-office->nn->|nn pos#POS ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Krasniqi Albania rc#last pos#, WP VBD VBN IN , DT NN IN DT JJ NN IN DT NNS POS JJ NN , VBD IN trigger#arrive lex#accompanied member political directorate rebels general staff arrived path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Houston Murphy pos#WP RB VBD lex#helped ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. lc#wife in path#rcmod|->rcmod->help->dobj->|dobj REL$NA trigger#houston UNLABELED Road Show The Spice Girls Istanbul trigger#give path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#hottest properties pop music gave live concert Sunday rc#and showed ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, IN DT JJS NNS IN NN NN , VBD PRP$ JJ NN IN NNP IN NEGATIVE Louis Banks Time lc#'' said pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC rc#director from REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED North Shore Carol lc#interior of pos#, , NN IN ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#home path#appos|->appos->home->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and lex#home NEGATIVE John Fuller Adweek lex#spokesman confirmed report review week trigger#confirm rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-confirm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN , VBD DT NN IN DT NN DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Councilman Antonio Pagan Steak House path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-walk->prep->into->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN POS trigger#walk rc#on lex#walked 's lc#City ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Addison Yeaman Brown & Williamson trigger#counsel path#appos|->appos->counsel->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#general counsel rc#in the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN UNLABELED Pol Pot Khun Meak ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-cousin->appos->|appos rc#, had trigger#cousin pos#POS JJR NN , lex#'s older cousin NEGATIVE Tozeur Kairouan lex#religious cultural center lc#towns of ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->center->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and pos#CC , DT JJ CC JJ NN IN trigger#center REL$NA UNLABELED Bogart Stephen lc#narrated by path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos lex#'s son ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; photos pos#POS NN , trigger#son UNLABELED Dr. William Catalona World Series path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invite->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lc#surgeon , rc#if the lex#invite pos#, IN PRP MD VB PRP TO DT trigger#invite UNLABELED Ralph Whitworth United Shareholders lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED JOHN V. KRUTILLA Volvo Environment Prize lex#V. economists working resource environmental economics won trigger#win ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#LEAD : pos#CC NNP , NNS VBG IN NN CC JJ NNS , VBD DT rc#for their path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Jiri Dienstbier Civic Movement pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lex#member centrist lc#Foreign Minister UNLABELED Mr. Gaymon Panola pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear rc#, lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Judith Light Kathleen Chalfant pos#MD VB lc#; ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#replace rc#in Wit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj lex#replace REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Levenson Joseph Adler path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-study->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN , VBD NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#and taught lex#graduate studied piano trigger#study UNLABELED Mr. Defliese Pauline Harnisch ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD VBN IN TO DT JJ rc#, who path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-marry->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#marry lex#married UNLABELED Berlin Dieter Neumann rc#, denounced path#nn|<-nn<-prosecutor->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#senior lex#prosecutor trigger#prosecutor pos#NN , UNLABELED Handwork of India Evanston path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#Place : pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED M. ATA ERIM path#nn|<-nn<-chairman->nn->|nn rc#Chairman , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Ms. Tripp Jim Moody ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#began sending defense statement news organizations country late lawyer lc#criticism , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->dobj->|dobj rc#. pos#VBD VBG RP DT NN NN TO NN NNS IN DT NN RB JJ IN PRP$ NN , trigger#begin UNLABELED Rita Marano Kingsley Avenue Deli pos#, NN IN lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner rc#, as lex#owner UNLABELED Mr. McBay Vietnam lc#'' said pos#, DT trigger#veteran path#appos|->appos->veteran->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#veteran . UNLABELED Maipo Valley Santiago lc#in the path#advmod|->advmod->south->dep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#RB IN rc#, and lex#south trigger#south UNLABELED Scott Stapf North American Securities Administrators Association pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman lc#according to rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Sammy Nunez Senate path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#president , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#-- including trigger#president NEGATIVE Dick Cheney Sean O'Keefe rc#, the trigger#tap ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Secretary path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-tap->dobj->|dobj pos#JJ NN VBD IN PRP$ JJS NNS , lex#week tapped closest aides REL$NA UNLABELED Gen. Roscoe Robinson Jr. Army pos#, DT JJ lex#black path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn trigger#officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#headed by rc#officer to NEGATIVE Simpson New York City pos#CC , DT JJ , JJ NN NN IN rc#. lex#established law firm path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#the fictitious NEGATIVE Florida Vanderbilt University ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#victory rc#. lex#'s meager 7-point victory lower-ranked pos#POS JJ JJ NN IN JJ lc#, about REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Eli Lilly PCS Health Systems trigger#purchase pos#POS NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#'s purchase rc#was cleared path#poss|<-poss<-purchase->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jill Minelli Department of Business Services rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT NN POS lex#spokeswoman city 's trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#But UNLABELED Democratic National Convention Sheraton Centre rc#, along lc#the trigger#serve pos#, IN WDT DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->serve->nsubj->|nsubj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Colabella Brooklyn lex#area director mental health services path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD NN NN IN JJ NN NNS IN lc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Michael Armstrong Commission trigger#counsel pos#, DT rc#'s chief path#appos|->appos->counsel->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#table with UNLABELED Dr. Carreiro National Science Foundation path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#receive pos#VBZ VBN DT , NN IN DT rc#to compare lex#received grant ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Dublin Toronto ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#bear rc#. lex#born lc#lived in path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#, WRB PRP VBD VBN , CC RB IN NEGATIVE Roman Catholic Bushwick pos#NNP IN rc#. rc#, lc#'s trigger#church REL$NA path#nn|<-nn<-church->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#Church UNLABELED Mr. Poulos Alex Poulos path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. lex#'s son nephew trigger#son lc#operated by pos#POS NN , , CC NN , UNLABELED NEW YORK LITERARY LIGHTS New York lex#By In publisher 's Magazine brought teaching school trigger#bring ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#as an path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#IN , -LRB- -RRB- IN , NN IN POS NNP , VBD IN , WRB PRP VBD VBN VBG NN , TO UNLABELED Mr. Murbach Harvard University trigger#spend lex#'s chief tree picker spend months rc#as a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, POS JJ NN NN IN DT JJ , MD VB JJS IN DT JJ NNS IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#But UNLABELED Mrs. Seymour John path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos lex#'s son ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, had pos#POS NN , trigger#son lc#, like UNLABELED James P. Schadt Digest Association Inc. lex#president 's path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, has pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Peter Ragone Peter F. Vallone rc#, the lex#spokesman ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Thomas G. Plaskett Pan rc#Am , lc#, '' lex#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn lc#letter warning pos#, DT rc#Am chairman ner#PERSON->MISC lc#letter to pos#, DT NN IN trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jayanti Natarajan Madras lex#legislator trigger#legislator lc#, " path#appos|->appos->legislator->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#and a NEGATIVE Coughlin Gatorade rc#player of path#appos|->appos->player->nn->|nn lex#'s pos#, POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#player REL$NA NEGATIVE Stephen M. Ross New York pos#, DT rc#developer , trigger#developer rc#real estate path#appos|->appos->developer->nn->|nn lc#, like ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Sigler Connie lex#'s wife chief assistant lc#, '' rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN CC NN NN , trigger#wife UNLABELED Dieter Janssen Sheraton trigger#executive pos#, DT rc#executive . ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn lc#, said UNLABELED Howard Thomas Whidbey Island Naval Air Station lex#spokesman rc#in path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Wastewater Treatment Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities lc#director of rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED REED Paula Milne rc#; director ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write lex#Directed written trigger#directed path#nn|<-nn<-directed->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#NNP IN : VBN IN lc#HOLLOW UNLABELED Howard Roffman Lucasfilm Ltd. lc#entertainment : rc#; lex#vice president licensing pos#, NN NN IN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Currie Roosevelt Administration lex#joined pos#VBD DT trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED David N. Dinkins Booth Memorial Hospital pos#, WP VBD IN TO rc#, said path#rcmod|->rcmod->go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#Mayor ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#dinkins UNLABELED Earl Jones First Calvary Church pos#, NN IN DT trigger#pastor path#appos|->appos->pastor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#The Rev. lex#pastor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Jesse E. Howard Fulton rc#, Mo trigger#artist lc#paint by path#appos|->appos->artist->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#self-taught artist NEGATIVE Emperor World War II lex#'s role lc#about the rc#or about ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#POS NN IN trigger#role path#poss|<-poss<-role->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Cafe Largo Broadway lc#who opened pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-open->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#open ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#near UNLABELED Best Actress Award Venice Film Festival trigger#win pos#IN rc# lc#her the path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#won her pos#IN DT UNLABELED Chiquita Clinton Administration trigger#complain pos#VBD TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-complain->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#that it lex#complained NEGATIVE Montgomery Burrell lex#winning time seconds ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN NNS TO rc#'s path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Roth Interstate Properties lc#owned by rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-company->appos->|appos lex#'s development company trigger#company ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#POS NN NN , NEGATIVE Wieden Portland pos#IN trigger#join path#dobj|<-dobj<-join->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#will join rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Gillian Anderson Dana Scully lex#'s character Special Agent ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#portrays agent path#poss|<-poss<-character->appos->|appos lc#with actress trigger#character rc#of the pos#POS NN , JJ NNP trigger#portray pos#, WP VBZ NN REL$NA path#rcmod|->rcmod->portray->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Ray Bowles Mozartina rc#and the lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Chris Dachisen North Jersey Country Club lex#head pro trigger#pro lc#: path#appos|->appos->pro->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#in UNLABELED Lubangi Muniania Museum of African Art pos#, NN IN DT lc#, when path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#curator rc#, leads ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#curator lc#P.M. , NEGATIVE Apple Ridge Mahwah path#nn|<-nn<-project->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#project lex#project pos#NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#expanding its REL$NA rc#and is UNLABELED Yankee Conference Amherst path#nn|<-nn<-game->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#in a lex#game trigger#game pos#NN IN rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#, Mass NEGATIVE Trevor Ncube The Gazette trigger#editor lex#recently dismissed editor rc#, said path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT RB VBN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Kovalyev Commission lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#on pos#, WP VBZ RB NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Moscow Endosurgery lc#Doctors at lex#'s Center rc#said that ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-center->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NNP IN trigger#center UNLABELED Dr. Marshall Strome Cleveland path#appos|->appos->surgeon->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#learned that trigger#surgeon rc#surgeon , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Nathan J. Goldrich Manhattan lex#retired lawyer certified public accountant died sleep yesterday home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. pos#, DT JJ NN CC VBD JJ NN , VBD IN PRP$ NN NN IN PRP$ NN IN trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Hollinger The News trigger#acquisition rc#would first lc#participation in path#poss|<-poss<-acquisition->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN lex#'s acquisition ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Murphy Anna Leonowens ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, WP VBZ lex#plays lc#outcome than path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj rc#in " UNLABELED New York State National Organization lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#chapter trigger#chapter pos#NN IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-chapter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#for Women UNLABELED Christian Broadcasting Network International Family pos#, ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#'s major lc#benefit the path#appos|->appos->shareholder->poss->|poss trigger#shareholder UNLABELED SoHo Repertory Marlene Swartz trigger#present path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-present->dep->|dep lc#Presented by lex#artistic director ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, , JJ NN : rc#, founding UNLABELED Hall Foundation Mr. Nasher pos#IN , NNP , VBD JJ NNS IN rc#for an lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#buy lex#Mo. bought key pieces path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Hala Maksoud American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Reckitt & Colman London path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, which lex#based NEGATIVE Friedelind Wagner Ruhr path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#granddaughter composer won fame courageous opposition died early yesterday rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, DT NN IN DT NN WP VBD NN IN PRP$ JJ NN TO , VBD RB NN IN DT IN , , IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Kennedy Hudson Riverkeeper Fund trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, came NEGATIVE Senate Kaye pos#VBD lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hire->dobj->|dobj trigger#hire lex#hired rc#, REL$NA UNLABELED Uptown Coffeehouse Bronx trigger#p.m. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-p.m.->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bring path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-bring->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT IN IN DT lc#to the rc#. lc#at the rc#are the pos#IN DT UNLABELED Bien King Alia pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#mother rc#'s mother path#appos|->appos->mother->poss->|poss UNLABELED Lufthansa Airlines West Coast pos#CC , DT rc#investor , lc#led by path#appos|->appos->investor->nn->|nn trigger#investor ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Erich Berger Mary Sue Harnett lex#daughters pos#IN , , CC NNS , ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#son , rc#of path#appos|<-appos<-son->appos->|appos trigger#son UNLABELED Prof Eli Noam Op-Ed ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#article says trigger#article pos#NNP path#nn|<-nn<-article->nn->|nn UNLABELED Arantxa Sanchez Vicario Claudia Porwik trigger#defeat pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, lc#Second-seeded lex#defeated UNLABELED Tough Providence Days The Friars Big East pos#, DT JJ rc#team , trigger#team ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#solid path#appos|->appos->team->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Tim Johnson Democrat pos#, DT path#appos|<-appos<-president->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->MISC lc#, Representative rc#, defeated REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Bush Senate Judiciary Committee pos#, NNP IN NN VBD DT lex#Senator today asked trigger#bush ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->ask->dobj->|dobj rc#to reject lc#for President UNLABELED Bayazid II Jews lc#recalled how ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, IN IN , VBN JJ NN TO lex#granted permanent refuge path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grant->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#grant rc#and their UNLABELED French Francois Leotard trigger#minister lc#by the rc#, warned path#amod|<-amod<-minister->appos->|appos lc#But the pos#NNP NNP , lc#" the lc#The rc#, said lc#, the lc#when the rc#, after ner#MISC->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-minister->appos->|appos rc#, was lc#week the rc#, called rc#, that rc#, announced lex#Defense Minister rc#, told UNLABELED MacBride Lane path#appos|->appos->friend->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBD IN , DT JJ NN IN trigger#friend lex#died longtime friend rc#, augmented NEGATIVE Kofi Annan Jacques Chirac pos#, WP VBZ VBG TO , VBD JJ NN NN IN NNP trigger#get lc#Secretary General ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#for his path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#traveling firm backing today President REL$NA UNLABELED James Mack First Eastern trigger#president pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#executive vice president rc#who oversees lc#" said UNLABELED Gennadi E. Burbulis Mr. Yeltsin ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->adviser->poss->|poss pos#, RB trigger#adviser rc#'s closest UNLABELED Highland Harry Mondry trigger#found pos#VBD VBN IN IN lc#discounters , ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#founded UNLABELED Seventh Regiment Band Star-Spangled Banner path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#play lc#, the pos#VBN IN VBD `` DT rc#. " lex#conducted played The UNLABELED USAopoly California ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT rc#company that trigger#company path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED Bills Fredonia State College lc#The rc#, trigger#open pos#, WP VBD NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#opened camp UNLABELED Henry Nicholas Broadcom Corp pos#, NN IN lex#co-founder trigger#co-founder lc#to rc#, for ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->co-founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Haiti Duvalier path#poss|<-poss<-family->nn->|nn lc#association with rc#family and ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#'s pos#POS trigger#family UNLABELED Andrew Yan Hudson Institute pos#, DT NN IN IN DT lex#specialist trigger#specialist path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Young London lc#trade , path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#. trigger#base lex#born path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#based rc#in UNLABELED Dennis Cannon Mr. Hall trigger#describe ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj rc#as a lex#welder cousin 's sister-in-law pos#, DT NN CC DT NN IN POS NN , VBD NEGATIVE Nelson Doubleday Bertelsmann rc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell lc#flying that pos#MD VB DT JJ NN TO ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lex#sell troubled company UNLABELED Robin Williams Uncle Floyd Vivino path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD PDT DT NN TO DT NN lex#shine comedian trigger#take rc#that he UNLABELED Loyola Marymount West Coast Conference lc#might be lex#regular-season champion ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->champion->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#champion pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Mort Cooperman Manhattan trigger#found path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, and pos#, WP VBD DT IN lex#founded lc#creation of ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Mandela New York trigger#arrive lex#arrives path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#today A16 ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Nina K. Soarz Stephen J. Solarz ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, pleaded trigger#wife lex#wife Congressman pos#, DT NN IN JJ NNP NEGATIVE Thomas Beulah lc#name was path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-change->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#for reasons pos#CC PRP$ NN POS VBD , VBD TO trigger#change lex#grandmother 's changed ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED TIM LEIWEKE Minnesota Timberwolves pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, was lex#executive NEGATIVE Montana Dave Krieg pos#VB IN ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#for a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-compete->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#will make REL$NA lex#compete trigger#compete POSITIVE Ryutaro Hashimoto Tokyo REL$/people/deceased_person/place_of_death pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#meet ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#Prime Minister rc#next month UNLABELED Mr. Wei United States rc#in November lex#arrived lc#speech , pos#, WP VBD IN DT trigger#arrive ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Milsteins Peter Kalikow lc#later the rc#, who ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#sold midblock parcel trigger#sell pos#VBD DT NN NN TO UNLABELED Jets-Cowboys Giants Stadium lc#But the path#nn|<-nn<-game->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN NNP IN trigger#game rc#is so lex#game Saturday ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Big Time Amateur Athletic Union Las Vegas path#nn|<-nn<-tournament->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, lc#182-team lex#tournament trigger#tournament ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Wells Cleveland path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and was trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE St. Nicholas Harlem rc#, the lc#of the lex#housing project lc#the huge ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#yesterday , path#nn|<-nn<-project->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#welfare center trigger#project path#nn|<-nn<-center->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NN IN trigger#center REL$NA NEGATIVE Capitol Hill Stanley Greenberg lex#offices path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, who ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#at the trigger#office REL$NA pos#NNS IN UNLABELED Harris Pharmaceuticals Ltd. England path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#acquisition of trigger#company rc#and pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#pharmaceutical company UNLABELED Mrs. Balazs London lc#the worldly trigger#balazs path#advmod|->advmod->formerly->dep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, is ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, RB IN NEGATIVE West Julius K. Nyerere rc#, the trigger#pay lex#paid tribute today ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#VBD NN NN TO lc#from the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Francesca Serotkin ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#learns lc#-- and trigger#learn rc#-- he path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-learn->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ RBR IN NEGATIVE Sicily Bohemia ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#shifts from rc#. pos#TO path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-shift->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#shift REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Lynch Center for Advanced Instructional Media at Yale University pos#VBZ DT NN NN IN DT lc#( lex#design director rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Margo Piercy Harbor View Realty path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#agent lex#agent ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in UNLABELED Mary Lou McNaney New Rochelle pos#, WP VBZ IN lex#runs path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#run rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Hans Hemann Sierra Club pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, says lex#lobbyist trigger#lobbyist path#appos|->appos->lobbyist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Stephen J. Katsanos R.T.C. pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, said lc#, path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED SARAJEVO Michael Winterbottom pos#NNP IN path#nn|<-nn<-directed->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#WELCOME TO rc#; written trigger#directed lex#Directed NEGATIVE Vada Pinson Cincinnati Reds pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->star->nn->|nn trigger#star rc#star , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Associated Press Barrie Walkley lc#But The pos#VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#quoted trigger#quote path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-quote->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED Rashid Shaikh Science Times rc#article on trigger#comment pos#NN NNS IN trigger#article ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-comment->prep->on->pobj->article->nn->|nn lex#letter comments UNLABELED Judith Kipper Brookings Institution rc#, a pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, described lc#'' said rc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#expert rc#who is trigger#analyst rc#, argued lex#analyst affairs rc#. lex#specialist trigger#specialist path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN DT path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#expert ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said lc#But UNLABELED Mr. Pierce Kyoichi Egashira rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#report path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-report->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB TO trigger#report NEGATIVE Martina Ertl Maribor lex#strong run pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#'s ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#use UNLABELED Apollo Real Estate Investment Fund II Dreyfus pos#VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-partner->poss->|poss trigger#partner ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#'s joint UNLABELED Timothy Burton Harris Trust and Company pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#trader rc#in ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->trader->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#trader NEGATIVE Brandenburg Justice trigger#minister path#poss|<-poss<-minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#POS NNP IN rc#, lex#'s Minister REL$NA UNLABELED Waigel Lamont pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#warned rc#, " lc#, " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-warn->dobj->|dobj trigger#warn UNLABELED Allen McCreight Tampa lex#head bureau 's trigger#head trigger#office rc#office . pos#, NN IN DT NN POS ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn lc#" said UNLABELED Joe Hendron Social Democratic Labor Party lex#member Parliament trigger#member pos#, DT NN IN DT NNP IN DT path#appos|->appos->member->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Elisabeth H. Schwarz Gloria Nilson Realtors trigger#broker path#appos|->appos->broker->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#broker lc#According to ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#on Route UNLABELED Latin Night Roy Hargrove lc#open-air '' pos#'' VBG path#partmod|->partmod->feature->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#'' featuring trigger#feature rc#, UNLABELED Pontifical Council Vatican pos#IN DT IN DT lc#of the path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Jouret Free University of Brussels trigger#degree trigger#receive rc#and studied lex#received medical degree pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN IN DT lc#agency , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->dobj->degree->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Benigni Dante path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ trigger#play lex#plays lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a NEGATIVE Michael Palin Patrick Cassavetti pos#CC : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN lc#screenplay by ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#produce rc#and lex#director photography edited production designer produced path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-screenplay->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#screenplay NEGATIVE Gorchakov Catacombs path#dep|->dep->have->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#gorchakov rc#" has ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBZ IN DT NNS JJ : `` lex#means drab REL$NA lc#But NEGATIVE Tokyo Singapore trigger#come ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#came to pos#NN IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#today rc#before boarding REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Colley Wentworth Institute of Mechanical Engineering rc#in lex#studied pos#, WP VBD IN DT trigger#study ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->study->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mario Cuomo Mr. Clinton rc#but has lc#And Gov. ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#IN , WP VBZ VBN PRP$ NNS IN lex#troubles path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#cuomo NEGATIVE Robert S. Peck American Civil Liberties Union trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#" said lex#lawyer trigger#counsel pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->counsel->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which REL$NA rc#in lex#legislative counsel UNLABELED Bill Funkhouser Park Seed Company lex#assistant director horticulure lc#According to rc#, lisianthus pos#, JJ NN IN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Kenneth R. Fugett Airborne rc#, said path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#officer lex#chief information officer pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT lc#Maj. UNLABELED David Kaufman Man Behind the Book lex#reviews book The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->book->dobj->|dobj rc#: trigger#review ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#book pos#VBZ NN DT UNLABELED Richardson Ed Gibstein of the Engineers Club lc#wins trigger#win path#dep|->dep->win->nsubj->|nsubj rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#: UNLABELED Richman Nissequogue lc#if the lex#family pos#NN IN rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-family->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#family UNLABELED Dottie Jones National Council of Senior Citizens pos#IN , DT NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Yekaterina Razgovora Petrovich trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#manager pos#, DT NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Enrique Senior Allen & Company path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which UNLABELED Westinghouse Electric Corporation Philippines path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-build->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN DT rc#in the lex#built trigger#build lc#plant the UNLABELED Mark A. Shiffrin Connecticut path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#commissioner lc#'' added pos#, NNP IN DT IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#Commissioner rc#. '' NEGATIVE John Hamilton Mortimer English rc#artist with pos#, DT trigger#artist ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->artist->amod->|amod REL$NA UNLABELED New Scholarship Now Northeastern Mr. Emory path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->iobj->|iobj pos#VBZ VBN DT rc#a full ner#MISC->PERSON lc#A trigger#award lex#awarded UNLABELED Barry Commoner Biology of Natural Systems trigger#director lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT NNP IN DT rc#at path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->center->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, at lex#director Center trigger#center pos#, DT NN IN DT NNP IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, an lc#" said UNLABELED Richter Scale Derby Trial trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj lc#led by pos#VBZ lex#wins rc#at rc#last month ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. lc#rivals : lc#season ; lex#won ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Judaism America ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-find->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#where the lc#her own REL$NA trigger#find pos#, IN UNLABELED Dallas Citicorp Securities path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->through->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#) , lex#selling percent senior subordinated notes due price trigger#sell rc#and pos#, VBZ VBG IN NN JJ JJ NNS JJ IN IN DT NN IN IN UNLABELED Jules B. Kroll Kroll O'Gara lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive pos#, DT JJ NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Moses Stewart Yusuf K. Hawkins rc#, the lc#were pos#, NN IN lc#home of ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, '' trigger#father lex#father path#appos|->appos->father->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN lc#responded rc#. '' UNLABELED Medco Containment Services Merck lc#he sold pos#, WDT ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#distributor is trigger#sell rc#. trigger#acquire lex#managed care drug distributor pos#, DT VBN NN NN NN , TO path#rcmod|->rcmod->acquire->nsubj->|nsubj path#dobj|<-dobj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#acquired last UNLABELED Sidewinders Tucson lc#The rc#, path#appos|->appos->band->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#band ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#band NEGATIVE Kansas City Van Cortlandt Park trigger#defeat lex#yesterday ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, , NN IN rc#in the path#dobj|<-dobj<-defeat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#by defeating REL$NA UNLABELED American Indian Program Smithsonian Institution lc#of the rc#, who ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Dobbertins Puerto La Cruz lex#miles southeast spent Sunday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The trigger#spend rc#, ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#, IN , , NNS NN IN , VBD NNP IN NEGATIVE Michael Palin Andrew McAlpine path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-screenplay->appos->|appos lc#screenplay by ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; produced pos#CC : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN NN , lex#director photography edited production designer REL$NA trigger#screenplay UNLABELED Beverly D. Arlington Park trigger#win pos#IN rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc# NEGATIVE Edwin Gorter Revolution pos#VBD DT trigger#score path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->dobj->goal->poss->|poss lex#scored trigger#goal rc#'s ner#PERSON->MISC REL$NA UNLABELED Lee T. Edmondson Software Control Systems International Inc. rc#of trigger#founder lex#founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Chicago White Sox Burks trigger#play path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->nsubj->|nsubj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#while the rc#played right pos#, IN WP REL$NA UNLABELED Michael Chang Olympics lex#round trigger#defeat ner#PERSON->MISC pos#IN DT NN IN DT rc#. trigger#round lc#he defeated path#dobj|<-dobj<-defeat->prep->in->pobj->round->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED John Lamonica Trans-Global pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#executive rc#'s chief path#appos|->appos->executive->poss->|poss UNLABELED Mozart Mr. Simons pos#, rc#, a ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, like trigger#know path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-know->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Edward J. Renehan Jr. Lion 's Pride pos#POS JJ NN '' DT rc#, '' lex#'s beguiling book '' The trigger#book path#poss|<-poss<-book->dep->|dep lc#and biographer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Shirah Nieman Federal pos#, DT JJ rc#prosecutor in lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->prosecutor->nn->|nn lex#assistant ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#prosecutor UNLABELED Morningstar Inc. Firsthand Technology Value lc#analyst for trigger#follow rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#WP VBZ path#rcmod|->rcmod->follow->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Dr. Avima D. Lombard Hebrew University path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#ago by pos#, RB NN IN JJ NN NN IN lc#developed by pos#, NN IN JJ NN NN IN lex#director early childhood education ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED GEORGE L. HERSEY Yale U. New Haven trigger#professor lex#Professor Art History path#nn|<-nn<-professor->appos->|appos rc#, pos#NNP IN NNP NN , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Islanders Malakhov pos#VBD lc#The trigger#lose trigger#look ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#lost path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-look->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#early in pos#MD RB VB VBG IN rc#to carry path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->dobj->|dobj POSITIVE Victor Riesel Manhattan lex#crusading syndicated labor columnist blinded acid attack died yesterday home pos#, DT JJ VBN NN NN WP VBD VBN IN DT NN NN IN , VBD NN IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die REL$/people/person/place_of_birth ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Albert R. Berrocal Coast Federal Bank lex#vice president loan quality assurance lc#'' said pos#, NN NN IN NN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in NEGATIVE View From the Bridge Strand rc#until trigger#view pos#, '' WDT MD VB IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#" A ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Arpin Chicopee lc#Father pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear rc#, lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Virgil I. Grissom Ozone Park lex#Junior High School trigger#school lc#at the pos#NNP NNP NNP IN rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Tom Willmott Aberdeen Group path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#. trigger#consultant lex#industry consultant lc#Stream But lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#consultant path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#in lc#" said pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Dr. Gerald V. Quinnan Jr. Biologics Evaluation and Research lc#But pos#, NN IN DT POS NNP IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->center->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director 's Center trigger#center ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#director UNLABELED Washington , D.C. Elizabeth Hutton Turner path#appos|<-appos<-street->appos->|appos lc#, ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. lex#edited show 's curator trigger#street pos#, -RRB- , VBN IN DT NN POS NN , UNLABELED Nicholas Estavillo Puerto Rican lc#Deputy Chief trigger#commander pos#, DT rc#commander of ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->commander->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Duva New York University lex#graduate trigger#graduate rc#, was path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Daniel A. Hersh Kemper Securities Group pos#, DT NNS NN IN DT lex#airlines analyst trigger#analyst rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Henry C. Lee Forensic Science Program pos#, JJ TO NNS IN NN NNS WP VBD PRP VB IN DT NN , VBZ NN IN DT lex#familiar millions television viewers watched testify trial director rc#at the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Columbia Correctional Institute Madison lc#, the pos#IN , IN NNS RB IN trigger#north rc#, his path#advmod|->advmod->north->dep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#miles north ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Melissa Muller Biography path#nn|<-nn<-book->dep->|dep lex#book The ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. trigger#book lc#reviews pos#NN , : DT UNLABELED Agriculture and Markets Richard T. McGuire pos#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-commissioner->appos->|appos trigger#commissioner ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#Commissioner of rc#. UNLABELED JP Realty Inc. Grand Teton Mall pos#IN VBZ VBN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj lex#acquired trigger#acquire rc#in UNLABELED Albert E. Caccese Land Management lc#'' said trigger#commissioner pos#, DT NN POS NNP NNP IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#department 's Deputy Commissioner rc#. '' UNLABELED Alfonse M. D'Amato G.O.P. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, Senator lex#swipe pos#VBD DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#take rc#, saying UNLABELED Craig J Cantoni Walter Goodman trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s lex#letter pos#NN IN trigger#article path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss NEGATIVE Simon Rattle Avery Fisher Hall rc#; trigger#conduct path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-conduct->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#conducts pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Retro Musicals Meanwhile Jujamcyn Theaters lex#president rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , DT NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Confusion Holyfield Bowe lc#State of trigger#loss rc#threw the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-loss->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN TO lex#'s loss UNLABELED Oscar P. Cohen Lexington School lc#educators like lex#Superintendent pos#, NNP IN DT rc#for the trigger#superintendent path#appos|->appos->superintendent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Cubs Mulholland trigger#pay lc#The rc# pos#VBD DT NN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#paid veteran path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->iobj->|iobj NEGATIVE North Korea Korean Peninsula ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#when path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#part lex#population better-endowed part pos#, IN DT NN IN IN , VBD DT JJ NN IN DT REL$NA UNLABELED Hunter College City University ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#president of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-president->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and pos#IN DT trigger#president UNLABELED Sudler & Hennessey Young & Rubicam rc#subsidiary . lex#division path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->nn->|nn lc#formerly at ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#chief of trigger#division trigger#subsidiary pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Community Board Nicholas Fish pos#, rc#, said path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->appos->|appos lc#chairman of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#chairman UNLABELED Andrew J. Maloney Federal rc#prosecutor in path#appos|->appos->prosecutor->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#prosecutor whose pos#, DT NN ner#PERSON->MISC lex#chief lc#to trigger#prosecutor lc#, said lc#" said UNLABELED James Moriarty Mr. Levy lex#spokesman ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Republican House National Security personnel subcommittee lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#an rc#, said pos#WP VBZ NN IN DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Harry Wildfeuer Manhattan pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lex#deputy director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn trigger#office ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#field office trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Zarrella James E. Farmer path#poss|<-poss<-spokesman->appos->|appos lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#'s spokesman trigger#spokesman rc#. '' UNLABELED Joanne O'Rourke Stamford rc#specifically so pos#, DT NN POS NN NN , WP VBD TO IN lex#school 's vice president moved trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Aleksandr Shabanov Mr. Zyuganov pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->chief->poss->|poss rc#'s public trigger#chief UNLABELED Millicom New York path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN rc#, has trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Scottie Eleanor Lanahan trigger#describe pos#, '' ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, an path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-describe->nsubj->|nsubj lc#In " UNLABELED Tang Guoqiang Foreign Ministry lc#, '' rc#, said pos#, DT NN IN POS pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lex#spokesman 's UNLABELED Robert Nederlander Yankee path#appos|->appos->partner->nn->|nn lc#Wednesday , pos#, DT trigger#partner ner#PERSON->MISC rc#partner , UNLABELED H. William Fitelson New York trigger#lawyer rc#for pos#, DT NN NN IN IN WP VBD JJ IN DT CC , VBD NN IN PRP$ NN IN lex#entertainment lawyer path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#entertainment lawyer active died yesterday home pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Alan Kraemer SRS Labs trigger#director lc#'' said rc#, developers lex#engineering director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN NN IN NEGATIVE Lions Michigan lc#Then the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj trigger#loss lc#to the path#poss|<-poss<-loss->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#face rc#on lex#humbling loss ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#face pos#VBP rc#, which REL$NA pos#POS JJ NN TO UNLABELED Payne Cowboys pos#VBD DT lex#held path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->dobj->|dobj lc#Meanwhile , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#hold rc#to UNLABELED Perry Como Chesterfield Supper Club pos#POS `` path#poss|<-poss<-program->nn->|nn lex#'s lc#associated with rc#" program ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#program UNLABELED Dr. Piot Zaire pos#VBD lex#entered rc#was needed path#poss|<-poss<-presence->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#enter pos#POS NN IN lex#'s presence lc#Suddenly , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-enter->dobj->|dobj lc#, and ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#presence rc#through a NEGATIVE Staten Island Florida ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#drive path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-drive->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#family from pos#NNS TO rc#, where lex#miles REL$NA UNLABELED UMass Hoyas pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#lead lex#held 14-13 lead lc#week , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->dobj->lead->prep->over->pobj->|pobj trigger#hold NEGATIVE Geraldo Rivera Stephen Gillers trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#letter responds path#nn|<-nn<-letter<-nsubj<-respond->prep->to->pobj->article->nn->|nn rc# trigger#article trigger#respond pos#NN VBZ TO REL$NA UNLABELED Allen H. McCreight F.B.I. trigger#charge trigger#agent pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN DT , , path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->in->pobj->charge->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn trigger#office rc#office . lex#special agent charge ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said NEGATIVE CBC Colorado rc#State ( lex#No. path#appos|->appos->state->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#TV : trigger#state REL$NA pos#, NNP UNLABELED Paul Normandin Laconia trigger#lawyer rc#, said lex#lawyer ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE John Muir Sierra trigger#write lc#'' wrote pos#IN DT NN IN '' PRP$ NNP IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#end '' My Summer rc#. '' UNLABELED Dr. Horowitz Shirley lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; his trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Ms. Rivera American School of Ballet pos#VBD DT NN TO DT trigger#win lex#won scholarship rc#after auditioning lc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Red Storm Fraschilla trigger#pay lc#The lex#paying settlements ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBZ VBG RP NNS TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#and UNLABELED Dr. Mark LaPorta Italian rc#immigrant , ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->son->prep->of->pobj->immigrant->amod->|amod trigger#son pos#, , IN , DT NN IN DT trigger#immigrant lex#son UNLABELED Mr. Loan Chinh Mai lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; a lc#, trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , NEGATIVE St Agnes Brooklyn trigger#school pos#JJ NN IN lc#Former lex#elementary school ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA path#nn|<-nn<-school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#is being UNLABELED Chelsea Ms. Graham pos#, WRB path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->nsubj->|nsubj lc#In ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#has lived trigger#live UNLABELED Elizabeth H. Munson Sherman R. 2d ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#the former path#dep|->dep->son->appos->|appos trigger#son rc#, of lex#son pos#: DT NN , UNLABELED Jonathan Marine Los Angeles trigger#broker rc#, said lex#broker downtown path#appos|->appos->broker->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN IN NN UNLABELED African-American Sanford path#appos|->appos->city->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#as the pos#WP VBD DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NNS , DT NN IN rc#, lex#broke racial barrier major leagues city trigger#city ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Edwin Drewitz L.I. rc#A. In trigger#a. path#appos|->appos->a.->nn->|nn pos#, , lc#-- ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Simon Barkagan Manhattan lc#'' said rc#physician who trigger#physician pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->physician->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Harlem Brooklyn Academy of Music ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#travel from rc#. pos#TO DT REL$NA trigger#travel path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Daniel Libeskind Polish-born American pos#, lc#Interview with trigger#architect path#appos|->appos->architect->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC rc#architect who UNLABELED neighboring Republic of Macedonia Yugoslavia pos#, DT NN IN JJ ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, and lc#with the path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#part trigger#part UNLABELED John Drucker Lionel trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#lawyer , UNLABELED Mohammad Pria Tjindarbumi Indonesia trigger#be rc#, and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Harry Hoff Hollywood lc#version of pos#, DT RB JJ lex#thunderously imperious ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->chief->nn->|nn trigger#chief rc#studio chief NEGATIVE Denver Dikembe Mutombo rc#, the lex#'s rookie center lex#lost center trigger#pay pos#VBD trigger#lose lc#than what rc#, had path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#VBD NN path#poss|<-poss<-center->appos->|appos trigger#center rc#to an ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA lex#paid path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->dobj->|dobj pos#POS NN NN , UNLABELED Devils Patrick Division rc#semifinal playoff path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#dobj|<-dobj<-leave->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#come pos#POS NN IN DT lc#of the trigger#be pos#, WP VBP IN NN IN DT lc#left the trigger#series pos#VBD IN NN IN DT path#poss|<-poss<-series->nn->|nn trigger#devils ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#leave lex#hold final playoff spot lc#The lex#points third-place path#poss|<-poss<-record->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, WP VBP DT JJ NN NN IN DT lc#help the rc#. pos#-LRB- -RRB- VBP IN NNS IN DT JJ IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, rc#has reached lc#but the pos#POS lex#place trigger#record rc#when they trigger#hold path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#record NEGATIVE John Fox Open Society Institute pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#, '' rc#'s path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->office->poss->|poss trigger#office lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Robert Greene Office of Veterans Affairs rc#, said lex#director 's pos#, NN IN DT POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director POSITIVE Lehigh University Bethlehem lex#Pa. The writer professor classics history:INV lex#campus rc#, Penn. trigger#professor pos#IN trigger#enter rc#.:INV REL$/location/location/containedby pos#, NNP , DT NN VBZ DT NN IN NNS CC NN ,:INV lc#3D:INV path#dobj|<-dobj<-enter->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#campus path#nn|<-nn<-campus->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->appos->|appos:INV lc#over the rc#, Pa. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#will enter UNLABELED Nancy Lopez Flo Hyman Award pos#MD VB DT rc#, given lex#receive trigger#receive lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Henry G. Marblehead lc#son , rc#, Mass. trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, RB IN UNLABELED Mort Sharnik CBS-TV rc#boxing executive trigger#executive pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mikhail S. Gorbachev Margaret Thatcher trigger#discuss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-discuss->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#: President ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD DT NN IN IN NNP NNP rc#of lex#discussed crisis Prime Minister UNLABELED Quiller Memorandum Edgar Award trigger#win rc#from the lc#" The ner#PERSON->MISC lex#won pos#'' VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Sting Charlotte Coliseum trigger#lose path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-lose->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#to the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. REL$NA pos#IN DT UNLABELED Cleveland Sohio pos#, lc#" in path#appos|->appos->city->poss->|poss ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#'s headquarters trigger#city UNLABELED Nobels Nobel Prizes rc#for advances lex#scientists awarded pos#IN NNS VBP VBN VBN trigger#award ner#MISC->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Dean Unapix Films path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce<-dep<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. trigger#produce pos#, CC : VBN IN lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release trigger#director UNLABELED Public School East New York path#appos|->appos->building->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lc#victory at rc#, lex#five-story red-brick building trigger#building UNLABELED Bulgaria Balkan War path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fight->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD DT lex#fought trigger#fight ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#in NEGATIVE Cambridge House NYC path#nn|<-nn<-hotel->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#JJ NN IN lc#construction at rc#; half ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#residential hotel trigger#hotel REL$NA UNLABELED Charles Baltin Central New Jersey Jewish Home lex#retired decades broadcasting died Monday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#for the trigger#die pos#, WP VBD IN IN JJR IN NNS IN NN , VBD IN NNP IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Ukrainian Yuri M. Shcherbak trigger#minister path#amod|<-amod<-minister->appos->|appos pos#NNP NNP , ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, was lex#Environment Minister lc#When the UNLABELED Jean-Francois Mercier French pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#economist for path#appos|->appos->economist->amod->|amod trigger#economist lc#" said NEGATIVE Sylvain Cote Washington pos#, DT trigger#defenseman lc#skate of rc#defenseman . rc#defenseman , path#appos|->appos->defenseman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Don Fado United Methodist Church trigger#pastor path#appos|->appos->pastor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#the Rev. pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in lex#pastor 's UNLABELED Pierce Ai Sugiyama rc#by path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sweep->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#sweep pos#VBD JJ JJ lex#swept past fifth-seeded NEGATIVE Comptroller Dallas path#poss|<-poss<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN lc#to the lex#'s office trigger#office rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE W. C. Handy Beale Street trigger#leader rc#band leader pos#, DT lc#, when path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Matthew Schoenwald International Ladies Garment Workers Union lex#retired vice president rc#in path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Puerto Rican Santurce lc#in the trigger#town lex#town pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#, a NEGATIVE Joe DiMaggio Italians trigger#be pos#VBD TO ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#population that UNLABELED Mr. Malka New York rc#from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN , CC VBD TO trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#financial adviser moved UNLABELED Judy Bell U.S.G.A. lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said lc#Return Invitation path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Safra Republic New York lex#chairman owns percent trigger#percent lex#chairman private banking unit owns percent rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->percent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , WP VBZ RB NN IN , DT JJ NN NN IN , VBZ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, , NN IN , VBZ NN IN UNLABELED Johnny Dawkins all-America pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->guard->nn->|nn rc#guard at ner#PERSON->MISC lc#referring to trigger#guard UNLABELED FLIPPER ANDERSON Colts path#appos|->appos->receiver->poss->|poss trigger#receiver pos#, DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#injury . . . . rc#' dangerous UNLABELED Weldon Latham Democratic trigger#fund-raiser pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->fund-raiser->amod->|amod rc#fund-raiser , lc#to UNLABELED Felix James Grucci Sr. Brookhaven Memorial Hospital pos#, DT NN IN POS NN IN NNS , VBD IN NNP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#patriarch 's family fireworks died Saturday UNLABELED Leo Casagrande Meadow Green Nursing Center pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN WP VBD IN NN NNS CC NN NN , VBD NNP IN lex#professor civil engineer specialized soil mechanics foundation engineering died Thursday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Ms. Tikaram Kate Bush trigger#show ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-show->nsubj->|nsubj lc#Together pos#CC : IN IN NEGATIVE Albany The New York Times lc#in the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#of the path#nn|<-nn<-chief->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, once lc#, the rc#. lc#SACK is pos#NN IN trigger#bureau path#nn|<-nn<-chief->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NN IN rc#, that lex#bureau chief path#nn|<-nn<-bureau->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#is the trigger#chief REL$NA lex#bureau UNLABELED T. R. Republicans lc#When pos#VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-rejoin->dobj->|dobj trigger#rejoin ner#PERSON->MISC lex#rejoined rc#in UNLABELED John Frederick Nims Northwestern Memorial Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die lex#poet translator author died Tuesday pos#, DT NN , NN CC NN , VBD IN NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE David Young Reynolds trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Katalin Kovago Istvan Kuronya ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#daughter , rc#of trigger#daughter path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos lex#brother pos#IN , : DT NN , trigger#brother UNLABELED A1 Advertising Acquisition Infinity Broadcasting Outdoor Systems of Phoenix ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-agree->dobj->|dobj lex#radio billboard giant controlled agreed acquire No. company out-of-home advertising pos#, DT NN CC NN JJ VBN IN DT , VBD TO VB DT NN NN IN JJ NN , trigger#agree UNLABELED Mr. Vinet Mr. Jouret pos#VBD trigger#help ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-help->dobj->|dobj lex#helped rc#recruit at UNLABELED E. O'Neill Congressional Budget Office pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, described lc#But June rc#, said pos#, NN IN DT rc#, who lc#June lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#recently appointed director pos#, DT RB VBN NN IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Seton Hall South Bend trigger#beat pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-beat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#to beat rc#, Ind UNLABELED Tar Heels Show They Belong MIAMI North Carolina ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#knew it lex#AP With record regular season pos#, -LRB- NNP -RRB- IN DT NN IN DT JJ NN , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-know->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#know UNLABELED Bail Robin Blumner American Civil Liberties Union pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn trigger#office lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#A.C.L.U. Questions rc#office in trigger#director UNLABELED Morning Freiheit Yiddish ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->newspaper->amod->|amod rc#newspaper in trigger#newspaper lex#left-wing lc#of The UNLABELED Tall Blond Man With Atlantic rc#so regularly pos#, '' `` DT NNP '' -RRB- VBP VBN DT lc#" The lex#The Toy crossed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-cross->dobj->|dobj trigger#cross ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Kenji Miyahara Sumitomo pos#, lc#, '' path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Pylade Oreste pos#VBZ TO lc#When rc#and says trigger#turn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#turns path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Willie Stargell Bobby Bonilla ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#TO TO rc#and lc#to REL$NA path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#go UNLABELED St. Francis Square San Francisco lc#designed the path#nn|<-nn<-complex->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#housing complex pos#NN NN IN IN trigger#complex rc#, a UNLABELED THE AQUEDUCT Aqueduct path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-refer->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lex#-- Dog owners meet congenial packs trailway familiarly referred pos#: NNP NNS VBP IN JJ NNS DT IN DT NN , RB VBD TO IN DT rc#, especially trigger#refer ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Broadway II Latin pos#, DT JJ ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#popular rc#music supper trigger#club lc#at the path#appos|->appos->club->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Bo Jackson Kansas City rc#and the trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#when UNLABELED Harold Tyler Federal trigger#judge pos#, DT JJ pos#, DT VBN ner#PERSON->MISC rc#judge in lc#, and lex#retired rc#judge , lc#lawyer , lc#report by path#appos|->appos->judge->nn->|nn rc#judge who NEGATIVE Lou Piniella Dibble pos#VBD lc#Manager ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-summon->dobj->|dobj rc#in the trigger#summon lex#summoned REL$NA UNLABELED Rowling Texas rc#had agreed lex#family pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-family->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#that the ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#family UNLABELED Claiborne Pell Institute for International Relations Democratic Senator pos#, VBN IN DT JJ ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#named path#partmod|->partmod->name->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#from trigger#institute lc#for the UNLABELED Mr. Thomas Anne D. R. Thomas lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#, trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Blackstone Group Rose Hills ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN , TO VB lc#with the rc#. lex#investment firm buy trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Federal Mr. Brosky rc#, and pos#JJ NNS NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-trial->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#trial ner#MISC->PERSON lex#civil rights trial lc#request a UNLABELED Karl Peterson Mr. Khashoggi ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN TO rc#, had lex#aide lc#testified that path#appos|->appos->aide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#aide UNLABELED Mr. Mordechai Egypt trigger#go pos#VBD TO rc#last month path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#low , UNLABELED Jordi Reyes-Montblanc West Side Heights Citizen League trigger#director lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Shaprio Cowles rc#and became lc#later pos#VBD TO lex#returned ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return NEGATIVE Kim Pound path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-approach->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#approach lex#approached REL$NA pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Linda Myers Sheridan Square pos#, WP VBZ IN rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives lc#" said UNLABELED William J. Ryan Public Safety and Criminal Justice Committee lex#chairman pos#IN , NN IN DT lc#, and rc#, are ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Larisa Mishustina Duma pos#, WP VBZ IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->represent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, was lex#represents ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#represent UNLABELED Mr. Corbett Pentagon pos#, WP VBZ IN DT rc#, and trigger#work path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#works ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Orval Faubus Mammy Faubus lc#daydreams turning ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#turn lex#stick figures rc#and pos#CC IN DT NN NNS path#dobj|<-dobj<-turn->prep->into->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED David Lamar McDonald Baptist Medical Center-Beaches path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD JJ NNS IN DT POS NN IN VBD CC VBD , VBD IN IN lc#Adm. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#commanded naval forces involvement rose crested died rc#in UNLABELED McNair Stambaugh Stadium lex#-- first-round game Division I-AA playoffs trigger#write lc#simply write path#dobj|<-dobj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#: , IN DT JJ NN IN DT NNP NNP NNS IN rc#on the UNLABELED Dr. Conrad Estol Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases of Buenos Aires rc#, the pos#, DT NN NN IN DT trigger#expert lex#stroke expert path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Monsanto Richard J. Mahoney lc#charge from ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-chairman->appos->|appos lex#'s chairman pos#POS NN , rc#. trigger#chairman NEGATIVE David Nelson Penguin lc#But path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president director sales adult hardcovers ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, which REL$NA pos#, NN NN CC NN IN NNS IN NN NNS IN trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Surdi Recreation rc#for lc#'' said pos#, DT JJ NNP IN lex#Superintendent trigger#superintendent path#appos|->appos->superintendent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Columbia Pictures Mr. Schwarzenegger pos#VBD rc#by paying trigger#get ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Anne Raver Dr Andrew Weil lex#interview rc#and botanist ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, Harvard-trained path#nn|<-nn<-column->dep->|dep path#nn|<-nn<-interview->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN trigger#interview lex#gardening column planting coneflowers appearance medicinal drawing quotes pos#NN NN IN VBG NNS -LRB- -RRB- IN NN CC JJ NN : NN : NNS trigger#column UNLABELED Margaret Talbot Dr Benjamin Spock path#nn|<-nn<-tribute->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#NN TO rc#, pediatrician-laureate lex#tribute trigger#tribute NEGATIVE Patriots Meggett trigger#pay pos#VBD rc#to a ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#MD VB VBN RB RB IN lex#signed rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->|dobj lc#When the lc#that the trigger#sign REL$NA lex#paid NEGATIVE Julie Jones Metropolitan path#appos|->appos->curator->nn->|nn rc#curator in pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#show , path#appos|->appos->curator->poss->|poss rc#'s curator trigger#curator REL$NA lc#" said NEGATIVE Ford Credit Chrysler lex#main rivals finance arms pos#CC PRP$ JJ NNS , DT NN NNS IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->arm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#practices of trigger#arm rc#and REL$NA NEGATIVE Jane Shapiro Coral Springs pos#, CC DT NN , , DT IN path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#daughter , trigger#daughter rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#son REL$NA UNLABELED Cincinnati Reds BOB GEREN rc#from the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-claim->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD NN lex#claimed catcher lc#. . . . The trigger#claim UNLABELED A9 Welfare Law Before Court California Supreme Court pos#VBD DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj rc#to permit trigger#ask UNLABELED Arts Mr. Hoffman path#rcmod|->rcmod->perform->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#performed trigger#perform pos#, WP VBD IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#for the rc#in '' UNLABELED Ms. Bartz Sun lex#joined pos#VBD trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Scrooge Christmas Carol rc#" at trigger#play path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#IN DT NN `` lc#he played lex#school UNLABELED La Cage Dolly rc#! '' lex#'' surpass 's superhits 's '' ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#'' MD VB POS NNS IN DT POS , '' , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-surpass->dobj->|dobj trigger#surpass lc#Whether '' UNLABELED Ivan Materov Russia pos#, trigger#minister rc#'s First path#appos|->appos->minister->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE California Western lc#( trigger#state pos#VBZ DT JJ ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#state that REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-state->amod->|amod UNLABELED West Germany Manfred Worner trigger#minister rc#, and path#poss|<-poss<-minister->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#'s Defense Minister pos#POS NNP NNP , lc#made by UNLABELED Brian Smith League of Savings Institutions rc#, the lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#executive vice president trigger#president UNLABELED Alan Abrahams New York lex#president lc#) and pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->chapter->nn->|nn rc#chapter of trigger#chapter ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Stephen L. McCleery Travis County rc#and the path#appos|->appos->attorney->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN NN IN lex#assistant district attorney ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#attorney lc#But UNLABELED Elizabeth Souritz Soviet lc#" by rc#dance historian pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#historian path#appos|->appos->historian->amod->|amod UNLABELED Canadiens Molson Center rc#, the trigger#defeat path#pobj|<-pobj<-over<-prep<-victory->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#victory path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->dobj->|dobj lex#open trigger#beat trigger#loss path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-loss->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#beat the path#dobj|<-dobj<-defeat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#RB IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-beat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#RB RB , DT NN IN IN lc#to the lc#and the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. rc#tonight , lc#defeat the trigger#open lex#tonight time lc#over the pos#VBP DT pos#NN IN DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lex#today pos#IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Yankees Blowers pos#VBD lc#The trigger#send ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#to play path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Angola Rwanda lex#backed faction colony long civil war government ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#Unlike rc#has no pos#, WRB CC DT VBD NN IN DT JJ NN IN DT JJ JJ NN IN DT NN , trigger#unlike REL$NA path#pobj|<-pobj<-unlike<-prep<-have->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Community Board City Planning Department pos#MD RB VB DT lex#ca n't persuade ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#, rc#to let path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-persuade->dobj->|dobj trigger#persuade UNLABELED Clinton Mr. Danforth path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD lex#praised ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#praise lc#, President rc#, describing UNLABELED Richard V. Hopple Wells Rich Greene BDDP lex#left trigger#leave path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->dobj->|dobj rc#in October pos#, WP VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Utah Lance Arthur pos#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-governor->appos->|appos trigger#governor ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. lc#Governor of UNLABELED Rosamund Felsen Los Angeles lex#'s agent path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#agent rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said pos#, POS NN IN NEGATIVE David Martin Genentech trigger#scientist lex#chief scientist rc#who is pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Douglas J. Lober Larry Rakers path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#senior analyst takes ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#take pos#, DT JJ NN IN , VBZ RP IN UNLABELED Los Angeles Shanti Foundation ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#found the lex#chapter trigger#chapter lc#founded the pos#NN IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-chapter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which NEGATIVE Lufthansa Canadian Airlines rc#will expire path#poss|<-poss<-agreement->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#agreement lex#'s existing agreement pos#POS VBG NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Dunston Shea pos#VBD IN NN NN JJ IN DT POS NN NN IN trigger#start lex#started center field playoff game path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Foote Cone & Belding Worldwide True North Communications path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#office of ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#that already lex#unit trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED NV SoHo rc#, adds pos#, NN IN trigger#club path#appos|->appos->club->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#club ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED ANAHEIM Von Hayes lex#AP -- trigger#drive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-drive->nsubj->|nsubj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#drove in pos#, -LRB- NNP -RRB- : lc# UNLABELED Gaillard Municipal Auditorium Falstaff lc#of the lex#festival presenting 's pos#, WRB DT NN VBZ VBG POS `` ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. " path#rcmod|->rcmod->present->dobj->|dobj trigger#present NEGATIVE Washington Capitals Milwaukee trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#as the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#beat pos#VBD DT , , IN REL$NA UNLABELED Randolph Wills Human Rights Commission pos#, VBG NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->attorney->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#managing attorney 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#attorney rc#, which lc#" said NEGATIVE Changle Fujian Province path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#bear lc#born in REL$NA rc#in pos#, IN UNLABELED Damon Bonaparte St. Raymond 's lc#; lex#6-10 junior path#appos|->appos->junior->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, and trigger#junior pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Zapata Corporation George Bush trigger#found pos#VBN IN lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#founded REL$NA rc#and a UNLABELED Fred Harris Ray Sena rc#as ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ trigger#replace lex#replaces path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Michael S. Feldberg New York trigger#lawyer lc#But pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#lawyer representing NEGATIVE Gerald Riggs Atlanta trigger#obtain pos#IN lc#team obtained rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#dobj|<-dobj<-obtain->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Quinn Thomas M. Quinn rc#& Sons lex#president ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ DT NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president NEGATIVE Frank Saucier Browns lc#and especially pos#, DT rc#outfielder , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#outfielder REL$NA path#appos|->appos->outfielder->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Brooklyn Academy of Music Monsters of Grace ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#presented 's '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->dobj->|dobj pos#CC DT IN , DT VBD POS '' lc#at the rc#, '' REL$NA trigger#present NEGATIVE Bloom Dallas trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN lc#/ rc#for the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Atlanta Braves Dave Gallagher pos#IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-acquire->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#appears ready lc#from the trigger#acquire REL$NA UNLABELED Australian Orlando lc#The path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#WP VBZ IN lc#a rc#, shot trigger#live ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#lives UNLABELED Transit Brigade Jose Francisco Barata path#poss|<-poss<-chief->appos->|appos rc#, blamed lc#But the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#POS NN IN NNS , NNP lex#'s chief operations Maj. trigger#chief NEGATIVE Tribune Company Compton pos#VBD lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj lex#acquired trigger#acquire REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED Lisa Riordan Bergen Brunswig rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Marvin T. Runyon Detroit-trained pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->president->amod->|amod rc#president of ner#PERSON->MISC lc#, but trigger#president UNLABELED Federal Dietrich Snell rc#, said lc#, the path#nn|<-nn<-prosecutor->appos->|appos ner#MISC->PERSON lex#prosecutor trigger#prosecutor pos#NN , NEGATIVE Keith Tkachuk Jets trigger#score lex#scored trigger#goal pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, , CC VBD IN DT pos#, CC VBD IN DT rc#. lex#scored lone goal ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->dobj->goal->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Russell Arthur Russell ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#professionally pos#, VBN RB IN path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj rc#, performed trigger#russell UNLABELED Olympic Trials Lundquist trigger#lose lc#the rc#lost to ner#MISC->PERSON pos#IN WDT path#rcmod|->rcmod->lose->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Marjorie Deane Ms. Beldock pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN NN , WP VBD rc#last ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->hire->dobj->|dobj trigger#hire lex#co-chairwoman designer show house hired lc#" said UNLABELED Mrs O'Leary Sullivan lc#; suspects ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, may lex#'s neighbor Leg trigger#neighbor path#poss|<-poss<-neighbor->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , NNP -RRB- UNLABELED Stephan Olson David Waggett lex#costume design lighting designer sound design stage manager stage combat production manager path#appos|<-appos<-design->appos->|appos trigger#design ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; dialect pos#: NN NN , : VBG NN , : JJ NN , : NN NN , : NN NN , : NN NN , lc#design , UNLABELED Nathaniel E. Kossack Wilmington lex#retired Federal official nationwide reputation law enforcement died Wednesday home pos#, DT VBN NNP NN IN DT JJ NN IN NN NN , VBD JJ NNP IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, Del trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Robert Cserr Boston trigger#psychiatrist pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->psychiatrist->nn->|nn rc#psychiatrist who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#to UNLABELED Daniel Couttolenc Citibank lc#" said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive director corporate finance rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Mark Gandler Karpovtsev pos#, lc#'' said rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->poss->|poss rc#'s agent path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#agent pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Bayhawks Peekskill pos#MD VB lc#The rc#in the trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj lex#meet ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED L. FREY Westchester lc#BRENTLY lex#made usual trigger#make rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD DT JJ UNLABELED Robert Novick Manhattan rc#, who lc#raised by trigger#consultant path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#computer consultant ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN NEGATIVE Sandy Dennis Central Park pos#CC TO VB DT JJ IN rc#( in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#spend traumatic trigger#spend ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#once obliged REL$NA UNLABELED Macy Upper West Side of Manhattan lex#'s restaurant path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#POS CC , CC , DT NN IN DT trigger#restaurant ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#stores like UNLABELED David Staller Manhattan pos#, DT IN DT , NNP NNP NNP , rc#, (212) 840-6800 lc#Musical Pairs path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos trigger#street ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#West 44th Street UNLABELED Saradean Smith Barbara Bravin ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter rc#of lc#the former trigger#daughter trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#: DT NN , NEGATIVE Baron Madrid pos#CC PRP$ NN VBD TO ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, the rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move REL$NA lex#family moved UNLABELED West End theater London lc#in the trigger#district rc#. pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-district->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#district ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Arthur Cinader J. Crew lex#chairman pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Sandoz Research Institute East Hanover path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#of the pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Mr. Rinfret Montreal path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#in trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born rc#and raised ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ray E. Cowen State Environmental Conservation Department lc#, '' rc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#, and path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#dissenters , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#regional director trigger#director UNLABELED Chris Ender Los Angeles lex#spokesman rc#for lc#'' said ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED John Clabby University of Medicine pos#, DT NN IN DT IN DT rc#and Dentistry lc#his colleague lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Francis Elizabeth Clare Prophet rc#, the pos#VBZ VBN TO ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-marry->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#marry lex#married UNLABELED Tony Coelho Vice Pres Al Gore pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#honor of path#appos|->appos->chief->poss->|poss rc#'s campaign trigger#chief UNLABELED Ivanchuk Gulko ner#PERSON->PERSON rc# trigger#game lc# path#nn|<-nn<-game->nn->|nn UNLABELED First Amendment Comedy Troupe Manhattan lex#West 23d Street pos#, , NNP NNP NNP , lc#and the path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos trigger#street rc#, (212) 678-0076 ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Corsica de Cala Rossa trigger#have pos#, DT ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-have->nsubj->|nsubj lc#In southern NEGATIVE Epson Seiko Epson Corporation path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, also lex#unit trigger#unit REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Feinstein Carlyle rc#from Tuesday lex#back trigger#feinstein ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP MD VB RB IN DT UNLABELED Manhattan Berkley Prime Crime lc#bridge into ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#MEAN STREAK pos#IN NNP NNP -LRB- path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-argue->nsubj->|nsubj rc#, trigger#argue NEGATIVE Goodenow New York trigger#come rc#his nine-player trigger#bring lc#, when path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD TO lc#, lex#face lex#brought path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#face rc#, these path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#today to pos#CC VBP RP IN lc#yesterday that UNLABELED New York City Carb lc#of the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#law firm rc#, pos#NN NN IN trigger#firm UNLABELED Serb N.B.A. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-retire->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#retire lex#retired lc#( a rc#and returned pos#-RRB- VBP DT VBN IN DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED NFL Properties Inc NFL Insider Magazine rc#, to ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#introduce path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->dobj->|dobj pos#CC MD VB trigger#introduce NEGATIVE Brazilians Stanford Stadium rc#, the lc#about the ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#meet REL$NA pos#, WP PRP MD VB IN DT NNS IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#meet semifinals UNLABELED Craig Litman Litman/Gregory & Company ner#PERSON->NNP lex#principal path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#principal pos#, DT NN IN rc#in NEGATIVE Katzenbach Lyndon B. Johnson lex#President ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#general path#appos|->appos->general->poss->|poss rc#'s Attorney REL$NA pos#, NNP UNLABELED Mr. Smith The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund rc#did carry trigger#send pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#the check ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Daniel L. Klesken Robertson Stephens ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst pos#, DT NN NN NN IN lex#semiconductor industry analyst rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Mrs. Hikosaka New York rc#for several pos#, WP VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#lived trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Guillermo Vilas Kirmayr pos#CC RB RB TO ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and lex#back lc#to path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#go UNLABELED Jerry Alta lc#son , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED J. Revell Carr Mystic Seaport pos#, path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#president and trigger#president UNLABELED pagan Romans Eastern Christians lc#shifted from pos#TO path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-shift->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->MISC trigger#shift rc#to UNLABELED Burden Center Ronald O. Perelman rc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-honor->dobj->|dobj trigger#honor ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#honor lc#-- The pos#IN DT MD VB UNLABELED Mark S. Rogers Prudential-Bache Securities Inc. rc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Stiefler IDS rc#in lex#president pos#, , VBD NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president UNLABELED Alfred A. Giardino New York City Board of Education pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Lemieux Detroit trigger#score rc#last Saturday lex#scored winning goal opening game finals pos#VBD DT VBG NN IN DT NN NN IN DT NNS IN lc#enough , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->prep->against->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Lieut. James Powell Fire Department pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn rc#spokesman . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Montana Tampa Bay trigger#visit ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#MD RB VB lc#, although path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj rc#, and lex#visit REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Rockwell Greenfield Hill path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#resident rc#, where pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED F.W. Dodge McGraw-Hill Construction Information Group pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#division path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#according to rc#. trigger#division ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE General Electric John Welch pos#, rc#, said path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->appos->|appos lc#chairman of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON REL$NA trigger#chairman UNLABELED Rocky Alice D'Ambros ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , trigger#owner rc#. lc#but to path#poss|<-poss<-owner->appos->|appos lex#'s owner UNLABELED KEITH HAMILTON CHRIS CHANDLER pos#IN DT VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sack->dobj->|dobj rc#, forced lex#sacked lc#quarter , trigger#sack NEGATIVE Maillol New York trigger#show pos#NN NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-show->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#but that lc#a major REL$NA lex#museum show UNLABELED Brian Oliver Yellow Jackets trigger#score lex#scored points path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->dobj->point->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. lc#, and trigger#point pos#VBD NNS IN DT UNLABELED Mexico City Olympics pos#, NN IN DT trigger#home rc#. lc#, like path#appos|->appos->home->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->MISC lex#home UNLABELED International Lifeboat Race South Street Seaport trigger#win lc#won the path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Webber Mayce path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#father pos#POS NN , lex#'s father rc#, told lc#and even lc#" said UNLABELED Alexis United States lex#'s visit path#poss|<-poss<-visit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#visit pos#POS NN TO DT rc#at the ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc# UNLABELED Gary P. Steuer Arts lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN DT lex#president chief executive rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president POSITIVE Richard Stengel Time trigger#editor path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, said REL$/business/person/company ner#PERSON->MISC lc#daughter -- pos#, DT JJ NN IN lex#senior editor UNLABELED Cook Hotel British lc#the Captain pos#, VBN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#build lex#built path#partmod|->partmod->build->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#during NEGATIVE Terence Dwyer Valhalla trigger#lawyer lex#lawyer rc#, is ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA NEGATIVE Chickasaw Mudd Puppies Manhattan pos#MD VB NN IN , , IN , IN trigger#perform lc#The lex#perform tonight rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Clinton William Perry path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recruit->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#recruited Secretary lc#, pos#VBD JJ NNP trigger#recruit rc#to review UNLABELED Dr. Vagelos Metropolitan Opera pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#them is rc#. lex#director ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED John Kachamila Energy Resources trigger#minister rc#, who path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, POS NNP IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#'s Minister lc#" said UNLABELED Getty Museum Getty Center lex#public part lc#as the path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, finally trigger#part ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT RBS JJ NN IN DT JJ UNLABELED Mr. Forbes Penn Plaza lex#publishing magnate opened office hotel path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, just pos#, DT NN NN , VBD DT NN IN DT IN DT NN , IN trigger#open ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Conrail Mr. Crane trigger#surprise ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#railroads , lex#surprised path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-surprise->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD RB rc#when it UNLABELED Malik Agha Queens lex#moved rc#from path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD TO trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Leachman Dick Modzelewski ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, JJ , VBZ rc#, who trigger#replace lex#replaces path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED CINCINNATI BENGALS Louis Oliver pos#: VBN path#dep|->dep->sign->dep->|dep ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#-- Signed lc# trigger#sign rc#, safety UNLABELED Gabriel Schwartzman United States Open path#appos|->appos->champion->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#champion , trigger#champion UNLABELED Craig Goldwyn Beverage Testing Institute lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Awaris Tchlemarian Queens rc#Answer : trigger#answer lc#. . . pos#, , path#appos|->appos->answer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Urban Resources Project Fox Hills Tenants Assn lex#coalition agencies grants ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grant->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#and trigger#grant pos#, NN IN NNS , NNS TO UNLABELED Thomas Tass Canadian trigger#official path#appos|->appos->official->amod->|amod pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#immigration official lc#, " NEGATIVE Germans Communist Party pos#RB VBP DT NN IN PRP$ NNS TO DT : DT JJ trigger#give rc#-- the lc#While eastern ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lex#routinely give votes -- UNLABELED J. P. Wellington Alyeska trigger#manager pos#, NN IN JJ NN IN lc#Keeping Quiet path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#and overseer lex#manager corporate security ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Boxer Republican lc#, Senator path#poss|<-poss<-opponent->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#opponent rc#opponent in lex#'s pos#POS UNLABELED Patricia Ann Sypher Boston pos#, DT trigger#consultant path#appos|->appos->consultant->nn->|nn rc#business consultant ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#married UNLABELED Carol A. Gresser Mr. Cortines pos#, DT NN IN DT , VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#defend rc#, and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defend->dobj->|dobj lc#yesterday , lex#president defended UNLABELED David F. Musto Yale School of Medicine pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#professor rc#who is path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor UNLABELED African-American Day New York trigger#parade rc#recently , path#nn|<-nn<-parade->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lex#parade ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#in an UNLABELED Mr. DeSimone 3M pos#MD VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-like->dobj->|dobj trigger#like ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which UNLABELED Carnegie Hill Company Princeton lc#of the trigger#adviser rc#, path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#investment adviser ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Blake Cowboys pos#VBD DT rc#' defensive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#coach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->poss->|poss NEGATIVE FLORENCE Medicis pos#VBD DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj rc#. REL$NA UNLABELED Dance Inspired American Ballet Theater lex#faunlike mercurial dancer joined trigger#join pos#IN , DT JJ , JJ NN , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj lc#A ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Ms. Donnelly Mrs. Bissell pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#'s lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#According to path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss UNLABELED anti-Communist Lane Kirkland rc#, whom trigger#leader lc#real hard-headed ner#MISC->PERSON pos#NN NN IN path#amod|<-amod<-leader->prep->like->pobj->|pobj lex#labor leader UNLABELED Mr. Rothenberg David path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#take pos#VBD VBN UNLABELED Ratners Group Kay Jewelers pos#MD VB rc#for about ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#acquire path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj trigger#acquire UNLABELED State Department Palestinian lc#by the trigger#leader ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#leader , pos#, , DT path#appos|->appos->leader->amod->|amod UNLABELED Presidential Commission Race lc#of the pos#IN rc#, among path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Rocky Middleton New Rochelle Public Library pos#CC VBP TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#for '' trigger#go UNLABELED Victoria Mr. Munro rc#opened a ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, , WRB trigger#open lc#moved to path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Charlotte Judith G. Schaeffer trigger#survive lex#daughter rc#of ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#wife , trigger#daughter trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos pos#: DT NN , NEGATIVE British Ramsay MacDonald trigger#minister path#amod|<-amod<-minister->appos->|appos pos#NNP NNP , rc#. lex#Prime Minister lc#and a ner#MISC->PERSON REL$NA UNLABELED New York New York Immigration Coalition ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#The writer chairwoman rc#, is pos#, DT NN , NN IN DT trigger#chairwoman path#appos|->appos->chairwoman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc# UNLABELED Hans von Sponek United Nations lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->coordinator->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#coordinator rc#aid coordinator ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Strawberry Bill Goodstein lex#'s agent lc#When lex#'s agent late rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent rc#, floated pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-agent->appos->|appos rc#, was pos#POS NN , DT JJ UNLABELED Gary Register Jacksonville rc#native and trigger#native pos#, , DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn lc#, said UNLABELED Mr. Ahern John O'Donoghue trigger#minister rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-minister->appos->|appos pos#POS NNP , lex#'s Minister UNLABELED Heavy D. Uptown Records rc#and the lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#The rapper ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Ruth Puttermesser Ms. Ozick pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have lc#Like path#pobj|<-pobj<-like<-prep<-have->nsubj->|nsubj rc#has a UNLABELED Anthony M. Cardinale Frank Locascio trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer rc#, path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#tone as pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Diane Pereira Computer Associates trigger#manager rc#, said path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#marketing manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN NEGATIVE Bobby Thomason David Ramirez ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#TO JJ NN trigger#pass lc#pass from path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-pass->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#wide receiver REL$NA NEGATIVE Joyce Amy ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife->appos->|appos lc#wife , pos#, CC NNS , lex#children rc#and trigger#wife REL$NA UNLABELED George Abercrombie Glaxo path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn rc#vice president pos#, DT lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED New Jersey Sports Authority John Samerjan pos#NN , lex#spokesman ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman lc#said a rc#. '' UNLABELED Dr. Thomas J. Coates AIDS Prevention Studies lc#" said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->center->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT NNP IN lex#director Center rc#at the trigger#center ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Pat Upton Tulsa County Chief Public Defender lex#aide rc#, path#appos|->appos->aide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#aide ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN TO DT UNLABELED Frank J. Marinaro Gelber Group of Chicago pos#, NN NN IN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president research ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Modern 's Massive Gift Ronald Lauder Intersection II pos#VBZ RB VBN `` lex#bought lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, " trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Braden Iridium path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN DT trigger#open rc#, where ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#opened stand lc#Tuesday , UNLABELED Bo Matt Keeslar lex#played ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#-- but lc#the handsome NEGATIVE Priscilla San Francisco rc#; trigger#survive pos#: NNS , , IN lc#wife , lex#sons trigger#son trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED NASA Endorses Mir Repair Russian ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#plan rc#plan for lex#The pos#NNP path#nn|<-nn<-plan->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Dominican Trujillo trigger#leader pos#NNS , RB path#amod|<-amod<-leader->appos->|appos rc#, who ner#MISC->PERSON lc#series of lex#leaders REL$NA UNLABELED British Petroleum Triton Energy Corporation of Dallas path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#acquired percent stake field eastern slope rc#, after trigger#acquire pos#VBD DT NN NN IN DT NN IN DT JJ NN IN DT IN IN DT UNLABELED Jose Ignacio Lopez de Arriortua General Motors Corporation rc#for trigger#leave pos#, DT lc#that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj path#appos|->appos->chief->poss->|poss lex#feared resented cost-cutter left pos#, DT VBN CC VBN NN , MD VB VBN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#'s energetic trigger#chief UNLABELED Mario Materassi Mr. Roth rc#to put ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN DT WP VBD VBN `` VB PRP VB '' IN , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-persuade->dobj->|dobj lex#professor translated Call It Sleep persuaded trigger#persuade lc#'s , UNLABELED Henry Fogel Cliff Dweller lc#director , ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT path#appos|<-appos<-director->appos->|appos rc#himself , trigger#director UNLABELED Warburgs Carnegie trigger#follow lc#The rc#, dotting path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-follow->dobj->|dobj pos#, CC RB VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. O'Hearn George Bush path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj trigger#add ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#exasperated toying idea defecting added '' pos#, WP VBZ RB JJ PRP VBZ VBG IN DT NN IN VBG TO , VBD : '' rc#'s sound UNLABELED Nunsense Ms. De Laurentis trigger#play rc#played Sister lc#with " ner#MISC->PERSON pos#, '' IN WDT path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Mr. Dillon Barbara Dillon lex#'s daughter ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , trigger#daughter rc#, won path#poss|<-poss<-daughter->appos->|appos NEGATIVE Augusta Savannah pos#, NNP , NNS RB IN lex#Ga. miles northwest trigger#northwest path#advmod|->advmod->northwest->dep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#law in rc#, where REL$NA UNLABELED Miss Revere Hollywood pos#VBD lex#left trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj rc#to seek ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Tamara Mt. Kisco path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#daughter rc#, pos#, IN , CC , IN , , CC DT NN , , IN lex#brother lc#daughters , ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Russell Granik USA Basketball trigger#president pos#, WP DT NN NNS VBN TO DT JJ NN IN NN NNP NN NN , VBZ NN NN IN rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#team owners named vacant position deputy N.B.A. commissioner today vice president NEGATIVE Cincinnati Austin Peay pos#, trigger#score rc# ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA UNLABELED Matilda Kunin Young Performers Theater pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#founder lex#founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#written by rc#in UNLABELED Banking Research Center Kellogg Graduate School lc#of the rc#at ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT trigger#chairman POSITIVE Westwood Studios Las Vegas path#appos|->appos->maker->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#marketing for REL$/business/company/place_founded rc#, lex#game maker ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#maker UNLABELED Maleeva-Fragniere Mary Joe Fernandez lc#'' said lex#faces eighth-seeded ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->face->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ JJ rc#in the trigger#face NEGATIVE Ian Duncan Seven Network rc#program director pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Artists Blue Line path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#work lex#working ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#VBP RB VBG IN DT rc#, a UNLABELED Charles H. Kirbo Georgia trigger#lawyer pos#, DT JJ rc#lawyer who path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#courtly UNLABELED Exxon South Jersey trigger#manager lex#area manager rc#, who lc#, the pos#NN NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Nadir Britain path#rcmod|->rcmod->immigrate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD IN PRP$ NN TO lex#immigrated family rc#in the trigger#immigrate ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Greene Rome trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT NN NN DT NN IN IN NNS IN DT NNS POS NNS , VBD DT lex#set world record month ago seconds men 's meters won ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj rc#in NEGATIVE Joschka Fischer Hesse trigger#leader lex#prominent leader ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT RBS JJ NN IN rc#, is path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc# NEGATIVE Macbeth Trevor Nunn ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#of '' rc#. trigger#direct path#partmod|->partmod->direct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#'' VBN IN PRP$ NN REL$NA lex#'' directed fellow-undergraduate UNLABELED Gorilla Repertory Theater Co Lear rc#, presented lex#outdoor production King ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-production->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#JJ NN IN NNP trigger#production lc#reviews UNLABELED Stephen Garrison Salem Counties trigger#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#agent ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, NN IN CC UNLABELED General Electric Gerald E. Sabian lc#, a lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman pos#NN , UNLABELED Delaware Chancery Court Stanley Stahl lc#in the pos#IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#file path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-file->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#seeking an UNLABELED JAY KITCHEN National Assn. of Business and Educational Radio Alexandria lex#President pos#NNP , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, Va. path#nn|<-nn<-president->appos->|appos trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Mayorga Central Bank lex#Yale-educated economist serve president trigger#serve rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->as->pobj->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president pos#, DT JJ NN , MD VB IN NN IN DT UNLABELED Fund Family Shareholder Association Watertown lc#of the pos#, DT NN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#fund newsletter publisher trigger#publisher UNLABELED Betsy Furman University trigger#be rc#, where pos#VBD RB TO ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#Eventually , UNLABELED Richard E. Schermerhorn Republican New YorkState pos#, DT JJ trigger#senator ner#PERSON->MISC rc#senator from path#appos|->appos->senator->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Sega Japan pos#, trigger#have lex#competitor sells game station pos#RB VBZ NN NNS IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell rc#. path#appos|->appos->maker->poss->|poss trigger#base rc#, has pos#, DT NN , VBZ DT NN NN IN lex#theme parks rc#called path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, where trigger#introduce path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#CC VBP RB VBN PRP$ NNS IN rc#'s largest REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#maker lex#introduced machines pos#, RB VBN IN lex#based lc#But NEGATIVE Harland Bartholomew St. Louis lc#from obscurity pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn rc#planning director ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Terry Gilbert Mr. Sheppard pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#'s lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, said lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Owen Dougherty Foote lex#spokesman ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Terry G. Anderson Idaho Parent-Teacher Association lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Mary Agnes Donoghue Andrew McAlpine path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-screenplay->appos->|appos lc#screenplay by ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; produced pos#CC , NN IN : NN IN NN , : NN NN , : NN IN : NN NN , REL$NA lex#story director photography film editor music production designer trigger#screenplay POSITIVE Little Falls Passaic County path#appos|->appos->town->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#town rc#wedged between lex#working-class town lc#early in REL$/location/hud_county_place/county pos#, DT JJ NN IN UNLABELED Ms. Meyers African trigger#describe lex#'' funky ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj lc#, which pos#VBD RB '' JJ rc#. '' UNLABELED Nussbaum Harvard trigger#teach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#taught rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Dr. Smoluchowski Louise ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#. lex#'s wife trigger#wife lc#, said UNLABELED Bosnian Muslims Serbia pos#VBP VBN VBN IN DT NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#indications that lex#border rc#. trigger#take ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Murray Donald Sutherland trigger#follow ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-follow->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, as UNLABELED REBOUNDS CHRIS MORRIS path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->nsubj->|nsubj lex#With minutes left quarter trigger#leave trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#IN NNS VBN IN DT NN , pos#IN PRP$ NN RB IN DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NN , rc#played rc#left with lex#In game back injured list fractured thumb path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->nsubj->|nsubj NEGATIVE Yevgeny Sadovyi Olympic pos#IN DT VBD DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#set rc#record with trigger#record lex#set REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->dobj->record->nn->|nn UNLABELED Dr. Tyler Evanston trigger#survive lex#survived son daughters path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->dobj->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#daughter rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , , IN : NNS , , IN NEGATIVE Edmund White Skinned Alive trigger#author rc#, " pos#VBZ DT NN IN `` lex#author ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Tartikoff Mr. Murphy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#when the ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, trigger#work pos#VBD IN lex#worked NEGATIVE Wonderland Joyce Theater lex#presented company Wednesday lc#in " path#partmod|->partmod->present->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. REL$NA pos#, '' VBN IN DT NN IN NNP IN DT trigger#present UNLABELED Spectacor prospective pos#CC , DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod trigger#group lc#between rc#ownership group UNLABELED Sean Byrne New York Prosecutors Training Institute pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said trigger#director NEGATIVE Billingsley Spelman College lex#chairman family studies department visiting scholar residence path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT NN NNS NN IN DT CC VBG NN IN NN IN lc#Professor ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#chairman rc#in UNLABELED Richard C. Holbrooke Poland lc#Thus when trigger#visit pos#, DT JJ NNP NNP IN NNP , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj lex#Assistant Secretary State visited rc#in February ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Andrea Parrott Cornell University pos#, DT trigger#psychologist path#appos|->appos->psychologist->nn->|nn rc#psychologist who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Peacocks Texas lc#The rc#( pos#, WP VBD DT NN , MD VB lex#finished season meet trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Camelot Peace Corps ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->volunteer->nn->|nn pos#CC DT JJ NN , DT JJ lc#era of rc#volunteer is lex#cold war trigger#volunteer REL$NA UNLABELED Putnam Valley Mr. Trump pos#, WRB path#rcmod|->rcmod->buy->nsubj->|nsubj lc#IN ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#bought the trigger#buy UNLABELED Jesse Devore Hale House lex#spokesman lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Times Square Ninth Avenue ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#help link pos#TO trigger#link path#dobj|<-dobj<-link->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Wilcom Products Inc. Superior Teletec Inc. ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, trigger#acquire pos#, , , IN lc#to acquire path#dobj|<-dobj<-acquire->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Johann Luckhoff International Christian Embassy rc#, the lc#'' said ner#PERSON->MISC lex#executive director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Vic Faraci Warner Reprise Music rc#, the lex#senior vice president charge video sales path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN NN IN NN NNS IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Brink Mr. Lane rc#) , lex#played lc#character named ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#-LRB- VBN IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Perrine G. ( Perry Falmouth Nursing Home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#-RRB- , DT JJ NN IN NN IN CC DT JJ JJ VBZ NN IN CC , VBD JJ NNP IN DT trigger#die lex#longtime coach tennis national indoor doubles champion died Thursday ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Deutsch LA Omnicom Group lc#finalists : pos#IN , , NN IN , CC NNP IN , NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#part lex#part GSD&M part UNLABELED Stephen Owen James Capel & Company path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#. pos#, DT NN RB IN lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Skyline Restaurant Lexington Avenue path#appos|->appos->shop->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#of the rc#at trigger#shop ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN lex#coffee shop UNLABELED Stephen Nickerson Toshiba America Consumer Products lc#And rc#, noted lex#vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#president NEGATIVE Hungarian Brussels lc#" a trigger#diplomat lex#diplomat pos#NN IN rc#said , path#amod|<-amod<-diplomat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Defenseman Bruce Driver Rangers path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#leave lex#leaves rc#. pos#VBZ IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#Hockey : NEGATIVE David Gray New York City Ballet lex#spokesman pos#, NN IN DT lc#echoed by rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Dr. Melvin Marks Memorial Miller Children 's Hospital rc#in trigger#director lex#medical director ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN UNLABELED William Ninness Bethlehem path#appos|->appos->teacher->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#gym teacher ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#teacher UNLABELED Gustave Moreau Henry Rupp ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj lex#photographer rc#come to pos#MD VB DT NN UNLABELED Medco Containment Parsippany trigger#take pos#, DT NN , VBD JJ NNS IN lex#subsidiary square feet lc#instance , rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Derrick Coleman Shawn Bradley ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#send pos#, PRP$ NN RB , TO IN NN path#dobj|<-dobj<-send->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#star forward center lc#sent REL$NA UNLABELED Film Bureau Ministry of Radio lc#of the path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, pos#IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Tilles Mrs. Underhill rc#and the pos#, IN NN , VBZ VBN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sue->dobj->|dobj lex#turn sued trigger#sue UNLABELED Mr. Barry Democratic trigger#win path#poss|<-poss<-opponent->amod->|amod path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->primary->amod->|amod lc#voters supported lex#wins lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC rc#primary with pos#VBZ DT trigger#opponent lex#'s rc#opponents , pos#POS trigger#primary UNLABELED Groupe FCA Europe trigger#have pos#, WDT VBD VBN IN IN JJ NNS , CC , VBZ NNS IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and lex#created employees offices ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED John A. Coonan St. John 's Church pos#, NN IN trigger#pastor path#appos|->appos->pastor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#The Rev. lex#pastor ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Lassiter United States rc#in a lc#When trigger#score lex#scored path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Monica Mancini Henry Mancini pos#, NN IN JJ NN path#appos|->appos->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter late composer rc#, who lex#daughter rc#, is trigger#daughter pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Gary Wetsel Philippe Kahn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s president chief executive founder trigger#take rc#, after pos#, POS NN CC JJ NN , VBD RP IN DT NN , UNLABELED Mr. Harris Louis Harris & Associates rc#, the lex#left trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj pos#CC , , VBP RB VBN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED TOM BERNARDIN New York Friends Against Noisy New York pos#, DT NN VBZ DT NN IN ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#The writer founder path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#founder NEGATIVE Navy Colgate pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, lex#beat REL$NA lc#After UNLABELED Mr. Moran Robert Weiss lc#, '' ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, is path#poss|<-poss<-character->appos->|appos lex#'s central character pos#POS JJ NN , trigger#character UNLABELED Helene Pons Rome path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#leading costume designer decades retirement died kidney problems yesterday private clinic lc#LEAD : rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT VBG NN NN IN RB NNS IN PRP$ NN IN , VBD IN NN NNS NN IN DT JJ NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Grasso Johnie R. O'Neal trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#. lex#'s lawyer lc#as did UNLABELED Jack Betta Be Rite Aqueduct pos#, DT JJ , VBD IN RB IN DT NN CC VBD DT IN NNS NN IN trigger#come path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#by lex#favorite pace won fillies yesterday ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#' UNLABELED Knox Foundation Elizabeth Park lc#of the path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->dobj->headquarters->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WDT VBZ PRP$ NN IN trigger#headquarters rc#, across lex#headquarters ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Rick Thurman Dennis Gilbert trigger#associate path#appos|->appos->associate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#associate pos#, DT NN IN rc#. '' NEGATIVE Dave Winfield Tavern path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#receive lc#WEDNESDAY -- pos#, DT JJ , MD VB DT NN IN DT NN IN rc#on the ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#receive award dinner UNLABELED Auspace Media Pty. Whybin TBWA lex#joint venture trigger#venture pos#, , DT JJ NN IN rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->venture->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#handled by UNLABELED BSMG Worldwide Benjamin Group pos#VBZ VBG lex#acquiring lex#part acquiring path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, public trigger#acquire pos#, WDT VBZ NN IN , VBZ VBG rc#, a NEGATIVE Ariel AIDS trigger#get ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBN REL$NA rc#from breast-feeding UNLABELED James Verilli Link Community School lc#academy are path#appos|->appos->teacher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#teacher pos#, DT NN IN trigger#teacher rc#, a UNLABELED Becker Novacek trigger#defeat pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#defeated UNLABELED Joel Bekker Staten Island lex#senior trigger#senior path#appos|->appos->senior->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ IN rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Switzerland Mr. Ambler pos#, WRB rc#lived for path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->nsubj->|nsubj ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#live lc#mainly in UNLABELED Karen M. Ignagni Group Health Association of America lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Room Alice Tully Hall pos#, '' VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->present->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, began lex#'' presented lc#Men 's trigger#present NEGATIVE Christopher Koefoed Penny Barrett trigger#edit lex#music QD III production designer ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; produced lc#edited by trigger#screenplay pos#: NN IN NNP NNP : NN NN , REL$NA path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-dep<-screenplay->appos->|appos UNLABELED Dr. Barbara Moscicki University of California Medical School trigger#professor lex#assistant professor pediatrics pos#, DT JJ NN IN NNS IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Haile Orchestra of New England pos#, VBG DT rc#, kept lex#conducting trigger#conduct path#partmod|->partmod->conduct->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Travelers Corp. Richard H. Booth lex#named path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#* pos#, , VBN rc#vice chairman trigger#chairman UNLABELED Chung Yang Mo National Museum of Korea rc#, along lex#director general trigger#general lc#, and pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->general->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jefferson Memorial Museum St. Louis pos#IN trigger#visit ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-visit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#visiting the rc#to clamber UNLABELED Neil McCauley Standard Chartered Bank lc#, '' trigger#executive rc#and chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Norman Brown FCB rc#. lex#chairman chief executive officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN CC JJ JJ NN IN trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Martin Sorrell Saatchi pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#executive rc#executive , path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn lc#headed by UNLABELED Janet Ginsburg Columbia University rc#who specializes trigger#professor pos#, DT NN IN NN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor law UNLABELED Brazilian-style Newark path#amod|<-amod<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#grill restaurant lc#, rc#, pos#NN NN IN trigger#restaurant ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Shmulnik Brian McMullan lex#played rc#, guides ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play lc#unfolds as pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jewish-controlled World War II lc#" a path#amod|<-amod<-company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#company pos#NN '' IN ner#MISC->MISC trigger#company rc#, when UNLABELED Sonata Mr. Lipman lex#Piano introduced ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-introduce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#introduce lc#composer whose pos#IN NNP VBD VBN IN rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Ickes Laura Handman lex#lives wife ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, also pos#, WP VBZ IN IN PRP$ NN , trigger#live trigger#wife path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->with->pobj->wife->appos->|appos UNLABELED Renaissance Ensemble for Early Music rc#and the pos#NNS , DT lc#with path#nn|<-nn<-group->appos->|appos trigger#group lex#groups ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Maine Blair Allison rc#, but lc#minute , ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pull->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD PRP$ NN , lex#pulled goalie trigger#pull UNLABELED Dr. Carl C. Seltzer Harvard University lc#article by trigger#anthropologist lex#anthropologist epidemiologist pos#, DT NN CC NN IN path#appos|->appos->anthropologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, detailing UNLABELED Himes Arizona path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-relocate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB TO trigger#relocate rc#to oversee lex#relocate ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED ZIAD ABU ZAYYAD Palestinian pos#, DT JJ NNP trigger#journalist path#appos|->appos->journalist->nn->|nn lex#51-YEAR OLD ner#PERSON->MISC rc#journalist , UNLABELED FRANK J. PARKER Chestnut Hill Carroll School of Management trigger#professor pos#, , DT NN VBZ DT NN IN NN NN IN DT lex#The writer professor business law rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Frank C. Sadlo Louisville path#appos|->appos->teacher->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#substitute high school teacher ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN JJ NN NN IN trigger#teacher rc#, Ky. lc#to Safety UNLABELED Blanche Kelso Bruce Reconstruction-era lc#article omitted trigger#senator pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#Senator from path#appos|->appos->senator->amod->|amod UNLABELED Mrs. Ciller U.S. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-want->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ DT trigger#want rc#, as ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Doris M. Meissner United States Immigration lc#today by pos#, NN IN DT trigger#commissioner pos#, DT NNP IN DT rc#and lc#after ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#Commissioner lex#commissioner path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Joseph Constance Trenton Police Department pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#deputy chief ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chief rc#. '' UNLABELED Anthony Mercado Lower East Side rc#who saw trigger#executive lex#marketing executive ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NEGATIVE Double Platinum Diana Ross lex#starring ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#star pos#VBG rc#and lc#movie REL$NA path#partmod|->partmod->star->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Village Bank William C. Hart ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-chairman->appos->|appos lex#'s chairman pos#POS NN , rc#, lc#and trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Georgia Dome P.M. lc#in the trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#Saturday pos#IN NNP IN rc#, sold REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Kotani Saitama Bank rc#with the pos#VBD TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#go UNLABELED Howard Eilenberg Frederick Atkins Inc. lc#" said pos#, JJ NN NN CC NN NN IN lex#senior vice president research director path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Mrs. Rodemeyer Republicans lex#joined pos#RB VBD DT trigger#join lc#, when path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#here , NEGATIVE Morrison Lennox Lewis path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, then lex#face rc#on trigger#face REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Nagano Opera rc#of path#rcmod|->rcmod->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ DT NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#music director trigger#director UNLABELED Tony Coehlo Democratic pos#, DT JJ rc#whip . path#appos|->appos->whip->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#whip lc#" said UNLABELED State Transportation Department Cross Island lex#extends high vehicle occupancy lane path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-extend->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#when the pos#VBZ DT JJ NN NN NN TO DT trigger#extend rc#. '' NEGATIVE Blue Jays Twins rc#, General pos#, pos#VBD DT rc#for lc#of the trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj path#rcmod|->rcmod->hit->nsubj->|nsubj lc#The trigger#loss rc#The lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#dominated path#poss|<-poss<-loss->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#hit pos#POS NN TO DT lex#beat lex#loss rc#during the trigger#dominate REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-dominate->dobj->|dobj pos#VBP VBN DT UNLABELED Spector Ronettes trigger#pay lc#by then lex#paying attention lead singer newest group path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->dobj->|dobj rc#. pos#VBD VBG JJR NN TO , DT NN NN IN PRP$ JJS NN , DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Andrews Catalan Cuisine lex#author '' rc#and Flavors trigger#author ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN '' UNLABELED Mr. Milosevic Gen. Momcilo Perisic trigger#fire lex#fired key members circle including long-serving army Chief ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD JJ NNS IN PRP$ JJ NN , VBG DT JJ NN NNP IN , rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fire->dobj->|dobj rc#, and pos#VBD DT NNP IN NNP IN DT JJ NNS , lc#November , lex#fired Chief Staff armed forces UNLABELED Both Times Books and Random House Advance Publications Inc trigger#own path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBP VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#owned UNLABELED Ms. Nemec St. Vincent 's Hospital trigger#pronounce path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-pronounce->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN JJ RB IN lex#pronounced dead shortly rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Tailback Ki-Jana Carter Michigan lex#play trigger#play path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, WP MD VB IN rc#on Saturday NEGATIVE Reggie Lewis Boston pos#VBD trigger#score trigger#give lex#scored team-high points path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#the lead lc#, trigger#lead path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj rc#. lex#gave lex#led pos#VBD DT JJ NNS IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Robert S. Natale Standard & Poor 's Corporation path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN NN NN IN DT pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#director equity research lc#" said trigger#analyst rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Robinson Steinbrenner ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD TO rc#for help path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#go NEGATIVE Andrew Gonzalez Brooklyn pos#, JJ , IN IN DT NN IN path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#man , rc#, did lex#section ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#section NEGATIVE Christie College of Charleston rc#. pos#CC MD VB NNS IN DT NN , , DT JJ NN , RB VBD RP DT NN IN DT NN JJ RB NN NN IN DT IN NN NN IN DT trigger#earn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#that either REL$NA lex#earn minutes season coach officially opened competition backup small forward slot today training camp path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-earn->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mark D. Offen Parker Chapin Flattau & Klimpl rc#, died lex#partner law firm trigger#partner pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED New York recital Walter Reade Theater path#nn|<-nn<-debut<-dobj<-make->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#made his trigger#make pos#NN IN NNP IN DT ner#MISC->PERSON rc#as part trigger#debut lex#debut Monday UNLABELED Mr. Moss Alan trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->dobj->son->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , , IN : DT NN , trigger#son rc#, of lex#survived daughter son NEGATIVE Don Cleveland Browns pos#, DT JJ trigger#safety path#appos|->appos->safety->nn->|nn lc#brother , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#safety , NEGATIVE Azzedine Alaia Manhattan lc#OF THE trigger#shop lex#shop path#nn|<-nn<-shop->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, was REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Hotels The modern Olympia lex#village pos#NN IN rc#, confusingly trigger#village ner#MISC->LOCATION path#amod|<-amod<-village->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Hispanic Brooklyn pos#NNS IN DT IN lc#, a rc#, the lc#a likely trigger#district path#amod|<-amod<-candidate->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#districts lex#neighborhoods path#amod|<-amod<-group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#amod|<-amod<-area->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#amod|<-amod<-neighborhood->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, agreed path#amod|<-amod<-organization->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#organization lc#more predominantly rc#was settled path#amod|<-amod<-section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#area path#amod|<-amod<-district->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#group lc#covers heavily lc#a heavily rc#. lex#groups pos#NN IN rc#, lex#organization lex#district lex#candidate lex#section lex#areas lc#feud between lc#support in pos#CC NNS IN ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#NNS IN REL$NA rc#-- including trigger#section trigger#neighborhood lc#representatives of trigger#candidate UNLABELED Akira Suzuki Mitsubishi Trust Bank lex#head foreign exchange trading trigger#head rc#. path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Turner Earth pos#, IN CC IN VBD IN DT NN IN DT JJ NN , `` DT trigger#write lex#wrote chapter voluminous report The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#as Transformed UNLABELED Matt Myers Coalition trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#for path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#lawyer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Lorne Kennedy Algernon trigger#provide path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-provide->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ DT RBR JJ rc#than lex#manic UNLABELED Quixote Corporation Stenograph Corporation path#appos|->appos->parent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#of the trigger#parent ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#parent UNLABELED Jane O'Reilly Margaret Moorman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#reviews book Waiting Forget ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review pos#VBZ NN VBG TO VB , IN rc#. UNLABELED Anna Kisselgoff Predator 's Ball trigger#review pos#VBZ DT lex#reviews The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj rc#, rap UNLABELED Hard Hats Ms. Curnow path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->nsubj->|nsubj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#CC DT JJ NN CC JJ NNS , trigger#work lex#hard hat steel-toed boots rc#works on UNLABELED Whitlinger Jones United States Open trigger#win path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD DT JJ NNS NN IN DT lex#won junior singles title ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Upper West Side Boris Makaver trigger#apartment ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#at the pos#NN IN lex#apartment path#nn|<-nn<-apartment->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Mark Glimcher Pace galleries path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP$ NN , , VBZ DT rc#on ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#father owns trigger#glimcher UNLABELED Bernard Fitch Hortensius pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sing->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. lex#sang trigger#sing NEGATIVE Tour Brittany rc#, the trigger#begin path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#began rc#on pos#VBD IN REL$NA lc#Before the lc#before the ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE New York Michael Aaron pos#, trigger#announce rc#, chairman lc#In ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-announce->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA UNLABELED Mark Greenberg Allied Chemical pos#, NN NN IN JJ NNS IN , RB VBN IN trigger#greenberg path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#vice president public relations ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said UNLABELED Mr. Carter Lincoln Bedroom pos#CC PRP$ NN , , VBD RP DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#wife lc#, rc#, and trigger#take UNLABELED Federal Empowerment Zones Harlem pos#, IN IN JJ NNS JJ IN DT JJ NN IN JJ NNS CC NNS IN DT JJ , path#rcmod|->rcmod->agree->nsubj->|nsubj rc#, lex#public funds broad spectrum projects services lex#public money broad spectrum projects services lc#'s ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#agree pos#, IN IN JJ NN JJ IN DT JJ NN IN JJ NNS CC NNS IN DT JJ , NEGATIVE Todd Collins Amani Toomer trigger#throw rc#gave the pos#VBD DT JJ NN TO ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#pass lex#threw 30-yard pass lc#, lc#pass from rc#, and path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-pass->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-throw->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO REL$NA UNLABELED Joseph Buckley Bear lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#, lex#analyst ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Roundabout Broadway pos#NNP NNP , ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, the path#nn|<-nn<-center->appos->|appos lex#Theater/Criterion Center lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC lc#at the path#poss|<-poss<-production->nn->|nn rc#productions -- lex#'s rc#, at trigger#center pos#POS trigger#production ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#productions have UNLABELED Jack F. DeVore Jr. Treasury Department pos#, DT JJ rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn lc#, " lex#chief ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Hill Rosa Parks trigger#compare ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#dobj|<-dobj<-compare->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#compares Professor pos#TO REL$NA NEGATIVE Liberal Mount Vernon lex#represents part rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->represent->dobj->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#part lc#and pos#IN DT WP VBZ DT NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#represent NEGATIVE Capitals Richmond pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-against<-prep<-game->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#against the trigger#game ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED David Turk Indiana Market pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner UNLABELED Tom Shaver Arbor House Inn lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#owner rc#, a UNLABELED Miami Dolphins TERRY KIRBY rc#on injured path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-place->dobj->|dobj lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#place pos#NN VBD NN lex#yesterday halfback UNLABELED Cheryl Burnett Bears pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, said lex#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#coach UNLABELED Colin Stubs Australian Open rc#tournament director pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#director NEGATIVE Rochester Hills Open lex#played lc#from ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#play pos#, , VBN IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED William H. Brandon American Bankers Association lc#by pos#, NNP , NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and chief ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#Jr. president trigger#president NEGATIVE Andiamo Broadway lex#restaurant ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, near lc#series at lc#chef at path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, at trigger#restaurant pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Bluegrass Series P.M. lc#open the trigger#open pos#IN NNP IN rc#with a path#dobj|<-dobj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#Friday UNLABELED John D. Larson Lutherans lc#the Rev. rc#to vote ner#PERSON->MISC lex#asked assembled path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj pos#IN , , VBD DT VBN trigger#ask UNLABELED Simeon Spain lc#to welcome path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, and trigger#consultant ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#business consultant pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Mench Ms. Greer-Morris pos#, '' WDT trigger#write ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, lc#for a lex#'' path#rcmod|->rcmod->write->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Betti-Sue Hertz Longwood Arts Project/Bronx Council pos#, NN IN DT lc#, and lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#on the trigger#director UNLABELED Dr. James L. Elliot Massachusetts Institute of Technology trigger#scientist lc#led by lc#, rc#, reported rc#, were lex#planetary scientist path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Wunderkammer Dartmouth lc#by the lex#associate professor art history trigger#professor ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, , JJ NN IN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#and curator UNLABELED John Jenson Merrill Lynch path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which NEGATIVE Christmas Eve Pickwick Papers lc#the riotous lex#party '' The pos#NN IN IN '' DT path#nn|<-nn<-party->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#'' -- trigger#party ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED SAN ANTONIO SPURS Jerry Tarkanian pos#: VBN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#dep|->dep->coach->nn->|nn lex#-- Named rc#coach , trigger#coach NEGATIVE Vincent Glen Ridge ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#son , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Security Council Ibrahim A. Gambari pos#NNP DT NN , lc#The rc#of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-president->appos->|appos lex#President month trigger#president NEGATIVE University of Massachusetts Legal Services Corporation trigger#lawyer rc#and clerical pos#, NN NNS IN , NNS IN DT , NNS IN DT lex#factory workers writers The lawyers lc#and the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Cinema International Corporation MCA lex#joint venture trigger#venture ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#and pos#, DT JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->venture->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jim Bast Council of Better Business Bureaus rc#, the path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#According to pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN DT lex#president chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED National Park Service Mr. Scaturro lex#dismissed pos#VBD lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#as a trigger#dismiss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-dismiss->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED BBN Planet Internet ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#executive of pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->nn->|nn rc#subsidiary of trigger#subsidiary UNLABELED Kosse University of Texas path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#in trigger#graduate rc#, where lex#graduated ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, , VBD IN DT UNLABELED Dr. Reines Sylvia Samuels rc#in ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-marry->dobj->|dobj trigger#marry pos#VBD DT JJ lex#married UNLABELED Augmon Perry trigger#go ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN lc#determine whether rc#to NEGATIVE Clinton James Collins rc#, a pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-nominate->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#nominated lc#President REL$NA trigger#nominate NEGATIVE Salo Bob Probert pos#VBD lex#stopped ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#stop path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-stop->dobj->|dobj rc#from point-blank lc#later , REL$NA UNLABELED PUFFY COMBS lc#( trigger#play path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->nsubj->|nsubj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#-RRB- rc#played in UNLABELED Jean Forster School of Public Health trigger#professor pos#, JJ NN IN DT POS path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#assistant professor 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said rc#. '' UNLABELED C. Bradley Mendelson S. Gordon Company lex#senior managing director Insignia/Edward rc#, a lc#'' said pos#, JJ VBG NN IN NNP ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Princetonians Einstein pos#RB VBD DT JJ '' trigger#see lex#original '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj lc#a few ner#MISC->PERSON rc#on the UNLABELED Wonderful Life Paper Mill Playhouse path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#life pos#, '' WDT MD VB DT VBN NN DT NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#'' staged reading spring lc#'' A rc#in UNLABELED Phillips Green path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD NN TO lex#played backup trigger#play rc#in the UNLABELED Seatkowski South Amboy lc#Officer path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->police->nn->|nn trigger#police rc#police said ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT NEGATIVE Robert Beverly Hills lc#brother , rc#, trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, IN NEGATIVE Glasses Kitchen lex#play lc#The trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, which pos#, CC MD VB IN DT REL$NA UNLABELED Twyla Tharp Scripps American Dance Festival Award pos#VBD DT trigger#receive lc#LEAD : lex#received rc#on Sunday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Chavez Taylor pos#VBD lex#stopped ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lc#ago , trigger#stop lc#, pos#VBD RP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-knock->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-stop->dobj->|dobj lex#knocked trigger#knock REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Stephens Columbia trigger#district lc#, '' rc#, said lex#District rc#, suggested pos#, DT IN DT NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#prep|->prep->for->pobj->district->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Brazilian Batista lex#Leads Points rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#lead ner#MISC->PERSON pos#VBZ IN NNP NEGATIVE Long Island American Cancer Society ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#of the path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#division rc#, and lex#chapter trigger#office trigger#chapter rc#. rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN DT lex#office trigger#division path#nn|<-nn<-chapter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#for the NEGATIVE Cotabato Manila path#advmod|->advmod->south->dep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#. trigger#south lex#miles south lc#rally in pos#, NNS RB IN REL$NA UNLABELED Mrs. Kennelly John G. Rowland lex#retaining seat campaigns trailed Gov. pos#VBG NNP lc#poll showing ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of pos#, WP VBZ VBG PRP$ NN IN IN PRP NNS , VBZ VBN NNP trigger#trail lex#trailing Governor path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-trail->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED New Jersey Rodman pos#VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-want->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#badly , trigger#want lc#media that UNLABELED John Mulugeta Seraw ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, , JJ IN DT NN IN DT NN , lc#son , path#appos|<-appos<-son->appos->|appos trigger#son rc#, at lex#liable slaying student NEGATIVE St. Martin George W. Bush rc#and the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#was when lex#'s highly unusual action recalling biography published called '' Fortunate Son trigger#take pos#POS VBD DT RB JJ NN IN VBG DT NN , VBN IN , VBN '' JJ NNP : REL$NA NEGATIVE McClellan Pennsylvania pos#TO DT IN lc#work at trigger#work rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-work->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Sam Pond Blazing Paradigm trigger#director lc#'' said lex#creative director ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN rc#. '' NEGATIVE Malone J. P. path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos lc#only that ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s natural father rc#, had trigger#father pos#POS JJ NN , REL$NA UNLABELED Caron Mellblom California State University at Dominguez Hills trigger#professor rc#, near lex#associate professor graduate education pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said UNLABELED Jasbo Brown Gershwin rc#'s '' trigger#play pos#, WP VBZ NN NNS IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, like ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#plays piano blues UNLABELED Barry R. Silver Introspect Investigations rc#in lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Parise Youngstown State University path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#, rc#and received trigger#graduate lex#graduated ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN NEGATIVE Marilyn Oliva Warren Street trigger#resident path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT rc#resident who REL$NA UNLABELED Troy Eid Institute for Information , Law lc#supported by pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#and Policy lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Adam Williams Newhouse Galleries pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#for path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->dobj->|dobj trigger#run rc#. pos#, WP VBD lex#director ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lex#ran lc#" said trigger#director NEGATIVE Brian Hill San Marino lex#senior trigger#senior path#appos|->appos->senior->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ IN rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Daisy Hutson Queens pos#, DT trigger#woman path#appos|->appos->woman->nn->|nn rc#woman who ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#OF UNLABELED Stet Telecom Italia SpA trigger#merger lex#'s merger rc#, its pos#POS NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-merger->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#step in NEGATIVE James Piermont lc#sons , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Russian Marie Charousova trigger#leader path#amod|<-amod<-leader->appos->|appos rc#, who lc#-- the pos#NN VBN NNS IN DT NN TO DT JJ NN , lex#leader laid flowers memorial young woman ner#MISC->PERSON UNLABELED TAL E. Kile trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos lex#'s patent lawyer pos#POS NN NN , UNLABELED Neal Kendall Yankee pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->fan->nn->|nn rc#fan who lex#longtime ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#fan lc#" said UNLABELED United States Reckitt & Colman lex#operation ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-operation->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN trigger#operation lc#ran the rc#, a NEGATIVE International House Riverside Drive ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-build->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#Moreover , trigger#build rc#, was REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED CMGI Stake ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#Buy pos#TO VB DT trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj rc#in POSITIVE Lauran Hoffman Bar Girls path#poss|<-poss<-comedy->dep->|dep rc#, " lex#'s lesbian comedy lc#play , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#comedy pos#POS JJ NN `` REL$/book/author/works_written UNLABELED Fran Schumer Village Inn pos#VBZ POS trigger#review rc#restaurant in lex#reviews 's trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->restaurant->nn->|nn UNLABELED Pequots Ledyard lc#The rc#, and trigger#pequots pos#, WP VBP DT IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Hildegard Paul pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#at work lex#called path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj trigger#call REL$NA lc#property , UNLABELED Zhejiang Art Academy Shanghai rc#, belonged lc#the prestigious pos#IN , , WP VBD RB RB IN trigger#academy path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#ago UNLABELED Rita Auerbach David Massengill rc#, the pos#, , , , CC , DT VBZ ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#features trigger#feature lc#tales like path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-feature->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Rodin Michelangelo path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->interest->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN lc#artist , rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#ambitious interest REL$NA trigger#interest UNLABELED Bermuda Bowl Levin pos#, IN WDT trigger#write rc#wrote his ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#be the path#rcmod|->rcmod->write->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Niners Eagles pos#VBD DT trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, lex#beat UNLABELED Brown U.K. New York pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#division path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, rc#based trigger#division ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mitchell Brill Lifetime Studios trigger#director lc#'' said lex#director operations pos#, NN IN NNS IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Harry S. Truman Medal of Freedom pos#VBD DT trigger#create lex#created path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-create->dobj->|dobj rc#to honor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#President UNLABELED Visa Japan pos#VBZ VBN IN NNS TO IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#grow rc#and is lex#grown cards UNLABELED Vazgen Italy lex#play trigger#play rc#several path#nn|<-nn<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#heard NEGATIVE Suns Rockets pos#VBD DT lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, trigger#top REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-top->dobj->|dobj lex#topped UNLABELED New Leader I.B.M. Louis V. Gerstner Jr. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-name->dobj->|dobj trigger#name ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#as its lc#'s lex#officially named pos#RB VBD NEGATIVE Nevada Bally ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#subsidiary in path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner pos#, NN CC NN IN lex#owner operator REL$NA rc#'s in UNLABELED Russian-speaking New York lc#are trigger#people lex#people path#amod|<-amod<-people->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, " ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#NNS IN UNLABELED Haley Armon Gilliam pos#VBD CC ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#guarded path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-guard->dobj->|dobj rc#or lc#minutes , trigger#guard NEGATIVE Stu Jackson Tucker lex#agreed ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#send lex#coach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-agree->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT POS NN , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj rc#and pos#VBD IN trigger#agree REL$NA lc#Coach rc#. '' UNLABELED Reagan Deane R. Hinton path#poss|<-poss<-ambassador->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#ambassador rc#, sent pos#POS JJ NNP , lc#, President lex#'s Ambassador UNLABELED W. Cary Edwards Ridgewood path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear rc#and grew lex#born pos#, , VBD VBN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Davis Merritt Jr. Wichita Eagle pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#editor lex#editor The path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Hy Rensin Bronx High School of Science pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lex#music teacher path#appos|->appos->teacher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#teacher rc#for more UNLABELED Eva Chun Los Angeles lex#moving headquarters pos#, WP VBZ VBG PRP$ NN IN trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#to UNLABELED Mauvilla Warrior ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, VBN IN DT lc#the tugboat path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#and trigger#mauvilla lex#owned UNLABELED Martin Bucksbaum Des Moines lex#pioneer development shopping centers real estate investment trusts died Friday home pos#, DT NN IN DT NN IN NN NNS CC JJ NN NN NNS , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Hrvoje Sarinic Tudjman ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#adviser lc#recently that lex#senior adviser President rc#, was pos#, DT JJ NN TO NNP NEGATIVE Last Exit Ronald Shannon Jackson lc#improvising group ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#IN IN NN , trigger#member lex#bass path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-member->appos->|appos rc#on drums REL$NA UNLABELED Wang Guoqiang Policy Legislation Department lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT rc#at the lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Turtle Quarterly National Endowment path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#receive ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#for the pos#VBZ IN DT lex#receives lc#grant that UNLABELED Mr. Hutton Buffalo trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, who lex#leader ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, including UNLABELED Wilhelmina Harris Quincy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. lex#decades superintendent died home pos#, IN RB NNS DT NN IN DT IN , , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Judith Elsie Albertine trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, IN , CC IN : NNS , rc#of lex#sisters trigger#daughter path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->sister->appos->|appos lc#daughters , UNLABELED Mr. Brickall Mr. Lewis pos#VBD lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#after the trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Miss Ulanova Swan Lake trigger#perform path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->dobj->|dobj rc#, '' lex#performed greatest roles classical ballet including leads '' '' '' ner#MISC->PERSON pos#VBD JJS IN DT JJS NNS IN JJ NN , VBG DT NNS IN '' , '' '' UNLABELED Dr. Humes Philadelphia path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#. lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Toronto Garden lex#played pos#IN IN NNP , NN IN NNP , IN NNP IN DT ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#play lc#play pos#VBD IN DT path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. rc#and then lex#Monday play Thursday Friday lc#halftime when path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Town Hall Heritage Foundation ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#CC , NN NN IN DT rc#, shows path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president lc#at the REL$NA trigger#president NEGATIVE Washington Wunder lc#in the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#law firm ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#firm rc#, pos#NN NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-firm->appos->|appos trigger#firm REL$NA pos#NN , NEGATIVE Ron Brown American pos#, DT lc#a point ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->secretary->amod->|amod rc#Commerce Secretary trigger#secretary REL$NA NEGATIVE Isles of Scilly Britain trigger#visit path#dobj|<-dobj<-visit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, in lc#visit the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Wendy Luers New York trigger#member lex#council member path#appos|->appos->member->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Wechsler High Performance Review trigger#editor pos#VBD RB DT NN IN lex#editor rc#and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Michael Horowitz The Bulldog Reporter pos#, trigger#director path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss rc#'s editorial ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#But UNLABELED Sandinista Front Nicaraguans ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#the trigger#call lex#called path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN rc#to support NEGATIVE Mann Jets lex#joined pos#, WP VBD DT trigger#join rc#last season ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Dow Jones Markets Telerate path#partmod|->partmod->call->dep->|dep lc#to rebuild lc#to revitalize rc#, cut trigger#call lex#called rc#, from rc#. path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB VBN rc#, has ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc#staff at ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#, focuses pos#, RB VBN IN trigger#markets UNLABELED Air Mobility Wing Medical Unit Air Force pos#, DT lc#* 514th rc#training unit ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->unit->nn->|nn trigger#unit UNLABELED Mr. Merrill Charles Merrill ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ DT NN IN trigger#son lex#son rc#, a NEGATIVE Sierra Tigers ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#trade , trigger#do pos#VBD IN DT rc#what he REL$NA UNLABELED Ruben Baraey Russia lex#arrived rc# pos#, , WP VBD IN trigger#arrive ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->arrive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#" said NEGATIVE Thomas C. Platt Brooklyn trigger#judge lc#Judge lex#chief judge ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, would REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->judge->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Bob Baffert Santa Anita path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-report->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#by rc#that his lex#trainer hopefuls reported path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD PDT DT NN IN NNS IN NNP IN trigger#work pos#, DT NN IN JJ NNS , VBD IN lex#worked half mile seconds Monday rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#report REL$NA NEGATIVE Simms Joe Montana trigger#oppose pos#MD VB ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#oppose path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-oppose->dobj->|dobj rc#, rated REL$NA NEGATIVE Scott Zolak Patriots trigger#spend path#rcmod|->rcmod->spend->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD NNS IN DT rc#before being ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#the journeyman lex#spent seasons UNLABELED Steny H. Hoyer Democratic Caucus lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#Representative rc#, held trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Santiago Chilean Andes ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->resort->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, has lc#northeast of lex#oldest traditional resort pos#, DT JJS CC RBS JJ NN IN DT trigger#resort UNLABELED Conjunto Cespedes Afro-Cuban pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#group rc#group led UNLABELED Yannick Noah Milan Srejber lex#eliminated rc#of pos#VBD VBN IN trigger#eliminate ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-eliminate->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#: Top-seeded NEGATIVE David Wharton Southern California path#appos|->appos->junior->nn->|nn lc#Third Title pos#, DT rc#junior , trigger#junior ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#) - REL$NA rc#junior from UNLABELED Mr. Dole Ms. Molinari ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#turned trigger#turn pos#VBD TO rc#to help path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#And while NEGATIVE Dole Iraq rc#to meet pos#VBD TO lc#" Senator path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#go UNLABELED New York-based World Monument Watch Haghia pos#VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-place->dobj->|dobj lc#, the trigger#place rc#( pronounced ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED PAN Diego Fernandez de Cevallos trigger#candidate lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, has lex#candidate path#nn|<-nn<-candidate->appos->|appos pos#NN , UNLABELED Nike Lava Dome rc#, the lex#introduces ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->dobj->|dobj trigger#introduce rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Zwirn Roy Cohn trigger#compare lc#who compared ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-compare->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#TO UNLABELED Harvey Krentzman Advanced Management Associates lex#president rc#; pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#degrees were trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Cooper Channel One rc#, the lex#globe-trotting correspondent path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-correspondent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#chief foreign correspondent lc#point , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#correspondent pos#, , VBD DT JJ NN IN pos#VBD JJ JJ NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Kourtides Muttontown trigger#kourtides lc#time , pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ NN IN rc#, was path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#five-acre compound NEGATIVE Latino Benjamin Bratt lex#played pos#VBN IN trigger#play lc#, family-oriented rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Kamenica Albania lex#rebel army major route ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#kamenica rc#. pos#, WRB DT NN NN VBZ DT JJ NN IN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#post of REL$NA UNLABELED Blanche Bier Stamford pos#: DT NN , , IN rc#, Conn. lc#the former trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-wife->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#wife ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#son UNLABELED Kathleen Grasso-Andersen New London trigger#resident path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#resident and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said UNLABELED Mr. McLaughlin Massachusetts path#rcmod|->rcmod->governor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP$ NN VBZ DT JJ NNP NNP IN lex#father Lieutenant Governor trigger#governor lc#killing of rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. McKenzie New York City pos#, DT rc#sanitation worker trigger#worker path#appos|->appos->worker->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED GLORIA ALLRED National Association of Radio Talk Show Hosts lc#" shouted lex#board member path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, as pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Dr. Christopher D. Impey University of Arizona Steward Observatory pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->astronomer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#astronomer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#astronomer rc#. '' UNLABELED Thomas Kalitowski Marianne Short pos#, WP VBD VBN IN NNP lex#joined Judge ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#by Judge rc#. UNLABELED American Express Travel Related Services Co. American Express Co. rc#, promoted path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, named lc#* lc#: * lex#unit pos#, , DT NN IN trigger#unit trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Danes Manhattan trigger#survive pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN IN PRP$ NN , , IN lc#marriage , lex#survived son marriage rc#, and trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Braves Michael Tucker rc#in spring path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-trade->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#leave trigger#trade ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj rc#, '' pos#VBD NN pos#VBD NN TO IN NN lc#When the lc#, said lex#traded outfielder outfielder lex#left fielder POSITIVE Vittorio Craxi Milan REL$/people/person/place_lived rc#.:INV lex#'s boss:INV lc#" said:INV trigger#boss pos#POS NN ,:INV ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-boss->appos->|appos:INV NEGATIVE Leiter Chipper Jones ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#pitches inside trigger#send path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD NNS RB IN TO lc#out , REL$NA UNLABELED Lusardi Syracuse pos#VBD lex#entered trigger#enter rc#without an path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-enter->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE David Phelps Special Olympics pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn REL$NA trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Donna Karan Italy lc#When path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-show->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#show pos#JJ VBD IN rc#, she ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#showed UNLABELED Paula Schaefer Dorothy Johnson pos#, CC DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos lc#daughter , lex#sister rc#. trigger#daughter NEGATIVE Benjamin Edwards Germantown path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#unemployed dishwasher bus trigger#take rc#, about ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN , VBD DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Esposito Hockey News lc#Today , rc#as pos#VBD VBN IN DT trigger#name lex#named The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-name->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jack Kirnan Salomon Brothers lex#auto stock analyst lc#'' said pos#, DT NN NNS NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#automotive analyst trigger#analyst pos#, DT NN NN NN IN lex#auto industry analyst rc#. lc#' News rc#, called lex#auto stocks analyst lex#auto analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN pos#, JJ NN IN rc#in path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Imam al-Amin Latif Brooklyn lc#" said pos#, DT trigger#cleric rc#cleric and ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->cleric->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Leigh Steinberg Marv Levy rc#and several ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, NNS VBP lex#Bills Coach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->dobj->|dobj lc#agent , REL$NA trigger#coach NEGATIVE Fritz Haber Norwalk Hospital lex#aeronautical engineer developed simulate gravity-free environment space training astronauts flying plane roller-coaster pattern died pos#, DT JJ NN WP VBD DT NN TO VB DT JJ NN IN NN IN DT NN IN NNS IN VBG DT NN IN DT NN NN , VBD IN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Gaston Rebecca Stead trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Pontoon Bridge Target Niall Irving rc#, said ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#spokesman Group Capt. path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman pos#NNP NN , NNP NNP UNLABELED Jeffrey Humphreys University of Georgia rc#in trigger#director lex#director forecasting ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN NN IN DT IN DT path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Run Manhattan rc#, (212) 924-0077 pos#CC , , NNP NNP , path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos trigger#street lex#West Street REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#on the UNLABELED Swede Marcelo Filippini lex#beaten trigger#beat rc#of lc#when the pos#VBD VBN IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-beat->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON UNLABELED Judge Thomas United States Court of Appeals lc#support for pos#, DT NN IN DT pos#, WP VBZ IN DT lc#career of lc#vote for rc#for theDistrict path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#the trigger#member lc#also criticized pos#, WP RB VBZ IN DT trigger#sit rc#for the path#rcmod|->rcmod->sit->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lex#sits lc#rating for lc#offered by lc#to inoculate lc#nomination of lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#announced that lc#But NEGATIVE Frank Bruno Oliver McCall ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#title lc#be against rc#. pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN REL$NA path#rcmod|->rcmod->take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#bruno UNLABELED Ralph Sylvia Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation pos#, DT NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Robert S. Garrett Princeton University pos#, DT trigger#student lc#and of rc#student who path#appos|->appos->student->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Nanscy Neiman Warner Books path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#publisher ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which trigger#publisher lc#" said UNLABELED Torre Buddie ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#turned trigger#turn pos#VBD TO rc#. lc#So path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mike Vitelli Personal Audio Products Company pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#of the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#senior vice president trigger#president NEGATIVE World War II Yankees rc#and other path#dep|->dep->begin->nsubj->|nsubj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#begin REL$NA pos#, WRB DT lc#just after NEGATIVE Martin Brownlee ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#assisted path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-assist->dobj->|dobj pos#, , VBN trigger#assist REL$NA lc#prosecutors say rc#, whom UNLABELED Karen L. Reidy Janus Funds pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which UNLABELED Mrs. Malecka Poland lex#left southern trigger#leave pos#, WP VBD JJ path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in lc#" said NEGATIVE Gordon Hill Manhattan pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NN NN IN CC DT NN NN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. lex#partner accounting firm golf official died Wednesday home trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Meeting Industry Association London lc#by the pos#, DT NN NN VBN IN path#appos|->appos->group->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#trade group based trigger#group trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, lets UNLABELED Ben Goddard Malibu-based Goddard-Claussen pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#partner lc#'' said trigger#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->firm->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC rc#firm that trigger#firm UNLABELED Jeff Schneider National Education Association lc#Still , lex#senior policy analyst trigger#analyst rc#concedes that pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Gregg Bingham California trigger#director lex#interim path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn pos#, JJ ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#director , NEGATIVE Hampton Beach Massachusetts lex#part popular regional streetcar system completed turn century making resort accessible workers textile mills shoe factories trigger#popular path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-popular->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WDT VBZ DT NN IN , VBD JJ IN DT JJ NN NN VBD VBN IN DT NN IN DT NN , VBG DT NN JJ TO NNS IN DT NN NNS CC NN NNS IN CC , IN DT IN rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lc#said UNLABELED Li Xiannian Washington pos#VBD TO rc#. lc#when President path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#go UNLABELED Sue Milliken Fox Searchlight path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#produced by rc#. pos#CC : VBN IN trigger#produce lex#released trigger#release UNLABELED Mr. Garg India lc#'' said lex#moved pos#, WP VBD TO DT IN trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Bill Modzeleski Safe and Drug Free Schools Program pos#, NN IN DT rc#at the lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED National Lawyers ' Guild William C Harrell path#nn|<-nn<-comment->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#vice president pos#NN NN trigger#comment lc#Letter from rc#comments on UNLABELED David Berry Bruyette & Woods Inc. lc#'' said pos#, DT JJ NN IN , lex#financial analyst rc#'' But lex#banking analyst trigger#analyst pos#, DT NN NN IN , rc#, referring pos#, DT NN IN , rc#'' We rc#'' And rc#'' He lex#bank analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#'' I rc#'' On path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#'' That UNLABELED Mission Viejo Lower Gwynedd lc#, of pos#, : , IN , , CC , IN trigger#son path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, Pa. ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Terumasa Nakanishi Shizuoka University rc#. '' pos#, NN IN JJ NNS IN lex#professor international relations lc#'' said trigger#professor lex#professor politics rc#. pos#, NN IN NNS IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Lillian Nassau Tiffany pos#, DT JJ lc#gallery of ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#dealer lc#on by lex#retired path#appos|->appos->dealer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->dealer->nn->|nn lex#pre-eminent dealer rc#and 20th-century pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#dealer who UNLABELED William O. McCoy University of North Carolina lc#board : rc#and former path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president finance ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president pos#, NN NN IN NN IN DT UNLABELED Circuit Court Mitchell lex#sentenced pos#VBN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#" The trigger#sentence path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sentence->dobj->|dobj rc#to UNLABELED Sushan Chin Museum pos#, NN IN NNS IN DT lc#'' said rc#of lex#curator collections path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#curator UNLABELED No Uncertain Terms The Mayor Leland T. Jones rc#, said lex#'s press secretary ner#MISC->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-secretary->appos->|appos trigger#secretary pos#POS NN NN , UNLABELED Malcolm Wharmby ICI Pharmaceuticals rc#in trigger#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director development ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN NN IN UNLABELED Jim Anathan Basement Corporation lex#president 's path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED RICK MAHORN CHUCK DALY rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#Coach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->dobj->|dobj pos#, , VB trigger#coach UNLABELED Larry Pimentel Seabourn pos#, lc#" said path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED William F. Lee Mr. Miles ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#succeeded rc#as director path#rcmod|->rcmod->succeed->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD trigger#succeed lc#, said UNLABELED Edward Morgan Bowery Mission lc#diplomas from lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Brooklyn New York City Civil Court ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN rc#, lex#branch path#nn|<-nn<-branch->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#branch lc#the downtown NEGATIVE Pedro Mark Leiter lex#'s victory trigger#victory ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN IN rc#on Friday lc#( after REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Bill Hart Public Theater trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#literary manager rc#, who lc#discovered by ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Bernard Janvier United Nations trigger#commander lc#of the pos#, NN IN trigger#force rc#forces in path#appos|->appos->commander->prep->of->pobj->force->nn->|nn lex#commander ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#by General UNLABELED Carol DeVine Efrain Velasquez Bamaca lex#'s widow widow ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->widow->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#intensity : trigger#widow pos#, POS NN , CC , DT NN IN rc#, a UNLABELED Charles S. Downs Chicago Direct Marketer Chicago Association of Direct Marketing lex#Year lc#the trigger#receive ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT NN IN DT rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Ross Michael pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , lex#survived son path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->son->appos->|appos trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of trigger#son UNLABELED Alvin Lukashok North Salem rc#for rezoning path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sue->dobj->|dobj trigger#sue pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ NN , VBZ VBG ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owns property suing UNLABELED Mr. Gaynor Colin path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos lex#'s older son ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, pitched lc#, trigger#son pos#POS JJR NN , UNLABELED Paramount Darth Vaderish rc#about the trigger#be pos#VBZ RB VBN RB IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#n't lc#even if path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->as->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Cotton Mather Nashville lex#daughter sisters brother lc#sons , pos#, IN , , IN , , CC , IN : DT NN , IN : NNS , CC , DT IN : DT NN , , IN rc#, and trigger#daughter trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED British Coal British ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#and community path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-break->dobj->|dobj lc#union said lex#broken pos#VBD VBN DT trigger#break UNLABELED Palestinian Jews rc#, the lex#sold land pos#WP VBD NN TO trigger#sell lc#for any rc#. path#amod|<-amod<-attack->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NNS IN ner#MISC->MISC trigger#attack lex#knife attacks lc#rash of path#rcmod|->rcmod->sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Clinton Robert C. Byrd rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD TO trigger#appeal lc#, President REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appeal->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#appealed UNLABELED William H. Conley Turf Products Corporation trigger#manager lex#special services manager pos#, JJ NNS NN IN path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Dr. Coles Pulitzer Prize rc#for general trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#won lc#, said UNLABELED PORTSIDE DINING Ninfa 's Mexican pos#, -LRB- -RRB- , VBZ DT JJ , JJ ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#large informal rc#restaurant , trigger#restaurant path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-restaurant->amod->|amod UNLABELED Washington National Learning Center Capital Children 's Museum ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj pos#RB VBZ DT rc#, slightly UNLABELED CDC Capital Inc. CDC Group lex#subsidiary financial services institution ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* pos#, , DT NN IN DT JJ NNS NN rc#, trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Pratap Shah Saurashtra Samachar rc#, the lc#'' said pos#, NN CC NN IN DT lex#proprietor editor trigger#proprietor path#appos|->appos->proprietor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Alan Harding Jones Street in Greenwich Village pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN IN IN PRP VBD , VBZ DT NN IN rc#. trigger#chef lex#chef closed chef ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chef->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Bill Pentney Canadian Human Rights Commission lc#'' said trigger#counsel pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->counsel->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#general counsel ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Dr. Marlon Levy Dallas path#appos|->appos->surgeon->nn->|nn lc#'' said rc#transplant surgeon pos#, DT trigger#surgeon ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Roy Hale Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission lc#'' said pos#, DT NN NNS NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#officer lex#staff services officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Govin Johnson ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT trigger#graduate rc#and path#appos|->appos->graduate->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Easton Wisconsin path#rcmod|->rcmod->grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD RP IN rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew trigger#grow UNLABELED Errazuriz Jose Thomas Errazuriz path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. pos#VBD TO PRP$ NN POS JJ NN IN VBG DT JJ NN NN , lc#village , lex#added family 's silver-mine fortune marrying wealthy landscape painter trigger#add UNLABELED Stephen Lang Joseph Jefferson Award trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj rc#for his lex#won UNLABELED Mr. DiNapoli State Legislative Commission path#appos|->appos->co-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT lc#on Pumping lex#co-chairman rc#on trigger#co-chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Rayovac Corporation Madison path#appos|->appos->maker->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The lex#battery maker rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#maker UNLABELED Dr. Hasan Health Systems International rc#, recalled pos#, NN IN trigger#head lc#, " path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Nikita Khrushchev United Nations rc#the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN DT lc#remembers when lex#returned ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#return UNLABELED Thomas Murphy G.M. pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss trigger#chairman lc#when UNLABELED Mr. Denny Sears lex#joined pos#VBD trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Chinese Walt Disney Company lc#The rc#that unless lex#warned ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-warn->dobj->|dobj trigger#warn pos#VBP VBN DT UNLABELED Loews Theaters A. Alan Friedberg pos#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->appos->|appos lc#chairman of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#chairman rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Noland Peat Tee Inc. trigger#form rc#of lex#formed pos#VBZ VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-form->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Paul M. O'Leary Kendal path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN WP VBD DT VBG NN IN , VBD IN DT rc#at trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#economist oversaw rationing program died UNLABELED United States Gen. Walter Yates trigger#commander path#nn|<-nn<-commander->appos->|appos lc#the last ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. lex#commander Maj. pos#NN RB , NNP UNLABELED Philippe Brossard Paris rc#with the lc#, '' lex#economist path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#economist UNLABELED John N. Trainer Trainer Wortham & Company lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, an pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Steven M. Stanley Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland rc#and author lex#paleontologist trigger#paleontologist path#appos|->appos->paleontologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Jim Beam Stakes Frank Brothers lex#trained lc#of the path#partmod|->partmod->train->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, VBN IN trigger#train ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Chraidi Popular Front trigger#member path#rcmod|->rcmod->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#said that rc#for the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#member radical pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN DT JJ UNLABELED Theo Venter Potchefstroom University trigger#scientist rc#. path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#political scientist lc#" said UNLABELED Reuters SOUTH KOREA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->nsubj->|nsubj lc#( rc#: QUEEN pos#-RRB- trigger#meet ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE David Kaufmann Southland pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#'s lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED TOM CHORSKE MIKE RICHTER trigger#score lex#scored ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lc#plus-5 . . . . pos#CC VBD IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->prep->against->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Lynch Franklyn H. Snitow lc#Monday , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-ask->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN lex#asked trigger#ask rc#, a UNLABELED Wheelabrator Danvers path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN lc#officer of rc#, trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED C. Gerber United States pos#, DT JJ lex#assistant rc#attorney , path#appos|->appos->attorney->nn->|nn lc#referring to ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#attorney UNLABELED Dan Mahoney Police Department pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' and path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Athletics Jones ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-president->appos->|appos rc#said she lc#then the lex#executive vice president pos#POS JJ NN NN , trigger#president UNLABELED Philip Ernst Darien path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#marketing consultant marketing executive died Monday home trigger#home rc#, Conn trigger#die pos#, DT NN NN CC JJ NN NN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Councilman Morgan Anne Arundel Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#microbiologist educator administrator died Wednesday lc#LEAD : pos#, DT NN , NN CC JJ NN IN DT , VBD IN NNP IN trigger#die ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Sam Daniel Staten Island lex#heads pressed deferred-departure ruling refugees path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#take rc#to the pos#, WP VBZ DT , WDT VBD IN DT NN NN , VBD NNS IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Joe Helewicz B. & W. lex#spokesman rc#in path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Jeep Cherokee Sport East Hanover path#dobj|<-dobj<-buy->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN IN rc#, lc#a trigger#buy ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Andre Harrell Uptown trigger#head rc#and lex#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Hargrove Ricky Ledee pos#VBD rc#atone for ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Yesterday trigger#watch path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-watch->dobj->|dobj lex#watched UNLABELED West Coast Sophisticated Ladies lc#in the path#nn|<-nn<-production->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#production musical rc#. " trigger#production ner#LOCATION->MISC pos#NN IN DT JJ `` UNLABELED Bus Company Bronx pos#, WDT VBZ NNS IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#company lc# lex#buses NEGATIVE Charlie Churchill Downs path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#arrive pos#, IN DT NNS IN DT POS IN , VBD IN lc#undefeated lex#favorites 's arrived ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Dr. R. Michael Roberts University of Missouri lex#professor animal physiology pos#, DT NN IN NN NN IN DT pos#, DT NN IN JJ JJ NNS IN DT lc#'' said trigger#professor trigger#expert path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#expert early bovine embryos rc#in rc#. '' NEGATIVE Steele Carr pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lc#gloves , rc#to walk trigger#ask UNLABELED Amateur Astronomers ' Association of Princeton John W. H. Sampson Observatory path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->dobj->|dobj lex#open pos#MD VB DT lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#open rc#in NEGATIVE Brooke Allen Exquisite Corpse ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review pos#VBZ NN rc#. lex#reviews book REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Beverly Hills Christian Dior pos#, WRB lc#complex in ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#opened earlier trigger#open REL$NA path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->nsubj->|nsubj NEGATIVE David Jenkins GQ pos#, trigger#editor rc#'s deputy path#appos|->appos->editor->poss->|poss lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Gilbert L. Wachsman Minneapolis trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN PRP$ NN IN lc#resignation of rc#. lex#chief executive subsidiary ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Perlman Brooklyn pos#, DT rc#native , trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Bailey Baton Rouge lex#moved rc#, La. pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Howard Kazanjian Warner Brothers path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. trigger#produce pos#, CC : VBN IN lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Ibrahim Hussein trigger#associate path#appos|->appos->associate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, had lc#clear why lex#longtime associate President pos#, DT JJ NN IN NNP NEGATIVE Arthur Cohn Miramax path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce<-dep<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. trigger#produce lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA pos#: VBN IN trigger#director UNLABELED David K. Hill Jr. Kimball Hill Inc. lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE Berkeley Nasdaq path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#said Al ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA rc#stock market trigger#president UNLABELED Bottlers Cadbury Schweppes Dr. Pepper lex#maker ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#and path#appos|->appos->maker->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#maker lc#Buy NEGATIVE Stamford Yale University path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, , VBD IN lc#in trigger#graduate rc#, where lex#graduated REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Abdel Rahman Mr. Salem lc#on which pos#VBD rc#not to rc#against bombing ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-advise->dobj->|dobj trigger#advise lc#in which lex#advised UNLABELED William H. Overholt Bankers Trust trigger#director lc#, '' rc#who has lc#'' said rc#, said pos#, VBG NN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT VBG NN IN IN rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said rc#. '' UNLABELED Mayor Tom Bradley Police Commission lc#as did pos#, DT NNS IN DT lex#met path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#who chose pos#, WP VBD IN PRP$ lc#have included trigger#meet ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#members rc#, a UNLABELED KIMON ZACHOS path#nn|<-nn<-president->nn->|nn lex#S. ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#President , pos#NNP trigger#president UNLABELED Department of Environmental Protection Water Resources path#poss|<-poss<-division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#the state rc#, said pos#POS NN IN lex#'s Division ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#division UNLABELED Jane West Canadian Oaks rc#and ran lex#ran starts won trigger#win pos#, WP VBD RB CC RB IN DT IN PRP$ NNS , VBD DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj lc#; Deputy UNLABELED William C. Bluestein Forrester Research rc#, a lex#senior analyst trigger#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Marilyn Rickman Texas Women 's Political Caucus pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which NEGATIVE Rose Marie Bravo Saks lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#, said path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-resign->prep->as->pobj->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc# pos#VBD IN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#resigned president lc#and after lc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA trigger#president lc#" said trigger#resign NEGATIVE Tour of Britain Leeds lc#in the lex#race pos#NN IN rc#, trigger#race path#nn|<-nn<-race->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Parge House Lexington Avenue trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#the " lex#takes elaborate low-relief plasterwork modeled medieval parging rc#, at ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, '' WDT VBZ PRP$ NN IN JJ JJ NN VBN IN JJ `` NN , '' IN UNLABELED Mr. Dyson Neal Austrian rc#, the lex#met path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD IN ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#meet UNLABELED Barry Greenhut Jane Catherine Shaw ner#PERSON->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-music->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, will trigger#music lc#music by pos#CC NNS IN lex#puppets UNLABELED Elegant Agnus Dei pos#IN PRP$ NN , JJ IN PRP$ JJ NNS IN NN CC RB JJ IN PRP$ ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#sentiment delightful small bursts speed downright eloquent path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->nn->|nn rc#section , trigger#section NEGATIVE Timothy Wyoming lc#School ; pos#RB VBZ IN trigger#live rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#lives UNLABELED Diane Smiroldo Business Software Alliance pos#, DT NN IN IN DT path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lc#" said NEGATIVE Western Kuwait lc#of several lc#on trigger#diplomat lc#the senior lex#embassies lc#assaults on rc#last week rc#did not lex#diplomat path#amod|<-amod<-embassy->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, and trigger#embassy rc#after the rc#. pos#NN IN rc#on Friday trigger#support lc#of new lex#hostages trigger#hostage pos#NN RB IN path#amod|<-amod<-hostage->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#contrast to path#amod|<-amod<-support->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS IN ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA lc#of some path#amod|<-amod<-diplomat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#into several lex#support UNLABELED Woo Chon Korean Manhattan path#nn|<-nn<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#restaurants rc#and trigger#restaurant ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#NNS IN lc#owns the UNLABELED Houghton Mifflin Mr. Ortega trigger#mifflin rc#, described ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD DT NN NN IN lex#breakfast session lc#chief of path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Gen. Hector Gramajo Guatemalan trigger#minister pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC rc#Defense Minister path#appos|->appos->minister->nn->|nn lc#words of UNLABELED San Jose Sharks IGOR LARIONOV trigger#trade lc#to the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN NN path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-trade->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#yesterday center rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. vanden Heuvel New York City Board of Corrections lex#lawyer chairman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN , VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#chairman UNLABELED Center Patrol Road Buena Vista Ponds path#dobj|<-dobj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#take pos#TO ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#took the rc#, a NEGATIVE Lewis Tucker pos#VBD lc#pitcher , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#down early lex#put trigger#put path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED David J. Forkenbrook Public Policy Center lex#director 's rc#who was lc#, like pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Sylvester Princeton University lex#lived died graduate rc#who served trigger#graduate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBD IN , CC VBD IN IN , VBD DT NN IN NEGATIVE Syria Lebanese Forces ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN , VBZ RB RB VBN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-assure->dobj->|dobj trigger#assure lex#main power broker reportedly assured rc#that groups REL$NA UNLABELED Fog City Software Claris E-mailer lc#he started pos#, DT NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#maker rc#, and path#appos|->appos->maker->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#maker UNLABELED Leta Volos path#poss|<-poss<-husband->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , rc#. lc#father is lex#'s husband trigger#husband UNLABELED Hershiser Los Angeles Dodgers trigger#have pos#VBD DT NN IN DT lex#act ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#after UNLABELED Janice Hale-Benson Cleveland State University pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN trigger#professor lc#research by path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lex#associate professor education NEGATIVE Occupational Safety and Health Administration Department of Labor path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, CC , VBZ NN IN DT lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#part rc#and enforces trigger#part REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Calvin J. Frederick Veterans Affairs Hospital pos#, NN IN JJ NNS IN DT path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#chief psychological services ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chief rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Harry H. Roberts Louisiana State University trigger#geologist rc#who has lex#geologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->geologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED John Ostrout Commission pos#, DT VBG NN IN DT trigger#director lex#acting director rc#on the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Columbus Avenue Beat Generation trigger#give rc#and its ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD NN TO DT REL$NA lc#'s , lex#gave birth UNLABELED Guidance Center Industries Guidance Center path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#vocational rehabilitation division pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT trigger#division rc#, a UNLABELED Justice Clarence Thomas Atlanta trigger#give rc#last month path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#gave lc#a speech ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN NEGATIVE John Harvey British trigger#poet pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->poet->amod->|amod REL$NA rc#poet and UNLABELED Burt Reynolds Theater Broadway rc#. pos#IN , , TO lc#from the path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED 3M Secretaries Day ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-celebrate->dobj->|dobj trigger#celebrate pos#, , CC NNS VBP VBG rc#. lc#campaigns , lex#celebrating UNLABELED Frank Barcenes Rinconcito Salvadoreno path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, , RB VBD trigger#open lex#recently opened rc#, a UNLABELED Ray Bohn Perpich path#appos|->appos->secretary->poss->|poss lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#Governor rc#'s press trigger#secretary pos#, NNP UNLABELED MCDERMOTT New Orleans pos#NNP NNP , lex#INTERNATIONAL INC. rc#, said rc#, and trigger#inc. rc#, an ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-inc.->appos->|appos UNLABELED Camille By Charles Ludlam James Eckerle trigger#manager pos#: VBN IN : NNS IN : NN IN : NN IN : NN IN : NN IN : NN IN : NNS NNS , CC : NN NN NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->manager->appos->|appos rc#. lex#directed costumes scenery lighting hair jewelry sound props coordinators production stage manager UNLABELED Patrick Kavanagh Mr. Heaney path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#so does rc#with a lex#author previous sequence presented trigger#present pos#, NN IN DT JJ `` '' NN -RRB- VBD UNLABELED William M. LeFevre New York lc#bull , rc#securities firm pos#IN , DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Vanishing Bridegroom Francesca Zambello pos#, '' VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#'s " trigger#direct lex#directed rc#and conducted path#dep|->dep->direct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Biogal pos#, VBN IN , VBD NN IN trigger#percent path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->percent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#drugs , ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#buy lex#based bought percent rc#, a UNLABELED William Green Adoptees Political Action Coalition rc#. trigger#founder lex#founder recently formed pos#, DT NN IN DT RB VBN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Newman-Haas Mansell pos#NN CC PRP$ NNS , lc#to the ner#MISC->PERSON lex#team drivers rc#and trigger#team path#nn|<-nn<-team->appos->|appos UNLABELED Walter Goodman Frontline program pos#VBZ lex#reviews rc# trigger#review ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Sabo John Spratt trigger#defeat ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT JJ NN , VBD NNP lex#eight-term liberal defeated Representative rc#, a UNLABELED Nancy Chambers Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine trigger#director pos#, DT NN IN NN NN IN DT lc#'' said lex#director horticulture therapy ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Coastal New York Coastal Corporation of Houston path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ DT NN IN DT trigger#subsidiary rc#, which UNLABELED Mr. Tsongas Moline trigger#speak rc#this lc#who heard pos#VBP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#speak UNLABELED Dr. Borg John Loengard trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->dobj->|dobj lex#survived nephews pos#VBZ VBN IN NNS , UNLABELED Walter Goodman Trial of Sacco trigger#review pos#VBZ DT rc#and lex#reviews The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Walid Khadouri Cyprus trigger#newsletter rc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN DT , DT JJ NN NN NN VBN IN lex#executive editor weekly oil industry newsletter based trigger#base lc#, " path#appos|->appos->newsletter->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED David Goheen Leach Madison pos#, DT NN NN , NN IN NN CC RB JJ NN IN JJ NNS IN VBN NNS , NNS CC NNS , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#plant geneticist authority horticulture internationally renowned breeder ornamental plants hybridized rhododendrons magnolias azaleas died home UNLABELED Nancy Gross Blase Edward A. Gross ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#IN , CC , NNP : DT NN , rc#of path#dep|->dep->son->appos->|appos trigger#son lex#Ill. son lc#daughters , UNLABELED Mr. DeVine Poptun pos#, WP IN PRP$ NN VBD DT NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#run rc#. lc#paths with lex#wife ran inn ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN lex#ran inn rc#, a UNLABELED Livent New York pos#VBZ TO rc#, he trigger#bring lc#next project lex#brings ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Georgica East Hampton lc#in the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, in pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#section rc#, an REL$NA trigger#section NEGATIVE Bangladesh South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#make rc#. pos#, , , DT , , CC , WDT VBP RP DT lex#make lc#leaders from path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Alfred J. Bauman Department of Transportation trigger#director pos#, JJ NN IN DT lc#, emphasized path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#regional director rc#. '' UNLABELED John Graves United States lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#I.C.C.A.T. advisory path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->committee->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chairman trigger#committee UNLABELED Gregory Smith Harvard-trained trigger#lawyer pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->lawyer->amod->|amod lc#and rc#lawyers who UNLABELED I.O.C. International Dance Sports Federation pos#VBZ RB VBN DT lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recognize->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#and granted trigger#recognize lex#simply recognized UNLABELED Winston Cup Dawsonville rc#, Ga. path#nn|<-nn<-champion->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lc#a former lex#champion ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#champion NEGATIVE Charleston Mercer lc#When trigger#lose pos#VBD TO ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#lost path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#on REL$NA UNLABELED National Issues Convention Bob Dole lc#of the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-refer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#referred incorrectly Senator trigger#refer rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON pos#VBD RB TO NNP UNLABELED Mr. Goldman Virginia Democratic Party path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP$ JJ NN VBZ NN IN DT lc#says of rc#, " lex#formal title chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Mr. Tempera Benefit Plan Administrators path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#VBD IN NNS IN trigger#receive rc#, according lex#received fees UNLABELED Peter F. Vallone Bronx Borough pos#, DT NNP : , DT NNP NNP : , DT , CC , DT path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lex#Speaker Public Advocate rc#President , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#days , UNLABELED Boeing Civil Aviation Administration rc#of ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-belong->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell lc#said the lex#sell airplanes ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#MD VB NNS TO DT trigger#belong lex#belonging pos#, VBG TO DT UNLABELED BROLEWICZ New York International Arts Council lex#The writer executive director ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN VBZ JJ NN IN DT rc#, an path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc# trigger#director UNLABELED St. Andrew Avellino Church Flushing trigger#perform pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-perform->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#at UNLABELED Han Sung Joo Foreign Affairs trigger#minister rc#. path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, POS NNP IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#'s Minister lc#" said UNLABELED Mrs. Campolongo Smith College path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#and the trigger#graduate lex#graduated ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Devora Hebrew University lc#his wife trigger#biologist rc#, and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->biologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#research biologist UNLABELED NATO Lieut. Chuck Merlo lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos lc#Another trigger#spokesman pos#NN , UNLABELED Roy M. Goodman Mr. Rangel ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#serve rc#. lc#State Senator path#rcmod|->rcmod->serve->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#leader served pos#, DT NN , WP VBD IN DT IN UNLABELED Mr. Morrison Congress trigger#win pos#, WP VBD PRP$ NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#won seat ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#As for rc#in UNLABELED George Aliano Los Angeles Police Protective League lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lc#Interviews Terminated trigger#president UNLABELED Philips Arrau Collection path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-announce->dobj->|dobj lex#company recorded decades announced 25-CD lc#And pos#, DT NN IN WDT PRP VBZ VBN IN IN DT JJ JJ NNS , VBZ VBN DT JJ `` trigger#announce ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, " UNLABELED Dr. Robert G. Stephanopoulos Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity lex#dean pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->dean->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#dean lc#The Rev. lc#popular Rev. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#on the rc#in UNLABELED New York City Samuel pos#NN NN IN CC VBZ VBN VBN TO DT IN DT JJ NN , NNP ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#officer path#nn|<-nn<-officer->appos->|appos lex#police officer assigned entire time Detective lc#been a rc#said . UNLABELED Virgin Anymore New Jersey rc#native who pos#, '' IN , DT trigger#native lc#Not a ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn lex#'' UNLABELED Best of Show Award Wieden & Kennedy trigger#go lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Interstate Selma lex#south trigger#south pos#NN IN rc#in June path#nn|<-nn<-south->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#on the UNLABELED Kelvin Roger Daltrey rc#) , ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play lc#It is path#dep|->dep->play->nsubj->|nsubj pos#-LRB- UNLABELED Dr. Tolman State Department trigger#work pos#RB VBD IN DT rc#as a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#worked UNLABELED Carmine 's Upper West Side of Manhattan lc#waiter at ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, and lex#large boisterous restaurant path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ , JJ NN IN DT trigger#restaurant NEGATIVE Elizabeth Taylor Wales lc#penthouse where trigger#princess rc#, always ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#Lady Princess pos#CC NNP , NNP IN REL$NA path#appos|->appos->princess->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Thomas E. Johnson Mr. Hill lex#sentenced pos#IN VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Judge trigger#sentence path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sentence->dobj->|dobj rc#to UNLABELED Mr. Kramer Brooklyn path#rcmod|->rcmod->grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD RP IN pos#, DT NN IN CC , VBD VBN IN trigger#bear rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew trigger#grow lex#son born NEGATIVE Charlestown Catonsville lc#of the lex#continuing-care community ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, Md. trigger#community path#nn|<-nn<-community->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Anthony Chan Banc One Investment Advisers Corporation of Columbus lc#'' said lex#vice president chief economist pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#, NN NN CC JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief economist trigger#economist trigger#president UNLABELED Euro Disney John Forsgren ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS JJ JJ NN , lex#'s chief financial officer path#poss|<-poss<-officer->appos->|appos rc#. trigger#officer lc#, said NEGATIVE Richard Bernstein East pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review rc#and West ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Brad Los Angeles rc#and sent lex#flown pos#VBD VBN TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#fly REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Pisark Mr. Feder path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP RB VBD IN lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#at trigger#work lex#worked POSITIVE Roger Blackwell Ohio State University trigger#professor REL$/business/person/company pos#, DT rc#marketing professor path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn lc#change ; ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Bruce Gebhardt Newark path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#agent rc#. lex#agent ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Levien Columbia College rc#and the lex#graduate lc#, trigger#graduate path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Jurgen Dormann Aventis path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->as->pobj->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#serve pos#, POS JJ NN , MD VB IN DT NN IN ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, while lex#'s chief executive serve chairman trigger#chairman UNLABELED Mr. Mattos Portuguese rc#immigrants whose ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->son->prep->of->pobj->immigrant->amod->|amod trigger#son trigger#immigrant lex#son pos#, DT NN IN lc#charm for UNLABELED Dr. Romana Lodenova Ministry of Health pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#official trigger#official path#appos|->appos->official->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED New York Stephen Kaufman trigger#lawyer rc#, said lex#lawyer lc#His ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#NN , UNLABELED Long Island Republican Mr. Clinton lc#, a path#rcmod|->rcmod->accompany->dobj->|dobj rc#on his pos#WP VBZ VBG ner#MISC->PERSON lex#accompanying trigger#accompany UNLABELED Mr. Rifkin American Labor Source Book rc#" ( trigger#write lc#, pos#VBD `` NNP lex#wrote The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Nicholas Barranca Postal Service lc#, '' pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s vice ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Jose Ithier Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Bohbot Entertainment and the Media Inc. Interpublic lc#owned by ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#; the lex#unit trigger#unit UNLABELED International Ballet Theater Queens College ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ VBG DT NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#perform lc#The lex#performing tale rc#( a UNLABELED Pauline Reich Waseda University School of Law lc#'' said trigger#professor rc#. path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#professor UNLABELED Mr. Duques American Express lex#joined pos#, WP VBZ , VBD trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Russell Williams Delphi Internet Services Corporation lex#vice president general manager path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, an pos#, NN NN CC JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Bernbach Doyle Dane ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#co-founder trigger#co-founder rc#, now path#appos|->appos->co-founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN lc#essay discusses UNLABELED Harvey B. Cohen Cohen ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->firm->nn->|nn pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN DT rc#, lex#fellow senior partner trigger#firm lc#, said NEGATIVE Institute for Brewing Studies Boulder path#appos|->appos->group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#by the path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#nonprofit group lc#to the trigger#group pos#, VBN IN trigger#base rc#, there rc#, pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#based NEGATIVE Upper West Side Lionel Hampton rc#, the lc#destroyed the trigger#apartment ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#NN IN lex#apartment path#nn|<-nn<-apartment->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Johnnie Walker World Championship Jamaica trigger#win path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN lc#winning the trigger#play rc#and was lc#the season-ending rc#in December ner#MISC->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Hugh Hefner Marston lex#'s young sons path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos trigger#son pos#POS JJ NNS , rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#thanks to UNLABELED D. Wayne Lukas Triple Crown path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->race->nn->|nn trigger#win rc#races with trigger#race ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ CC JJ NN , VBZ VBN DT JJ lex#rich renowned trainer won UNLABELED Debbie Peterson The Pits rc#, the trigger#editor pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said UNLABELED Renee Jarrett Johnson C. Smith University lc#" said path#appos|->appos->freshman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#freshman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#freshman rc#, a UNLABELED Timo Liekoski Bora Milutinovic lc#coached by lex#top assistant trigger#assistant ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#in the path#appos|->appos->assistant->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN TO UNLABELED Marc D. Cohen Kidder lex#oil analyst lc#'' said trigger#analyst lc#Productivity Improved lex#gold analyst rc#, lex#coal analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Diane diMauro Social Science Research Council trigger#head lex#heads path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ DT IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Cambridge International Drive ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, , JJ NN , MD VB PRP$ NN RB IN DT JJ , JJ NN IN lc#a trigger#open lex#child-care company open center 6,200-square-foot one-story building NEGATIVE Verdi Francesco Maria Piave ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s collaboration librettist trigger#collaboration path#poss|<-poss<-collaboration->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, after pos#POS NN IN DT NN REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Goodman Axelrods trigger#represent path#rcmod|->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ DT lex#represents ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and a UNLABELED Windham Hill Group Interpublic Group of Cos. pos#, , DT NN IN POS , TO NNP , NN IN DT NN IN DT rc#, to path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#unit 's McCann-Erickson part unit lc#-- trigger#part trigger#unit ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Wolff National Symphony pos#VBD DT rc#for several lex#left lc#mention that trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Munitz University of Illinois lex#moved lc#later pos#VBD TO DT rc#, and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Colorado-based Omnipoint Corporation pos#JJ NN NN , lc#'s tiny lex#cellular telephone company path#amod|<-amod<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#, does UNLABELED Golden Triangle Homes Lumberton rc#, Tex. pos#IN trigger#run ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-run->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#who runs NEGATIVE Westmark Dallas lc#Assets of path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#closely held company pos#, DT RB VBN NN IN trigger#company rc#, consist REL$NA NEGATIVE Garnett Golden State Warriors pos#, WP$ JJ NNS VBD DT VBD DT lc#'' said rc#, trigger#garnett ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->help->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lex#career-high points helped beat NEGATIVE Roy DeCarava Modern rc#, the pos#POS NN IN DT lc#was probably trigger#show ner#PERSON->MISC path#poss|<-poss<-show->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#'s show REL$NA UNLABELED Cal Nwabudu Chase Manhattan Bank path#appos|->appos->treasurer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#assistant treasurer trigger#treasurer rc#and president lc#living with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED House Repubican path#nn|<-nn<-whip->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#whip . lc#, the trigger#whip UNLABELED Hunter Lieut. Col. Clifford M. Acree path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, JJ , VBD VBG IN DT NNP NN NN VBN IN DT NN NN , rc#, lc#Warrant Officer trigger#fly lex#flying OV-10 observation plane piloted squadron commander UNLABELED Citronelle Latham Hotel path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#at path#dobj|<-dobj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#make trigger#open pos#, IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT rc#in lc#opened UNLABELED Wolfgang Schattling Mercedes pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn rc#spokesman in trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Regent R. Carlos Carballada path#poss|<-poss<-chancellor->appos->|appos trigger#chancellor ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#'s vice chancellor rc#, of lc#is the pos#POS NN NN , NEGATIVE Rudolph W. Giuliani Howard Safir ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#as the lex#appointed Fire Commissioner pos#VBD NNP NNP lc#Mayor path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appoint->dobj->|dobj trigger#appoint REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Kogen Mort Ehrlich pos#RB VBD RP ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bring lex#brought path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED Chiang Kai-shek " Republic of China path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-refer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#refer lc#said that lex#referred simply rc#, " pos#VBD RB VBN TO `` '' CC RB TO DT ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. Alice Medea trigger#do ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#MD RB VB DT JJ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->dobj->|dobj rc#. lex#extraordinary UNLABELED Halesite Plaza Huntington lc#in the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, lc#merchants at path#nn|<-nn<-center->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NN IN trigger#center lex#shopping center rc#, watching UNLABELED Rachel Feyla rc#, the trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s sister path#poss|<-poss<-sister->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lc#, with UNLABELED Debussy Bardac path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#leave ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, and pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN lex#left wife UNLABELED United States World University Games ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT JJ JJ NN IN DT pos#POS NN JJ rc#yesterday in lc#with the trigger#lead lex#gold medal-winning path#poss|<-poss<-team->nn->|nn lc#led the trigger#team lex#gold-medal winning spree ner#LOCATION->MISC path#dobj|<-dobj<-lead->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#team over UNLABELED Khomeini Ahmed path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos lc#Even ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s son pos#POS NN , rc#, played trigger#son UNLABELED Nicola Accame National Alliance pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#official trigger#official rc#, at path#appos|->appos->official->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Martin Johnson Mr. Krueger lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED N.E.A. desires Norman Rockwells path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-support->dobj->|dobj lc#If the rc#of the ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#support pos#RB TO VB DT lex#support NEGATIVE Stamford Chicago rc#a ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO lc#moved from trigger#move REL$NA UNLABELED Pastrano Muhammad Ali pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-friend->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#close friend trigger#friend rc#and is UNLABELED Cynthia A. Wallquist Planning Department rc#, said path#appos|->appos->coordinator->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#coordinator ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NNP NNP NN IN DT NN POS lex#Family Self-Sufficiency coordinator county 's UNLABELED VERA BEAUDIN The Kurdish Library Brooklyn lex#SAEEDPOUR Director Center Research rc#, pos#NNP NNP , NNP IN NNP , path#nn|<-nn<-director->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director NEGATIVE William Hoffer Jacob Heilbrunn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#leave pos#-LRB- -RRB- , lc#baum with rc#leaves readers REL$NA UNLABELED Mrs. Quick Nakisha ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#child pos#POS JJR NNS , lc#For rc#, path#poss|<-poss<-child->appos->|appos lex#'s younger children UNLABELED Yeltsin Mr. Khasbulatov lex#misses pos#VBD trigger#push pos#POS `` POS , DT NN IN , NN VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj trigger#miss ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ rc#, whose rc#through . lex#pushed rc#, " lex#'s leader today accused lc#, President path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-miss->dobj->|dobj lc#if President trigger#accuse path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-push->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Justice Korn Beatrice lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Toledano Gene Pressman lex#describes trigger#describe ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj rc#as a UNLABELED Mr. Valladares American Embassy lex#wrote rc#here in trigger#write pos#RB VBD TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Tokyo Spago rc#, the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#version pos#NN IN lc#underneath the lex#version path#nn|<-nn<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED City Council Board of Estimate lc#of the rc#as final lc#The lex#replaced trigger#replace trigger#council ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. pos#VBZ VBN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj pos#, WDT VBZ VBN RP NNS NN IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#landmarks review UNLABELED Gloria Rodriguez Cross lex#history teacher lc#'' said rc#who teaches ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->teacher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#teacher NEGATIVE Titus Roman pos#, DT JJ lc#inflicted on pos#, DT lex#popular trigger#general ner#PERSON->MISC lc#begins when lc#who plays lex#victorious ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#general , REL$NA path#appos|->appos->general->amod->|amod UNLABELED M. Carl Holman Civil Rights Commission lc#father , lex#president deputy director pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN DT IN CC IN DT VBD DT NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Kamran Qarahdaghi London trigger#writer rc#who is lex#prominent writer path#appos|->appos->writer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mary De Piano Rothlein Toby Alden ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#: DT NN , , IN : DT NN , IN , , CC NNS , rc#of lc#wife , trigger#daughter path#dep|->dep->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#son lex#son daughter sisters NEGATIVE Mary Murphy Our Lady of Good Counsel High School lex#principal pos#, NN IN trigger#principal ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Gergiyev Kirov path#poss|<-poss<-commitment->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, he pos#POS JJ NN TO DT lex#'s strong commitment trigger#commitment lc#Because of ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. Ephron Mr. Arch lc#screenplay by ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; director path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->on->pobj->story->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#story lex#based story trigger#base pos#, CC , VBN IN DT NN IN NEGATIVE Surviving Thornwood path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#sons trigger#son ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA pos#VBP NNS , , IN , , IN NEGATIVE Americans Tab Ramos lex#include trigger#be lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-include->dobj->|dobj lc#, the rc#, their rc#, and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->without->pobj->|pobj pos#IN VBP ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB IN lc#to key pos#, VBG lex#including ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA rc#, a NEGATIVE Japanese Denis Potvin rc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-know->dobj->|dobj lc#Because the pos#VBP RB VB lex#n't ner#MISC->PERSON REL$NA trigger#know UNLABELED Xoma Corp. A. Richard Juelis path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lex#produces pharmaceutical products appointed rc#vice president ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#* pos#, , , WDT VBZ JJ NNS , VBN trigger#president UNLABELED Dawn McCaine St. Luke 's Hospital pos#, JJ , VBD IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#died rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#when UNLABELED Ellouise House Tulia path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT IN lc#according to rc#, trigger#secretary lex#executive secretary ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED James McCall Large Cap Growth Fund lc#'' said path#rcmod|->rcmod->manage->dobj->|dobj rc#at trigger#manage pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#manages UNLABELED Nina Saw Mill River Audubon Society path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#board members rc#. pos#CC , DT NN NNS IN DT lc#brainchild of ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED New York Housing Authority ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#announced in trigger#announce pos#, DT lc#In path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-announce->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Police Department Leonardo Alcivar lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#A path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman pos#NN , UNLABELED Michael Bonheur New York University pos#, DT trigger#student path#appos|->appos->student->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#student , lc#" said UNLABELED Robert C Kim Navy rc#intelligence analyst pos#, JJ trigger#analyst lc#Indictment of path#appos|->appos->analyst->nn->|nn lex#civilian ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE John Wetteland Jeff Reboulet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-strike->dobj->|dobj trigger#strike ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD RP lc#snickered once REL$NA rc#on a lex#struck UNLABELED Kristin Kiln rc#for her lex#friends trigger#bring pos#CC PRP$ NNS TO DT path#dobj|<-dobj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#brought daughter NEGATIVE Swedish Chinese rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-better->prep->than->pobj->|pobj trigger#better lc#says his ner#MISC->MISC pos#VBZ JJR IN PRP$ REL$NA UNLABELED Milan High Muncie Central High trigger#defeat pos#, IN NNS , VBD VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#students defeated rc#, with ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED National Press Building White House lc#in the pos#, NNS IN DT lex#blocks trigger#block rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->block->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Arthur Cantor Port Washington Library trigger#come rc#at pos#VBZ TO DT lc#The producer path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Korean War Veterans Memorial Mr. Dwyer trigger#design lc#The rc#, includes lex#designed pos#IN , VBN IN ner#MISC->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->design->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Kunz Floral Park path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#Island UNLABELED Brock Smith Ontario pos#, trigger#minister lc#ago , path#appos|->appos->minister->poss->|poss rc#'s Deputy ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED BAA P.L.C. Allders British path#appos|->appos->retailer->amod->|amod ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#offer from pos#, DT trigger#retailer rc#retailer , UNLABELED Barry Gorman Penn State pos#, rc#'s coach lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss UNLABELED Mr. Gaston Elmhurst Hospital Center lex#pronounced dead trigger#pronounce path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-pronounce->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN JJ IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#about UNLABELED BOB SCANLAN JOHN OLERUD pos#VBD rc#and threw ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#hit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->dobj->|dobj lex#hit lc#'s UNLABELED Pequots Foxwoods rc#, the trigger#operate trigger#create path#rcmod|->rcmod->create->dobj->|dobj lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#and the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-operate->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT NN WDT RB VBD VBN VBN JJ , WP RB VBP VBN lex#operate pos#VBP lex#tribe thought extinct created rc#, a UNLABELED Repesentative Robert A. Roe House Public Works and Transportation Committee pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, became lex#chairman lc#OUT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Gromyko Foreign Ministry pos#RB VBD IN PRP IN DT trigger#work rc#. lc#, and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#worked UNLABELED William Pitt United States pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#for lex#spokesman ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Max Leibman Tamiment pos#, rc#'s entertainment ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#'' which path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss trigger#director NEGATIVE Michael Callen Citicorp trigger#leave path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->dobj->|dobj rc#. lex#leaving lc#headed by ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, WP VBZ VBG NEGATIVE Don Baylor Keith Lockhart lex#hitting coach approached path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-approach->dobj->|dobj trigger#approach pos#, DT POS VBG NN , VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#after UNLABELED Mr. Mullins Columbia lc#who brought rc#, said trigger#bring pos#TO path#dobj|<-dobj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Jerry Bailey Derby trigger#win pos#, WP VBD JJ POS path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj rc#aboard lc#all-star jockey lex#won 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED James W. Rouse Harborplace lc#incorporate is trigger#build pos#, DT NN , RB , WP$ NN RB VBD path#rcmod|->rcmod->build->dobj->|dobj lex#developer company built ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Frank Cicero Amoco trigger#lawyer rc#, said path#appos|->appos->lawyer->partmod->represent->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT NN VBG DT lex#lawyer representing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#represent UNLABELED Atlanta Lavoro Bank ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#at the lex#branch path#nn|<-nn<-branch->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN DT rc#to finance trigger#branch UNLABELED SHANNON International Monetary Fund ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj lex#-- Secretary accused pos#, , -LRB- -RRB- : NNP VBD DT rc#today of lc#Faults I.M.F. trigger#accuse UNLABELED Orasje Croats path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#make lc#check in rc#make up pos#, , WRB ner#LOCATION->MISC NEGATIVE Robert Welsh Mr. Sweeney pos#, path#appos|->appos->assistant->poss->|poss lc#'' said trigger#assistant ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s executive REL$NA UNLABELED Ann Novotnick Bloomingdale trigger#manager lc#Step path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#employment manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#'s in UNLABELED Mr. Baker Clifford L. van Syoc trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#action , path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Dr. Byron Thomashow Washington Heights rc#, recalled trigger#specialist path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#pulmonary specialist UNLABELED Ogawa Metropolitan Opera Ballet lc#Miss lex#heads school member trigger#member pos#, WP VBZ PRP$ JJ NN IN , VBD DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Mike Liut Bruins path#rcmod|->rcmod->face->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP IN DT NN IN DT , VBD DT rc#throughout the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#face lex#member faced lc#revelation to NEGATIVE Christine Brooke-Rose British pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#novelist path#appos|->appos->novelist->amod->|amod rc#novelist , REL$NA NEGATIVE Irving Schwartz trigger#letter path#nn|<-nn<-letter->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NNP REL$NA rc#letter on UNLABELED Widnall Air Force and Defense Department Inspector Generals lc#, Secretary pos#VBD DT rc#to investigate trigger#order lex#ordered ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-order->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED North Carolina Parcells trigger#carolina rc#took with pos#, WP ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#tackle from path#rcmod|->rcmod->take->nsubj->|nsubj NEGATIVE Soviet Portugal trigger#ambassador rc#. pos#NNP TO lex#Ambassador path#amod|<-amod<-ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#named the REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Gail Sheehy Christmas path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD trigger#spend rc#at lex#spent ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Stearns Prudential rc#and became pos#VBD lex#left trigger#leave lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Neil Estern National Sculpture Society lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president UNLABELED Greener Pastures East 60th Street lc#owner of ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#health-food restaurant path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#restaurant pos#, DT NN NN IN NEGATIVE Emmylou Harris Irish pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#group rc#dancing group REL$NA UNLABELED Ellis P. Steinberg Argonne National Laboratory lex#research director rc#'s chemistry pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->division->poss->|poss trigger#division trigger#director UNLABELED Richard Tinker National Weather Service 's Climate Analysis Center pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#meteorologist path#appos|->appos->meteorologist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#meteorologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Bill Elson International Creative Management rc#, whose pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Joseph Fimone Park Zone path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj lc#'' said pos#IN , , WP VBZ DT trigger#fimone lex#owns rc#and whose ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Bert Neuborne New York University Law School pos#, JJ NN IN DT IN DT lex#legal director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#A.C.L.U. But rc#and a path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE New Jersey Cleveland Cavaliers ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-overwhelm->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#overwhelmed lc#minutes , REL$NA trigger#overwhelm UNLABELED Jerome Foreman Transit Authority lex#senior vice president capital program management rc#for capital pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN NN NN NN IN DT rc#, said rc#in charge path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN DT lc#save , pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president UNLABELED Michael A. Cooper Bar Association of the City of New York lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Carnegie Endowment Mr. Nixon lc#of the trigger#adviser path#rcmod|->rcmod->adviser->poss->|poss ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#IN , WP , RB , VBZ rc#'s adviser lex#paradoxically UNLABELED Frank Byers John P. Marsh lex#editors music produced ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#photography , trigger#directed trigger#produce path#appos|<-appos<-director<-dep<-directed->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#: NNS , CC : NN IN : VBN IN rc#and trigger#director UNLABELED Barbara Raskin Johns Hopkins Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT JJ NN '' , '' IN DT NNS IN PRP$ NN IN NNS , VBD IN NNP IN trigger#die lex#author best-selling '' '' concerns generation women died Friday ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Ms. Howatson Emap P.L.C. lex#longtime magazine executive recently consultant pos#, DT JJ NN NN , VBD RBS RB VBN DT NN TO trigger#consultant rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-consultant->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Savings of America Ohio path#nn|<-nn<-branch->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#branches rc#. trigger#branch ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#NNS IN lc#of UNLABELED Mr. Brecker Roseland pos#VBD lex#moved path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->dobj->|dobj lc#In rc#to the trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED International Performance and Production New York lc#by the lex#company path#nn|<-nn<-company->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#NN IN trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Joan Kahn Mount Sinai Medical Center path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#book editor imprint hallmark suspense stories died Tuesday trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN WP$ NN VBD DT NN IN NN NNS IN JJ , VBD IN NNP IN rc#in UNLABELED ALICIA RODRIGUEZ Mexican Government Tourism Office trigger#writer lex#The writer regional director path#nn|<-nn<-writer<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NNP NN VBZ JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Hill Alesi pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#pass lc#race , lex#passed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pass->dobj->|dobj rc#on the UNLABELED Ralph J. Marino Mr. Pataki lc#majority leader rc#, but ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->endorse->dobj->|dobj lex#endorsed pos#, DT IN , VBZ VBN trigger#endorse UNLABELED Ms. Zebrak New York rc#on business pos#, WP VBD IN trigger#zebrak path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Pharos Systems Inc. South Chelmsford path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, of rc#, trigger#company lex#consulting company pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Haydn Ardsley trigger#play path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#playing rc#and pos#, , CC IN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Stephen Holden Ugly trigger#review pos#VBZ DT lex#reviews The ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED G. Barrett American Escrow Association lc#to Earl pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->administrator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive administrator trigger#administrator rc#, a UNLABELED Peter Rowdy Hall pos#CC , WP VBD IN trigger#peter rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#over by NEGATIVE Neil O'Donnell Glenn Foley lc#replace quarterback pos#IN rc#, but ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-replace->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#start lc#would replace trigger#replace path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, and pos#VBZ IN DT JJ rc#in victory lex#starts injured REL$NA lc#But UNLABELED Democrat House Interior subcommittee lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#WP VBZ NN IN DT lc#the trigger#head rc#, rightly rc#. pos#WP VBZ DT lex#heads ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj trigger#chairman NEGATIVE John Small Jamaica lex#native rc#. trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Frank J Piral Wine Talk path#poss|<-poss<-column->nn->|nn rc#column on lex#'s pos#POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#column UNLABELED Mr. Sigmon Golden West Broadcasting trigger#partner lc#, when lex#partners singing cowboy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-partner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD NNS IN , DT VBG NN , IN NEGATIVE Moore Arizona trigger#trade lc#regime traded rc#for running path#dobj|<-dobj<-trade->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Jorge O. Mariscal Goldman Sachs trigger#director lex#director research stocks pos#, NN IN NN IN NNS IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Phillip Tabbita American Postal Workers Union pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#official trigger#official lc#nationwide , path#appos|->appos->official->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Frank Marrero Area Policy Board lex#chairman pos#, NN IN lc#Poorly Attended ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in NEGATIVE Fuller Williams & Connolly lex#member powerful firm lc#will be pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ NN path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Georgian mansion Henry du Pont pos#VBN IN lc#-- a trigger#build lex#built ner#MISC->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->build->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Bob Abrams Geraldine Ferraro lc#" trigger#defeat lex#narrowly defeated ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#by running pos#RB VBD NEGATIVE John Blair Longview path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident lex#resident rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA NEGATIVE Randall Terry Congress rc#and the path#appos|->appos->candidate->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#candidate ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lc#Monday about trigger#candidate UNLABELED Dr. Salk New York City pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Valujet Sues T.W.A. Trans World Airlines lex#sued ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sue->dobj->|dobj rc#and trigger#sue pos#CC VBD UNLABELED P. T. Barnum Monster Classical path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD PRP$ lex#opened lc#, trigger#open rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Moxley New Jersey pos#, WP RB VBZ IN lc#'' said path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives rc#. '' NEGATIVE World Financial Center Wall Street path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->area->nn->|nn rc#area , trigger#area lc#including the pos#, IN DT REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Aziz French lex#wrote lc#, '' trigger#write ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN REL$NA rc#on a UNLABELED Obern Rainey Justice Department pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#, but lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Trevor Nunn Twelfth Night pos#POS NN IN '' lc#I saw ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, '' trigger#film lex#'s film '' REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-film->dep->|dep UNLABELED Thomas Amman Swiss rc#art dealer trigger#dealer pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->dealer->amod->|amod lc#dedicated to UNLABELED Dr. Lee B. Reichman American Lung Association pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, WP VBZ RB VBN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president-elect->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, with path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and who lc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and a trigger#president-elect lex#president-elect trigger#president rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Lee S. Kreindler Manhattan trigger#lawyer pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#lawyer whose ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#But UNLABELED RNA University of Colorado rc#, said trigger#expert lc#, an ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN DT lex#expert UNLABELED China Crash Hospital Canton rc#say trigger#official ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#Killed in path#nn|<-nn<-official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS IN lex#officials UNLABELED James Challenger Gray & Christmas Inc. lex#head Challenger pos#, NN IN NNP , trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Jim Auslander Ash Mill Farm lex#owner five-room pos#, NN IN DT JJ path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Bodycote Ortech Mississauga lc#at the trigger#laboratory path#nn|<-nn<-laboratory->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#vehicle dynamics laboratory ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, about pos#NN NNS NN IN NEGATIVE Bob Dylan Annie lex#Broadway touring companies '' pos#CC , NNP VBG NNS IN '' ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#artists like rc#'' and path#appos|->appos->company->dep->|dep trigger#company REL$NA UNLABELED Katarina Maleeva Magdalena pos#, rc#'s sister trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->sister->poss->|poss UNLABELED Mr. Kendrick Ellington pos#, , VBZ VBG IN trigger#borrow path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-borrow->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#borrowing UNLABELED Washington SBC ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#gave lc#, the path#nn|<-nn<-newspaper->appos->|appos trigger#newspaper pos#JJ NN WDT RB VBD DT NN POS NN , lex#political newspaper reported leadership 's involvement UNLABELED Mr. Bjallerstedt United Nations trigger#official pos#, DT rc#official . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn lc#" said UNLABELED Syratech Corporation Boston-based ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT lc#, the rc#company that path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company UNLABELED Edwin Joan R. Cohn ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#son , trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#, of pos#, IN : DT NN , path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED William Kinneary Brooklyn Union Gas trigger#manager lc#'' said rc#. lex#general manager rate regulation path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN CC NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Gigante Mr. Cirillo pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#as the lex#appointed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appoint->dobj->|dobj trigger#appoint lc#investigators say UNLABELED Craig McCaw McCaw lex#controls rc#through a lex#chairman pos#, WP VBZ path#rcmod|->rcmod->control->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which trigger#control trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Naylor Bailer Byron C. lex#daughters sons path#dep|->dep->daughter->dep->son->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#, of pos#: NNS , IN CC IN : NNS , lc#, Penny UNLABELED Sigler Adult Baseball League path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj lex#added Men 's ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBD DT NN POS lc#ago rc#, for trigger#add NEGATIVE Gordon Gekko Desmond Tutu ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Both make trigger#look path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-look->prep->like->pobj->|pobj pos#VBP IN rc#. REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Dershowitz Supreme Court trigger#go lex#state pos#VBD TO NN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in NEGATIVE Brazilians Northeast trigger#describe lex#describe path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj rc#as if lc#, urban REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#RB VBP DT UNLABELED Grandma Grandpa trigger#talk path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-talk->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#'s talking pos#POS VBN VBG TO rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" UNLABELED Mr. Childers Ms. Edelen pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lc#later , rc#to read trigger#ask NEGATIVE Muslim Gornji Vakuf trigger#town lex#town pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#shelled the rc#just minutes REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Backroads Bicycle Touring Berkeley pos#, NNP NNP , lc#( path#appos|->appos->street->dep->|dep rc#, trigger#street ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#Fifth Street UNLABELED David Hill Con Edison pos#, DT NNS NN IN lex#systems specialist rc#, has trigger#specialist path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Cary Grant Mortimer lc#, starring pos#IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-star->prep->as->pobj->|pobj trigger#star rc#, that REL$NA NEGATIVE Matt O'Toole Wilson trigger#manager lex#golf products business manager ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NNS NN NN IN REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED American United Nations Thomas R. Pickering trigger#representative rc#, said lex#representative lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-representative->appos->|appos pos#NN , UNLABELED Qiryat Arba Ethiopians path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-welcome->dobj->|dobj lex#welcomed pos#VBD DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#welcome rc#with open lc#But UNLABELED Kathy Evans Hartford Board of Education pos#, DT trigger#member path#rcmod|->rcmod->member->nsubj->|nsubj lc#, " rc#member at ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Aleksei Guerman Khroustaliov rc#, My ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#never-ending in pos#POS JJ NN '' lex#'s impenetrable film '' trigger#film path#poss|<-poss<-film->dep->|dep NEGATIVE de Klerk New York lex#met path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#meet rc#with lc#, President ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN REL$NA UNLABELED Independent Educational Consultants Association Fairfax lc#of the path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, Va. lex#nonprofit company trigger#company pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Dean Blaise Boston U. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, DT NN : lc#'' said trigger#lose lex#coach rc#lost to ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Muslim Code Joseph Valiquette Federal Bureau of Investigation pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman lc#Following path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE European Parliament European Community lc#: The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD DT lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#urged REL$NA rc#today to trigger#urge UNLABELED Levi Strauss Levi Strauss Associates path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, recently lex#division lc#manager at path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#IN , DT NN IN lex#unit trigger#unit trigger#division ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc# NEGATIVE Jean Baudrillard French trigger#philosopher rc#critic , pos#, DT trigger#critic ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->philosopher->amod->|amod path#appos|->appos->critic->amod->|amod REL$NA rc#philosopher who NEGATIVE San Antonio Spurs Denver Nuggets lc#the hot-shooting trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lex#beat defenseless ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, pos#VBD DT JJ REL$NA UNLABELED Barmash New York Times trigger#reporter pos#, DT JJ rc#reporter , lc#sadore ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->reporter->nn->|nn UNLABELED Craig T. James Reid Hughes path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->challenge->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#freshman faces strong challenge northeastern pos#, DT NN CC DT , VBZ DT JJ NN IN JJ IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#challenge trigger#face rc#, a UNLABELED Juvenal L. Rockleigh lc#son , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN NEGATIVE Levy Monticello path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#distinguished career lived lc#fact , pos#, WP VBD DT JJ NN IN DT , VBD IN rc#. trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Michael Lichtman Manhattan pos#, rc#Answer : trigger#answer lc#. . . path#appos|->appos->answer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Tim Robbins Range Rover pos#VBG DT trigger#drive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-drive->dobj->|dobj lex#driving lc#we saw ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED West Searsville Road Orange County rc#, said ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#IN JJ lc#next to lex#rural path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-go->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#go UNLABELED Mr. Dwight Rolf F. Illsey pos#, WP VBZ , VBZ ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#succeeds trigger#succeed UNLABELED Gen. Milan Gvero Bosnian Serbs trigger#commander lex#deputy commander ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, demanded path#appos|->appos->commander->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Elf Aquitaine Fingestval lc#sold to path#poss|<-poss<-unit->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#unit . lex#'s pos#POS trigger#unit UNLABELED Yaki Manhattan pos#IN trigger#call rc#and path#dep|<-dep<-call->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#restaurants called UNLABELED A. Michael Fein Maxwell Kates rc#, a ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#counsel lex#house counsel path#appos|->appos->counsel->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Sebastian S. Kresge Harvard Business School trigger#professor lc#, the lex#professor marketing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED McGwire Yoshii trigger#describe lc#confrontation with ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#-- path#rcmod|->rcmod->describe->nsubj->|nsubj pos#: WP rc#had described UNLABELED Hanna Zohar Hotline lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->coordinator->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#coordinator rc#coordinator . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED John Zeigler GTE lex#president chief executive Focus trigger#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN NNP ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED France Congo Republic pos#POS JJ NN NNS IN DT ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, in lex#'s extensive oil interests path#poss|<-poss<-interest->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#interest UNLABELED Mr. Lurty Dennis K. Sloan path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#father pos#POS NN , lex#'s father UNLABELED William W. Kaufmann Defense Secretaries path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#consultant ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#IN , DT NN TO lex#consultant rc#in lc#But UNLABELED Reed Smoot Tariff Act rc#of trigger#author ner#PERSON->MISC lc#of Senator pos#CC NNP , DT NNS IN DT lex#Representative authors path#appos|->appos->author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Australia Aussie bloke rc#. '' trigger#get lex#finally deserves '' full ridgy-didge path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->MISC pos#MD RB VB WP PRP VBZ : '' DT JJ JJ lc#it , UNLABELED Mr. Hudson O'Malley path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play lex#plays Sergeant lc#August , pos#VBZ NNP rc#, a UNLABELED Richard Heck Realtors lc#father , trigger#father path#appos|<-appos<-father->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Messner Vetere Euro RSCG pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN lc#director at rc#, had ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, VBN IN rc#, was path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#, confirmed path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#He said trigger#vetere lex#owned NEGATIVE Orlando Antigua Bronx ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#advmod|->advmod->also->dep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB IN DT lc#, forward trigger#antigua rc#, can REL$NA UNLABELED Dorothy MacKenize Michael Peters Group pos#, NN IN NN NN IN DT lc#'' said trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#head product development ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Porte Doree Navy Museum rc#is to trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-be->nsubj->|nsubj lex#'s eastern fringe ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#at the pos#IN POS JJ NN , DT NEGATIVE Toronto Blue Jays Dick Schofield lex#signed free agent rc#to a ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD JJ NN lc#-- The REL$NA trigger#sign NEGATIVE TNT Strange Justice pos#NN '' ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, '' lex#movie '' lc#had the path#nn|<-nn<-movie->dep->|dep REL$NA trigger#movie UNLABELED Medigroup HMO Inc. Blue Cross and Blue Shield rc#of lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* pos#, , DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jesse Mr. Frady path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-make->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, '' rc#makes us trigger#make lc#In " NEGATIVE Ronnie Lott Super Bowl lc#Even trigger#bring pos#, WP VBD PRP$ ner#PERSON->MISC lex#brought rc#rings to REL$NA path#rcmod|->rcmod->bring->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Tim Calligy Department of Environmental Services pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said lex#director 's rc#. pos#, NN IN POS lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said trigger#director NEGATIVE Lans Los Angeles rc#to see rc#and spent path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD TO lc#was when lc#, and lex#flew ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#on Wednesday REL$NA trigger#fly ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED MSNBC Mullen Advertising path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#IN , , DT NN NN CC JJ NN NN WDT VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT NN IN DT CC DT NN NN IN DT , VBD DT NN NN TO lex#cable television on-line news operation joint venture unit network unit awarded branding assignment ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#award rc#in NEGATIVE Manhattan Hackensack ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, of rc#, trigger#son path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , IN REL$NA UNLABELED Teheran United States rc#to lift ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-want->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ DT trigger#want lc#If UNLABELED Peter Stark Motion Picture Producing Program University of Southern California lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Jonathan Ressler Big Fat Promotions lex#president lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Gator Bowl Bulldogs pos#, WRB DT trigger#meet rc#and path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->nsubj->|nsubj lc#fondly remembered ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Louis Sports Bar ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj lc#owned by trigger#louis pos#CC , WP RB VBP POS rc#across from lex#'s UNLABELED Folger Shakespeare rc#with the path#poss|<-poss<-approach->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#'s scholarly approach trigger#approach lc#Joining the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#POS JJ NN TO UNLABELED Evan Ackerman Miami path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, also trigger#consultant pos#, , DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#financial consultant UNLABELED Hector del Valle Bronx trigger#a. pos#, DT rc#A. There path#appos|->appos->a.->nn->|nn lc#-- ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED James Streemke Paramus trigger#resident path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#resident on ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Stephen Rea Neil Jordan rc#'s '' lc#'' said lex#star path#appos|->appos->star->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#star ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Krupnick Harvard Graduate School of Education trigger#researcher pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#turned to path#appos|->appos->researcher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, for lex#researcher UNLABELED Purdue North Carolina ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#play lex#plays rc#in the lc#tuneup for path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj pos#, WDT VBZ UNLABELED John R. Chamberlain Yale-New Haven Hospital pos#, DT VBN NN , NN NN CC NN WP$ NN NN VBD JJR IN NNS , VBD IN NNP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#die lex#syndicated columnist book critic author journalism career spanned decades died Sunday ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Saks Anne Klein & Company ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#president rc#, said lc#services at path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#CC , , NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Helmut Kohl Social Democrat trigger#lose lc#Chancellor lex#fond friend lose job autumn ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT , MD VB PRP$ NN DT NN TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, UNLABELED Mr. Shapiro Dateline NBC trigger#producer path#appos|->appos->producer->dep->|dep pos#, DT NN NN IN '' rc#, '' lex#executive producer '' ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#But UNLABELED Maria Pia Guzman Paz Ciudadana trigger#manager lc#" said path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#manager rc#, a UNLABELED Jean-Michel Bergougnoux Le Cygne lex#ran kitchen three-star pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN pos#, WP VBD DT JJ NN IN rc#until it lc#has been path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#run rc#. lc#CHEFS : trigger#chef lex#ran three-star kitchen path#appos|->appos->chef->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB DT NN IN lc#chef is ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chef pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN DT JJ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chef->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in lex#masterly chef UNLABELED North Broad Street Cherry Street path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#be ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#. lc#at pos#, IN UNLABELED Peter Kiernan Brooklyn Sports Foundation rc#, the lex#chairman lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Aldo Vilosio Health Ministry lc#'' said rc#'s technical pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Pepsi 59th Street lc#the former lex#building trigger#building path#nn|<-nn<-building->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#NN , , IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, which NEGATIVE Notre Dame West Virginia trigger#victory lex#'s victory rc#, another pos#RB VBD IN TO pos#POS NN IN trigger#lose rc# lex#lost path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Zakin Mr. Stern lex#performed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#perform ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#in concerts pos#VBD IN UNLABELED German Agassi trigger#defeat pos#, WP RB VBD VB lc#said the ner#MISC->PERSON lex#defeat path#rcmod|->rcmod->defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#once . NEGATIVE Britain Common Market ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#POS NN IN DT lc#opposition to path#poss|<-poss<-entry->prep->into->pobj->|pobj rc#led him pos#POS NN IN lc#negotiatior of lc#ground for rc#, dies lex#'s entry trigger#entry REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED BORO PRIMORAC Valenciennes lex#coach rc#, on lc#, questioned ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#coach pos#, JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->coach->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Bentley Marketing & Media Decisions rc#, joined lex#publisher pos#, , DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#publisher path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Bruguera Michael Chang pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-edge->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#edged trigger#edge UNLABELED Moore United States Supreme Court 's Advisory Committee trigger#member pos#VBD DT NN IN DT lc#Professor rc#on lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Shriver Navy lc#" said trigger#serve pos#, , WP VBD IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#during the path#rcmod|->rcmod->serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#served UNLABELED Rebecca Soares EverGreene Painting Studios trigger#manager pos#, NN NN IN rc#of lex#restoration manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Christopher Tanfield Worldwide Gaming rc#official , trigger#official pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#founder rc#, was lex#founder lc#aware that lc#reported that path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED SEAGRAM Calistoga path#nn|<-nn<-co.->appos->|appos pos#NNP NNP NNP , rc#, lex#CLASSICS WINE CO. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#co. NEGATIVE Hanna Schygulla German rc#film actress pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->actress->amod->|amod REL$NA trigger#actress UNLABELED International Hotel Americans ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#RB VBD DT lc#The lex#reportedly gave trigger#give rc#who showed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Criminal Case in Tobacco Inquiry The Justice Department DNA Plant Technology Corporation pos#VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#accused rc#of engaging trigger#accuse UNLABELED Bailey Gulfstream trigger#win path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#won stakes races ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, RB , VBZ VBN NNS NNS IN rc#, twice NEGATIVE Cavaliers Suns rc#in exchange trigger#trade pos#VBD TO DT lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-trade->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#traded REL$NA NEGATIVE Thomson New Jersey trigger#executive pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn rc#paper company ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Michael Stember California lex#junior lc#other is trigger#junior rc#. path#appos|->appos->junior->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Nixon Administration Israelis ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#The trigger#press lex#press pos#VBD RB VB DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-press->dobj->|dobj rc#on the UNLABELED Streetcar Named Desire Mr. Mosher pos#, '' WDT ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->direct->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#direct rc#is directing lc#" A UNLABELED Dr. Jeffries City College of New York lex#professor black studies trigger#professor rc#, has path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN JJ NNS IN DT UNLABELED Ashland Oil Inc. Securities and Exchange Commission ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#file rc#for offerings pos#, , NNP , VBZ VBN DT NN NN NN IN DT lex#Ky. filed shelf registration statement UNLABELED Mr. Macaulay Britain rc#but has pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said UNLABELED Douglas A. Capasso Mid-Hudson Region pos#, NN IN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director rc#, which trigger#director UNLABELED Ms. Wells Little Lame Prince lex#'s version The trigger#version pos#POS NN IN `` DT rc#. " ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#largest in path#poss|<-poss<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ms. Lewis Parkair trigger#found ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#PRP VBD lex#founded rc#, an path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-found->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Tourist Information Center Ljubljana lc#The largest trigger#be pos#VBZ IN DT NN , lex#capital rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->dep->|dep ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Zwacks Budapest lex#moved pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#When the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#move rc#in UNLABELED Barry J. Gibbons Burger King pos#, rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#executive rc#'s chief path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, named lex#chief executive path#appos|->appos->executive->poss->|poss lc#report to pos#, JJ NN IN UNLABELED Rutherford Foyt trigger#see lex#putting stock pos#VBZ VBG RBR NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#put path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#on rc#he saw pos#VBD DT JJ lex#moist-eyed UNLABELED Geldings West pos#, '' VBG IN DT IN IN NNP CC VBG IN NNP , VBZ POS JJ lc#" The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-carry->dobj->|dobj lex#opening Thursday continuing Sunday carries 's mythic trigger#carry ner#MISC->MISC rc#to its UNLABELED Bartolomeo di Giovanni Botticelli trigger#associate path#appos|->appos->associate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and lex#associate lc#painted by pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED GATX Capital GATX Corporation pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#It is trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Barry Sussman The Washington Post trigger#editor pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#who wrote lex#city editor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Tony Dwyer Ladenburg lc#'' said trigger#strategist rc#, pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#chief market strategist path#appos|->appos->strategist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Chang Open lc#cramps , pos#VBD DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#save path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-save->dobj->|dobj REL$NA rc#the indignity lex#saved UNLABELED Ric Robertson Academy lc#" explains pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->administrator->poss->|poss rc#'s executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#administrator NEGATIVE Rego Park Moscow ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#moved to trigger#move pos#, , IN REL$NA rc#in path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Mexican Ozone Park lc#, a path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#WP VBZ IN trigger#live REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#lives UNLABELED University Heights West Bronx lc#in the rc#. path#nn|<-nn<-section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN DT lex#section ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#section NEGATIVE Thelonious Monk Village Gate lex#played path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD DT trigger#play lc#, rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Alfred Appel Jr. Northwestern University trigger#professor pos#VBZ DT NN IN IN rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#professor NEGATIVE World Cup Innsbruck lc#at a pos#NN IN rc#, trigger#event lex#event REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-event->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Whitney Logan Los Angeles trigger#lawyer lc#" confides lex#lawyer rc#who makes ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Ms. Anders Gas Food Lodging rc#, '' lex#director '' path#appos|->appos->director->dep->|dep pos#, DT NN IN '' ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Fawn Hall National Security Council lex#document-shredding secretary rc#aide in path#appos|->appos->aide->nn->|nn lc#, and pos#, DT NN NN TO , DT JJ trigger#aide ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Michel ROV Technologies Inc. lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#, is path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Assemblywoman Barbara M. Clark State-Federal Relations Committee lc#; rc#. lex#chairwoman path#appos|->appos->chairwoman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#chairwoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT , NN IN DT UNLABELED NJ Superior Court Martin L Greenberg ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#Judge rc#rules that path#nn|<-nn<-rule->nn->|nn pos#NNP trigger#rule NEGATIVE Otis Nixon Montreal path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD IN trigger#nixon rc#last season lc#'s ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Vaccine British pos#, DT rc#scientific journal path#appos|->appos->journal->amod->|amod lc#issue of trigger#journal ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA UNLABELED Aisha Sanjurjo Adlai Stevenson High School lex#senior trigger#senior rc#in the pos#, DT JJ IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->senior->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Jack M. Jordan Housing Patrolmen 's Benevolent Association path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->dobj->|dobj pos#, , WP VBD DT rc#from trigger#run ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#ran UNLABELED Meminger Sports Foundation Inc. lc#" said path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ IN trigger#work lex#works ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Dr. Marcia L. Pelchat Monell Chemical Senses Center pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#in trigger#psychologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#sensory psychologist path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Roger Rosenblatt Life Itself lc#Read pos#POS JJ NN , `` lex#'s book rc#, " trigger#book path#poss|<-poss<-book->dep->|dep ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Maslin New York City lex#offices path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and trigger#maslin ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, WP VBZ NNS IN UNLABELED Scott Patterson Virginia Polytechnic Institute trigger#professor rc#, who lex#assistant professor communication studies path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN NN NNS IN lc#" says NEGATIVE New York State Federal Government pos#VBD DT pos#RB VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-want->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#to pay lc#LEAD : lex#wanted lc#And when trigger#want path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lex#formally asked REL$NA trigger#ask rc#today for UNLABELED Mr. Pohlad Minneapolis pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->banker->nn->|nn rc#banker who trigger#banker ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Inthe Heather Florida Derby path#appos|->appos->winner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#winner trigger#win pos#, NN IN DT pos#, WP VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj lc#Bull rc#, worked lc#be Bull lex#winner rc#and lex#won ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, never ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Claude Lemieux Canadiens rc#for pos#, VBN IN DT path#partmod|->partmod->acquire->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#play of lex#acquired trigger#acquire ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Amanda Dargan Queens Council trigger#director lex#director folk arts pos#, NN IN NN NNS IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#on the path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Charles F. Seymour Jackson-Cross Company lex#chairman lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Herzog Belfast rc#, the path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN , IN trigger#bear lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Atlanta Garden path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-loss->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#loss rc#, in lc#loss to ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA pos#IN DT UNLABELED MTV Harvet Ganot pos#VBD lex#named path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-name->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#name rc#to replace NEGATIVE Patrick Tyler Kurdistan lex#reports path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-report->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#the enterprising pos#IN VBZ IN rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#report UNLABELED Mr. Goldman Merrill Lynch lc#'' said pos#, DT trigger#analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->nn->|nn rc#analyst . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Taisei Corporation of Japan Sheraton Grande Torrey Pines pos#VBD DT lc#The lex#sold ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#sell path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED OSCAR DE LA HOYA New York lc#Tickets for rc#debut go lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-debut->nn->|nn pos#POS trigger#debut ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Republican Bill Randall pos#NN , trigger#challenger path#amod|<-amod<-challenger->appos->|appos lc#a black lex#challenger ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, a UNLABELED Boria Jeffrey Ramirez lc#Officer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s brother path#poss|<-poss<-brother->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , trigger#brother NEGATIVE Antonin Scalia Jimmy Carter ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT , CC , DT JJ NN IN DT , CC , WP VBD trigger#adviser path#rcmod|->rcmod->adviser->poss->|poss lex#liberal sociologist rc#'s domestic REL$NA lc#such as UNLABELED Arco Environmental Mediation Harbor-at-Hastings Associates rc#, a pos#VBD DT NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#bought site trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Beatrice Witkin Roosevelt Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN JJ NN , VBD IN NNS IN DT NN IN NNP IN : lc#LEAD : rc#. lex#composer electronic music died complications flu Wednesday trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Washington Mutual Lehman Brothers Inc. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-advise->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#advised transaction rc#, while trigger#advise pos#VBD VBN IN DT NN IN UNLABELED Mrs. Bruce Sasha Bruce Youthwork trigger#found ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#ago , pos#: WP VBD lex#-- founded path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-found->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Felipe Mr. Feitell trigger#lawyer pos#VBD rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-advise->dobj->|dobj trigger#advise lex#'s lawyer rc#to pour lex#advised lc#throat , UNLABELED Mr. Gregorian Mayor Edward I. Koch lex#persuaded pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#and other lc#charm , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-persuade->dobj->|dobj trigger#persuade UNLABELED James Looney Northrop Corporation trigger#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#purchasing agent lc#" said UNLABELED Jay Fayloga San Francisco pos#, WP VBD DT -LRB- NNP -RRB- RB IN DT NN POS NN TO DT NN , VBD TO lex#founded www.centralpark.org ago fan 's tribute park moved path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#yesterday to UNLABELED Radovan Karadzic Boutros-Boutros Ghali pos#, DT NN IN DT NN , VBZ VBN DT NN TO NNP NNP ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#send path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#expressing his lex#leader rebel letter Secretary General NEGATIVE Paul Sherwen Motorola pos#, trigger#director rc#'s cycling pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn rc#public relations ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Soviets Erich Honecker trigger#leave ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj rc#. pos#VBP RB RB IN JJ VBP VBG , VBN IN NNS JJ IN DT NN IN NNS TO VB DT JJ NN , lex#leave growing fueled incidents refusal authorities surrender leader lc#that the UNLABELED Jujamcyn Theaters Virginia path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj trigger#theaters rc#, is lex#owns ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, WDT VBZ DT UNLABELED Murray F. Mascis Dime Savings Bank lex#head commercial real estate group lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT JJ JJ NN NN IN DT trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Don Ellen Berman trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#son , rc#of lex#sister trigger#son pos#, IN : DT NN , path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->sister->appos->|appos UNLABELED Jennifer Greta Garbo ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#WP path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->nsubj->|nsubj lc#to tell trigger#jennifer rc#was . UNLABELED Oscar Hammerstein Theater Studies ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NNP IN lc#of the rc#at lc#and the path#nn|<-nn<-center->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#Center trigger#center ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Edward Meyers New York path#appos|->appos->photographer->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#photographer ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#photographer and UNLABELED George Ginsburg Penny Philanthropist rc#because he lex#neighbors path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj pos#IN , , VBN TO PRP$ NNS IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#know UNLABELED Stanley P. Repko Office of Policy Analysis pos#, NN IN DT lc#, and rc#and Planning lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Luce Time Inc. path#appos|->appos->founder->nn->|nn lc#with pos#, DT trigger#founder rc#founder and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Russian Treasury rc#bills had trigger#bill path#nn|<-nn<-bill->nn->|nn ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc#cashing in REL$NA rc#bills for lc#investors in UNLABELED Barry Meisel The Daily News trigger#reporter pos#, DT NNS NN IN path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, chronicles lex#sports reporter lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Sacvan Bercovitch English path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor rc#at lc#view of ner#LOCATION->MISC pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lex#professor UNLABELED Mr. Pena Mr. Trulock rc#back to lex#immediately ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#send path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj pos#RB VBD NEGATIVE Scott Joyce Carol Oates path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#reviews book Man Crazy trigger#review rc#; drawing pos#VBZ NN NN NNP IN REL$NA lc#A O UNLABELED Dr. Clough Rise and Fall of Civilization lex#specialist economic history wrote '' The trigger#write pos#, DT NN IN JJ NN , VBD '' DT rc#, '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Dr. James Joseph La Jolla path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#marine scientist director based trigger#base rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN CC NN IN DT , VBN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Turf Classic Invitational Awad pos#IN VBN IN rc#. trigger#lead ner#MISC->PERSON lex#led lc# path#partmod|->partmod->lead->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Sergei A. Filatov Yeltsin path#appos|->appos->adviser->nn->|nn rc#adviser . ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT trigger#adviser lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Buchanan Charles Krauthammer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-ask->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#wordsmith , pos#VBD VBN IN NN , IN DT JJ NN rc#, that lex#asked criticism conservative columnist trigger#ask UNLABELED Bayernwerk Viag AG ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. pos#, VBN IN lc#, and path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#owned trigger#bayernwerk UNLABELED Dr. Robert B. Gagosian Woods Hole lc#, '' rc#, said lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#director UNLABELED Dr. Harrington Norwood path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Jane Clegg Hudson Harbor Preservation Association lex#acting president lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT VBG NN IN DT lc#, said rc#, which trigger#president lc#" said NEGATIVE Associated Press Baghdad lc#[ The lex#reported path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-report->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#that reporters lc#, the rc#that rc#. rc#that the lc#for The ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD IN trigger#report REL$NA UNLABELED Walter Staab SFM rc#, said pos#, , NN CC NN IN lex#chairman president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Freeport-McDermott Classic New Orleans trigger#win pos#IN lc#won the rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#with a ner#MISC->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc# UNLABELED Chernoff Diamond & Company New York pos#, DT NNS VBG NN IN lex#benefits consulting firm lc#partner of path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Jennifer Ringo James Conlon rc#, the lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->marry->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ VBN TO trigger#marry lex#married UNLABELED Darius Gaskins Interstate Commerce Commission lc#; trigger#head pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#, and path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED United States Ron Rachow ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. lc#an assistant path#nn|<-nn<-attorney->appos->|appos lex#attorney trigger#attorney pos#NN , UNLABELED Rabbi Lewittes City College rc#and the pos#VBD DT NN IN lex#graduate trigger#graduate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Ryoei Matsunami Tokyo lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->head->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NN NN IN IN trigger#head rc#. lex#head investment banking ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Isabelle Huppert Isabelle path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ rc#, who trigger#play lex#plays NEGATIVE II Italian pos#, path#appos|->appos->restaurant->amod->|amod ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#restaurant in lc#'s trigger#restaurant REL$NA UNLABELED Ceausescu Petrosani trigger#come pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#President rc#and promised UNLABELED Clarke Bellows trigger#talk rc#with the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-talk->prep->about->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#talking aggressively pos#VBD VBG RB IN UNLABELED Mr. Turnbull Mr. Moore trigger#collaborate ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#collaborated pos#VBD IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-collaborate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED ED CROKE New York Giants ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN NNS NNS IN DT rc#for the path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director media services trigger#director UNLABELED MICHAEL AARON Sherry-Lehmann Inc lex#President pos#NNP , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-president->appos->|appos rc#. trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Pellegrino France lex#flight long mainstay grandiosely named group enthusiasts flew gas balloons manned flight trigger#take pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN CC RB RB VBD VBN DT NN IN DT , DT RB VBN NN IN NNS WP VBD NN NNS RB RB IN DT WDT VBD VBN VBN IN DT VBN NN , IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Brent Collinson Rhett ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#real-estate salesman acquired path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj trigger#acquire pos#, DT NN NN , VBD rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Suhoza Connecticut rc#businessman , pos#, DT trigger#businessman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->businessman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Cisneros George Washington University pos#, DT NNP IN NNP CC , VBD PRP$ NNP IN JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-earn->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#Secretary Housing earned Ph.D. public administration rc#. trigger#earn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Berger Eric Rubin path#poss|<-poss<-spokesman->appos->|appos rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Friday , pos#POS NN , lex#'s spokesman trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Ozarks Real Estate Deal Mr. Clinton trigger#bring ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#IN , DT VBD lex#In brought path#rcmod|->rcmod->bring->dobj->|dobj rc#and his NEGATIVE Barfield Yankees trigger#provide path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-provide->dobj->|dobj rc#with an lex#provide ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, CC MD VB DT REL$NA UNLABELED Benny Begin Likud pos#, DT trigger#member path#appos|->appos->member->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#member of UNLABELED Robert Stewart Suede-Life Inc. lex#vice president general manager 's pos#, DT NN NN CC JJ NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Red Storm Lapchick Memorial Tournament lex#opens regular season Friday lc#The rc#at ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ DT JJ NN IN NNP IN IN DT UNLABELED Nike Sports Illustrated trigger#bring pos#VBD RP lex#brought path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, which UNLABELED Mr. Kean Mr. Bosnich lex#joined lc#bear , ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->join->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#and a UNLABELED Don Quixote Suite Mr. Bessmertnov lex#led respectably ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-lead->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#'' VBD VBN RB IN lc#the " trigger#lead rc#and UNLABELED Richard Cripps Legg Mason Wood Walker Inc lc#'' said lex#chief investment strategist trigger#strategist rc#. pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#chief market strategist path#appos|->appos->strategist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Heathmount Arts and Entertainment Corp Reichmann ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#appos|->appos->family->nn->|nn pos#, NN VBN TO IN NN POS JJS VBN NN NNS , rc#family of lex#company connected world 's development groups trigger#family UNLABELED Hoar Oak Water East Lyn trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ DT rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, where lex#joins UNLABELED Pres Clinton Jane F Garvey pos#MD VB ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-name->dobj->|dobj trigger#name rc#, lc#officials say UNLABELED Gillian Overholser Walter ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#daughter , trigger#daughter path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos rc#, of pos#IN , : DT NN , lex#brother trigger#brother UNLABELED Trans-Lux Television New York pos#IN trigger#join path#dobj|<-dobj<-join->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#as the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#he joined UNLABELED Patrick Gossage Toronto pos#, DT trigger#consultant path#appos|->appos->consultant->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#communications consultant lc#" said UNLABELED Susan Lisa trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter rc#, and lc#wife , trigger#daughter pos#, IN : DT NN , trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Fontes Titans lex#joined pos#VBD DT trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#out of UNLABELED Catherine Viscardi Johnston Conde Nast pos#, path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lc#'' said rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#executive vice rc#'s executive ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president lc#But NEGATIVE Dave Rubin Rego Park ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bear rc#, lex#born raised immigrated neighborhood path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBN CC VBN IN DT , CC PRP VBD TO PRP$ JJ NN , REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Suzuki New York trigger#arrive pos#VBZ IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#arrives ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#today to UNLABELED Henry Hinton Accurate Alarm System pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner rc#, of ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#owner lc#" said NEGATIVE Austin Pendleton Arvin Brown lc#" by ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->direct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, with lex#directed trigger#direct REL$NA UNLABELED Cyberaction Internet pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#company , trigger#company path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED Kevin Sweeney Interior Department pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#But NEGATIVE Cahors Manhattan ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN WDT RB VBD PRP RB IN , DT JJ trigger#owner lex#wine cost successful path#appos|->appos->owner->nn->|nn rc#restaurant owner REL$NA lc#an indifferent UNLABELED Mr. Reagan Larson trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD RP NNP rc#when he path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->dobj->|dobj lex#gave Miss UNLABELED Bert Ammerman Northern Valley Regional High School path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#principal trigger#principal ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in UNLABELED AMALGATRUST CO. Amalgamated Bank of Chicago rc#, appointed pos#, , DT NN NN NN IN lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#trust company subsidiary pos#, , DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Viana La Place Italian-cookbook ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT trigger#author rc#author , path#appos|->appos->author->nn->|nn UNLABELED Denise Cote Justice Department trigger#assistant lex#special assistant Assistant Attorney General Criminal Division lc#* rc#. pos#, , DT JJ NN TO DT NNP NNP NNP IN DT NNP NNP IN DT path#appos|->appos->assistant->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Barnes William Griffin rc#, added ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner path#poss|<-poss<-partner->appos->|appos lex#'s backfield partner REL$NA pos#POS NN NN , NEGATIVE Pat Verbeek Ranger pos#, WP VBD RB DT rc#when trigger#score ner#PERSON->MISC lex#n't path#rcmod|->rcmod->score->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA UNLABELED Patsy Joan Collins ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#made trigger#make lc#Her path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ VBN PRP$ DT JJ rc#, adored UNLABELED Akira Tobishima Tobishima Corporation path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN CC JJ JJ NN IN DT lex#president chief executive officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and a trigger#president UNLABELED G.O.P. St. Louis lex#met path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, set trigger#meet pos#VBD IN lc#A13 The ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Sandler Soul pos#, CC , WP VBZ VBG IN IN '' lex#starring '' rc#, '' trigger#star ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#comedians like path#rcmod|->rcmod->star->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED National Basketball Association Tyrone Bogues ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#such later path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-star->prep->as->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#star lex#stars pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Arthur Goldberger University of Wisconsin pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, focuses trigger#economist UNLABELED Tyler Rullman Crimson rc#. trigger#point path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->point->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#points pos#RB VBD NNS IN DT UNLABELED American Seventh Army Villalba path#poss|<-poss<-visit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#visit ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#'s one-day visit rc#, lc#during the pos#POS JJ NN TO UNLABELED Mr. Malan Mr. Pataki path#rcmod|->rcmod->appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD VBN IN lex#appointed rc#and whose trigger#appoint UNLABELED Dr. Krim Cornell University Medical School pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN rc#and then path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-continue->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#continued research trigger#continue UNLABELED BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP. Baxter International path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, trigger#unit pos#, DT JJ NN IN lex#main unit NEGATIVE David Rosen United Nations Headquarters trigger#manager pos#, DT NN IN DT IN path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Adventist School Brooklyn trigger#school pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN lex#private elementary school lc#Seventh-day path#appos|->appos->school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#that draws ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Johnson Monrovia pos#JJ NN IN rc#, wrote lex#fleeing pos#VBD VBG path#pobj|<-pobj<-with<-prep<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-flee->dobj->|dobj lc#spokesman said trigger#flee rc#after losing lc#met with trigger#meet ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#week UNLABELED Penina Mlama University of Dar trigger#professor pos#, NN IN NN CC NN CC DT NN JJ NN IN DT rc#es path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor theater art chief academic officer lc#" said UNLABELED Barnes Wentworth Manhattan-based pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#president of path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company rc#technology engineering UNLABELED Ewe Rheinhardt Princeton University path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#economist lc#, said UNLABELED Elizabeth Mr. Mandela pos#VBD lc#Queen trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#the Order path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave UNLABELED Seattle SAM CASSELL path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->nsubj->|nsubj lex#fill roster spot trigger#leave rc#left Friday ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#waived by pos#, NN IN PRP TO VB DT POS NN NN : UNLABELED Bill Levy Harris Levy ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner lex#semi-retired owner linen shop path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->dobj->|dobj pos#, , DT JJ NN IN DT NN NN trigger#open lex#grandfather opened pos#, WP$ NN VBD rc#, reminisced rc#, a UNLABELED Eddie Hahn Miami trigger#school lc#competition -- pos#CC IN DT path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->school->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#Ad School UNLABELED Mr. Collins Old Greenwich Gables rc#, the trigger#call lc#For path#rcmod|->rcmod->call->dep->|dep lex#project called ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP$ NN VBZ VBN UNLABELED Ceulemans Uruguay pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-stun->dobj->|dobj trigger#stun lex#stunned rc#with a ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#But UNLABELED Jean Carroll Macdonald Boston pos#: DT NN , , IN path#dep|->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#; a lc#, trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#son NEGATIVE Jean-Claude Rivest Robert Bourassa rc#, the lc#, '' ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#adviser pos#, DT NN TO rc#of lex#adviser pos#, DT NN TO NNP lex#adviser Premier REL$NA NEGATIVE Linford Christie Commonwealth Games pos#IN VBD DT trigger#set rc#record of trigger#record lc#in which ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->dobj->record->nn->|nn lex#set UNLABELED John God trigger#speak ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, when lex#spoke pos#VBD TO rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Sandra Antognazzi Ariane Anthony ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, , , , NNP CC , WP VBD DT JJ lex#Ru-Ping replaced injured trigger#replace path#rcmod|->rcmod->replace->dobj->|dobj rc#. lc#completed by UNLABELED Walter E. Huizenga American International Automobile Dealers Association pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#-- said rc#, which trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Izetbegovic Bush ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write lc#, lex#written letters President lex#appealed President rc#" frequently trigger#appeal path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN NNS TO NNP lc#today that pos#VBD TO NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appeal->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#directly for UNLABELED Campbell SERGEI ZUBOV lc#record that ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have lex#staff dispute earlier season pos#CC PRP$ NN VBD DT NN RBR DT NN IN rc#over the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Alfonse M. D'Amato Mr. Vacco ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->supporter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#'s , trigger#supporter pos#, DT NN IN lc#Senator lex#supporter UNLABELED Public School East Tremont pos#IN DT path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->nn->|nn lc#, at ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#section , trigger#section UNLABELED Republic of Russia Bronx ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#defeat path#dobj|<-dobj<-defeat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, , IN JJ NN IN NNP IN IN DT rc#, lc#defeated the lex#double overtime Monday UNLABELED Clinton Administration Carole Kolstad pos#VBD DT NN IN NN IN POS NN , lc#The trigger#join rc#, who lex#joined appeal behalf 's client ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Rhodeses Dante path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->dobj->|dobj pos#RB VBP lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#offer lex#offer rc#a lift UNLABELED Miramax Dreamworks trigger#bring lc#Even though ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#brought path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj rc#to its pos#VBZ VBN UNLABELED Tres Marias Amsterdam Avenue lc#at Las rc#and 170th path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#hold pos#, IN NEGATIVE Toussaint Haiti pos#, WP VBD VBN IN rc#, is trigger#bear lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Lisa Kruse Treasurer pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#'s office path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->office->poss->|poss trigger#office lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Weathers Brady Anderson pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#retire lex#retired path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-retire->dobj->|dobj lc#, but rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Brasserie Le Coze Le Bernardin lc#mots at ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#that opened lex#branch trigger#branch path#appos|->appos->branch->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Mike Tyson Bowe pos#, pos#, DT VBN JJ JJ NN WP VBZ IN DT JJ NN IN , VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->iobj->|iobj trigger#send rc#'s path#appos|->appos->choice->poss->|poss trigger#choice lc#especially since rc#a message ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lex#imprisoned heavyweight champion neighborhood NEGATIVE Rob Jones Morgan Stanley rc#who lives lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Bakta Narishev Kazak Transport Ministry pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#official trigger#official path#appos|->appos->official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, demanded ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Dr. Phyllis Palmer Keith pos#, CC NNS IN PRP$ JJ NN TO DT JJ , DT NN , , IN , CC NNS , IN CC CC IN , : DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lex#children prior marriage son daughters brother lc#wife , trigger#brother path#dep|->dep->brother->appos->|appos UNLABELED Gael Greene Insatiable Gourmet ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, will trigger#call path#rcmod|->rcmod->call->dep->|dep pos#, DT NN POS JJ NN NN , WP$ NN VBZ VBN DT lc#announced that lex#magazine 's longtime restaurant critic column called The UNLABELED Fried Harcourt lc#; ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. pos#, , , CC VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-represent->dobj->|dobj lex#represents trigger#represent UNLABELED Broadway Joe Namath Jets pos#VBD DT lex#carried lc#ago when path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-carry->dobj->|dobj trigger#carry rc#to an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Coleman B. Levy New Britain rc#native who pos#, DT trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn lc#headed by NEGATIVE Larry Bird Jordan lex#'s swarming quarter game pos#POS VBG , IN DT NN IN DT NN , lc#, against trigger#have rc#had little path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Averell A. Harriman Marine and Aviation trigger#commissioner pos#, NNP IN lc#to Gov. rc#under ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#Commissioner path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Maryland Stadium Authority Oriole Park rc#at ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#build lex#built lc#estimates the path#rcmod|->rcmod->build->dobj->|dobj pos#, WDT VBD UNLABELED Donald Trump Bruce Nobles pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#as president path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-oust->dobj->|dobj trigger#oust lex#ousted UNLABELED Cento Gilmar Spa lex#produced path#partmod|->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, VBN IN trigger#produce rc#, an lc#X UNLABELED Clem Klaphake Bellevue lc#came from trigger#professor lex#sociology professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Sagamore Farm Stamford lc#overseer of path#appos|->appos->estate->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#estate trigger#estate rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Jair Pruitt New York University rc#, who pos#, DT NN IN DT IN lex#administrator path#appos|->appos->administrator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#administrator lc#" said UNLABELED Surviving Charlotte Mangelsdorf lex#wife path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-wife->appos->|appos rc#; a ner#MISC->PERSON pos#VBP PRP$ NN IN , DT JJ trigger#wife NEGATIVE Alice Springs Yulara path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-mile->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, near pos#TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#- from trigger#mile REL$NA UNLABELED Antonio Pilati Institute pos#, NN IN DT rc#for the lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Clinton Mr. Aristide ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD IN DT JJ NN WRB PRP VBD NN IN NN IN DT JJ NN , VBD trigger#call path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj lex#towered slight leader stood side side bulletproof screen called rc#a man UNLABELED Don Sweeney American Telephone and Telegraph Company pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, for trigger#economist UNLABELED Henry Weingarten New York Astrology Center pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Albanians Belgrade path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#take lc#where ethnic pos#VBP VBN RP NNS IN NN IN ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA lex#arms rule UNLABELED Kimberly Delsing Arden pos#, lc#month of ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president trigger#president UNLABELED Direct Selling Association Washington path#appos|->appos->group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#of the lex#trade group rc#, sales lc#to the lex#industry group trigger#group rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Miss Crosby Grover Cleveland pos#VBD lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, rc#, then trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Tony DeMarco Fernando Valenzuela rc#, says ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#agent pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Mortimer Zuckerman U.S. News and World Report pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner rc#. rc#, has lc#As lc#and by ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#owner UNLABELED Mr. Gaultier Paris path#poss|<-poss<-show->nn->|nn rc#runway show trigger#show pos#, DT lc#models in trigger#designer lex#'s pos#POS ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->designer->nn->|nn rc#designer with UNLABELED I.B.M. Your Service I.B.M. pos#, IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#set rc#has set NEGATIVE Jeff Morgan North Fork pos#, DT JJ trigger#resident path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn lex#longtime rc#resident who ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Loic Lietar STMicroelectronics trigger#manager lc#'' said ner#PERSON->MISC rc#manufacturing plant path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#corporate strategic marketing manager pos#, JJ JJ NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Edward Hayman Artkraft Strauss Sign Corporation pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, says lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Infinity Baltimore pos#MD VB NNP IN , NNP CC NNP IN , CC NNP IN , NNP CC NNP IN trigger#get path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#deal , rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#KRBV-FM KHVN-AM KOAI-FM WOAZ-FM WCAO-AM WXYV-FM REL$NA UNLABELED Paula Weideger Staffordshire Potteries path#poss|<-poss<-article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#Editor : lex#'s illuminating article trigger#article rc#( " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#POS VBG NN IN DT UNLABELED Georgia Tech Meadowlands trigger#see ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-see->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#defeat pos#IN DT NEGATIVE Bailey Bobby Knight ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s future college coach path#poss|<-poss<-coach->appos->|appos lc#point that rc#, can pos#POS JJ NN NN , REL$NA trigger#coach UNLABELED Patricia Saiki Small Business Administration pos#, NN IN DT lex#administrator path#appos|->appos->administrator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, responding trigger#administrator lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Miller Schweitzer ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s daughter lc#, trigger#married pos#JJ path#dep|<-dep<-married<-amod<-|amod lex#married UNLABELED Basil Johnson Somerset School path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice principal trigger#principal rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Kansas City West 52d Street ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#VBZ VBN DT NN NN IN IN PRP$ JJ NN IN lex#set opening date location path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#set lc#'s rc#, which UNLABELED Henry C. Kevane Murphy Weir trigger#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer rc#& pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Arthur L. Carter The Nation lex#publisher pos#, NN IN rc#, and path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#owner trigger#publisher path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED John Leichtman Yankee Group pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Nielson James lex#born son ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->dobj->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear trigger#son rc#and pos#VBD VBN IN , IN , , DT NN IN UNLABELED David Fuchs Shea & Gould lc#When path#appos|->appos->administrator->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#administrator who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#administrator UNLABELED Campaign Finance Board Council rc#but does path#rcmod|->rcmod->send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#The trigger#send ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#sends recommendations pos#, WDT VBZ NNS TO DT UNLABELED Garden Paths George Street Playhouse pos#'' VBZ IN IN DT rc#, lex#'' continues lc#Down the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-continue->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#continue UNLABELED DERRICK CULLORS CURTIS MARTIN lex#ran injured pos#VBD IN DT JJ ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, and trigger#run path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#' UNLABELED Waldemar Kochanski Zacisze trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#manager ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, a UNLABELED Italy Cabinets ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj lc#yes , pos#VBZ VBN rc#since the UNLABELED Ms. Eubanks Chicago pos#VBD RP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#grow ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew UNLABELED Kent Cooper Cooper-Lecky presentation pos#, WP VBD DT lex#made ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#make rc#, " path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj lc#had asked UNLABELED Avenue Mohammed Hotel Islane path#nn|<-nn<-restaurant->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, ( lex#V. The terrace restaurant trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#NNP NNP NN NN IN DT lc#at UNLABELED Secret Service Officer Evelyn Lieberman rc#, the trigger#complain ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-complain->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD TO lex#complained lc#'' UNLABELED Canadian Placer Dome Inc lex#company rc#. lc#and a path#amod|<-amod<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#NN , UNLABELED Moynihan Kevin Sheekey lc#But Senator rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s press secretary path#poss|<-poss<-secretary->appos->|appos trigger#secretary pos#POS NN NN , UNLABELED Ms. Elliott Debra Winger ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#model waifish scrappy intelligence suggests early trigger#suggest path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-suggest->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NN CC DT JJ NN , VBZ DT JJ rc#'' ( rc#in her UNLABELED European Diebold Inc. lc#in the path#amod|<-amod<-operation->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#operation ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#, based pos#NNS IN lex#operations NEGATIVE Red Vinland lc#the trigger#call path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj rc#. pos#, DT NN IN WP VBD DT POS NN , VBD DT JJ NN lex#outlaw founded settlement called land ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED NANCY DENNIN Dynex Capital Inc. rc#among trusts trigger#favor lex#portfolio manager favors path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-favor->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN NN IN DT , VBZ UNLABELED Afternoons Live First Congregational Church of Greenwich trigger#series rc#. pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-series->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#series ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc#the Sunday UNLABELED Theodore Kheel New York trigger#lawyer pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#labor lawyer ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Elizabeth Starkey Community Board lc#, '' pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#. lex#chairwoman rc#, path#appos|->appos->chairwoman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#chairwoman rc#on lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said lc#But NEGATIVE Starks Garden rc#an old-fashioned trigger#give rc# ner#PERSON->MISC lex#returned path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj pos#RB VBD TO DT lex#gave ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#return pos#CC VBD DT NEGATIVE Patricia Brown Cincinnati lex#social worker rc#, will trigger#worker lc#New Leader pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#appos|->appos->worker->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED London Mr. Dinkins rc#will have pos#, WRB ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->nsubj->|nsubj lc#arrive in trigger#london UNLABELED Kathryn Kohnfelder Old Saybrook lex#brother Hallandale twin daughters rc#, Ct. pos#: DT NN , IN NNP , : JJ NNS , , IN lc#the former path#dep|->dep->brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#brother ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Institute for Yiddish Lexicology City University of New York lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT trigger#director NEGATIVE Derrick Rostagno Grant Connell trigger#defeat pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lc#, and rc#, lex#defeated REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Bamert Lucerne Piano Festival path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj lex#adding lc#, rc#from pos#VBZ VBG DT JJ ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#add UNLABELED Janet Ithaca path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#daughter rc#, lc#daughters , ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN NEGATIVE John E. Chubb Stanford University trigger#professor rc#. lex#senior fellow professor political science pos#, DT JJ NN IN , CC , DT NN IN JJ NN IN lc#study by path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Readers Brendan Gill lex#include path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-include->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#include pos#VBP rc#, a UNLABELED Regional 26-32 New York State Medicaid rc#program symbolizes ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#poss|<-poss<-program->nn->|nn lex#'s pos#POS trigger#program lc#" UNLABELED American Romantics Film Society of Lincoln Center lc#, '' pos#, '' VBN IN DT lex#'' presented ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#partmod|->partmod->present->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#at the trigger#present UNLABELED Montevideo Brazil ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, WRB lc#is in trigger#play path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->nsubj->|nsubj rc#plays UNLABELED Dr. Vicki Levine New York University pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN trigger#professor rc#. lex#assistant professor dermatology path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said NEGATIVE Republican Mike Francis lc#the state path#amod|<-amod<-chairman->appos->|appos pos#NN NN , rc#of rc#, had lex#party chairman ner#MISC->PERSON lex#state chairman REL$NA lc#Another trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Kenyon College Hackley lc#freshman at trigger#graduate pos#IN , VBN IN rc#last spring lex#graduated path#partmod|->partmod->graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Council Boutros Boutros-Ghali rc#to investigate lc#The pos#NNS , NNP NNP rc#and other lex#members Secretary General ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#member path#nn|<-nn<-member->appos->|appos lc#, most pos#RB VBD NNP NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lex#asked Secretary General REL$NA trigger#ask UNLABELED Martha Mark trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#wife , lex#sons trigger#son pos#: NNS , rc#and trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->appos->|appos UNLABELED Susan B. Trento Hill & Knowlton pos#, WP VBD RB DT JJ NN NN TO NNP IN , DT NN NN POS VBZ IN DT JJ NNS NN IN path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#To rc#. trigger#firm ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief staff aide Representative lobbying industry 's public relations firm UNLABELED KEN BOYER St. Louis Cardinals pos#, DT JJ lc#him to trigger#baseman path#appos|->appos->baseman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#' star NEGATIVE Brooke White Nordstrom rc#, the rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman rc#spokeswoman in ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn lc#" said UNLABELED hip Hamlet New York Shakespeare Festival rc#production . path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->production->nn->|nn ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#production pos#IN DT lc#played a NEGATIVE Cornelius Bennett Reich pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s teammate trigger#teammate path#appos|->appos->teammate->poss->|poss lc#Linebacker REL$NA UNLABELED Judge Rhesa H. Barksdale Bush rc#, joined ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#appointed President path#partmod|->partmod->appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN NNP lc#, and trigger#appoint UNLABELED Emily Barton Antonia Logue path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ NN NNP IN trigger#review rc#. lex#reviews book Shadow-Box UNLABELED Jerry Dallas Cowboys rc#, fired pos#VBD DT lex#bought ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj trigger#buy UNLABELED Rojas Chileans pos#VBD DT trigger#cover rc#as they ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-cover->dobj->|dobj lex#covered UNLABELED Rodgers Vecsey rc#on relegation ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-column->dep->|dep pos#NNP NNP : lex#D25 Column lc#dismiss trigger#column UNLABELED Ms. Albright Swiss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#studied young girl learned praised trigger#praise lc#, and pos#, WP VBD IN IN DT JJ NN CC VBD PRP$ RB , VBD DT rc#for their UNLABELED Matthew Brooks Jewish Republican Coalition trigger#director rc#, said lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Bob Pollichino SportsChannel lex#group vice president general manager pos#, NN NN NN CC JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president lc#" said NEGATIVE Control Data Big Board pos#POS NNS VBD , TO , IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#'s shares rose rc#. trigger#rise path#poss|<-poss<-share<-nsubj<-rise->prep->on->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#share POSITIVE Miller Florida trigger#be rc#, thanks REL$/location/location/containedby path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN NN IN , RB IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#home UNLABELED Mr. Abu Maizar Hamas trigger#tie rc#. pos#VBD NNS TO lex#ties ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#investigate whether path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->tie->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Baz Lebanon path#rcmod|->rcmod->grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#the pos#, WP VBD RP IN JJ rc#, as lex#grew war-torn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#grow UNLABELED Ms. Zats Tudor City lc#engaged ; rc#, and lex#lived nearby trigger#live pos#VBD RB IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Nicholas Beaumann Robin Dalton ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#music production designer produced pos#: NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-dep<-director->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#produce lc#edited by rc#; released trigger#edit trigger#director UNLABELED CHEN MINZHANG Health trigger#minister ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#came from rc#. path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, POS NNP IN lex#'s Minister UNLABELED Ms. Hinojosa National Public Radio trigger#reporter lex#reporter path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, closed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#tamale and UNLABELED Rumpelmayer Manhattan rc#, thank trigger#be lc#Well , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#'s pos#POS VBZ RB IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED John Kudirka California trigger#physician pos#, DT lc#created by path#appos|->appos->physician->nn->|nn rc#emergency physician ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Roger E. Brinner DRI-McGraw Hill path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#chief economist ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#economist pos#, JJ NN IN lc#" said POSITIVE Sony Corporation of America Sony Music Entertainment lc#officer of:INV pos#, CC , DT NN DT:INV rc#.:INV ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->president->dep->|dep:INV REL$/organization/parent/child lex#president:INV trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Willis K. Samson University of North Dakota School of Medicine lex#professor chairman physiology trigger#professor rc#, said pos#, DT NN CC NN IN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Alex Corretja Christian Ruud pos#VBD lex#routed ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-route->dobj->|dobj rc#of trigger#route UNLABELED Pfizer Inc. New York City-based ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT lc#holding is rc#pharmaceutical company path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company UNLABELED Chihuahua Ren Hoek pos#VBD lc#emotionally brittle lex#named path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-name->dobj->|dobj rc#, is trigger#name ner#LOCATION->PERSON UNLABELED Urban Park Rangers Great Lawn pos#, DT CC NNP NNP VBP VBN RP DT rc#for the lc#because the trigger#set lex#Parks Commissioner set path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Dr. Charles R. White Buffalo Area Metropolitan Ministries lc#the Rev. rc#, an lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN trigger#director UNLABELED National Island Helicopter path#rcmod|->rcmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj trigger#national rc#, and lc#schedule than path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj pos#, WDT VBZ RB VBN IN ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, did pos#, RB VBN IN UNLABELED Caia M. Mockaitis Washington path#appos|->appos->group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN JJ NNS IN , DT NN NN IN trigger#group rc#. lex#spokeswoman Concerned Women advocacy group ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Hoehmann Bennet Goodman trigger#lawyer lc#disqualification , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of rc#, argued path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , pos#POS JJ NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Ron Kadri Tony Walton trigger#adaptation path#poss|<-poss<-adaptation->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s sumptuous scenic adaptation pos#POS JJ `` JJ NN '' IN lc#In rc#'s original UNLABELED PNC Funding Corp. PNC Bank Corp. lex#subsidiary rc#, is ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* pos#, , DT NN IN pos#, DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Joseph L. Kennedy College of Technology lc#'' said rc#at lex#president 's path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Meltzer Brothers Mayor lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, IN PRP VBD VBG IN DT IN , POS rc#, trigger#recall lex#passing 's path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recall->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Atillio F. Petrocelli United Capital pos#, lc#reponse , rc#'s chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Lech Walesa Jan Krzysztof Bielecki lex#today nominated rc#, a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-nominate->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#NN VBD lc#President trigger#nominate UNLABELED Mr. Varela Internet pos#VBZ RB RB VBG IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#work lc#page , rc#. lex#virtually working POSITIVE Tommy Svensson Sweden pos#VB:INV rc#.:INV lex#'s coach:INV lc#" said:INV path#poss|<-poss<-coach->appos->|appos:INV path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->dobj->|dobj:INV REL$/people/person/place_of_birth lex#Coach:INV pos#POS NN ,:INV ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#coach UNLABELED William L. Bergsma Swedish Hospital lex#composer symphonies chamber music songs works died Friday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die pos#, DT NN IN NNS , NN NN , NNS CC JJ NNS , VBD IN NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Tapie Adidas G.m.b.H. pos#POS NN NN IN lc#are acquiring lex#'s percent stake path#poss|<-poss<-stake->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#stake UNLABELED MORRISON KNUDSEN CORP. E. Robert Ferguson path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lex#named ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#president of pos#, , , VBN trigger#president NEGATIVE Cocteau France lex#set film contemporary rc#, and pos#VBD DT NN IN JJ trigger#set path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Sam Y. Cross Federal Reserve Bank of New York pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Luis Ecuador lc#brother , rc#, was trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Mr. Pedersen Acura Integra lc#and gave trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON path#iobj|<-iobj<-give->dobj->|dobj rc#as a pos#DT UNLABELED Dr Hans A Gethe Nobel pos#, lc#signers include trigger#laureate path#appos|->appos->laureate->nn->|nn rc#laureate who ner#PERSON->MISC NEGATIVE Kirov Britain ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#send pos#TO REL$NA path#dobj|<-dobj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#send the rc#next UNLABELED Bradley Bruon Los Angeles trigger#lawyer rc#criminal defense pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ann Reeder Riggs Frederick Martin Reeder ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#the Rev. rc#of trigger#daughter path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos trigger#brother pos#IN , NNP , IN , NNP , CC IN , : DT NN , NNP lex#Va. Va. brother Adm. UNLABELED Mr. Frankel Brooklyn path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Regan Republican path#appos|->appos->nominee->nn->|nn rc#who said trigger#nominee pos#, DT rc#nominee , ner#PERSON->MISC lc#reporting , path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->nsubjpass->|nsubjpass trigger#hold lc#to replace UNLABELED Robert Moses World 's Fair Corporation pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#head ner#PERSON->MISC lc#However , path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head rc#and of UNLABELED Dr. Swinton University of Toronto trigger#professor lex#emeritus professor zoology rc#, where ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT , VBD JJ NN IN NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Rosen New York trigger#come lex#native pos#VBD TO lc#, lex#returned pos#, , DT NN IN , , VBD TO rc#for the rc#, where path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return UNLABELED Georgie Jefferson London rc#and the lex#flees pos#VBZ lc#worker named path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-flee->dobj->|dobj trigger#flee ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Ann Powers Donny Osmond pos#VBZ NN IN NNP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review rc#. lex#reviews album Home REL$NA UNLABELED Peter M Nichols Delta rc#and The trigger#review lex#reviews Down path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ , NNP IN DT UNLABELED Dr. Harrison Baltimore trigger#head path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ RB DT NN IN DT IN rc#. lex#head ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Charles Kennedy Fox rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN NN IN lex#vice president research ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Overexpansion Planet Hollywood ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#into a lex#reputation bad food static decor turned trigger#turn pos#, DT NN IN JJ NN CC JJ NN VBD RB RB VBN path#rcmod|->rcmod->turn->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mrs. Waldholtz Utah lex#filed divorce papers trigger#file path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#last Tuesday pos#VBD NN NNS IN POSITIVE Yegor Gaidar Russia trigger#minister path#poss|<-poss<-minister->appos->|appos:INV rc#, denied:INV lex#'s Acting Prime Minister:INV REL$/people/person/nationality pos#POS NNP NNP NNP ,:INV ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#SAYS:INV NEGATIVE Michael Birkin Thomas L Harrison ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj pos#, NN IN CC NNS IN PRP$ , IN NN IN NN : VBZ lc#names trigger#succeed lex#president operations president division succeeds REL$NA UNLABELED Betontanc La Mama rc#on its lc#performance by path#rcmod|->rcmod->appear->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-performance<-dobj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#review trigger#performance ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#betontanc pos#, NN CC NN NN IN , IN rc#. pos#VBD IN NNP IN pos#, WDT VBD IN NNP IN lex#presented Thursday lex#dance theater company rc#; photo lc#, which path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#appeared Friday trigger#present UNLABELED Susana Polly Kline lex#son son marriage daughter sons marriage sister ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos pos#, IN , CC NN , , IN : DT NN IN PRP$ NN , , IN , CC DT NN , IN : NNS IN PRP$ NN , , IN , , CC , IN , , CC DT NN , lc#daughter , rc#of trigger#daughter NEGATIVE Blue Jays Cecil Fielder path#rcmod|->rcmod->hit->nsubj->|nsubj lex#AP path#dep|<-dep<-hit->nsubj->|nsubj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#, trigger#hit rc#hit a rc#hit his pos#-LRB- NNP -RRB- : REL$NA rc#hit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED AL UNSER SR. Chama trigger#drive pos#, VBD RB NN IN lc#brother , rc#to the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-drive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#drove early yesterday ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED William S. Burroughs Lawrence Memorial Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT WP VBD NNS CC VBD JJ NNS IN PRP$ NN '' , '' VBD NN IN lex#renegade writer stunned readers inspired adoring cultists book '' '' died yesterday trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Philip Gonzalez Policemen 's Benevolent Association lc#Officer rc#from the path#appos|->appos->delegate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#delegate ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN TO DT trigger#delegate UNLABELED Sheraton Popular Army ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#CC NNS , DT rc#unit today path#appos|->appos->unit->nn->|nn trigger#unit lc#near the lex#hotels UNLABELED Karl Schrag Manhattan pos#, DT JJ NN CC NN WP$ NN VBN NNS IN CC NN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#German-born painter printmaker work combined aspects modernism died Sunday home UNLABELED Carl Everett Hudek lc#, sending ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#send path#dobj|<-dobj<-send->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#TO IN rc#on NEGATIVE John Russell Ancient Abbey path#poss|<-poss<-article->dep->|dep rc#" ( lc#Editor : trigger#article pos#POS JJ CC JJ NN `` POS lex#'s informative insightful article 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Alyce Alston Hearst Corp. pos#, WP VBD TO VB , , NN IN DT lc#She succeeds path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#left join part trigger#part rc#, as ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Albert J. Costello Cyanamid pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s chairman lc#called path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss trigger#chairman UNLABELED Dominic DeMain Combe Inc. lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN NN IN lex#vice president marketing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Sammer Food Astoria pos#, NN IN lex#restaurant rc#, path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#restaurant ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#reports on UNLABELED Times Magazine Harvard Law School rc#referred incorrectly ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#article lc#in The path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-article->prep->about->pobj->|pobj pos#IN NNP IN lex#Sunday UNLABELED Marc Blondeau Sotheby rc#'s in trigger#director lex#director pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Robert F. Wagner Jr. Metropolitan Transportation Board pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED B15 Yanks Royals trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#beat pos#VBP UNLABELED Casillas O.K. lex#played path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD trigger#play rc#against the ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" UNLABELED All Began George Shriver pos#, '' RB VBN IN DT IN lex#'' newly translated ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, is path#partmod|->partmod->translate->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#translate lc#How It UNLABELED Juliet Born United States Agency for International Development lc#'' said trigger#adviser rc#, '' lex#program adviser ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NEGATIVE Barbara J. Raasch Dallas pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->office->nn->|nn trigger#partner trigger#office ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said REL$NA rc#office of UNLABELED Kimball Brace Washington pos#IN , DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn lc#working with rc#consulting firm trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Soni Fidelis Woodwind Quintet Rimsky-Korsakov path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#plays rc#, lc#; the NEGATIVE Sherwood Smith ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ NNP NNP lex#succeeds trigger#succeed lc#office ; REL$NA UNLABELED Stephen Gill Spottswood African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, served trigger#bishop lc#, and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#bishop path#appos|->appos->bishop->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Roberto C. Goizueta Cuban-born path#appos|->appos->executive->amod->|amod trigger#executive pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#chief executive lc#" said NEGATIVE J. Herbert Newport News rc#, Va. trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#brothers , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Alomar Roberto Alomar path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj lex#'s Take ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#was trigger#take pos#POS VB POSITIVE Suffern New York lex#arrived:INV path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV rc#, opening:INV ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/location/containedby trigger#arrive lc#, the:INV pos#CC VBD IN:INV UNLABELED Barbara Ann DeBuono Rhode Island rc#health director pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director NEGATIVE Robert F. Murphy Lehman Brothers trigger#broker path#appos|->appos->broker->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NNS NN IN rc#, said lex#energy futures broker ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Myer Mendelson University of Pennsylvania trigger#professor rc#known for lex#retired professor clinical psychiatry path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED John Byrum Mr. Byrum ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, VBN IN DT NN IN path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->on->pobj->story->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#story lex#based story trigger#base rc#and lc#written by UNLABELED Bill Mechanic Twentieth Century Fox lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Donelli Duquesne rc#when lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#head coach ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD JJ NN IN trigger#coach NEGATIVE Garth Jax Smith trigger#compare ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-compare->dobj->|dobj lex#linebacker compared pos#, DT POS NN , VBN REL$NA rc#to UNLABELED Beverly Square East Ditmases pos#CC , DT NN IN DT JJR rc#, and trigger#north ner#LOCATION->MISC lc#which includes lex#north smaller path#appos|->appos->north->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ken Ritchie Refugee Council lex#deputy director pos#, DT NN NN IN DT rc#, a ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Maurice DeShazo Syracuse lex#quarterback gave pos#, DT NN , WP VBD trigger#give ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->iobj->|iobj rc#some fits UNLABELED Sheryl Quaye Fresh Air Fund trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss pos#, DT rc#'s station ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#over and UNLABELED Judson Hand Cabrini Medical Center path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#education writer editor died Thursday lc#LEAD : trigger#die pos#, DT JJ NN NN CC NN , VBD IN NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Striver Row lc#in the rc#area is trigger#area path#poss|<-poss<-area->nn->|nn rc#area of lc#reviving the lex#'s pos#POS ner#LOCATION->MISC NEGATIVE Dave Odom Wake Forest pos#, rc#coach . path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss rc#'s coach path#appos|->appos->coach->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#, forcing lc#, " rc#coach , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#coach lc#" said UNLABELED Poul-Erik Hoyer-Larsen Danish pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#family man path#appos|->appos->man->amod->|amod trigger#man NEGATIVE Michael Winerip Magazine trigger#writer lex#staff writer pos#VBZ DT NN NN IN DT rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-writer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Masotto James Failla pos#, IN DT NN IN DT NN NN , VBD RB TO ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#evidence that lex#associate crime family reported directly path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-report->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#report rc#, a UNLABELED New York Seattle SuperSonics lc#) , trigger#defeat ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT lc#overtime , pos#VBD TO DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#fell trigger#fall path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fall->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#defeated UNLABELED TIM RAINES JR. Orioles lex#son outfielder signed professional contract Monday lc#end . . . rc#, who ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN NN , VBD PRP$ JJ NN NNP IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#sign UNLABELED Dr. Alfonso Torres Colombia rc#and the lex#native trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mercury Bank A.G. Safra Republic Holdings S.A. rc#for about trigger#sell lc#private bank pos#TO DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Charles Rondoni MidAm Advisory Board pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#chairman rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Joseph Loizzo Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center lex#clinical instructor psychiatry path#appos|->appos->instructor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#instructor ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Mr. McFerrin Minneapolis lex#moved pos#, WP VBZ IN VBN TO rc#, was path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Robert Ehrenberg Paramus pos#, DT lc#said Detective path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn trigger#officer rc#police officer ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Bobbi Casey-Howell Deutsch Direct rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, , NN IN lc#director ; lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Lange Daniel Cosgrove path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. lex#fans face variety charges stemming Saturday 's game state police spokesman Sergeant First Class pos#VBZ IN NNS WP VBP DT NN IN NNS VBG IN NNP POS NN , VBG TO DT NN NN NN , NNP NNP NNP REL$NA UNLABELED Faculty Artist Westchester Conservatory path#nn|<-nn<-program->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#out the rc#. pos#NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#program trigger#program UNLABELED John Wooten Roger Riggle lc#director , ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#associate producer rc#, are path#appos|<-appos<-director->appos->|appos pos#, CC DT JJ NN , trigger#director NEGATIVE Boccaccio Fiametta lex#beloved trigger#see path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. lc#, where REL$NA pos#RB VBD PRP$ JJ UNLABELED Prince NASEEM HAMED Detroit lex#fight lc#The featherweight rc#at path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fight->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB IN trigger#fight ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Belcher Bream lc#sacrifice and lex#threw trigger#throw rc#at pos#VBD RP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-throw->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Elwood Whitney New York pos#, DT VBN path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn lex#retired rc#art director ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Fire Department Sgt. Tom Kelly lc#, a lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman pos#NN , UNLABELED Edmonton Pacific Division trigger#be ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#place pos#VBZ IN NN IN IN DT UNLABELED Alabama Freedmen 's Bureau rc#and the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#found pos#, WDT VBD VBN VBN IN DT lc#in northern lex#founded path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Stone Dena rc#, died ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife trigger#wife UNLABELED Human Life Britain path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-dismiss->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#In negative reaction dismissed today trigger#dismiss lc#Contempt for ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, which pos#POS IN , DT JJ NN VBD VBN NN IN UNLABELED Bowers N.H. rc#will hold pos#CC IN , ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#hold path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->nsubj->|nsubj NEGATIVE Denver Broncos Cleveland Browns pos#VBD DT trigger#beat pos#, WP VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#when the rc#for the lex#beat path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->dobj->|dobj rc#today in REL$NA UNLABELED Time Twisting Turns Of Complaint His Equal Employment Opportunity Commission lc#The pos#NNS IN DT lex#dealings rc#were reassuring path#poss|<-poss<-dealings->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#dealings UNLABELED Michael Davino Port Richmond High School lex#principal trigger#principal rc#on ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Scarecrow & Mrs. King Women of Windsor path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-like->dobj->|dobj pos#'' CC NN NNS VBP '' DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#'' and lc#'' '' trigger#like lex#'' television movies '' The UNLABELED Grabb Kenneth Carlsen pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-edge->dobj->|dobj lex#edged trigger#edge UNLABELED Mrs. McCarthy Longworth Building of Congress path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#Today , pos#RB VBD IN NNP IN DT lex#officially moved Room rc#; it trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Giants ZAVEN YARALIAN lc#if the lex#secondary coach ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, pops pos#POS JJ NN , path#poss|<-poss<-coach->appos->|appos trigger#coach UNLABELED Dr. David Hodges Lubbock lex#associate professor gastroenterology trigger#professor pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said NEGATIVE New York Press Coco lc#The lex#called architect rococo trigger#call ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT NN `` NN rc#. " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dep->|dep REL$NA UNLABELED Mirko Pejanovic Serbian rc#member of lc#" said pos#, DT trigger#member ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->member->amod->|amod NEGATIVE Ronald Lauder New York rc#businessman and pos#, DT lc#Government awarded trigger#businessman ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#appos|->appos->businessman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Irving Berlin My Little Old New York ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#'s Where Is lc#gems is path#dep|->dep->be->nsubj->|nsubj rc#? " pos#POS `` WRB VBZ trigger#berlin UNLABELED Jonas Bright New York City pos#, DT JJ rc#housing police lc#, path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn trigger#officer ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Tenafly Columbia University rc#, died trigger#professor ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#Jr. clinical professor surgery pos#, , CC , NNP , JJ NN IN NN IN DT CC IN lc#lived in path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Hachette Eve Magnant path#nn|<-nn<-spokeswoman->appos->|appos ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, declined lc#and a lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman pos#NN , UNLABELED Mr. Eastwood Academy Award trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj lc#working with rc#earlier this lex#won ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Anne Sommers Fountain House pos#, rc#'s director trigger#director path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Grunberg Atlanta lex#sister brother pos#, IN : DT NN , , IN , : DT NN , , IN rc#, and trigger#daughter trigger#brother ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#y UNLABELED Rabbi Morton L. Gordon Temple Torah trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#spiritual leader lc#yesterday , ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, JJ NN IN rc#in UNLABELED Mr. McCahon Illinois Institute of Technology path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#degree lex#received architectural degree pos#VBD PRP$ JJ NN IN DT trigger#receive pos#VBD IN DT trigger#graduate lex#graduated ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->dobj->degree->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED RCA Penske pos#, IN WDT lc#venture with ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#acquire rc#acquired path#rcmod|->rcmod->acquire->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Lina Gelfer Fort Hamilton High School rc#who came lex#senior pos#, , DT JJ IN trigger#senior lc#To ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->senior->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED NoHo John Houck lex#apartment friend trigger#apartment rc# lc#outside the ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#NN IN PRP$ NN path#nn|<-nn<-apartment->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Van Engelen Kevin Kelly trigger#lawyer lc#Chief rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Sonia Mendel rc#, the path#poss|<-poss<-husband->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#'s gentle bewildered husband lc#) plays lex#'s husband trigger#husband pos#POS JJ CC JJ NN , rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. DeStefano Mr. Daniels rc#in a path#rcmod|->rcmod->lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#lose lex#lost pos#, WP VBD RP TO UNLABELED Islamic Holy War Imad Mugniyah pos#, trigger#leader path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-leader->appos->|appos rc#, is ner#MISC->PERSON lc#leader of NEGATIVE American Studies Smithsonian Institution pos#IN CC NN IN DT NN IN DT lex#director project trigger#professor path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#professor of REL$NA NEGATIVE Arturo Toscanini Wanda lex#'s daughter lc#marriage to ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , trigger#daughter rc#; his REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Joseph McBride Book Review lex#wrote lc#, '' trigger#write pos#VBD IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#in NEGATIVE Seattle Madison Square Garden trigger#beat pos#IN trigger#loss path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-loss->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#lose ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-lose->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#dobj|<-dobj<-beat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#Sunday to rc#, lc#not beaten rc#, where lc#loss to REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Robert E. Walsh Jenswold trigger#manager lc#'' said lex#portfolio manager rc#, path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Ms. Aller Carnegie Hall lex#performed trigger#perform path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#at the ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Ms. Feliciano Mr. Paster trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Mr Arax pos#, rc#writes , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write lc#century , UNLABELED Steve Wasserman The Los Angeles Times Book Review trigger#editor pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#was lex#editor path#nn|<-nn<-editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which NEGATIVE Palm Manhattan lc#of the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT trigger#house path#appos|->appos->house->nn->|nn REL$NA rc#steak house UNLABELED Michigan Senate Amendment ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#in March trigger#approve lex#approved path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-approve->dobj->|dobj lc#; the pos#VBD VBN DT UNLABELED Senate Budget Committee Federal Reserve lc#before the path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, , DT rc#chairman , trigger#chairman UNLABELED Oaks Triple Tiara rc#for lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-complete->dobj->|dobj trigger#complete pos#, WDT MD VB VBN IN IN , VBZ DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#run completes UNLABELED Peter Kelly Continuum Health Partners path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ VBG NN IN rc#, trigger#officer lex#chief operating officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Opera Northeast South Pacific lc#up with lex#'s touring production 's rc#" ( pos#POS NN IN '' lc#followed by pos#POS NN NN IN CC POS `` ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#poss|<-poss<-production->dep->|dep lex#'s production '' trigger#production path#poss|<-poss<-production->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Dennis Lewin National Football League pos#, path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lc#Article on rc#senior vice ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Pomerantzeff Marina Krivcove trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#daughter pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , : NNS , rc#, of lex#survived wife daughters path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Mr. Meador Biarritz rc#, pos#RB VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#go UNLABELED Roger Malina Leonardo lc#" said trigger#editor pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor rc#, a UNLABELED Nabil Shurafa Gaza City path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said trigger#agent rc#. lex#travel agent ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED David Zinn Meredith Palin ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#sound production stage manager path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-costume->appos->|appos pos#: NN IN : NN NN NN , lc#costumes by rc#. trigger#costume UNLABELED Roger Georges Morvan Paris path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->hospital->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN , NN CC NN , VBD IN IN DT NN IN lex#encyclopedist lexicographer poet died hospital rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#hospital UNLABELED Mr. Robinson John B. Connally rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recall->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT NN , VBD DT NN IN DT JJ NN , lex#professor recalled case wealthy candidate trigger#recall NEGATIVE Mark Vicente Peter Hollywood lex#edited ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#photography , rc#, trigger#directed path#appos|<-appos<-director<-dep<-directed->partmod->edit->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#: VBN IN trigger#edit trigger#director NEGATIVE New Objectivity Germany lex#movement trigger#movement rc#in the lc#mind the pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-movement->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Edwards Provo rc#into a lex#turned trigger#turn pos#, WP VBZ VBN lc#play under ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#rcmod|->rcmod->turn->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Jusco Talbot pos#VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj rc#'s and lex#acquired trigger#acquire UNLABELED Ronesto USA ) Inc. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#Speaking for lex#executive vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president pos#, , JJ NN NN IN -LRB- UNLABELED General Musharraf India pos#VBZ rc#is a trigger#see path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj lex#sees lc#officers , ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Jewish Diaspora Tel Aviv lc#of the pos#IN trigger#museum ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-museum->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. rc#) and UNLABELED Mohamed al-Fayed Eyptian-born path#appos|->appos->financier->amod->|amod pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#seller is rc#financier and trigger#financier UNLABELED Scott Stuart Kohlberg Kravis lex#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->nn->|nn lc#'' said pos#, DT trigger#partner lc#According to path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#general partner NEGATIVE Henry Luce Sports Illustrated path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->dobj->|dobj trigger#start rc#because his pos#, DT NN IN , VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#founder started REL$NA NEGATIVE Lard Slow Food lex#region surrounding basic food marble workers supplied danger extinction trigger#accord pos#IN DT NN VBG , WDT VBD DT JJ NN IN DT NN NNS WP VBD , VBZ IN NN IN NN , VBG TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->accord->dep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED David Roche Morgan Stanley International path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#economist rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED ALBERT W. O'LEARY New York City Transit Police pos#, path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn lc#-- rc#spokesman . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Doyne Farmer Prediction Company path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->dobj->|dobj lex#physics scholar runs named pos#, DT NN NN , VBZ DT RB VBN trigger#run ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED P.M. Lyon Place ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#Monday month pos#IN DT NNP IN DT NN IN DT IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#hold lc#at rc#in UNLABELED Robert Keller New Dartmouth lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, would trigger#president NEGATIVE Ernest Hemingway Loyalists trigger#cover lex#covers ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBZ DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-cover->dobj->|dobj rc#during the REL$NA UNLABELED Jack Valenti Motion Picture Producers Association pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, said trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Boesman Whole Theater path#rcmod|->rcmod->perform->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#the '' trigger#perform pos#CC '' WDT VBD VBN IN DT lex#'' performed rc#last month ner#PERSON->MISC UNLABELED Martin Cervin Trenton lc#and C-RW pos#VBZ VBN VBN IN lex#recalled rc#of the trigger#recall ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recall->prep->from->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE St. Francis Loretto pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#play lc#will play rc#, Pa. REL$NA UNLABELED Neumann Garvey lc#% ner#PERSON->PERSON rc# lex#GOVERNOR reporting path#dep|<-dep<-%->dep->|dep pos#NN NN NN NN trigger#% NEGATIVE Lyndhurst Jay Gould pos#, DT JJ lc#spokeswoman for rc#, stands path#appos|->appos->estate->nn->|nn lc#expected at ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#replica of trigger#estate rc#estate and trigger#home ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#estate in path#appos|->appos->home->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN REL$NA lex#home UNLABELED Wagoner Cowger pos#CC TO ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#changed from rc#, and trigger#change path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-change->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Kali Rocha Manhattan lc#( path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, are trigger#live lex#live ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#-RRB- , WP VBP IN REL$NA UNLABELED Raymond E. Mabus Jr Mississippi lc#; pos#, DT JJ NNP IN lex#Governor trigger#governor rc#and former path#appos|->appos->governor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Babb Mr. Biegen lex#joined ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join rc#and other pos#, WP VBD path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Ms. Bergalis AIDS pos#VBD trigger#get ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->dobj->|dobj lc#of how rc#probably will UNLABELED Vineland James Bass Jr pos#VBN IN trigger#vineland rc#( lc#farm in ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#owned UNLABELED Fernando De Souza New York lc#ago that rc#from trigger#arrive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#CC PRP$ NN VBD IN lex#family arrived ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Jamie Romito Genovese drugstores lc#his stepdaughter trigger#letter path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->letter->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, , VBD DT NN IN PRP$ NN TO trigger#write rc#. lex#wrote letter behalf ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Barry Kluger Prodigy pos#, lex#spokesman pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#, " rc#, confirmed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#senior vice president lc#said rc#, which trigger#spokesman trigger#president rc#'s senior UNLABELED William Zimmer Arthur Getz path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#at trigger#review pos#VBZ NN NN IN NNS IN NN lex#reviews retrospective exhibit works artist UNLABELED Mr. Bodek Providence path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Watson GE Healthcare Financial Services , Inc pos#VBD NN IN lex#president lc#Previously , rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president UNLABELED Aubrey Brown Ms. Adams lex#childhood friend path#appos|->appos->friend->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Up ' rc#who works trigger#friend pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Zuckerman Mr. Hamill pos#VBZ VBG path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-consider->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#clear whether rc#for the trigger#consider UNLABELED Holiday Inn Express Temuco lc#, a lex#opened January pos#VBD IN NNP IN trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Louis Viannet General Labor Confederation rc#, the pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Markup Riegle pos#'' `` NNP lc#A Silent ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#Chairman trigger#work rc#and Senator path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->nsubj->|nsubj NEGATIVE J. P. Morgan Europe lc#saved by rc#to buyers trigger#sell pos#, DT NN NN , WP VBD NNP NNS IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#investment banker sold Government bonds path#rcmod|->rcmod->sell->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Nicholas Castoro New York Sports Fishing Federation lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, who path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Justin-Coffel Chicago path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ IN lc#'' said trigger#justin-coffel ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED ORLANDO Chucky Brown trigger#score lex#AP ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#dep|->dep->score->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, -LRB- NNP -RRB- : lc#Magic rc#, a UNLABELED Bleimeister Columbia Tri-Star path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#senior vice ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#Rand trigger#president UNLABELED ATLANTA Greg Olson lex#AP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-drive->nsubj->|nsubj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#drive rc#drove in pos#-LRB- NNP -RRB- : lc# UNLABELED Mr. Stinnett Transfer Board lex#appeared Post-Prison path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appear->prep->before->pobj->|pobj pos#, , VBD IN DT NNP rc#last week ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#appear UNLABELED Bustle Your Hedgerow trigger#be lc#'s a pos#IN rc#, Do path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Cure Joseph Mazzello Bruce Davison ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#The trigger#directed pos#, , , , rc#Directed by path#appos|->appos->directed->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Angel Red Hook pos#, WP VBZ IN lc#Like path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#with his trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#lives UNLABELED Fresco midtown Tuscan path#appos|->appos->restaurant->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#lunch at ner#LOCATION->MISC trigger#restaurant rc#restaurant near UNLABELED Red Sox KEVIN MITCHELL path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-activate->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#activate pos#VBD NN rc#after a lex#activated outfielder lc#. . . . The UNLABELED Other Shore Museum of Modern Art pos#, '' WDT VBZ VBG RB IN CC NN IN IN DT trigger#show lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-show->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#'' showing tonight tomorrow rc#, does NEGATIVE Al D'Amato Republican rc#Senator , trigger#senator lc#counterpart to ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->senator->amod->|amod lex#'s pos#, POS REL$NA UNLABELED Rayford Clayton Reddell San Francisco Chronicle lex#gardening columnist The trigger#columnist rc#, also path#appos|->appos->columnist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NEGATIVE Riley Murdock path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#meet pos#VBD IN REL$NA rc#yesterday UNLABELED H. L. PURDY Madison Avenue pos#NNP , trigger#inc. lc#P.M. rc#, at ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-inc.->appos->|appos lex#INC. UNLABELED Kirsten Flagstad incomparable Wagnerian trigger#soprano pos#, DT rc#soprano ( ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->soprano->amod->|amod lc#dedicated to UNLABELED Thomas Brayton Union Cotton Manufacturing Company path#appos|->appos->treasurer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#treasurer trigger#treasurer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#estate of rc#in UNLABELED Liza de Villiers Johannesburg pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ JJ NN IN lex#attends technical high school rc#, continues ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#attend path#rcmod|->rcmod->attend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Can-Am Death Row ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#usually at pos#, WDT trigger#can-am path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->nsubj->|nsubj rc#owns . UNLABELED Cape Town A.N.C. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->poss->|poss pos#, , DT lc#section of rc#'s leader UNLABELED Ojeda Indians pos#, WP VBD IN PRP$ JJ NN NNS IN DT , VBN IN DT rc#to continue lex#suffered severe head injuries returned ner#PERSON->MISC rc#as a lex#spent major league seasons signed pos#VBD VB TO DT pos#, WP VBD JJ NN NNS , VBD TO DT path#partmod|->partmod->sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sign trigger#return lex#return rc#in UNLABELED Frank Mori Takihyo Inc. lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Rodale New Woman path#poss|<-poss<-magazine->nn->|nn rc#magazine , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#'s pos#POS lc#and even trigger#magazine UNLABELED Anna Kisselgoff Ballet pos#VBZ NN IN IN : DT rc#and other lex#reviews performance The trigger#review ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE William Murray Philip Morris Companies Inc. lex#chairman rc#, will lc#said that ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jordan St. John Mr. Weld lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman lc#But NEGATIVE Mike Brim Jets lex#joined lc#When pos#VBD DT rc#last trigger#join path#rcmod|->rcmod->start->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#start path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD IN JJ NN IN DT rc#last season ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#started left cornerback REL$NA UNLABELED CBS Sports Virtual Pressroom path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->dobj->|dobj lex#offers pos#VBZ DT `` rc#" on ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#offer UNLABELED Crimea Nikolai Bagrov trigger#leader rc#, who lex#'s current leader ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#POS JJ NN , path#poss|<-poss<-leader->appos->|appos lc#contenders were NEGATIVE Cairo Faten Hamama rc#, its ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, WRB PRP VBD PRP$ NN IN DT POS IN DT NN IN DT NN , DT NN IN lex#began career 's star cinema husband lc#his native path#appos|->appos->husband->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#husband REL$NA UNLABELED A. Alfred Taubman Michael L. Ainsley path#appos|<-appos<-chairman->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, rc#, are pos#, CC DT NN IN DT NN NN , lex#president auction house trigger#chairman UNLABELED Cafeteria Avangard lc#it is ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#no. path#nn|<-nn<-no.->dep->|dep pos#NNP : lex#No. -- rc#, a UNLABELED Randall C. Thompson Energy Corporation rc#, the path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chairman theCrestone ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman pos#, NN IN NNP NEGATIVE Burbank Andrea Thomas trigger#survive lex#daughter lc#, of rc#of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#daughter trigger#son pos#: DT NN , REL$NA UNLABELED Disney Supreme Court of animation lc#) whom path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-refer->prep->as->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#refer rc#. pos#RB VBD TO IN PRP$ lex#jokingly referred NEGATIVE Beverly Kramer trigger#letter rc#letter responds path#nn|<-nn<-letter->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#June pos#NNP REL$NA UNLABELED Japan-based Shoko Asahara trigger#leader path#amod|<-amod<-leader->appos->|appos lc#sect 's rc#, received ner#MISC->PERSON lex#leader pos#NN , UNLABELED Dr. Brian Marsden Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics lc#" said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#associate director planetary sciences pos#, JJ NN IN JJ NNS IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Gordon N. Oakes Jr. Monarch path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , WP MD VB NN CC JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#remain chairman chief executive rc#, based lc#post from trigger#chairman UNLABELED Worldvision Spelling Entertainment Inc lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. pos#, DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary lc#rights from path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Renato Paoletti Lemus Adriana pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#They are rc#'s brother trigger#brother path#appos|->appos->brother->poss->|poss UNLABELED Mrs. Diaz Bronx rc#with her lex#moved path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD TO DT trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Miss Hujer Anthony Tronchin rc#, the path#rcmod|->rcmod->include->dobj->|dobj lex#company included pos#, WP$ NN RB VBD lc#designed by ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#include NEGATIVE Galatasaray Turkey path#nn|<-nn<-game->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The lex#game rc#against trigger#game pos#NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Brendan McAllister Mediation Network lc#Today , pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head rc#, an path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Harold Hovel Animal Welfare Alliance pos#IN , DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Ms. Martin Taos pos#, WP VBZ IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, gave trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#summer , lex#lives UNLABELED Alan D. Nichols American Federal Savings Bank trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN rc#in UNLABELED Peter Martin Jamaica Tourist Board pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman rc#in UNLABELED Judge Wood New York trigger#judge pos#, IN DT JJS JJ NN IN lex#youngest Federal judge ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->judge->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, showed UNLABELED New York Duane Street pos#, IN JJ NN IN ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#elegant space rc#that once trigger#open path#dobj|<-dobj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc# UNLABELED Hui Chi Le Indochine path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner lc#Spawned by lex#owners rc#on pos#CC , DT NNS IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED ABB United States pos#POS JJ NNS IN DT trigger#sale lex#'s annual sales lc#takeover doubled ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#to more path#poss|<-poss<-sale->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Guy Henry Cloten lc#that of rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, WP VBZ lex#plays path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj lc#lout from UNLABELED Dorothy Ehrlich American Civil Liberties Union rc#of pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Cayetano Castro University of Wisconsin trigger#agent rc#. lex#free agent lc#offensive lineman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN UNLABELED Faruk Ruzimatov American Ballet Theater lex#principal dancer joined trigger#join pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT , VBZ VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj rc#as a lc#LEAD : ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Lee James British pos#, DT JJ rc#amateur champion ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->champion->amod->|amod lex#current trigger#champion UNLABELED GERMANY Steffi Graf trigger#win lex#Top-ranked ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#won her pos#: JJ lc#WINS IN path#dep|<-dep<-win->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Ilsa Kagen Great Neck Estates lex#village historian president moved pos#, DT NN NN CC JJ NN IN DT , VBD IN trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->into->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Col. Craig Reap Highway Patrol lc#'' said pos#, DT NN IN POS trigger#head rc#. path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Rasul Mr. Umedaly pos#VBD PRP$ JJ NN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bring rc#on board path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj lex#brought friend lc#shortly afterward UNLABELED University of Tennessee Dr. Diggs lc#of the path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#join pos#, WRB ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#had joined NEGATIVE Ringo John Lennon ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#let pos#VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-let->dobj->|dobj rc#and REL$NA lc#late UNLABELED Indian Armritsar path#amod|<-amod<-city->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN trigger#city lc#the northern rc#and staying ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#city UNLABELED Euromoney Institutional Investor ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#acquisition trigger#letter lc#letter from rc#promising not path#poss|<-poss<-acquisition->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN rc#, completed path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-letter->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#'s acquisition ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#TO UNLABELED Heartland Advisers Milwaukee trigger#manager rc#money manager pos#, DT lc#manager for ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#fund manager lc#president of path#appos|->appos->manager->nn->|nn UNLABELED SAMPRIT CHATTERJEE South Brooksville New York University ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#professor lex#Me. The writer professor statistics rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NNP , DT NN VBZ DT NN IN NNS IN UNLABELED Ms. Booker Japan pos#, WP VBZ IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#teach lex#teaches lc#wondered ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED P. James Adam Black & Veatch Company lex#assistant managing partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said rc#, a UNLABELED David Shafer Georgia Republican Party trigger#director pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED McGwire N.L. pos#VBD DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-player->nn->|nn rc#player since trigger#player UNLABELED Hans Helmink Ochten trigger#official pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN NN IN lex#official emergency relief operation path#appos|->appos->official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, where ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Greg Gumbel CBS rc#. pos#MD VB TO lc#'s ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#return trigger#return UNLABELED Paul H. Nisbet JSA Research Inc lc#'' said trigger#analyst rc#. lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED As Eagle Snacks Inc. St. Louis pos#VBZ TO lex#relocates rc#from trigger#relocate ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-relocate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Marky Mark Kelly Klein lc#) , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sit->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, in trigger#sit pos#, IN DT NN , VBD IN lex#sweatshirt sat UNLABELED Center for Excellence in Interventional Cardiology Massachusetts General Hospital trigger#director lc#of the pos#IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in NEGATIVE Slade Patriots pos#VBD DT lc#season , trigger#lead lex#led path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Martha Edward Albee rc#'s '' pos#IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#the rancorous REL$NA UNLABELED Carat North America Freeman Associates rc#in pos#, NNS NNS NN VBN IN , VBZ ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. pos#, DT NNS NNS NN VBN IN , VBZ VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj trigger#acquire lex#media services agency owned acquired lex#media services agency owned acquires NEGATIVE Carl Douglas Simpson pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#member trigger#team lex#member ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->team->nn->|nn REL$NA rc#defense team NEGATIVE Brian Mitchell Gregory Hines ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced trigger#replace rc#as Jelly lc#Jam ' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ VBN REL$NA NEGATIVE European Maastricht rc#, the trigger#leader lex#summit meeting path#amod|<-amod<-leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#amod|<-amod<-meeting->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#at a pos#NN NN IN lc#'s lc#with other lex#leaders lc#and other ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#meeting pos#NNS IN UNLABELED Dr. Kahn South Africa lex#born immigrated pos#, WP VBD VBN IN , , VBD TO trigger#immigrate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-immigrate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#during the UNLABELED Dr. Lederman Nobel Prize-winning rc#physicist who pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#physicist path#appos|->appos->physicist->amod->|amod NEGATIVE Buffalo Canadian Football League trigger#have lc#to have rc#. " ner#LOCATION->MISC path#dobj|<-dobj<-have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Robinson Sun rc#'s lc#works with pos#VBG ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#organize path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-organize->dobj->|dobj lex#organizing UNLABELED Amy Dansicker Baltimore trigger#freshman rc#, said lex#freshman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->freshman->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN POSITIVE Munir Akram Pakistan pos#, lc#, '' lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->ambassador->poss->|poss rc#'s Ambassador trigger#envoy path#appos|->appos->envoy->poss->|poss trigger#ambassador path#appos|->appos->representative->poss->|poss rc#'s representative lc#'' maintained REL$/people/person/nationality rc#'s trade ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#representative UNLABELED James McPherson Battle Cry of Freedom path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-show->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#show pos#VBZ RB VBN IN `` lc#As rc#, " lex#convincingly shown ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mario Villanueva Madrid Quintana Roo lc#authorities seek pos#, lc#, on rc#who has ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT JJ NNP IN lex#Governor pos#, NNP IN trigger#governor rc#governor and path#appos|->appos->governor->nn->|nn path#appos|->appos->governor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#who became lc#OUT -- NEGATIVE Gil Heredia Hill rc#; ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ trigger#replace lex#replaces path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Silo Inn Old Lyme path#appos|->appos->bar->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#bar trigger#bar rc#from which lc#'s pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Herzog University of Illinois rc#in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#receive pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN NN NN IN NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#received bachelor science degree chemical engineering UNLABELED Kenneth S. Roth Jericho path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#president brokerage based pos#, NN IN DT , , NN , VBN IN rc#, trigger#base ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Richard Grant Roger Moore pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, trigger#directed rc#Directed by path#appos|->appos->directed->nn->|nn REL$NA UNLABELED EcsXXXtasy Queens Village lc#of the lex#adult video store rc#yesterday , trigger#store path#nn|<-nn<-store->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#NN NN NN IN UNLABELED Universal Music Group Arnell Group Brand Consulting pos#NN IN DT , VBN IN , RB lc#by the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, and path#nn|<-nn<-unit->appos->|appos lex#unit named trigger#unit NEGATIVE Clinton House rc#and the lex#'s chief ally rc#, continued path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj trigger#leader trigger#ally trigger#victory path#nn|<-nn<-candidate->nn->|nn pos#CC , DT pos#CC IN , DT pos#, NNP NNP , DT rc#, vowed lc#against President pos#VBD DT lex#Round Representative lc#with a rc#, in pos#POS JJ NN IN DT pos#CC , DT JJ NNP IN DT rc#to vote pos#, , DT JJ NNP IN DT rc#on an trigger#take lc#only President trigger#challenge lex#Speaker lex#today challenged rc#, have lex#incoming Speaker trigger#speaker rc#leader lex#victory gains path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn rc#and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-challenge->dobj->|dobj pos#NN CC NNS IN DT lc#, President lc#vs. path#poss|<-poss<-ally->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#by President pos#CC CC RB lc#President path#appos|->appos->speaker->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#NN VBD DT path#nn|<-nn<-victory->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#impeach President lc#as President trigger#candidate UNLABELED Baltimore Thomas C. Frazier path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-make->nsubj->|nsubj lex#'s Police Commissioner rc#has made trigger#commissioner rc#, to lc#In lex#Police Commissioner ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#efforts by trigger#make pos#POS NNP NNP , path#poss|<-poss<-commissioner->appos->|appos pos#, NNP NNP UNLABELED Intercom Conspiracy Switzerland lex#'' set lc#The pos#, '' WDT VBD RP IN , VBZ VBN RB IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-set->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#set rc#, where ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Washington Vilnius pos#, WP$ JJ NN VBZ IN FW , VB JJ NNS TO ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#send path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#does n't lex#avowed interest lies perestroika send signals REL$NA rc#to show UNLABELED Spain Juan Antonio Yanez-Barneuvo rc#, said path#poss|<-poss<-representative->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#'s representative trigger#representative UNLABELED Gary L. Ackerman Democrats path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-address->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#IN VBD DT JJ lc#Representative rc#assembled at lex#addressed disbelieving trigger#address NEGATIVE Artur Axmann Hitler Youth trigger#leader ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT rc#leader , path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#leader rc#who sent path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, JJ NN IN pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Long Island Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani path#rcmod|->rcmod->fight->dobj->|dobj pos#WP MD VB lex#fight lc#Representative from ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#for the trigger#fight UNLABELED Harrod & Mirlin Ltd. Toronto rc#with billings trigger#agency lc#to acquire lex#agency ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->agency->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Journal Blue Star Grill trigger#review ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN rc#on path#nn|<-nn<-review->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'s lex#review NEGATIVE Masanori Murakami San Francisco Giants trigger#pitch pos#, WP VBD IN DT lc#leagues -- lex#pitched lc#majors was ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->pitch->prep->for->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#in NEGATIVE Pershing Donaldson lc#of the lex#division lc#broker like ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, WDT VBZ DT NN IN lc#with the pos#NN IN rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#unit trigger#unit trigger#division path#rcmod|->rcmod->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Al Levitt Lee Konitz path#rcmod|->rcmod->perform->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#performed trigger#perform ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#jazz drummer pos#, WP VBD IN rc#, REL$NA UNLABELED David J. Bruce Money Marketing Inc. lc#" said lex#spokesman pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman rc#, a POSITIVE Pupi Avati Italian pos#NN:INV path#amod|<-amod<-director->dep->|dep:INV ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, is:INV REL$/people/person/ethnicity lex#director:INV lc#by the:INV trigger#director NEGATIVE NBC Broadway pos#VBD DT rc#and film lex#signed lc#, and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#sign UNLABELED Mr. Abdel Rahman United States path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-remain->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#of indicting rc#is trying rc#and settled lc#law , pos#POS NN IN DT pos#VBD DT lex#entered lc#sermon does rc#visas even path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj trigger#rahman lc#that allowed pos#MD VB DT pos#RB VBD DT trigger#leave rc#from the trigger#enter lc#by then path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-mention->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD RB VBN IN DT lc#months after pos#VBZ VBG DT NN NN IN DT lex#appealing expulsion order leave rc#via the lc#to include lex#acquitted assassination President el entered path#rcmod|->rcmod->try->nsubj->|nsubj lex#arrived path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP DT trigger#receive pos#, DT JJ JJ JJ VBN TO DT NN , VBD IN DT trigger#serve rc#, according rc# trigger#remain lex#acquitted connection assassination President el-Sadat entered lex#remain lex#detained today immigration authorities received path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN DT lex#accused lc#, rc#in the pos#, DT JJ JJ NN , WP VBD DT rc#voluntarily and lex#serving life sentence rc#as a rc#from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD VBN NN IN NN NNS IN , VBD pos#TO VB DT lc#they hoped rc#. trigger#arrive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-enter->dobj->|dobj rc#for the rc#and set pos#, WP VBD VBN CC VBN IN DT NN IN NNP SYM : , VBD DT lex#mention trigger#mention lex#leave lex#enter lc#cautioned that lex#'s pos#, DT WP VBD VBN IN NN IN DT NN IN NNP NNP IN IN , VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD TO DT lex#militant cleric long opposed Government arrived rc#from his lc#is that pos#, WP VBZ VBG DT NN NN , MD VB DT trigger#accuse ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#after brief rc#was in pos#VB DT lc#But while lex#blind charismatic preacher entered path#rcmod|->rcmod->enter->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB IN DT path#poss|<-poss<-use->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in trigger#use UNLABELED Paul Risley Ms. Del Ponte lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Kenzer Corporation New York lc#of the rc#, recalls lex#executive-recruiting firm path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#firm UNLABELED Elaine Mary Harlow trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lex#son daughters path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lc#, trigger#daughter pos#: DT NN , IN : NNS , trigger#son trigger#wife UNLABELED Jim McBride Richard Shapiro ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write rc#; produced lex#written lc#Directed by trigger#directed pos#: VBN IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->partmod->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED House Representatives Rick A. Lazio ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#member lc#undecided path#nn|<-nn<-member->appos->|appos pos#NNS , rc#and lex#members UNLABELED Roland Hemond Orioles trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lc#fact , rc#, said path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss pos#, DT rc#' general lex#general manager lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT POSITIVE Paul Poiret Paris pos#VBD trigger#give rc#its path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave REL$/people/person/place_of_birth ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#told that UNLABELED Dr. David Kaplan Brooklyn Heights pos#, DT NN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN lex#rheumatologist died Sunday home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Railway Systems Design Inc. Harrisburg trigger#concern path#appos|->appos->concern->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#executive of pos#, DT NN NN NN IN lex#transportation engineering concern rc#, Pa ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED CUNY East 80th Street lc#sidewalk outside path#poss|<-poss<-headquarters->nn->|nn trigger#headquarters rc#building . rc#administrative headquarters lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-building->nn->|nn pos#POS lc#across from ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#building UNLABELED Willard L. Beaulac Foreign Service pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn lc#LEAD : trigger#officer rc#career officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Robert B. Reich Environmental Protection Agency pos#CC , NNP IN DT rc#, will path#appos|->appos->administrator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#Labor Secretary lex#Administrator trigger#administrator UNLABELED Janet L. Schultz Los Angeles rc#but spent pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#raise lc#" wrote path#rcmod|->rcmod->raise->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#raised UNLABELED Bums Jerry Nachman New York Post trigger#editor pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#once said lex#editor rival lc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Maryland J. Joseph Curran path#poss|<-poss<-general->appos->|appos lc#announced by lex#Attorney General pos#NNP NNP , rc#, appeared lc#, the lex#'s Attorney General trigger#general ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. pos#POS NNP NNP , path#nn|<-nn<-general->appos->|appos UNLABELED Dorothy Licari Ridgewood lc#sister , rc#, pos#IN , : DT NN , , IN path#dep|->dep->brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#brother trigger#brother ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Patricia Brooks Union League Cafe pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Shane Club Marakesh trigger#be rc#at lc#About why pos#VBD IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Keith Yizar Edenwald Houses path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident lc#'' said lex#resident rc#. pos#, , DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Ralph House rc#of Lords path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-deliver->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#delivers speech pos#VBZ PRP$ NN TO DT lc#which King trigger#deliver ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Smith & Nephew P.L.C. British ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#line of pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->maker->amod->|amod trigger#maker rc#health care UNLABELED Ginger Montel John Vivian lex#production stage manager trigger#producer ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#producer , pos#: NN NN NN , rc#; company path#appos|<-appos<-producer->appos->|appos NEGATIVE First Boston Sealy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invest->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#invest ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#invest pos#MD RB VB IN REL$NA rc#through a UNLABELED Marjorie Kelly Chatsworth path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#daughter lc#sister , rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Andrea Rutherford Brunswick Warburg trigger#director lc#'' said lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED United States Treasury Kennedy Administration rc#, died lex#official trigger#official ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#and a pos#NN IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Sumitomo Mr. Hamanaka lex#dismissed pos#VBD trigger#give lex#gave full authority ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#week when rc#. trigger#dismiss rc#to deal path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-dismiss->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD JJ NN TO lc#stated that NEGATIVE Mark Crispin Miller Johns Hopkins University rc#and the lex#media professor pos#, DT NNS NN IN rc#, observes lc#, '' lc#'' said trigger#professor rc#, said trigger#teach lc#article by pos#, NN IN NNS NNS IN rc#, is lex#professor media studies The lex#associate professor rc#, and pos#, WP VBZ NNS NNS IN lex#professor media studies rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#As lex#teaches media studies lc#compiled by pos#, DT NN IN NNS NNS IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said rc#and editor REL$NA pos#, JJ NN IN rc#in rc#and is lc#" said pos#, NN IN NNS NNS IN DT rc#. '' UNLABELED Germany Lucas Cranach lc#Sixteenth-century pos#VBZ RB VBN IN DT RB VBN NN IN NN NN IN DT NN VBN IN DT NN IN JJ NN JJ , IN rc#, and ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-represent->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#memorably represented highly finished oil paper portrait man set ground rich chestnut brown trigger#represent UNLABELED Claudette Beaulier Department of Income Maintenance lc#component that path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman state 's trigger#spokeswoman pos#, NN IN DT NN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, explained UNLABELED Thomas Longman Bear Stearns lc#'' says rc#. '' path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#. rc#, " lex#analyst ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE George Butler Georgetown path#appos|->appos->guard->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#guard , ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#guard UNLABELED Tampa Bay Bucs Detroit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj rc#, or lex#play lc#where the trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBP UNLABELED Mr. Cohen Florida lc#, rc#and taught lex#lived trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, , VBZ VBN IN NEGATIVE Henry Sarah pos#, lc#, plays ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#" is lex#wife path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-wife->appos->|appos rc#, and pos#, VBZ PRP$ NN , rc#'s husband trigger#wife trigger#husband path#appos|->appos->husband->poss->|poss REL$NA UNLABELED Mariano Puerta Dominik Hrbaty ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-oust->dobj->|dobj rc#of lc#Hrbaty Ousted pos#IN VBD JJ trigger#oust lex#ousted fifth-seeded UNLABELED Latin Kings Gang Law-enforcement New York trigger#official lc#Raid on path#amod|<-amod<-official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#NNS IN rc#said they lex#officials UNLABELED Isaac Bashevis Singer Bathsheba Zylberman Singer path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN , TO lex#born ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED GANESHA Metropolitan Museum of Art pos#, DT JJ NN IN NNS , DT NN IN NNS , VBZ VBN VBG RB IN DT trigger#work rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#THE elephant-headed god beginnings remover obstacles working overtime UNLABELED Judith Wiesner Julie Steven lex#routed pos#IN VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#- seeded path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-route->dobj->|dobj trigger#route rc#of the UNLABELED Ellen McCartney Don Philpott path#appos|<-appos<-design->appos->|appos trigger#design ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#costumes , pos#: NN , : JJ NN , : NN , rc#; production lex#sound musical director choreographer UNLABELED Gardner The San Francisco Giants Mark Gardner rc#to a lex#re-signed starting pitcher ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#Re-sign pos#VBD DT VBG NN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-re-signed->dobj->|dobj trigger#re-signed NEGATIVE Sudan Jersey City rc#, said path#rcmod|->rcmod->settle->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#settle lex#settled lc#from the pos#WP RB VBD IN REL$NA UNLABELED Kinder Care Montgomery lex#center lc#at a pos#NN IN rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-center->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#center ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Wigand Brown lc#, pos#, WP VBD DT NN NN IN NN CC NN IN rc#and path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#vice president research development trigger#president UNLABELED Ottey Europe lex#popular trigger#popular pos#, DT , VBZ JJ IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-popular->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#and her UNLABELED Mr. Begley Anka Muhlstein lex#lives wife ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ IN IN PRP$ NN , trigger#live trigger#wife path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->with->pobj->wife->appos->|appos rc#, a UNLABELED Mrs. Judd Union Station lex#secretary medical clinic wife doctor arrived pos#, RB DT NN IN DT JJ NN CC DT NN IN DT NN , VBD IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#arrive ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Paul Rogoski United States Telephone Association lex#spokesman pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said trigger#spokesman rc#, which UNLABELED Lynn Freed South African pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#novelist path#appos|->appos->novelist->amod->|amod rc#novelist who lc#this month UNLABELED John J. Durkin United Way of Dutchess County lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Drew Nieporent Mr. Della Femina path#rcmod|->rcmod->team->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT CC IN , WP VBD IN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#last summer lc#partner is trigger#team lex#teamed UNLABELED East German Oskar Fischer trigger#minister path#amod|<-amod<-minister->appos->|appos pos#NNP NNP , lc#The rc#, he lex#Foreign Minister ner#MISC->PERSON UNLABELED French Ellipse Programme lc#and its lex#partner trigger#partner path#amod|<-amod<-partner->appos->|appos ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#, paid pos#NN , NEGATIVE Jerome Kersey Trail Blazers lex#points led pos#, IN NNS , VBD DT rc#, who trigger#lead path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE British Vitez trigger#commander rc#not far rc#, said lc#, the trigger#base pos#NN IN lc#the main lex#base path#amod|<-amod<-base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#commander path#amod|<-amod<-commander->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Stephen Collins Ashley Wilkes rc#; trigger#be pos#IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#There 's path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->as->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Anna Banti Roberto Longhi ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, duly path#appos|->appos->wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#) by trigger#wife pos#, NN IN DT JJ NN NN lex#wife illustrious art historian UNLABELED Ms. Rudolph Irvington path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident rc#for about lex#resident ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Julie Gray Kathleen Tyau path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review pos#VBZ NN IN rc#. lex#reviews book UNLABELED Mr. Dole National Rifle Association trigger#write lex#written lc#weapons , pos#VBD VBN TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#earlier this ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Patricia S. Fleming AIDS pos#, DT JJ rc#policy director lc#And path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn lex#national lc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Richard T. Walsh Manhattan trigger#lawyer lc#'' said pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#real estate ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government-sponsored ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, CC , DT path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company rc#but privately lc#been the UNLABELED Navy State Environmental Conservation Department rc#, said path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-transfer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#transfer lc#from the pos#TO DT NEGATIVE Lake Anne Lake Prescott trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-sister->appos->|appos pos#POS JJR NN , rc#, insists lex#'s older sister REL$NA UNLABELED Bush tow rc#, lined trigger#take lc#, President ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#top female aides path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD PRP$ JJ NN NNS IN NEGATIVE Alibi Johannesburg lex#Trial told The path#appos|->appos->newspaper->nn->|nn trigger#newspaper rc#newspaper , ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#IN NNP VBD DT , DT lc#Backed UNLABELED Ann Fleming Brown Milwaukee path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and pos#IN , , CC IN : NNS , , IN trigger#daughter lex#sons trigger#son lc#daughters , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Warren R. Wilkinson Mesaba lex#spokesman trigger#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which NEGATIVE Linda Wong Edison trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Cleary Ireland trigger#come rc#, where ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Francisco Caballero Puerto Rico lex#native rc#, who trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said NEGATIVE John Weaver San Antonio lc#'' said pos#, DT trigger#strategist path#appos|->appos->strategist->nn->|nn rc#strategist who ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Carew Rose ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bring lc#Yet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj lex#words brought pos#, CC , IN PRP$ NNS , VBD rc#and his NEGATIVE George Armstrong Custer Battle of the Little Bighorn lex#held death path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#rank that ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#VBD IN PRP$ NN IN DT trigger#hold UNLABELED Marshall Nelson Delrina pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#'s lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Rockbridge Research Charlotte lc#principal of pos#, DT rc#, trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->firm->dep->|dep UNLABELED Robert Boose New Jersey School Boards Association trigger#director rc#, also lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Free Press San Francisco rc#newspaper published pos#, DT lc#by The path#appos|->appos->newspaper->nn->|nn trigger#newspaper ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Adjunct Professor of Law Mr. Kleinfeld trigger#leave path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->nsubj->|nsubj rc#left Government ner#MISC->PERSON NEGATIVE Kerr San Jose path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-take->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#, after rc#in the pos#VBD VBN IN trigger#take ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Henry Street Settlement Metropolitan Club lex#hold annual spring gala pos#MD VB PRP$ JJ NN NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#-- The ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#hold UNLABELED EDWARD L. DAILY Korean War pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#veteran path#appos|->appos->veteran->nn->|nn rc#veteran , UNLABELED Mr. Altman Federal path#appos|->appos->prosecutor->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#prosecutors , lc#and trigger#prosecutor UNLABELED Howard L. Simon American Civil Liberties Union lc#'' said pos#, WP VBD JJ NN IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Monmouth Oaks Belmont Park trigger#win lc#won the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#CC PRP$ JJS NN NN VBZ IN pos#, VBD DT IN rc#. lex#newest star colt wins rc#with his lex#won ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#Silverbulletday wins UNLABELED Adobe Adobe Systems Windows ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#VBD JJ JJ JJ NNS IN JJ NNS IN PRP$ NN NN NN , IN DT DT lex#reported better-than-expected fiscal third-quarter earnings strong sales desktop publishing software lc#Sales Bolster path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-report->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#and trigger#report UNLABELED Liberia Aissata lex#wife pos#IN PRP$ NN , ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#Living in trigger#live trigger#wife path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-live->prep->with->pobj->wife->appos->|appos rc#, whom UNLABELED HISASHI OWADA Japan pos#, ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->representative->poss->|poss rc#'s representative lc#, including trigger#representative UNLABELED G2 Systems Corporation Pacific Palisades lex#start-up company path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The rc#, trigger#company pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Grand Duke Miami trigger#be lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#for a pos#, DT JJ NN IN NNP , WP VBD IN , VBD IN lex#direct descendant II ruled REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Video Display Corp. First National Bank of Boston path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-reach->dobj->agreement->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, , NNP , VBZ VBN NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* trigger#agreement trigger#reach rc#and lex#Ga. reached agreement NEGATIVE David Frankel Oscar rc#this trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj lex#won REL$NA lc#directed by UNLABELED Seymour Melman Republic Engineered Steel rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->study->dobj->|dobj trigger#study pos#, DT NN CC NN IN , WP VBZ VBN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#engineer economist studied lc#" said UNLABELED Lukas Tabasco Cat pos#VBD DT CC IN IN lex#trained trigger#win rc#last lc#fact , trigger#bring rc#, who pos#VBD DT IN DT NN VBG IN , IN ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBD RP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. rc#, lex#won row starting trigger#train path#rcmod|->rcmod->train->dobj->|dobj lc#victories , lex#brought path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD lex#won lc#" UNLABELED Western Dreamer Michael Lachance lex#driven rc#, took trigger#drive pos#, VBN IN ner#MISC->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->drive->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED John M. Nelson Norton pos#, lex#chairman lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s chairman rc#, and path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss pos#, DT NN IN lc#statement , trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Henry Blackbirds trigger#score lex#scored points rc#( path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->dobj->point->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#point pos#VBD NNS IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#Rich NEGATIVE Rangers New York City lc#the only pos#, DT JJ NN CC , DT rc#native . path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#one-time captain trigger#native lc#former trigger#live lex#live ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn REL$NA pos#WP VBP IN NEGATIVE Joe Murphy Blues trigger#score trigger#goal rc#, who pos#CC DT VBD PRP$ NNS IN DT lex#scored goals ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->dobj->goal->prep->for->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Alex Kotlowitz The Wall Street Journal trigger#writer path#appos|->appos->writer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, received lc#soft . . . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lex#writer NEGATIVE Sam Delia rc#, the lex#chose pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#ago , trigger#choose path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-choose->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Dorritie Lyons & Nickel Manhattan-based rc#agency specializing ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#chairman of pos#, DT trigger#agency path#appos|->appos->agency->amod->|amod UNLABELED Pablo Pacania Air Force pos#, DT VBN lex#retired trigger#veteran path#appos|->appos->veteran->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#veteran , UNLABELED Bonnie Clayton Covington lex#native ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , DT NN IN rc#, Ky. UNLABELED Sakhalin Russia ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->belong->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, WDT VBZ TO lc#tip of trigger#belong lex#belongs UNLABELED Venezuelan-born Carlos lex#terrorist popularly lc#, the trigger#venezuelan-born pos#JJ RB VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON rc#or the UNLABELED Astroturf Lloyd Bentsen rc#once called pos#, IN DT JJ NNP trigger#call lex#skeptical Secretary path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->nsubj->|nsubj ner#MISC->PERSON lc#or the UNLABELED Jerry Jasinowski National Association of Manufacurers lex#president pos#, NN IN DT lc#side , rc#, argued path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Peter Ed Decter ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write lex#written lc#Directed by pos#CC : VBN IN rc#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#directed UNLABELED MCA Universal pos#, pos#VBD path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj path#poss|<-poss<-unit->nn->|nn rc#for rc#unit ; lex#bought trigger#mca lc#chairman of rc#'s parent lc#head of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#movie group trigger#group lc#Executives of rc#, are path#poss|<-poss<-group->nn->|nn lex#owns path#appos|->appos->company->poss->|poss lex#'s trigger#company pos#, WDT VBZ pos#POS trigger#unit ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj lc#at UNLABELED Dr. Ernest E. McMahon William Hill Health Center in Easton path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN , NN CC DT JJ NN IN , VBD IN NN JJ NNP IN DT lc#LEAD : trigger#die lex#author educator dean died cancer Thursday rc#, Md ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Oakland Todd Van Poppel ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#from lc#pick , pos#VBD DT NN trigger#choose path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-choose->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lex#chose right-hander UNLABELED Dr. J. Emilio Carrillo Mr. Doyle path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#praise lex#president accepted resignation praised pos#, NN IN DT , WP VBD DT NN , VBD rc#, saying UNLABELED Dr. E. Stanley Kardatzke Physician Corporation lex#chairman pos#, NN IN rc#, will lc#completed , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Alfredo Saenz Abad National Stock Market Commission trigger#provide path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-provide->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT JJ NN VBN IN DT NN , VBD DT lex#chairman installed Government provided lc#Thursday , rc#with preliminary ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Contini Katherina M. Osgood trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#, trigger#daughter path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->dobj->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#son pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , : JJ NNS , , IN , , CC , IN , : DT NN , lex#survived wife sons daughter UNLABELED Robert A. F. Thurman Indo-Tibetan pos#, NN IN trigger#professor ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#study lex#professor rc#studies at path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->study->amod->|amod UNLABELED Long Island Jewish Hospital Village of Lake Success ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#be rc#, yet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Lucas University of Chicago pos#, WP VBZ IN DT trigger#teach lex#teaches rc#, is path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#But UNLABELED Thomas K. Anderes State Department of Higher Education path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN NN CC NNS IN DT trigger#commissioner rc#. lex#deputy commissioner finance facilities ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Healy Doctorate of Humane Letters pos#, DT NN IN , VBD DT JJ trigger#receive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->dobj->|dobj lex#graduate received honorary rc#at the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Modern Abby Aldrich Rockefeller trigger#found lc#The ner#MISC->PERSON lex#founded pos#, WDT VBD VBN IN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, wife REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. McQuin Dieter Lockemann lc#director , ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj lex#succeeds trigger#succeed UNLABELED Arthur J. Freed Department of Public Works path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#, '' lex#chief operations county 's pos#, NN IN NNS IN DT NN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#said . trigger#chief NEGATIVE Exeter Lindsay pos#CC JJ NNS , VBG ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#businesses in rc#, trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj lex#nearby towns including REL$NA UNLABELED Stuart B. Goldberg Merrill Lynch rc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Atticus Nureyev ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT RB VBN NN IN rc#who was lex#royally bred son path#appos|->appos->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#son lc#He is UNLABELED Hartman Electrical Manufacturing Mansfield pos#NN IN rc#, lex#unit lc#'s trigger#unit ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-unit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Victor A. Kovner Penthouse trigger#lawyer rc#, said lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED World Series Carlton Fisk trigger#win pos#, WDT lc#the path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->nsubj->|nsubj rc#won for ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE General American Transportation Corporation Chicago pos#IN trigger#join path#dobj|<-dobj<-join->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, now ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lc#joined the UNLABELED Mr. Formigoni Italy lex#left pos#, WP RB VBD IN rc#, said trigger#leave ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED East Coast George E. Pataki rc#of path#nn|<-nn<-governor->appos->|appos trigger#governor lex#governor ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#was an pos#NN , UNLABELED Aerospace Industries Association Federal Aviation Administration lc#The trigger#send ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#a list pos#, IN NN , VBN TO DT path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Johnson Pam Jones path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-approach->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#incident , lex#approached home shot sheriff 's wife trigger#approach pos#VBD DT NN IN , DT , CC VBD DT NN POS NN , rc#, a UNLABELED Carrasquillo New York City Public Schools Athletic League lc#senior , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT JJ , JJ NN NN , MD VB PRP$ NN IN DT rc#. trigger#make lex#agile 6-foot-9-inch basketball star-in-waiting make debut UNLABELED Sara K. Dadourian Manhasset pos#, NN IN DT NN , VBD IN PRP$ NN IN lex#superintendent school died home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Roman Catholic Bergen County lc#the lex#church pos#NN IN rc#, it trigger#church REL$NA path#nn|<-nn<-church->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Steinberg Demoff ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#negotiate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-negotiate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#over pos#MD RB VB VBG IN lex#negotiating lc#But UNLABELED Cameron Dwayne Bryant ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#pass path#poss|<-poss<-pass->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#halftime after lex#'s 6-yard scoring pass pos#POS JJ VBG NN TO rc#with NEGATIVE Herbert Blomstedt San Francisco Symphony trigger#director path#rcmod|->rcmod->lead->dobj->|dobj rc#, will trigger#lead rc#, was lc#conductor lex#led pos#, WP IN VBD DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#music director pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Bush Mr. Noriega ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, IN NNP IN VBD trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj rc#on his lex#Director UNLABELED A.M. The Machine Pink Floyd Show lex#perform trigger#perform path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#MD VB PRP$ rc#on Thursday lc#to UNLABELED Dr. Jeffrey Weiner U.S. Healthcare rc#, a lc#" said lex#senior medical director pos#, JJ JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Assembly Daniel F. Chill trigger#lawyer lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, is path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos lex#'s lawyer dispute pos#POS NN IN DT NN , UNLABELED L. Keith Mullins Smith Barney rc#, essentially trigger#director lex#retail analyst rc#who specializes lc#'' said rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT trigger#analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->nn->|nn rc#. rc#, noting rc#analyst who lex#market analyst lex#analyst lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said rc#, which pos#, DT NN NN IN pos#, JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said rc#. '' UNLABELED Angolan Lobito rc#, the lc#left the path#amod|<-amod<-city->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#to the lex#port city trigger#port path#amod|<-amod<-port->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, trigger#city pos#NN NN IN ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#port UNLABELED Representative David L. Hobson Republican pos#, path#appos|<-appos<-member->appos->|appos rc#of trigger#member ner#PERSON->MISC lc#member , UNLABELED Washington Lithuanian Information Center ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#of the path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said trigger#office pos#NN IN DT lex#office UNLABELED Christophe Girod International Red Cross rc#official , trigger#official pos#, DT lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn UNLABELED Canadian Center for Architecture Mr. Rybczynski pos#IN , IN WDT rc#writes , trigger#write lc#create the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->write->nsubj->|nsubj NEGATIVE Cardinals LeShon Johnson lex#running back pos#VBG RB ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#rushing to trigger#run rc#. path#partmod|->partmod->run->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Don Ohlmeyer NBC West rc#and the lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Harkin KANSAS path#dep|<-dep<-%<-dep<-president->dep->%->dep->|dep lc#% reporting lex#-- -- -- -- pos#: : NN : : NN trigger#% ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#-- trigger#president NEGATIVE Morton Somers ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#son , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Mr. Biden Judge Souter pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lc#rights , trigger#ask rc#if he UNLABELED Mal MacDougall Jr. Ally path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, proposed lc#So ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#senior vice president management director trigger#president pos#, DT JJ NN NN CC NN NN IN UNLABELED CARMEN WOODBURY Westchester Homeowners Association pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, upset path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said UNLABELED Mr. Blackman Trenton lex#joined trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN rc#in NEGATIVE Kings Random House lc#'' For path#partmod|->partmod->publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#publish lex#Planets '' published pos#CC NNPS , '' VBN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Kniffen Ms. Fernekees ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ , trigger#have rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dep->|dep UNLABELED Mr. Pluymers Middle Eastern dishes path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj trigger#add rc#. lc#, encouraged ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#TO VB lex#add UNLABELED Ireland E. Heading pos#JJR VBD VBN RB IN NNP trigger#finish ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-finish->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#earlier finished Group rc#into today UNLABELED Ms. Messineo Tristan Israel trigger#go path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT NN , VBD NN TO PRP$ NN , VBG NN , lex#taxidermist home understanding nonfishing husband ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Prince Ms. Stritch lc#When trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#the present path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#incongruously maternal pos#VBZ DT RB JJ UNLABELED Mr. Shandling Tucson pos#VBD RP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#grow ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew UNLABELED One Penn Plaza Pennsylvania Station lex#55-floor office building ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, by pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->building->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#building lc#space at UNLABELED Clifford Case Republican rc#Senator , lex#state 's trigger#senator ner#PERSON->MISC lc#, and path#appos|->appos->senator->amod->|amod pos#, DT NN POS JJ NEGATIVE P.M. Music Room lex#perform trigger#perform pos#, PRP MD VB IN DT ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-perform->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#with a REL$NA lc#at UNLABELED Eduard A. Shevardnadze Washington trigger#come lc#But when pos#, DT NNP NNP , VBD IN path#poss|<-poss<-visit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#visit pos#IN DT VBD lex#Foreign Minister lex#arrived path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj rc#last month rc#for meetings rc#for talks lc#LEAD : rc#. trigger#arrive lex#Foreign Minister arrived rc#in April lex#'s recent visit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#visited ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN pos#, DT NNP NNP , VBD TO lc#Foreign Minister rc#today for pos#POS JJ NN TO NEGATIVE Cole Porter Mozart lex#played path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj lc#sang pos#: CC VBD trigger#play rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED CIT Group Holdings Inc. New York-based ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod rc#financial services trigger#company lc#Debt * UNLABELED Mets Mexico lc#of the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#play path#poss|<-poss<-visit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#visit trigger#play pos#VBP IN rc#. rc#on Friday lex#visit pos#POS NN TO lc#When the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Storage Equities Inc. Salomon Brothers Inc lex#filed proposed public offering shares preferred stock lc#Preferred * ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#file pos#VBD IN DT IN DT VBN JJ NN IN NNS IN VBN NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->through->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ms. Bennett Union Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD TO trigger#take lc#Instead , ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#on Saturday NEGATIVE New England Vikings ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#victory path#dobj|<-dobj<-lead->prep->to->pobj->victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj lex#26-23 overtime victory lc#quarterback led pos#TO DT JJ NN NN IN DT rc#. trigger#lead REL$NA NEGATIVE Dow Museum of Fine Arts pos#, , DT NN IN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#curator REL$NA lc#students included rc#in lex#curator art UNLABELED Fritz Mayer Boxwood Realty lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#owner pos#, DT NN IN rc#in UNLABELED Dramatic Academy Manhattan trigger#school rc#that had path#appos|->appos->school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#small private performing arts school lc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ JJ VBG NNS NN IN UNLABELED Technical Data of Boston Thomson Financial ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#, said path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#division lc#research at trigger#division pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Garciaparra A.L. pos#VBZ DT trigger#lead lex#leads rc#with a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Houghton Tokyo rc#; lc#son , trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN NEGATIVE Joyner Beloved lc#Will trigger#review ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBZ NN rc#, based REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj lex#reviews movie UNLABELED Mr. Rauh Joseph L. Rauh Jr. path#appos|->appos->nephew->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#nephew late trigger#nephew lc#has painted rc#, a UNLABELED Paul Herman Icanbuy lc#'' said rc#. lex#co-founder trigger#co-founder ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->co-founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Ms. Franklin Bronx rc#for path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ VBN RB JJ JJ NN NNS IN DT lc#'' said trigger#teach lex#taught mentally retarded high school students ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Peralta Dominican trigger#leader rc#band leader pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#who records path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Rene Saguisag Aquino lc#, Senator ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT trigger#supporter path#appos|->appos->supporter->nn->|nn rc#supporter , REL$NA NEGATIVE Wheaton Sandon Stolle trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD DT NN , lex#beat qualifier rc#, REL$NA NEGATIVE Rhodes Reeves pos#VB IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-think->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#think lc#what does rc#? '' REL$NA UNLABELED Wilbur Richard Knorr Palo Alto Nursing Center pos#, DT NN IN WP VBD DT NN IN NNS IN NN , VBD IN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#professor studied birth mathematics antiquity died trigger#die ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Jim Seacord Live Oak Engine Company pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Istanbul Democrasi lc#But the lex#daily path#dep|<-dep<-daily<-amod<-|amod pos#JJ ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#, which trigger#daily NEGATIVE European Liberia rc#called for lc#, trigger#ambassador lex#ambassadors path#amod|<-amod<-ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS TO REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Blue Jays Cleveland Indians trigger#win rc#won their ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->nsubj->|nsubj lex#The pos#DT REL$NA UNLABELED Dave Frail Nynex lex#spokesman pos#, NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Norman Miriam Brown path#appos|<-appos<-brother->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#sisters lc#brother , pos#, CC NNS , rc#and trigger#brother UNLABELED Siemens A.G. Europe pos#, trigger#group ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#'s largest path#appos|->appos->group->poss->|poss UNLABELED Allan Kozinn Judith Sainte Croix pos#VBZ NN IN JJ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#at trigger#review lex#reviews recital composer-pianist UNLABELED Nunes Woodcock rc#was wiped ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#pass lc#pass from path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-pass->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO NEGATIVE Thomas Hoboken lc#son , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Michael Mudd Kraft Foods lc#" said trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#executive rc#, a UNLABELED Mrs. Buell Lulu path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#that trigger#take rc#and her UNLABELED Dr. Judith Lang Texas Memorial Museum path#appos|->appos->ecologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#ecologist rc#at the ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" says lex#reef ecologist pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Sendek Kentucky lex#assistant trigger#assistant rc#, will lc#, pos#, DT JJ NN TO IN path#appos|->appos->assistant->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Marblehead Celia Tricca trigger#sister lc#, of rc#of ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#son path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->dep->sister->appos->|appos pos#, DT IN : NNS , , IN , , CC , IN : DT NN , lex#brothers sister UNLABELED Chie Sakuma Brown lc#said defenseman ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#graduate trigger#graduate path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in management pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Elling Village Gate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appear->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#on Sunday ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#MD VB IN DT trigger#appear UNLABELED American Haitians path#amod|<-amod<-policy->prep->toward->pobj->|pobj lc#to explain pos#NN IN lex#policy ner#MISC->MISC rc#rescued at trigger#policy UNLABELED Thomas Berger Lombard Odier International Portfolio Management trigger#director pos#, VBG NN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#managing director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Maxwell Sixers pos#VBD DT trigger#bring lex#brought path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#back after UNLABELED KEITH JACKSON A.S.A. Hall of Fame pos#, DT NNS NN , VBD VBN IN DT rc#. lex#sports broadcaster inducted path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-induct->prep->into->pobj->|pobj trigger#induct ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Cafe Laguna Long Beach lc#who opened ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#( lex#months ago path#dobj|<-dobj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#open pos#NNS RB IN IN UNLABELED Egon Zehnder International Inc. Swiss lc#partner at ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#firm with pos#, DT rc#executive search path#appos|->appos->firm->amod->|amod lc#partner with trigger#firm UNLABELED Joseph T. Hamlisch Naval Sea Cadet Corps trigger#commander pos#IN , NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->commander->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#commander ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in NEGATIVE David Goldberg New York City trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Democrats William A. O'Neill lc#praised by pos#, VBG NNP rc#. lex#including Gov. ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Trotwood Productions New Regency pos#CC NNP NNP IN NN IN trigger#produce lex#Baumgarten/Prophet Entertainment association rc#and trigger#association path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->prep->in->pobj->association->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#Produced by NEGATIVE Sergei Nemchinov New York Rangers pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->center->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#center trigger#center lc#every time ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#, registers UNLABELED JAY FRYE Fort Wayne Fury ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lc#would replace path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner lex#owner C.B.A. 's pos#, NN IN DT NNP POS UNLABELED Original Pine Tree Restaurant New Rochelle lc#of the path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, I trigger#open lex#recently opened ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, WDT RB VBD IN UNLABELED Julie Fuoti Listerine trigger#manager pos#, NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#product manager rc#at the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Woolworth Building Mr. Dryfoos rc#has his lc#of the pos#, WRB ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#building UNLABELED Jeff Feldman Connecticut pos#, DT JJ lc#memory of path#appos|->appos->star->nn->|nn trigger#star rc#star who ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#young UNLABELED Dr. Allen Levine Cancer Care Inc. trigger#director lex#assistant director social services rc#, an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN JJ NNS IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Symington Terry Goddard rc#, a trigger#defeat path#poss|<-poss<-opponent<-nsubj<-|nsubj pos#POS NN IN DT NN IN NN VBZ lex#'s opponent runoff governor ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#businessman defeated trigger#opponent lc#Tuesday , pos#, DT NN , VBD UNLABELED Felice Hidalgo Garcia Mr. Garcia pos#, trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s lc#, " path#appos|->appos->sister->poss->|poss UNLABELED Dr. Walter Gilbert Nobel trigger#laureate rc#laureate in lc#critic is path#appos|->appos->laureate->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#laureate and ner#PERSON->MISC rc#laureate at lc#made by lc#' UNLABELED Macintoshes Windows pos#MD RB VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#run rc#, so lex#run lc#'s NEGATIVE Lenny Harris John Hudek lc#acquire utilityman ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-acquire->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#acquire pos#IN IN NN lex#reliever REL$NA UNLABELED Mediterranean Frontignan la Peyrade path#nn|<-nn<-resort->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#of the lex#resort pos#NN IN rc#for the ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#resort UNLABELED Mr. Cooper O.K. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-address->dobj->|dobj rc#, absolutely lex#addressed aspirants pos#VBD DT NNS : `` ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#address NEGATIVE Polish Baghdad lc#, a trigger#diplomat lc#contact with trigger#official rc#, who lex#diplomat pos#NN IN path#amod|<-amod<-official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#officials path#amod|<-amod<-diplomat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#was allowed pos#NNS IN REL$NA NEGATIVE Nina Warsaw trigger#survive lex#son daughter pos#, DT NN , : DT NN , , DT IN lc#wife , trigger#daughter trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#; and UNLABELED Mrs. Aquino Eduardo Cojuangco Jr. ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#has been path#poss|<-poss<-cousin->appos->|appos trigger#cousin pos#POS VBN NN , lex#'s estranged cousin rc#, a NEGATIVE Karl Ulrich Sloan trigger#professor ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#professor and pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Dante 's Restaurant Inc. Pennsylvania pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN lex#modest three-city chain trigger#chain lc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->chain->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, counts NEGATIVE James H. Stock University of California lc#are what trigger#professor rc#at lex#economics professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED African Madagascar lex#island nation rc#. pos#NN NN IN trigger#nation path#amod|<-amod<-nation->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#on the UNLABELED Inventiva Inc. San Antonio rc#, said lc#president of trigger#agency trigger#base lex#leading advertising agency based pos#, DT VBG NN NN VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->agency->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Woytuk Endless Column path#poss|<-poss<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NNS IN POS '' trigger#version lex#'s versions 's '' lc#These are ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Neurex California pos#, DT rc#biotechnology developer lc#to buy trigger#developer path#appos|->appos->developer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Smith Houston Rockets lc#Ask pos#, DT rc#' rebounding trigger#specialist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#appos|->appos->specialist->poss->|poss UNLABELED G.M. Corvettes rc#crossed the trigger#sale lex#'s total sales path#poss|<-poss<-sale->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#POS JJ NNS IN NEGATIVE Sally Johnstone Mountain Creek pos#, lc#'' said rc#spokeswoman . trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn REL$NA UNLABELED Tate & Furst Inc. Texas pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn rc#buyout firm lc#, trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Hector Cantu Hispanic Business trigger#editor pos#, VBG NN IN lex#managing editor ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which lc#" said UNLABELED John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prof Jon-Christian Suggs trigger#letter path#nn|<-nn<-letter->nn->|nn rc#letter contends ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON UNLABELED GEORGI MIRSKY Princeton Princeton trigger#professor ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#The writer professor visiting professor pos#, , DT NN , DT NN IN DT IN , VBZ DT VBG NN IN rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Pruden Unification Church pos#VBZ RB DT NN IN DT trigger#member lex#member rc#and describes ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Manhattan Ridgewood rc#in a lc#driving from ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#drive lc#, of path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-drive->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#CC , IN trigger#son pos#TO path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Martin Turchin Edward S. Gordon rc#, a pos#, lex#vice chairman ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss rc#'s vice pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said pos#, NN NN IN NEGATIVE Reynaldo Villalobos James Newton Howard ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#music lc#photography , lex#edited music pos#: VBN IN : NN IN rc#; production path#appos|<-appos<-director->dep->music->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED M.C. MARIALISA CALTA Calais pos#VBZ IN rc#, Vt. trigger#live ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#lives UNLABELED Cupid Metropolitan Museum of Art rc#, but trigger#send pos#'' VBZ RB VBN VBN TO DT path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#'' UNLABELED Devils Lose The Knicks Miami trigger#lose pos#VBD TO lex#lost path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Main Streets Hartford rc#until pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-building->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#and trigger#building UNLABELED Bricktop Restaurant Bronx lc#of the rc#, described path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-owner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN IN NNP NNP IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#owner lex#227th Street UNLABELED Charles F Phillips Bates College rc#for lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Knicks Kiel Center lc#in the trigger#loss pos#POS JJ NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-loss->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#83-80 loss UNLABELED Joseph Gonzales New Jersey Business and Industry Association rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Administration AIDS lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#with the rc#testing policies path#poss|<-poss<-program->nn->|nn lex#'s lc#of his pos#POS rc#programs , rc#policies , path#poss|<-poss<-policy->nn->|nn REL$NA trigger#program trigger#policy UNLABELED FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT Stolen Portraits Directed Maurice Fellous ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#IN CC -LRB- IN , IN NNS -RRB- : NN IN NN , lex#subtitles director photography path#dep|->dep->director->appos->|appos rc#; edited trigger#director UNLABELED Board of Education City Council trigger#member lex#president widow ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#member , path#appos|->appos->member->nn->|nn pos#NN CC DT NN IN DT , DT lc#a former UNLABELED Mr. Primakov Sergei V. Kiriyenko lex#'s predecessor ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-predecessor->appos->|appos rc#, pursued trigger#predecessor lc#charges that UNLABELED Barneys New York Henry Beguelin lex#natural-color straws leather bands trigger#have rc#( ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBZ JJ NNS IN NN NNS IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Judy Gueron Manpower Development Research Corporation lex#president pos#, NN IN DT lc#token , path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED William Henry Reynolds Elmira path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Estyle Inc Cindy Crawford path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#to board lex#company sells baby goods clothing adds model pos#, JJ NN WDT VBZ NN NNS CC NN IN , VBZ NN trigger#add UNLABELED Both Sides of 42d Street The Tussauds Juliet Simpkins pos#NN , rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman path#nn|<-nn<-spokeswoman->appos->|appos UNLABELED PETER A. BENOLIEL Conshohocken Quaker Chemical Corporation path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NNP , DT NN VBZ DT JJ NN IN rc#. lex#Pa. The writer retired chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED House International Relations Committee White House rc#to move lc#of the path#rcmod|->rcmod->urge->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ VBN DT lex#urged ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#urge UNLABELED Bob Bockrath Lou Campanelli pos#VBD NNS IN TO NN lex#weeks ago coach trigger#do ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. lc#'s path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Billy Tidwell Urban League trigger#director ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, NN IN NN IN DT rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director research lc#" said UNLABELED Peter Loquercio Westchester Swimming Conference lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president UNLABELED Louis Armstrong Standard Theater path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appear->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBD IN DT lex#appeared rc#across the trigger#appear lc#when NEGATIVE Norton Zinder Rockefeller University lc#" said trigger#professor rc#, who path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and head REL$NA lex#professor molecular genetics pos#, NN IN JJ NNS IN NEGATIVE Minnesota Leech Lake trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#VBZ DT rc#. REL$NA UNLABELED Gideon Weil St. Louis lc#'' said lex#freshman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->freshman->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#freshman rc#. '' UNLABELED Joseph Weintraub Thinking Software Inc. lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#written by trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE American Lolita path#amod|<-amod<-life->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN `` lc#evocations of lex#life trigger#life rc#. " REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Advantage International Allen path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD rc#to a ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#added trigger#add UNLABELED Jim Yark Toledo lc#'' said pos#, DT NN IN JJ trigger#dealer path#appos|->appos->dealer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#dealer nearby rc#, as ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Scorsese India rc#to begin lc#March , trigger#go path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, CC NNS VBD TO NEGATIVE Mattingly Yankee Stadium trigger#be lex#play rc#today , trigger#play path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#last weekend pos#MD RB VB IN PRP IN rc#to announce pos#, WP MD VB VBG PRP$ JJ NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#MD VB IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#playing final game UNLABELED Boorstin Encyclopedists path#rcmod|->rcmod->share->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#shares ner#PERSON->MISC rc#of the pos#, WP VBZ RB JJ IN DT trigger#share NEGATIVE Steve Larmer Madison Square Garden trigger#see lc#to see path#dobj|<-dobj<-see->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN PRP$ VBG NN JJ IN rc#. lex#dressing room path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#earth seasons began habit ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#begin pos#, IN RB IN NN CC NNS IN DT , VBD DT JJ NN JJ IN UNLABELED Andrew G. Vajna Hollywood Pictures path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. pos#CC : VBN IN trigger#produce lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release NEGATIVE Ron Harper Stockton ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD VBG lex#guarding path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-guard->dobj->|dobj lc#Although REL$NA rc#this time trigger#guard UNLABELED Palisades Gallery Hudson River Museum lc#of the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-curator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#curator pos#IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Rachou Toulouse lex#native rc#, overcame trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Red Red Wine UB40 rc#made into lex#reggae group path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->nsubj->|nsubj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#make lc#number " REL$NA pos#, '' WDT DT NN NN UNLABELED Tektronix Inc. Portland lc#manager at pos#, DT rc#, path#appos|->appos->company->dep->|dep trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Hala Maksoud Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee rc#, says lex#president pos#, NN IN pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lc#Letter by rc#, responding trigger#president UNLABELED AIRWAVES All-Star Game ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#start rc#by eliminating lex#If baseball provide service television viewers start path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#IN NN VBZ TO VB DT NN IN PRP$ NN NNS , PRP MD VB IN DT UNLABELED Broder Mr. Kirkland pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#quoted trigger#quote lc#My brother rc#-- originally path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-quote->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Constance S. Freid Westchester County Office of Economic Development trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT rc#. lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Smith Harvard Medical School lex#professor medicine trigger#professor pos#, WP VBD RB DT NN IN NN IN rc#, helped ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Bucknell Franklin Field trigger#defeat lex#yesterday pos#, , NN IN lc#defeated path#dobj|<-dobj<-defeat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Andrea de Cholnoky Spencer Stuart rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, NN IN DT JJ NNS CC JJ NN NN IN lex#head global securities wholesale banking practice trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Pacifico West Village lc#of the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#gallery path#nn|<-nn<-gallery->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN DT trigger#gallery REL$NA rc#, paid UNLABELED Edward Martino I.B.M. trigger#executive pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn rc#executive involved ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Ages Jane rc#just does lc#( ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-want->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#want pos#TO -RRB- REL$NA NEGATIVE WFMU East Orange lex#station trigger#station lc#director of pos#, DT NN NN NN IN rc#, lex#college radio station path#appos|->appos->station->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lc#show on UNLABELED Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden Philip Johnson trigger#design lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#designed pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->design->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, extends UNLABELED Joan Helen Baim ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-mother->appos->|appos trigger#mother pos#POS NN , rc#. lex#'s mother lc#" says UNLABELED BLOOM NEIGHBORHOOD NEW YORK lex#REPORT lc#KINGSON ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#UP CLOSE pos#NNP : trigger#report path#nn|<-nn<-report->dep->|dep UNLABELED Antley South Carolina pos#, DT JJ NN NN , VBD PRP$ JJ lex#high school dropout left native trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj rc#as a ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Shi Furman University in Greenville lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Fred Astman First Wilshire Securities Management of Los Angeles lex#chief investment officer pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lc#" said NEGATIVE Daniel Myrick New York path#appos|->appos->actor->nn->|nn trigger#actor pos#, VBN JJ rc#actors to lc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#trained unknown UNLABELED Jewish Hudson View lex#families path#amod|<-amod<-family->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#of no ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#family pos#NNS IN NEGATIVE Esther Metuchen path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#daughter , trigger#daughter rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN NEGATIVE Bordeaux Tour lc#sprint in lex#welcomed rc#nearly every trigger#start ner#LOCATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA pos#, WDT VBZ VBN DT UNLABELED CODY CARLSON WARREN MOON ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP MD VB rc#as the trigger#replace path#rcmod|->rcmod->replace->dobj->|dobj lex#replace NEGATIVE Dallas Galaxy lc#) , rc#in last pos#VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sweep->dobj->|dobj lex#swept ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#sweep REL$NA UNLABELED Ingalls Moranville Advertising Davis Elen Advertising path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#director at lex#subsidiary rc#, to ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, was lex#unit lc#, to pos#, , DT NN IN lc#are : trigger#unit rc#, for pos#, DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jason Perline Van Wagner Communications Inc. lc#" said lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ DT NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman rc#, a UNLABELED Westfield Arnold Fassler pos#, , CC , IN : DT NN , lc#, of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#of trigger#son lex#brother trigger#brother path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->dep->brother->appos->|appos POSITIVE Thurgood Marshall Baltimore path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born REL$/people/person/place_of_birth rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Listeners Mr. Crumb path#rcmod|->rcmod->know->dobj->|dobj rc#from the ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#listener pos#WP VBP UNLABELED Korchnoi Nice trigger#do rc#and as lc#, as lex#game path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN DT NN IN PRP IN NEGATIVE Ronald Reagan Beijing lex#'s visit path#poss|<-poss<-visit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#visit rc#, pos#POS NN TO lc#time of ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Paul Vieyra Sonoma path#poss|<-poss<-house->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN trigger#house pos#POS NN NN IN rc#, lex#'s house lc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#'s dream house UNLABELED Scotland Robert F Kennedy Stadium pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#play lc#will play path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Livent in Bankruptcy Livent Broadway pos#, DT trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn rc#theater company UNLABELED Texas Open San Antonio path#nn|<-nn<-tournament->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#win pos#IN lc#won the lc#lead of pos#NN NN IN rc#yesterday when trigger#tournament ner#MISC->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#golf tournament rc#after NEGATIVE Nokia Pizza Hut lc#with pos#, DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->unit->nn->|nn trigger#unit rc#unit of REL$NA UNLABELED PBS News Hour With pos#NN '' rc# ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#with the lex#program '' path#nn|<-nn<-program->dep->|dep trigger#program UNLABELED Mr. Cousteau Francine Triplet rc#, whom lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#son , trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , NEGATIVE Bob McKay Chicago path#appos|->appos->artist->nn->|nn rc#comic-book artist pos#, DT trigger#artist ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#up as UNLABELED Eric Desjardins Damphousse trigger#score ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#in the pos#VBD IN DT NN , lex#scored period path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED John Geraghty CS First Boston lc#' said pos#, DT trigger#analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->nn->|nn rc#analyst . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Lazard Brothers Guinness pos#, path#appos|->appos->adviser->poss->|poss trigger#adviser ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#'s main lc#up by UNLABELED Brian Jacks Crown Atlantic rc#, a lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Angela Crawford Newark path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said UNLABELED Americans Solheim Cup pos#VBD VBN IN DT trigger#take ner#MISC->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#that the rc#in UNLABELED supersonic Concorde New York rc#, died trigger#bring lc#bring the pos#TO path#dobj|<-dobj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Dusk Broadway trigger#come pos#VBD TO rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Ayalti Palestine pos#VBD IN TO lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-emigrate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, where trigger#emigrate ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#emigrated NEGATIVE Fritz Hugo path#appos|<-appos<-brother->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, CC PRP$ NNS , lc#brother , rc#and trigger#brother lex#parents REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Jan Beyea Audubon Society trigger#scientist lc#'' said lex#senior staff scientist path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' NEGATIVE Paul M. Ong University of California pos#, DT NN IN JJ NN IN DT trigger#professor lex#professor urban planning rc#at lc#published by path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Schwammberger Argentina path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-flee->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#fled pos#VBD TO lc#, trigger#flee rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Hilary Bailey British lc#book by pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#novelist path#appos|->appos->novelist->amod->|amod rc#novelist , REL$NA NEGATIVE Paraguay Juan Carlos Wasmosy rc#, said lex#'s President path#poss|<-poss<-president->appos->|appos pos#POS NNP , ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#, " REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. David Pilbeam Harvard University lex#paleontologist rc#. path#appos|->appos->paleontologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#paleontologist lc#, says ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Andy Woodcock Bradley pos#, NN IN NN IN path#appos|->appos->meteorologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#meteorologist charge rc#. trigger#meteorologist ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said NEGATIVE De Beers Endiama lex#assisted ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#in the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-assist->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ VBN trigger#assist REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Philip Rosenthal University of California lc#'' said trigger#professor rc#at lex#professor pediatrics surgery pos#, DT NN IN NNS CC NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED non-Communist Yugoslavia pos#JJ NN IN rc#in more lc#the lex#regional government trigger#government ner#MISC->LOCATION path#amod|<-amod<-government->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Sands Point Howard Gould rc#, son pos#VBN IN trigger#build ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#built path#partmod|->partmod->build->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#estate in REL$NA UNLABELED Herbert Eisenberg Community Planning Board trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#district manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#in UNLABELED David Fairbrother Arden pos#, trigger#manager ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss rc#'s general lc#, said UNLABELED Allan V. Rose Yonkers path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#principal based trigger#base rc#, originally ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, NN IN , VBN IN UNLABELED Bruce McInnes Sarah Lawrence College lc#, when trigger#conduct pos#VBZ CC DT IN DT RB NN IN IN lex#conducts o'clock concert path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-conduct->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Coffin Hood River path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ken Frazier University of Wisconsin lc#'' said rc#and chairman lex#director general library system pos#, NN IN DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Hilaria Yvette Garcia trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#son daughters path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lc#wife , trigger#daughter pos#: DT NN , : NNS , trigger#son trigger#wife rc#and UNLABELED Dr. Michiyuki Uenohara NEC Corporation lc#" said pos#, NN NN TO DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#adviser lex#senior adviser rc#, lex#executive adviser ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN TO DT UNLABELED Peter M Nichols Stepmom rc#, Down pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Dolphins Dallas trigger#victory rc#at lc#-- the pos#POS JJ NN IN DT NN NN NNS IN IN path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->against->pobj->|pobj lex#last-second victory ice storm weeks ago ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED La Jolla Katherine F. Nisbet lex#daughters ner#PERSON->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->appos->|appos lc#, of rc#of trigger#son pos#, : CC NNS , UNLABELED Ms. Wertmuller Miramax Films path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-write<-partmod<-directed->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#write rc#. pos#, , , CC , VBN IN DT NN `` '' -LRB- PRP , VB POS NNP PRP VBP PRP '' -RRB- IN -LRB- IN IN NNS -RRB- : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : VBN IN , CC CC : VBN IN lex#based book Me Let 's Hope Make It subtitles director photography edited produced released trigger#directed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release lc#written by NEGATIVE DC Talk Christian ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#rock band path#appos|->appos->band->nn->|nn trigger#band lc#skills : REL$NA NEGATIVE Randolph Nottoway path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#died trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Sheehan Customs lc#, '' pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED N.B.A. Pistons Charles Barkley trigger#lose ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#Lose Another pos#VBP DT rc#and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED G.M. Lordstown pos#NNS NN IN pos#POS JJ NN NN IN lex#parts factory ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#poss|<-poss<-complex->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#replacement of lc#workers at path#nn|<-nn<-plant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#at a rc#, trigger#factory lex#parts plant path#poss|<-poss<-factory->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nn|<-nn<-factory->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#plant lex#'s huge assembly complex trigger#complex pos#POS JJ NNS IN lex#'s small-car factories UNLABELED Department of Human Services Office of Minority Health lc#The trigger#have ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ DT rc#, which UNLABELED U.S.-supported El Salvador rc#was committing path#amod|<-amod<-regime->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN trigger#regime lex#regime lc#that the ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE William Lee Scott Laura Dern ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, trigger#directed pos#, , , , rc#Directed by path#appos|->appos->directed->nn->|nn REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Togi Japan rc#for high pos#VBD TO lex#returned ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return UNLABELED California Fidelity Capital ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-subsidiary->appos->|appos lex#subsidiary rc#, and lc#both its trigger#subsidiary pos#NN , UNLABELED Shannon Taylor Post trigger#win path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#won prizes spot-news feature photographs The rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#CC VBD NNS IN NNS CC NN NNS , RB , IN DT UNLABELED Leland Moss AIDS pos#, DT NN NN VBN IN '' DT , '' VBD IN lex#theater director '' The '' died trigger#die path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#on Wednesday UNLABELED Mark E. Holmen Dolyestown lc#son , trigger#son lex#brother rc#, Pa. path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN , , CC DT NN , , IN NEGATIVE Picasso Andre Breton pos#, RB IN IN TO VB DT NN IN DT NN , VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#argues , rc#'s and lex#counteract move beau accepted trigger#accept path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accept->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Ayatollah God ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#said the rc#for enabling path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-thank->dobj->|dobj pos#`` VBD trigger#thank lex#thanked UNLABELED Audrey Karen Ross-Serotte trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos rc#; a lc#wife , trigger#daughter trigger#son lex#sons daughter trigger#wife pos#: NNS , CC : DT NN , NEGATIVE Gregory Stone WSB-TV trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, had lex#general manager lc#report that pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Stepashin Mr. Yeltsin trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT JJ NN , WDT MD VB rc#the constitutional lc#may reject lex#presidential loyalist give path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->iobj->|iobj UNLABELED San Diego Irwin Jacobs lex#engineering professors trigger#professor path#nn|<-nn<-professor->appos->|appos lc#, ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#NN NNS , rc#and UNLABELED Robert B. McKinley Cardtrak path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#publisher pos#, NN IN lc#comes from ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#publisher rc#, a UNLABELED Rolston Holik path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD DT NN IN trigger#take lex#pass rc#on the UNLABELED Flintstones Flagstones path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-call->dobj->|dobj rc#and that trigger#call lex#called pos#VBD RB VBN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#that the UNLABELED Mr. Wahlberg Kids trigger#leader lc#'' said pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->leader->poss->|poss rc#' leader UNLABELED Somerset County LeRoy Gunzelman lex#'s emergency management director pos#POS NN NN NN , lc#, '' rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-director->appos->|appos trigger#director NEGATIVE Richard Williamson Bucs path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss pos#, DT rc#' beleaguered rc#' coach ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#coach lc#" said NEGATIVE Renny Harlin Arts path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lc#produced by rc#through trigger#produce lex#released trigger#release REL$NA pos#: VBN IN UNLABELED Salvatore A. DeSantis County Department of Parks trigger#commissioner pos#, NNP IN DT rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#Commissioner path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED No Progess Here Whatsoever Mr. Hollingworth rc#reported , pos#'' `` PRP VBP JJ PRP VBP VBN DT NN RB RB , '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-report->nsubj->|nsubj ner#MISC->PERSON lex#'m afraid 've made progress whatsoever trigger#report lc#' UNLABELED Gen. Wiranto Java lex#army commander powerful person today visited eastern trigger#visit pos#, DT NN NN CC RB DT RBS JJ NN IN NN , VBD JJ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#on Sunday UNLABELED Brian Mulligan Universal rc#, likes pos#, JJ NN NN IN POS lex#executive vice president 's path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#So ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Yugoslavia Fiat ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, WRB trigger#yugoslavia path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->nsubj->|nsubj lc#, in REL$NA rc#has an UNLABELED Sheri Edwin Jr. trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#wife , lex#sons trigger#son pos#: NNS , rc#and trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->appos->|appos UNLABELED Walt Poddubny Ysebaert rc#into lc#combination between lex#made pass ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#make path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#CC , WP VBD DT NN TO UNLABELED Douglas D. Danforth Westinghouse Electric Corporation lex#chairman lc#'' said rc#who serves ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Archambeau Stanford rc#graduate with pos#, DT trigger#graduate ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->graduate->nn->|nn UNLABELED Richard Pettibone Curt Marcus Gallery lc#paintings by ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, IN UNLABELED Mr. Jennings Jersey City path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#. lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Boston New England Conservatory lc#lives in trigger#teach ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#since pos#, WRB PRP VBZ VBN IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#taught UNLABELED Shinnecock Bay Atlantic lc#which connects path#dobj|<-dobj<-connect->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, has trigger#connect pos#TO DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Martin Chomsky Monmouth County Mosquito Extermination Commission lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT lex#superintendent trigger#superintendent path#appos|->appos->superintendent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' NEGATIVE Boston Miami Heat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-game->prep->against->pobj->|pobj rc#, in ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#outcome of rc#. lex#'s Sunday home game trigger#game trigger#acquire pos#VBD JJ NN NN IN DT pos#POS NNP NN NN IN DT lex#acquired 6-foot-1-inch point guard REL$NA UNLABELED Relocation Report Runzheimer International lc#The path#partmod|->partmod->publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#) pos#, VBN IN trigger#publish lex#published NEGATIVE White & Case Wall Street lc#partner at ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn rc#law firm trigger#firm REL$NA UNLABELED Andy Goodman Russell rc#by pos#IN VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#lead lex#led lc#were : path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Sam Croatian-Americans pos#POS , POS JJ NN , RB VBN IN ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#sam lex#'s 's great rival owned path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#me to rc#. '' UNLABELED Peter Mantle Delphi pos#, path#appos|->appos->owner->poss->|poss trigger#owner rc#'s owner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Gandhi Congress Party of India trigger#send pos#TO VBD NN TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#A17 lex#word ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#that she UNLABELED Bowl Championship Series Tennessee pos#VBD VBN JJ lex#matched top-ranked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-match->dobj->|dobj trigger#match rc#against second-ranked lc#that the ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Victor Crawford Johns Hopkins Hospital pos#, DT JJ NN NN WP VBD DT NN IN NN IN PRP$ NN NN VBD VBN , VBD IN IN lex#tobacco lobbyist crusader smoking throat cancer diagnosed died path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die rc#here . ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED World Bank Lewis T. Preston lex#president lex#'s president lc#" the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#The new path#poss|<-poss<-president->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , path#nn|<-nn<-president->appos->|appos rc#, also rc#, told trigger#president pos#NN , UNLABELED Susan Olmos P.T.A. path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#president for trigger#president UNLABELED Orlando Hernandez Grand Concourse path#appos|<-appos<-suspect->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#suspect , ner#PERSON->MISC rc#in the pos#, , IN trigger#suspect UNLABELED David Gurry North American Biologicals Inc. lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#according to path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Ada Gentile Italian pos#, DT trigger#composer ner#PERSON->MISC lc#) by rc#composer . path#appos|->appos->composer->amod->|amod NEGATIVE Stephen Holden Cafe Society trigger#review pos#VBZ NN rc#, written ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj lex#reviews movie UNLABELED Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Buildings Museum pos#MD VB PRP$ JJ NN NN IN DT lc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#hold annual fall gala rc#here . ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#hold UNLABELED Mr. Morris West Side pos#, DT lc#to direct rc#'s prodigal path#appos|->appos->son->poss->|poss trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED David W. Weschler Legal Aid Society trigger#lawyer lc#'' said rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Boston University Robert Dougherty trigger#lose ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#to injury REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT NN , VBD NN lex#champion lost quarterback UNLABELED Dick Duchossois Arlington lex#president lex#chairman pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, '' lc#until rc#, sent lc#referring to ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#chairman trigger#president path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Elizabeth A. Grenfell Arlington path#appos|->appos->accountant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, Va lex#certified public accountant I.R.S. auditor trigger#accountant ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#assistance by pos#, DT JJ JJ NN CC JJ NNP NN IN POSITIVE Roland Huntford Nansen ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#POS NN IN lc#In trigger#biography lex#'s biography rc#, path#poss|<-poss<-biography->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$/book/author/works_written UNLABELED Dish Doctor Italy rc#by lc#The lex#made trigger#make path#partmod|->partmod->make->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Snow Chief Preakness pos#VBD DT trigger#win ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#, rc#and then lex#won path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. Federal trigger#judge pos#, DT VBN ner#PERSON->MISC lc#said Judge lex#retired rc#appeals court rc#judge , rc#judge from lc#headed by rc#appellate court path#appos|->appos->judge->nn->|nn lc#written by lc#" said UNLABELED Michel Zanoli Belgian Tulip lc#a Winner path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->team->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC rc#team won trigger#team pos#IN DT UNLABELED Barbara Belford Columbia Graduate School of Journalism trigger#professor pos#, , NN IN rc#. lc#-- path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor UNLABELED W. Bowman Cutter National Economic Council lc#" exulted rc#and the lex#deputy director pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Daniel Pickering Select Food and Agriculture lex#manager current manager picked rc#from trigger#pick path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pick->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN CC JJ NN IN , VBD RP UNLABELED Superintendent Joseph Donovan Suffolk County Council of Superintendents lex#president rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ RB NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president UNLABELED Martha Shortlidge Cornell Extension Center pos#, NN NN IN NN NNS IN DT trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#program leader home economics ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED The Oklahoman Oklahoma trigger#assistant ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN TO VB VBZ DT NN , , DT JJ lc#According to lex#top candidate replace coach path#appos|->appos->assistant->nn->|nn rc#assistant . UNLABELED Ms. Steele Joyce Loman pos#RB VBD IN NN CC RB VBD NNS IN NN CC NN NNS , VBG TO PRP$ NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#worked radio voice-overs radio television commercials sister trigger#work rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Chiodo St. Vincent 's Hospital lex#listed condition path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-list->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#list pos#, IN , VBD VBN IN JJ NN JJ IN rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ronald Grele Columbia University 's Oral History Research Office pos#, NN IN lc#quotes rc#, where lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Jeffrey Koep Las Vegas pos#, DT NN IN DT NNS NN , WP VBD TO lc#'' said path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#koep ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in lex#dean arts college UNLABELED Thomas W. Wilbur District of Columbia Building Industry Association lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, agreed path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Robert Haley Charleston path#appos|->appos->prosecutor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#prosecutor lex#prosecutor REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Kuhn Town Council rc#for lex#stepped position predecessor tapped fill vacant seat served trigger#serve pos#, WP VBD IN DT NN IN , PRP$ NN , VBD VBN TO VB DT JJ NN IN DT , VBD RB VBN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->on->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Mark Jacobs Westpac pos#, rc#'s director path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Raelians Switzerland path#appos|->appos->group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#: The rc#, believe lex#religious group trigger#group pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Anna Kisselgoff Bahia Ballet lex#reviews performance trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->performance->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#performance pos#VBZ NN IN rc#from ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mitch Cole Redcliff trigger#manager pos#, NN IN DT rc#administrative office ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#office lex#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn UNLABELED Chase Lincoln First Bank N.A. Chase Manhattan Corp. path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* lex#unit pos#, , DT NN IN DT trigger#unit UNLABELED Douglas D. Couser Orange County path#appos|->appos->farmer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, died pos#, DT JJ NN CC JJ NN CC NN NN IN lex#retired farmer town county official ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#farmer UNLABELED Tanya Rees Surry Arts Council pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#director lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, started NEGATIVE Charles Carlson Hammond trigger#newsletter rc#, Ind. lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, NN NN IN , DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->newsletter->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#commentary editor newsletter UNLABELED Newseum Manhattn path#poss|<-poss<-branch->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#branch at lc#to the lex#'s pos#POS trigger#branch UNLABELED Dr. Richard Steadman United States Ski Team trigger#physician pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->physician->nn->|nn rc#physician and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Hideki Irabu Orioles trigger#pitch path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pitch->prep->against->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN DT lex#pitched rc#on Friday ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Hurricanes Hartford path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#moved lc#The rc#before last pos#VBD RB IN trigger#move ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Reagan Federal Government rc#and the trigger#pay lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#paid back taxes interest ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD JJR IN IN JJ NNS CC NN TO DT UNLABELED Leonora Wiener Children 's Services rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT rc#spokeswoman , lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Vivian Ayres-Allen Adept rc#. trigger#founder lex#founder director pos#, NN CC NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Jeff Kuhlman G.M. lex#spokesman rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Linda Bloodworth-Thomason Atlanta lex#'' Designing Women '' making trigger#make lc#team of path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#CC , WP$ '' NNP NNP '' VBZ VBN VBG UNLABELED Alan Chokov Chokov Realtors lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#of path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#Consider how ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Dingell Ron Wyden ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join lex#joined Representative pos#, VBN IN NNP rc#, path#partmod|->partmod->join->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Readers Internet pos#WP RB VBP DT trigger#reader ner#MISC->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->use->dobj->|dobj rc#, for UNLABELED Jody Denton Mansion rc#at pos#VBD TO IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#go UNLABELED Coke Dr Pepper lex#makes pos#, CC , WDT VBZ lc#, behind ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#make path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj rc#and UNLABELED Grady Avant Detroit lex#junior rc#majoring in trigger#junior path#appos|->appos->junior->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Handel Harpsichord Suite ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-no.->nn->|nn trigger#no. lc#" from lex#'s pos#POS rc#No. UNLABELED Louis Noto New Rochelle lex#attends all-male pos#, , WP VBZ DT JJ IN rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#attend path#rcmod|->rcmod->attend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Regency Security Capital ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc# trigger#sell lc#agreement , pos#, VBN IN , , MD VB lex#based sell path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Eero Saarinen Yale pos#VBN IN trigger#design lc#the lex#designed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#in path#partmod|->partmod->design->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Evgueni Lvov Russian-American Broadcasting Company pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#, a path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president NEGATIVE Apache Pass Willcox pos#, NNS JJ IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#amod|->amod->east->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#east rc#. lex#miles east lc#is at REL$NA NEGATIVE Terry Ellis Imago Records rc#, keeps lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA trigger#president NEGATIVE Stolle Alex O'Brien pos#, lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner rc#'s regular path#appos|->appos->partner->poss->|poss REL$NA UNLABELED Joseph M. Biden Senate Judiciary Committee lex#chairman lc#by Senator rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , NN IN DT UNLABELED John Hock Westchester Joint Waterworks trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#general manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which pos#, JJ NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Thomas R. Lake Hudson River Almanac trigger#editor pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#-- said rc#, a UNLABELED Department of Justice White House path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#The trigger#play rc#, officials lex#plays secondary role pos#VBZ DT JJ NN TO DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Brygidier Nassau Community College pos#, WP VBD IN NNP NNP IN , VBD lex#graduated High School attended path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attend->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, focusing trigger#attend NEGATIVE Beavertown Portland ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#vineyards at trigger#suburb lex#rural suburb path#appos|->appos->suburb->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN REL$NA rc#where he UNLABELED Marilyn Kessler Belair Travel-Carlson Travel Network trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN lex#manager ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Mary Rockwell Cathy Eisold ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos rc#of lc#the former lex#sons 3d Miss. daughter trigger#daughter pos#: NNS , NNP , IN , , IN , , , IN , , CC , IN , NNP : DT NN , UNLABELED Reza Derakhshani Uris Auditorium lex#plays tar sehtar varieties lute perform folk music pos#, DT NN IN DT NN CC DT NN , NNS IN NN , MD VB NN NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ NN CC NN , NNS IN NN , MD VB NN NN IN DT trigger#perform ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#LEAD : rc#of the lex#performer tar sehtar varieties lute perform folk music UNLABELED Maleta Manila trigger#district ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#the seedy rc#, near pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-district->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#district UNLABELED Richard Golub Roy Liebenthal rc#, the trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Dr. William Bithoney Children 's Hospital path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN JJ NNS IN lex#associate chief general pediatrics ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, JJ NN IN JJ NNS IN trigger#chief rc#in lc#" said NEGATIVE Lothar Osiander Western Conference rc#and the pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#coach lc#" said UNLABELED Susan Robinson Center for Adult Learning lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT rc#at the lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Lynden O. Pindling Bahamian trigger#minister pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC rc#Prime Minister lc#image of path#appos|->appos->minister->nn->|nn UNLABELED Queens Museum Flushing Meadows-Corona Park lc#in the trigger#be pos#, IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, where path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Fleet Financial Group Kingston ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WDT VBZ DT NN NN TO NN NN NN NNS , TO VB RB NNS TO lc#to allow lex#state contract process income tax returns move jobs trigger#move REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED Frank H. Grantino New York trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Derrick Coleman Syracuse lc#friendship with pos#, DT JJ pos#VBD rc#scoring record rc#star and lc#from breaking path#poss|<-poss<-record->nn->|nn trigger#lead path#appos|->appos->star->nn->|nn trigger#star lex#'s lex#led pos#POS path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with trigger#record ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Glauber Washington lex#joined growing debate rc#among lawmakers trigger#join pos#RB VBD DT VBG NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Lawrence DeVine Detroit Free Press lc#jurors , trigger#critic rc#, and path#appos|->appos->critic->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#theater critic The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Baz Lebanese rc#man charged pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#immigrant who lc#trial of path#appos|->appos->immigrant->amod->|amod path#appos|->appos->man->amod->|amod trigger#immigrant trigger#man NEGATIVE Edward Johnson Lynch ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#analyst rc#, lex#analyst lc#, said pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Environmental Inventories The Administration Global Environment Facility pos#MD VB TO DT lex#contribute ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-contribute->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#contribute rc#, a NEGATIVE University of Wales Imperial College London path#rcmod|->rcmod->lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#lose lc#to the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#in the lex#lost REL$NA pos#, WDT VBD TO UNLABELED Zarubevel Rutgers trigger#professor rc#, who lex#sociology professor lc#said Professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Bach Morgan Gentry trigger#own pos#VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->|dobj lex#owns ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#'s in UNLABELED Ronald A. Smith Independent Insurance Agents of America pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, warned path#appos|->appos->president-elect->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president-elect lex#president-elect NEGATIVE Max Patkin Paoli pos#, WP VBD JJR JJ NNS IN DT NN IN CC VBD VBN IN IN JJR NNS IN IN PDT DT NN IN NN IN DT , VBD NNP IN DT NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->hospital->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, Pa trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#made consecutive appearances diamond thrown games half century slapstick died Saturday hospital trigger#hospital NEGATIVE Ken Brown New York rc#artist whose path#appos|->appos->artist->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#artist ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Jack Hayon Times Company path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lc#'' said rc#vice president pos#, DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Mrs. Schoenborn Art Institute of Chicago rc#and the pos#RB VBD RB JJR NNS TO DT trigger#leave ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#left considerably smaller gifts UNLABELED Dr. C. Everett Koop Reagan Administration trigger#serve pos#, WP VBD IN DT rc#, have lc#like ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#served UNLABELED Zia Russ Ekeblad pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Ill. ; rc#of lex#beat UNLABELED Mihailovich CBS Sports lex#producer trigger#producer rc#. path#appos|->appos->producer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB DT NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Reid Walker Nasdaq pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#one-sixteenths , rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Robert Winthrop Upper Brookville pos#, DT NN NN , NN , NN , NN CC NN IN JJ NNS , VBD NNP IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#investment banker philanthropist sportsman conservationist man died Saturday home UNLABELED Marwick British lc#broad backdrop pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#historian path#appos|->appos->historian->amod->|amod rc#cultural historian UNLABELED Sterling Construction Bart Frisbie lex#'s president ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-president->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lc#savings let rc#, keep trigger#president UNLABELED Adonis Ernie Paragallo lc#Next came trigger#adonis ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, finished rc#, who pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ VBN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#owned NEGATIVE Bob Pursell Communication Workers of America lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Taher Indian pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#immigrant who path#appos|->appos->immigrant->amod->|amod trigger#immigrant lc#" said UNLABELED Noriega Army pos#VBD IN IN DT rc#and the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#receive lc#that General lex#received ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Ellington Charles Mingus ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#made lc#album that trigger#make pos#VBD IN IN rc#and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->with->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Eisenhower Camp David lc#: President path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#CC VB IN trigger#meet lex#meet rc#, Md ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED DONNA SHALALA Frances Perkins rc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB lex#play trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#" UNLABELED Chinese Shen Guofang lc#, a lex#spokesman pos#NN , rc#, said path#amod|<-amod<-spokesman->appos->|appos rc#, cautioned ner#MISC->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman lc#'' the UNLABELED Mrs. Harrington Roby path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->son->appos->|appos trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, trigger#son pos#VBZ VBN IN NNS , lex#survived sons UNLABELED Saks Holdings Inc. Proffitt lex#-- store 's owner -- bought lc#ago , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-buy->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#: DT NN POS NN : VBD VBN IN rc#'s , trigger#buy UNLABELED Democrat House Education and Labor Subcommittee lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#WP VBZ NN IN DT rc#on Labor-Management lc#a ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Mr. Amman Charles Jourdan ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#executive pos#, WP VBZ RB VBN JJ NN IN lex#previously chief executive path#rcmod|->rcmod->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Abbey Flanders Road trigger#be rc#off Route lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Leonard Jeffries Jr. City College lc#by trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->study->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#black studies pos#, DT rc#, who lex#professor studies pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn trigger#study ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, including UNLABELED Americorps New Canaan lc#programs like path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#CC JJ JJ NN NNS IN , VBN IN lex#private national service organizations based trigger#base rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Spano Federal pos#VBZ RB VBN VBN IN DT trigger#jury path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-indict->prep->by->pobj->jury->nn->|nn rc#grand jury ner#PERSON->MISC lex#indicted trigger#indict UNLABELED Mr. Netanayhu Yonatan lc#them , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-brother->appos->|appos pos#POS JJR NN , trigger#brother lex#'s older brother rc#, a NEGATIVE Hamas Abu Nidal lc#are trigger#organization ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->organization->nn->|nn pos#, DT , , DT REL$NA rc#organization and UNLABELED William Pape New York State School Boards Association pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Davis London Philharmonic Orchestra path#appos|->appos->conductor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, performed ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#conductor lc#about when lex#associate conductor pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Lukens James D. Woods ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ rc#as president path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj lex#succeeds trigger#succeed UNLABELED John Kearney Israeloff lex#senior tax partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner rc#, pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Alpana Bawa Grand Street lc#'' said pos#, WP RB VBD DT NN IN ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#open lex#opened boutique rc#and stages path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Emilio J. Cardenas Argentine trigger#envoy rc#envoy who pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->envoy->amod->|amod lc#, said UNLABELED Brooklyn Bridge Adams Street lc#Take the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#take pos#TO rc#, which UNLABELED Congressional Republicans United States rc#and the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj pos#VBP VBN DT lex#urged trigger#urge ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Dr Stephen Gulotta St Francis Hospital pos#, NN IN trigger#cardiologist path#appos|->appos->cardiologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#comments ; lex#cardiologist ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE Steve Lappas Thomas pos#, rc#'s coach ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#said trigger#coach REL$NA path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss UNLABELED Sara K Dzikiewicz Jennifer Egan trigger#letter rc#'s ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#letter pos#NN IN trigger#article path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss UNLABELED Michael Faust Money Market Services lc#'' said lex#currency analyst trigger#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Scudder Funds Scudder path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#and the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, lex#unit trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Washington Taipei ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#official since lex#broke diplomatic relations pos#VBD JJ NNS IN lc#, when rc#more than rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-break->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD RP JJ NNS IN REL$NA trigger#break POSITIVE Pacific Enterprises Southern California Gas lex#parent company ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION REL$/organization/parent/child rc#; the trigger#company path#appos|->appos->company->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#partners : NEGATIVE Wimbledon Graf trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj lex#final lc#of their pos#JJ , VBD ner#MISC->PERSON rc#on the REL$NA UNLABELED EUROPE RUSSIA Central Election Commission lc#) ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#announced the trigger#announce pos#: JJ NNS VBD DT lex#CENTRIST GAINS CONFIRMED The path#dep|->dep->announce->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Thomas O. McGurn Woodcliff Lake lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Alush Gashi Ibrahim Rugova rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#adviser lc#come , lex#senior adviser pos#, DT JJ NN TO UNLABELED TERRY ALLEN KEVIN FAULK ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#back , rc#. lex#star share backfield duties rookie path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-share->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB DT NN , MD VB NN NNS IN DT NN trigger#share UNLABELED Sherwin-Williams Co. Darworth Co. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, , DT NN CC NNS NN , VBD DT NN IN VBG NNS IN lc#* rc#, trigger#acquire lex#paint chemicals company acquired brand finishing products NEGATIVE CALIFORNIA ANGELS Cleveland Gary trigger#term ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#dep|->dep->agree->prep->to->pobj->term->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#-- Agreed terms rc#, outfielder trigger#agree lc# REL$NA pos#: VBN TO NNS IN UNLABELED Waterworld Kevin Costner Kevin Reynolds trigger#pg-13 ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#PG-13 pos#, , , NNP IN path#prep|->prep->by->pobj->pg-13->nn->|nn lex#Directed UNLABELED Dr. David Mechanic Rutgers University trigger#director rc#, raises pos#, NN IN DT IN lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Elnore Mahmoud Ramadan trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Dr. Deborah Marin Mount Sinai Medical School rc#in lc#" said lex#director geriatric psychiatric pos#, NN IN JJ JJ IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Gant Salvatore A. Venezia ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#NN NN , rc#, and lc#suspended a path#nn|<-nn<-president->appos->|appos lex#vice president trigger#president UNLABELED Washington Christian Democratic rc#and Socialist lex#actively promoted 's pos#RB VBD POS lc#, ner#LOCATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-promote->dobj->|dobj trigger#promote UNLABELED Roger C Davis Secret Service rc#not to trigger#letter lex#letter article urges path#nn|<-nn<-letter<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#urge pos#NN IN NN VBZ UNLABELED John Mariani Premiere Restaurant lex#author '' The Seasons History 's rc#'' ( path#dep|->dep->history->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN '' DT NNPS : DT NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#history NEGATIVE Roberto Kelly Ryan ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#head pos#POS , NN IN DT NN POS NN IN DT NNS , lc#, rc#'s head REL$NA path#appos|->appos->head->poss->|poss lex#'s sail left-fielder 's head seats UNLABELED Mr. Bennison Mr. Salomon pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#hire path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hire->dobj->|dobj lex#hired rc#as his NEGATIVE Boston Tiger Stadium trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#beat ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD IN REL$NA lc#run as NEGATIVE Evander Holyfield Washington rc#to promote lex#holding court lc#heavyweight champion path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBG NN , IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#hold UNLABELED Kitchen Spanish Michael A. Friend trigger#be ner#MISC->PERSON lc#is '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, '' IN rc#and lex#'' NEGATIVE Joint Chiefs of Staff Bronx lc#of the path#rcmod|->rcmod->grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, and pos#, WP VBD RP IN DT trigger#grow lex#grew REL$NA UNLABELED Holland Cotter Romuald Hazoume path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review pos#VBZ NNS CC NNS IN NN rc#, at lex#reviews paintings sculptures artist NEGATIVE Janet Reno England pos#, WP VBZ IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#reno rc#attending a ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#Attorney General NEGATIVE Waldorf-Astoria BellSouth ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->officer->poss->|poss rc#'s chief pos#, , lc#at the trigger#officer REL$NA UNLABELED A.M. Beacon Theater path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#be pos#JJ NNP , VBD RB IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#Saturday backstage lc#At rc#, congratulating POSITIVE Paul McCartney London rc#home and trigger#home path#poss|<-poss<-home->nn->|nn lc#walls of lex#'s pos#POS ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$/music/artist/origin UNLABELED Simon & Schuster Mr. Ellis path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#biggest favor trigger#do ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#MD VB VBN IN rc#. NEGATIVE Broadway Broad Street path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#be rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lc#at pos#, IN UNLABELED Bira Rabushka Northern Westchester Center lc#P.M. when pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#for the lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Trujillo Richard D. McCormick path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#job pos#, , VBD RP DT NN IN trigger#take rc#, NEGATIVE Jeff Gordon New Hampshire International Speedway trigger#win path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#it is lex#won today rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani Michael P. Jacobson ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-name->dobj->|dobj rc#as the trigger#name pos#NN VBD lex#yesterday named lc#days , UNLABELED Bell JANE SEYMOUR trigger#select pos#, RBR CC RBR UH , , DT NN IN NN IN NN , VBD RB VB DT NN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#as an lex#More Less No editor chief magazine select actress lc#Rings a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-select->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Gold Coast Wilton trigger#town lc#the neighboring lex#towns path#nn|<-nn<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#NNS IN UNLABELED Devereux Institute Red Hook trigger#school lex#residential school lc#to the path#appos|->appos->school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED LaNoue Davenport Good Samaritan Hospital pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NN IN JJ NN CC NN NNS CC DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NN CC DT , VBD IN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die lex#pioneering figure revival early music period instruments leader acclaimed ensemble died ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Kravchuk Ukrainian Supreme Soviet rc#and the lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#moved pos#VBD IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#parliaments , rc#, where trigger#move path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->into->pobj->|pobj trigger#chairman pos#, JJ , WP VBZ NN IN DT UNLABELED Danny J. Bakewell Sr. Brotherhood Crusade Black United Fund rc#, a lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED John Bulloch Canadian Federation of Independent Business lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Chenal Valley Country Club Rose Law Firm ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#partner trigger#partner lc#at the path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#RB IN , DT NN IN DT rc#, where UNLABELED Ruben Sierra Cone pos#VBD trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave rc#a quick NEGATIVE Steve McQueen English pos#, path#appos|->appos->artist->nn->|nn trigger#artist rc#artist , ner#PERSON->MISC lc#installations by REL$NA UNLABELED Harold Messing Cedar Sinai Medical Center path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#lawyer specializing entertainment industry died Friday trigger#die pos#, DT NN VBG IN DT NN NN , VBD IN NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Rucinsky Canadiens pos#, DT lc#to deny rc#' leading trigger#scorer path#appos|->appos->scorer->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Wayne Dowdy Mr. Lott ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->against->pobj->|pobj lc#former Representative rc# trigger#run lex#ran NEGATIVE GTE BBN Technologies trigger#own pos#VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, lex#owns lc#is that REL$NA UNLABELED Sandy Duncan Peter ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->take->dobj->|dobj lc#performances of rc#into deeper pos#CC , WP VBD trigger#duncan UNLABELED Kuwait Abdelrahman al-Awadi trigger#minister lc#, while path#poss|<-poss<-minister->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, was pos#POS NNP IN , lex#'s Minister UNLABELED Ms. McTeer Mary Jo Walker ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s character path#poss|<-poss<-character->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , trigger#character rc#, belongs UNLABELED Mr. Rennie Mr. Walsh trigger#collaborate ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD IN DT JJ NN IN IN , VBZ VBN IN rc#in developing lex#worked sous chef collaborated path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-collaborate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Macon Mr. Karem pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#'s lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss UNLABELED Braves Ryan Klesko trigger#talk path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-talk->prep->about->pobj->|pobj lc#: the trigger#have ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#-- the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#talked slugger pos#VBP VBN TO IN DT NN pos#VBP UNLABELED Michael A. Walker Nynex trigger#official pos#, DT rc#official who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn lc#" said UNLABELED James B. Rather Federal pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->prosecutor->nn->|nn rc#prosecutor , ner#PERSON->MISC lc#ago trigger#prosecutor NEGATIVE Esa Tikkanen New York Rangers lex#'s return path#poss|<-poss<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN TO rc#; photo lc#column discusses ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#return UNLABELED Mr. Gambino Gambino Medical pos#, WP VBZ IN DT JJ NN NN IN DT NNP NNP POS JJ NNP NNP , VBZ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC lex#lives converted 19th-century mansion East 60 's Fifth Avenue president rc#and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president UNLABELED Bulger William Bulger pos#, lc#) ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s brother trigger#brother path#appos|->appos->brother->poss->|poss UNLABELED Gerard T. Tateossian United States trigger#manager lc#'' said lex#manager airline 's trigger#office rc#office . pos#, NN IN DT NN POS ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Jean Cocteau French rc#artist and pos#, DT trigger#artist trigger#author ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->artist->amod->|amod rc#author and lc#drawings of path#appos|->appos->author->amod->|amod REL$NA NEGATIVE Hoosiers National Collegiate Athletic Association path#rcmod|->rcmod->lose->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#final . rc#title yesterday trigger#win lc#The pos#VBD PRP$ trigger#lose ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#lost pos#, WP VBD TO IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->title->nn->|nn lex#won REL$NA lc#for the trigger#title NEGATIVE Navy Sea Cliff lc#The trigger#build lex#built look-alikes path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-build->dobj->|dobj rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA pos#VBD NNS , UNLABELED Sanders Goes Home ATLANTA Piedmont Hospital trigger#leave rc#today and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj pos#, -LRB- NNP -RRB- : NNP IN DT VBD lex#AP -- Outfielder left ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Andrew D. Lipman MFS pos#, trigger#president lex#vice president legal regulatory affairs path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss pos#, NN NN IN JJ CC JJ NNS IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#'s senior lc#" said NEGATIVE Gleason Joyce Randolph ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#have lex#eye pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN lc#, but REL$NA rc#, whom UNLABELED Nader Sultan Kuwait Petroleum rc#, said lex#deputy chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#statement , trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Dr. Karadzic Serbia lex#President pos#CC , DT NNP IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, that ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president lc#by both NEGATIVE Yankee Stadium East Rutherford lc#Putting pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-put->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#would ruin trigger#put REL$NA UNLABELED University of Chicago B.A. trigger#receive lc#and the rc#from lex#received pos#, VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Dineen Islanders lex#played pos#, , JJ VBD IN DT trigger#play path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Medvedeva Babel ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-break->dobj->|dobj pos#, VBG PRP$ JJ VBP CC JJ NN NNS , VBD rc#in the lex#booming serve gentle drop shots broke trigger#break UNLABELED Summer Olympics Sanders pos#IN , , trigger#win rc#won more lc#the ner#MISC->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-win->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Kennedy Mrs. Clinton lex#joined ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#( trigger#join pos#, WP VBD VBN rc#, path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Michael Titley Sherrod pos#, path#appos|->appos->friend->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s friend trigger#friend lc#" said UNLABELED Anna Kisselgoff American Ballet Theater of Sleeping Beauty lex#reviews performance rc#at trigger#review trigger#performance pos#VBZ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->performance->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Richard P. Poirier Lazard lex#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, who trigger#partner pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#role of UNLABELED Aleksandr Balashov viola rc#, lives trigger#play lex#plays path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Islanders Muzzati pos#VBD rc#into more lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#turned trigger#turn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Dr. William H. Kinard LDEF rc#scientist at trigger#scientist path#appos|->appos->scientist->nn->|nn pos#, DT NN lex#chief ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Procordia Swedish Government-controlled lc#pharmaceuticals with trigger#concern pos#, DT rc#concern , ner#LOCATION->MISC path#appos|->appos->concern->amod->|amod UNLABELED Surviving Maxine Lundgren lex#wife path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-wife->appos->|appos rc#; a ner#MISC->PERSON pos#VBP PRP$ NN IN JJR IN , DT JJ trigger#wife UNLABELED Gen. Richard Capps Guard trigger#commander lex#deputy commander rc#, said path#appos|->appos->commander->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Albert Wojnilower Clipper Group pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ JJ NN IN DT trigger#adviser pos#, JJ JJ NN TO DT path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#economist pos#, DT JJ JJ NN TO DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#senior economic adviser trigger#economist path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED African National Congress Mayor Kretzmer ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#to be lc#said the pos#VBD VBN lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj trigger#ask UNLABELED Hughes General Motors Corp pos#, trigger#parent lc#rival ; lc#executive of lex#'s parent pos#POS NN , rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-parent->appos->|appos path#appos|->appos->unit->nn->|nn trigger#unit ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#unit , UNLABELED Ramsey R. Walker Walker & Company lc#" said lex#president lex#president publisher path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN CC NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Paul R. Ferretti Dillon lc#that as lc#" said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN trigger#analyst path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#analyst ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#senior vice president trigger#president path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED EIS Inc. Manhattan pos#, DT lc#forces with trigger#company rc#energy consulting ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Jack Anderson Playhouse rc#; pos#VBZ NN IN NN IN lex#reviews performance dance troupe trigger#review rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#VBZ NN IN NN NN IN lex#reviews performance dancer UNLABELED Scales Laura E. Nathan Mills trigger#professor lex#sociology professor lc#Shifting path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#and a UNLABELED Ken Hoffman Prudential Securities lex#steel analyst rc#, said trigger#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Paul Taubman University of Pennsylvania pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#of Warning rc#, cautions path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#economist UNLABELED Will Philips Christof von pos#, NN IN lc#marriage to ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#son rc#, produced lex#son UNLABELED Bulldogs L.S.U. pos#MD VB trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#beat lc#-- The rc#in UNLABELED Burrell Jr Theodore J Kaczynski pos#VBZ NN NN IN , IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#E trigger#set rc#, alleged lex#sets trial date path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Neusys Jonathan path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#POS NN , lc#with the rc#. trigger#son lex#son UNLABELED Anne Hastings Shreve Dr. John S. Minkowski ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#the former path#dep|->dep->son->appos->|appos lex#sons trigger#son pos#: NNS , UNLABELED Bogo-Indian Defense Nimzo-Indian ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, : NNP , VBZ TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invite->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#The lex#Bb4 invites trigger#invite rc#after NEGATIVE Wilt Chamberlain San Francisco Warriors trigger#score rc#against a lex#scored points path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->dobj->point->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#point ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#RB VBD NNS IN DT UNLABELED Marina Lima Brazilian rc#singer and pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#singer path#appos|->appos->singer->amod->|amod UNLABELED Geoffrey H. Lipman World Travel and Tourism Council lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#lost on rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Yasir Arafat Saudi Arabia lex#arrived trigger#arrive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN rc#today to NEGATIVE Theresa Rebeck Dome pos#POS NNP IN DT pos#POS '' NNP IN DT lc#opened with lex#'s View lex#'s '' View ner#PERSON->MISC rc#'' and rc#, '' rc#, followed path#poss|<-poss<-view->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#view lc#works as ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA POSITIVE Mehdi Bazargan Iran trigger#minister pos#, path#poss|<-poss<-minister->appos->|appos:INV lc#death of lc#when:INV rc#'s path#appos|->appos->minister->poss->|poss pos#POS JJ NNP NNP ,:INV REL$/people/person/nationality rc#, was:INV lex#'s revolutionary Prime Minister:INV ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Jack L. Lindsey American path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->of->pobj->art->amod->|amod pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->MISC rc#decorative arts lex#curator trigger#curator trigger#art NEGATIVE East Hampton Bubs ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#In present-day pos#PRP VBP VBN IN '' path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lex#'' REL$NA trigger#know rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Mulroney Liberal Party pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#Like rc#, lex#leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Casey William H. Webster pos#POS NN IN NN , rc#, reprimanded trigger#successor ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-successor->appos->|appos lc#later , lex#'s successor director UNLABELED Central Park West Art Deco pos#, DT JJ lc#or pos#, DT trigger#house path#appos|->appos->house->nn->|nn lex#famous rc#apartment house trigger#building ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#to rc#" Ghostbusters path#appos|->appos->building->nn->|nn UNLABELED Detroit Radner pos#, lc#in ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#appos|->appos->hometown->poss->|poss trigger#hometown rc#'s hometown NEGATIVE Walter Turnbull State University of New York pos#VBZ DT IN DT lc#o'clock when trigger#conduct path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-conduct->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#at Purchase ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lex#conducts UNLABELED North Bergen Vincent Ascolese pos#POS NN NN , lc#according to ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-coach->appos->|appos trigger#coach lex#'s head coach rc#. '' UNLABELED Islanders Rinx pos#VBP RB VBG DT lc#The pos#VBP RB VBN TO VB IN PRP$ JJ , IN DT lex#started skate trigger#start path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->dobj->|dobj rc#for practices lc#why the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#use rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Bowditch Milton Academy pos#, VBN IN , , VBD DT NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#born graduate trigger#graduate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and UNLABELED James Morrison Tony pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#father rc#'s father path#appos|->appos->father->poss->|poss UNLABELED Audrey Rapaport Rye trigger#manager lc#'' said trigger#office rc#office . lex#manager 's pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn UNLABELED San-J International San-Jirushi lex#division path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#made by trigger#division ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, a UNLABELED China Westerners lc#Today , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ rc#of spreading trigger#look lc#influences that lex#accuses rc#like a pos#MD VB TO ner#LOCATION->MISC trigger#accuse path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-look->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Celestine Sibley Atlanta pos#, path#appos|->appos->columnist->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#columnist trigger#author rc#author and rc#newspaper columnist ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA path#appos|->appos->author->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Old Navy Christmas Eve path#nn|<-nn<-store->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#of the pos#NN IN IN lex#store trigger#store rc#, she ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Pirate King Pirates lex#'' The trigger#play rc#of pos#IN '' DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->dobj->|dobj lc#play the UNLABELED Carter Mr. Johnson lc#Officer pos#, WP VBD NN DT IN NNP IN DT NN IN PRP$ NN , NNP , VBD VBN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recognize->dobj->|dobj trigger#recognize rc#on a lex#patrolling Sunday van partner Officer recognized UNLABELED Morton Owens Schapiro Economics Department lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#at the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Durham West Frankfort lex#native rc#, trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Noriega Brando trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->like->pobj->|pobj lc#, rc#up the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Tony & Tina New Age pos#, DT lc#, of ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#entrepreneur path#appos|->appos->entrepreneur->nn->|nn rc#cosmetic entrepreneurs UNLABELED Bowman Harry Ennevor pos#POS NN NN NN , lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-president->appos->|appos rc#. lex#'s executive vice president trigger#president UNLABELED ALAIN BRODIN ATR Marketing Chantilly lex#President pos#NNP , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, Va. path#nn|<-nn<-president->appos->|appos trigger#president UNLABELED Marion Preston Ted Botha trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s lex#letter pos#NN IN trigger#article path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss UNLABELED H. Holt Exxon rc#for trigger#executive lc#Philetus ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Harkin Mr. Dinkins pos#, NN NN , VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#if the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lc#Senator lex#subcommittee chairman asked trigger#ask UNLABELED Bobby Cox Wohlers lex#bat ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#send lc#When Manager path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD PRP RP TO NN IN rc#with UNLABELED Kaljurand Tallinn rc#, finished lex#junior trigger#junior path#appos|->appos->junior->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, , DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Bundesbank Franz-Christoph Zeitler lex#official path#nn|<-nn<-official->appos->|appos rc#, said trigger#official ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#while a pos#NN , UNLABELED Jeff Seely Netstock Direct Corporation lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED George A. Thompson Datapro lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, a NEGATIVE Buffalo Cornelius Bennett trigger#have rc#, who pos#VBZ RB NN IN NN : NN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#injury note linebacker REL$NA NEGATIVE James Joll London pos#, DT NN IN JJ WP VBD DT NN IN NNS CC DT NN IN NNS , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN lex#historian modern interwove history politics history ideas died Tuesday home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Coast Guard New York Harbor pos#VBD trigger#close lc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-close->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#the former trigger#base pos#NN IN lex#base lex#closed ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#over to REL$NA rc#to shipping path#nn|<-nn<-base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE American Booksellers Association Jacob K. Javits Convention Center lc#of the path#nn|<-nn<-convention->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#convention lex#begins today path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#the four-day ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, on pos#, WDT VBZ NN IN DT pos#VBZ IN DT lex#opens trigger#open path#rcmod|->rcmod->begin->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN DT trigger#convention trigger#begin REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Gergiev New York Philharmonic pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT IN , VBD VBG PRP$ lex#artistic director making path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->debut->nn->|nn trigger#make trigger#debut ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#debut , NEGATIVE Sinclair Lewis Nobel trigger#laureate rc#laureate in path#appos|->appos->laureate->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#confuse with ner#PERSON->MISC REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. McIntyre White House pos#CC NNS VBG NNS VBD IN NNP CC NNP NNP IN DT lex#candidates facing incumbents met President Vice President path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#for a trigger#meet ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#summer , UNLABELED Linda Chavez Dr. Thernstrom pos#, DT JJ NN WP VBZ NN IN DT NNP IN DT NNP : JJ NNP NNP : , ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#; lex#appointee director Center Community Labor Secretary rc#'s husband path#appos|->appos->husband->poss->|poss trigger#husband NEGATIVE Rodriguez Los Angeles pos#, , DT NN NN NN IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn lex#tax law firm lc#specialist at rc#, '' rc#law firm path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, , DT trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#of UNLABELED Morrie Eisenman Live Entertainment lc#produced by rc#. pos#CC : VBN IN trigger#produce trigger#directed lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce<-partmod<-directed->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr Joe Flaherty Peter D Kramer trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s lex#letter pos#NN IN trigger#article path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss UNLABELED Japan Defence Ministry ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT rc#spokesman said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn trigger#spokesman lc#dispute with UNLABELED Congress Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee pos#VBD DT trigger#create lc#respond , lex#created ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-create->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Adams Safir ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj rc#to stop lc#week , trigger#ask lex#asked Commissioner NEGATIVE Suzanne Pillsbury Andrew Hauptman ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#music production designer produced pos#: NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-dep<-director->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#produce lc#edited by REL$NA trigger#edit trigger#director UNLABELED Aaron Niv Tapud pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss lc#, replies rc#'s managing trigger#director UNLABELED Rosalind Joe rc#in a pos#IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#about playing NEGATIVE Joseph Paxton Harrison ner#PERSON->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-run->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#run lc#runs from pos#TO TO TO REL$NA rc#to UNLABELED United States Minaya lc#in the pos#WRB rc#first played trigger#play ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Martini 53d Street pos#POS , DT NN IN lex#'s restaurant path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#and trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#front of UNLABELED Japan Trade Ministry ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#turned trigger#turn pos#VBD TO PRP$ lc#seriously , rc#and named path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jennifer Rubell Albion Hotel rc#and the path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj trigger#rubell pos#, WP$ NN VBZ DT JJ ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#family owns chic NEGATIVE Williams Hospital pos#VBD IN TO DT rc#for Special lex#traveled path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#yesterday , ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#travel UNLABELED Michael Dolan Internal Revenue lc#the I.R.S. rc#, said trigger#commissioner pos#, DT NNP NNP IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#Deputy Commissioner UNLABELED Don Eklund Association of American Publishers pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#senior vice president trigger#president UNLABELED Congresswoman Manhattan lc#nationally known path#partmod|->partmod->represent->dobj->|dobj pos#VBG rc#, she ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#representing trigger#represent NEGATIVE Ron Perlman Revlon pos#, rc#'s chairman lc#, path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#chairman UNLABELED Mallory Factor Herbalife lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Tom Hobelman Mr. Starr lex#spokesman lc#And ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman rc#in NEGATIVE Hewlett-Packard Company PC pos#, DT JJ lc#of the path#appos|->appos->maker->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#maker , lex#major REL$NA trigger#maker UNLABELED Mr. LeBlanc Republicans path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj lex#praised ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#praise pos#VBD CC DT rc#and UNLABELED Thomas Lucania Community Board trigger#manager lc#" said path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#district manager rc#. rc#, path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Wesleyan New England Sacred Harp Singing Convention ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-host->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, with lc#weekend , lex#host annual pos#VBZ NN TO DT JJ trigger#host POSITIVE Mill Valley Marin County ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#part rc#, fill trigger#part path#rcmod|->rcmod->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$/location/hud_county_place/county pos#, WDT VBZ NN IN lc#schools in UNLABELED Ms. Hendricks Standchen path#poss|<-poss<-account->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#POS RB JJ NNS IN POS `` trigger#account lc#, and rc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#'s sweetly focused accounts 's UNLABELED Billy Fortin Scotts Corner pos#CC , JJ NNS IN IN , IN DT NN , , VBD lc#ago , lex#long-time employees partner bought trigger#buy ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj rc#, which UNLABELED Lyndon Byers Bruins pos#VBD DT pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->man->poss->|poss lex#put rc#' tough rc#in front trigger#put ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#man path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->dobj->|dobj lc#both against UNLABELED Mozambique Education and Culture trigger#minister ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NNP IN lc#as rc#, wo lex#'s Minister UNLABELED Condoleeza Rice Russia lc#; ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#expert rc#, and lex#council 's expert pos#, DT NN POS NN IN path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->on->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Chekhov Pushkin Prize pos#VBD DT trigger#win rc#, he lc#, when ner#PERSON->MISC lex#won path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Jon W. Davidson Mr. Curran pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#'s lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss lc#" said UNLABELED Patricia Brooks White Oak Bistro pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED New Rochelle L.I. trigger#school path#nn|<-nn<-school->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, before lc#places like lex#High School pos#NNP NNP CC IN , NEGATIVE Jeremy Adamson Renwick Gallery lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, JJ NN IN DT POS lex#senior curator 's path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#curator REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Mitchell Doug Golden path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , , CC POS NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#While trigger#father rc#, have lex#'s father 's grandfather UNLABELED Mike Hill GTE Suncoast Classic pos#, WP VBD RP POS NN JJ NNP IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#hold lex#held 's closing Sunday rc#. '' NEGATIVE Roger Staubach Dallas lc#And trigger#play lex#playing rc#, in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#MD RB VB VBG IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA POSITIVE Sylvain Cappell New York University lc#'' said trigger#professor REL$/business/person/company lex#mathematics professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Morocco Abdellatif al-Filali trigger#minister path#poss|<-poss<-minister->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#POS NNP NNP CC NNP NNP , lc#today sent lex#'s Prime Minister Foreign Minister rc#, for NEGATIVE ABC The View ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN NN lc#for new path#nn|<-nn<-program->dep->|dep lex#television program rc#, hosted REL$NA trigger#program UNLABELED Peter McGhee WGBH lex#vice president national production lc#turned to path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Lynn Karpen Chanel ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ rc#: Her lex#reviews trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Independent Film Channel Split Screen pos#NN '' lex#program '' rc#, '' path#nn|<-nn<-program->dep->|dep lc#presents the ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#program UNLABELED Westin La Paloma Tucson path#nn|<-nn<-hotel->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The lex#hotel pos#NN IN rc#, trigger#hotel ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Grace Swanson Tellabs lex#met path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#meet lc#More Hurdles ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED West Jericho Turnpike Pasta Tree ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#turnpike rc#had been path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, WRB DT lc#at UNLABELED Garrison Paul Heuston rc#has his trigger#garrison ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, , WRB UNLABELED Atheneum Macmillan Publishers path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, also lex#unit lc#August , trigger#unit ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED National Association of Home-Based Businesses Owings Mills path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN trigger#base lc#was the rc#, Md ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED DUSTIN Hoffman Graduate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#made debut ago '' The rc#'' and lc#WHEN trigger#make pos#VBD PRP$ NN RB IN IN '' DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Young Buick pos#VBD DT rc#and drove lex#bought lc#teens , ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj trigger#buy UNLABELED Solveig Pflueger Liza Jane pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->dobj->|dobj trigger#introduce rc#and lex#introduced UNLABELED CIT Group Holdings Inc. CS First Boston path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->through->pobj->|pobj pos#, , , VBZ VBG IN JJ NNS JJ IN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#sell rc#. lex#selling medium-term notes due lc#Debt UNLABELED Wergeles & Drazen New York pos#, DT JJ lex#small path#appos|->appos->agency->nn->|nn rc#agency that trigger#agency ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#handled by NEGATIVE Atlantic City De La Hoya pos#CC , , WRB trigger#build ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->build->nsubj->|nsubj rc#has built lc#place in REL$NA UNLABELED Jim McQueeny Democratic path#appos|->appos->consultant->amod->|amod path#appos|->appos->analyst->amod->|amod pos#, DT lc#according to rc#political analyst rc#consultant , trigger#analyst ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#consultant NEGATIVE Sumner Locke Elliott Manhattan lex#novelist playwright fiction drew formative native died yesterday home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home pos#, DT NN CC NN WP$ NN VBD IN PRP$ JJ IN PRP$ JJ , VBD NN IN PRP$ NN IN rc#. trigger#die lex#novelist playwright fiction drew formative native died Monday home pos#, DT NN CC NN WP$ NN VBD IN PRP$ JJ IN PRP$ JJ , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Texas Ruben Sierra lex#AP -- lc#traded to pos#IN trigger#trade lc#, pos#IN IN ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#hit rc#, rc#, so pos#-LRB- NNP -RRB- : rc#and path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-trade->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#to path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED David Grann Marvin Olasky trigger#profile ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, widely path#nn|<-nn<-profile->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#profile pos#NN IN NEGATIVE Istvan Fodor Hungarian National Museum pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Scalia Justices trigger#force rc#who reject ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-force->dobj->|dobj lex#forced lc#arguments , pos#VBZ VBN RB DT UNLABELED Guy de Maupassant Mouche pos#POS NN '' lex#'s '' trigger#novel ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, '' path#poss|<-poss<-novel->dep->|dep lc#adaptation of NEGATIVE Janesville Chevrolet ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, , WDT VBZ DT JJ CC RB JJ trigger#make lex#makes popular highly profitable lc#factory in path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Goodin The Washington Post trigger#reporter lex#hard-boiled operative forced resign communications director suggesting Speaker time gay grizzled statehouse reporter lc#men : rc#. path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN WP VBD VBN TO VB IN NNS NN IN DT IN IN VBG IN DT NNP IN DT IN DT NN , , VBD JJ , CC , DT JJ NN NN IN UNLABELED Roland Aeschlimann Swiss pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->designer->amod->|amod trigger#designer lc#collaborator is rc#designer who UNLABELED Vance Ehmke Kansas Association of Wheat Growers lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#" complained ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Vuillequez Amax trigger#join lex#attended joined bookkeeping department pos#, WP VBD , VBD DT NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in POSITIVE Pacific Heights John Schlesinger pos#, DT NN IN '':INV ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON REL$/film/film/directed_by lex#director '':INV lc#the Heights:INV path#appos|->appos->director->dep->|dep:INV rc#, '':INV lc#' Nightmare:INV trigger#director UNLABELED Mrs. Wekselbaum Judy Lichtenfeld trigger#help ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-help->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBG lex#helping rc#, again lc#Saturday , NEGATIVE Scott Draper Paul Goldstein ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#lose lex#wife recently died fibrosis loses path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP$ NN , , RB VBD IN NNS , VBZ TO REL$NA rc#in NEGATIVE Latin America British Petroleum rc#, the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#, pos#NN IN lex#director REL$NA path#nn|<-nn<-director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Larry Stefanki Kafelnikov pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#So does rc#'s new trigger#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss UNLABELED Semi-Gas Systems of San Jose Nippon Sanso ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-acquisition->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#acquisition lc#acquisition of pos#, , IN rc#, based POSITIVE Lolita Random House REL$/book/book_edition/publisher trigger#have lc#of '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, edited lex#'' Anchor Review worked ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#'' -LRB- DT RB RB TO VB RB -RRB- IN DT JJ NNP NNP WRB PRP VBD IN , VBZ , IN UNLABELED Philippe Parola Paris lex#native rc#, is trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Armstead Vikings lex#play trigger#play rc#on Sunday ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#said pos#MD VB IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->against->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED " A Good Man Sea Cliff Stage path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#'' VBZ IN IN DT lex#runs rc#. trigger#run ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Julie Victoria Department of Environmental Protection lc#'' said trigger#biologist lex#wildlife biologist path#appos|->appos->biologist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED FOXBORO Dan Marino trigger#throw rc#, who pos#, NNP -LRB- NNP -RRB- : lex#Mass. AP -- ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-throw->nsubj->|nsubj lc# UNLABELED Representative Bill Richardson Burmese path#appos|->appos->capital->amod->|amod lex#met laureate rc#capital . ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#capital pos#, DT WP VBD IN DT NN JJ IN , DT lc#" said NEGATIVE Peter Samuelson British lc#joined with trigger#producer pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->producer->amod->|amod rc#film producer REL$NA UNLABELED Sostre Hilda lc#, Officer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife trigger#wife UNLABELED Alexander Brash Urban Park Services path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lc#, " lex#chief department 's pos#, NN IN DT NN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chief UNLABELED Clarke Hanson Industries rc#, a lex#president pos#, WP VBZ NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED David A. Yepsen Des Moines Register pos#, JJ JJ NN IN DT rc#. path#appos|->appos->correspondent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#chief political correspondent The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" says trigger#correspondent UNLABELED William E. Brock Tennessee lex#Senator path#appos|->appos->senator->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#and Labor trigger#senator pos#, DT JJ NNP IN lc#led by rc#, who lc#challenger to rc#and also lc#staff ; pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#senator UNLABELED John Warren Kindt University of Illinois pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#professor rc#at path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor UNLABELED Fort McClellan Coleman pos#, , WP VBD IN NNP lex#Specialist path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#mcclellan lc#driver at rc#during captivity ner#LOCATION->PERSON UNLABELED Cynthia Hodges Wilmington path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#daughter , rc#, Del trigger#daughter ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Mega Borg II Norwegian ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#company that path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company lc#for K/S UNLABELED Parochial A West Orange path#nn|<-nn<-champion->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, was lc#the unbeaten lex#champion ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#champion UNLABELED Burnitz Phillies pos#VBD DT trigger#give path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#another reason UNLABELED James R. Cantalupo International lex#president chief executive 's rc#, who lex#president 's path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN POS pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Ibrahim Ghosheh Amman lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Mr. Wilson Dorothy lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , NEGATIVE Awadagin Pratt Brahms trigger#play rc#with members lex#play major Quartet ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#MD VB DT DT JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#young pianist NEGATIVE Talbots Kmart lex#meets pos#VBZ ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj lc#locals ( rc#) were REL$NA UNLABELED Sea Breeze Valley Street lex#restaurant path#nn|<-nn<-restaurant->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#for such pos#NN IN lc#the new trigger#restaurant ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Giles Gilbert Scott Liverpool Anglican Cathedral rc#and the pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->architect->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#architect trigger#architect ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#by Sir UNLABELED Gary C. Wendt GE Capital Corporation lc#ex-wife of rc#, says lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#and another trigger#executive lc#marriage of pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, lex#chief executive pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN DT lex#chairman chief executive rc#, rc#, secretly lc#husband , pos#, , DT JJ NN IN DT pos#, , DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Southern European Union path#nn|<-nn<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS IN DT trigger#member ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#that produce lex#members UNLABELED MIKE POWELL Jesse Owens International Trophy Award lex#long jumper broke 's world record track field world championships receive 's trigger#receive ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->dobj->|dobj rc#at a pos#, DT JJ NN WP VBD POS NN NN IN DT NN CC NN NN NNS IN , MD VB DT POS UNLABELED Mr. Bell Florida pos#VBD lex#left lc#minister , trigger#leave rc#in the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Robert E Denham Salomon Inc rc#, will pos#, JJ NN CC JJ NN IN lex#chairman chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Ferguson Moses Lake pos#CC MD VB VBG NN TO ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, probably path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#months , REL$NA lex#home trigger#go UNLABELED Pepsico Inc. Omnicom Group lex#part unit ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#CC , NN IN DT NN IN trigger#part lc#unit of trigger#unit rc#, for UNLABELED Mr. Barr Mechanicsburg path#poss|<-poss<-house->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN trigger#house lc#them to lex#'s house rc#and later ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Michael Stoney Mirror Group pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn rc#director with lc#to put ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED New York Pride Seafood lc#, a trigger#lawyer path#nn|<-nn<-lawyer->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj lex#lawyer represents 's pos#NN WP VBZ POS ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#, which trigger#represent NEGATIVE Muslim Bihar trigger#community lex#communities path#nn|<-nn<-community->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#attacked rc#and elsewhere pos#NNS IN REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Miami Recife rc#on Sundays ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#TO lc#nonstop from trigger#fly REL$NA path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Murat Belge Turkish pos#, DT rc#historian . ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#historian path#appos|->appos->historian->amod->|amod REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Enzo Torresi Netframe pos#, lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Helen Barber Southeast Asia Bureau of the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs rc#, said lex#acting director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT VBG NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc# trigger#director UNLABELED Jose Vega Ridgewood Avenue path#appos|<-appos<-suspect->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#suspect , rc#in the pos#, JJ , IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#suspect UNLABELED Leetch Sinden pos#, DT NN , WP VBZ , PRP VBP NN , lex#native ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#is right path#dep|->dep->be->nsubj->|nsubj lc#it 's trigger#leetch UNLABELED Dr. Richard F. Mollica Harvard School of Public Health pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#psychiatrist lc#led by lex#psychiatrist rc#, have ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->psychiatrist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Greenwich Village Assembly ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-represent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#since lc#has represented REL$NA pos#IN DT trigger#represent UNLABELED Gary Rubin Peace Now rc#, the trigger#director ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT JJ NN IN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#executive director lc#" said UNLABELED Vine Deloria Jr. Tucson lc#sons , rc#, and trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN , IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#author UNLABELED Chinese Communist United States pos#NNS IN DT lex#attacks path#nn|<-nn<-attack->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#referring to rc#as " trigger#attack ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Gulf Park University of Southern Mississippi ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#campus path#nn|<-nn<-campus->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#at the trigger#campus pos#NN IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Campeau Federated Stores Inc. pos#POS VBG NN IN DT NNS , lex#'s holding company units rc#, path#poss|<-poss<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Bennett Sierra Club trigger#member pos#VBZ DT rc#member and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dierdorf John ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#? " lex#How 's feel path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lc#accompanied by pos#VBG , `` WRB POS PRP VB , trigger#ask UNLABELED Gulf Oil Company Standard Oil Company of California path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-acquire->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN DT lc#The rc#( since lex#acquired trigger#acquire ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Grateful Dead Bruce Hornsby path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj lc#The ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#recently added keyboardists rc#and pos#RB VBD NNS , REL$NA trigger#add UNLABELED Jennifer Learmont Red Cross lc#when trigger#official pos#, DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#official in path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn UNLABELED Securities and Exchange Commission Rasterops lex#common shares pos#IN JJ NNS IN , SYM ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#with the trigger#file rc#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-with<-prep<-file->prep->through->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE S.A. France pos#, ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#advmod|->advmod->also->dep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#'s second-largest path#appos|->appos->company->poss->|poss trigger#company lc#Casino Guicard-Perrachon lc#Total REL$NA pos#, RB IN rc#, acquired trigger#s.a. NEGATIVE Ecuador International Monetary Fund ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT trigger#negotiate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-promise->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-negotiate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN VBG IN DT rc#for a trigger#promise lex#promised lc#) -- rc#today that REL$NA lex#negotiating UNLABELED James O. Hawkins Drug Enforcement Administration path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, said pos#, DT NN IN NN IN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief intelligence trigger#chief UNLABELED Joffrey Kennedy Center lex#perform path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#perform ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#from lc#but the pos#MD VB IN DT UNLABELED Mrs. Prigge Chad path#poss|<-poss<-husband->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#'s husband trigger#husband rc#, dialed NEGATIVE Quebec Vancouver pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#for its lex#beat lc#as host REL$NA UNLABELED CIBC Canada pos#, trigger#bank rc#'s second-largest path#appos|->appos->bank->poss->|poss ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Steve Sandberg James Fitzsimmons path#appos|<-appos<-design->appos->|appos lc#director , trigger#design ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#: NN , : NN NN NN , rc#. lex#choreographer production stage manaer UNLABELED Catherine Comet American Symphony pos#VBD TO DT ner#PERSON->MISC lex#returned rc#on Sunday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return UNLABELED Laurence E. Riordan Denver pos#, WP VBZ IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#grandson , trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives UNLABELED William A. Anthony Psychiatric Rehabilitation lc#" said pos#, JJ NN IN DT NNP IN rc#at path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->center->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#center ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive director Center trigger#director UNLABELED Knoedler Mr. Werner trigger#collaborate ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, has path#rcmod|->rcmod->collaborate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#collaborates pos#, WDT RB VBZ IN NEGATIVE CBS Young rc#and the trigger#series ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#daytime series The pos#JJ NN `` DT path#nn|<-nn<-series->dep->|dep REL$NA lc#on the UNLABELED Sud West 10th Street pos#, WDT VBD NNS RB IN rc#, just lex#opened months ago trigger#open lc#glance , ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->on->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Congress Nicaraguans ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#VBD NN TO lex#belatedly recognizing unfairness changing rules grant permanent residency rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grant->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#and trigger#grant lex#granted amnesty pos#, RB VBG DT NN IN VBG DT NNS , MD RB VB JJ NN TO UNLABELED Eva Richter Kingsborough College trigger#professor lex#associate professor pos#, DT JJ NN IN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and a lc#" said UNLABELED Ms. Levy-Koffer Morocco path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and was trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Dole Scott Reed rc#) , trigger#manager rc#, met lc#'' said rc#, said rc#, wrote ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s national campaign manager rc#, who trigger#adviser lex#'s campaign manager lc#appeal by trigger#dispatch lex#dispatched campaign mismanager lc#debates , rc#, insisted pos#VBD NN NN lc#Meanwhile rc#. lc#enthusiastically ( path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-dispatch->dobj->|dobj rc#, was path#poss|<-poss<-manager->appos->|appos rc#, that rc#, made pos#POS JJ NN NNS , CC , CC PRP$ NN NN , lc#leaders , lc#after rc#to beg rc#, told lc#statement , pos#POS JJ NN NN , path#poss|<-poss<-adviser->appos->|appos lex#'s top policy advisers campaign manager pos#POS NN NN , NEGATIVE E. E. Cummings Santa Claus path#nn|<-nn<-book->dep->|dep lc#of the ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#book rc#" with trigger#book REL$NA pos#NN `` NEGATIVE Perugia Foligno lc#train from ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#take pos#TO path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#, which UNLABELED Volmac World Top Pairs Netherlands pos#IN DT IN DT trigger#win lc#won the rc#. ner#MISC->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Security Pacific Bank Nevada Nevada National Bancorporation path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->appos->|appos lc#chairman of ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#chairman chief operating officer holding company pos#CC NN CC NN VBG NN IN PRP$ VBG NN , DT trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Dwight Rhoden Wesley Johnson ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#incipient gang leader sets rhythmic pace lc#, while trigger#set pos#, IN DT JJ NN NN , VBZ DT JJ NN IN rc#and REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Bronx Zoo New York City path#appos|->appos->institution->nn->|nn trigger#institution pos#, DT lc#, the rc#institution that ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Meridian Birch Hill Road lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#coffee news cigar cafe open trigger#open pos#, DT NN , NN , NN NN , MD VB IN rc#in NEGATIVE Grisbi Jacques Becker rc#shows path#rcmod|->rcmod->show->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#show lc#in " pos#'' IN WDT ner#MISC->PERSON REL$NA UNLABELED Stephen T. McClellan Merrill Lynch & Company lc#" said pos#, DT NN NNS NN IN rc#, said trigger#analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#information services analyst rc#in path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE San Francisco Autodesk ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#Buzzsaw.com , pos#, NN IN lex#part path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#part rc#, an REL$NA NEGATIVE Michael Quinlan McDonald pos#, lc#wrote to ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Detroit Medical Center Wayne State University path#rcmod|->rcmod->affiliate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#affiliate pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN lex#academic health center lc#And the rc#and operates pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->center->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#affiliated trigger#center lc#for the UNLABELED Viacom Inc. QVC pos#, rc#'s chairman ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#'s rival lc#agreement with trigger#rival path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss path#appos|->appos->rival->poss->|poss lc#to trigger#chairman UNLABELED Vladi Catto Texas Instruments path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, referring lex#chief economist ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#economist pos#, JJ NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Derby-Lewis Mr. Walus trigger#enlist ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-enlist->dobj->|dobj rc#into his lex#reportedly enlisted pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Mr. Fujimori Mr. Vargas Llosa trigger#win lex#won percent votes percent lc#, pos#VBD VBN NN IN DT NNS IN NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Ruth Kitty Outrwan lex#daughters trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#wife , trigger#daughter pos#: NNS , rc#and trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Georgians Caucasian tongue trigger#speak lc#language ; path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->dobj->|dobj rc#. ner#MISC->MISC pos#VBP DT lex#speak UNLABELED A.B. Marabou Orkla Borregaard A.S. pos#, DT NN CC NN NN NN , TO rc#of lex#confectionery snack food concern trigger#sell path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#shares in ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Jesse F. Marquette Survey Research Center at Akron University pos#, NN IN DT rc#. lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said trigger#director NEGATIVE Encyclopedia Britannica Houston path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#magazine parking company lc#consumers through trigger#company rc#and a REL$NA pos#, NN , DT NN NN IN UNLABELED La Bourride France pos#IN , lc#from rc#Time : ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#time path#appos|->appos->time->nn->|nn UNLABELED Dorothy Anne Droser Leonia path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn trigger#resident pos#, DT rc#resident for ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Daniel R. Feenberg Princeton pos#, DT lc#" recalls trigger#student path#appos|->appos->student->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#graduate student UNLABELED Ian F. Hughes Inland Steel Company pos#, NN NN IN NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president technology ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#. '' NEGATIVE Quiet City Maurice Peress lc#for " lex#conducted pos#, '' VBN IN trigger#conduct ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->conduct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, was REL$NA UNLABELED Firefighter Kennelly Fire Department lc#" said path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc# trigger#kennelly ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, , WP VBZ VBN IN DT UNLABELED Schneiders Mongaup path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident pos#: CC , CC DT NN , : VBP VBN DT JJ NNS IN lc#, the rc#, once ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#-- son -- sole residents UNLABELED Marc Mayer Sanford C. Bernstein pos#, rc#'s director trigger#director ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss lc#as did NEGATIVE Mariano Rivera Derek Jeter ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#team 's closer yesterday joined shortstop trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT NN POS JJR , NN VBD NN rc#as a REL$NA UNLABELED Renee Kastanakis Carr lex#partner law firm ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN rc#, path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm lc#the charges UNLABELED Kate Rousmaniere City Teachers lc#'' says lex#author '' trigger#author rc#, '' path#appos|->appos->author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN '' ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Security Pacific Financial Services Inc. Security Pacific Corporation pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, offered lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#market , trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Alisa Donato Women 's Education Program lex#spokeswoman rubber company 's path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#spokeswoman pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Unlikely Outpost Mr. Platzer pos#IN rc#was born trigger#bear ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->nsubjpass->|nsubjpass UNLABELED Buck J. Titsworth Daniel rc#, the trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#country manager Flour ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, NN NN IN DT NNP lc#" said NEGATIVE Bertie Ahern Northern Ireland Assembly trigger#minister pos#IN CC , DT NNP NNP IN DT JJ rc#, said rc#, called lex#First Minister path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#Prime Minister REL$NA pos#IN DT CC , DT NNP NNP IN DT JJ UNLABELED LeMarquis Hotel Mrs. Helmsley lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#and former trigger#home path#appos|->appos->home->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#IN , JJ NN IN lex#current home UNLABELED Stephen Holden Very Thought of You path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->movie->dep->|dep trigger#review lex#reviews movie The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#movie pos#VBZ NN DT rc#, directed UNLABELED Carol Howe Tulsa trigger#resident path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#testimony from rc#resident who ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Charley O 's Riese Organization ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#have ended path#partmod|->partmod->run->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#'s restaurants run lc#workers at trigger#run pos#, POS CC JJ JJ NNS VBN IN DT UNLABELED Sean Connelly North Eighth Street path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#month when lex#opened pos#CC VBD DT IN , IN trigger#open ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Livingstone FBI trigger#obtain path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-obtain->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#CC JJ NNP NNS VBD VBG NNS IN NN NNS IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#Presidential aides obtaining hundreds background files rc#; at lc#during which UNLABELED Heidi Kunz General Motors path#appos|->appos->treasurer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#treasurer trigger#treasurer rc#, said lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Smith Robin trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->dobj->son->appos->|appos lex#survived wife married sons rc#, pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , , TO WP PRP VBD VBN IN : NNS , trigger#son UNLABELED Mike McCarthy MSG Network trigger#producer lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->producer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lex#executive producer pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED West Point Acquisition Farley lc#by pos#, DT ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#unit . path#appos|->appos->unit->nn->|nn trigger#unit UNLABELED Mrs. Smith AIDS ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBD VBN IN rc#. lex#died trigger#die path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#me that UNLABELED Times Square Center Associates Artkraft Strauss Sign Corporation ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ VBN DT trigger#award lex#awarded path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Galanek New York City Police Department path#appos|->appos->detective->nn->|nn trigger#detective pos#, DT rc#detective who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Maggette Chicago lex#native pos#, DT rc#native , rc#, has trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#enamored of ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn UNLABELED Bulgari Group Rome path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#of the pos#, VBN IN trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based rc#. '' UNLABELED M. Navratilova Mark Woodforde path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#IN , , WP VBD DT JJ NN IN trigger#win ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. lc#critic , lex#won mixed-doubles championship UNLABELED Davis Love Memorial Tournament pos#, VBG IN VBN RB , MD VB IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#play rc#. lex#recovering injured back play ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Bourse Paris path#appos|->appos->center->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#financial center rc#. trigger#center pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#near the REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Sowinski Guadalcanal pos#VBD DT lex#suggested rc#as an trigger#suggest path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-suggest->dobj->|dobj lc#heliport , ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mrs. Cusenz Sandra Schneider pos#VBD lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, whose lc#surgery , trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Steven Weisberg Meir Teper path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-dep<-screenplay->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#music production designer produced pos#: NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN trigger#produce lc#edited by rc#and trigger#screenplay trigger#edit UNLABELED NORTH AMERICA Spectra Laboratories Inc. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#MEDICAL CARE lex#unit A.G. acquired pos#, , , DT NN IN NNP IN , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj rc#, trigger#acquire UNLABELED El Maestrazgo Spain rc#; photos lex#sparsely populated austere mountain region eastern pos#, RB VBN , JJ NN NN IN JJ lc#article on trigger#region path#appos|->appos->region->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Steven Lavin Mondrian pos#, DT NN , RB IN lc#are trigger#lavin path#advmod|->advmod->formerly->dep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lex#manager ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Patrick Reas Western European Union pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ rc#, in path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#spokesman London-based trigger#spokesman lc#" said NEGATIVE Unisys Sperry lex#bought ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#created when pos#, RB VBN IN , VBD rc#. trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Stephen E. Margolis North Carolina State University trigger#professor lex#professor economics path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN rc#. lc#, and rc#, argue lex#economist path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#economist UNLABELED Mr. Kingman Winifred lex#'s widow ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who pos#POS NN , trigger#widow path#poss|<-poss<-widow->appos->|appos lc#But UNLABELED Mr. Lewis Bahamas pos#, WP VBZ IN DT pos#POS NN IN DT lex#'s arrival rc#-- flush path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#poss|<-poss<-arrival->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#was upon trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, could trigger#arrival lex#lives UNLABELED Anwar el-Sadat Nasser lc#presidency of ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#note to lex#succeeded path#rcmod|->rcmod->succeed->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD trigger#succeed rc#as President rc#in NEGATIVE Henry IV JoAnne Akalaitis pos#, '' VBN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#direct path#partmod|->partmod->direct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#of " lex#directed rc#at the REL$NA UNLABELED I.B.M. Walton E. Burdick pos#POS NN , , CC PRP$ JJ NN NN IN NNS , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-chairman->appos->|appos lex#'s chairman senior vice president personnel rc#. lc#luncheon with trigger#chairman UNLABELED T. Rowe Price Stable Asset Management Baltimore path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lc#president of pos#, VBN IN trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Berkshires Capital Investors Williamstown trigger#director pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#of The UNLABELED Politburo Communist Party rc#in an pos#NN IN POS VBN trigger#member lc#a leading path#nn|<-nn<-member->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#member 's revamped rc#that governed pos#NN IN DT lex#member ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc#was a NEGATIVE Cobb Northeast path#appos|->appos->winner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#winner pos#, NN IN DT ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#winner REL$NA rc#regional on lc#" said UNLABELED James T. Callaway Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#advertising executive died Saturday rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN , VBD IN NNP IN DT NEGATIVE Zebedee Nungak Inuk trigger#leader rc#of northern lex#leader path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Gerald Patterson Oregon Social Learning Center in Eugene pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#psychologist rc#, demonstrated trigger#psychologist lc#track , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Nathan Hilzner Lower East Side lc#, '' lex#insurance salesman rc#, barked path#appos|->appos->salesman->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#salesman pos#, , DT NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Ingram Micro Santa Ana path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#based UNLABELED Philip Wogaman Washington trigger#pastor lc#The Rev. lex#pastor pos#, NN IN IN rc#, where ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->pastor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#Rev J rc#, which UNLABELED Hermione Lee Liverpool University rc#and the trigger#professor pos#, DT NN IN NN IN lc#As path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor literature UNLABELED Mel Sokotch Katz rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#senior vice president group management director FCB/Leber path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, " pos#, DT JJ NN NN CC NN NN NN IN NNP trigger#president UNLABELED Ervins Redskins trigger#give rc#similar explosiveness pos#VBZ DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Steve Phillips Phillips trigger#manager rc#'s assistant lc#General Manager ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss pos#CC , REL$NA UNLABELED George Washington Kwame Evans ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#lead pos#, VBN IN lex#led rc#, closed path#partmod|->partmod->lead->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Lexmark International Business Machines Corporation pos#, DT JJ rc#printer division lex#division path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->division->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#that is trigger#division pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT lc#Executives at UNLABELED Sara Rosenbaum Defense Fund path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#lawyer lc#" said trigger#director pos#, DT NN IN DT NNP POS lex#director health division Children 's rc#, said pos#, NN IN DT NN NN IN DT NNP POS lex#program director Children 's rc#, agreed pos#, DT NN NN NN IN DT NNP POS trigger#specialist rc#, welcomed path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#health policy specialist Children 's lex#lawyer Children 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said pos#, NN NN IN DT NNP POS path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#But rc#in UNLABELED Dr. Keezer Amherst College path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#graduate lex#graduated ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN rc#in UNLABELED Dorling Kindersley Holdings P.L.C. England pos#, DT NN NN VBN IN path#appos|->appos->group->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#publishing group based lc#arm of trigger#group rc#. trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Maxwell Hahn Claremont pos#, DT NN IN DT IN IN , VBD IN NNP IN DT NN NN IN lex#executive died Wednesday retirement home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Prep Laura pos#, path#appos|->appos->friend->poss->|poss rc#'s friend ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#friend lc#'s REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Pressman New York path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, and trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Monsanto Corn States Hybrid Service Inc. lc#transaction , pos#VBZ RB VBG ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#and lex#buying trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Judicial Arbitration Orange pos#CC , DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#, path#appos|->appos->company->dep->|dep trigger#company lc#founder of UNLABELED Boston Bruins Whalers pos#VBD DT trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lc#and the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, lex#beat UNLABELED Mr. Hersey Barbara lex#'s widow ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , lc#, but rc#, seemed path#poss|<-poss<-widow->appos->|appos trigger#widow NEGATIVE Hodgson New York Jets lex#offensive coordinator trigger#be rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#CC DT JJ JJ NN VBP RB IN DT UNLABELED Parc Citroen Paris lc#designed the trigger#design pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#) undertook path#dobj|<-dobj<-design->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Legislator Spreckman Board of Legislators ' Task Force path#rcmod|->rcmod->lead->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#lead rc#on lex#leads pos#, WP VBZ DT UNLABELED Rexene Dallas-based ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#petrochemical company pos#, DT lc#is why trigger#manufacturer path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod path#appos|->appos->manufacturer->amod->|amod trigger#company rc#manufacturer of UNLABELED Pacific Hotels Corp. Pacific Ltd. path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* rc#, lex#unit trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Tony Marsh Republican path#appos|->appos->consultant->amod->|amod lc#'' said pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#consultant rc#consultant who REL$NA UNLABELED James D. Kuhn Newmark Realty Advisors lex#president rc#, put path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#As ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president NEGATIVE Andrew Hutchinson The Daily Telegraph trigger#editor lc#, '' pos#, NN IN rc#, said rc#, another pos#, VBG NN IN lex#managing editor path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Ayrton Senna da Silva Sao Paulo path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Espana White Plains lex#restaurant path#nn|<-nn<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, trigger#restaurant ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#reviews NEGATIVE Starwood Phoenix path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, is pos#, VBN IN trigger#base rc#, won ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#based NEGATIVE Mother Jackson trigger#come ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, and rc#, pos#VBZ VBN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Steve Emtman Heisman trigger#winner rc#winner . ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->winner->nn->|nn lex#receiver 's pos#IN CC NN , JJ POS lc#defensive tackle UNLABELED American Bison Association James Beard House trigger#give pos#VBD DT NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#gave presentation lc#When the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Howard Kurz Lehman Brothers trigger#head pos#, NN IN JJ NN IN lex#head foreign exchange path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED James D. Bennett Power Authority pos#, DT trigger#member rc#member , path#appos|->appos->member->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Prince Charles Soho trigger#visit pos#VBD DT NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#visited street ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#SITE -- UNLABELED Lottsa Talc Aqueduct trigger#show rc#yesterday by path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-show->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#consistent mares racing showed uncommon class lc#PREVAILS : pos#, IN DT RBS JJ NNS IN NN , VBD JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mrs. Ramos Puerto Rico pos#, WP VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#and has ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#ramos NEGATIVE Apollo Theater West rc#125th Street ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#prep|->prep->on->pobj->street->nn->|nn lc#are the trigger#street REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED White House Robert B. Oakley trigger#envoy lc#, the ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, also lex#envoy path#nn|<-nn<-envoy->appos->|appos pos#NN , UNLABELED Mr. Knutson St. Paul lex#professor law native path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN DT , VBD DT NN IN trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#and a NEGATIVE Carl Kruger Canarsie lex#chairman rc#. pos#, DT NN IN IN lc#candidacy of path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#chairman UNLABELED Mr. Mailman Utica Knife trigger#form pos#, WP VBD VBN IN , , CC VBD , VBD DT rc#and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-form->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#born attended formed UNLABELED Czechoslovakia North Atlantic Cooperation Council ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj pos#, CC TO VB DT JJ rc#. lc#by inviting lex#join UNLABELED Damodar Lal Gurjar India path#advmod|->advmod->also->dep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#They include rc#, with ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, RB IN trigger#gurjar UNLABELED United States TOMMY MOE path#nn|<-nn<-champion->appos->|appos lc#MOGULS ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#NN NNS , trigger#champion rc#and A lex#ski champions UNLABELED State Department Shortfall And Mr. Clinton path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NNP IN NNP VBD NN IN lex#Secretary State met today trigger#meet rc#to ask UNLABELED Mr. Rona Hungary lex#left trigger#leave path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->dobj->|dobj rc#after the pos#, WP VBD ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Al LaPierre Democratic Party trigger#director pos#, JJ NN IN POS lc#'' said lex#executive director 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Geoffrey Owen Business Policy Program pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#head lc#said Sir path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#at the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#head UNLABELED Ginny Christopher rc#; trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#member vocal group married son lc#wife , trigger#son pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NN DT , WP PRP VBD IN : DT NN , trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->appos->|appos UNLABELED Astor Estate Vincent Astor path#partmod|->partmod->head->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN DT JJ lc#the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#head rc#, announced lex#headed young NEGATIVE Newcastle Liverpool trigger#victory trigger#give path#iobj|<-iobj<-give->dobj->victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj lc#to give rc#as the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#DT JJ NN NN IN lex#2-1 victory yesterday REL$NA UNLABELED J. Edward Meyer CUNY path#partmod|->partmod->call->dep->|dep trigger#call pos#, DT NN IN , VBN rc#a gem lex#regent called ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED David Goldin Law Department pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Simon Wong United Daily News trigger#reporter pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#" said lex#reporter The path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Pierre Dard Paris pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->dancer->nn->|nn lc#For trigger#dancer rc#dancer and ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ben Ratliff Continental Arena trigger#review rc#, pos#VBZ NN IN NN , IN lex#reviews concert band path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Atria West Building Chase Manhattan Bank rc#for lc#sold the trigger#sell ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#IN IN TO UNLABELED Playwrights Theater DaDa ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->direct->dobj->|dobj lc#of the pos#, , WP VBD `` trigger#direct lex#directed rc#, " UNLABELED Steven Clemons Economic Strategy Institute lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Morton D. Paley University of California lc#" by trigger#professor pos#, DT NN IN IN DT rc#, path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor UNLABELED Jos Sailing Dutch rc#company . pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company lc#organized by NEGATIVE Tom McCall Republican lc#plan was pos#, DT JJ rc#Governor in rc#Governor who pos#, DT trigger#governor ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->governor->nn->|nn lc#him to REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Zedillo Yale-trained rc#economist who rc#economist , pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#to impose path#appos|->appos->economist->amod->|amod trigger#economist NEGATIVE Irvin Stewart Washington path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die pos#, DT JJ NN IN WP VBD IN DT POS IN NN NN IN DT NN NN WDT VBD NN IN DT NN , VBD NNP IN PRP$ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#president served 's executive secretary Government agency guided development bomb died Monday home REL$NA NEGATIVE Milburn Ronnie Lott ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#miss at trigger#make pos#, WP VBD NNP JJ NN lex#made Jet free safety path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj lc#ball to REL$NA UNLABELED Nobel Prize Dr. Richard P. Feynman trigger#share pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-share->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#shared the ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, a UNLABELED Jack Fisk Sigurjon Sighvatsson ner#PERSON->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#Directed by rc#, trigger#directed trigger#produce lex#screenplay based play edited Jr. director photography music produced pos#: NN IN , VBN IN PRP$ NN : VBN IN NNP : NN IN NN , : NN IN : VBN IN NEGATIVE Doc Mariners path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-know->dobj->|dobj rc#, either lex#n't ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD RB VB DT trigger#know REL$NA lc#" UNLABELED Ammirati Boase Massimi Pollitt Partnership trigger#parent pos#POS JJ NN , DT ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s parent lc#it bought rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-parent->appos->|appos UNLABELED Michael J. Price Lazard Freres & Company trigger#director rc#, who lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Merrill M. Mitler Scripps Clinic and Research Center pos#, NN IN NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in lex#director sleep research ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Mary Ellen Greenfield Seattle lex#-- derived initials -- born path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#: PRP VBD IN PRP$ NNS : VBD VBN IN , IN rc#, where ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Phillips Pedro Martinez trigger#talk lex#talked right-hander path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-talk->prep->about->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. REL$NA pos#VBZ RB VBN IN DT IN DT NN NEGATIVE John Semper John F. Burnett pos#CC , VBN IN DT NN IN CC CC : NN IN NN , : VBN IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-screenplay->dep->edit->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#screenplay by ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; music lex#based story director photography edited REL$NA trigger#screenplay trigger#edit UNLABELED Dr. Otto Wichterle Czech Academy of Sciences lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#and to ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Kempton Allan Pinkerton rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have pos#VBD VBN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#compared NEGATIVE Lott White House pos#VBD DT lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lc#heard that ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#for minimally REL$NA trigger#ask NEGATIVE Alice Wong New York path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->chapter->nn->|nn rc#chapter of lex#vice president trigger#chapter pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED WordPerfect Que Corporation pos#, '' VBN IN DT path#partmod|->partmod->publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#publish lex#published lc#" Using UNLABELED Conagra Inc. Russia rc#last path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#world 's fourth-largest food processing company sold spoiled chicken pos#, DT NN POS JJ NN VBG NN , VBD DT VBN NN TO UNLABELED Mr. Greenberg Leslie Trager trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, has lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Lise Baulieu Turbulent Arts lex#music produced released rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-dep<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#edited by pos#: NN IN CC : VBN IN : VBN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release trigger#edit trigger#director UNLABELED Dr. Barbara McClintock Nobel trigger#laureate rc#laureate , path#appos|->appos->laureate->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#IS DEAD UNLABELED Freud Memorial Chair University College lc#hold the pos#IN IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#hold UNLABELED Mr. Raffaele Queens lex#chairman rc#, said pos#, DT NN IN IN path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Bear ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#and His trigger#review pos#VBZ NN lex#reviews book REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Phoenix Karl Malone path#dobj|<-dobj<-join<-csubj<-|csubj trigger#join ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#RB CC DT NN IN DT NN VBD RB rc#of the lex#forward guard team forward lc#Joining the REL$NA UNLABELED West Room Gallery North Broadway lc#in the pos#IN DT IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#open NEGATIVE Ken Wregget Pittsburgh trigger#goaltender pos#, DT rc#goaltender , lc#away that path#partmod|->partmod->acquire->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN lc#veteran goalie lex#acquired trigger#acquire ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, might REL$NA path#appos|->appos->goaltender->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Levin Time pos#, DT JJ trigger#executive pos#, DT rc#executive who lex#grant interview lc#turned to lc#, rc#, and ner#PERSON->MISC lc#is why rc#executive , path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grant->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#grant pos#VBD RB VB DT NN TO UNLABELED Mustaf MICHAEL STATHAM lex#'s agent rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-agent->appos->|appos UNLABELED Melvin A. Karmazin CBS lc#suggested that rc#, appeared trigger#executive lc#him , path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive rc#who will lex#president chief executive pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, , NN CC JJ NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Gosin Newmark lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT rc#chief . path#appos|->appos->chief->nn->|nn trigger#chief UNLABELED Teresa Ginori Conti Corso Garibaldi ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP RB VBD DT NN IN lc#it 's trigger#open path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in lex#recently opened store UNLABELED Brian J. Brooks WPP Group P.L.C. pos#VBD VBN TO DT JJ NN IN JJ NN NN CC NN IN JJ NNS IN lc#* lex#named position senior vice president director human resources rc#, path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-name->prep->to->pobj->position->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#position ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Egmont Sonderling Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#founder chief executive radio television company bearing died ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#die pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN DT NN CC NN NN VBG PRP$ NN , VBD IN IN DT rc#in NEGATIVE Keenan Detroit lex#takes job lc#inquiry if rc#. trigger#take pos#VBZ DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Britain Mr. Merritt rc#also had path#dep|->dep->have->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, WRB lc#coast of ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#britain UNLABELED Richards Mr. Bush lc#endorsed Governor rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-back->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT , RB RB IN JJ JJ NNS VBD trigger#back lex#independent voters backed UNLABELED Mr. Brown Robert L. Hammock lex#challenged ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#priority , trigger#challenge path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-challenge->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN IN rc#, a UNLABELED Vencor Hillhaven trigger#provide pos#, WDT VBZ JJ , JJ , JJ CC NN NN TO NN NNS , MD RB VB PRP TO ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#respiratory physical occupational speech therapy nursing homes likewise provide rc#'s , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-provide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Hicks United Artists lc#consolidation ; path#appos|->appos->company->poss->|poss pos#, NNS lex#purchases trigger#company ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#' parent REL$NA UNLABELED Brad Grey Brillstein-Grey path#appos|->appos->co-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN rc#, said lex#co-chairman rc#. trigger#co-chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Charles Cindy Frothingham ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#sons , rc#of trigger#daughter trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#IN , , CC IN , : DT NN , UNLABELED New Jersey Hutchinson Forest ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ DT rc#, which NEGATIVE Tom Selleck CBS pos#, path#appos|->appos->star->poss->|poss lc#deal with trigger#star rc#'s brightest ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Baker Manila path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#fly lc#, rc#for a pos#MD VB TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#fly UNLABELED Michael Stoughton New York rc#artist whose path#appos|->appos->artist->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#artist lc#works by ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Value Health American Psychmanagement rc#subsidiary , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-subsidiary->nn->|nn lc#president of lex#'s pos#POS trigger#subsidiary UNLABELED Wayne Brison Robert M. Morgenthau rc#, the lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NNP NNP rc#, confirmed pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman lex#spokesman District Attorney UNLABELED Lucian K. Truscott West Point pos#, DT lex#graduate rc#graduate , rc#who wrote trigger#graduate path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->graduate->nn->|nn UNLABELED John Hornewer Olympic rc#gold medalist pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ , DT trigger#medalist ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->medalist->nn->|nn lex#attorney heavyweight UNLABELED F.A.A. The General Services Administration Federal buildings trigger#operate lc#left the pos#, WDT VBZ RBS rc#, is ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#operates path#rcmod|->rcmod->operate->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Robert O. Boorstein Task Force on National Health Care Reform rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN DT NNP POS trigger#spokesman lex#spokesman President 's lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Colson Mrs. Dole pos#VBD rc#in touch ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#put trigger#put path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Jasper New Hyde Park pos#POS , DT NN WDT VBZ JJR IN , VBD IN trigger#start lex#'s cafe seats started rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#November , UNLABELED BYRON BAM lc#But rc#) trigger#lead path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#-LRB- UNLABELED Mr. Alvarado Nathan Quinones trigger#successor ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#commissioned by path#poss|<-poss<-successor->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, reported lc#commissioned under lex#'s successor rc#, made UNLABELED Dick Sheridan North Carolina State rc#coach . pos#, DT JJ lc#with path#appos|->appos->coach->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#coach UNLABELED AOL Pam McGraw pos#NN , rc#. '' ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#spokeswoman lc#said an trigger#spokeswoman path#nn|<-nn<-spokeswoman->appos->|appos UNLABELED Rosner Taylor path#appos|->appos->friend->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s close pos#, CC , trigger#friend lc#Not UNLABELED Clinton-Gore California lc#oversee the lex#campaign rc#. pos#NN IN path#amod|<-amod<-campaign->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#campaign ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#for the UNLABELED New York-New Jersey MetroStars Giants Stadium lc#The trigger#play lex#play games pos#MD VB PRP$ NNS IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, which UNLABELED Macy Pentagon City Mall pos#POS NN IN DT path#poss|<-poss<-store->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#just outside lex#'s store lc#at the trigger#store ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Dene Lee Trust for Public Lands trigger#manager pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lc#'' said lex#project manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Brandasee Farmington lc#features the lex#family rc#. pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-family->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#family UNLABELED Mr. Pataki Michael C. Finnegan rc#, the lex#'s closest aide ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s counsel chief troubleshooter trigger#counsel lc#, when lc#, while rc#, spoke path#poss|<-poss<-counsel->appos->|appos path#poss|<-poss<-representative->appos->|appos pos#POS JJ NN , rc#, has pos#POS NN CC NN NN , rc#, called lex#'s chief representative talks counsel lex#'s chief counsel lc#Led by path#poss|<-poss<-aide->appos->|appos pos#POS NN NN IN DT NNS , PRP$ NN , trigger#aide lc#week , pos#POS JJS NN , trigger#representative NEGATIVE Williams Bullets lc#And trigger#have rc#, who pos#VBD DT JJ NNS IN DT DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#good seasons UNLABELED Mark Salman Westport Arts Center trigger#give rc#, adding lex#recital pos#VBZ DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#the pianist NEGATIVE Thanksgiving Day Bears trigger#victory rc#, he path#nn|<-nn<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj lex#victory pos#NN IN DT lc#'s REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Great Nails Ridgewood lc#salon called pos#CC RBR IN trigger#call lex#More rc#. path#dep|<-dep<-call->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mike Creedon Point Pleasant lex#native trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, as ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Hrawi Mr. Berri trigger#draw ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#drew sharp criticism rc#and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-draw->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#President pos#VBD JJ NN IN NEGATIVE Fred Levin Florida trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn lc#them were ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Eminent Domain Jozef Burski lc#In " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj trigger#play lex#set late 's plays ner#MISC->PERSON pos#, '' VBN IN IN DT JJ POS , VBZ rc#, a UNLABELED John Poulos midtown Manhattan rc#, said trigger#owner pos#, NN IN DT IN path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner UNLABELED Tony Del Tufo Livingston Township School Board lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#distinction that ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Joan Imhof Long Island Volunteer Center lc#'' said pos#, NN CC NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president founder ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Claire Pace Hospice Home Care Program trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said rc#. '' UNLABELED Ron Sanders Department of Defense trigger#director pos#, JJ NN IN JJ NNS NN IN DT rc#, said lex#principal director civilian personnel policy ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED N. Gassiyev South Ossetia Regional Council path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chairman besieged rc#here . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman lc#said Zanaur pos#, NN IN DT VBN UNLABELED Bay Casino Bay Cruises lc#owners of pos#, WDT VBD RB VBN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#called trigger#call path#rcmod|->rcmod->call->dep->|dep rc#, told NEGATIVE Americans Drakensberg trigger#have rc#on their path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj pos#WP VBP TO , RB DT VBG IN DT NN , MD VB DT lc#Few lex#coming time REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Judith D. Kydon Nyack path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and trigger#daughter lc#daughters , ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED William Oberlander Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner lex#managing partner executive creative director lc#* rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, VBG NN CC NN JJ NN IN UNLABELED Julie Iovine New Amsterdam Theater lex#reviews books interior design country homes trigger#review pos#VBZ NNS IN JJ NN IN NN NNS , ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Banco Provincial path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj lex#No. bank 's largest bank rc#, in trigger#take lc#example , pos#, DT NN NN , VBD RP POS JJS NN , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Chase Manhattan Bank Rockefeller Bank trigger#bank rc#" and lc#, the pos#, VBN IN IN DT `` ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Priscilla Diane Doyle trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#wife , trigger#daughter rc#, of trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos pos#: DT NN , UNLABELED Sarah Stoler Montpelier path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#Vt. brother rc#, Vt. trigger#daughter lc#mother , ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN , NNP : DT NN , , IN UNLABELED Jack Hadley Air Force rc#veteran who pos#, DT trigger#veteran path#appos|->appos->veteran->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" says UNLABELED Floyd Alston Philadelphia Board of Education lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and a trigger#president UNLABELED Bruce W. Marcus New York path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#consultant rc#, called ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#consultant UNLABELED Mr. Gaya Jamaica Hospital pos#VBD VBN TO trigger#take path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#where he UNLABELED Mayor Rice Commons lex#describes trigger#describe rc#, and ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ DT UNLABELED Brown Oxford Brookes University trigger#defeat pos#RB VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#defeated ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#to advance NEGATIVE Michiko Kakutani Monkey Bridge rc#by trigger#review pos#VBZ NN lex#reviews book ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Pantello/Euro RSCG Havas Advertising path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#NNP->ORGANIZATION rc#, to lex#unit pos#, , DT NN IN trigger#unit lc#& UNLABELED Mr. McCain Towneley Capital Management trigger#found pos#VBD rc#, sponsor lex#founded ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-found->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Inc. Ponang Steel Co. pos#, , , DT JJ NN CC NN NN , CC , DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, trigger#subsidiary lex#international engineering construction company subsidiary NEGATIVE Betty Comden Peter Pan lex#wrote classics '' On Town '' '' ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#who with trigger#write pos#VBD JJ NNS IN '' IN DT NNP '' CC '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Bernardo Duque Colombian Independence Festival trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, an lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Pozzi Westchester trigger#come pos#CC VBD TO rc#from lc#Both path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Campaign Life Coalition Toronto path#appos|->appos->group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' lc#of the trigger#group pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#anti-abortion group UNLABELED D. David Alvra Wood University of California rc#at trigger#head pos#, WP VBD DT IN DT lex#headed lc#S ) path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Bronwen Cohen Child Care Network path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member 's pos#, DT NN IN DT POS rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Douglas Henton SRI International lc#" said rc#, a pos#, JJ NN IN DT NN IN JJ NN IN lex#assistant director center economic competitiveness ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Brain Waving Kiss Off Spider Woman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#be lc#" " pos#, '' `` rc#, " ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED Valentine 's Day Carnegie Hall trigger#concert rc#, still pos#NN IN lc#gave a lex#concert path#nn|<-nn<-concert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Alice White Thomas ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#daughter , trigger#daughter path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos rc#, of trigger#brother lex#brothers REL$NA pos#, IN , : NNS , UNLABELED Mr. Sonnenschein Princeton pos#VBD NNS IN trigger#teach rc#and various path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#taught economics ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE American Jews Yasir Arafat lex#met path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, then trigger#meet REL$NA lc#of pos#WP VBD IN NEGATIVE Americans Oman path#rcmod|->rcmod->lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD PRP$ NN IN JJ TO lc#The trigger#lose lex#lost game 4-0 REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#on Saturday UNLABELED Stephen R. Corrick Washington rc#office of lc#" said path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->office->nn->|nn trigger#partner lex#tax partner trigger#office ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NEGATIVE Washington Immigration and Naturalization Service ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#offices path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS IN DT pos#NN NN IN DT trigger#office lex#district office lc#from the rc#, not REL$NA rc#, which lc#for the UNLABELED Limerick Michael J. Dowling rc#grew up path#rcmod|->rcmod->grow->nsubj->|nsubj ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, , WRB trigger#grow lc#cottage in UNLABELED Mrs. Kinnear James W. Kinnear Jr. path#poss|<-poss<-husband->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#'s husband trigger#husband rc#, a UNLABELED Wings Avalanche trigger#defeat pos#VBD DT rc#by path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lc#after the lex#defeated ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Rudy Washington Black Coaches Association rc#and the pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president lex#coach executive director path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#rcmod|->rcmod->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, was pos#, DT NN , WP VBZ JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director lc#, " rc#and has ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Sarah Dunn Motown Magic lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner pos#, DT NN IN rc#, last UNLABELED Pavel V. Volobuyev Academy of Sciences rc#, said path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Liberal Democratic Eiichi Nakao trigger#candidate ner#MISC->PERSON lc#A path#amod|<-amod<-candidate->appos->|appos rc#, makes lex#candidate pos#NN , UNLABELED East Cabrillo Boulevard Michel Richard rc#'s ocean-view lc#, path#appos|->appos->restaurant->poss->|poss ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#(805) 963-0111 trigger#restaurant pos#, NNP , UNLABELED Petrovic Barcelona trigger#win path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said pos#CC VBP DT NN NN IN lex#win silver medal lc#who helped ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ernest M. Hopkins Dartmouth lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, rc#, was lc#questions whether ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president rc#president who UNLABELED Heisman Clint Frank lc#, the ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. ) pos#VBD TO NN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#halfback trigger#go UNLABELED Montclair Burgdorff Realty lc#of the path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, is trigger#office pos#NN IN lex#office UNLABELED Dr. Adelisa Panlilio Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->epidemiologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#epidemiologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lex#medical epidemiologist NEGATIVE Outback Steakhouse Huntington pos#MD VB VBG IN lex#opening lc#A trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#at the ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Randall A Terry Congress pos#, NN IN JJ NN , VBZ VBG IN trigger#run lex#founder anti-abortion organization running path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in NEGATIVE Hersey Hawkins Philadelphia pos#VBD NNS IN lex#added points pos#, path#appos|->appos->guard->poss->|poss pos#VBD trigger#add trigger#have rc#'s path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#scored points Game pos#, WP VBD RB NNS IN NNP , VBD IN trigger#point trigger#lead lex#led path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->point->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#points lc#" said trigger#guard UNLABELED Mr. Scher Metropolitan Entertainment lc#Friday , rc#, in rc#, had pos#POS NN , lc#meantime , path#poss|<-poss<-company->appos->|appos lex#'s company rc#, pushed trigger#company lc#, with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Jeffery Boswall BBC wildlife trigger#producer pos#, DT rc#producer for path#appos|->appos->producer->nn->|nn lc#will include ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Ms. Lewinsky Frank Carter lex#'s attorney ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Later , pos#POS NN , rc#, called path#poss|<-poss<-attorney->appos->|appos trigger#attorney UNLABELED ROBERT GASKIN Air Force pos#, DT VBN rc#officer . path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn lex#retired trigger#officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Assemblyman Clarence Norman Jr. Charles J. Hynes rc#, the lex#party leader favors ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#favor pos#, DT NN NN , VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-favor->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Wayne Gretzky Canucks lex#routed lc#, before path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-route->dobj->|dobj trigger#route rc#, there pos#CC DT VBD DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE New Yorker Declaration of Independence lc#the only ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#TO VB DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->|dobj rc#) . REL$NA lex#sign trigger#sign UNLABELED Mr. Dowie Mother Jones path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->magazine->nn->|nn lc#movement that trigger#editor ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#magazine , pos#, DT JJ NN CC NN IN lex#editor publisher trigger#magazine UNLABELED Larry Ree Ekaterina Sobechanskaya path#rcmod|->rcmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lc#by ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. pos#, WP VBD VBN IN NN IN trigger#ree lex#stage UNLABELED Manhattan Roosevelt Island tram ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#side lc#at the rc#, pos#NN IN DT lex#side path#nn|<-nn<-side->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED James Lattis Space Place trigger#director lex#science director rc#at the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Dr. Richard Schwarz Health Science Center lex#acting president rc#, says lc#position , path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#now , rc#, now ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT VBG NN IN DT trigger#president UNLABELED National Heritage Mr. Pfeffer trigger#give rc#for managing ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#gave hefty commissions pos#VBD JJ NNS TO lc#introductions , UNLABELED Mayor Rudolph W Giuliani Capitol Hill pos#IN , NN IN lex#restaurant path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#dinner for trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Erick Wollman Kathleen Dillon ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s trigger#comment path#nn|<-nn<-comment->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss lex#comments pos#NNS IN NNP trigger#article lc#Letter by UNLABELED Metropolitan Life Insurance New England Mutual Life Insurance trigger#merger lex#'s merger pos#POS NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-merger->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#regulators approved UNLABELED Mr. Pregardien North America lex#important career recently singing rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sing->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ NN , VBZ RB RB VBN VBG IN trigger#sing ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Peter Wade S. & P. trigger#director rc#, said lex#assistant director pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED M. Danny Wall Salt Lake City rc#. '' path#appos|->appos->director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#director consultant pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT CC RB DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Dangler OTB lex#joined pos#VBD DT trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj rc#as a ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE David Goldstein New York City trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn lc#, noted ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED David W Chen Choice Coffee Bar & Eatery pos#VBZ POS trigger#review rc#, lex#reviews 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Ninth Precinct Tompkins Square Park lc#of the path#rcmod|->rcmod->include->dobj->|dobj rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#include pos#, WDT VBZ lex#includes UNLABELED Soviets Far East lc#under the pos#, DT rc#received salary trigger#receive ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Sandra Farmer-Patrick Summer Olympics trigger#medalist pos#, DT NN NN IN DT JJ NNS IN DT rc#, and ner#PERSON->MISC lc#yesterday were lex#silver medalist 400-meter hurdles path#appos|->appos->medalist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj POSITIVE Murray Gell-Mann California Institute of Technology pos#, DT NN IN DT REL$/business/person/company lex#physicist trigger#physicist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said rc#in path#appos|->appos->physicist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED RAY HANDLEY Parcells rc#as coach pos#VBD lc#and when ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced trigger#replace path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Schifter Peru pos#VBD TO rc#last month lex#traveled path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#travel lc#that when NEGATIVE Brigitte Frase Frederic Raphael path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review pos#VBZ NN IN rc#. lex#reviews book REL$NA UNLABELED God Archdiocese of Newark path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bless->dobj->|dobj rc#and we pos#VBZ VBN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#bless lex#blessed NEGATIVE Leningrad St. Petersburg ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#name of path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#VBD VBN IN lex#back rc#. pos#TO rc#or path#advmod|->advmod->back->dep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#change pos#RB TO lc#back from path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-change->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#back REL$NA trigger#know rc#. '' UNLABELED Amvac Chemical American Vanguard Corporation path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#unit rc#that is trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN lc#agency and UNLABELED Mr. Goldwater Mr. Dole pos#VBZ VBG path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-support->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, but lc#( But rc#. ) lex#supporting trigger#support lex#endorsed pos#VBZ VBN trigger#endorse path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-endorse->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE R. Taylor John Dyson path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, the lc#said Forrest lex#chief staff Deputy Mayor lex#chief staff ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN NN IN rc#. REL$NA pos#, NN IN NN IN NNP NNP trigger#chief pos#, NN IN NN IN UNLABELED Robinson Daly pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#call lex#called rc#aside . path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dep->|dep lc#meeting , UNLABELED MANHATTAN Nieuw Amsterdam ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, became lex#white blue bars colors flag seal city number called pos#: , JJ CC JJ NNS -LRB- DT NNS IN DT NN IN DT -RRB- IN DT NN IN DT NN CC DT NN , IN DT , RB VBD trigger#call path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj lc#symbolize : UNLABELED Pylyp Debbie lc#Officer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife trigger#wife UNLABELED Mr. Wilson Redwood Curtain lc#along with rc#, " pos#CC , DT NN IN `` lex#director ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Creighton Lubbock trigger#beat pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-beat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#champion beat ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Patsy Bobby pos#VBD rc#back to lc#Last week ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#send path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Michael Eckert Weather Channel path#appos|->appos->officer->poss->|poss pos#, DT rc#'s chief trigger#officer ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Grace Glueck Jack Tilton Gallery pos#VBZ NN IN NN IN lex#reviews exhibition artist trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#; photo ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Susan Bankes PHH Homequity trigger#director lex#director marketing rc#of ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN NN IN UNLABELED Hans Werner Henze H. Auden path#appos|->appos->libretto->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#acts by trigger#libretto rc#and lex#libretto W. pos#, NN IN NNP NEGATIVE Great Plains Great Lakes ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#from the path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#TO DT trigger#move REL$NA UNLABELED Hiro Real Estate Mobil Building path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj rc#at ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#estate lc#officer of lex#owns pos#, WDT VBZ DT JJ UNLABELED Philip B. Healey Massapequa General Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#espoused elderly died yesterday apparently heart attack trigger#die rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT WP VBD DT NN IN DT JJ , VBD NN , RB IN DT NN NN , IN UNLABELED Mr. Deng Deng Zhifang path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, is trigger#son lex#'s youngest son pos#POS JJS NN , UNLABELED Len G. Walton American Red Cross Guerneville Evacuation Team lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->coordinator->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#coordinator pos#, NNS NN IN DT lex#logistics coordinator ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Gothic Revival Canemah National Historic District trigger#house rc#. path#nn|<-nn<-house->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#house pos#NN IN DT lc#'s ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Levin District Council trigger#lawyer pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn lc#example , rc#lawyer , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Box Florida pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN lc#of the path#rcmod|->rcmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, had trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#based UNLABELED David Evans Academic Study Associates trigger#director lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN NN CC NNS IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#director marketing sales rc#, a UNLABELED American-sponsored Doha pos#JJ JJ NN IN NNP IN lex#regional economic meeting mid-November path#amod|<-amod<-meeting->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#boycott an ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#meeting UNLABELED Edna Krausz Inspiration Gallery pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner rc#, a UNLABELED Eugene J. Sherman Federal Home Loan Board of New York pos#, JJ NN NN CC JJ NN IN DT rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president chief economist trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Charles Siebert Carol Palumbo path#poss|<-poss<-article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#letter on lex#'s article heart transplant patient ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#( S rc#. trigger#article pos#POS NN IN NN NN NN UNLABELED Kim Ramos Treasury Department rc#and the pos#VBD DT trigger#phone path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-phone->dobj->|dobj lex#phoned ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#week , UNLABELED Rappetti Mr. Crispo pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-replace->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#replace lc#instantly replaced rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON NEGATIVE Harbison Baroque path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-owe->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#fact , rc#-- in pos#VBZ RB RB JJ TO DT lex#owes ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#owe UNLABELED Harvey Fay pos#-LRB- -RRB- VBZ DT VBN NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, trigger#child lex#adopted child rc#and path#appos|<-appos<-child->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Knight Nancy Lopez pos#, WP VBZ VBN TO DT NN rc#, served ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->marry->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#married golfer trigger#marry UNLABELED Connie Patterson Eastern Airlines path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD IN trigger#work rc#as a ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#worked UNLABELED Richard E. ( Dick Bailey ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->nsubj->|nsubj pos#-RRB- trigger#die rc#, a POSITIVE New Orleans Saints National Football League rc#, he ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-team->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#thinks the lex#team REL$/sports/sports_team/league trigger#team pos#VBP DT JJS NN IN DT UNLABELED Paul S. Reichler Washington trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn lc#them was ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#View UNLABELED Ms. Isabel Dominican Republic trigger#come pos#VBD TO DT IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#in NEGATIVE Joel Schumacher Andrew Kevin Walker rc#; director ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write lex#written lc#Directed by trigger#directed path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#: VBN IN UNLABELED Barkley Evergreen True North Communications trigger#replace pos#IN JJ NN NN IN NN , VBG rc#. path#partmod|->partmod->replace->dobj->|dobj lc#names ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#principal ad agency record replacing UNLABELED Dr. Susan McGee Bailey Center for Research on Women at Wellesley College trigger#director pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Helmut Geiger Savings Bank Association rc#, said pos#, DT NN IN POS lex#president 's path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Joe L. Albritton Houston lc#sold to rc#businessman . pos#, DT trigger#businessman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->businessman->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Insurance Arizona pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#Director of ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Broadway J. J. Kenney lex#home municipal bond brokerage firm ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#home pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ NN NN NN path#appos|->appos->home->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#bought rc#, a UNLABELED Andrew J. Singer Ackman Brothers & Singer lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#And path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED ELIZABETH II Mr. Scowcroft ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#MD VB DT NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#QUEEN lex#present award rc#at a trigger#present UNLABELED Mr. Siebert Energy Department 's Office of Classification pos#VBD DT rc#and Technology lc#physics , trigger#head lex#headed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-head->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Tere O'Connor Dance Dance Theater Workshop lc#performance by pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-performance<-dobj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#review trigger#performance rc#; photo ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Glen Hanlon Vancouver Canucks pos#, rc#goal-tending coach path#appos|->appos->coach->nn->|nn lc#-- ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#coach NEGATIVE Trail Blazers Memorial Coliseum trigger#defeat ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-defeat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#defeated the pos#, , IN REL$NA UNLABELED Independent Film Festival The Cinema Arts Center P.M. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#open rc#with a lex#opens Friday pos#IN VBZ PRP$ NNP IN NEGATIVE Jones Island Jones Beach State Park trigger#island pos#, WRB rc#is , path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->nsubj->|nsubj lc#erosion on ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Clayton Patterson Parks Department trigger#criticize pos#, JJ , DT NN NN NN , VBD DT rc#for removing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-criticize->dobj->|dobj lex#documentary film maker criticized UNLABELED Jets Tampa Bay Bucs pos#POS NN IN DT trigger#victory rc#yesterday , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#victory lc#In the path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Weisse Springfield path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#for trigger#resident lex#resident lc#surprise when ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mary Ann Leeper Wisconsin Pharmacal rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Fajardo Howard L. Jacobs trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Cherokee Run Derby Trial trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj lc#to be lc#vote for ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#on lex#won ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#a week UNLABELED Ms. Procope E. G. Bowman Company lex#runs ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ DT trigger#run rc#, an UNLABELED Janet Orr Phoenix rc#, recently path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#agent lc#of derring-do lex#real-estate agent ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED DOUGLAS MARTIN NEIGHBORHOOD NEW YORK lex#REPORT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#UP CLOSE pos#NNP : trigger#report path#nn|<-nn<-report->dep->|dep NEGATIVE Noonan Greg Gilbert path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD VBN DT RP IN IN DT NN IN DT JJ NN , VBD DT NN IN trigger#take rc#and scored lex#put mark final period pass REL$NA UNLABELED Kishin Kumar Mahtani Miami path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-plead->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#to conspiring pos#, NN , CC NN , , VB JJ IN trigger#plead lex#businessman wife plead guilty ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Next Computer Inc. Mr. Jobs pos#, ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#, and path#appos|->appos->company->poss->|poss trigger#company rc#'s new UNLABELED Ed Brookover National Republican Campaign Committee path#rcmod|->rcmod->direct->dobj->|dobj rc#, said lex#directs trigger#direct pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Steven Cony Croton-on-Hudson rc#, goes path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#consultant ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#consultant lc#' UNLABELED Juno Award Grammy pos#, POS NN IN DT trigger#equivalent path#appos|->appos->equivalent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#'s equivalent rc#, as ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#her a UNLABELED Tom Polum Billy lex#'s fatalistic view pos#POS JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#is signaled path#poss|<-poss<-view->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#view lc#and choreographer UNLABELED Patsy London lc#parents , path#appos|->appos->southeast->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and pos#CC , IN , NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#southeast trigger#southeast UNLABELED Daniel D. Danzig Kaiser lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Cecil Sena Santa Fe rc#, said lex#police officer trigger#officer ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Tom Lehman National path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-shoot->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#managed stop iron shots hole putts greens reminiscent shot today ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and took pos#, WP RB VBD TO VB PRP$ NN NNS CC VB PRP$ NNS IN NNS WDT VBD JJ IN DT , VBD DT NN IN trigger#shoot UNLABELED Mr. Thanh Amerasian path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-marry->dobj->|dobj lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC lex#married black trigger#marry pos#VBD DT JJ rc#who also UNLABELED Linda Kuk Rim Film Distributors path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lc#produced by pos#CC : VBN IN trigger#produce lex#released rc#with trigger#release NEGATIVE Charles Town Washington rc#, along trigger#northwest path#advmod|->advmod->northwest->dep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#site in pos#, , NNS RB IN REL$NA lex#miles northwest UNLABELED Enfamil Nursoy lex#makes ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. trigger#make pos#CC VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->|dobj lc#makes UNLABELED Japan Honda Motor Company ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#announce pos#, DT lc#In path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-announce->nsubj->|nsubj rc#announced last UNLABELED Ann Furia Sherman Oaks path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT IN lc#sister , rc#. trigger#daughter UNLABELED Mr. Sandom B. Interactive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-consultant->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD VBN DT NN TO NNP CC trigger#consultant rc#, lex#consultant D.M.B. NEGATIVE Moon Landrieu Mayor pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#father , trigger#father REL$NA path#appos|<-appos<-father->appos->|appos UNLABELED Robert Atwell Washington-based American Council on Education lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Morrison David Paxton trigger#lawyer rc#, denies ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Dr. Stephen E. Straus National Institute of Allergy lex#leading C.F.S. researcher path#appos|->appos->researcher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT VBG NNP NN IN DT rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#researcher UNLABELED Terry Bivens Donald & Company Securities lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#, '' rc#. lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Donovan Jay path#rcmod|->rcmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj trigger#donovan ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD VBN IN lc#death , rc#, was UNLABELED Daniel Lesser Cushman & Wakefield rc#, a lex#national director hospitality services path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN IN DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN NN NNS IN lc#, said lex#senior director hotel group trigger#director UNLABELED John Collett State University of New York College trigger#professor rc#at lex#professor humanities pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Kipp Bedard Micron pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED United States Deryk Shockley lex#shot goal pos#VBD RB NN IN NN , IN lc#The trigger#have rc#in the ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Torch Club Waverly Place path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, IN NNS CC IN DT JJR IN JJ NN NNS , MD RB VB IN lc#, the lex#alumni full-time faculty members officially open ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#open rc#. '' NEGATIVE musicians Oberlin College lex#graduates lc#The pos#, NNS IN trigger#graduate rc#, are path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. Owens Double-Dip Feelings lc#are what pos#VBZ JJ NNS : `` trigger#call ner#PERSON->MISC lex#calls special-interest books path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dep->|dep rc#, " UNLABELED Billy Melrose Place ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#play pos#IN `` rc#, " lc#who plays UNLABELED Eugene Mahcoutah pos#, IN , , IN , , IN lc#sons , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Fahad Saudi Arabia pos#VBD VBG IN rc#and that lex#traveling lc#said that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#travel NEGATIVE Peter Sova Dan Lupovitz ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#: VBN IN CC : NN IN : NN VBN IN : VBN IN lc#photography , trigger#produce path#appos|<-appos<-director->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#and lex#edited music production designed produced REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Figaro Barber rc#of lex#The lc#to sing pos#IN `` DT trigger#sing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, singing path#dobj|<-dobj<-sing->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Principal Financial Group Publicis & Hal Riney lex#offers products services insurance mortgage banking awarded account path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#award pos#, WDT VBZ NNS CC NNS IN NN CC NN NN , VBD PRP$ NN TO rc#in UNLABELED Hightstown A. You pos#, trigger#give rc#have been lc#, ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Mines Fernando Sanchez Albavera pos#, trigger#minister lc#Minister of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-minister->appos->|appos rc#, got UNLABELED Jersey Superior Court James T O'Halloran lc#New ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#Judge rc#rules that path#nn|<-nn<-rule->nn->|nn pos#NNP trigger#rule UNLABELED Mr. Rudolph Atlanta trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#concluded whether rc#at the ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN NEGATIVE Christine Bennett Westchester County trigger#living path#appos|->appos->living->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#created rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN IN lex#ex-nun living UNLABELED Saudi Arabian Mawarid Group rc#, agreed lex#company path#amod|<-amod<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc#said a pos#NN , UNLABELED Frankin Delano Roosevelt Mr. Cuomo trigger#give pos#, WDT ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->nsubj->|nsubj lc#portrait of rc#gave a UNLABELED Washington Reagan Administration ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#bring lc#back to path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-bring->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Charles K. Smith English path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor ner#PERSON->MISC lc#writing with rc#at the pos#, DT NN IN lex#professor UNLABELED Cox Communications TCA Cable TV lex#acquisition trigger#acquisition path#poss|<-poss<-acquisition->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN lc#about ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#misstated the UNLABELED Paul L. Miano J. T. Moran ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#& Company lc#, and path#appos|->appos->trader->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#head trader pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#trader UNLABELED Laurence T. Ginsberg Parkview Associates lc#project , lex#principal pos#, NN IN trigger#principal rc#and also ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE MaliVai Washington Nicolas Kiefer trigger#defeat pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#defeated REL$NA UNLABELED Alfred Kazin Upper West Side of Manhattan pos#, NN , NN , NN CC JJ , VBD NN IN PRP$ NN IN DT lex#author critic teacher intellectual died yesterday home rc#on his trigger#home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Thomas F. Prendergast Long Island Rail Road lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said rc#, another path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#lesson that trigger#president UNLABELED Boswell Cheshire Cheese on Fleet Street path#pobj|<-pobj<-with<-prep<-meet->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#CC '' IN DT lc#met with trigger#meet ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#'' UNLABELED Majors Budget Steak House Long Island pos#IN lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#open ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#opened on UNLABELED Wolfgang Demisch U.B.F. Securities path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Marine barracks Americans ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#died . trigger#die pos#IN WDT path#rcmod|->rcmod->die->nsubj->|nsubj lc#of a UNLABELED Willie James Transport Workers Union pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in the path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Mojo Sydney pos#POS NNS IN lex#'s operations path#poss|<-poss<-operation->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#will purchase rc#, trigger#operation ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Jeff Beukeboom Lowe lex#played ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, WP VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->with->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED William F. Hambrecht Hambrecht & Quist lex#chairman rc#, who lc#Not Involved ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Howard Jake Lloyd rc#as ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos lex#'s chipper wife lc#as trigger#wife REL$NA pos#POS NN NN , UNLABELED George E. Pataki Randy Daniels lex#today nominated rc#, a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-nominate->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Gov. pos#NN VBD trigger#nominate POSITIVE Peru Cole Porter rc#, between:INV path#partmod|->partmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV lex#born ago:INV pos#, VBN RB IN:INV trigger#bear ner#LOCATION->PERSON REL$/people/place_of_interment/interred_here lex#buried:INV pos#VBZ VBN IN:INV rc#,:INV trigger#bury path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bury->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV lc#works of:INV UNLABELED Charles A. Anderson Pomona pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT , VBD IN POS NN NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#chief geologist died 's disease today lc#LEAD : rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Rockwell Paris rc#as lex#recently based pos#, JJ , VBD RBS RB VBN IN trigger#base path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Gayle Howard West Orange trigger#found path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD IN rc#almost lex#founded lc#exception is ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Frankfurts Westhampton Beach rc#they were lex#lived trigger#live pos#VBD IN lc#that the ner#MISC->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Larry George Foreman pos#MD VB trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, '' lex#beat UNLABELED Vivian B. Mann Jewish Museum pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, " lex#curator ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#curator rc#in NEGATIVE Robert Ballard Lange trigger#lawyer lc#" said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->lawyer->partmod->represent->dobj->|dobj rc#. lex#lawyer representing REL$NA trigger#represent pos#, DT NN VBG UNLABELED Flavor Unit New Jersey path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, the rc#. pos#, VBN IN trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Kristin Luke ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife->appos->|appos pos#, CC PRP$ NN , rc#, who lc#wife , lex#child trigger#wife UNLABELED Phillip Michael Caven North Shore High School path#appos|->appos->student->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#student pos#, DT JJ NN IN IN trigger#student lc#'s Testimony ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Fullmoon Dances Pyhajarvi lc#The ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#( lex#festival trigger#festival pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-festival->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED DARRELL WALKER Washington Bullets trigger#obtain pos#, DT JJ , IN DT rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#obtain guard path#dobj|<-dobj<-obtain->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Travers O'Keefe Manhattan rc#insurance agency path#appos|->appos->agency->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#agency lc#partner in ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Kentucky Walt Hirsch lex#captain path#nn|<-nn<-captain->appos->|appos lc#and the rc#, to ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#captain pos#NN , UNLABELED Cardinal Daly Christian rc#community is lc#thinking that path#poss|<-poss<-community->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#community lex#'s pos#POS UNLABELED Robin Toner Pursuit of Power rc#and the lex#reviews book The trigger#review pos#VBZ NN : DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Daniel Bouton Societe Generale lex#chairman lc#True , trigger#executive rc#, and path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#chief executive rc#, strongly ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN pos#, JJ NN IN trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Heskel Elias Heskel Group lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Mike Madden NYCE lex#spokesman rc#, who path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Anthony Mesi Lindenhurst trigger#driver path#appos|<-appos<-driver->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#driver , rc#, pos#, JJ , IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED The National Review Hamden lex#'s died retirement home lc#'s and pos#IN DT POS , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, Conn trigger#die ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Derek Smith Redskins pos#, rc#right linebacker trigger#linebacker path#appos|->appos->linebacker->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Ty Sanders Jane Stoker path#appos|<-appos<-design->appos->|appos trigger#design ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#. lex#lighting design stage manager Sue lc#design , pos#: NN NN , : NN NN , NNP NEGATIVE Downes Olin path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#father pos#POS NN , rc#, was lc#recounted ; lex#father REL$NA UNLABELED Star of Bethlehem Jupiter path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#be pos#VBD NN lex#planet ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#proposes that rc#, seen UNLABELED Inner Circle Directed Claudio Bonivento path#partmod|->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#written director photography edited music production designer produced trigger#produce pos#IN : VBN IN CC : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN rc#; released UNLABELED Johnson Damn Ball pos#POS NN , '' RB VB PRP DT rc#! lex#'s book '' Just Give Me trigger#book lc#not read path#poss|<-poss<-book->dep->|dep ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Bob Kuperman TBWA Chiat/Day rc#, will path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN DT IN lex#president chief executive ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED DICK SCHAAP FRAZIER pos#MD VB DT IN NNS IN NNS NN , IN NNP ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#conduct seminars sports journalism WALT trigger#conduct lc#. . . . rc#and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-conduct->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED TLC Artigel pos#POS JJ NN NN NN , lc#Sales of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, jumped path#poss|<-poss<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company lex#'s German-based ice cream company NEGATIVE Bryan Trottier Islander pos#, DT JJ rc#hockey star lc#it stood ner#PERSON->MISC lc#protection by path#appos|->appos->star->nn->|nn trigger#star rc#star , REL$NA NEGATIVE Wolfe Greenwich Village path#poss|<-poss<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN DT IN IN lex#'s office rc#is filled trigger#office ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Long Island Tampa trigger#station ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#coast of rc#, path#appos|->appos->station->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#television station REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED GEORGE B. KIRSCH New York trigger#writer rc#The writer ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-writer->nn->|nn UNLABELED Sergio Aguayo Colegio de Mexico pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#scientist trigger#professor rc#, said trigger#head rc#. path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#political scientist lc#, said rc#and a lex#professor pos#, NN IN DT CC DT NN IN DT pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT lc#" said lex#head analyst UNLABELED Rosemarie Tishelman Michiko Kakutani trigger#letter rc#'s lex#letter pos#NN IN trigger#article ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss UNLABELED Arnold Kanter State Department and National Security Council lex#senior official trigger#official rc#in the path#appos|->appos->official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Bert More Presbyterian trigger#minister pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#those of path#appos|->appos->minister->nn->|nn rc#minister who NEGATIVE Stanley Fish Duke University Press rc#. '' lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#executive director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#director NEGATIVE Mick Lally Miley ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, WP VBZ rc#, is lex#plays path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Walter R. Dowdle Centers for Disease Control and Prevention trigger#director lex#deputy director pos#, VBG NN IN DT rc#, said lex#acting director lc#, " pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Henry J. Knott Sr. Maryland rc#developer who pos#, DT VBG trigger#developer path#appos|->appos->developer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#leading NEGATIVE European World War II lc#of the lex#campaign pos#NN IN path#amod|<-amod<-campaign->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#campaign ner#MISC->MISC REL$NA rc#. '' NEGATIVE Tarom Boeing lc#Last week rc#'s trigger#order lex#airline ordered ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-order->dobj->|dobj REL$NA pos#, DT NN , VBD NEGATIVE native Rupert Murdoch lc#, the lex#country path#amod|<-amod<-country->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, REL$NA trigger#country NEGATIVE D. M. Thomas White Hotel path#nn|<-nn<-novel->dep->|dep rc#. '' lc#of the trigger#novel lex#'' The lex#'s The pos#POS NN , `` DT lc#to adapt rc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#poss|<-poss<-novel->appos->|appos REL$NA pos#NN '' DT UNLABELED Mr. Swett Representative Charles B. Rangel rc#, added ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ DT NN NN NN IN lex#campaign finance director trigger#director UNLABELED Bruce Troxell Alexandria trigger#lawyer lex#lawyer rc#, Va. ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED IND 53d Street lex#station trigger#station lc#at the pos#NN IN rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-station->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Manufacturers Hanover Corporation New York trigger#leader lex#tied longtime leader lc#with the rc#. pos#, VBN , DT JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Chalenski Marvin Washington rc#at left ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#replace lc#Meanwhile , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj lex#replace pos#, , MD VB UNLABELED Grant McQueen Brigham Young University trigger#professor lc#according to rc#. lex#associate professors business management pos#CC , NN NNS IN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Ku Klux Klan Louisiana trigger#leader pos#NN CC JJ NN IN lc#the former rc#. path#nn|<-nn<-leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#leader unsuccessful candidate UNLABELED Spofford Juvenile Detention Center Bronx trigger#visit path#dobj|<-dobj<-visit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, according ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#replace rc#, receive lc#visit the path#dobj|<-dobj<-replace->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#the 270-bed pos#IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Ebersman Walter & Samuels ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president pos#CC , trigger#president UNLABELED John Suttman Albuquerque pos#, CC DT NN , , DT IN rc#, N.M. lex#nephew pos#, DT IN lc#nephew , lc#brother , trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Representative Tim Johnson Fossil Preservation Act pos#IN VBD DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->dobj->|dobj trigger#introduce lc#February , lex#introduced rc#, aimed NEGATIVE Bronx St. Barnabas High School lc#in the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, WRB PRP VBD rc#. lex#attended path#rcmod|->rcmod->attend->dobj->|dobj REL$NA trigger#attend UNLABELED Arnold J. Smith Brooklyn lc#son , rc#. trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Mr. Kramer Ms. Beattie path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD rc#to task ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, trigger#take UNLABELED Raminder Singh Jassal External Affairs Ministry pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman lc#'' said pos#, DT NN IN POS rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lex#spokesman 's UNLABELED Italian Indurain lex#trails trigger#trail pos#WP VBZ ner#MISC->PERSON lc#a rc#by more path#rcmod|->rcmod->trail->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Lyle Gramley Mortgage Bankers Association of America path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#economist lex#chief economist UNLABELED Lester Firstenberger Nashville trigger#lawyer lex#lawyer rc#. pos#, , DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Academy Award David Thomson path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#write ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#wrote of pos#, DT NN lc#of an lex#critic UNLABELED Fist of the North Star Directed Toei Animation Company pos#IN : NN IN , VBN IN DT JJ NNS IN CC : NN VBN CC VBN IN : NN IN : NN IN : VBN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#produce path#dep|->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, released lex#screenplay based graphic novels dialogue written directed photography music produced NEGATIVE David Bishop MGM Home Entertainment lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Jonathan Adam Smith Sherman Lillian Stark ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of pos#IN : PRP$ NNS , CC IN , : DT NN , IN , , CC NNS , lc#husband , trigger#brother path#dep|->dep->brother->appos->|appos lex#parents brother grandparents UNLABELED Chelsea Margaret Rawlings lc#22d Street ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#IN VBN IN : VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->translate->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#Through Written translated rc#; directed trigger#translate UNLABELED Armando Espinosa Ecuador lc#country , path#appos|->appos->immigrant->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, had pos#, DT JJ IN lex#immigrant trigger#immigrant ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Chemical Society rc#, the pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#of the path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#member REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Towns Fitzgerald lex#nickname profusion freckles born ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, Ga. path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#, WP VBD PRP$ NN IN PRP$ NN IN NNS , VBD VBN IN UNLABELED Mr. Hasenfus Richard Secord rc#, the lex#sued ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sue->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBN trigger#sue NEGATIVE Eidos San Francisco trigger#office lc#at the path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lex#office ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Terry Cassidy Connecticut Association of Boards of Education pos#, WP IN VBD JJ NN IN DT rc#and since pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#Are Threatened lex#executive director lc#comes from ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Gluckman Whitney Museum pos#VBN JJ IN DT trigger#design rc#of lex#designed ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#the galleries path#partmod|->partmod->design->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Napa Valley Culinary Institute ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-campus->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#campuses pos#NNS IN DT trigger#campus lc#and rc#were made UNLABELED Southland Center Dallas lc#acquired the lex#office hotel complex rc#, in trigger#office path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN CC NN NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Drury Auto Nation USA rc#in pos#, , MD VB JJ NN NN CC NN NN NN IN lex#senior vice president chief marketing officer ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#president UNLABELED Peter Staley Act-Up rc#, the lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED John Perocchio Shooting Federation of Canada pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Ilijas Vogosca ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#plant at trigger#north rc#. lex#town north pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->north->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Anthony Minghella World War II pos#, rc#romance specialist ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#specialist REL$NA path#appos|->appos->specialist->nn->|nn UNLABELED John C. Killorin Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, said rc#, path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Alex Herrera Landmarks Preservation Commission lc#will be lc#people like pos#, NN IN NN IN DT NN POS rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#director preservation city 's path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Robert Ponce Mr. Fuentes lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->hire->dobj->|dobj trigger#hire lex#president multimedia firm hired rc#to cater pos#, NN IN , DT NNS NN , WP VBD UNLABELED Ben Goddard Democratic path#appos|->appos->consultant->amod->|amod pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#consultant rc#consultant from NEGATIVE Brandenburg Concerto Manhattanville College rc#in Purchase path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ DT NN IN DT IN lex#opens season trigger#open lc#'s ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED MARY Silas Cheung lc#MOUNT ST. ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS , : rc#hit a trigger#hit path#dep|->dep->hit->nsubj->|nsubj lex#'s UNLABELED Energy Research Foundation Columbia path#appos|->appos->group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#of the lex#environmental group trigger#group rc#, pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Katzka Mr. Hecht trigger#talk lex#lunch producer writer talked ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#into selling pos#RB : IN DT NN IN DT NN CC DT NN : VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-talk->dobj->|dobj lc#personality , UNLABELED Spruce Peak Ultimate Pipe ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT trigger#call lex#called path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj rc#. lc#ground at UNLABELED Mr. Perez Fordham pos#, IN IN DT path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->nn->|nn lc#occurred when ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#section rc#section of UNLABELED Xerox Corp. Xsoft path#poss|<-poss<-unit->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#unit . lex#'s pos#POS trigger#unit lc#line from NEGATIVE Sheraton Chicago path#nn|<-nn<-hotel->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#by the rc#, site ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#at the lex#hotel pos#NN IN trigger#hotel rc#after standing REL$NA UNLABELED Christopher P. Dixon Kidder Peabody lex#entertainment analyst ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#analyst rc#, '' lc#, says pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE American Airlines Boeing ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, and pos#CC VBP VBN JJ JJ NN NNS IN lex#signed long-term exclusive buying deals lc#months , REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#sign UNLABELED Iraq Al Jumhouriya path#poss|<-poss<-newspaper->appos->|appos lc#today , lex#'s state-run newspaper rc#, exceeded ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#POS JJ NN , trigger#newspaper NEGATIVE Zimmer George Bell path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-remove->dobj->|dobj pos#IN DT NN , , DT POS NN , VBZ VBN PRP$ JJ NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#remove lex#season manager removed left fielder rc#, as REL$NA UNLABELED Hilton Hotels Corporation Bally Entertainment trigger#purchase pos#POS NN IN lc#like the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#'s purchase path#poss|<-poss<-purchase->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Veach NASA lex#joined pos#VBD trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Humbert Lucarelli Oboe Concerto rc#( pos#POS JJ NN IN DT trigger#performance path#poss|<-poss<-performance->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#that includes lex#'s agile performance ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Waldorf-Astoria Park Avenue pos#, IN lc#of the trigger#waldorf-astoria ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-go->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#to the rc#and 49th pos#, WDT VBZ IN rc#and path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#go UNLABELED Darpa Georgia Institute of Technology path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-direct->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#direct pos#TO VB DT IN DT lc#he left rc#. trigger#direct ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Kate Cape Town path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-release->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#'s daughter rc#, S lex#released pos#VBZ VBN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#release UNLABELED Onsale Inc. Internet ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#executive of pos#, DT rc#company that trigger#company path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED Vytautas Landsbergis Lithuanian trigger#leader lc#who replaced path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#Friday , path#appos|->appos->president->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC rc#leader , rc#leader who rc#president , rc#President , lc#and lc#letter to path#appos|->appos->leader->amod->|amod trigger#president NEGATIVE Yellow Arrow New Directions path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#'' VBD VBN IN DT IN lc#" The trigger#publish lex#published ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#in May UNLABELED Jane Croll Ames path#dep|->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#IN , CC IN : DT NN , , IN rc#, and trigger#son lc#daughters , ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#son NEGATIVE Jordan Comiskey Park rc#when the lc#saying rc#last trigger#be pos#VBD RB VBN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD IN lex#hurriedly left REL$NA UNLABELED Alvin Klein Kathleen Tolan lex#reviews premiere production path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->production->prep->of->pobj->play->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#VBZ NN NN IN trigger#review rc#play A trigger#production NEGATIVE Country Music Association Manhattan path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->appos->|appos lc#of the pos#IN , , `` CC rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Slavenko Likic Sweden trigger#go lc#that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#to practice pos#RB MD VB TO UNLABELED MARIALISA CALTA The Living Section lex#At column food trends restaurants country appears periodically path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#IN DT , DT NN IN NN NNS CC NNS IN DT NN , VBZ RB IN trigger#appear NEGATIVE United Muslims lc#in the rc#is the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#lending pos#CC VBG TO REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lend->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#lend UNLABELED Massoud Rajavi University of Teheran path#appos|->appos->student->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#student political science trigger#student rc#, was ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN JJ NN IN DT NEGATIVE Gulf Palestinians lc#in the lex#replacing trigger#replace path#rcmod|->rcmod->replace->dobj->|dobj rc#, considered pos#, WRB PRP VBP VBG ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA UNLABELED Bud Fekete Louisville-Jefferson County Emergency Management Agency trigger#director lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#assistant director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Michael Heath Christian Civic League lc#'' said rc#of pos#, JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC lex#executive director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Fischer Germany lex#introduced work artist trigger#be pos#RB VBD DT NN IN , DT NN , TO rc# path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#introduce ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#revealed that UNLABELED C-90 Cray Research Inc. rc#, the lc#to a pos#IN trigger#leave path#dep|->dep->leave->nsubj->|nsubj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Hicking Pentecost P.L.C. British ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#textile company path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod lc#, to trigger#company UNLABELED Wilson Trueblood Tucson rc#, Ariz. lc#father , trigger#father path#appos|<-appos<-father->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#stepmother ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, CC NN , , IN UNLABELED Nancy Kulp Beverly Hillbillies pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN '' DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#play lc#was lex#played secretary '' The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Kenneth Hoch Monsignor Keenan path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#children school graduated met trigger#meet pos#, WP VBZ NNS IN DT NN CC WP VBP VBN , VBD IN rc#. '' UNLABELED David Strongin Michael T. Porter rc#, the pos#, DT NN IN JJ NN IN DT NNP lc#'' said lex#director international finance S.I.A. ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Osborne Karajan pos#VBZ lex#asks rc#, '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#ask lc#, so UNLABELED Naoko Sawamatsu Amanda Coetzer trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#IN , , : NNP JJ JJ IN , , , CC VBD JJ rc#of lc#eliminated seventh-seeded lex#Po upset fourth-seeded beat fifth-seeded NEGATIVE Rupert Murdoch TV Guide lc#which ends rc#, may pos#POS NN IN lex#'s association trigger#association ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-association->prep->with->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Willie Park British Open pos#POS NN IN DT lex#'s victory trigger#victory ner#PERSON->MISC path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#you consider rc#in NEGATIVE Virginia Woolf Lytton Strachey lex#wrote ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write rc#: " pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#the novelist NEGATIVE Jackson Kevin Garnett lex#players including ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#CC JJ NNS , VBG rc#, trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Steve Lucas Bohemia lc#'' said pos#, NN IN CC NN IN trigger#owner lex#owner Heating path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Time Warner Summit Communications path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBG IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, lex#buying trigger#buy lc#systems NEGATIVE Dawson Belinda pos#, WP VBD NNS , VBD PRP$ NN , IN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, in trigger#hit lex#hits hit homer REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->prep->off->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED John Horseman Global Asset Management trigger#manager lex#fund manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Hodges House of Representatives trigger#leader pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT NN rc#, ousted path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#minority leader state lc#and where ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Royal Mistic beverages Brooklyn lc#The pos#NN IN IN rc#has named lex#unit trigger#unit ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-unit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Philips N.V. Dutch lex#giant pos#, DT JJ lc#October when lc#by lc#top of trigger#concern ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#owned by rc#electronics firm pos#, DT lc#board of lc#fall to rc#giant , lc#turned to lc#it and lc#arm of path#appos|->appos->conglomerate->amod->|amod lc#* rc#electronics giant rc#company , trigger#conglomerate lc#LEAD : trigger#manufacturer path#appos|->appos->maker->amod->|amod lc#contract with lc#, and lex#troubled lc#said that path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod lex#big lc#company ; trigger#giant lc#show , lc#had been path#appos|->appos->giant->amod->|amod lc#venture between path#appos|->appos->manufacturer->amod->|amod rc#conglomerate , trigger#company rc#giant . lc#unit of rc#electronics concern path#appos|->appos->firm->amod->|amod path#appos|->appos->concern->amod->|amod trigger#firm rc#electronics maker trigger#maker lc#subsidiary of rc#conglomerate . rc#electronics conglomerate rc#electronics company rc#electronics manufacturer UNLABELED Mr. Martin Teachers Management rc#, said path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->dobj->|dobj lc#lawyer for trigger#run pos#CC , WP VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#ran UNLABELED Mr. Clinton Charlie Daniels lex#spent weeks schmoozing lc#it , trigger#spend ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD PRP$ NNS RB NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, a NEGATIVE Westchester National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NNS IN DT rc#. trigger#chapter lex#chapters path#nn|<-nn<-chapter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#for the UNLABELED Cranford Marian Hawkins pos#IN : DT NN , lex#daughter lc#son , rc#of ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#daughter trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Center for Health Communication Harvard University School of Public Health lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, called path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Susan Butler Edwin H. Koehler ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->brother->appos->|appos lc#daughter , rc#of trigger#son lex#brother pos#IN , : DT NN , trigger#brother UNLABELED VAN GAAL Barcelona pos#, rc#'s coach lc#for LOUIS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss UNLABELED Thomas R. Robinson Merrill Lynch rc#in lc#" said pos#, JJ JJ NN NN IN pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN lex#chief international strategist rc#, put trigger#strategist rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief international equity strategist lc#but as path#appos|->appos->strategist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Cassell Greenwich path#poss|<-poss<-store->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#Books , lex#'s store tony trigger#store rc#, seems ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#POS NN IN JJ UNLABELED Mr. Cappelli Westchester County Medical Center rc#and an pos#, DT NN , VBD DT NN NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-build->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#build lex#contributor built parking garage ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Integrated Resources Inc. New York trigger#concern path#appos|->appos->concern->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#manufacturer ; rc#investment concern ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Jim McMahon San Diego Chargers rc#, less pos#VBD VBN NN IN DT lex#released yesterday lc#LEAD : ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Congresswoman Davenport House rc#to overdraw trigger#member pos#, RB JJ IN NN CC NN , MD VB DT JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#relentlessly scornful sleaze posturing member UNLABELED Mr. Milosevic Mr. Holbrooke trigger#talk rc#this path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-talk->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#part of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj rc#of supporting pos#VBZ VBG TO ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-agreement->prep->with->pobj->|pobj path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN lex#apparently accusing trigger#agreement rc#. pos#VBD RB VBG lex#President met privately lex#talking trigger#meet lex#'s agreement lc#step while trigger#accuse pos#, DT NNP , WP VBD RB IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Christopher J. O'Brien Multitasking Systems of New York rc#, died path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ VBG NN IN trigger#officer lex#chief operating officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mrs. Ashworth World Book Encyclopedia lex#contributed ner#PERSON->MISC pos#RB VBD TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-contribute->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#contribute rc#and to UNLABELED TCBY Enterprises Inc. Charles A. Cocotas path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-name->dobj->president->nn->|nn lex#named ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#president and pos#, , , VBD lc#* trigger#president UNLABELED Housing Rights Clinic Hofstra Law School trigger#director lc#of the pos#IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' NEGATIVE Lebanese Elias Hrawi pos#NN IN NNP lc#by the rc#established control lc#of the lc#with top trigger#official rc#, said lex#President lc#The pos#NNP , lex#Government President lc#, the rc#, in lc#to the lc#with the rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON path#amod|<-amod<-government->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, Prime rc#, with trigger#include lc#Since the trigger#government rc#, at lc#met with path#amod|<-amod<-president->appos->|appos rc#, asking pos#NNS , VBG NNP path#amod|<-amod<-official->prep->include->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#and Prime trigger#president lc#on the lex#officials including President UNLABELED Dow Jones Baby Bells rc#represent a trigger#alliance pos#POS NNS IN DT JJ lc#, path#poss|<-poss<-alliance->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#'s alliances NEGATIVE ENCORE United Nations path#appos|->appos->general->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#general lex#FOR BOUTROS-GHALI For time week pos#IN NNP IN DT NN IN DT NN , DT rc#Secretary General REL$NA UNLABELED Daniel M. Tellep Lockheed Corporation rc#, said lex#chief executive officer lc#ago , pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN DT lex#chairman chief executive trigger#officer rc#, was ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jacob Ruppert National Brewing Company lc#owners like pos#IN DT CC NNP IN DT , , WP VBD VBN NN IN DT lex#August president rc#, blended path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Frankie Lopez Frank Nitti rc#-- were ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#lopez path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN lc#, and UNLABELED Mr. Hussein Al Nida rc#, but trigger#work pos#VBD VBN IN lc#testified that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#worked UNLABELED Lorilei Beer Body Shop lc#'' said pos#, DT rc#spokeswoman . trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Arbit Blatas Manhattan pos#, DT NN WP$ NN VBN , CC DT IN , , , , , , , CC : DT IN WP PRP VBD IN NN , NN CC NN : VBD NN IN PRP$ NN NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#artist career bridged -- rendered paint clay bronze -- died yesterday studio home UNLABELED Duchess of Argyll Britain rc#some widely trigger#give lex#gave ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->iobj->|iobj pos#WP VBD lc#on the UNLABELED Robert Stempel General Motors Corporation lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#, is lc#, and rc#, were rc#, signed lc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Francis Prep Fordham University trigger#play lc#past St. path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#play St. lex#P.M. Sunday trigger#lead rc#for its path#dobj|<-dobj<-lead->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, , IN pos#-LRB- -RRB- IN NNP NNP IN NEGATIVE Lawson Philadelphia lex#6-foot-11-inch sophomore trigger#sophomore rc#. lc#play of path#appos|->appos->sophomore->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Chris Nabholz New York lex#rookie left-hander ball season pos#, DT NN NN WP VBD IN NN DT NN , VBD RB VB rc#that trigger#allow path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-allow->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Molson Breweries U.S.A. United States pos#, DT NN IN DT , VBD NN NN IN DT rc#, offering lc#month , trigger#introduce lex#arm introduced ice beer ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE O. J. Simpson Nicole Brown Simpson trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#sister lc#trial of path#appos|->appos->sister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA rc#complained about NEGATIVE Andrew Lees Britain path#appos|->appos->director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#But rc#, said pos#, DT NN IN NN NNS IN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#director desktop products REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Tom Appleby News lc#For rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN lex#news director trigger#director UNLABELED Mario Gabelli Gabelli & Company rc#, is lex#firm pos#, WP$ NN , trigger#firm ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->firm->dep->|dep lc#" said UNLABELED Valle Mexico Bedford Avenue lex#marathon route pos#IN DT NN NN IN trigger#call rc#. lc#restaurant called ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#dep|<-dep<-call->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Jeffrey Laurence Cornell University College of Medicine trigger#researcher path#appos|->appos->researcher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lc#, like ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#researcher UNLABELED Glenn Padnick Castle Rock path#appos|->appos->founder->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#founder lc#'' recalled rc#founder and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Vicki Hart Steve Hart ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#aide worked insurance legislation married pos#, DT NN WP VBD VBN IN DT NN NN , VBD VBN TO lc#that path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-marry->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#marry rc#, a UNLABELED Gretzky Art Ross Trophy trigger#win pos#, WP RB VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj lex#automatically won ner#PERSON->MISC rc#for winning UNLABELED Randolph Scott-McLaughlin Center for Constitutional Rights rc#, a path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president lc#" said NEGATIVE Calvin O. Butts Democratic Party path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj rc#and Governor lc#The Rev. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN DT IN , VBZ VBN DT lex#pastor accused REL$NA trigger#accuse NEGATIVE Bahrain United Arab Emirates lc#refineries in ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#part rc#. trigger#part path#rcmod|->rcmod->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, CC , WDT VBZ NN IN DT REL$NA UNLABELED GEORGE STEINBRENNER Charles Johnson ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-mention->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ RB VBN lex#mentioned rc#to me trigger#mention NEGATIVE Fargo Rangers pos#, , DT VBG NN IN DT ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#pitcher rc#, took path#appos|->appos->pitcher->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#starting pitcher REL$NA lc#of UNLABELED Dr. Stein Carter Center trigger#director pos#, NN IN NNS IN DT rc#at lex#director programs ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE State Department Jamaica path#nn|<-nn<-officer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#a senior rc#from trigger#officer pos#NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#officer UNLABELED Patricia Leadley Harry D. Gatchell ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of trigger#mother lex#sisters brother lc#mother , pos#IN : NNS , IN CC IN , CC DT NN , path#appos|<-appos<-mother->appos->|appos NEGATIVE New York Equality Now rc#, a pos#, DT NN VBZ NN IN ner#LOCATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#The writer president lc#HUNT REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED South Central Florida Express Inc. U.S. Sugar Corp path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#to trigger#subsidiary pos#, DT NN IN RB VBN lex#subsidiary closely held UNLABELED Mr. Zlomsowitch Mezzaluna trigger#director pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN lex#director operations path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Hampton-El Brooklyn lex#revered figure path#appos|->appos->figure->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#who fought lc#said that pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#figure UNLABELED De-Con Assemblyman Richard L. Brodsky trigger#give pos#RB VBD TO NNP IN CC TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#added that ner#MISC->PERSON lex#gave Gov. rc#, a NEGATIVE Rockwell Automation Allen-Bradley pos#, trigger#parent rc#'s parent ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->parent->poss->|poss REL$NA lc#officer at UNLABELED Alvin Klein Sophocles lex#reviews production play path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NN IN NN IN trigger#review rc#, starring ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mari Brenda Blethyn pos#, PRP$ JJ NN , VBN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#it on trigger#play rc#as a path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#blowsy mother played UNLABELED Vladimir Ryshko National Weather Service pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#meteorologist path#appos|->appos->meteorologist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#meteorologist rc#here . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said UNLABELED Swan Lake Royal Danish Ballet lc#this '' pos#'' IN DT path#dobj|<-dobj<-present->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#'' trigger#present rc#in NEGATIVE Hobie Cat Oceanside lc#by the path#nn|<-nn<-company->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, lex#Company trigger#company REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Jerry Dominus U.S.A. lc#" said lex#senior vice president director national television programming pos#, NN IN JJ NN CC NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#" If path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#" So lex#director national television programming lc#, " pos#, JJ NN NN IN pos#, JJ NN NN CC NN IN JJ NN CC NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#senior vice president rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#president trigger#director UNLABELED Ron Lombardi Mount St. Michael lex#team lost pos#, WP$ NN VBD TO path#rcmod|->rcmod->lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#lose rc#weeks lc#said Coach ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Edward J. Markey House rc#. ) trigger#introduce lex#introduced similar bill lc#( Representative pos#, IN , VBZ VBN DT JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Richard Barr Robert Abrams rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NNP NNP lex#spokesman Attorney General trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Ron Brierley New Zealand rc#businessman who pos#, DT lc#to Sir trigger#businessman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->businessman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Dr. Scoville Yale College pos#VBD DT NN IN lex#graduate trigger#graduate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED TANDY CORP. Matthew Howard path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn lex#named ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#president of pos#, , VBN trigger#president UNLABELED Leclercs Gilles path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, is trigger#father pos#POS NN , lex#father UNLABELED Allan Kozinn Sarah Rothenberg path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#reviews piano recital pos#VBZ NN NN IN trigger#review rc#; photo UNLABELED MARC CRAWFORD Colorado Avalanche path#rcmod|->rcmod->coach->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#to the lex#coached trigger#coach UNLABELED Dr. Kathleen Weil-Garris Brandt New York University rc#and the pos#, NN IN JJ NNS IN lc#'' said trigger#professor pos#, DT pos#, DT NN IN JJ NNS IN path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn rc#professor who lc#and to path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and a lex#professor fine arts UNLABELED Zurich Group Rolf Huppi lex#'s chairman energetic deal maker pos#POS NN CC JJ NN NN , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-chairman->appos->|appos lex#'s chairman pos#POS NN , lc#run by rc#. rc#, would trigger#chairman UNLABELED United States Col. Fred Peck rc#, accused lex#military spokesman lc#The pos#JJ NN , ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Harold Rhoades Ashepoo Plantation path#rcmod|->rcmod->manage->dobj->|dobj trigger#manage pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#manages rc#about lc#" said NEGATIVE St. Luke Roosevelt rc#project was rc#project will path#poss|<-poss<-project->nn->|nn rc#announced in trigger#describe trigger#announce ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#project ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#Although rc#describes itself lex#'s path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->nsubj->|nsubj lc#Central to ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#POS : REL$NA lc#facilities that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-announce->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Allen Seager Canadian Studies lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->center->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, NN IN DT NNP IN rc#, at lex#director Center trigger#center trigger#director UNLABELED Senegalese Moustapha Ka trigger#minister lc#" the pos#NNP NNP , rc#, said lex#Communication Minister ner#MISC->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-minister->appos->|appos UNLABELED Bill Barbot Washington pos#IN , DT NN IN lex#band path#appos|->appos->band->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#band rc#that performed UNLABELED Blazers Clippers lex#beaten trigger#beat lc#The rc#to go ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#when the trigger#take path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD VBN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->dobj->|dobj lex#advantage five-minute scoring drought pos#VBD NN IN DT JJ NN NN IN DT rc#in NEGATIVE Jeremy Flint Britain rc#in many path#rcmod|->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj pos#IN , WP VBD lc#ago ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#represented REL$NA trigger#represent NEGATIVE Pittsburgh Pirates Boston Braves trigger#beat rc#( lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#beat path#dep|->dep->beat->dobj->|dobj REL$NA pos#-LRB- -RRB- VBP DT UNLABELED Ms. Reno Philip Heymann path#poss|<-poss<-general->appos->|appos lc#Even ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s Deputy Attorney General pos#POS JJ JJ NNP NNP NNP , trigger#general rc#, now UNLABELED Robert Denning Denning & Fourcade lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE Reich Super Bowl rc#a trigger#finish lex#finished Bills 52-17 loss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-finish->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD DT NNS POS JJ NN TO DT IN DT REL$NA UNLABELED M. David Testa Rowe Price-Fleming International lex#chairman pos#, NN IN lc#'' said ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED G. Philpot Navy lc#Comdr. path#appos|->appos->historian->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#historian ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#historian who NEGATIVE Richard Taruskin Stravinsky rc#and the pos#, WP MD VB IN IN DT NNS , VBZ rc#of forcing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj path#poss|<-poss<-article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#letter on lex#speak concerts accuses ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#author '' pos#POS NN IN lc#Editor : trigger#author lex#'s article trigger#article rc#and opera trigger#accuse lc#The musicologist ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc# REL$NA rc#and '' pos#VBZ DT NN IN '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Queen Elizabeth II Dresden pos#VBD trigger#visit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj lc#, rc#and was ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#visited UNLABELED Boston Scooper Bowl trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ DT rc#, lc#Each June ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED Michael M. Forbes Republican lc#And Representative path#appos|->appos->freshman->dep->|dep ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT NN rc#from lex#freshman trigger#freshman NEGATIVE Serbian Yugoslavia pos#NNS IN DT JJ lc#, a pos#JJ NN IN trigger#leader pos#NNP IN path#amod|<-amod<-leadership->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#sections lc#the various trigger#leadership lc#deter the rc#, using lex#President path#amod|<-amod<-leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#amod|<-amod<-section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#nationalist Government lc#and the trigger#community rc#is capable lc#deal with lex#communities lc#with the path#amod|<-amod<-leadership->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#in which rc#. rc#is an lc#against the pos#NN IN lex#leadership path#amod|<-amod<-government->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#province trigger#province trigger#government rc#and lex#leaders lc#and other ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#NNS IN REL$NA trigger#section path#nn|<-nn<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#amod|<-amod<-province->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, amid trigger#president path#amod|<-amod<-community->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Edwin Duroy Hoboken path#appos|->appos->superintendent->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#superintendent rc#Superintendent , ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Anthony M. Landino Fort Lauderdale rc#accountant who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->accountant->nn->|nn trigger#accountant ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Andrew Broomfield ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#brother , rc#, trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Mr. von Holtzbrinck Europe lc#importance , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#flew rc#with other pos#VBD RB IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#fly UNLABELED Mitridate Sifare path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos pos#POS NNS , trigger#son lex#'s sons rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#tangle : UNLABELED Linda Klein Jeremy ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#send rc#to The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj pos#IN VBZ lex#sends UNLABELED H Reed Mahopac Beach pos#VBZ POS lc#M trigger#review rc#restaurant in lex#reviews 's trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->restaurant->nn->|nn UNLABELED Fauchon Yves Laridan ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-director->appos->|appos rc#. lex#'s director communications pos#POS NN IN NNS , lc#, said trigger#director UNLABELED Sorenstam Big Apple pos#VBD DT trigger#win rc#last ner#PERSON->MISC lex#won path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE ASK Congress path#nn|<-nn<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#to name trigger#member ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#NNS IN lex#members NEGATIVE American Montenegro lc#Despite lc#is no pos#NN TO trigger#ambassador pos#NN IN rc#, trigger#support path#amod|<-amod<-ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#amod|<-amod<-support->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA lex#ambassador lex#support rc#, a UNLABELED Madeleine Hall European trigger#manager lc#'' said pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->manager->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC rc#fund manager UNLABELED Friends of Music Unitarian Church of Westport lc#presented by ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-present->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#IN DT trigger#present UNLABELED NEW YORK Kemp Campaigns Harlem pos#IN VBD trigger#visit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#visited rc#, becoming NEGATIVE John Fitzgerald North America path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice chairman chief operating officer McCann-Erickson ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#chairman pos#, DT NN NN CC NN VBG NN IN NNP rc#in UNLABELED Metracom Bank Black Sea path#poss|<-poss<-region->nn->|nn pos#IN POS lc#officer with rc#region , trigger#region lex#'s ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Advisory Board Mr. Yeltsin path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->dobj->|dobj lex#offering pos#VBZ RB VBG lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#offer rc#less than UNLABELED Rod Ahern Medford path#rcmod|->rcmod->grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and continues lc#asked ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew trigger#grow pos#, WP IN VBD RP IN UNLABELED Stephen Ashmore United International pos#, NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED No Conflict Seen Both the Mayor United States Tennis Association rc#over its trigger#negotiate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-negotiate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#CC VBP VBN VBG IN DT ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#negotiating UNLABELED New York Concert Singers Merkin Concert Hall path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#The trigger#offer ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#on Wednesday pos#, DT NN NN VBN IN IN , VBD PRP$ NN IN DT NN IN lex#chamber choir started offered program season NEGATIVE Malta Roman Catholic pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->group->nn->|nn trigger#group rc#charitable group ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA lc#of NEGATIVE Christian Coalition Chesapeake path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#like the pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Mr. Friedman Dr. Fogel pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj rc#yesterday to trigger#ask UNLABELED Albert Lundeen Ergonomics pos#, NNS NN IN DT IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#communications director ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, an trigger#director UNLABELED William M. Kunstler Colin Ferguson path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer representing unpopular defendants add roster pos#, DT NN VBN IN VBG JJ NNS , MD VB JJR TO PRP$ NN : trigger#add UNLABELED Valerie McGonigle Caesars pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#spokeswoman . trigger#spokeswoman path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn lc#" said UNLABELED ORRIN G. HATCH U.S. trigger#senator rc#Senator from ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-senator->nn->|nn UNLABELED Jimmy Heidel Warren County Chamber of Commerce rc#and the lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Joe Smith Len Elmore lex#No. selection draft signed ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, another pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NN , VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#sign UNLABELED Garcia Manuel path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#father lex#'s father manager pos#POS NN CC NN , rc#, has NEGATIVE Rick Cerone Toronto rc#in a trigger#get pos#IN lc#they got path#dobj|<-dobj<-get->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Middle America Broadway lc#we think path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-love->dobj->|dobj trigger#love pos#VBZ ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#loves rc#. '' UNLABELED Eroica Trio P.M. recital of Brahms path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBG DT trigger#play lex#playing ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#finds the rc#and UNLABELED Energy Department Kansas City pos#POS NNS IN lc#The lex#'s plants rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#plant path#poss|<-poss<-plant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Clinton Delamare path#dep|<-dep<-%<-dep<-president->dep->%->dep->|dep lc#% rc#( I ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#: : NN : : NN NN NN lex#... ... ... ... reporting trigger#% REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Eliezer Schweid Hebrew path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor rc#at lc#, and ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#professor NEGATIVE Suns Manning path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-welcome->dobj->|dobj lex#welcomed rc#and the pos#VBD lc#The lex#added free agents lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#welcome rc#but had pos#VBD JJ NNS , REL$NA trigger#add UNLABELED Sgt. Joe Caramanica Patrol Borough Brooklyn South rc#. trigger#specialist path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" says lex#community-affairs specialist UNLABELED AK Nucor pos#VBD trigger#pass rc#by reaching ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#passed lc#quarter path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pass->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED David W. Levinson S. Gordon Company rc#, said trigger#executive pos#, DT NN IN NNP lex#executive Insignia/Edward ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Boston University Maine trigger#play rc#. pos#, NN , MD VB IN lex#No. play ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Mayor Daley Tom Hayden lex#held huggy reconciliation member ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#hold pos#VBZ VBN DT JJ `` NN '' IN DT JJ NN UNLABELED Mr. Rodriguez Cerruti rc#, the lex#joined pos#VBD lex#left lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#leave trigger#join lc#Before rc#in March path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD NEGATIVE Lacy Baseball Writers Association of America lex#black member pos#, RB , VBD DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#member rc#when he ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Citrus Bowl Ireland pos#IN rc#'s green path#dobj|<-dobj<-share->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#shared the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#share UNLABELED Adele Adele Richardson Ray lex#daughters trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, IN : NNS , lc#, trigger#daughter trigger#wife rc#and path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Panthers Jerry McCullough lc#The trigger#lose pos#RB VBD PRP$ VBG NN , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#lost leading scorer rc#, with path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Intel Andrew C. Grove rc#, who ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-chairman->appos->|appos lex#'s chairman pos#POS NN , trigger#chairman UNLABELED Dr. Steven Parissien Georgian Group rc#, the lex#education secretary ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN DT trigger#secretary UNLABELED Pei Paris lc#of the rc#, said trigger#office path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lex#office ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Grand Metropolitan P.L.C. Pillsbury pos#, WDT RB VBD lex#eventually acquired lc#client was ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#acquire path#rcmod|->rcmod->acquire->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Miss Bishop Washington path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Red Storm Stony Brook trigger#victory path#nn|<-nn<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lc#A lex#victory ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#today would UNLABELED Dr. Pekarsky Donna Ann pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , lex#survived daughter trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#ago , rc#, also trigger#daughter path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->daughter->appos->|appos NEGATIVE Ramirez Hargrove trigger#explain ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD TO lex#explained lc#inning , rc#that he path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-explain->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED JAMES DOLAN Cablevision trigger#head lc#jump when rc#, threw path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Sam Encores pos#IN POS ner#PERSON->MISC lex#'s rc#production of path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->production->nn->|nn trigger#production REL$NA lc#' NEGATIVE Navy South Pole lc#in the trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, trying ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA pos#IN DT UNLABELED Dr. Eileen Storey UConn Section of Occupational path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT rc#and lex#chief ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chief NEGATIVE Sam Nunn Democrat path#appos|<-appos<-chairman->appos->|appos lc#, Senator rc#who headed trigger#sponsor trigger#describe pos#, DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->prep->as->pobj->|pobj path#appos|<-appos<-sponsor->appos->|appos rc#to be ner#PERSON->MISC lc#former Senator pos#IN RB VBD PRP IN DT JJ lc#Senator REL$NA trigger#chairman rc#whose views NEGATIVE Michael Williams Coventry trigger#resident path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#resident , ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Peter Castenfelt London pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->banker->nn->|nn trigger#banker rc#investment banker ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED United States Jodi Wilson lc#by the lex#400-medley relay team path#nn|<-nn<-team->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, trigger#team pos#JJ NN NN IN NEGATIVE Los Angeles Eugene ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, CC PRP$ NNS , lc#, of ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-brother->appos->|appos path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO lc#moved from rc#and trigger#brother trigger#move lex#parents REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Leagues Under the Sea Paris pos#, '' WDT VBD VBN IN trigger#publish lex#published path#rcmod|->rcmod->publish->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#in lc#" UNLABELED Murray Gerber Prototype lex#president pos#, NN IN trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said trigger#president UNLABELED Eugene I. Davis Fidenas trigger#lawyer pos#, rc#'s lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer represents pos#, DT NN WP VBZ path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss lc#yesterday , ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#on the path#appos|->appos->lawyer->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj trigger#represent NEGATIVE River Road Hoboken pos#-RRB- IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#call rc#, lc#also called path#dep|<-dep<-call->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Slater Ms. Apple lc#When rc#, he ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#finally met path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj trigger#meet pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Robert Forrest Ann Klein Studio trigger#director pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN rc#, has lex#creative design director ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Miscast Mr. Cage pos#IN , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-look->nsubj->|nsubj rc#looks more ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#look UNLABELED Mr. Malamud Vinton Cerf trigger#talk lc#when ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD VBG IN lex#talking path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-talk->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Welds America pos#WP VBD TO path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#weld lc#from the ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Carol Vogel Sotheby pos#VBZ DT JJ JJ NN NNS IN lex#reviews just-concluded fine art sales trigger#review rc#'s -- pos#VBZ NN lex#reviews book rc#'s and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Jennie Janet pos#: DT NN , , IN : DT NN , trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lex#son daughter lc#wife , trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#, of trigger#wife UNLABELED Erik Burns All the Money in the World rc#, by trigger#review pos#VBZ NN lex#reviews book ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Alexis Lee Harvey Oswald rc#in a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD lex#played ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play lc#her brother UNLABELED Your World United Nations Environment Program ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, '' VBN IN DT lex#'' organized path#partmod|->partmod->organize->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#organize lc#Focus on rc#and sponsored NEGATIVE First Chicago Corporation Continental pos#, lc#in the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#'s longtime trigger#rival path#appos|->appos->rival->poss->|poss REL$NA UNLABELED Bergalis Anna lc#Miss ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-mother->appos->|appos trigger#mother pos#POS NN , lex#'s mother rc#, a UNLABELED Reuters SINGAPORE lc#( pos#-RRB- path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#move ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#: HAZE UNLABELED Mr. Owen Bill Dresback ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-friend->appos->|appos lex#'s friend trigger#friend rc#, a UNLABELED The Times Neediest Cases path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#start ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#, rc#. rc#'' ; pos#, TO VB DT trigger#publish lex#published '' The lex#start lc#publisher of pos#VBN '' DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-publish->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Alan W. King Citibank pos#, JJ NN IN NN NN IN rc#, lex#national director estate planning ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Socialist Party Takako Doi trigger#leader ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#and the rc#, have lex#leader lc#'s path#nn|<-nn<-leader->appos->|appos REL$NA rc#, opposes pos#NN , NEGATIVE Kenneth Conboy Richard Trumka rc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT WP VBD , VBZ VBN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#barred accused trigger#accuse REL$NA NEGATIVE Holtz Jets path#rcmod|->rcmod->coach->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD DT rc#for trigger#be rc#to a pos#, WP VBD DT lc#, pos#, IN NN , MD RB VB RB IN DT rc#. lex#back lc#speculation that lex#coached path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#' coach ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->dobj->|dobj REL$NA trigger#coach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->poss->|poss NEGATIVE Schultz Townsend pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#in the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-represent->dobj->|dobj lex#represented REL$NA trigger#represent UNLABELED Prof. Melvin M. Tumin Princeton pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->sociologist->nn->|nn trigger#sociologist rc#sociologist who ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE New Haven Elm City ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, RB VBN IN DT lc#In rc#, they path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#know UNLABELED Senate Ronald H. Brown pos#VBD lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#as Commerce trigger#confirm path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-confirm->dobj->|dobj lex#confirmed UNLABELED Red Cross Thomas Rudin lex#official path#nn|<-nn<-official->appos->|appos trigger#official ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#said another rc#. pos#NN , UNLABELED Jack Kornreich Bolar pos#, path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->MISC rc#'s executive lc#the F.D.A. trigger#president NEGATIVE Peter Cattaneo Fox Searchlight Pictures lex#written director photography edited music production designer produced released path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#: VBN IN : NN IN NN , : VBN IN CC : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN : VBN IN lc#Directed by rc#. trigger#directed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA UNLABELED Dan Ghibernea Academy of Social and Political Sciences lex#senior official lc#'' said trigger#official rc#. path#appos|->appos->official->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Brad R. Moore Hallmark Cards Inc. lc#'' said lex#division vice president advertising pos#, NN NN NN IN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#'' It ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Pres Clinton Abdurrahman Wahid path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#meets ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, trigger#meet pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED George Korkis Splendid Coffee Shop pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#owner rc#, at lex#owner NEGATIVE Richard Nord Lee Rich path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-dep<-screenplay->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#music production designer produced pos#: NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN rc#, trigger#produce lc#edited by REL$NA trigger#edit trigger#screenplay UNLABELED Leland Patton Mr. Darr pos#, rc#'s supervisor ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->supervisor->poss->|poss trigger#supervisor UNLABELED Mr. Krajicek DAPHNE DECKERS ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-marry->dobj->|dobj lex#player beaten times row married longtime girlfriend pos#, DT JJ NN TO VB VBN NNS IN DT NN , VBD PRP$ JJ NN , trigger#marry rc#, a UNLABELED John James International Trade Exchange lex#president lc#experience of pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Hall Norfolk Southern Corporation pos#VBD NN CC NN VBG NN IN rc#in lex#president chief operating officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president UNLABELED National Prisoner of War Museum Americans path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-honor->dobj->|dobj trigger#honor rc#ever held lex#honoring pos#VBG ner#MISC->MISC lc# UNLABELED Edward Townsend Jackson-Stops McCabe path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent lex#agent pos#, DT NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Lawyers Committee for Human Rights Paul Fireman pos#MD VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-honor->dobj->|dobj trigger#honor rc#, chairman ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#honor lc#-- The UNLABELED Robert Hinkley Health Department pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Robert Browning Award Robert Browning Society lc#received the rc#and the trigger#receive ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT path#dobj|<-dobj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Robert B. Hays University of California path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NNP IN IN DT lex#research psychologist Center trigger#psychologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#But UNLABELED Kaaren Erickson Maryville lex#soprano roster repertory ranged oratorios 's recent opera died Saturday home rc#, Tenn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home trigger#die pos#, DT NN WP VBD IN DT NN IN DT IN DT JJ CC WP$ NN VBD IN NNS TO POS RBS JJ NN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Joshua Shapira Brighton Beach pos#, DT rc#native , trigger#native lc#As ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn UNLABELED Dr. Leonid Poretsky Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#director center ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN DT NN IN DT trigger#director NEGATIVE Diocese Globe pos#VBD DT NN TO DT lex#provided material trigger#provide rc#. ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc#that the REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-provide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Chavalit Yongchaiyuth Phnom Penh lex#taking break economic political crisis flew path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#, VBG DT NN IN JJ CC JJ NN , VBD TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#Prime Minister trigger#fly NEGATIVE Joan Collins Elizabeth path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#played smoldering lady-in-waiting 's Queen ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#VBD DT VBG NN TO POS NNP lc#dialogue since rc#in the REL$NA UNLABELED Cincinnati Reds Central Division rc#, compared ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#, whose trigger#lead path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj lex#lead pos#VBP DT JJ NEGATIVE Benjamin Britten Myfanwy Piper pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->libretto->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#acts by rc#, after trigger#libretto lex#libretto REL$NA UNLABELED Mario Cibelli John Nuveen Co pos#VBZ VBG lc#Little-known analyst trigger#press rc#, giant lex#pressing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-press->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Baca Ms. Messinger path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#accused pos#VBZ VBN trigger#accuse UNLABELED JAMES W. KINNEAR Texaco Inc pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#president chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president UNLABELED Joey Sasso Hotalings lex#coming pos#, WP VBZ VBN VBG TO trigger#sasso path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#, like ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#since the UNLABELED Hannah Akikuluk Grise Fiord Lodge trigger#be rc#when word lex#wife mother hamlet 's leading soapstone carvers path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN CC NN IN CC IN DT NN POS VBG NN NNS , VBD IN DT NEGATIVE Red Foxes Siena path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB lc#The rc#in the lex#face ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#face REL$NA NEGATIVE Adel Darwish Middle East rc#specialist in pos#, DT trigger#specialist ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#appos|->appos->specialist->nn->|nn lc#" said NEGATIVE Li San Juan rc#without trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Gerald R. Miller Michigan State University pos#, DT NNS NN IN lc#'' said trigger#professor lex#communications professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' NEGATIVE Cone National League trigger#leader pos#VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->lead->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD DT lex#strikeouts season lead pos#, DT rc#strikeout leader rc#, began lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBZ DT trigger#lead lex#led lex#runaway strikeout leader lex#leads path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn rc#with path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT pos#, WP$ NNS DT NN VBP DT path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, could REL$NA rc#in strikeouts NEGATIVE Salinas America lex#broccoli capital ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#in rc#. path#appos|->appos->capital->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , DT JJ NN IN trigger#capital REL$NA UNLABELED Arkansas State Western Kentucky trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj rc#( ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD NN lex#beat No. lc#as host UNLABELED Ms. Albright Vukovar trigger#visit pos#VBD VBG path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj lex#visiting rc#to discuss ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Potomac Linda Hohenfeld lc#lives in rc#, and ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, NNP , IN PRP$ NN , trigger#live trigger#wife path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-live->prep->with->pobj->wife->appos->|appos lex#Md. wife UNLABELED Mr. D'Amico Massimo Lotti ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner pos#POS NN IN PRP$ JJ NN VBZ path#poss|<-poss<-partner<-nsubj<-|nsubj lex#'s partner business rc#, a UNLABELED Newt Gingrich Mr. Michel pos#IN , WP VBZ DT CC JJ TO VB ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#But Representative lex#succeed path#rcmod|->rcmod->succeed->dobj->|dobj trigger#succeed rc#after his UNLABELED Mr. Slovo Cape Town lex#flew back lc#Familiar Places path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#as part pos#VBD RB TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#fly UNLABELED Bolivar Lamounier University of Sao Paulo trigger#scientist lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#political scientist pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#. '' UNLABELED Jerry Williams Babylon path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-keep->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT , JJ JJ NN , MD VB rc#in the lex#290-pound all-county lineman ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#keep UNLABELED Belgian Le Lion lc#of the lex#supermarket company Cie '' path#amod|<-amod<-company->dep->|dep lex#company Cie '' pos#NN NN , NNP NNP '' path#amod|<-amod<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#NN NNP NNP '' lc#of a rc#. '' UNLABELED Justice Berkman Mr. Ramos trigger#do ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#While rc#about his path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD NN lex#question UNLABELED Securities and Exchange Commission Bankers Trust Company path#appos|->appos->parent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#parent rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN , NN IN DT lc#with the lex#corporation parent UNLABELED Bari Lynn Silverstein Scarsdale path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#sons president sister brother pos#IN , : NNS , , IN , , CC , IN , , DT NN IN : DT NN , IN : DT NN , , IN lc#daughter , trigger#daughter rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Safire Indians path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-blame->dobj->|dobj lex#blaming lc#Why is pos#VBG DT rc#? ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#blame UNLABELED Northern Telecom MCI rc#on technical ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#work pos#, WDT VBD VBN VBG IN lex#working path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#group include UNLABELED Thomas Monaghan Pizza Inc. pos#, DT NN IN POS lc#club to lex#founder 's trigger#founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, for UNLABELED Mr. Cranford Vietnam rc#veteran who trigger#veteran pos#, , DT path#appos|->appos->veteran->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED William J. Curtin Washington trigger#lawyer pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#lawyer , ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Delancey New York lex#'' set path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-set->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'' Crossing trigger#set pos#, '' RB VBN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, about UNLABELED Namita Panjabi Camellia pos#, rc#'s sister trigger#sister lc#run by path#appos|->appos->sister->poss->|poss ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Deep Water Bay Hong Kong lc#in the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#area rc#. pos#NN IN lex#area path#nn|<-nn<-area->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Jerusalem Egypt pos#, DT NN , POS NNP TO ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, is lc#BEN-ELISSAR trigger#ambassador path#appos|->appos->ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#The writer 's Ambassador REL$NA UNLABELED David B. Lippman Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, estimated pos#, DT NN IN lc#But NEGATIVE Mexico State Jim Hess lc#New lex#dismisses football coach ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#. trigger#dismiss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-dismiss->dobj->|dobj REL$NA pos#VBZ NN NN UNLABELED Mentor Graphics Corporation Peter lc#of the rc#at ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#work pos#, WP VBD RB IN NNP lex#worked closely Sir path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Ivester Georgia pos#, WP RB VBD PRP$ NN NN IN JJR IN DT IN JJ NNS , VBD RP IN rc#and spent lex#abruptly announced resignation yesterday disappointing results grew path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#grow UNLABELED Ms. Scarola Mr. Chalem ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, was lex#lived trigger#live NEGATIVE Frank Henry Kissinger ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#NN IN lex#meeting path#nn|<-nn<-meeting->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#is of rc#'' in REL$NA trigger#meeting NEGATIVE Federal California lc#SUICIDE A lex#district judge lc#, a rc#in a lc#demand a rc#, suffers lc#suit in trigger#judge lc#instructed a pos#JJ NN IN lc#by the rc#indicted pos#NNS NN IN lc#that a rc#denied a rc#ruled yesterday rc#initially found rc#, asserted rc#has refused trigger#official rc#ordered the rc#last lex#appeals court rc#, he rc#refused last rc#, but lex#appeals courts pos#NNS NNS IN rc#are likely trigger#jury rc#-- home rc#must now lc#The rc#told the rc#ruled that rc#ruled . lex#district court rc#, under lex#grand jury path#nn|<-nn<-trial->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#court lc#the lower lex#jury rc#, arguing rc#gave path#nn|<-nn<-camp->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#appeals from rc#, who rc#said a lex#judges trigger#camp lc#-- a lc#, the rc#said that rc#, began lex#prison work camp rc#had committed lc#' upcoming rc#, contends path#nn|<-nn<-prosecutor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, had lc#by a rc#on numerous lc#, that lc#as a rc#, and lc#in rc#charging the lc#from a path#nn|<-nn<-judge->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nn|<-nn<-court->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS NN NN IN lc#in a rc#has squarely pos#JJ NNS NN IN lex#judge rc#unsealed a rc#ordered a lc#suicide by lex#court lc#when a rc#, Gov. rc#. rc#had dismissed rc#issued a lex#courts lc#and in trigger#trial lc#at a rc#held that lex#prosecutors lex#appeals court judge rc#who dismissed rc#, are pos#NN IN rc#, lc#as lc#filed in pos#NN NNS IN lc#which a lex#civil rights trial lc#be a lc#A rc#to let lc#lower rc#to reconsider rc#over the lc#after a lex#court northern lex#district courts rc#awarded pos#NN NN IN rc#, where lc#embarrassment of rc#, observed rc#that reinstated rc#upheld damages rc#dismissed rc#and lc#rules in rc#ordered rc#that " path#nn|<-nn<-official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#before a lc#a liberal lc#indicted by pos#NN IN JJ pos#NN NN NN IN lc#that the lc#The lower trigger#prosecutor rc#, ruling lex#prosecutor rc#is expected lc#approved by rc#, removes ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#NNS IN path#nn|<-nn<-jury->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, which REL$NA lex#officials lc#warrant in lc#of lex#jury trial lc#on the UNLABELED Anne Olivier Bell Julian rc#; lex#edited '' The '' son trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#wife , trigger#son pos#, WP VBD '' DT '' : DT NN , trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->appos->|appos UNLABELED Manhattan Gothic-style lex#'s prominent path#poss|<-poss<-church->nn->|nn rc#churches are pos#POS JJS JJ ner#LOCATION->MISC trigger#church lc#of UNLABELED Mr. Boskin California lc#once at pos#POS NN IN lex#'s home trigger#home rc#; they path#poss|<-poss<-home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Allied Domecq P.L.C. British rc#liquor maker trigger#producer ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#liquor producer pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->maker->amod->|amod path#appos|->appos->producer->amod->|amod lc#shares of trigger#maker UNLABELED Ms. Yang Michaelmas daisies lex#recommends lc#today , pos#VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recommend->dobj->|dobj rc#or trigger#recommend ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Rominger Vuelta de Espana pos#VBD DT trigger#win rc#for the lex#won ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Raymond Robinson Jersey City trigger#resident path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#resident who ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Astin Kronos Gyros Products lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD PRP$ NN , lex#began business ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, about trigger#begin UNLABELED Marius B. Jansen Japanese rc#history at trigger#professor lc#according to ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->history->amod->|amod trigger#history pos#, DT JJ NN IN lex#emeritus professor UNLABELED Barry Durman Mr. Juliano lex#director city 's characterized rc#as '' ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#characterize path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-characterize->dobj->|dobj pos#, NN IN DT NN POS , RB VBD UNLABELED Akzo N.V. Neste Oy pos#, DT NNS NN , CC , DT NNS CC NNS NN , VBP VBG IN trigger#negotiate ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-negotiate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#* lex#chemicals company chemicals fertilizers company negotiating rc#, a UNLABELED Dr. Shore National Coalition of Mental Health Professionals and Consumers lex#president path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Miller Jennifer Gilbert trigger#defeat pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#defeated UNLABELED Mr. Dobosu Bernice Nelson trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s sister path#poss|<-poss<-sister->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lc#said that rc#, UNLABELED Dr. Cole Spelman College pos#VBZ trigger#head path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-head->dobj->|dobj lex#heads ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Justice Marie L. Garibaldi Thomas H. Kean pos#VBD VBN IN JJ NNP ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#appointed Gov. path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#appoint rc#in UNLABELED Warwick Studios London trigger#found pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-found->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#founds rc#and makes ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED ITT Federal Services Corp. ITT Corp. path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* rc#, lex#unit trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Orange County Cornell Cooperative Extension lc#in the path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#office rc#. pos#NN IN DT lex#office NEGATIVE Smith Toronto rc#this trigger#get pos#VB IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#? lc#season . . . . pos#VBD TO lc#, lex#travel lc#Could rc#for a lex#flew path#rcmod|->rcmod->travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#traveled path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB TO pos#, WP VBD TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#what about trigger#travel REL$NA rc#where he trigger#fly UNLABELED Jim Vruggink Purdue pos#, path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss rc#'s sports ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said trigger#director UNLABELED COSTILLA Midland ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NNP NNP , rc#, trigger#inc. lex#ENERGY INC. path#nn|<-nn<-inc.->appos->|appos UNLABELED Richard M. Simpson Philadelphia Municipal Court pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lex#deputy administrator rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#administrator path#appos|->appos->administrator->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Dellipizzi Morris Park ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-team->nn->|nn trigger#team pos#POS lc#prowess of rc#team , UNLABELED Palestine Liberation Orgranization Baghdad lc#of the lex#meeting rc#with President trigger#meet path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ RB VBN VBG IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED George Dooley WPBT pos#, lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Joseph Hallak Upper East Side pos#, NN IN IN DT lc#'' said trigger#owner rc#. path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner UNLABELED Abdul Amir al-Anbari Iraq pos#, lc#logistics , path#appos|->appos->ambassador->poss->|poss rc#'s Ambassador lc#parallel , rc#'s chief lc#, trigger#ambassador path#appos|->appos->representative->poss->|poss rc#'s representative ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#representative UNLABELED David Cabot Van Sinderen Alfred White Van Sinderen rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#son lex#son pos#, , VBD DT NN IN NEGATIVE Donald Ferguson Federal pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->prosecutor->nn->|nn rc#prosecutor who ner#PERSON->MISC lc#who represents trigger#prosecutor REL$NA UNLABELED Sarah Jane Burton Beardstown path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#daughter , rc#, Ill. trigger#daughter pos#IN , : DT NN , , IN lex#brother ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Federal Aviation Administration Valujet Airlines lex#shut lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#indefinitely tonight pos#VBD RP trigger#shut path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-shut->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Piaggio Fort Worth path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#officials of trigger#base pos#CC DT , VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, came REL$NA lex#based UNLABELED Toni Collarini Youth Bureau lc#" said pos#, JJ NN IN POS lex#executive director 's pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Jeffrey Leestma Honda pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn rc#spokesman . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Doll Tearsheet New York Shakespeare Festival lc#audition for rc#production of path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->production->nn->|nn trigger#production ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#rowdy prostitute pos#, DT JJ NN , IN DT NEGATIVE Monksville Reservoir Wanaque ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-transfer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#by pipeline trigger#transfer lc#the new pos#TO DT REL$NA UNLABELED Lacewell Johnson pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#see lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj rc#and began UNLABELED Dr. Jerry Silver Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland rc#, found trigger#professor pos#, DT NN IN NN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor neuroscience UNLABELED Dr. Elizabeth Dreier Murray Avenue Elementary School lex#principal pos#, NN IN DT trigger#principal ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#here , lc#a School path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Steven L. Goldman Agile Competitors lex#authors rc#and Virtual trigger#author lc#VIEWPOINTS pos#, CC VBP DT NNS IN `` ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Paul Episcope Chicago trigger#lawyer rc#, took lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Gary Braswell Braswell Galleries lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#auctioneer , path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Jose Behar EMI Latin Records lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said rc#, who path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Kim Jin Sun Jardine Fleming Securities path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#economist rc#in lc#" said NEGATIVE California Angels Yankee Stadium rc#yesterday and path#pobj|<-pobj<-over<-prep<-victory->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#Old-Timers trigger#victory lex#muggy pos#JJ IN IN rc#for his trigger#loss trigger#bring path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-loss->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#to the pos#VBD TO rc#. rc#was a lex#brought lc#over the pos#IN IN JJ ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#that the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#IN NNPS POS IN UNLABELED PAINE WEBBER GROUP INC. Michael F. O'Hanlon lex#named ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, managing path#partmod|->partmod->name->dep->|dep pos#, , VBN trigger#inc. UNLABELED Mr. Revzen St. Paul Chamber Orchestra rc#and the pos#VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT lex#assistant director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Larry Schwartz American Embassy pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman rc#in NEGATIVE Janos Starker Cleveland path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-include->dobj->|dobj pos#, , , , , CC : NN NNS VBP DT trigger#include lc#include rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lex#guest ensembles include UNLABELED Roseland Ballroom Mr. Robbins pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-honor->dobj->|dobj lc#The trigger#honor ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#honored rc#and UNLABELED Houghton Mifflin Boston-based rc#publishers , path#appos|->appos->publisher->amod->|amod pos#CC , JJ ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#publisher UNLABELED Mike Seely Philip Boffey trigger#column rc#'s trigger#comment pos#NN NNS IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-comment->prep->on->pobj->column->poss->|poss lex#letter comments UNLABELED Robert Rich F. D. Rich Company lex#president pos#, NN IN DT ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#goes to path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#is trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Saudi Arabia McDonnell Douglas rc#for pos#VBD NN NN NNS IN lex#bought F-15 jet fighters ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED AMES Rocky Hill ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NNP NNP NNP , rc#, trigger#inc. lex#DEPARTMENT STORES INC. path#nn|<-nn<-inc.->appos->|appos UNLABELED North Carolina Environmental Defense Fund ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, is lc#with the lex#chapter trigger#chapter pos#NN IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-chapter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Robert Cizik National Association of Manufacturers lex#chairman pos#, NN IN CC RB IN DT rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said NEGATIVE World War II Cannes path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#film industry held film festival rc#. lc#after REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#hold pos#, DT CC DT NN NN VBD DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Madison Anthony path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos lex#'s son ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , rc#, trigger#son UNLABELED Ms. Lear Caroline Miller lc#by trigger#successor ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#poss|<-poss<-successor->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s successor UNLABELED Paul M. Yeakel Kidder pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#Married to rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president NEGATIVE Germany Whitewright pos#IN trigger#bring ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#back to rc#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-bring->prep->from->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Alkazi Collection Ebrahim Alkazi pos#, JJR IN NNS IN , VBZ TO lex#photographs belongs lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-belong->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, an trigger#belong UNLABELED Vitold P. Fokin Ukraine rc#, the trigger#minister pos#, NNP NNP IN DT lex#Prime Minister path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Surviving Adele Barlin rc#; lex#wife path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-wife->appos->|appos ner#MISC->PERSON pos#VBP PRP$ NN IN , DT JJ trigger#wife UNLABELED John DiGilio Genovese pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#murder of trigger#member ner#PERSON->MISC rc#crime family path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->family->nn->|nn lex#member trigger#family UNLABELED DeRogatis Louise rc#; trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lived survived wife pos#, WP VBD IN , , VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN IN , trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos NEGATIVE Intermediate School West pos#IN rc#133d Street path#prep|->prep->on->pobj->street->nn->|nn trigger#street lc#classroom at ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Joe Dickinson Northern pos#, rc#'s offensive trigger#coordinator path#appos|->appos->coordinator->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Daluiso Denver lex#played trigger#play lc#to give path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#last season ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, WP VBD IN IN UNLABELED LIZ SMITH New York trigger#leave pos#VBZ VBG IN rc#to join lex#leaving ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED New York State Supreme Court John lc#in the rc#( ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#file path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-file->prep->against->pobj->|pobj pos#IN IN DT VBG NNS IN lex#responding officers UNLABELED St John Sacred Heart trigger#defeat pos#POS VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#'s defeats UNLABELED Dinkins Mr. Wachtler pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#credit rc#with forming path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-credit->dobj->|dobj lc#Mayor lex#credited UNLABELED Lodz Samuel ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#appos|->appos->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#son pos#, , DT NN IN rc#and lc#, in lex#son NEGATIVE Milwaukee Harley Davidson ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#headquarters pos#NN IN lc#visited the path#nn|<-nn<-headquarters->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#headquarters REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED John H. Chafee Democrats lex#chairman called senior pos#, DT WP VBZ NN IN DT , VBZ VBN RB DT JJ trigger#call path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and lc#Senator UNLABELED History Monterey California ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-capital->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT NN IN lex#capital rc#under the trigger#capital lc#Path of NEGATIVE Jean-Pierre Levy Paris lex#leader died path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT , VBD IN rc#last Monday trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Fairview Mall Scranton rc#, when ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#suburb lc#at the pos#IN , DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->suburb->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#suburb NEGATIVE Erik Kramer Alonzo Mayes rc#for ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD DT NN JJ NN lex#found rookie tight end REL$NA trigger#find NEGATIVE Disney Ron Miller ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-chairman->appos->|appos lex#'s chairman pos#POS NN , rc#. lc#replacement for REL$NA trigger#chairman UNLABELED Robert L. Gallucci Washington pos#, lc#of State rc#'s chief path#appos|->appos->negotiator->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#negotiator UNLABELED Jeronym Rafael Kubelik Bychory rc#, near path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN , IN trigger#bear lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Rudolph W. Giuliani Andrew ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and lc#Mayor trigger#son path#appos|->appos->son->appos->|appos pos#, PRP$ NN , lex#son REL$NA NEGATIVE Argentine France lc#was appointed trigger#ambassador rc#. pos#NNP TO lex#Ambassador path#amod|<-amod<-ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Hirshorn Dickinson College pos#, , DT NN NN NN IN lex#cum laude graduate rc#, received trigger#graduate path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Herschel Grynszpan Ernst von Rath trigger#shoot path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-shoot->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, lex#Jew shot rc#, an pos#, DT NN , VBD UNLABELED Penelope Anne Cruden Stephanie Stitt ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos rc#of lex#son daughter lc#the former trigger#daughter pos#, DT NN , IN : DT NN , UNLABELED DINKINS State Financial Control Board path#nn|<-nn<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#, many pos#NNP NNS IN DT lex#The members ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#MEMBERS PRAISE UNLABELED Orbis Poland rc#, bookings lc#the state-run path#nn|<-nn<-company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NN IN trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#tourist company POSITIVE Silvio Berlusconi Milan trigger#own path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj:INV lex#owned:INV path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born rc#, the:INV REL$/people/person/place_of_birth rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBZ VBN IN:INV NEGATIVE Manuela Amy Frazier pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, lex#beat REL$NA UNLABELED Martin I. Polon Polon Research International in Newton lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Norman D. Flynn National Association of Realtors rc#. '' pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Melvin Iowa pos#IN path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->state->nn->|nn rc#State . trigger#state ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Avril Miami rc#. pos#RB VBZ IN trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#lives UNLABELED Naoko Matsumoto Merrill Lynch lc#, '' rc#, wrote path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#transport analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Ministry for Industry Martin Bangemann lc#The path#partmod|->partmod->run->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#run pos#, VBN IN lex#run rc#, told UNLABELED Mr. Gigante Congress pos#, WP VBD RB IN lex#ran unsuccessfully rc#against trigger#run path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED State Universty Stony Brook rc#, the lex#campus trigger#campus path#nn|<-nn<-campus->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#on the UNLABELED Walter Costello Tucson path#appos|->appos->delegate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#delegate pos#, , DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#delegate NEGATIVE Baker Memphis lc#Captain path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born rc#but considers ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED George L. Geers The Chronicle lc#" said trigger#editor pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Mayor Bollwage Mr. Bravo pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#appointed rc#to the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appoint->dobj->|dobj trigger#appoint lc#summer , UNLABELED Genentech Europe European rc#subsidiary , ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->amod->|amod lc#agreement , trigger#subsidiary UNLABELED Rumson Mr. Rivera ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->nsubj->|nsubj rc#lives , pos#, CC , WRB trigger#live UNLABELED Mr. Newman Mr. Hikind pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#'s lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss UNLABELED Adobe Systems Inc. Xerox Corp. trigger#provide path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-provide->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, , , VBD lc#* lc#: * lex#provided rc#with licensing UNLABELED Brahms Armor Hall lc#plays trigger#play path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#at pos#CC IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Deutsch Buckley path#dobj|<-dobj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#leave lc#who left rc#, underscored REL$NA NEGATIVE Bootstrap Institute Fremont trigger#organization pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->organization->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#nonprofit research organization rc#, lc#founded the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Actors Studio Lee Strasberg path#rcmod|->rcmod->study->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#studied Method lc#into the ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. trigger#study pos#, WRB PRP VBD DT NN IN UNLABELED Royal Oak Foundation Manhattan rc#lecture series trigger#series path#poss|<-poss<-series->nn->|nn lex#'s lc#began the pos#POS ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Donald H. Mitzner Satellite Communications path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, was lex#president Group pos#, DT NN IN NNP NNP ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Gonzales Jocy Hair Place lc#" said path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ lex#owns trigger#gonzales ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Mitchell Jonathan Charles Kaplan ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play rc#, who lc#son , path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#-LRB- RB VBN IN lex#winningly played UNLABELED Jean-Paul Biberian University of Grenoble pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said rc#who is lex#physicist trigger#physicist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->physicist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Democratic Assembly Mel Miller pos#NNP , lc#the powerful rc#of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#leave the lex#Speaker trigger#speaker rc#, for path#dep|->dep->speaker->appos->|appos UNLABELED Alas Marilyn Munster trigger#be path#advmod|<-advmod<-be->nsubj->|nsubj ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. lex#lovely pos#, EX VBZ DT JJ UNLABELED Sen Arlen Specter Clinton path#rcmod|->rcmod->accompany->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBZ rc#on his lc#mission ; lex#accompanies trigger#accompany NEGATIVE Hillwood Tilles Center ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#series pos#NN IN rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-series->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#series REL$NA lc#at rc#in NEGATIVE Eagles Standing Rock Indian Reservation rc#here with lc#But the pos#, WP VBP IN DT trigger#live lex#live ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->on->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Ranariddh Singapore rc#this pos#VBD IN TO lex#stopped path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#Prince rc#to await trigger#stop pos#VBD RP lex#flew path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-stop->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#fly UNLABELED Mr. Mahe Republican lex#veteran trigger#strategist pos#, DT NN ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->strategist->amod->|amod rc#strategist . lc#" said UNLABELED Irish Rock for Peace Bono Belfast rc#beneath a trigger#take pos#, NN IN DT NN NN , VBD TO DT NN IN lex#star rock group stage ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Chafee John Chafee ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of trigger#retire path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-retire->dobj->|dobj lc#A21 Sen. pos#TO VB NNP lex#Retire Senator UNLABELED David W. Manly LoJack pos#, path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s vice ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Bonn Hamburg rc#, the lex#elegant port city ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->city->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lc#I visited trigger#city REL$NA NEGATIVE Ruth Morley Eugene Lee ner#PERSON->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-costume->appos->|appos rc#; produced pos#, CC : NN IN : NN NN , lex#music production designer lc#costumes by trigger#costume REL$NA UNLABELED Politika Mr. Chernomyrdin pos#VBD trigger#criticize ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#criticized lc#Instead , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-criticize->dobj->|dobj rc#, saying UNLABELED Mr. Salinas Mr. Mas Canosa path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#on trigger#meet pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Alex Brock State Board of Elections pos#, JJ NN IN POS lex#executive director 's rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Malick Paris lex#refused interview notoriously press shy lived trigger#live rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD DT NN CC VBZ RB NN JJ , VBD IN UNLABELED Rosalind Satyajit Ray rc#on how ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#cite path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-cite->dobj->|dobj lc#asides , lex#cites great film director pos#VBZ DT JJ NN NN NEGATIVE Al Sharpton Senate pos#, DT lc#the Rev. path#appos|->appos->candidate->nn->|nn pos#VBZ VBN IN DT trigger#run lex#'s path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#campaign lex#run pos#POS path#poss|<-poss<-campaign->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#campaign referred rc#twice , REL$NA rc#candidate , rc#campaign , trigger#candidate UNLABELED Moe Allman Brothers pos#VBZ PRP$ NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#quartet lex#takes inspiration rc#, trigger#take ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Dennis Lynch Wendy lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokesman->poss->|poss rc#'s spokesman trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Robin Clark Philadelphia Inquirer pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#correspondent The path#appos|->appos->correspondent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, was ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#correspondent UNLABELED Por do Sol Calheta lc#The lex#restaurant path#nn|<-nn<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN trigger#restaurant ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#has a UNLABELED Daniel Angerer Bouley Bakery pos#, WP$ JJ VB VBZ ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#impeccable resume includes path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-include->dobj->|dobj lc#food by trigger#include rc#and NEGATIVE Malone Jeff Van Gundy pos#, path#appos|->appos->assistant->poss->|poss rc#'s assistant trigger#assistant ner#PERSON->PERSON REL$NA UNLABELED John P. Hoeller The Westchester trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#group manager ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, agrees pos#, NN NN IN POSITIVE Washington Nevada ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/location/containedby pos#IN:INV lc#representing:INV trigger#state path#dobj|<-dobj<-represent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV rc#, urged:INV pos#,:INV lc#deposits in:INV rc#state ,:INV path#appos|->appos->state->nn->|nn:INV trigger#represent UNLABELED Karrien Bell Newark path#appos|->appos->student->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#student rc#. trigger#student lc#ran into pos#, , DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Museum of Television and Radio Mr. Imus lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT NN NN IN rc#and lex#held seminar yesterday trigger#hold UNLABELED Mr. Stern Nelson A. Rockefeller ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#appointed Gov. path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN NNP trigger#appoint rc#in UNLABELED HEINEKEN OPEN Stark Chang pos#VBZ lc#AP ) rc#In First trigger#top ner#MISC->PERSON lex#Tops path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-top->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Tennessee George Mason trigger#defeat pos#VBZ ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#defeats REL$NA UNLABELED James M. Allwin Morgan Stanley Asset Management lex#president rc#, will pos#, , RB NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Harry Widener George lex#'s brother ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-brother->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lc#descendant of rc#. trigger#brother UNLABELED Gregory G. Y. Pai Waihee path#appos|->appos->assistant->poss->|poss trigger#assistant ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#Governor rc#'s special lc#, said pos#, NNP UNLABELED James Polacheck Asian path#appos|->appos->analyst->amod->|amod pos#, DT lc#, predicted trigger#analyst ner#PERSON->MISC rc#markets analyst UNLABELED Seaside Regional Center Department of Mental Retardation lc#the 37-acre pos#IN , RB VBN IN DT NN POS path#partmod|->partmod->run->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#run rc#. lex#run state 's UNLABELED Stride Rite Sperry Top-Sider pos#VBD lex#bought rc#, just ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#later , trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Ismoil Kansas City pos#VBD TO lc#, rc#to apply path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#go UNLABELED Lois Martin Viola Variations lc#And ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS JJ NN IN POS '' lex#'s listless performance 's '' trigger#performance path#poss|<-poss<-performance->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#'' ( UNLABELED David J. Vitale Sallie Mae lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT rc#board member trigger#member path#appos|->appos->member->nn->|nn UNLABELED UBAR Atlantis of the Sands ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBG DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->dobj->|dobj rc#. lc#ROAD TO lex#Finding trigger#find UNLABELED Graeme Anne Lidgerwood First Boston rc#, said lc#Money Out path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#. lc#, notes path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#railroad analyst ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Forman Gary J. Greenberg trigger#lawyer rc#, filed ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lc#research , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Cartier Inc. Cartier International rc#, the lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* lc#: * pos#, , DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Patricia A. Mahoney American Women in Radio and Television rc#, a lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Hal Mumme Kentucky path#rcmod|->rcmod->lead->dobj->|dobj trigger#lead lex#led rc#to its pos#, WP VBD ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Detroit Pistons Portland Trail Blazers pos#POS NN IN DT trigger#victory lc#After the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#in the lex#comeback victory rc#on Sunday lex#victory pos#POS NN NN IN DT lc#for the REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Thomas Gangi Rosario Ross Gangi ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#officer Preferred Quality son path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#son pos#, DT NN IN NNP NNP VBZ DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Alpert Laurent pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , lex#survived son path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->son->appos->|appos trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and trigger#son NEGATIVE Newark Bears Yankee lc#of the trigger#catcher ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#principal owner path#appos|->appos->catcher->nn->|nn rc#catcher and pos#, WP$ JJ NN VBZ , DT JJ REL$NA UNLABELED Francis Dyer Thomas L Friedman trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s lex#letter pos#NN IN trigger#article path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss UNLABELED Frank Kittredge U.S.A. Engage rc#, a lex#vice chairman lc#'' said ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN NEGATIVE Borg U.S. Open trigger#win pos#RB VBD DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. lc#, and lex#won REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED The Washington Post and Tass Soviet rc#press agency ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT lc#, trigger#agency path#appos|->appos->agency->amod->|amod UNLABELED James N. Goodsell Coral Gables lex#chief correspondent The died Thursday home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home pos#, DT NN NN IN DT IN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Glen Roberts Robinhood Summer Camp lc#'' said lex#runs path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->dobj->|dobj trigger#run pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Netanyahu Avigdor Lieberman path#poss|<-poss<-chief->appos->|appos pos#POS NN IN NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, orchestrated lex#'s chief staff rc#, made lc#weekend , trigger#chief lc#at which UNLABELED Mr. Schmitz Florida Department of Environmental Protection pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#biologist trigger#biologist path#appos|->appos->biologist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, knows ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Con Brio Choral Society First Congregational Church of Westbrook lc#, the lex#sing ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, with pos#MD VB IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sing->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#sing UNLABELED Federal Home Loan Bank Lufkin & Jenrette Securities Corp path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->through->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#sell rc#. lc#Debt * pos#VBZ VBG IN NNS JJ IN IN , lex#selling notes due UNLABELED Baghdad Special Commission ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#give rc#'' the lc#wrote that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBN DT UNLABELED JOHN HORNE Tyson ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#manage trigger#manage path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-manage->dobj->|dobj pos#CC MD VB rc#'s fighting UNLABELED Mr. Ferguson Mr. Moore path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-retain->dobj->|dobj lc#When pos#VBD rc#, he ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#ago , trigger#call lex#called lex#retained rc#, accusing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dep->|dep trigger#retain pos#RB VBD NEGATIVE Jean Gould Perrysburg lex#wrote biographies artist died Monday nursing home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die pos#, WP VBD NNS IN , CC , RB RB IN IN DT NN , VBD IN NNP IN DT NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Jones Jordan Yeager trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer lc#, said rc#. '' NEGATIVE Blue Jays Didier pos#VBD DT lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#weeks lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj REL$NA trigger#ask UNLABELED United States Secretary of Labor Mrs. Chan path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-listen->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#The pos#, , VBD TO trigger#listen rc#, and ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#listened UNLABELED Crown Jewels Jay Horvath trigger#hire path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hire->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->PERSON lc#select the lex#team 's management hired pos#, DT NN POS NN VBD rc#, a UNLABELED Gabriela Sabatini Susan Sloane trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#IN , VBG PRP$ JJ NN , VBD rc#of the lex#seeking consecutive title beat lc#runner-up UNLABELED Mr. Reyati Joyce David lex#'s defense lawyer trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN NN , UNLABELED David G James Navy pos#, path#appos|->appos->coordinator->nn->|nn rc#transport coordinator trigger#coordinator ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Food and Drug Administration Department of Health and Human Services lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, WDT VBZ NN IN DT lex#part rc#, has trigger#part path#rcmod|->rcmod->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Esposito Manhasset pos#, WP VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#lived trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#since his UNLABELED Exalted Sacrifice Sacre pos#'' NN IN DT `` ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#" The rc#, " path#nn|<-nn<-section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#section trigger#section UNLABELED David W. Smith American Society of Corporate Secretaries lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said rc#, whose path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#ruling , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Bergen F.A.A. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#Ms. lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman UNLABELED Serbia non-Serbs pos#POS NN IN lc#critic of trigger#treatment ner#LOCATION->MISC path#poss|<-poss<-treatment->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#within its lex#'s treatment UNLABELED SARAH BRADY National Hero Awards ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, , , , , CC , CC MD VB lc#newspapers , lex#receive trigger#receive rc#from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Helmut Kohl Wisconsin rc#today , pos#IN IN lc#meet Chancellor path#dobj|<-dobj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#meet ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Robert Krasnow National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences lex#chairman education committee path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->committee->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#committee pos#, NN IN DT NN NN IN DT trigger#chairman UNLABELED Mr. Hilditch Felicia ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#immediately sees painfully naive pos#RB VBZ DT RB JJ trigger#see path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj rc#as another UNLABELED Melles TSF Marketing lex#company ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#POS NN , lc#against the path#poss|<-poss<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company rc#, which UNLABELED Research Department Inc. Chicago-based rc#research firm ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT lc#, of path#appos|->appos->firm->amod->|amod trigger#firm NEGATIVE West Coast St. Helena lex#campus ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#campus path#nn|<-nn<-campus->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, lc#'s REL$NA UNLABELED South Orange Symphony Orchestra Festival Overture ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ POS trigger#perform path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->dobj->|dobj rc#and lex#performs 's lc#SCHOOL The NEGATIVE Steve DeBerg Miami pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN trigger#agent rc#, and lex#unrestricted free agent lc#to quarterback ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->from->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Richard Villars International Data Corporation lex#director network architecture research lc#" said rc#, a lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN NN NN NN IN DT trigger#analyst rc#. lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Alliant Stamford path#rcmod|->rcmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#CC , WDT VBZ VBN IN trigger#base rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based NEGATIVE Alicia Silverstone Christopher Walken ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, , lc#Excess Baggage trigger#directed rc#Directed by path#appos|->appos->directed->nn->|nn REL$NA UNLABELED Parisian Elysee Palace rc#for path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, cosmopolitan trigger#work pos#WP VBD IN DT lex#worked ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Lewis Silver Charm path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj lc#'' said lex#wife owns rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP IN PRP$ NN , , VBZ REL$NA trigger#lewis NEGATIVE Brooks Ottawa lc#Successful Reprise rc#last Wednesday lex#threesome time period embarrassing loss pos#VBD DT JJ RB IN DT NN IN DT NN IN DT JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#use UNLABELED Dr. John J. Wasmuth Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center lex#biochemist leader team molecular researchers tracked genes responsible inherited diseases dwarfism 's disease died Friday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN CC NN IN DT NN IN JJ NNS WP VBD RP NNS JJ IN VBN NNS IN NN CC POS NN , VBD IN NNP IN trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED United States South Africans trigger#give pos#VBD VBN NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#said the rc#who refused lex#asylum ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED Latifah/Lakim Shabazz Manhattan rc#, (212) 864-0372 pos#, DT , NNP NNP NNP , ner#NNP->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos trigger#street lc# lex#West 125th Street UNLABELED Ms. Cooke McLean rc#, Va pos#CC PRP$ NN , , DT NN , VBP VBN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#husband priest moved trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Daneyko Joey Kocur ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#lose pos#VBD DT NN TO lc#back , rc#, and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#lost slugfest NEGATIVE Carnahan Kelly path#dep|<-dep<-%<-dep<-president->dep->%->dep->|dep ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#% reporting lex#-- -- trigger#% rc#-- REL$NA pos#: : NN trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Langbo Kellogg lex#joined lc#say that trigger#join pos#, WP VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Taj Mahal Walt Whitman Road pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN , VBD IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#( Route trigger#open lex#popular eating place opened UNLABELED Marcus Dickens trigger#scholar pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->scholar->nn->|nn lc#Professor rc#scholar , NEGATIVE Duke Alaska lex#freshman pos#, , DT NN IN rc#, scored ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->freshman->prep->from->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#freshman UNLABELED Dr. Sandra Kaplan American Psychiatric Association 's Committee lex#chairwoman path#appos|->appos->chairwoman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#chairwoman rc#on ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NEGATIVE John McDaniel KNHC rc#, a lc#'' said pos#, , DT NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#music director trigger#director UNLABELED PHOENIX John Jackson path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-claim->dobj->|dobj rc#, wide ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#-LRB- -RRB- : VBD lex#Claimed trigger#claim UNLABELED Derrel Harris New York City pos#, DT JJ rc#correction officer path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn trigger#officer ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Israel Ruiz Jr. Democratic Council ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT trigger#member rc#members from path#appos|->appos->member->nn->|nn lc#and ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#member from NEGATIVE Mr. Thompson City Hall rc#for lex#met privately Mayor lc#invited path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#for a pos#TO trigger#meet pos#VBD RB IN DT NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-invite->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#invite UNLABELED American Coca-Cola Company path#amod|<-amod<-unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#unit pos#NN IN DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#unit lc#is the rc#, which NEGATIVE Lake Champlain Hudson River lc#which links trigger#link path#dobj|<-dobj<-link->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Curry Republican trigger#defeat ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, it lex#defeats better-financed better-known pos#VBZ DT JJ , JJ lc#If UNLABELED Lisa Raines Genzyme Corporation pos#, NN NN IN NN NNS IN DT trigger#president lex#vice president government affairs path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Herman Shaw Fannie Mae ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sit->dobj->|dobj rc#. trigger#sit lex#survivor study living family farm sat front porch Thursday sifting photographs late wife pos#, , DT NN IN DT NN RB VBG IN PRP$ NN NN IN , VBD IN PRP$ JJ NN IN NNP VBG IN NNS IN PRP$ JJ NN , UNLABELED Bravin Michael Marx trigger#defeat ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#defeated three-time path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, pos#VBD DT JJ UNLABELED James G. Kennedy Manhattan path#nn|<-nn<-company->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#NN IN lc#contractor was lex#Company trigger#company ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Kathleen O'Leary National Restaurant Association pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said lex#lobbyist trigger#lobbyist path#appos|->appos->lobbyist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which UNLABELED Gaza Abasan lc#in the lex#village ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#NN IN rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-village->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#village UNLABELED NKB Japanese rc#communications company ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#owned by pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company NEGATIVE Thomas Cook Times Square rc#office , trigger#office lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-office->nn->|nn pos#POS lc#manager of ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Paradoxically Handelian lex#'s shortcomings current vocal standards made viable rc#. trigger#make ner#LOCATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->|dobj pos#, POS NNS , IN JJS IN JJ JJ NNS , VBP VBN PRP$ DT RB JJ UNLABELED Mr. Masucci Darlene trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#survived daughters trigger#daughter rc#and pos#VBZ VBN IN NNS , path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Andrea Lund Long Island pos#, rc#high school path#appos|->appos->teacher->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#teacher UNLABELED New York Yankee World Series trigger#victory ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#victory ; lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-victory->nn->|nn pos#POS lc#celebrate NEGATIVE David Jacobs Knots Landing trigger#create path#rcmod|->rcmod->create->dobj->|dobj lex#creator rc#" and lex#created path#appos|->appos->creator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD DT `` rc#, " lc#comes from ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN `` trigger#creator REL$NA UNLABELED Joseph Farrell National Research Group rc#, the lex#chairman pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#reports , UNLABELED OBITUARIES American Federation of Teachers pos#NNP NNP JJ NN IN DT lex#B9-10 The longtime president ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#was path#nn|<-nn<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president NEGATIVE Gu Wenda New York pos#, WP RB VBZ IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#and is lex#lives POSITIVE Mexico Mexico City pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#play path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#will play rc#. rc#on REL$/location/country/administrative_divisions trigger#meet lex#victor semifinal meet championship tomorrow pos#CC , DT NN IN IN DT JJ NN , MD VB IN DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Van Brunt Cranford Police Department lc#Officer path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#for the pos#, , DT NN IN DT lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mrs. Chennault Thomas G. Corcoran rc#, the trigger#alliance lc#bolstered by ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN IN lex#'s alliance path#poss|<-poss<-alliance->prep->with->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Wayne Gretzky Europe lc#While pos#CC PRP$ JJ NN VBD VBG lex#all-star team touring rc#for the trigger#tour ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-tour->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Cuomo Federal Small Business Administration rc#to make pos#VBD DT lex#asked lc#Governor path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#ask UNLABELED Mrs. Kocher Radcliffe rc#and flew trigger#play lex#played tennis field hockey path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD NN CC NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Thomas D. McCann Westchester Parks lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#, lc#Defends Policy ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Charles A. Matthews Hospital Center of Orange path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#LEAD : pos#, DT JJ -LRB- -RRB- NN , VBD IN NNP IN DT rc#, trigger#die lex#Freeholder died Thursday ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Wright Milan pos#POS NN IN trigger#work lc#exhibition of rc#for the path#poss|<-poss<-work->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#'s work UNLABELED McCann Inc. Manhattan pos#, DT lc#president of trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn rc#construction company UNLABELED Mr. Lawn Marine Corps path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-officer->nn->|nn trigger#officer rc#officer who pos#, JJ , VBZ DT JJ ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Wind Watch Hauppauge path#appos|->appos->resort->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#resort lc#at the rc#, with ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#resort NEGATIVE Douglas Rodriguez Florida rc#after several path#rcmod|->rcmod->return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP RB VBD TO lc#chef ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#recently returned trigger#return NEGATIVE Mel Farr Detroit trigger#farr rc#car dealer trigger#dealer pos#, DT pos#, WP VBZ JJ CC JJ NNS IN DT path#appos|->appos->dealer->nn->|nn path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#owns domestic foreign dealerships NEGATIVE Box Pacific Northwest lc#in the lex#restaurant pos#NNS IN DT lex#fast-food restaurant pos#NN NN IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#restaurants rc#. rc#. " pos#NN IN DT trigger#restaurant ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Sachs New York City path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#native pos#, WP VBZ , VBZ DT NN IN rc#. trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Magical Drug ' Thalidomide Dr. Hastings lc#'s a trigger#bring lex#brings problem control hours percent patients ner#MISC->PERSON pos#VBZ DT NN IN NN IN NNS IN NN IN NNS , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj rc#. '' UNLABELED New York Times Dennis L. Stern lc#The pos#VBD DT NN IN trigger#announce ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#yesterday as path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-announce->dobj->appointment->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#appointment lex#announced appointment UNLABELED Ms. Tingey Chelsea rc#apartment , trigger#apartment pos#POS JJ path#poss|<-poss<-apartment->nn->|nn lex#'s ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#living in UNLABELED Bob Berkebile Kansas City trigger#architect pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->architect->nn->|nn rc#architect who ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Litchfield Connecticut State Police ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#home in trigger#official pos#, , DT rc#official said path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn UNLABELED Australia John Bertrand rc#, the path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-lead->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#lead lex#led pos#VBZ VBN IN UNLABELED Dr. Thomas J. King City College of New York rc#, died trigger#professor pos#, DT JJ NN IN IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#retired professor NEGATIVE Harper Dallas lc#Ask trigger#spend trigger#leave trigger#play rc#before the path#rcmod|->rcmod->spend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD TO lex#returned rc#to tutor path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#before he lc#, forcing rc#until the pos#, WP VBD NNS IN pos#TO VB PRP$ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#played seasons lex#leave family path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#return lex#spent seasons NEGATIVE Air Force Whiteman Air Force Base lex#flew dozens reporters photographers cameramen path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#, the pos#VBD NNS IN NNS , NNS CC NNS TO ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, where REL$NA trigger#fly UNLABELED Mrs. Pink Henry Twig path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#take lex#boarder lc#money , rc#, a UNLABELED Dole Oval Office path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#makes pos#VBZ PRP TO DT trigger#make rc#. lc#if ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED House Museum East Fourth Street trigger#director pos#IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#'s path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Rose Dobrof Hunter College trigger#professor lc#'' said pos#, DT NN IN NN IN lex#professor gerontology path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in rc#. '' NEGATIVE Dean Portage Lake pos#POS NN IN rc#in northern lex#'s restaurant lc#places like trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Ben Nighthorse Campbell Democrat path#appos|->appos->freshman->dep->|dep ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT NN rc#from lex#freshman lc#Then Senator REL$NA trigger#freshman UNLABELED Robert B. McKinley RAM Research trigger#president rc#, a pos#, NN IN NN IN lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#Balances Up ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said lex#director research rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Burnett Federal District Court path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-convict->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, pos#VBD VBN IN trigger#convict ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lex#convicted UNLABELED Timothy Metz Hill & Knowlton rc#, described pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president UNLABELED Mary & Odetta APRIL Odetta path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#perform ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#, rc#, pos#: , CC MD VB RP IN lex#-- perform UNLABELED Gianni Versace of Milan Paris rc#with lustrous pos#CC IN VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#go NEGATIVE Michael Feinstein Ira Gershwin path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP RB VBD IN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and trigger#work lc#standouts are lex#worked REL$NA UNLABELED Ford Motor Co. Sun Oil Co. path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, will ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* lex#unit pos#, , , CC , DT NN IN trigger#unit UNLABELED Abraham Nad Westport trigger#newsletter pos#, NN IN , DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->newsletter->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#publisher newsletter rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Stanley Massachusetts pos#, DT NN IN , , VBD VBG VBN RB IN rc#. lex#resident held ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#He said trigger#hold path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Eric Johnston Middle East trigger#visit lc#, when path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj rc#to broker lex#envoy President visited pos#, DT NN IN NNP , VBD DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Rabbi Hier Li Shuzheng path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ VBG DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NN TO , RB VBD IN rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#leading 30-member delegation eight-day visit met trigger#meet UNLABELED Joan Friedland Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said rc#who has lex#lawyer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Yvonne Roberts Daily Telegraph lc#feminist writer trigger#write rc#: " pos#VBD IN DT lex#wrote The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED James Robbins RAD Consultants lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED ROMEO CRENNEL Giants ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#no. " pos#, DT rc#' defensive trigger#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss UNLABELED John S. Theodore ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#sons , pos#, IN , , CC , IN , : DT NN , IN , : DT NN , trigger#daughter path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos trigger#son rc#, of lex#daughter brother trigger#brother UNLABELED Dr. Glenn Deyo Tacoma lc#'' But path#appos|->appos->surgeon->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#general surgeon rc#, trigger#surgeon pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Councilwoman La Guardia Airport lc#, the pos#WP VBZ rc#, path#rcmod|->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj lex#represents ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#represent UNLABELED Edward de Grazia Benjamin Cardoza School of Law trigger#professor lc#according to path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#professor rc#in NEGATIVE Royal Shakespeare Company Cats path#rcmod|->rcmod->direct->dobj->|dobj lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#direct pos#, WP VBD VBN `` lex#directed rc#, " REL$NA UNLABELED Bush Steven Manaster pos#MD VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-nominate->dobj->|dobj lc#that President ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#nominate rc#to be trigger#nominate UNLABELED Russia Commerce Department ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-official->nn->|nn trigger#official rc#official noted lc#Weather in lex#The pos#NNP UNLABELED Mr. Buckley Fleet Bank path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT NN TO lc#, trigger#take ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#check rc#in NEGATIVE Ann Powers Elvis Costello lc#stomp ** path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->concert->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review trigger#concert rc#concert at REL$NA UNLABELED Steve Butler Pension Dynamics lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Islamic Central Asian pos#, path#appos|->appos->country->amod->|amod lc#with the ner#MISC->MISC rc#and trigger#country UNLABELED Robertson Airport Mr. O'Leary rc#gave the trigger#give pos#, WRB ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->nsubj->|nsubj lc#here at POSITIVE Rockland Maine trigger#school ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/location/containedby trigger#area lc#auditorium of rc#. rc#: Attractions pos#NNP NNP IN IN lc#and lex#areas lex#High School path#nn|<-nn<-school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS IN path#nn|<-nn<-area->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Olindo Pelino Confetti Mario Pelino rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president owner pos#, DT NN CC NN IN lc#For trigger#president UNLABELED Thomas S. Douglas Prudential Bache trigger#director rc#. pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Lin Dallas trigger#station rc#station . path#poss|<-poss<-station->nn->|nn lc#held by lex#'s pos#POS ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Falcons N.F.C. West lex#win pos#MD RB VB DT trigger#win lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj rc#without beating UNLABELED Jack Elinson Bronx rc#native who pos#, DT lc#still astonishes trigger#native ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn UNLABELED Federal Government U.P.I. lc#of the pos#, DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#spokesman said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Carol Knight Mr. Campbell ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN TO lex#aide rc#. path#appos|->appos->aide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#aide lc#" said UNLABELED Tim Weiner New YorkTimes pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, is ner#PERSON->MISC lex#correspondent The path#appos|->appos->correspondent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#correspondent NEGATIVE Viking Press George C. Marshall rc#, Volume lex#published '' ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#publish pos#VBD '' REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-publish->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Jan Armstrong American Car Rental Association rc#, believes lc#'' says rc#, says lex#president rc#, said pos#, NN IN DT pos#, DT NN NN NN IN DT pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president lc#, said trigger#president lc#" said rc#, a UNLABELED Torricelli Roberto Alomar trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->like->pobj->|pobj pos#VBG NN POS NN VBZ IN lex#questioning 's honesty rc#giving tips UNLABELED Mrs. Lubell Manhattan lc#number for pos#POS NN IN lex#'s home trigger#home rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Hawks East lex#win trigger#win pos#MD VB DT lc#The lc#If the rc#if they pos#VBP DT rc#and secure ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Gabriel Ferrer National Society of Industry rc#, a lc#" said pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Andy Cross Mr. DeVito path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#praise lex#president chief executive praised rc#and pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN IN , , VBD UNLABELED Paulanne Mancuso Calvin Klein Cosmetics pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president chief executive lc#, said trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE Australians Ned Zelic trigger#miss lc#The rc#, who lex#missing player ner#MISC->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-miss->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB VBG PRP$ JJS NN , REL$NA NEGATIVE Chuck Knoblauch Derek Jeter ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj rc#in the lex#baseman expected traded joining REL$NA pos#, DT NN WP VBZ VBN TO VB VBN IN , MD RB VB VBG UNLABELED Japanese Itochu International lex#trading company pos#NN NN , lc#a giant rc#. path#amod|<-amod<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED James Q Wilson Ordeal of Integration lex#reviews book The rc#: Progress trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->book->dep->|dep ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#book pos#VBZ NN DT UNLABELED Jane Yolen Science Fiction Writers of America lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#edited by ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NEGATIVE Mura Emperor Constantine pos#, WDT DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->begin->nsubj->|nsubj lc#le ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#begin REL$NA rc#began early UNLABELED Mr. Bernstein Paramount path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->nn->|nn pos#, , MD VB DT rc#executive vice ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Blue Chip Economic Indicators Sedona trigger#newsletter lc#survey for lc#survey by path#appos|->appos->newsletter->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#newsletter rc#, Ariz ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, by UNLABELED Dr. Richard Miller University of Michigan pos#, DT NN IN NN NN IN DT lc#'' said trigger#expert path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#expert animal longevity ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Gilbert English lc#" said rc#teacher . pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#teacher path#appos|->appos->teacher->amod->|amod UNLABELED Margarita Hunt Community Board trigger#manager lc#'' said lex#district manager rc#. path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Dr. Craig S. Feibel Rutgers University trigger#geologist lc#, '' rc#, said lex#geologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->geologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Freeman Paris lex#recently moved pos#, WP VBD RB VBN TO IN trigger#move rc#, liked ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#But UNLABELED Clinton Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart pos#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-letter<-pobj<-in<-prep<-write->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#letter lc#to President ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write rc#, NEGATIVE Robert Webster Michigan State University trigger#scientist lex#botanist forensic scientist rc#, will pos#, DT NN IN DT , CC , DT JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#Both ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Michael P. Levine Kenyon College path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#psychologist trigger#psychologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in UNLABELED Shakespeare Wunderbar trigger#start pos#, WP VBD '' lex#started '' path#rcmod|->rcmod->start->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#'' with lc#into UNLABELED Charles Porcari Mario M. Cuomo rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#spokesman Gov. pos#, DT NN IN NNP path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Greek Revival Schermerhorn Street lc#simple red-brick rc#at path#nn|<-nn<-building->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lex#building trigger#building ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Georgia Jarman Anezka rc#, although pos#, DT NN NN , VBD DT JJ NNS IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#mezzo soprano lovely moments path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->as->pobj->|pobj trigger#have UNLABELED Federal Social Register trigger#version ner#MISC->MISC lex#version pos#NN IN DT lc#is the rc#-- a path#nn|<-nn<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Polar South Street Seaport pos#DT NN IN DT lex#weekend path#dobj|<-dobj<-meet->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#to meet trigger#meet rc#, which REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Sonnier David Ojala path#poss|<-poss<-opponent<-nsubj<-|nsubj pos#POS NN IN NNP POS NNS MD VB ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s opponent Sunday 's semifinals rc#, also trigger#opponent NEGATIVE Super Bowl XI Washington lc#game since trigger#xi lex#-- ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#came up REL$NA path#dep|->dep->come->nsubj->|nsubj pos#: UNLABELED Mrs. Jassal Baldirr Jassal path#poss|<-poss<-husband->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , rc#, lex#'s husband trigger#husband lc#, said UNLABELED Mr. Culver Elizabeth path#appos|->appos->teacher->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lc#, rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#teacher lex#high school teacher UNLABELED Mr. Kelly Lee P. Brown lex#appointed Commissioner ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#replace pos#MD VB NNP NNP lex#replace Police Commissioner pos#VBD VBN IN NNP rc#on Monday trigger#appoint path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Melissa Drexler Forked River lc#woman , path#appos|->appos->student->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#woman rc#. trigger#student rc#, was lex#vocational-technical student path#appos|<-appos<-woman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, , IN lc#her as UNLABELED Mr. Weill Cornell path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#immigrants , trigger#graduate lex#graduated ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN rc#in UNLABELED Kataryna Novak Meike Babel trigger#defeat ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#. pos#, CC JJ VBD lex#11th-seeded defeated lc#downed UNLABELED ABC Take Romance lex#movie 'll ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#for her pos#NN `` PRP MD rc#, " path#nn|<-nn<-movie->dep->|dep trigger#movie UNLABELED Bayer Adalat CC lex#challenged applicability 's findings long-acting nifedipine pos#VBD DT NN IN POS NNS TO PRP$ JJ NN , rc#, because ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#challenge path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-challenge->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Hart Lon L. Fuller lex#wrote ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write pos#VBD TO lc#, Professor path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED Kenneth Kandrac Fire Department path#appos|->appos->captain->nn->|nn pos#, DT , , rc#captain . trigger#captain ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Philips Open Brasilia path#nn|<-nn<-tournament->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#of the rc#. pos#NN IN lex#tournament trigger#tournament ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#after winning lc# UNLABELED David Segal Stadium Entertainment trigger#executive rc#, whose path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, JJ NN IN rc#, a UNLABELED John R. Silber Democrat trigger#governor lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|<-appos<-governor->appos->|appos pos#, DT JJ JJ rc#, made lex#outspoken conservative NEGATIVE Cora Johnny path#poss|<-poss<-husband->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , rc#, while rc#, has lex#'s husband lc#, with trigger#husband REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Steve Quartz Salk Institute rc#. '' pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lex#brain researcher lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->researcher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#researcher UNLABELED BANKAMERICA Jack L. Meyers rc#, chief ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NNP , , VBN lex#CORP. promoted path#nn|<-nn<-corp.->appos->|appos trigger#corp. UNLABELED Mr. Hewlett William ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, WP$ rc#and lc#his partner trigger#hewlett UNLABELED Mr. Wedlick Bill lc#couple ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#visit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBD rc#and lex#visited UNLABELED Ginger Philip Stevens trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#wife , pos#: PRP$ NN , trigger#son trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->appos->|appos lex#son UNLABELED Follies Academy Award path#rcmod|->rcmod->nominate->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#nominate ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, '' NNP VBZ JJ NN , DT NN VBD VBN IN DT rc#for best lc#' PBS-Gate lex#Veteran Says Last month film nominated UNLABELED Dr. James J. Mongan Truman Medical Center trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Baxter Thompson Alexandria lc#story of trigger#contractor path#appos|->appos->contractor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, La. lex#building contractor ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Jim Nelson Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest lc#found that rc#and the path#appos|->appos->supervisor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT trigger#supervisor ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#supervisor UNLABELED Jarrett E. Woods Western lc#charges against path#rcmod|->rcmod->control->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#between pos#, WP VBD lex#controlled trigger#control UNLABELED Michael Hawley Media Laboratory pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#professor rc#who will rc#at the path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said lex#professor UNLABELED Mom Amy Fisher Hall path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#? " lc#, " pos#, VBZ IN NEGATIVE Asher Naim Ethiopia pos#, POS NNP TO trigger#ambassador path#appos|->appos->ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#'s Ambassador ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#" said NEGATIVE Paul Mellon Washington lc#the philanthropist lex#left trigger#leave pos#VBD DT IN rc#the largest ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Joan Weill Sanford I. Weill rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#wife path#appos|->appos->wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, chairman pos#, DT NN IN DT NN rc#. trigger#wife pos#, DT NN IN lc#patient , lex#wife financier lc#of treating UNLABELED U.S. Committee for Refugees Washington path#appos|->appos->group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN VBN IN path#appos|->appos->group->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lex#nonprofit group based trigger#group rc#. lc#at the trigger#base pos#, DT JJ , JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#for the lex#private nonprofit group UNLABELED Joseph Corteggiano Angelotti rc#; trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lc#cast were pos#, IN UNLABELED Hoyas Dave Urick lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#coach pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-coach->appos->|appos rc#, was trigger#coach UNLABELED Muscular Dystrophy Associations Paul Cohen trigger#found lc#of the lex#founded brother-in-law ner#MISC->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#IN , WDT VBD VBN IN PRP$ NN rc#in UNLABELED Brando Marlon Sr. path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos trigger#father ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#'s hated father rc#, was pos#POS VBN NN , UNLABELED Howard Tames Board of Education lc#'' said rc#'s division lex#executive director trigger#division ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->division->poss->|poss pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Law New York University rc#with the pos#VBD lc#" -- path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attend->dobj->|dobj lex#attended ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#attend UNLABELED Criminal Type Alydar lc#box by rc#who won lc#said that path#appos|->appos->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#son rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#son UNLABELED YOUNGSTOWN Ohio trigger#school ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#STATE The pos#NNP NNP rc#school , path#nn|<-nn<-school->nn->|nn POSITIVE Riordan Roett Johns Hopkins University lc#" said trigger#director lc#, '' lc#'' said trigger#professor rc#, said REL$/business/person/company trigger#expert pos#, NN IN DT NN IN lex#professor studies pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN rc#. pos#, DT NN IN DT IN rc#, pos#, DT NN IN IN lex#director program lc#, " path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#expert path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN DT NN IN DT lc#TO path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' NEGATIVE Tillman Hampton pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced trigger#replace rc#, and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Vargas St. Luke 's Hospital pos#, WP VBD IN NNP NNP IN CC VBD VBN IN , VBD VBN TO rc#with bullet trigger#take path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#taught Public School UNLABELED European Exchange Rate Mechanism London trigger#manager lc#of the pos#, , DT NN NN NN IN rc#, said lex#camera store manager ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->in->pobj->|pobj POSITIVE Rue de Richelieu Paris pos#IN JJ rc#, will lex#central path#pobj|<-pobj<-on<-prep<-building->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#building ner#MISC->LOCATION REL$/transportation/road/major_cities lc#on the UNLABELED FORDHAM PREP ST. MICHAEL trigger#quarterback rc#Quarterback path#appos|->appos->quarterback->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#MOUNT pos#, NNP UNLABELED Vienna Choir Boys Bushnell Memorial Hall rc#tomorrow at lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#MD VB TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return lex#return NEGATIVE Bandshell P.M. rc#, the path#rcmod|->rcmod->perform->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#perform ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#WRB DT CC NNPS VBZ IN lc#to the lex#Boys performs REL$NA NEGATIVE Barry Pepper Ryan ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN IN POS NN NNP NNP trigger#performance lex#'s performance 's movie Saving Private path#poss|<-poss<-performance->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#was so REL$NA NEGATIVE Taylor Chavez lex#picks path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->advmod->ahead->dep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN , VBD RB IN ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS JJ NN NN TO trigger#lose trigger#loss pos#VBZ lex#junior middleweight champion ahead lc#Still , rc# pos#VBD TO lc#, lex#lost path#poss|<-poss<-loss->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#ahead lex#'s heartbreaking title loss trigger#pick path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pick->dobj->|dobj lc#was that rc#on the REL$NA rc#when Referee UNLABELED Peter Dratch National Fish and Game Forensics Laboratory pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT lex#senior scientist trigger#scientist path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED WPP Group P.L.C. International Presentations Ltd. pos#, , VBD DT NN NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->stake->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#* rc#, trigger#acquire lex#acquired percent stake trigger#stake UNLABELED Uday Hussein Kamil ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#son , rc#, shows path#appos|<-appos<-son->appos->|appos trigger#son pos#, CC PRP$ NN , NNP NNP lex#brother-in-law Industry Minister UNLABELED Cablevision Federal District Court rc#in ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#go UNLABELED Alexandrine Doesberg Time Equities Inc. trigger#manager lc#" said rc#, a path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#risk manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Alec Lower Manhattan lc#'' said lex#attends City-as-School pos#, WP VBZ NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#attend path#rcmod|->rcmod->attend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Kennedys Hammersmith Farm pos#VBD trigger#visit lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj rc#often and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#visited UNLABELED Mr. Kalt Cindy Smith ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner path#poss|<-poss<-partner->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, has lex#'s partner NEGATIVE Mark Collins Giants pos#, DT JJ lex#left pos#, WP VBD DT trigger#leave pos#, RB DT rc#cornerback on path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->dobj->|dobj path#appos|->appos->cornerback->nn->|nn trigger#cornerback lc#Cornerback ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#this past rc#cornerback , REL$NA NEGATIVE Michael Gartner The Tribune trigger#editor pos#MD VB lex#sell path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell lex#editor lc#: publisher path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#in rc#-- 10,000-circulation UNLABELED Rachel Geltman Wells Rich Greene BDDP lc#* rc#, pos#VBD VBN TO DT JJ NN IN JJ NN NN CC NN NN NN IN DT NNS NN IN lex#named position senior vice president group planning director services group path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-name->prep->to->pobj->position->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#position ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Eric Friedman Mad River lex#spokesman lc#, '' rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA trigger#spokesman UNLABELED George Schmitt Omnipoint lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Margaret Paul lex#ca n't trigger#get pos#'' MD RB VB `` ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->dobj->|dobj rc#" off lc#" UNLABELED Blake Bath Sanford Bernstein path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#telecommunications analyst trigger#analyst rc#, noting rc#, estimates ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Hoffmann Antitrust Laws lex#author three-volume '' 's rc#and Techniques trigger#author ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBD DT NN IN DT JJ '' POS path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ned Olmsted Putney trigger#teacher path#appos|->appos->teacher->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, Vt. ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#teacher NEGATIVE Ordway Kentucky Derby pos#, NN IN , MD RB VB IN lex#winner run trigger#run rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#says REL$NA NEGATIVE Santa Fe Trail Arkansas lex#joined pos#VBD DT lc#The trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA rc#( Ar-KAN-zis UNLABELED Martinus van Schalkwyk National Party trigger#director pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said rc#, said trigger#head pos#, NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#information director rc#. '' UNLABELED George Basserman Rock Brewery pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->dobj->|dobj lex#started trigger#start rc#, with ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Templeton Mark Mobius lex#president path#nn|<-nn<-comment->nn->|nn ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#NN NNP lc#country ; trigger#comment rc#comments ; REL$NA UNLABELED Carl Carrasco Berkeley trigger#living path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-living->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ DT NN NN IN lex#cook living rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Bob Levin Steve Weinstein ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play lex#playing rc#of pos#IN , DT , VBZ RB VBG IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Taylor Pittsburgh pos#, WP VBD VBN IN rc#, began trigger#bear lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Khallid Muhammad Nation of Islam lex#spokesman pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, he lc#speech by lc#who shot path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, was ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Spencer Kirk Megahertz pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s current trigger#president NEGATIVE Vikings Pittsburgh trigger#finish lc#The pos#NN IN NN IN , IN rc#and then path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-finish->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#finish home REL$NA UNLABELED Godfather Part III Talia Shire ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#" The lex#features path#rcmod|->rcmod->feature->dobj->|dobj trigger#feature rc#, pos#, '' WDT RB VBZ NEGATIVE Pharmacopeia Princeton path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#based UNLABELED Jim Leyland Marlins trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, '' lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss pos#, DT lc#nothing that lc#, and rc#' manager lex#manager lc#, prompting ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#' wise rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Lozano Hispanic lc#acquittal of lc#certain where pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->officer->amod->|amod trigger#officer rc#man , rc#police officer path#appos|->appos->man->amod->|amod trigger#man UNLABELED King House Museum Dr. Alexander King rc#, who trigger#build ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#built path#partmod|->partmod->build->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN IN lc#owns the UNLABELED Pamela Davis Claire ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#: DT NN , : DT NN , lex#son daughter lc#wife , trigger#daughter rc#; his trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife->dep->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED If East Germany West Germany lex#joined pos#VBD ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj rc#and formed UNLABELED New York City Queens Civil Court ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#building , lex#'s lc#, but rc#building nears path#poss|<-poss<-building->nn->|nn pos#POS trigger#building NEGATIVE Mike Medavoy United Artists lc#assistant to rc#when the trigger#executive lex#key executive pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Volk Stevin Dutch lc#Pick : pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company rc#construction company UNLABELED Assouline New York lex#publisher design books catalogues arrived rc#with an trigger#arrive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NN NNS CC DT NNS , VBZ VBN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE St. Anne Virgin Mary pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#but for ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->mother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#who is trigger#mother lex#mother REL$NA UNLABELED African-American Heritage Celebration Kensico Dam Plaza pos#VBZ TO trigger#come lc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, featuring ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Rev John C Staten Healdsburg lex#Presbyterian minister college professor owns runs ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, NNP NN CC NN NN , WP VBZ CC VBZ IN trigger#staten UNLABELED Anne Jelin Sarah Jane Jelin path#appos|<-appos<-brother->appos->|appos lex#Me. ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of pos#IN , NNP , trigger#brother lc#sisters , UNLABELED Mr. Lopez Detroit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-transfer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#engineer , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#, rc#from trigger#transfer lex#flew pos#, , VBD VBN VBN IN NNP TO ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN trigger#fly lex#transferred G.M. rc#to NEGATIVE Rockies Reed rc#, the pos#VBD lc#if the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-draft->dobj->|dobj lex#drafted trigger#draft REL$NA UNLABELED Henry R Silverman Cendant rc#, says lc#; trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, JJ NN IN UNLABELED Lindros Shields pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#caught path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-catch->dobj->|dobj lc#later , trigger#catch rc#out of UNLABELED Ms. Burkhart Upper West Side pos#, WP VBZ IN DT rc#, was trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lex#lives NEGATIVE Christopher Beck New York pos#, DT VBN lex#noted path#appos|->appos->dancer->nn->|nn trigger#dancer rc#modern dancer ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Rangers Jason Muzzatti trigger#score lc#The rc#, who lex#goalie lc#, the trigger#send ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD IN PRP$ NN IN DT VBG NN , pos#VBD NN lex#scored shot starting goalie path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->dobj->|dobj REL$NA rc#to UNLABELED Mr. Millar Ireland lex#bar pos#IN DT NN IN lc#having met path#dobj|<-dobj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#meet ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Wendi Patella Mrs. Whitman ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said UNLABELED Hurley Bryan Caver pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced trigger#replace lc#, and rc#and handed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Cesar Pelli Petronas Twin Towers rc#, the lex#designer path#appos|->appos->designer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said trigger#designer pos#, , DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Ron Dayne Heisman trigger#candidate pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->candidate->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC lc#tailback rc#candidate , UNLABELED Agriculture Department Johnson Administration lex#official trigger#official rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#was an UNLABELED George Weldon Harlem Business Alliance rc#, runs trigger#head lex#heads pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj lc#" said UNLABELED Moody 's S. & P. * R. P. Scherer Corp. lc#B-2 by ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#rate rc#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-rate->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#CC NNP IN NEGATIVE Ontario Caribbean lc#circulates in ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#poss|<-poss<-community->nn->|nn trigger#community lex#'s pos#POS REL$NA rc#community , UNLABELED Tony G. Langham County NatWest U.S.A. path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst pos#, DT NN NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#electronics industry analyst rc#, a UNLABELED Eric Persing Spectrasonics trigger#president lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Eligio Pena National Supermarket Association lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Joseph Hartzler Federal pos#, DT JJ rc#prosecutor in path#appos|->appos->prosecutor->nn->|nn lex#special ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#prosecutor lc#" said NEGATIVE Disney Touchstone Pictures pos#NN , path#poss|<-poss<-unit->nn->|nn rc#, will path#nn|<-nn<-subsidiary->appos->|appos ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#subsidiary lc#by a ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#president of lex#'s pos#POS trigger#unit trigger#subsidiary REL$NA rc#unit , rc#. '' NEGATIVE Chappaqua Bronxville lc#home in lex#lives husband dental practice ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#chappaqua rc#, and pos#WRB PRP VBZ IN PRP$ NN , , WP VBZ DT JJ NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED HOLLYWOOD Glendale pos#NNP NNP , ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#PARK INC. rc#, trigger#inc. path#nn|<-nn<-inc.->appos->|appos UNLABELED Alan Symonette Notre Dame path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj lex#senior offensive guard added pos#, DT JJ JJ NN , VBD : `` rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#add UNLABELED Dr. Leonard Lief Lehman College lex#president lc#time , path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Cal Muters Mrs. Muters lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->son->poss->|poss pos#, , trigger#son rc#'s son UNLABELED Arthur G. Boardman Jr. Irving Trust Company rc#, died pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT lex#retired president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Henry Flynt Old Deerfield path#poss|<-poss<-house->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#'s historic houses trigger#house lc#, rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#POS JJ NNS IN UNLABELED Tony Fernandez Yankees pos#, WP VBD VBN , TO VB DT trigger#put lex#doubled put ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->dobj->|dobj lc#scored rc#up NEGATIVE Don Padgett Pinehurst rc#'s director lc#'' said path#rcmod|->rcmod->director->poss->|poss pos#, DT JJ NNP IN NN , WP VBZ RB ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#P.G.A. president REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED D'Amato Jim Hudson pos#VBD VBN JJ ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#replace lex#replaced veteran path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Melvin Cunniff Toms River Community Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN WP VBD PRP$ NN JJR IN RB IN DT NN IN , VBD IN NNP IN lc#LEAD : trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#stockbroker began career ago page died Tuesday rc#in UNLABELED Roger M. Blough U.S. Steel lex#chairman pos#, NN IN rc#, on lc#met with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Owen Stephen Schwartz ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj lex#succeeds trigger#succeed UNLABELED Milosevic Mirjana Markovic ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife rc#, attacked trigger#wife lc#President UNLABELED Charles M. Murray Suburban Sanitary Commission trigger#official lex#sludge operations official pos#, DT NN NNS NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->official->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Supreme Court United States Court of Appeals trigger#come lc#to the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#for the path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT UNLABELED Richard Ravitch Mayor Giuliani pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->choice->poss->|poss rc#'s top trigger#choice lc#AS CANDIDATE UNLABELED Sandinista Predominance Nicaragua path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-reach->dobj->|dobj rc#. pos#IN NNP CC DT NN IN DT NN , WDT IN NN MD VB VBN IN DT NN NN CC NN NNS VBG DT NN , VBZ RB RB VBN lex#So Far But majority aid law split opposition coalition Government bodies administering vote reached trigger#reach ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Derrick Walker Penske pos#, DT JJ lc#" said path#appos|->appos->employee->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#employee rc#employee and UNLABELED Dave Ferraro Firestone Tournament of Champions rc#, the trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBD IN IN DT JJ NN IN , , CC VBD DT lex#beat final yesterday captured lc#Wins : UNLABELED Rosalind Rosenblum Harriet Levine ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos rc#of trigger#daughter lc#daughters , pos#IN , IN , , UNLABELED Mr. Ritter Hussein trigger#ritter ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->appear->nsubj->|nsubj lex#-- excoriated ban past -- President rc#appears to lc#in allowing pos#: WP VBP VBN CC VBN TO VB IN DT NN : NNP UNLABELED DR. JOHN M. EISENBERG Congress lc#- rc#on payments lex#advises pos#, WP VBZ path#rcmod|->rcmod->advise->dobj->|dobj trigger#advise ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED David Walton Life and Legend of James Dean rc#by trigger#review lex#reviews book Rebel The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ NN NN : DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Alan Auerbach University of Pennsylvania pos#, DT NN NN IN DT pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#economist lex#economics professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#economist rc#, provided lc#" said UNLABELED Grant Street Band Mamaroneck trigger#bring ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#and the rc#on Friday pos#VB NN RB TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#bring bluegrass back UNLABELED Mr. Kemelman Isaac Kemelman rc#and the path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD VBN IN TO trigger#bear lex#born NEGATIVE William Grimes Waldorf-Astoria lex#reviews trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in his REL$NA pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Openings Athenakis Greek path#appos|->appos->restaurant->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT JJ JJ lex#casual 65-seat rc#restaurant , trigger#restaurant UNLABELED Olivia Georgia Snug Harbor Cultural Center trigger#director lex#director visual arts rc#, where pos#, DT NN IN JJ NNS IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Investech Whitefish trigger#newsletter path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#newsletter research firm path#appos|->appos->newsletter->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN trigger#base rc#, Mont rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN CC NN NN IN lc#of lex#based UNLABELED Dr. Richard Atkinson Beers Murphy Clinical Nutrition Center trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT rc#at the lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Thomas Holts Summit rc#, Mo. lc#son , trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Monroe Lecture Hall on Hofstra University Hempstead rc#campus ( path#poss|<-poss<-campus->nn->|nn lc#at the trigger#campus lex#'s pos#POS ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED CARRABASSETT VALLEY Kate Monahan lex#AP -- The racer pos#, , -LRB- NNP -RRB- : DT NN rc#of ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#lead path#rcmod|->rcmod->lead->nsubj->|nsubj lc#to UNLABELED Mark Witkin Michael lc#Neither ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Carroll E. Izard University of Delaware lex#psychology professor lc#'' said rc#who has trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED United States Royal Dutch/Shell Group and Saudi Refining Inc. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#, the lex#subsidiary pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#subsidiary rc#, which UNLABELED KEITH BARISH Ironweed path#rcmod|->rcmod->direct->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD `` rc#" and ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#direct lex#directed lc#conceived by UNLABELED Maureen Keller New Jersey State Department of Education 's Office of Controversies pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head rc#and Disputes path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED MALIK SEALY Pistons lex#played trigger#play pos#, WP VBD IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#The swingman rc#last season ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Native Spanish lex#speakers path#amod|<-amod<-speaker->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#speaker ner#MISC->MISC REL$NA pos#NNS IN UNLABELED American Tough Cop lex#film '' rc#, '' lc#and an trigger#film ner#MISC->MISC pos#NN , '' path#amod|<-amod<-film->dep->|dep UNLABELED RICHARD WEIR Rockaway Parkway lex#Take train path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VB DT NNP NN TO trigger#take rc#, then ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Butler Puerto Rico Shootout trigger#beat path#dobj|<-dobj<-beat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, , RB IN DT rc#. lc#, beat ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#tonight UNLABELED Jones Gretchen Bender path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#cottage , trigger#meet rc#and pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Jan Timman Joel Lautier trigger#defeat pos#IN DT , WP VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#rcmod|->rcmod->defeat->dobj->|dobj lc#were : lex#defeated UNLABELED Owen B. Butler Procter & Gamble rc#; lc#; pos#, VBD NN IN lex#retired chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Albert Boggess Space Telescope pos#, DT NN NN IN DT trigger#scientist lc#according to path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, based lex#project scientist UNLABELED Robertshaw Mexico pos#, DT NN IN , VBD VBG NNS TO rc#, but lex#unit shifting jobs trigger#shift ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-shift->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED John Kapioltas ITT Sheraton Corporation path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->board->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lex#chairman board trigger#board ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#degrees were trigger#chairman pos#, NN IN DT NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Boss Brooklyn lex#opened flea market rc#. trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD PRP$ NN NN IN IN UNLABELED Dr. Alan Edelson Lippincott pos#, path#appos|->appos->officer->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s chief trigger#officer lc#, said UNLABELED Robert L. Green Cleveland State University trigger#professor rc#professor and pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Azuela Environment lc#, '' lex#Attorney General rc#, said pos#, DT NNP NNP IN DT trigger#general path#appos|->appos->general->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Martin Siebert Siemens lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said trigger#spokesman rc#. '' UNLABELED Dr. Fuad Ashkar Florida Board of Medicine 's Fraud and Abuse Committee pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#whose name NEGATIVE Wendy Elmsford pos#POS NN IN lex#'s restaurant lc#at a rc#, was trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Cao Yong Asia Society lc#artists like rc#-- sells path#rcmod|->rcmod->appear->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#CC , DT IN WP VBP IN DT NN IN DT lex#show ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#yong UNLABELED Pepe Navarro David Letterman ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of pos#, VBN IN DT path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lc#someone took trigger#navarro UNLABELED John Lee Coco Nail ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#wife opened rc#, on path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->dobj->|dobj trigger#open pos#, WP IN PRP$ NN , , VBD NEGATIVE Norman Thomas American trigger#leader pos#, DT rc#Socialist leader ner#PERSON->MISC lc#arrest of path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn REL$NA NEGATIVE Silverberg Brewer pos#VBD rc#for ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#interviewed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-interview->dobj->|dobj trigger#interview REL$NA UNLABELED Al Gore Senate Armed Services Committee trigger#member rc#. lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, IN , VBZ DT NN IN DT UNLABELED Yasir Arafat Khalil al-Wazir rc#, known trigger#deputy ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s military deputy pos#POS JJ NN , lc#them was path#poss|<-poss<-deputy->appos->|appos UNLABELED Mr. Plavoukos Richard K. Manoff Inc. pos#CC RB VBD RB , IN lc#advertising , trigger#work path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#worked rc#in UNLABELED Adobe Multiple Master pos#VBZ DT JJ NN NN , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->dobj->|dobj lc#this , rc#, introduced trigger#use lex#software program UNLABELED Mark Schwarz Steinberg ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#let rc#off easy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-let->dobj->|dobj lex#beaming pos#VBD DT VBG UNLABELED Mr. Burton Democrats trigger#criticize lc#moment , lex#sided path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-side->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#side lex#criticized pos#VBD IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-criticize->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ RB VBN VBN IN rc#to keep rc#for using UNLABELED Dave H. Williams Alliance pos#, lc#wife of rc#'s chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Abner Motown Records lex#joined pos#VBD trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj lc#, rc#, where ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED The Countess Theater Development Fund ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. pos#, VBN IN NNP lex#presented Villar-Hauser path#partmod|->partmod->present->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#play , trigger#present UNLABELED Mr. Ivory Ms. Newton ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBZ path#rcmod|->rcmod->call->dobj->|dobj trigger#call lex#calls rc#the sort UNLABELED Suphachai Panichpakdi New Zealand trigger#minister rc#; lex#Commerce Minister Prime Minister lc#choice between path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, NNP NNP , CC , JJ NNP NNP IN UNLABELED Dr. Robert L. Leopold Bryn Mawr Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN DT , VBD IN NNP IN trigger#die lex#retired professor psychiatry died Saturday ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#near UNLABELED Father Ritter India path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-transfer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, but lex#transferred obedience trigger#transfer lc#week that pos#VBD RB VBN PRP$ NN TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED No Mailing List From Sears Mr. Monks Sears pos#RB VBD DT NN NN IN trigger#get lex#shareholder list path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. UNLABELED Arizona Ferolito lex#drinks owner path#nn|<-nn<-owner->appos->|appos lc#And the trigger#owner ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, pos#NNS NN , UNLABELED Mr. Davis Ms. Leonard lex#joined ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-join->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, UNLABELED Dana Natale Montclair State University trigger#anthropologist rc#who surveyed path#appos|->appos->anthropologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#anthropologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Britain Malaya path#poss|<-poss<-war->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#in pos#POS NN NNS IN rc#, lex#'s colonial wars REL$NA trigger#war UNLABELED Bill Doran Mets lc#have brought trigger#bring rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT TO DT UNLABELED Simon & Schuster Paramount Communications rc#subsidiary that trigger#own pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN lc#part of pos#, , DT NN NN IN lc#Referring to pos#, DT lc#Then come path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, named lc#* trigger#simon rc#. rc#, lex#'s parent company pos#CC VBP DT VBN IN trigger#company path#nn|<-nn<-company->appos->|appos lex#publishing subsidiary path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#subsidiary lex#owned path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN NN , UNLABELED Mr. Cramer Patrick pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , lex#survived son path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->son->appos->|appos trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lc#wife , trigger#son UNLABELED Harold B. Smith Illinois Tool Works rc#, died lex#chairman pos#, JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Barbara Kent New York State Banking Department trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said lex#lawyer rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Bob Prucha Central Command pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman lc#to Capt. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman rc#in UNLABELED Carole Bergeron La Grande Murene de Chine lc#name of pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-company->appos->|appos lex#'s company trigger#company rc#, refers ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Heathers Hudson Hawk lc#including " ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#Meet pos#, '' `` VB DT '' CC `` rc#. " trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Col. Kari Hoglund United Nations trigger#commander trigger#force rc#force that pos#, NN NN IN DT JJ path#appos|->appos->commander->prep->of->pobj->force->nn->|nn lex#deputy commander 120-man ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Evelyn Amerman Ethan ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; a lc#sister , path#dep|->dep->son->appos->|appos trigger#son lex#son pos#: DT NN , NEGATIVE William Van Alen Philadelphia trigger#lawyer pos#, DT lc#, when path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#lawyer , ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Roz Moritz Pearlman lex#letter 's trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s pos#NN IN POS trigger#article path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss UNLABELED Marwan Hassan Afaneh Fatah trigger#leader rc#leader and pos#, , IN , DT path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Al Carey Pepsico lc#'' said pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president rc#whom UNLABELED William Mikesell Newark trigger#architect pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->architect->nn->|nn rc#architect , lc#month , ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Michael Nancy Grayson ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#son , rc#of trigger#daughter trigger#son pos#, IN : DT NN , path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos NEGATIVE Utica Vancouver rc#for ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->coach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, , WP VBD IN lex#coached lc#season in REL$NA trigger#coach NEGATIVE Freud Library of Congress ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#exhibition rc#, omits path#nn|<-nn<-exhibition->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN DT rc#, scheduled trigger#exhibition rc#. . . should lc#a new lc#that the REL$NA UNLABELED Brenda Brandon lex#'s twin brother ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, had path#poss|<-poss<-brother->appos->|appos pos#POS JJ NN , trigger#brother UNLABELED Dr. Hugh E. DeWitt Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory lc#" said lex#physicist 's pos#, DT NN IN DT POS trigger#physicist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->physicist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Bombay Club For Bombay Club lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#DT NN IN JJ NN CC NN NN , PRP MD RB VB JJ IN DT rc#where President ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#combination ethnic food powerful-people watching ca n't wrong trigger#go UNLABELED Arkady I. Volsky Russian Union of Industrialists pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#talk with trigger#head ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head UNLABELED Medvedev Mats Wilander trigger#defeat ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#and lex#defeated pos#CC VBD UNLABELED Ms. Steiner Lexington path#rcmod|->rcmod->grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, , WP VBD RP IN IN rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew trigger#grow UNLABELED Gary Springer Mr. Randall lex#spokesman ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Ron Orieux Mark Melnick lc#; ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. lex#director photography edited path#partmod|->partmod->edit->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN NN : VBN IN trigger#edit NEGATIVE Joshua Lyons ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#sons , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED American Lexington Management Corporation of Saddle Brook lex#company sponsoring fund lc#The rc#, path#amod|<-amod<-company->appos->|appos pos#NN VBG DT NN , DT trigger#company ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Levin Baltimore path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#. lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Scarborough Dr. Raulston ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#after Fielding lex#graduate student path#appos|->appos->student->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#student rc#, asked pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Anthony Tommasini Marjana Lipovsek ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#reviews mezzo-soprano trigger#review pos#VBZ NN rc#in recital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Anthony Kincraig Chateau trigger#own path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->|dobj lc#novelist , pos#VBZ DT lex#owns ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a NEGATIVE Beck America lex#ranks standings pos#, , WP RB VBZ IN DT VBZ , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-player->poss->|poss rc#'s best ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#player REL$NA lc#Chip UNLABELED Mr. Azzolina Mr. Thomas ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#replace rc#as chairman pos#RB VBZ lex#replaces path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE George Steinbrenner Berra lc#; lex#recently apologized trigger#apologize path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-apologize->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#for dismissing pos#RB VBD TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Encyclopedia Britannica Business Week pos#, ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#magazine , lc#consumers through path#appos|->appos->magazine->nn->|nn trigger#magazine UNLABELED Dr. Harry Delany Jacobi Medical Center pos#, DT NN IN NN IN rc#in the path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chairman lex#chairman surgery UNLABELED Mr. Yokich G.M. lex#make similar visit lc#How pos#VBD RB VB DT JJ NN TO trigger#visit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-deal->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#deals pos#, , VBZ IN lc#unclear , trigger#deal trigger#make rc#, people path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->visit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#may mean ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Cynthia Rowley Seventh Avenue lc#Shows pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#designer , trigger#designer path#appos|->appos->designer->nn->|nn REL$NA POSITIVE LeRoy Collins Tallahassee REL$/people/person/place_lived rc#yesterday , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home trigger#die lex#Governor early politician sought promote racial justice region died sleep home ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, WP VBD NNP IN IN CC DT JJ `` '' NN WP VBD TO VB JJ NN IN DT NN , VBD IN PRP$ NN IN PRP$ NN IN UNLABELED E. JENNIFER MONAGHAN Brooklyn English path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor rc#at ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT NN , NN IN lex#The writer professor UNLABELED Mr. Elrick Buenos Aires path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN , IN trigger#bear rc#. lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Orpheus Jeffrey Kahane lex#mission 's Piano Concerto No. rc#as soloist path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#take ner#MISC->PERSON pos#RB VBD PRP$ NN RB RB IN POS NNP NNP NN , IN lc#said , REL$NA UNLABELED German Nasty Girl lc#the rc#, " lex#film The trigger#film ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#NN `` DT path#amod|<-amod<-film->dep->|dep UNLABELED New York Friars Club Mr. Herman trigger#pay ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#when the pos#VBZ NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#pays tribute rc#at its NEGATIVE Tignanello Chianti path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-call->dobj->|dobj trigger#call lex#called ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. pos#CC MD VB VBN lc#, neither REL$NA UNLABELED Marilyn Reinhardt Frank Rich trigger#column ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s trigger#comment pos#NN NNS IN path#nn|<-nn<-comment->prep->on->pobj->column->poss->|poss lex#letter comments UNLABELED Robert Natale Standard & Poor 's Corporation lex#vice president equity research rc#, said trigger#expert path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, has lex#expert issues pos#, DT NN NN IN NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN JJ NNS IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Presses de la Cite French pos#, DT JJ pos#, DT JJS ner#PERSON->MISC lex#largest lc#, and path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod lc#; and lex#large trigger#company rc#publishing company UNLABELED Credit Agricole Indosuez French-based trigger#bank ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#bank that path#appos|->appos->bank->amod->|amod UNLABELED Daniel R. Williams Ms. Michaels trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN WP VBZ VBG ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, argued lex#lawyer representing path#appos|->appos->lawyer->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj trigger#represent lc#But UNLABELED Dean Brooks American Management Association trigger#director pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and a NEGATIVE Orfeo Brooklyn Academy pos#, '' WDT VBZ IN DT trigger#orfeo lc#Operation : rc#through tomorrow ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#'' UNLABELED Plea Bail Nelson Mandela rc#, the trigger#win ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#Wins pos#IN VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Arlington National Cemetery White House trigger#official ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, DT lc#parents in rc#official said REL$NA path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn UNLABELED Michael Levin Manders pos#VBZ DT JJ NN TO NNP ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bring lex#brings touch Pastor rc#; he path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#Here UNLABELED Philby Stewart Menzies ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-boss->appos->|appos trigger#boss lex#'s boss lc#briefings by UNLABELED Angela M. Steel Julie Ovian path#appos|<-appos<-brother->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of trigger#brother pos#IN , , IN , lc#sisters , UNLABELED Ms. Fentiman Manhattan pos#, WP VBZ IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, was trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives UNLABELED Gunfight OK Corral trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" " ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, " pos#IN DT NEGATIVE Stuart Klipper Antarctica rc#to bring lc#grass ; path#rcmod|->rcmod->travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#traveled pos#, WP VBD TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#travel UNLABELED Dow Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing lc#The lex#rose shares gained trigger#rise ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN NNS IN , WDT VBD , TO : , RB , TO : path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-rise->dobj->|dobj rc#, which UNLABELED Ipro Lake Success ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm lc#executive at pos#, DT NN VBG NN IN lex#health-care consulting firm UNLABELED Harry Stern Noe Valley pos#, WP VBZ IN rc#, said path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#Their friend trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives UNLABELED Bennett Lester Carter Bronx pos#VBD VBN IN DT path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear lex#born ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Ms. Rainer Oscars trigger#win ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, , VBD lex#won path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj rc#for best UNLABELED Peter Stranger Stranger & Associates lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, and pos#, , JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Walden Big Apple Circus ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->home->poss->|poss rc#'s pos#, , trigger#home lc#Residents of UNLABELED Mr. Ward Empire pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC rc#security chief path#appos|->appos->chief->nn->|nn trigger#chief NEGATIVE Lonnie Young Jets trigger#safety pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->safety->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#' free REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Yehuda Hodara West Side Billiard Club rc#, said path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#owner NEGATIVE Kuwait Syrian Arab Airlines pos#, IN NN IN POS NN IN DT NN IN , TO VB NNS TO trigger#donate rc#to help lc#will allow lex#return 's support war donate planes ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-donate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE ADP Parsippany lc#representative from trigger#office rc#office . lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-office->nn->|nn pos#POS ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Surhoff Marlins path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, but trigger#receive lex#received offer pos#VBZ VBN DT , NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Scott Elliott Curtains path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-produce->dobj->|dobj lc#( ner#PERSON->MISC lc#, and trigger#produce lex#artistic director produce play rc#. " rc#, " lex#'s fine production 's trigger#production pos#POS JJ NN IN POS `` lc#lead and path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN `` lex#director path#poss|<-poss<-production->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN -RRB- , MD VB PRP$ JJ NN , `` trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Sheehan Yorkville path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew trigger#grow pos#VBD RP IN UNLABELED Japanese-language United States path#amod|<-amod<-newspaper->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, receive lc#the leading trigger#newspaper lex#newspaper pos#NN IN DT ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED City Hospital Center Correction Department ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#IN IN , DT lc#at the rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Mr. Berthelot Trans Technology Corporation trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive lc#He told ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN rc#in NEGATIVE Peter Cattaneo Uberto Pasolini ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#written director photography edited music production designer produced path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#Directed by trigger#produce trigger#directed rc#; released REL$NA pos#: VBN IN : NN IN NN , : VBN IN CC : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN UNLABELED Sal Ambrosio Julien J. Studley trigger#manager ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, represented lex#regional manager pos#, JJ NN IN NEGATIVE Francois Mitterrand Helmut Kohl ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#press rc#of rc#: pos#IN VBD NNP lex#President pressed counterpart lc#, and pos#, RB DT NNP IN , VBD PRP$ NN , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-persuade->dobj->|dobj lex#persuaded Chancellor lc#President trigger#persuade REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-press->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Mark McCormick Essex Fells lc#and beat pos#IN DT NN NN TO RB VB PRP$ NN NN IN trigger#beat path#dobj|<-dobj<-beat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#playoff hole successfully defend title yesterday ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Al Goetzl American Forest and Paper Association ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, points lex#economist trigger#economist UNLABELED Montclair Morris & Essex Line ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#and the rc#. lex#branch path#nn|<-nn<-branch->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN DT trigger#branch UNLABELED Mr. Roemer Justice Department lex#joined pos#VBD DT trigger#join rc#, reviewing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj lc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Jerry L. Lawson Circuit City pos#, NN IN DT NN IN rc#, in path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president division trigger#division ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Arab-speaking Middle East pos#NNS IN DT rc#, they path#amod|<-amod<-country->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#from the lex#countries ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#country UNLABELED Sandra C. Katz Bar Association of the State of New York pos#, NN NN IN DT NNP POS path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#said : lex#vice president Women 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED PHH Phantus Consulting Florham Park lc#principal of lex#management consulting firm rc#, path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN VBG NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Zabel Manhattan lc#'' said trigger#partner lex#senior partner rc#law firm path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->firm->nn->|nn trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Cameron Mr. Tyson rc#for pos#, , IN , , VBD VBN DT NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-friend->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#said that trigger#friend lex#friend UNLABELED F. Haydn Williams American Battle Monuments Commission pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#, '' rc#, said path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Lori Weintraub Atlantic Group rc#, will lex#executive vice president audio division path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#division ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Lycoming Pennsylvania path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#little about pos#, WP$ NNS VBD RB IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#lycoming lex#opponents rc#, as REL$NA NEGATIVE Bonn Iran lc#as marks trigger#tie pos#POS NNS TO path#poss|<-poss<-relationship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#While ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#POS NN IN path#poss|<-poss<-tie->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#'s relationship rc#draw political lex#'s ties trigger#relationship REL$NA UNLABELED Uri Cogan Haifa pos#, DT NN IN NN NN IN DT IN trigger#professor lex#professor food engineering path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Martin Oesterreich Department of Youth and Community Development rc#. '' lc#'' said lex#Commissioner city 's trigger#commissioner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NNP IN DT NN POS UNLABELED Parcells Mickey Corcoran lex#sitting ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD VBG IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sit->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#sit rc#, his lc#home , UNLABELED Campanelli Kidd lc#room , pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#call lex#called rc#, widely path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dep->|dep NEGATIVE Aikman Dale Hellestrae lc#" said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-friend->appos->|appos rc#. trigger#friend pos#POS JJS NN IN DT NN , NN REL$NA lex#'s friend team center UNLABELED Mexico Mexico Ernesto Zedillo lex#'s President path#poss|<-poss<-president->appos->|appos pos#POS NNP , ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#in rc#, could trigger#president UNLABELED Lila Jaeger Jaeger Vineyards ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, began path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner pos#, DT NN IN lex#owner NEGATIVE Henry Alexander Bureau trigger#involve pos#VBD VBN IN DT path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-involve->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#say whether ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lex#involved NEGATIVE Grenadines Havana pos#VBP VBN trigger#visit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj lc#and the rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#visited REL$NA NEGATIVE Yasir Arafat Salah Khalaf rc#, boasted trigger#deputy ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, while pos#POS NN , lex#'s deputy REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-deputy->appos->|appos UNLABELED Republican Eliot L. Spitzer lc#, a pos#JJ , , RB VBN PRP$ NN , path#rcmod|->rcmod->lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#lose lc#as the path#amod|<-amod<-incumbent->appos->|appos lex#incumbent repeatedly called challenger ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#incumbent pos#WP VBD PRP$ NN IN NN IN NNP TO lex#lost bid re-election November rc#, started rc#, a UNLABELED Richard Holbrooke European Affairs rc#, said trigger#assistant pos#, NNP NNP IN NNP IN lex#Assistant Secretary State rc#. rc#, have path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#secretary path#appos|->appos->assistant->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#advisers like lc#, " pos#, NN NN IN NNP IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NNP NNP IN NNP IN lex#assistant secretary State lc#" said UNLABELED Jean Jabes B. France path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#executive pos#, , JJ NN IN NNP CC ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#chief executive D.M.B. rc#in UNLABELED Ronald S. Godwin The Times pos#, DT NN POS JJ NN NN , WP VBD TO path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#paper 's senior vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#godwin rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Princeton University Carter Administration rc#, he trigger#professor path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-professor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#first at ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, RB IN NNP IN , IN DT lex#M.I.T. In UNLABELED Tomasz Nalecz Social Democrats lc#, '' rc#told the lex#deputy chairman ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Charlotte Raup Joanne pos#, WP PRP VBD IN : DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lex#married daughter lc#the former trigger#daughter rc#, of UNLABELED Ms. Schaper Yugoslavia trigger#bear path#partmod|->partmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#and a NEGATIVE Hartford Garden path#pobj|<-pobj<-over<-prep<-victory->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#victory ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#. lc#victory over REL$NA pos#IN DT UNLABELED Dr. James House Survey Research Center trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT rc#at the lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Centermark Prudential ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->nn->|nn lc#, by trigger#subsidiary rc#subsidiary that UNLABELED Sonoma County Black Men ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#, the lex#chapter trigger#chapter pos#NN IN rc#, an path#nn|<-nn<-chapter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED James Mace Ukraine Famine path#appos|->appos->director->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN DT IN DT lex#staff director rc#, was ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Blake Forensic Science Associates trigger#researcher rc#of path#appos|->appos->researcher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#researcher UNLABELED Ogilvy & Mather Inc. Manhattan path#appos|->appos->agency->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#president at rc#advertising agency trigger#agency ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Li Bejing-based Magnum path#appos|->appos->photographer->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#, Xiao-Ming trigger#photographer ner#PERSON->MISC rc#photographer , NEGATIVE Rod Carew Minnesota Twins rc#for pos#VBD IN DT lc#immigrant named lex#signed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#sign UNLABELED Bright Book of Life American Procession lex#An ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#" " trigger#suggest rc#" -- pos#, '' `` DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-suggest->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Gen. Douglas A. MacArthur Tokyo pos#POS NN IN lc#go to trigger#headquarters rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-headquarters->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#'s headquarters ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. Lewinsky ABC News path#poss|<-poss<-agreement->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#executive pos#, DT pos#POS NN IN lc#terms of lc#interview with rc#said yesterday trigger#agreement path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn lex#'s agreement ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#executive said UNLABELED Kathryn Reith Sports Foundation trigger#director rc#in pos#, NN NN IN DT NNP POS path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN NN IN DT NNP POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#advocacy director Women 's lex#assistant executive director advocacy Women 's path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Robert Bonazzi New Jersey Educational Association rc#, the pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said trigger#director UNLABELED Robert Silver Paine Webber pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NNS IN trigger#head rc#. path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#head brokerage offices ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Mason Brian Johnson trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD RP DT JJ NN TO NN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#gave grand slam catcher lc#later , REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED Interpublic Group of Companies ; Partners & Shevack Mickelberry Communications Inc. pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN lc#of the trigger#partners ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, and path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#owned UNLABELED Mr. Strauss Mr. Yeltsin path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#for lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ trigger#call lc#Then path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dep->|dep trigger#meet pos#VBD IN rc#a consummate lex#calls lc#But UNLABELED New York Times Byrd lc#The trigger#write rc#asking him ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#wrote Senator path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#CC VBD TO NNP UNLABELED Cullen & Dykman Garden City path#nn|<-nn<-firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#with the rc#. lex#firm pos#NN IN trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Alfred J. Callahan Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT , VBD IN NNP IN trigger#die lex#justice died Tuesday ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Dr. Mead California Institute of Technology trigger#professor lc#, rc#. pos#VBZ DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#professor UNLABELED John Rumble Country Music Foundation pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#historian lex#historian lc#text by path#appos|->appos->historian->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Dole Mr. Simpson ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-want->dobj->|dobj rc#in the lex#wanted trigger#want pos#VBD VBN UNLABELED Charles F. White Hershey Medical Center lex#retired president died Saturday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#LEAD : trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, VBD NN IN NNP CC NNP IN , , VBD IN NNP IN rc#in UNLABELED LeFevre New York pos#, WP VBZ IN rc#, is path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#live ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#lives NEGATIVE Honeywell Minolta pos#VBD lex#sued path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sue->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#sue REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Vincent Marissal La Presse lex#wrote lc#, '' ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN rc#, a UNLABELED Merck & Company Rahway-based ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#pharmaceutical concern pos#, DT trigger#concern path#appos|->appos->concern->amod->|amod UNLABELED Finks Tulsa University pos#VBD TO DT NNP IN IN trigger#come rc#as the lex#N.F.L. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#Catcher UNLABELED Health Effects Institute / Asbestos Research Cambridge lc#by the lex#private non-profit research organization based trigger#organization trigger#base path#appos|->appos->organization->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ , JJ NN NN VBN IN UNLABELED Mr. Paxson Bloomberg pos#VBZ RB VBN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#reach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-reach->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#the deal rc#on the lex#reached UNLABELED Indians Ortiz trigger#get path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->nsubj->|nsubj lex#AP -- Catcher Junior ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#got the pos#, -LRB- NNP -RRB- : NN NNP NEGATIVE Levy Big Ones lc#, maybe trigger#win pos#PRP VBZ VBN DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC lex#won path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj REL$NA rc#, though UNLABELED Dr. Robert Newman Beth Israel lex#president lc#by path#dep|->dep->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#praised path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, for trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Bronwen Weiss Connecticut College lex#sophomore trigger#sophomore rc#, is lc#Dropping Out path#appos|->appos->sophomore->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Isosceles Herman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->dobj->|dobj trigger#offer ner#MISC->PERSON rc#'s for lex#formally offered pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Carsey-Werner Cybill trigger#show ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NNS IN '' rc#, '' lex#shows '' path#nn|<-nn<-show->dep->|dep lc#, such NEGATIVE Enniskillen Bridgeport pos#VBD DT NN NN IN PRP$ JJ ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#start path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, Conn lex#started newspaper career native lc#Lady REL$NA NEGATIVE Pat Riley Falk trigger#visit ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Heat Coach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj lex#league front-office people visit pos#CC JJ NN JJ NNS , TO VB REL$NA rc#in his UNLABELED Mr. Turpurkovski Macedonia trigger#member rc#, had lex#member path#appos|->appos->member->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED California non-Hispanic rc#white population lc#suggested that path#poss|<-poss<-population->amod->|amod trigger#population lex#'s pos#POS ner#LOCATION->MISC lc#to leave NEGATIVE Pete Gaudet Blue Devils lc#" said path#appos|->appos->coach->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#acting coach REL$NA trigger#coach rc#in pos#, DT VBG NN IN DT UNLABELED Daniel J. Weiss Environmental Quality Program rc#, said lex#director 's pos#, DT NN IN DT POS lc#' But ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE House of Cards Wheaton lc#of the trigger#shop lex#shop path#nn|<-nn<-shop->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, Md ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Jim Courier Becker trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#beat rc#, lex#beat REL$NA pos#, , , , , CC VBD UNLABELED Dr. Gerald Levinson Bushwick pos#, WP$ NN VBZ IN IN trigger#levinson path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, was lex#office ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Franklin Watts New York pos#, NN DT lex#founder trigger#company ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn lc#, married rc#publishing company REL$NA UNLABELED Renee Kuharski Vail pos#, DT NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->supervisor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#training supervisor trigger#supervisor rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Free House Preakness ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#defeat path#dobj|<-dobj<-defeat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#held off rc#on path#dobj|<-dobj<-hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#to defeat REL$NA pos#IN DT trigger#hold UNLABELED Enver Hoxha Communist Albania lc#statues of ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#. trigger#founder lex#founder path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Rita tow path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-show->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'s named trigger#show rc#. lex#shows music store daughter pos#VBZ RP IN DT NN NN IN PRP$ NN , , IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dr. Barres United Nations pos#, DT JJ lc#experimentation , path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn trigger#officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#forestry officer UNLABELED Dr. Eugene J. Kales Michigan State University rc#, started trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#professor UNLABELED James Rivers Stephen Merrill rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#spokesman Gov. pos#, DT NN IN NNP path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Petrosani Bucharest trigger#northwest path#advmod|->advmod->northwest->dep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, , NNS RB IN lc#miners in rc#, await lex#miles northwest UNLABELED Darren Williams UBS Phillips & Drew of London path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#economist lc#" said NEGATIVE Mostar European Union ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#take path#dobj|<-dobj<-take->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#to avert REL$NA pos#IN DT lc#take over UNLABELED Thompson R. H. Winnick trigger#successor ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-successor->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s successor rc#, undid UNLABELED Donald Hall Book Review lex#wrote lc#, '' trigger#write pos#VBD IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Pope Paul VI Humanae Vitae rc#" in lc#questions since pos#VBD DT `` path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-issue->dobj->|dobj trigger#issue ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#issued UNLABELED Jabir Musasaadun Basra trigger#school pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#school who path#appos|->appos->teacher->prep->at->pobj->school->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#teacher trigger#teacher lc#" said UNLABELED Park City Dr. Lester Margolis lc#, of rc#of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#daughter lex#brothers twin trigger#brother pos#, : NNS , PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Paul Adelmann Northern States Power Company pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#spokesman UNLABELED William McKeatchie University of Michigan trigger#professor rc#at lex#emeritus psychology professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Collette Avital New York lex#Consul General rc#, said lc#turn by trigger#general pos#, DT NNP NNP IN path#appos|->appos->general->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#consul general rc#, as ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED David Vieser Thomas Gulotta rc#, questioned ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#spokesman County Executive path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NNP NNP trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Ir Shalem Israeli pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod trigger#group rc#group that ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED Miami Hooters New York Knights pos#CC DT : DT JJ VBN VBP DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-include->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#not-so-recently departed include trigger#include lc#include the rc#, which NEGATIVE Reid Connolly pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#as if lex#beat REL$NA UNLABELED Hekmatyar Iranians lex#occasionally close trigger#close path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-close->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, and ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBD RB JJ TO DT lc#" NEGATIVE Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. Hitler path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-compare->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#compare ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ DT NN TO rc#. lex#compares detective REL$NA UNLABELED Wallace Progressive Party trigger#found pos#VBD DT rc#of lex#founded lc#after ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-found->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Richardson San Suu Kyi lex#delivered path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-deliver->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD TO ner#PERSON->MISC lc#that rc#on Monday trigger#deliver UNLABELED Lieut. Col. Marty Peatross Marine Helicopter Squadron pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#commander rc#from path#appos|->appos->commander->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#commander ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Wigstock Festival East Village pos#VBD IN POS lex#held 's path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#hold lc#the annual rc#- always UNLABELED E. J. Amsterdam Avenue rc#at lex#'s diner-style restaurant path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#we choose pos#POS , DT JJ NN IN trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mount Elborus Chinese pos#, DT trigger#member lc#climbing on rc#members , ner#LOCATION->MISC path#appos|->appos->member->amod->|amod UNLABELED National Office of Parent-Teacher Associations Chicago rc#, the path#dobj|<-dobj<-call->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN lc#called the trigger#call ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Progressive Animal Welfare Society Lynnwood path#appos|->appos->group->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#animal rights group based lc#, the pos#, DT NN NNS NN VBN IN trigger#group trigger#base rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Everson Virginia Everson lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-mother->appos->|appos trigger#mother pos#POS NN , rc#, lex#'s mother UNLABELED William F. Weld George F. Allen ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Gov. rc#of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj pos#IN MD VB NNP lex#Gov. trigger#ask NEGATIVE Hungarians Russians trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj pos#VBG DT rc#in water lc#missed the ner#MISC->MISC lex#beating REL$NA UNLABELED African-Zairian Kinshasa pos#JJ NN NNS IN lex#military strategy meetings rc#to plot trigger#meeting path#nn|<-nn<-meeting->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc# ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED ABC Cro lc#season , lex#abandoned ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-abandon->dobj->|dobj rc#, " trigger#abandon pos#VBD `` UNLABELED Tony Michell Euro-Asian Business Consultancy lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, which trigger#president NEGATIVE Council Mayor trigger#oppose pos#VBD DT trigger#criticize path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB DT trigger#partner lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#criticized rc#on several rc#since lex#equal partner trigger#make lc#because the pos#VBD DT JJ NN TO DT lex#made similar proposal lex#oppose path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-partner->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#in budget path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-oppose->dobj->|dobj lc#that the REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-criticize->dobj->|dobj rc#, saying pos#VBZ VBN DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Jill Abernathey Domestic Abuse Intervention Project path#appos|->appos->counselor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#counselor trigger#counselor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED LAWRENCE J. BRANDT American College of Gastroenterology trigger#president rc#. lex#The author president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , , DT NN VBZ NN IN DT UNLABELED Rand Santa Monica pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#base rc#, lc#offered by ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Robert Venturi Philadelphia-based trigger#architect pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->architect->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC rc#architect who UNLABELED Lars Boston lc#sons , rc#, and pos#, IN CC , IN trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Tom McGann North American path#appos|->appos->director->amod->|amod pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#director of lc#, said trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Abbott Trinity College path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#, trigger#graduate lex#graduated ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN rc#in UNLABELED GPA Group Guinness Peat Aviation rc#, the pos#, DT NN WDT VBZ lc#and the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#company owns trigger#company path#appos|->appos->company->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Los Angeles Padres ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#victory rc#held path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-hold->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, DT lc#In path#nn|<-nn<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj lc#, 10-inning rc#. lex#victory pos#NN IN DT trigger#hold UNLABELED Thomas L. Slater Republican path#appos|->appos->consultant->amod->|amod pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#consultant lc#, and rc#consultant with UNLABELED Japanese midtown Manhattan rc#, says path#amod|<-amod<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#restaurant lc#at a pos#NN IN trigger#restaurant ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#to any rc#on a UNLABELED Mr. Duong Truc Orient Express path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ trigger#duong lex#owns ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. McGriff Massillon path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Morgan Guaranty Trust Company lex#merged trigger#merge ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-merge->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Robert R. Hinckley New York State Department of Health pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, said lc#bathers , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Jeep Keith Church-Ford lex#driven pos#VBN IN trigger#drive lc#when a rc#, ner#MISC->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->drive->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Laboratorio de Teatro Campesino e Indigena Delacorte Theater pos#IN MD VB DT NN NN IN POS '' CC '' IN DT lex#present language version 's '' '' lc#from the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#present rc#in UNLABELED Ms. Farrow Dylan pos#VBD PRP IN VBG PRP$ NN , lex#'s daughter path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD lc#But when path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj lex#adopted ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#restricted since path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-adopt->dobj->|dobj rc#to another lc#his and pos#POS NN , rc#as a lex#accused molesting daughter trigger#daughter rc#. trigger#take lc#, and rc#, lc#later , trigger#accuse trigger#adopt path#poss|<-poss<-daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Prudencio Unanue Spanish lc#grandfather , pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#immigrant who path#appos|->appos->immigrant->amod->|amod trigger#immigrant NEGATIVE Hill University of Oklahoma pos#, WP VBZ IN DT lex#teaches commercial law lc#that Professor rc#, offered rc#, accused rc#, said trigger#teach pos#, WP RB VBZ NN IN DT lex#teaches rc#, had rc#, spoke rc#, received lex#teaches law rc#. lc#Professor path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ NN IN DT lc#, Professor pos#, WP VBZ JJ NN IN DT lc#after Professor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, concocted rc#, held REL$NA lc#of Professor UNLABELED Mahmoud al-Said Azerbaijan trigger#representative lex#representative rc#of the path#appos|->appos->representative->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Justices Sandra Day O'Connor Justice Harry Blackmun lex#joined ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj rc#, pos#, CC VBD UNLABELED Mrs. Clinton Bosnia trigger#commander pos#, NNP , DT NN IN NNS IN rc#, said lex#Maj. commander forces lc#taken with trigger#force path#appos|->appos->commander->prep->of->pobj->force->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Lorillard Inc. Loews rc#, the lc#executive of lex#tobacco subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#subsidiary pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Banco Santander Banco Interandino SA pos#VBD JJ NNS IN POS ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#, rc#and trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->stake->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#bought controlling stakes 's trigger#stake NEGATIVE Janet Maslin Metroland trigger#review pos#VBZ NN rc#, based ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj lex#reviews movie UNLABELED Virginia Jordon Mitzi J. Brown ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lex#sister trigger#mother lc#mother , pos#IN , , CC PRP$ NN , path#appos|<-appos<-mother->appos->|appos UNLABELED Jane Romweber Hewitt Associates lc#" said lex#partner compensation practice path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Robert McCire John Jay College lex#chairman lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT , CC IN trigger#chairman rc#. '' NEGATIVE North Hills Allentown path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#live lex#live lc#formerly of ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, , WP RB VBP IN UNLABELED George Grella English path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said trigger#professor ner#PERSON->MISC rc#at the pos#, DT NN IN lex#professor UNLABELED Konrad Fischer Dusseldorf path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN JJ NN , VBD IN NNP IN rc#, trigger#die lex#leading dealer contemporary art died Sunday ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Molinari Mr. Paxon rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->marry->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ VBN TO lc#Representative trigger#marry lex#married UNLABELED Margo Garrett Ms. Hunt pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accompany->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#accompanied rc#superbly at trigger#accompany UNLABELED James S. Vlasto New York City Schools lex#spokesman pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Mr. Levy Sarajevo rc#, said trigger#visit lex#recently visited path#rcmod|->rcmod->visit->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ VBN pos#, WP RB VBD ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" says rc#several times lex#visited UNLABELED Charlie Moss Dragoti path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chairman ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, attributed trigger#chairman pos#, NN IN NNP NEGATIVE Ms. Hinton Vermont trigger#found path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, began lex#mother founded pos#, WP$ NN VBD DT IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Marie Vodickova Fund for Children in Danger trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT rc#. lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said NEGATIVE Giovanni Cardinal Saldarini Turin lc#, '' rc#, said trigger#archbishop path#appos|->appos->archbishop->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#Archbishop ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, DT NNP IN NEGATIVE La Scala Ball lex#hold Gay ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->dobj->|dobj rc#on REL$NA trigger#hold pos#MD VB PRP$ NNP NEGATIVE Gilberto Hernandez Mexico lc#defeat of rc#, in path#appos|->appos->champion->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#champion pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA trigger#champion UNLABELED Steven Chera Wertheimer Store Corporation lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Service Corporation Plaza Memorial Chapel pos#MD VB DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#sell trigger#sell lc#agreement , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Dr. David Bodian Johns Hopkins Hospital pos#, DT JJ NN CC NN WP$ NN VBD VB DT NN IN DT CC NN NNS , VBD NNP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#medical scientist teacher work helped lay groundwork polio vaccines died Friday rc#in UNLABELED Catherine Moore Mrs. Gore ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN TO lex#aide rc#. path#appos|->appos->aide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#aide lc#" said NEGATIVE Surviving Lois lex#wife pos#VBP PRP$ NN IN , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-wife->appos->|appos rc#; a ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#wife REL$NA UNLABELED Fairleigh Dickinson Manhattan path#appos|->appos->mile->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, NNS IN rc#but far lex#miles ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#mile NEGATIVE Stuart Morganville lc#son , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN NEGATIVE Ricardo Jacques Gale Rachid Bouchareb ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#photography , lex#edited music production designer produced trigger#produce path#appos|<-appos<-director->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#and REL$NA pos#: VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Odom Andrew Stabler lc#today , ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-captain->appos->|appos rc#, asked lex#'s captain trigger#captain UNLABELED Contemporary Artists Kristen Accola rc#, curator pos#, '' VBN IN lc#: lex#'' organized ner#MISC->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->organize->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#organize UNLABELED Dr. Edward S. Johnson St. Francis Hospital lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Hogg Mr. Perez de Cuellar path#rcmod|->rcmod->accompany->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#accompanied rc#on his pos#, WP VBD trigger#accompany UNLABELED College Republicans Mr. von Wupperfeld path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->appos->|appos lc#chairman of pos#, , WP VBD IN IN DT NN IN NN , IN DT IN DT `` NN '' NNS IN NNS IN DT NN NNS , ner#MISC->PERSON lex#closet disgust gay-bashing tactics candidates state elections rc#said . trigger#chairman UNLABELED Jets ERIC KATTUS lex#signed tight end ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#POINTS The rc#to replace pos#VBD JJ NN path#dep|->dep->sign->dobj->|dobj trigger#sign UNLABELED Mr. Yeltsin Congress trigger#talk path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-address->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD DT lc#reports that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-talk->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, described rc#not to pos#, DT RB , VBD VBN DT rc#backfired in lex#left path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj rc#because he pos#PRP VBZ RB VBN DT pos#`` VBD DT pos#MD VB DT rc#, seeking path#poss|<-poss<-representative->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#leave pos#MD RB VB lex#made boldest concessions rc#with virtually pos#POS JJ NN IN DT lex#talked elections bicameral Parliament newly defined authority -- 1,000-member lex#address lc#, rc#or made path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attend->dobj->|dobj rc#of staging trigger#make path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj rc#. pos#POS JJ CC JJ NN IN DT lex#'s angry bitter attack pos#VBD VBN lex#earlier accused lex#asked pos#RB VBD TO DT lex#urged lex#attended trigger#appeal path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBN TO DT rc#for additional path#poss|<-poss<-attack->prep->on->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lc#Minister and trigger#accuse ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#however , lex#'s chief representative pos#VBZ VBN DT JJS NNS , IN trigger#attack lc#even after rc#on Wednesday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appeal->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#urge lex#appealed trigger#attend trigger#ask trigger#address rc#acknowledged yesterday trigger#representative pos#VBZ VBN RB IN NNS TO DT JJ JJ NNP IN RB VBN NN : RB TO DT JJ NEGATIVE Kings Michael Smith pos#VBP VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->dobj->|dobj lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#offer rc#and REL$NA lex#offered UNLABELED Airmont Road New York rc#State and lc#14B ( pos#-RRB- RP IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->state->nn->|nn trigger#state UNLABELED Harkrishan Bombay lc#brother , rc#, trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Vukota Islanders ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#in penalty lc#room from rc#' leading trigger#scorer pos#VBZ VBN DT trigger#lead lex#led path#appos|->appos->scorer->poss->|poss pos#, , DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Evelyn Rosenhain Susan Schwalb ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lex#daughter rc#of lc#the former trigger#daughter pos#: DT NN , UNLABELED Becky Dyroen-Lancer World Cup path#appos|->appos->champion->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#solo champion trigger#champion lc#" said UNLABELED Richard Raysman Brown lex#partner law firm ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN rc#, trigger#firm lc#said UNLABELED MAUREEN CANNON Rutherford pos#RB RB IN DT JJ , IN NN NN NN IN DT NN , DT NN : CC NNS NN IN DT IN path#appos|->appos->community->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#community rc#, lex#Sometime early income tax time corner community church-events sign ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Freedoms Foundation Valley Forge path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The pos#, VBN IN trigger#base rc#, Pa. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED David Cohn Parks Department rc#'s director lc#'' said pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Chinese Confers Tariq Aziz pos#IN IN NN , NNP NNP IN VBD NN IN NNS IN PRP$ NN , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->dobj->|dobj lex#In today Foreign Minister held round talks counterpart rc#. trigger#hold UNLABELED Luther Schriefer trigger#letter path#nn|<-nn<-letter->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN rc#letter on UNLABELED Edward Miller National Center of Manufacturing Sciences lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Robert F. Joyce Burlington rc#, died pos#, DT JJ NNP IN trigger#bishop ner#PERSON->MISC lc#The Rev. lex#retired Bishop path#appos|->appos->bishop->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Laurence Tribe Notre Dame University trigger#professor lc#group were rc#, and lex#law professor law professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN , , DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Bengals JACK BRENNAN lex#spokesman ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#. path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman lc#said a pos#NN , UNLABELED Lieut. Gen. Prabowo Subianto Army Strategic Reserves pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head rc#. lc#, and path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Martha Baskett Neal lex#sons mother brother ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#daughter , trigger#daughter pos#IN , : NNS , , IN , , , IN , , , IN , , CC , IN : PRP$ NN , IN : DT NN , path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos rc#, of trigger#brother UNLABELED Mr. Yoshino Honda of America Manufacturing Inc lex#president pos#VBZ VBN NN IN rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Schnittke Faust Cantata pos#MD VB VBN RB IN PRP$ JJ CC NN '' ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, '' lex#represented bizarre haunting '' path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-represent->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#represent UNLABELED Claire Esposito Bronxville rc#since path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, , WP VBZ VBN IN IN lex#lived trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Mr. Jones Ayden trigger#jones lex#owns barbecue rc#, is lc#, and pos#, WP VBZ DT NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Arabs United States of America lex#President lc#The pos#, NNP IN DT rc#, are path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Jim Daloia Federal Environmental Protection Agency path#appos|->appos->supervisor->nn->|nn rc#supervisor at pos#, DT trigger#supervisor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Andy Gioe Fink Baking Corporation pos#, NN NN IN trigger#coordinator path#appos|->appos->coordinator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#quality coordinator ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lc#" said UNLABELED Canada Phillipe Kirsch trigger#representative path#poss|<-poss<-representative->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#As rc#, observed lex#'s deputy representative pos#POS NN NN , UNLABELED Hairston Bell African-American Center rc#, died lc#: Jewel lc#Jewel lex#director 's ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Mr. Jones Stella lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos REL$NA pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Henrik Gorecki Beatus Vir pos#POS `` rc#" receives trigger#receive lex#'s ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Ms. Katz Center for Adult Life and Learning lex#director 92d Street pos#, NN IN DT NNP NNP NNP trigger#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which UNLABELED Beach Towel Seth Rosenfeld ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, VBN IN trigger#towel rc#and others path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#owned UNLABELED Christine A. Gregoire New York pos#IN , DT NN NN IN DT NNS , VBD VBG TO rc#and could lex#lead negotiator states traveling path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#travel lc#Attorney General UNLABELED Cyclone Delays Samoan Travel The State Department Americans ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#VBZ lex#advises path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-advise->dobj->|dobj trigger#advise rc#to defer UNLABELED Eagle Asset Management Raymond James Financial lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#manager for rc#, has pos#, DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Magnum Photos Paris pos#IN trigger#join path#dobj|<-dobj<-join->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, which REL$NA lc#he joined UNLABELED David Flanagan New York State Board of Elections lex#spokesman pos#, DT NN IN DT pos#, NN IN DT rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE America West Airlines Association of Flight Attendants path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#flight attendants meet federally mediated talks attempt reach agreement strike deadline flight attendants members rc#, have pos#CC PRP$ NN NNS VBP IN , , IN IN RB VBN NNS IN DT NN TO VB NN IN NN NN IN : NN NNS , NNS IN REL$NA UNLABELED Eli Rosenbaum United States Justice Department rc#'s office pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->office->poss->|poss trigger#office lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Dr. Trivlis Parks Department trigger#pay lc#owners , pos#VBD RB TO DT rc#for the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#paid UNLABELED Salem F.B.I. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#tie pos#POS NN IN DT path#poss|<-poss<-relationship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#began against lc#about Mr. path#poss|<-poss<-tie->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#, Mr. lex#'s relationship rc#" The lex#'s ties trigger#relationship pos#POS NNS TO DT UNLABELED Bruce Crippen Montana trigger#leader rc#, put lc#, as lex#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN UNLABELED Paddy Shanahan Cresvale trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT IN rc#, an lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED A-2 S. & P. And the Student Loan Marketing Association lc#is rated pos#IN CC DT : IN rc#priced trigger#rate path#dep|<-dep<-rate->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Henry James Altar of the Dead trigger#story pos#POS NN `` DT path#poss|<-poss<-story->dep->|dep lc#loosely on rc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#'s story The UNLABELED Holmes Alexander Van Buren pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#biographer trigger#biographer path#appos|->appos->biographer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, calls NEGATIVE Benjamin Britten English pos#, DT RBS JJ trigger#composer ner#PERSON->MISC lex#important path#appos|->appos->composer->amod->|amod rc#composer of REL$NA lc#But NEGATIVE Keizo Obuchi Atsushi Takahashi path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, president trigger#meet pos#VBD IN lc#Prime Minister REL$NA UNLABELED Science Jay McCaffrey Westinghouse Electric Company lex#director corporate public relations lc#Serious About path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN JJ JJ NNS IN DT rc#, which trigger#director UNLABELED Errol Richardson New York City trigger#researcher pos#, JJ rc#researcher for lex#chief ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->researcher->nn->|nn UNLABELED TED WEISS Member of Congress House Foreign Affairs Subcommittees trigger#member pos#, NNP , , DT NN VBZ DT NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#on lex#Dist. The writer member path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Baldwin Jeffrey Smyth trigger#lawyer lc#Miss rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Mr. Connolly Long Island lex#moved lc#the rc#, where trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD TO IN UNLABELED Mr. Williams Mr. Robertson trigger#criticize ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#criticized pos#CC VBD VBN lc#Both rc#on Wednesday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-criticize->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Joseph McCarthy State Department trigger#charge pos#TO VB DT rc#was ' lex#charge path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-charge->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#emboldened Sen REL$NA UNLABELED Ari Isenstadt Wesleyan University ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#CC , WP VBD IN trigger#graduate lex#graduated path#rcmod|->rcmod->graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Seattle SuperSonics Texas lc#The trigger#leave rc#with fingernail path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj lex#leave ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBP NEGATIVE Peter Manso Biography path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-author->dep->|dep pos#VBZ DT NN IN '' : '' CC '' NNP : DT trigger#author ner#PERSON->MISC lex#author '' '' '' Brando The REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Hallam Mr. Friedman ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN , WP VBD IN rc#in the trigger#work lex#dealer worked path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Emily Rosenbaum Fordham trigger#professor lex#sociology professor lc#, and rc#, are path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Arthur C. Helton Open Society Institute lc#" said trigger#director lex#immigration expert lc#'' said trigger#expert pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#director migration programs path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN NN NNS IN DT lc#Rights Groups ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#director migration program rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Rutskoi Afghanistan trigger#veteran pos#, JJ CC , DT path#appos|->appos->veteran->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, including rc#veteran named UNLABELED Patrick Blackwell Colline rc#; path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sing->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#shrill ; trigger#sing pos#, DT JJ NN , VBD lex#dusky-voiced bass sang UNLABELED Dr. Fahn Columbia lex#neurology professor lc#'' said trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#. '' NEGATIVE Stuart Ostrow M. Butterfly trigger#do ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#-LRB- `` , '' `` '' CC `` rc#" ) path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA lc#the co-producers UNLABELED Allan Kaufer Montague Street rc#, said trigger#owner pos#, , NN IN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Tinordi Washington lex#played games rc#from pos#, WP VBD NNS IN DT IN , VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#go UNLABELED Wichita State College World Series ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#playing for path#pobj|<-pobj<-for<-prep<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#play rc#. pos#IN DT UNLABELED Newspaper Publishers Association Reuters pos#, VBD trigger#pay lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->dobj->|dobj lex#paid rc#on behalf UNLABELED Societe Europeenne de Propulsion Moscow pos#VBD DT NN IN trigger#deal lex#signed deal path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->deal->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#company trigger#sign rc#to study UNLABELED David Mayhew McCarter lex#director marketing pos#, DT NN IN NN IN DT rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" says trigger#director NEGATIVE Marbury Lincoln path#rcmod|->rcmod->lead->dobj->|dobj trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#did when trigger#lead rc#. rc#to the lex#led pos#, WP VBD ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN REL$NA NEGATIVE Joseph Academy lex#taught 's trigger#teach path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN POS rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#, Sister UNLABELED Kentucky Third Congressional trigger#district rc#district , lex#'s pos#POS ner#LOCATION->MISC path#poss|<-poss<-district->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Toscano Sayville lex#opened rc#. trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#west when ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Nina deTar Loft path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#cigarette back 's rc#. trigger#detar ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBD VBG DT NN RB IN POS lc#" said UNLABELED Alex Kveton Czech-born path#appos|->appos->sculptor->amod->|amod pos#, DT lc#but with ner#PERSON->MISC rc#sculptor who trigger#sculptor UNLABELED Michelle Krebs Toyota Land Cruiser path#nn|<-nn<-article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#NN IN lex#article trigger#article rc#and UNLABELED Edward Tierney Tierney Real Estate pos#, NN IN trigger#head rc#, moved path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Boeing X-32 Joint Strike Fighter rc#project may path#poss|<-poss<-project->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#project lc#possibility that lex#'s pos#POS UNLABELED Mr. Hewlett Pascagoula trigger#mayor pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->mayor->nn->|nn lc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#mayor , UNLABELED Ferdinand ( Piech Volkswagen pos#, rc#'s chairman lc#boss , path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED BMW Marion Knight rc#, the lex#driven pos#VBN IN trigger#drive ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#in a path#partmod|->partmod->drive->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBG VBN IN UNLABELED Cone & Belding Worldwide True North lc#, rc#, and path#nn|<-nn<-unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lex#unit trigger#unit ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Knappertsbusch Prague rc#in the lc#figures as path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sing->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, CC , CC , IN WP PRP VBD IN lex#sang ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#sing UNLABELED Deborah Strom Gibbons Elizabeth pos#: DT NN , , IN : DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#son daughter lc#wife , trigger#daughter path#dep|->dep->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#son rc#, of UNLABELED Frank Martini Palisades Park lc#said Capt. rc#police . path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->police->nn->|nn trigger#police ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED Taiwan Trade Agreement pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#member lex#founding member ner#LOCATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Sidley & Austin Chicago pos#, DT JJ pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN lc#adviser ; path#rcmod|->rcmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#office of pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn lc#the firm trigger#base rc#law firm lex#prominent trigger#firm rc#-- and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#firm . lex#based UNLABELED Manhattan-based Hanley path#amod|<-amod<-firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#law firm lc#at the rc#, ner#MISC->PERSON pos#NN NN IN trigger#firm NEGATIVE Toms River Greenville trigger#defeat ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lc#, the pos#, , VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#beats rc#, pos#, , NN VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#team defeated REL$NA UNLABELED William Van Slyke Pataki lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN NNP rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokesman Governor trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Vladimir Adamchik Belarussian trigger#writer pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#writer who path#appos|->appos->writer->amod->|amod lc#" said UNLABELED Wendy Fitting Keith Fitting of Basking Ridge lc#the Rev. rc#, path#dep|->dep->son->appos->|appos trigger#son pos#IN , : DT NN , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#son NEGATIVE Yevgeny Yevtushenko Calvin Trillin path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write lc#mind are rc#wrote a pos#CC , '' lex#'' REL$NA UNLABELED Hilda Kubekhuka Dube path#rcmod|->rcmod->sell->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#sell pos#, WP VBZ NN IN rc#. lex#sells clothing lc#" said UNLABELED Afrikaner Writers ' Guild Ms. Joubert lc#of the pos#, WDT ner#MISC->PERSON rc#helped found trigger#guild path#rcmod|->rcmod->help->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Mr. Pieper Summit path#rcmod|->rcmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#the trigger#base rc#, pos#, WP VBZ VBN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#based POSITIVE Low Memorial Library Columbia University lex#president REL$/location/location/containedby ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#, DT NN IN lc#steps of trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Noonan Wife trigger#do pos#VBD RB VB IN '' DT lex#'' The lc#little that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Brahms Stephen Gosling ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#plays trigger#play pos#, CC IN NN path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#at the lex#pianist UNLABELED Karen Kotvas Lawyers Encouraging Government lc#January when lex#executive director rc#and pos#, DT JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN trigger#director NEGATIVE Nixon James D. St. Clair trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, was lex#'s lawyer REL$NA UNLABELED Clinton Admiral Boorda path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD lex#praised ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#as a trigger#praise lc#, President UNLABELED Karen Larry Office of Professional Development pos#, VBG NN NN IN DT lex#acting assistant director trigger#director rc#at the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED CHEN ZHEN Shanghai trigger#living path#appos|->appos->living->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#artist living lc#outing of rc#and pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Christopher Whittle Tennessee pos#, DT trigger#entrepreneur path#appos|->appos->entrepreneur->nn->|nn lc#brainchild of ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#entrepreneur . UNLABELED Bernard Chaus Inc. Manhattan path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#clothing company rc#, and lc#president of trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Martin Algaze Fran Reiter ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#confront rc#. path#appos|->appos->aide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#aide Deputy Mayor pos#, DT NN TO NNP NNP trigger#aide rc#. ' UNLABELED Ms. Almendarez Isis lex#daughter pos#POS NN , trigger#daughter rc#, was ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED North American Atlantic path#amod|<-amod<-side->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#side rc#. lc#born on pos#NN IN DT lex#side ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Sheldon S. Cohen Internal Revenue rc#from late trigger#commissioner pos#, NNP IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#Commissioner path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Valdes Humberto Escobar ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-cousin->appos->|appos trigger#cousin pos#POS NN , rc#, lex#'s cousin NEGATIVE Chiquita Brands International Japan lex#introduce fruits lc#client , trigger#introduce pos#, TO VB NNS IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA rc#next path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Gerald V. Bull Canadian rc#artillery expert trigger#expert pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->expert->amod->|amod lc#work of UNLABELED Bullville Victory Red Mile rc#in a pos#VBD DT trigger#cover lc#the favored path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-cover->dobj->|dobj lex#covered ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Kwiatkowski Brown pos#, WP IN DT JJ NN VBN IN DT NNP NNP NN , VBD TO rc#and Division ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#decade built Division III power path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#go UNLABELED Big Bang Cinema Third Avenue lex#'' opens today lc#'' The pos#, '' WDT VBZ NN IN trigger#open ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, never NEGATIVE Central Intelligence Agency Joint Chiefs of Staff pos#, DT , DT , DT NN IN DT rc#, the lc#subpoenaed the lex#chairman ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Cameron Fox lc#says , pos#VBZ RB VBN DT NN IN NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-reach->dobj->agreement->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agreement lex#essentially reached agreement Century trigger#reach rc#and NEGATIVE Defense Roelf Meyer pos#, trigger#minister rc#, said lc#Minister of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-minister->appos->|appos REL$NA NEGATIVE Blue Jays Greyhounds pos#VBD DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#where the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-edge->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#edged trigger#edge REL$NA NEGATIVE Christopher Young Cyveillance lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, an ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Alvin Youngblood Hart Berkeley lc#; lex#traditionalist finger-picking country-blues singer rc#, and trigger#singer path#appos|->appos->singer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN , JJ NNS NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Rio Network Raleigh pos#, DT rc#company that lc#, and trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Vazquez Rana Infotechnology Inc pos#, WP VBD NN IN DT NN , VBD PRP TO lex#controlled percent company sold lc#In path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Jordan Cardinals path#appos|->appos->fielder->poss->|poss ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT rc#' right trigger#give trigger#fielder pos#, DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave lc#later , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#their game-winning NEGATIVE Bryan Cox Pro Bowl pos#, DT JJ lex#three-time rc#linebacker known trigger#linebacker path#appos|->appos->linebacker->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Nessa Brickman Wolfson University of Pennsylvania rc#, died trigger#professor lc#LEAD : path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN JJ NNS IN DT lex#professor educational linguistics UNLABELED Mr. Meenan New York City pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear lex#born rc#on path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Deitch Art Gallery Program rc#for pos#MD VB DT JJ JJ lc#deal , trigger#manage path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-manage->dobj->|dobj lex#manage 20th-Century ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Vikings Canada pos#IN PRP$ JJ JJ NNS VBD IN TO TO TO lex#open sail-and-oar-powered boats traveled lc#the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#( and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#travel UNLABELED James R Oestreich Critic Peony Pavilion lex#'s column The pos#POS NN IN DT path#poss|<-poss<-column->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#, classic ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#column UNLABELED European Union Majorca lex#conference rc#. lc#at a path#nn|<-nn<-conference->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN trigger#conference ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Galina V. Balandina Customs Registration Department rc#, says trigger#head pos#, NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Honor Glide Toronto lc#who brought pos#IN trigger#bring path#dobj|<-dobj<-bring->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#. '' NEGATIVE Robert Pinsky Manhattan pos#, , CC , TO VB VBN IN DT , NNP NNP , rc#. path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos trigger#street lex#heralded West Street ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, including REL$NA POSITIVE Sleepy Hollow Tim Burton pos#: WP VBZ VBN PRP RB JJ : VBZ '':INV trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-team->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV REL$/film/film/directed_by ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. '':INV lex#-- made memorable -- '':INV ner#MISC->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj:INV trigger#team rc#'' in:INV lc#odd that:INV lex#inventive offbeat director '' '' '' '' '' '' team '':INV lc#( Even:INV pos#, DT JJ , JJ NN IN '' , '' '' '' CC '' , '' MD VB RB RB JJR IN IN '':INV UNLABELED Middle East The New York Post ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#cover pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-cover->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#covered the UNLABELED Dr. Isaac Weisfuse Health Department lex#assistant commissioner city lc#'' said trigger#commissioner rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NN path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Donald Clift Beijing trigger#manager rc#office of lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT trigger#office lex#manager ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn NEGATIVE U.S. Tibet pos#VBZ VBG path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->interest->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-support->dobj->|dobj lc#The ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#more the rc#in the lex#supporting trigger#support rc#, " trigger#interest lex#vivid interest REL$NA NEGATIVE Mia Farrow Alice pos#CC VBP DT VBG NNS IN `` trigger#have lex#leading roles ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, " REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Madden Hicksville lc#'' said pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ NN IN lex#owns automobile-body shop path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#madden ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Lily Lief Lief & Karson Communications in Cleveland lex#partner rc#, who trigger#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED United States DDB Needham Worldwide ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NNS NN IN lc#of the lex#division lc#, the lc#, rc#. pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, advised lex#media director pos#NNS NN IN DT NN NN trigger#division lex#media director advertising agency rc#and a path#nn|<-nn<-director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#nn|<-nn<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Troy Loney National Hockey League pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#veteran path#appos|->appos->veteran->nn->|nn rc#veteran , REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Konioukhov Moscow lex#'s shore team pos#POS NN NN IN lc#and to path#poss|<-poss<-team->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#team ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#-- UNLABELED Allianza A.G. German rc#insurance company pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company ner#LOCATION->MISC lc#subsidiary of NEGATIVE Villepinte Paris path#appos|->appos->northeast->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#northeast lc#in trigger#northeast REL$NA rc#near UNLABELED Mr. Glenn Mr. Metzenbaum pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#time , rc#. lex#beat NEGATIVE Seth Goldstein Flatiron Partners pos#, NN , VBZ VBN trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#entrepreneur joined ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Michael Andersen Orlando path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#son , pos#IN : DT NN , , IN rc#, trigger#son lex#brother trigger#brother ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Wengelewski Milwaukee pos#, , WP VBD RB IN lc#'' said lex#moved rc#in April trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Michael Cardozo Bar Association lc#'' said pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Sony Pictures Columbia Tristar pos#, trigger#parent rc#'s parent path#appos|->appos->parent->poss->|poss ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Fowler National Foundation rc#for lc#And lex#established path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-establish->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ VBN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#establish UNLABELED Blood Foundation Fifth Club lc#Children 's lex#held ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#MD VB VBN IN DT trigger#hold NEGATIVE Budapest Warner Brothers ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#called him path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#when the trigger#office pos#NN IN lex#office REL$NA UNLABELED Sanchez Vicario Navratilova lex#beaten trigger#beat ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBZ VBN rc#just once path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->dobj->|dobj lc#" said POSITIVE Philadelphia Phillies Bill Giles lex#owner:INV lc#, '':INV REL$/sports/professional_sports_team/owner_s lex#verbose owner:INV rc#.:INV rc#, and:INV path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN DT:INV lex#chairman:INV path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV lc#" said:INV trigger#owner rc#and a:INV lc#Ask:INV pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT:INV lc#strategists is:INV rc#, was:INV path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV rc#, said:INV lc#fancied by:INV rc#, which:INV trigger#chairman lex#president:INV lc#Also ,:INV pos#, NN IN DT:INV trigger#president UNLABELED Brussels Ronald H. Brown rc#and the lex#including Secretary ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#officials from trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj pos#CC , VBG NNP UNLABELED J. Randolph Babbitt Air Line Pilots Association rc#, the lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said lc#executive ; rc#, to path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and rc#. lc#, and lc#and to ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president UNLABELED Louise Cotter Sleeper Christine M. Driscoll lex#daughters ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos rc#of lc#, trigger#daughter pos#: NNS , NEGATIVE James Richardson Weston ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT JJ NN CC NN IN lex#industrial designer consultant rc#, trigger#designer path#appos|->appos->designer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Gilmore Ann lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; a pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN IN , trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos UNLABELED Rafael T. Aracelis ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#wife path#appos|->appos->wife->appos->|appos rc#, and pos#, PRP$ NN , trigger#wife UNLABELED Kenneth S. Apfel White House Office of Management and Budget rc#, supervised pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#associate director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Jay Levy AIDS pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#, cautioned rc#researcher at REL$NA path#appos|->appos->researcher->nn->|nn trigger#researcher UNLABELED Cayne Jeff Wolfson pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#; and lex#beat NEGATIVE Western Union Cuba pos#TO VB RP NNS IN rc#to help lc#will allow trigger#set path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#set offices ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Sean P. Hynes Mr. Hynes ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->son->poss->|poss pos#, , trigger#son rc#' son lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Deland Environmental Protection Agency pos#, WP VBD DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#head path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#regional head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Carl Alexander Haitian-American trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->lawyer->amod->|amod UNLABELED Eric Ryback Ryback Management lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Representative Robert G. Torricelli University of Medicine lc#Today , trigger#visit rc#and Dentistry path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj pos#IN CC NNP , DT , MD VB DT lex#Senator visit ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Mr. Jones Los Angeles path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-arrest->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#moved pos#VBD TO lc#, pos#VBD VBN IN rc#. rc#for wearing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#arrested lc#So trigger#move trigger#arrest ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Pope Havana pos#MD VB trigger#visit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj rc#, and lex#visit lc#that the REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. Sanders Lieut. Anthony Vitaliano trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , WP VBD VBN JJ IN DT NN , path#poss|<-poss<-sister->appos->|appos lc#, rc#of the lex#'s sister lived off-and-on apartment UNLABELED Alexander B. Grannis Democrat path#appos|<-appos<-chairman->appos->|appos rc#, said pos#, DT lc#chairman , lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#chairman UNLABELED Ralph B. Lochridge Federal Drug Enforcement Administration pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Gerda Ellen Teitelbaum lex#daughters trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#wife , trigger#daughter pos#: NNS , trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Jeff Sommer Environmental Protection Department trigger#commissioner lex#deputy commissioner rc#. pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Michael Bolton Hotel Macklowe lex#perform rc#to benefit trigger#perform pos#CC MD VB IN DT IN DT lc#-- path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Jeff Lageman Jaguars lc#, ends trigger#give rc#strength , pos#CC CC DT NN NNS CC VBP DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->dobj->|dobj lex#rookie linebackers give UNLABELED Louise A. Cort Freer pos#, DT NNS NN IN DT lc#'' said lex#ceramics curator ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#curator UNLABELED H. T. Pontin Key West lc#" said path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->near->pobj->|pobj lex#retired tugboat captain lives pos#, DT JJ NN NN , WP VBZ IN trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#on Ramrod NEGATIVE Puerto Rico Harlem trigger#rico ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#He rc#and joined REL$NA pos#TO PRP VBD TO UNLABELED Irving Weismann Systemix rc#, along pos#, NN IN lc#granted to lex#co-founder trigger#co-founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->co-founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Koo Bohn Young Economic Affairs lc#, '' pos#, NNP POS NNP IN path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#President 's Secretary trigger#secretary ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, admitted UNLABELED Mr. Lindberg BMP DDB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-compare->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, the trigger#compare pos#VBD TO ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#compared NEGATIVE Chang Edberg lex#beaten trigger#defeat rc#only pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lc#Tennis : ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-break->dobj->|dobj lc#, lex#broke path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#beats pos#VBD VBN lex#defeated rc#again in REL$NA trigger#break rc#in rc#to UNLABELED Ralph Everett Congressional Black Caucus lc#who support trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj rc#and pos#, VBG ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#including UNLABELED Father Sogliuzzo Honora Nicholson ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#and recently rc#, to lex#asked popular nun Sister pos#VBD DT JJ NN , NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj trigger#ask UNLABELED John Conheeney Merrill Lynch pos#, DT JJ lc#marriage to trigger#executive lex#retired rc#executive , path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Cyber PR Morris Plains lc#, acquired pos#IN rc#, trigger#acquire path#dobj|<-dobj<-acquire->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Radiographic Atlas Republic of Croatia lc#: A pos#IN DT , '' VBN IN DT path#partmod|->partmod->publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#publish lex#'' published ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Appointment With Russell Davis pos#DT NNP NNP POS NNP NNP NNP NNP NNP IN NNP VBN IN trigger#write ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#High-Wire Lady 's Floor West 42d Street Manhattan Through Sunday Written rc#; directed UNLABELED P.L.O. Fatah lc#of the lex#president path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#CC NN IN rc#group opened ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#group rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-group->nn->|nn lex#'s pos#POS trigger#chairman UNLABELED Corestates Financial Mellon path#rcmod|->rcmod->try->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, WDT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#financial lc#and with rc#tried to UNLABELED Johnston Jesse Green trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s lex#letter pos#NN IN trigger#article lc#I path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss NEGATIVE Watson Christ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#the King trigger#graduate lex#graduated ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN REL$NA UNLABELED Wanda Linda Patrik rc#, discussed pos#: DT NN WP VBD PRP TO DT NNS , , CC POS NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#brother reported authorities 's wife trigger#mother lc#mother , path#appos|<-appos<-mother->appos->|appos UNLABELED Cnet Internet ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#And pos#, DT rc#company that trigger#company path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED Hayes Nationsbank trigger#bank lex#'s principal creditor bank path#poss|<-poss<-bank->appos->|appos rc#, declined ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#POS JJ NN NN , UNLABELED Manhattan Deborah E. lex#daughters pos#CC , IN : NNS , lc#, of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#, of UNLABELED Catherine G. Krupnick Harvard School of Education pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#professor lc#bring in rc#, and path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor UNLABELED Mr. Kuklinski United States pos#, WP VBZ IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#live rc#under an ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives lc#' UNLABELED Mr. Woodward Glenn Boyd MacLeod ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos rc#, and lex#'s wife trigger#wife pos#POS NN , DT JJ UNLABELED Leonard Silk The New York Times trigger#columnist pos#, DT JJ NNS NN IN lex#economics columnist rc#, was path#appos|->appos->columnist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Toshiba Massachusetts Institute of Technology trigger#professor pos#NN IN NNS NNS CC NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, and lc#, lex#professor media arts science rc#, has lc#, is lex#professor media arts sciences professor electrical engineering computer sciences REL$NA pos#NN IN NNS NNS CC NNS CC NN IN JJ NN CC NN NNS IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Alex Krauer Ciba-Geigy pos#, rc#'s chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman lc#" said UNLABELED John Waihee Democratic pos#, DT , VBN NNP , RB lex#appointed Representative path#partmod|->partmod->appoint->dep->|dep rc#, to ner#PERSON->MISC lc#, Gov. trigger#appoint UNLABELED United States Bora Multinovic lc#if the lex#coach pos#POS NN , ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, leaves path#poss|<-poss<-coach->appos->|appos trigger#coach UNLABELED Merrill Lynch & Company Credito Italiano ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD POS lex#advised 's lc#merger ; path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-advise->dobj->|dobj trigger#advise rc#and UNLABELED Allan Kozinn Electric Counterpoint rc#" as path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->dobj->|dobj lc#] , lex#'s composition pos#VBZ POS NN `` ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#use UNLABELED Knicks Milwaukee Chris Childs pos#MD VB trigger#send lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, lex#send path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Lewis Mr. Krens ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#who introduced path#dobj|<-dobj<-introduce->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO trigger#introduce rc#. '' UNLABELED Paul R. Flora PNC Bank Corporation lex#regional economist pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#here . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#economist lc#" said UNLABELED Lucas Hoving Dutch lc#seen by pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#dancer rc#dancer and path#appos|->appos->dancer->amod->|amod NEGATIVE Dorsey Mephistopheles pos#VBZ TO lex#introduces ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#in the trigger#introduce REL$NA lc#, so UNLABELED Ms. Travers Yugoslavia path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-think->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#think lex#thought rc#. lc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Mr. Mustafa Sabile ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#wife path#appos|->appos->wife->appos->|appos rc#, and pos#, PRP$ NN , trigger#wife lc#sons ; UNLABELED Dr. Leo Kron Roosevelt Hospital Center path#appos|->appos->psychiatrist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#child psychiatrist senior attending physician trigger#psychiatrist ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in pos#, DT NN NN CC JJ VBG NN IN : NEGATIVE James Brown Adrienne rc#, died lc#spot where ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife trigger#wife REL$NA UNLABELED Steve Hirano School Bus Fleet trigger#editor pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Ms. Lehman Wichita path#appos|->appos->delegate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#For rc#, lex#delegate ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#delegate NEGATIVE Middlebury Panthers rc#, the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#beat pos#WP MD VB DT lex#Who beat path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Alan Rothenberg M.L.S. path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chairman rc#and president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#chairman UNLABELED Bo Anderson Video Software Dealers Association trigger#counsel pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->counsel->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#general counsel ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Petero Sabune Trinity lex#dean pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->dean->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#dean lc#Very Rev. rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Ross Gregory Gardner lex#played path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play rc#from pos#, WP VBZ JJ , VBD UNLABELED DUSK Chicago pos#VBZ RB TO NN trigger#come lex#quickly downtown rc#, where path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE New Brunswick Tunnel path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, , WP RB VBD IN DT lc#student from trigger#work lex#worked rc#, estimated REL$NA UNLABELED Gelfand Anand trigger#come pos#VBD rc#and tallied path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->nsubj->|nsubj rc# lc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-outplay->dobj->|dobj lex#outplayed trigger#outplay ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc# UNLABELED Kournikova Hingis lex#beaten trigger#beat ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBZ VBN path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->dobj->|dobj rc#and lc#'s why UNLABELED Gerard De Battista Miramax Films path#appos|<-appos<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#photography , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release pos#: VBN IN : NN IN : VBN IN , NNP NNS CC : VBN IN lex#edited music produced TF1 Films released trigger#director UNLABELED Fischers Miss Riner pos#VBD lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->dobj->|dobj rc#through trigger#find lex#found rc#through a UNLABELED Intervista Written Hill Productions ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#directed subtitles director photography edited music tribute production designer produced presented released Castle pos#CC VBN IN , -LRB- IN IN NNS -RRB- : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN IN IN DT NN TO : NN NN , : VBN IN CC : VBN IN CC : VBN IN NNP trigger#release UNLABELED Richard Morano VJB pos#, path#appos|->appos->supervisor->poss->|poss trigger#supervisor rc#'s construction ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Federal Bureau of Investigation San Juan path#poss|<-poss<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#of the pos#POS NN IN lex#'s office trigger#office ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Gary Holmes Phar-Mor lex#spokesman rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Joint Ventures U.S.-Russia Business Council path#prep|->prep->accord->dep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#accord ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#As joint ventures involving companies pos#IN IN RB , EX VBP JJ NNS VBG NNS IN , VBG TO DT rc#, a UNLABELED Jacob Double Life of Veronique lc#Miss rc#" and path#appos|->appos->star->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#star pos#, DT JJ NN IN POS `` ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#beautiful star 's UNLABELED Senate subcommittee Bush lc#, a ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD NNP lex#asked President path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj trigger#ask rc#to declare UNLABELED Kenneth A. Wasch Software Publishers Association pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president UNLABELED Crowtations Crows lc#in the pos#, : WP VBD DT trigger#start rc# ner#MISC->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->start->dobj->|dobj lex#-- started NEGATIVE ESPN Cup lex#'s coverage 's ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#about watching path#poss|<-poss<-coverage->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#that inspires pos#POS NN IN DT POS REL$NA trigger#coverage UNLABELED Mr. Snow The Washington Times trigger#editor path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ , DT JJ NN IN DT NN NN IN rc#, said lex#editor editorial page ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION POSITIVE Sutton Kentucky path#rcmod|->rcmod->coach->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD NN IN pos#, IN NN TO VBG IN NNP , RB VBD IN rc#for trigger#play REL$/location/location/containedby lex#coach rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#The younger lex#coached lex#addition playing State played pos#, WP VBD ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#coach UNLABELED Harvey Grossman American Civil Liberties Union trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#, '' lex#lawyer rc#lawyer from pos#, DT trigger#head path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn trigger#office path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn rc#office in rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Higher Investment Limit Sought United States pos#IN JJ NNS , DT NN VBZ DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-want->dobj->|dobj lex#In broad terms Government trigger#want ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#to raise UNLABELED Lawrence G. Esmonde Resolution Trust Corporation pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, also path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Byron Hanspard all-America pos#, ner#PERSON->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->nsubj->|nsubj rc#running back trigger#run UNLABELED Mr. Sadowsky Beechhurst pos#, WP VBZ IN lc#'' said path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives UNLABELED Ms. Kassindja Hunter College trigger#finish rc#, and pos#VBZ RB VBN PRP$ IN lex#finished path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-finish->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Murray Connie ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, and lex#'s wife trigger#wife lc#talked to UNLABELED Stephen Goldstone RJR Nabisco Holding Corporation lex#chairman pos#, NN IN lc#comments of ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, came trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Pallone Asbury Park City Councilman lex#'s opponent rc#, is trigger#opponent path#poss|<-poss<-opponent->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , , DT JJ ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. Ronstadt Riddle pos#POS NNS IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s collaborations trigger#collaboration path#poss|<-poss<-collaboration->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#over the UNLABELED DeSimone Science rc#, presented lex#published paper process summer journal pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN DT JJ NN DT NN IN DT NN trigger#publish lc#Professor path#rcmod|->rcmod->publish->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED CHICAGO John Burkett lex#AP -- trigger#win path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pitch->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#pitch lex#AP ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->nsubj->|nsubj pos#-LRB- NNP -RRB- : rc#won his lc# rc#, a NEGATIVE Chauncey Billups Colorado rc#point guard pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->guard->nn->|nn lc#; take ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#guard UNLABELED Goldie Bridge trigger#review lex#'s rc#, restaurant path#dobj|<-dobj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#POS IN DT lc#reviews UNLABELED Mario Botta Watari-um pos#, DT NN , VBN DT JJ JJ NN , DT trigger#design rc#, in ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-design->dobj->|dobj lex#architect designed small commercial museum NEGATIVE Erik Trinkaus Neandertals lc#" while trigger#author ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, " pos#CC , DT NNS IN `` DT path#appos|->appos->author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#authors The NEGATIVE Aquino Americans pos#VBZ lc#A8 lex#asks ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj rc#to quit REL$NA trigger#ask UNLABELED Mrs. Wagner Elizabeth path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD IN PRP$ JJ NN , , VBD VBN IN trigger#bear lex#performed maiden born rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Myron A. Wick Jr. Dominick & Dominick rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, JJ NN CC JJ JJ NN IN lc#LEAD : lex#chairman chief executive officer trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Taylor Toby Golick ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, rc#, and trigger#married pos#JJ path#dep|<-dep<-married<-amod<-|amod lex#married UNLABELED Timothy E. Kemper Loyola University lex#official trigger#official rc#and spokesman path#appos|->appos->official->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in UNLABELED CONNIE HOLMES Washington Global Climate Coalition ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#The writer chairman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN VBZ NN IN DT rc#. trigger#chairman UNLABELED Ava Louis Schrager Rita Narona Schrager path#appos|->appos->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter trigger#daughter lc#It 's rc#and pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Melvin L. Sebrik Chase lc#'' said lex#vice president rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president pos#, NN NN IN NEGATIVE Western Hemisphere Clinton lex#President path#appos|->appos->adviser->poss->|poss trigger#adviser pos#, , NNP ner#MISC->PERSON rc#'s special REL$NA lc#on the UNLABELED Mundelein Seminary Mundelein trigger#professor pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-professor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#professor at UNLABELED Phillip Pannell Gary Spath path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of the lex#facing Officer lc#today that trigger#face pos#VBD VBG NNP UNLABELED Pushkin Museum of Fine Art Moscow pos#IN rc#; ( lc#at the trigger#open rc#on path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos lex#Vol khonka Street trigger#street ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, NNP FW NNP , NEGATIVE Red Sox Tony Conigliaro path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-trade->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD trigger#trade lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#to the lex#traded REL$NA UNLABELED Irene Worth Tony pos#VBD DT trigger#win lex#won ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj rc#for best UNLABELED Fleet J. Terrence Murray rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-chairman->appos->|appos lc#, " lex#'s chairman chief executive pos#POS NN CC JJ NN , trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Owen Montreal Expos path#appos|->appos->shortstop->poss->|poss lc#The rc#' shortstop pos#, DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#shortstop REL$NA UNLABELED Haitian-American New York trigger#leader path#amod|<-amod<-leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lex#leader lc#is a ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Chekhov Mariya Chekhova trigger#sister rc#, served ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s sister lifelong companion path#poss|<-poss<-sister->appos->|appos lc#and pos#POS NN CC JJ NN , POSITIVE Mother Teresa India pos#MD VB:INV rc#a state:INV trigger#give pos#, WP VBD RB IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj:INV rc#as a rc#. lex#met ago trigger#meet REL$/people/person/nationality pos#, WP VBD TO path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#teresa lex#give:INV lc#written by lc#, when:INV UNLABELED Greg Willig Rice trigger#agent rc#. lc#, and lex#free agent pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->from->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Shanghai Jewish pos#POS JJ trigger#community lex#'s expatriate rc#community . path#poss|<-poss<-community->amod->|amod ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA lc#members of UNLABELED Ms. Lazarson New York lex#native lived path#appos|->appos->native->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN WP VBZ VBN IN trigger#native trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#off and NEGATIVE Travis Ford Kentucky pos#, pos#VBD rc#'s 5-foot-9-inch rc#( lex#first-half 3-pointers led trigger#lead lex#led pos#, WP VBD IN IN PRP$ JJ NNS , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#guard path#appos|->appos->guard->poss->|poss UNLABELED Richard C. Holbrooke Belgrade path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#leave pos#, WP VBZ RB VBN VBN TO DT IN DT JJ NN , VBD VBN NNS IN TO lex#troubleshooter left pos#VBD NN TO rc#and came trigger#send lc#of State rc# lex#special envoy days ago pos#, DT NN IN DT , VBD RB VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj path#dobj|<-dobj<-accompany->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#who accompanied pos#TO lex#diplomat served 's principal emissary leader leaving today lex#returned today rc#, where pos#, DT NN WP VBZ VBN IN DT POS JJ NN TO DT NN , VBD VBG NN IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#to pressure ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#said trigger#return rc#after briefing trigger#accompany UNLABELED Viktor Krivulin St. Petersburg trigger#artist rc#, in path#appos|->appos->artist->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#" wrote ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#artist UNLABELED Mr. Dinkins Baragwanath Hospital lex#toured pos#VBD DT rc#, whose lc#as trigger#tour ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-tour->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Jay Neveloff Kramer lex#partner law firm ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN rc#, path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm POSITIVE Zia Mian Princeton REL$/people/person/place_lived pos#, DT NN CC NN NN IN DT NN IN rc#, was trigger#physicist ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#physicist research associate school path#appos|->appos->physicist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Portable One Longshot ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#: " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj trigger#call rc#. pos#VBG lex#calling NEGATIVE Water Mill Bridgehampton pos#, , DT NN NN IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#area lc#corner to rc#, and path#appos|->appos->area->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#beach area UNLABELED Heather Staiman 68th Street pos#, WP VBZ IN lc#a well-fed path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#live rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives UNLABELED Harold Ehrlich Bernstein Macaulay & Company lex#chairman pos#, RB NN IN rc#, an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED SEAN BURKE Hartford Whalers rc#, the lc#Goaltender trigger#contract path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->contract->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#signed contract trigger#sign pos#VBZ VBN DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Sedgwick Clark Gramophone ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write rc#, lex#writes lc#RECORDINGS VIEW path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Jack North State Farm pos#, rc#'s senior path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Craig Barrow Comshare pos#, NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Ms. Power Ron Duncan lex#'s marriage ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#marriage pos#POS NN TO path#poss|<-poss<-marriage->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Joan Lester Equity Institute lc#Is In lex#executive director pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in trigger#director NEGATIVE Rob Johnson Mike Thompson pos#IN , JJ VBP lex#defensive tackle ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-tackle->dobj->|dobj rc#of lc#, quarterback trigger#tackle REL$NA UNLABELED Jeremy Pikser Mr. Beatty rc#; director ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, VBN IN DT NN IN path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->on->pobj->story->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#story lex#based story trigger#base lc#and UNLABELED Mr. Stephens Iowa pos#, DT rc#native , trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Stu Jeff pos#VBD DT trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#and I lex#gave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lc#" UNLABELED Soviet Role Baghdad lex#Offer In proposal defeated earlier Wednesday trigger#offer pos#IN NN IN DT NN WDT VBD VBN RBR NNP , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->nsubj->|nsubj ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#offered to UNLABELED Mr. Weiss Housing Court path#dobj|<-dobj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#took rc#. trigger#take pos#TO ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Curran percussion ensemble Stomp pos#VBZ RB DT NN IN DT trigger#member ner#PERSON->MISC lex#member path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which UNLABELED Jack Dean nonprofit Regional Plan Association path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' warned lex#senior analyst trigger#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Crosby Mr. Vick rc#about the pos#, WP VBD VBN DT JJ NN IN DT NN , VBD IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-agree->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#antiwar activist era agreed trigger#agree UNLABELED IDG Books Worldwide Inc. Islers pos#, , -RRB- WDT DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#wrote , trigger#write lc#'' ( path#rcmod|->rcmod->write->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Rabbi Fox Rochester path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#and studied lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Griffey Nelson ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN NNS IN trigger#friendship lex#'s off-season friendships rc#and path#poss|<-poss<-friendship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Schumer Judiciary subcommittee rc#on crime lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Country Club Plaza Kansas Citians ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->call->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, WDT trigger#call rc#simply call UNLABELED Mary Woody Wade Brentwood path#dep|->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#: NNS , , IN lc#wife , rc#, lex#sons trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Bolivia Operation Condor lex#'s role ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#POS NN IN lc#articles about trigger#role rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-role->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Jennifer Anderson Berkshire Vintage Furniture trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#manager rc#on ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Texas Instruments United States International Trade Commission pos#RB VBD DT lc#step , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj REL$NA rc#in trigger#ask NEGATIVE Arthur Mann University of Puerto Rico trigger#professor lex#professor economics rc#. pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Gustav Stickley United Crafts pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->dobj->|dobj lex#started trigger#start lc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Royal Observatory Greenwich pos#IN trigger#visit path#dobj|<-dobj<-visit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and straddle lc#visit the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Yucatan Honduras path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-extend->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#south rc#extended from pos#RB TO lc#'s trigger#extend ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Jorge G. Castaneda Mexican-born trigger#scientist pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->scientist->amod->|amod rc#political scientist lc#, by UNLABELED Stephen Tobias Oakland trigger#lawyer lex#lawyer rc#, pos#, , DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Annacone Jerry Tarango trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD DT NN JJ , VBD rc#, lex#won trophy beat UNLABELED Donovan Long Island Restaurants rc#" is trigger#guide rc#" came path#poss|<-poss<-guide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NNP TO lc#of " rc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#'s Guide lc#" NEGATIVE Leonardo Eli Whitney Museum lex#Exploring Mind continue pos#CC DT NNP NNP '' MD VB IN IN DT rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-continue->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#continue lc#" UNLABELED Grimaldi Old Fulton Street trigger#win rc#, near path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#POS , IN lex#'s ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#alone , UNLABELED John Brooks Mendel & Regenstein Inc. pos#, DT JJ NN IN , trigger#analyst lex#technical analyst rc#, was path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Cliff Zukin Star-Ledger/Eagleton Poll ner#PERSON->NNP pos#, NN IN DT lc#is what rc#, discovered lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE National Commercial Bank Bloomfield path#nn|<-nn<-building->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, Conn trigger#building pos#NN IN , , CC DT NN IN lc#; the REL$NA lex#building headquarters UNLABELED MacPhail Ryan pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-advise->dobj->|dobj trigger#advise rc#to give lex#advised UNLABELED German Requiem Johannes Somary lex#conducted trigger#conduct rc#. path#partmod|->partmod->conduct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON pos#'' IN , VBN IN lc#" A UNLABELED Paul Newman Ms. Field lc#movie starring ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#CC , IN WDT path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->nsubj->|nsubj rc#plays an NEGATIVE Laguna Hills Massachusetts lc#home in lex#moved ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, , WRB PRP VBD IN rc# trigger#move path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED WSOU New Jersey lc#broadcast on lex#radio station trigger#station path#nn|<-nn<-station->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#NN NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Jerry Larry Sanders Show ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#role lex#The path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-role->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN `` DT rc#, " lc#role of NEGATIVE Adele Hartsdale trigger#survive pos#: NNS , , IN CC , IN : DT NN , IN , NNP : DT NN , , IN rc#, and lc#wife , trigger#daughter trigger#son trigger#wife ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#sons daughter Ore brother REL$NA path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->dep->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Marc Linda Greenberg ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-mother->appos->|appos rc#, who trigger#mother pos#POS NN , lex#'s mother UNLABELED Boris N. Yeltsin Mr. Nemtsov pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, lex#appointed rc#, then path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appoint->dobj->|dobj trigger#appoint UNLABELED John J. Wooten Cherry Lane Theater trigger#play path#poss|<-poss<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#POS VBG JJ NN IN DT lex#'s gripping play rc#, a UNLABELED Dominion National Invitational Tournament trigger#defeat lex#defeated first-round ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#as Old pos#VBD , , IN DT JJ rc#in UNLABELED Anthony Gottlieb Great Disruption : Human Nature rc#and the lex#reviews book The trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->book->dep->|dep ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#book pos#VBZ NN DT UNLABELED Mr. Gunderson F.B.I. pos#, DT JJ lc#authors describe path#appos|->appos->man->nn->|nn rc#man , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#man NEGATIVE New Yorkers Gun Control pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, I lc#president of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#president NEGATIVE ARCO California rc#, the lex#sell gasoline pos#VBZ NN RB IN lc#While path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#companies like trigger#sell pos#CC , WDT VBP RB IN PRP$ NN IN rc#, where ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#sells gasoline primarily REL$NA path#rcmod|->rcmod->sell->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Helen Seifert Ms. Arnold ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#to speak path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lex#program chairman quickly asked pos#IN , NN NN IN DT , RB VBD trigger#ask UNLABELED Mr. Feinstein Paul Curran lex#'s chief lawyer trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS JJ NN , rc#, of lc#and UNLABELED Iang Jeon Forrester Research lc#" said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, a NEGATIVE Administration Roe rc#v. pos#POS NN IN lex#'s criticism ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#Noting the REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-criticism->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#criticism NEGATIVE De La Hoya Joel path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#father pos#POS NN , lex#'s father REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Filippo Sanjust Visconti ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD IN trigger#work rc#, has lex#worked path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Hunt Formula trigger#start ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, pos#, WP VBD NNS IN PRP$ NNS IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->start->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#started races seasons UNLABELED Kamieniecki California pos#VBD lex#held rc#in check path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#hold UNLABELED Gary E. Anderson Dow Corning pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president rc#'s executive trigger#president lc#" said NEGATIVE Mr. Williams Harvard College rc#, joined lex#graduate trigger#graduate path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Gretzky Jets Wayne Gretzky rc#was still lc#) N.H.L. ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#MD RB VB trigger#stop path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-stop->dobj->|dobj lex#Ca n't Stop NEGATIVE John Gielgud Old path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#nicknames ( rc#, REL$NA trigger#know UNLABELED Hartsburg DARRYL SUTTER ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#succeed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj pos#, , VBZ lex#succeeds trigger#succeed pos#, , MD VB UNLABELED Mr. Hubbard American Amaranth path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#CC , NN NN NN IN rc#, received trigger#officer lex#product development officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED California Institute of Arts Valencia pos#IN lc#attended the rc#for a path#dobj|<-dobj<-attend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#attend UNLABELED Dr. Singham Burma pos#, WP VBD VBN IN rc#of trigger#bear lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Martin Christine lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; a trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos REL$NA pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED UJB Princeton path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NN , VBN IN lc#merger of trigger#base rc#, with ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#third-largest bank state based UNLABELED Eleanor Mary Jane Wells pos#-LRB- ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#) asks path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#ask UNLABELED Chuck Diorio Coast Guard pos#, DT lc#j.g. ) path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn rc#spokesman . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Paul Kosok Long Island University lc#and met trigger#scholar pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->scholar->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#scholar , NEGATIVE White Star Roger Miller rc#, King ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBZ RB VBN JJ NNS : '' : DT , '' WDT VBZ DT NN RB TO PRP$ JJ NNS IN DT CC VBZ , CC '' trigger#release lex#released short biographies '' An '' takes performer back early routines shows '' REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-release->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Hofstra Central Connecticut pos#VBD rc#in an trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lc#points as lex#beat ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Donald Rubin New York lc#by pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ NN IN rc#, and lex#owns managed-care company trigger#rubin path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Grant Ethel Henck ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, rc#. trigger#married pos#JJ path#dep|<-dep<-married<-amod<-|amod lex#married UNLABELED GMC Truck General Motors rc#, costs lc#and the path#nn|<-nn<-division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#divisions trigger#division ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#NNS IN UNLABELED Albert Thayer Karyl McKay ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of trigger#daughter path#dep|->dep->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#son lex#Va. son Md. daughter pos#IN , , CC IN , NNP : DT NN , IN , NNP : DT NN , lc#brothers , UNLABELED Panamanian Miami trigger#leader path#amod|<-amod<-leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#NN IN lex#leader lex#charged drug-trafficking indictment General charged flown lc#the deposed lc#- A path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#today to trigger#fly pos#VBN IN DT JJ JJ NN IN WDT NNP VBZ VBN VBD VBN TO NEGATIVE David Cohen Queens College trigger#professor pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn rc#professor who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Elsa Rady Los Angeles-based path#appos|->appos->sculptor->amod->|amod pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#sculptor who trigger#sculptor UNLABELED Paris Eric Norlen path#partmod|->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#produce lex#Directed written based director photography edited music production designer produced pos#, NNP IN : VBN IN , VBN IN PRP$ NN : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN rc#and UNLABELED Citizens Commercial-Free Schools and Commercial Alert pos#POS NN IN lc#, the lex#Campaign path#poss|<-poss<-campaign->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#campaign ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#, founded UNLABELED Crystal Walls Windows desktop ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, IN , VBZ NNS TO DT trigger#bring rc#: the lex#brings worlds path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Lorcan Roche Irish Independent rc#, the trigger#write ner#PERSON->MISC lc#" wrote lex#The path#dobj|<-dobj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT UNLABELED Dave House Bay Networks Inc. lex#chairman pos#, NN IN rc#, who lc#, and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Anthony Gallivan Limerick trigger#bear path#partmod|->partmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Harris Gallery SoHo trigger#own pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and whose lc#the O.K. ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dr. Lindemann A. Ross Pearlson trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Bonnie Hammer USA Networks Inc. rc#said that lex#senior vice president original production path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Millie Sherrod Andre pos#, rc#'s natural ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#mother path#appos|->appos->mother->poss->|poss lc#" said UNLABELED Judith Anderson Theater Intar Theater lex#giving performance path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-transfer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#transfer lc#from the rc#, where pos#, WRB PRP VBZ VBG PRP$ JJ NN IN , TO DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED James Smiros Smiros & Smiros Architects path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#partner lc#'' said trigger#partner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said rc#in UNLABELED Chunka Mui Diamond Technology lc#applications , lex#partner rc#, said trigger#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Ms. Butler Snow White path#rcmod|->rcmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said trigger#butler lex#recent graduate network ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN , WP VBD VBN IN DT NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Victor Weinblatt Antiques Council pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, encourages path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#introduced by UNLABELED Mr. Steven Tulsa Tribune lex#started career trigger#start pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN DT lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Rabbi Greer New York rc#in such path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#Both ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, POS NN , CC , DT JJ NN VBG DT NNS , VBD RP IN trigger#grow lex#'s father constitutional lawyer representing students grew UNLABELED Frerotte Westbrook ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#pass lc#pass from path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-pass->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO NEGATIVE Reynolds Oklahoma State University lc#time , rc#, had lex#graduate pos#, DT NN IN WP VBZ RB trigger#graduate path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Peekskill Mr. Gibbs pos#, trigger#describe rc#described the lc#In ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-describe->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Tussauds Group Amsterdam lex#opened 's trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#When the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD DT POS IN rc#, for UNLABELED Surveys Office Valley trigger#office rc#. path#advmod|->advmod->also->dep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#(809) 497-2424 pos#, NNP , RB IN DT UNLABELED David Garrity Smith Barney rc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, attributed trigger#analyst lex#auto analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Marjana Lipovsek Waltraute rc#as she trigger#be pos#IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->as->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN JJ DT lex#stern ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#roles were rc#in '' UNLABELED Rozel C. Thomsen Washington trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Ronald Harrison Pepsico pos#, lc#" said path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s vice ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Levinson Barry Hirsch ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Moreover , rc#, path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-represent->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN IN lex#represented trigger#represent UNLABELED Miss Spaulding Boston University trigger#enter lex#entering ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#in the pos#, WP VBZ VBG path#rcmod|->rcmod->enter->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Ole Georg Lord of Sheldowne pos#, RB VBN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lc#the composer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#know rc#in UNLABELED Dr. Dunnan Dalton ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#leave pos#, WP VBZ VBN NN IN DT NN IN DT IN , MD VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj rc#on lex#headmaster school leave UNLABELED china Spode ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#The rc#. lex#medieval scenes tones rose white brown 's pos#, WDT VBD JJ NNS IN NNS IN NN , JJ CC JJ , VBD POS JJ path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->dobj->|dobj trigger#china UNLABELED Richard Norton Smith Fred Friendly path#poss|<-poss<-article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#POS JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#letter holds trigger#article rc#relied on lex#'s Op-ed article NEGATIVE Kurds Islamic path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod pos#, DT JJ , RB trigger#group rc#group in lc#mention the ner#MISC->MISC lex#transnational largely REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Begin German rc#a pos#VBD VBN `` DT trigger#call lex#called ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dep->|dep lc#'s , UNLABELED Margery Wise Judaica rc#shop in pos#, DT NN IN DT NN , DT path#appos|->appos->shop->nn->|nn trigger#shop ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#owner Quarter UNLABELED Pierluigi Leonardi Ciro Ippolito lex#produced ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and trigger#produce trigger#directed lc#edited by path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-partmod<-directed->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#: VBN IN trigger#edit UNLABELED Sam Shahid Mr. Klein path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#work lex#president creative director worked pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN IN , WP RB VBD IN rc#and now UNLABELED Mark W. Fisher Pacific Bell Internet Services rc#, the path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN NN IN lex#vice president marketing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Carl Rauh Ms. Silverman trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED J. Clarence Morrison Prudential Securities lex#steel analyst rc#, said trigger#analyst rc#. path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said NEGATIVE Stony Point Bunny lex#wife pos#IN PRP$ NN , rc#, and ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#live trigger#wife path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-live->prep->with->pobj->wife->appos->|appos lc#lived in REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Farlie Montclair path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident lex#resident rc#, was ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Billie Jean King ESPY Award rc#for leading ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#accept path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accept->dobj->|dobj pos#, IN TO VB lc#end ; lex#accept NEGATIVE Pierre Turgeon Steve Thomas lex#left wing ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#leave rc#, whose lc#-- centers lc#period after pos#VBD RP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj pos#CC , VBD NN trigger#set rc#, goalie path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->dobj->|dobj lex#set REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Shapiro Chase rc#after having path#poss|<-poss<-commitment->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#commitment pos#POS NN TO lc#yesterday about lex#'s commitment UNLABELED Dean Tamara Nesheim path#appos|<-appos<-brother->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lex#sister lc#brother , pos#, IN , , CC DT NN , trigger#brother UNLABELED Imax Liberty Science Center lc#in the trigger#show ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#show pos#NN IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-show->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Willemina Miedema Luyten Mona L. Coetzee lex#daughters ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos rc#of lc#, trigger#daughter pos#: NNS , UNLABELED Dresser Government School of Design pos#VBD DT lex#entered trigger#enter lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-enter->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Ms. Lyden Benign path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-try->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD TO NN PRP$ JJ NNS CC '' RBS JJ NNS , '' VBG RP NNS VBD '' NN '' CC '' VBG '' CC '' lc#mania , trigger#try ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#catalogue lunatic letters '' annoying acts '' putting files marked '' Rage '' '' Raving '' '' rc#. '' UNLABELED N.L. Jack Murphy Stadium ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#work rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#CC VBD RP IN lex#worked lc#before the UNLABELED Notre Dame Gene Corrigan lex#athletic director pos#JJ NN , lc#the former ner#MISC->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-director->appos->|appos rc#, turned trigger#director UNLABELED Andre Agassi Jonas Svensson path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, third-seeded rc#of pos#, MD VB lex#face trigger#face UNLABELED Hammond Craig Masback pos#MD VB VBN IN DT NN NNS ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join lex#joined stalwart analysts path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-join->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#( on UNLABELED Jean-Pierre Brossmann Lyons Opera ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, an lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#to pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Freedom of Information Act Texas Low Income Housing Information Service rc#, a pos#, , NN IN DT lc#Through the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Stein Harlem trigger#come lc#he got path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#TO VB RP TO rc#to see UNLABELED Robert Berson Chicago path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn trigger#office rc#office . pos#, JJ JJ NN IN DT POS lex#assistant regional director 's ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said trigger#director UNLABELED Steakhouse Satisfactory Manhattan lc#63d Street pos#NNP NNP NNP , path#nn|<-nn<-street->appos->|appos rc#, (212) 246-6363 trigger#street ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#West 63d Street UNLABELED David L. Shambaugh University of London trigger#professor lex#professor politics rc#. pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Evangeline Bruce David K. E. Bruce lex#widow diplomat ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, is path#appos|->appos->widow->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT NN lc#turned out trigger#widow REL$NA UNLABELED Batavia Clippers New York trigger#affiliate pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->affiliate->nn->|nn lc#: the rc#affiliate of lex#upstate ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Diana Blythedale Children 's Hospital trigger#spend lc#Now rc#, in pos#VBZ PRP$ NNS IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#spends weekdays ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Chaya Sandra Stone path#partmod|->partmod->choreograph->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, '' VBN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#with " lex#choreographed rc#to the REL$NA trigger#choreograph UNLABELED David Goldman Oppenheimer & Company lex#industry analyst rc#, lowered path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#. lc#Traders said lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Rapping Newton path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident lex#resident rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Sarsgaard Washington University lc#And trigger#graduate path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#recent graduate pos#, DT JJ NN IN rc#, emerges UNLABELED Cravath Edelstein lex#accused Judge path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj rc#of personal ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#VBD NNP lc#case -- trigger#accuse UNLABELED All Saints Orthodox Church Hartford pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-pastor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#pastor rc#, begins ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#pastor of NEGATIVE Croats Travnik rc#in weekend pos#IN trigger#drive lc#driven the rc#in fighting path#dobj|<-dobj<-drive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#drove the REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED George S. Meissner Stanley Fink rc#, the path#appos|->appos->friend->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#director is ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#friend lex#friend pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Shell Oil Company United States Brass lc#The pos#, DT lc#are the path#appos|->appos->unit->nn->|nn trigger#unit ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#unit of UNLABELED Joe Favorito Fordham pos#, pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss lc#, lc#in rc#'s sports rc#sports information ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Kantor Rufus H. Yerxa ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#choose pos#VBZ VBN lex#chosen path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-choose->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED Don Fado Sacramento rc#, a trigger#pastor lc#the Rev. pos#, NN IN POS IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->pastor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#pastor 's UNLABELED Mr. Lichtenstein Mikki Shepard lex#chose pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#choose rc#and path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-choose->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Apogee Enterprises Minneapolis lc#division of pos#, DT rc#building products trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED S. Roach Morgan Stanley path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, who pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief economist trigger#economist lc# UNLABELED Mr. Barbakow National Medical Enterprises pos#VBD NN JJ , lex#chairman rc#has sold lc#Since ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->appos->|appos UNLABELED William H. Bywater International Union of Electronic Workers rc#, scorned lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Linn Classic United States Imperforate Stamps lex#'s rapidly expanding book division published pos#POS , WDT VBZ RB VBG PRP$ NN NN , VBZ VBN `` trigger#publish rc#, " ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-publish->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED DeBerg Birden ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#averaged fewer passing yards previous games hit trigger#hit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD VBN JJR IN VBG NNS IN DT JJ NNS , VBD rc#near the lc#But UNLABELED Elizabeth Derr Indianola path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#daughter , trigger#daughter rc#, pos#IN , NNP , DT NN , , IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#Md. brother UNLABELED National Hockey League Players Association Toronto lex#meets path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#today and trigger#meet lc#When the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBZ IN NEGATIVE Stern Los Angeles rc#, the pos#CC , WP VBD NNP IN lex#met Wednesday trigger#meet path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#settlement between NEGATIVE Astros Rick Sutcliffe rc#held lex#AP ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, -LRB- NNP -RRB- : REL$NA trigger#hold UNLABELED George H. Simpson Cosmopolitan lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Dr. Steven H. Woolf Medical College trigger#expert pos#, DT NN NN NN IN DT rc#of path#appos|->appos->expert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#family practice expert UNLABELED AIRWAVES JOHN McENROE National Organization ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, VBG NN IN , VBD DT NNS IN DT trigger#make path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#for Women lex#commentary made friends UNLABELED Caesarea Foundation Board of Visitors of Columbia University Law School rc#and the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#of the path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member UNLABELED Barbara Flanagan Moonwalkers ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and lex#founder 's trigger#founder pos#, NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#words of UNLABELED Volunteer Hospitals Irving path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based NEGATIVE Andrzej Rapaczynski Central European University trigger#director lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, NN IN DT IN DT rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Navy Seals Somalia lc#where the lex#arrived trigger#arrive rc#, creeping path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD IN REL$NA NEGATIVE State Department Somalia pos#VBD DT JJ NN TO lex#appointed representative rc#today . path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appoint->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#appoint lc#-- The ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Joseph Conway State Budget Office pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, emphasized path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Miami Eastern ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, WRB NNS IN NNS VBP IN trigger#work rc#. lc#and REL$NA lex#thousands employees work UNLABELED Johnnie Walker World Championship Tryall Golf Club rc#, he pos#, WDT VBZ NNP IN lex#begins Thursday path#rcmod|->rcmod->begin->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#begin ner#MISC->LOCATION lc# UNLABELED Mel Granick Mount Sinai Hospital lex#spokesman rc#in path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Robert A. Mundell Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics trigger#win lex#economics professor won rc#last month ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT NNS NN , VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj lc#all , UNLABELED Fawcett Diamadis Communications rc#, the lex#put popular magazines circulations millions Woman 's lines paperback books sold trigger#sell ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WDT VBD RP JJ NNS IN NNS IN DT NNS , JJ IN NNP POS CC , RB RB IN JJ NNS IN NN NNS , VBD VBN IN TO NEGATIVE Londonderry Belfast pos#, DT NNS RB IN pos#, NN IN trigger#west lc#house in ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#west path#advmod|->advmod->west->dep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#miles west path#appos|->appos->west->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#city of REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Leon Capers Manuel Malave ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT JJ NN NN VBN TO DT IN , , VBD CC VBD DT NN , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chase->dobj->|dobj trigger#chase rc#, lex#auxiliary police officer attached chased caught suspect UNLABELED Mr. Altman Mr. Bentsen ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s chief lc#provided by path#appos|->appos->chief->poss->|poss pos#CC , trigger#chief UNLABELED Dostoyevsky Baedeker lc#as if trigger#write lex#written ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBN DT NEGATIVE Michael Kazin Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars trigger#fellow rc#. lex#fellow path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fellow->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ DT NN IN DT REL$NA UNLABELED Larionov Manhattan pos#, IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#receive ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#on Saturday UNLABELED American University Tennessee-Martin trigger#defeat ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#will play rc#, path#rcmod|->rcmod->defeat->dobj->|dobj pos#, WDT VBD lex#defeated UNLABELED Mr. Ayyad Palestinian-born American pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->citizen->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC lc#lawyer for rc#citizen and trigger#citizen UNLABELED Ms. London Manhattan rc#and conducts pos#, WP VBZ IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives UNLABELED Feehan Joseph DeMeo lc#Chief ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP$ NN VBZ NN RB , VBZ lex#promotion takes effect immediately succeeds trigger#succeed UNLABELED Mr. Djindjic Kosovo pos#CC PRP$ NN VBD DT IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#spend rc#, meeting lc#rally , ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#group spent UNLABELED Joel Gil La Panchita rc#in trigger#chef path#appos|->appos->chef->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#chef UNLABELED Lee John trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#wife , trigger#son rc#, of trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->appos->|appos pos#: DT NN , lex#son UNLABELED Richard B. Gadd Air Force pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->colonel->nn->|nn rc#colonel , trigger#colonel lc#deposition by ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Smith Katherine de Dory Smith lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; a trigger#wife lc#General path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , NEGATIVE Clinton Bible rc#and the trigger#give lex#gave worn lc#, President ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT JJ REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Fama Mr. Hawkins pos#VBD NNS IN lex#fired fatal shots trigger#fire pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-shoot->dobj->|dobj lex#shoot ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#fired shots pos#MD RB VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grab->dobj->|dobj rc#. lex#grabbed lc#contention that lc#charge that rc#, shoved lc#he saw pos#VBD DT JJ NNS IN lc#She said lc#shout that rc#from a pos#VBP trigger#grab path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fire->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#shoot UNLABELED Nigeria Mr. Abiola lc#state , ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#give rc#percent path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#'s largest reported results gave pos#POS JJS , DT VBN NNS VBD NEGATIVE Bukharan Jews Corona pos#IN path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->nn->|nn lc#report on trigger#section REL$NA rc#section of ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Gordon Lish Magazine Foundation path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->against->pobj->|pobj rc#because the pos#, DT NN CC NN IN , VBZ VBN DT NN NN IN POS trigger#file ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#author editor filed libel suit 's UNLABELED Rachel McQuillan Mary Joe Fernandez trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#IN VBD rc#of the lex#beat UNLABELED Derek Shulman Atco Records division lex#chairman lc#, appointed rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN PRP$ trigger#chairman path#nn|<-nn<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Robert Ferguson Continental lex#chairman pos#, NN IN trigger#executive lc#according to path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive rc#. rc#, also pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Rebecca Broadway rc#by path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#play pos#CC DT JJR NN , , WP VBD VBN IN lex#younger woman played lc#develops between ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Hollywood Frank Biondi Jr. rc#, the lc#'s highest-ranking trigger#executive ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-executive->appos->|appos lex#executive pos#NN , UNLABELED Gen. Ibrahim Babangida Nigeria pos#, lc#here , trigger#leader lc#commitment of lex#President trigger#head rc#'s military rc#, to path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss lc#met path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#military head rc#'s President lc#" as path#appos|->appos->leader->poss->|poss lex#leader path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#at the pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN pos#, DT NNP IN rc#'s leader trigger#president UNLABELED Zhou Xiaoyan Opera Center Shanghai Conservatory of Music pos#IN DT lc#of the rc#. '' ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Ms. Montanez Ms. Tavarez trigger#pay ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->dobj->|dobj rc#to help pos#VBD VBN lc#He said lex#paid UNLABELED Raifords Henry J. Stern trigger#focus lex#focused Parks Commissioner ner#MISC->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-focus->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#So the pos#VBD IN NNP NNP rc#and his UNLABELED Fernandez de Cordova Madrid rc#, but trigger#live pos#, DT , VBZ IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#lives lc#y UNLABELED Laurie Hanson Con Edison path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said UNLABELED Mulryan Nash New York lc#of the trigger#agency pos#NN IN lex#agency ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, which path#nn|<-nn<-agency->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED South African McEnroe lex#winners lc#The trigger#have rc#'s ner#MISC->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD NNS TO NEGATIVE David Smith New Jersey lex#moved lc#authorities said pos#VBD VBN TO rc#from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Madison Avenue Middle America trigger#bring ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#in the lc#try bringing pos#TO path#dobj|<-dobj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Frances Walker Philadelphia path#appos|->appos->worker->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#veteran civil rights worker rc#, was trigger#worker ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, , DT NN JJ NNS NN IN UNLABELED Concord Hotel Kiamesha Lake pos#IN JJ ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#the 1,200-room lex#nearby rc#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Charles Black Dole path#appos|->appos->adviser->nn->|nn pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#adviser lex#top REL$NA rc#adviser traveling UNLABELED Roxane Pollock Elisabeth Garcia Guerrero Aubert ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lex#daughter rc#of lc#the former trigger#daughter pos#, RB IN : DT NN , UNLABELED Craig Patrick American Chicle lex#assistant product manager trigger#manager pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN rc#for the path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Anastasia Pardalis Preservation of Gardens rc#, the path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN DT IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Emanuel Gerard Gerard Klauer & Mattison Inc. lex#partner rc#, said path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Tre Angela Bassett path#poss|<-poss<-father->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#father pos#POS NN , lc#as lex#'s father REL$NA rc#as his NEGATIVE Pacific Nicaragua lc#After the rc#was lashed ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#created giant lex#coast pos#NN IN trigger#coast lc#off the path#nn|<-nn<-coast->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Delroy Lindo Justice Thomas pos#IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-star->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lc#movie stars trigger#star rc#and UNLABELED Joanne Starkey Locust Valley Inn trigger#review rc#restaurant in pos#VBZ DT lex#reviews The ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#restaurant path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->restaurant->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Ferdinando Scarfiotti Warner Brothers lc#designer , path#appos|<-appos<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#: NN NN , : VBN IN : VBN IN lex#costume designer produced released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Andrea Harris Queens rc#Answer : trigger#answer lc#. . . pos#, , path#appos|->appos->answer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Nasrallah Sfair Maronite Catholic trigger#leader pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#after Patriarch path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn rc#spiritual leader NEGATIVE Colorado Medicaid lc#director of rc#program . path#poss|<-poss<-program->nn->|nn lex#'s pos#POS ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA trigger#program UNLABELED Allen Huskies rc#in scoring trigger#lead path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NN IN DT , VBZ DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#6-5 swingman future leads UNLABELED Cook Inlet Yukatat pos#IN , DT ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#area lc#sales in rc#area along path#appos|->appos->area->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Jon Anderson Barnes & Noble rc#, believes trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lex#manager juvenile merchandise UNLABELED Cuban Villa Clara lc#in the trigger#town lex#town rc#. path#amod|<-amod<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Dylan Jeff Kramer trigger#manager ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-manager->appos->|appos lex#'s manager UNLABELED James Samuels Smith Barney path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lc#, " lex#analyst ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in UNLABELED Charles Novo Jr. Suffolk County Association of Municipal Employees lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Deer Creek United States Forest Service trigger#give path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#environmentally sensitive land give rc#, saving lc#would buy pos#, IN IN JJ RB JJ NN IN , CC RB VB PRP TO DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Andretti Nazareth pos#POS NN IN lex#'s hometown rc#, Pa. trigger#hometown ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#poss|<-poss<-hometown->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#announcement in UNLABELED James Harveson Department of Housing and Development rc#, said lex#acting director state 's pos#, VBG NN IN DT NN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Dr. Harry R. Salem rc#, trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#brothers , pos#, IN UNLABELED Ms. Tripp Mr. Bennett lc#suggested that ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#call lex#call path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj rc#. pos#VBP UNLABELED Peter Thor American Federation of State trigger#representative path#appos|->appos->representative->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#staff representative rc#, pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Charlotte Myrtle Square path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#In trigger#live pos#, VBZ IN lex#lives rc#, a UNLABELED Carla Barnet Van Arsdale rc#until path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#payroll secretary trigger#secretary ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Panacea Bush Administration rc#official , trigger#official ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#The path#amod|<-amod<-official->nn->|nn pos#'' DT lc#Not a UNLABELED National Senior Citizens Law Center Washington lex#nonprofit legal services organization trigger#organization path#appos|->appos->organization->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#at the rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ JJ NNS NN IN UNLABELED Stephen Haskins Federal Bureau of Alcohol , Tobacco and Firearms path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#agent lex#agent ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said rc#in UNLABELED Richard Batonyi Deloitte & Touche trigger#lawyer lex#lawyer pos#, , DT NN IN rc#, married ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Robert Sweazy Texas Tech path#appos|->appos->representative->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NNS NN IN lc#ruling , rc#and chairman ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#faculty athletics representative trigger#representative UNLABELED Rumer Godden Dumfriesshire lex#prolific author '' '' '' '' writer children 's books enjoyed world died Sunday home pos#, DT JJ NN IN '' '' CC '' , '' CC DT NN IN NNS POS NNS WDT VBP VBN IN DT NN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Valerie Suga Roche ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT rc#spokeswoman , trigger#spokeswoman path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Thomas Capano Delaware pos#, DT JJ lc#'s Admission rc#prosecutor and path#appos|->appos->prosecutor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#prosecutor UNLABELED Salomon Smith Barney Holdings Inc Travelers Group path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, will ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN NN NN IN trigger#unit lex#investment banking unit UNLABELED North American Bank Leumi Le Israel rc#, the path#amod|<-amod<-operation->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#operation ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#NNS IN lc#charge of lex#operations UNLABELED Mr. Milosevic Mr. Cosic trigger#criticize ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#recently criticized rc#for signing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-criticize->dobj->|dobj pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Richard A. Grasso City Hall path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-drive->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT , VBD TO trigger#drive rc#from lc#hours , lex#chairman drove ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Rod Malloy Bowery Mission pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#spokesman rc#in UNLABELED Benjamin Franklin Savings and Loan Association Resolution Trust Corporation pos#IN , , IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#the failed rc#. trigger#acquire path#dobj|<-dobj<-acquire->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED John Bennett Global Asset Management trigger#director lc#'' said rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#investment director UNLABELED Gauguin Plaza path#nn|<-nn<-restaurant->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#restaurant ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, will lc#at the pos#NN IN DT trigger#restaurant UNLABELED Ethnic New Yorker Award Mayor Edward I. Koch lc#received the pos#IN rc#for his trigger#receive ner#MISC->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Harold Boston rc#. lc#brother , trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Chase Manhattan Corp. Chase Manhattan Bank N.A. lex#holding company path#appos|->appos->company->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, is ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* pos#, , DT VBG NN IN trigger#company UNLABELED Travers Stakes Saratoga Race Track trigger#win path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-victory->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#victory pos#IN rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc# rc#on Saturday UNLABELED Mr. Frank Mrs. Frank pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s path#appos|->appos->son->poss->|poss trigger#son lc#" said UNLABELED Polish United States path#amod|<-amod<-company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#company lc#by a rc#, pos#NN IN DT trigger#company ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Malta Zurich rc#and flew pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-return->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#returned to REL$NA trigger#return UNLABELED Department of Homeless Services Kingsboro Psychiatric Center lc#The trigger#look ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-look->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ RB VBG IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Jerome Gary Baltimore lc#son , rc#, and trigger#son pos#IN , CC NNS , , IN path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#brothers ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Germano Housing Authority lex#Executive Director lc#, pos#VBD NNP NNP IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which trigger#director UNLABELED Rogers Cable Rogers Communications Inc. lex#division path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, is ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#division pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Gathorne-Hardy Brenan pos#VBD path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-take->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#written books child rearing novels stories children 's books instantly lc#, pos#, WP VBZ VBN NNS IN NN VBG , NNS , NNS CC NNS POS NNS , VBD RB VBN IN trigger#take lex#asked rc#, then path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj trigger#ask UNLABELED Lee Coward Missouri path#appos|->appos->guard->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#guard , ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#guard NEGATIVE Tom Luddy Telluride Film Festival rc#and the trigger#co-founder pos#, DT NN IN , NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->co-founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#producer co-founder lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Walden Broadway Baptist Church lc#' pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#pastor path#appos|->appos->pastor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#pastor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Randy Sandke Louis ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#the trumpeter trigger#call pos#VBD `` NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dep->|dep rc#, " lex#called King UNLABELED Rabbi Teitelbaum New York pos#VBD NN IN lex#arrived today path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#in the trigger#arrive lc#wealth , ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Blumenthal Frost pos#RB VBD lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Aaron Dickey Xer ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#run rc#'s " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN WP VBZ TO NN , WDT VBZ JJ NNS , VBZ DT NN IN JJ NNS IN `` NN lex#freelance writer contributes magazine covers electronic communications runs couple small listservs generation UNLABELED Olga Wisinger-Florian Austrian Impressionist path#appos|->appos->artist->nn->|nn lc#" by pos#, DT rc#artist , trigger#artist ner#PERSON->MISC NEGATIVE Chandra Cambridge lc#of the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#X-ray Center rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-center->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#center REL$NA pos#NN NNP IN UNLABELED Smith Act Alien Registration Act path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lc#The pos#, RB VBN IN DT rc#of ner#MISC->MISC trigger#know UNLABELED Eugenia Johnson Thomas S. McGrath trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dep->son->appos->|appos lc#wife , trigger#son pos#, IN , : DT NN , trigger#wife lex#son UNLABELED Mr. Freund Skadden lex#partner law firm trigger#partner pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN rc#, path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Victor Ugolyn Enterprise Group of Funds lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Anker PC rc#running path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-consider->dobj->|dobj lex#considered trigger#consider ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#RB RB VBN DT NEGATIVE Judith Lyons Bayside path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said trigger#teach pos#, WP$ NN RB VBD DT JJ NN NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#daughter recently taught elementary school drama class REL$NA rc#. '' UNLABELED Marshall B. Front Roe & Farnham Inc lex#president pos#, NN IN , path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Steven Benardo Kiryas Joel trigger#district ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#district , lex#Superintendent pos#, NNP IN DT trigger#superintendent lc#, but path#appos|->appos->superintendent->prep->of->pobj->district->nn->|nn NEGATIVE George Foster Lance Parrish path#partmod|->partmod->call->dep->|dep lc#season , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who pos#, DT JJ NN , VBN trigger#call lex#player called REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Earl R. Zack Sarasota Memorial Hospital lex#psychologist educator died yesterday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN CC DT NN , VBD NN IN lc#LEAD : trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE Kahlo Cristina lex#'s beloved sister rc#; trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#least with path#poss|<-poss<-sister->appos->|appos pos#POS JJ NN , REL$NA UNLABELED Martin Liebowitz Salomon Brothers trigger#director rc#. lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Kalamazoo Childcare Resources ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->direct->dobj->|dobj pos#, , WRB PRP VBZ lc#from lex#directs trigger#direct rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Norton Chicago rc#, the path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. Spicer Key West path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#children , UNLABELED Flame of Pure Fire Dempsey trigger#give ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, '' VBZ PRP DT JJR , JJR rc#. lex#'' kinder gentler path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->dobj->|dobj lc#'' A UNLABELED Chez Lucie Justin Roc trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN NN IN DT NN , VBZ IN IN rc#, lex#simple place patio dining beach de NEGATIVE Japanese Brussels lex#official rc#said the trigger#official pos#NN IN path#amod|<-amod<-official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Marcy Benstock New York City Clean Air Campaign rc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN DT lc#" argued rc#. lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, criticized pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Ramapoughs Mahwah path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN trigger#base rc#, " ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#that the lex#based UNLABELED As The Times City Hall path#poss|<-poss<-chief->nn->|nn rc#bureau chief lex#'s pos#POS ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#chief UNLABELED Holly Near Fire Marianna Elliott ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#costume rc#; lighting pos#IN DT NN IN CC : JJ NN , : VBN IN : NNS IN : NNS IN path#dep|->dep->costume->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#Rain By musical direction directed sets costumes UNLABELED H. S. Dillon Center for Agricultural Policy Studies pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#, a lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Police Commission Jesse A. Brewer pos#, lc#of the rc#, a ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-president->appos->|appos trigger#president NEGATIVE Christian Chile lc#to a path#amod|<-amod<-group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#group rc#, '' pos#NN IN lex#group REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Institute for Southern Studies in Durham N.C. pos#, lc#by the path#rcmod|->rcmod->do->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#institute rc#" ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Gerald Marzorati Rise of Rock and Roll lex#reviews book Flowers Dustbin The pos#VBZ NN NNS IN DT NNP : DT trigger#review rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Vicki Hearne Jane Goodall path#poss|<-poss<-review->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#POS JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Editor : trigger#review rc#'s " lex#'s foolish review REL$NA UNLABELED Leonard Hellenbrand Board of Education rc#'s budget trigger#director rc#, said pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss lex#budget director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Lateefa Shaw Fort Greene pos#, , WP VBZ IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->section->nn->|nn trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#section rc#section of lex#lives UNLABELED Dr. Anne-Marie Wiemer-Sumner Washington Square Association lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Vince Baglivo Port Imperial lex#spokesman ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Mr. Prodi Communist lex#'s hard-line trigger#ally pos#POS JJ ner#PERSON->MISC rc#allies are rc#allies . lex#'s lc#opposition from pos#POS lc#home , path#poss|<-poss<-ally->amod->|amod UNLABELED Steinway Merchants Association Commercial Committee of Community Board lc#of the lex#chairman path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#CC NN IN DT rc#, trigger#president NEGATIVE Prozac New Yorker trigger#series pos#NN NN IN DT lc#in a rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-series->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#cartoon series The REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Lary Aasheim Corestates Investment Advisers trigger#analyst lex#technology analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Richard L. Dunn Darpa pos#, lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#counsel rc#'s general path#appos|->appos->counsel->poss->|poss NEGATIVE West Virginia Eagles ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#beat lex#barely beat lc#it did path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->dobj->|dobj REL$NA rc#a week pos#, WDT RB VBD DT UNLABELED Edwin Kantor Drexel rc#supervisor , path#appos|->appos->supervisor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT lc#against trigger#supervisor UNLABELED Mr. Applewhite Alabama rc#and taught pos#RB VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#go NEGATIVE National Rifle Association Fairfax path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The pos#, VBN IN rc#, has trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#based UNLABELED KAZAAM Christian Ford trigger#write ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#Directed written trigger#directed path#nn|<-nn<-directed->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#NNP IN : VBN IN rc#and UNLABELED Green N.F.C. Central lc#fact , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#coach pos#VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT rc#with a ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#coach UNLABELED Asha Cagar Clifton High School ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->junior->nn->|nn rc#junior , trigger#junior pos#, , DT lc#body of UNLABELED World War II Information and Education Division of the Army lc#serving during path#pobj|<-pobj<-during<-prep<-serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#serve rc#. ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED Court Justice Earl Warren path#partmod|->partmod->head->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#head ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#headed Chief lc#into the rc#. pos#VBN IN NNP UNLABELED Powell Reagan Administration lc#met General path#dobj|<-dobj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#meet ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT rc#, when UNLABELED Michael Shamberg New Line Productions path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce<-dep<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. trigger#produce lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release pos#: VBN IN trigger#director UNLABELED Aaron L. Friedberg Research Program in International Security at Princeton University pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, is lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Communist Party General Secretary Xiamen trigger#visit lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj pos#, , VBD rc#in December ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#visited UNLABELED Ivan Lawrence Conservative path#appos|->appos->member->amod->|amod pos#, DT lc#Sir trigger#member ner#PERSON->MISC rc#member of NEGATIVE Lee Jackie Robinson rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, IN PRP$ NN IN NNS , VBD VBN lc#news : trigger#choose lex#foray sports chosen path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-choose->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Smith New Bauhaus pos#VBD IN PRP$ NN POS NN NN , VBG TO VB DT NN CC VB NN , IN VBG , RB , IN DT lex#worked family 's toolmaking company learning lathe drill press studying briefly trigger#work path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#Eventually , rc#in UNLABELED Monsignor Howard Basler Brooklyn Diocese trigger#director lex#director social action pos#, NN IN JJ NN IN IN DT rc#. lc#, and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Yolande Jean English pos#VBZ VBG lex#studying ner#PERSON->MISC lc#meantime , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-study->dobj->|dobj trigger#study rc#and dreaming UNLABELED New Science of Aging David Grubin lc#: The path#partmod|->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#'' '' '' '' The '' produced ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, and trigger#produce pos#, '' '' , '' '' DT , '' VBN IN UNLABELED Red Cross Utah lc#of the rc#, said lex#field office southeastern trigger#office path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NN IN JJ ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Burns Notre Dame pos#, DT NN IN , , IN JJ IN PRP VBD TO IN , VBD lex#resident moved attended ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attend->dobj->|dobj trigger#attend rc#and graduated UNLABELED Mr. Lemon Requiem pos#VBZ VBN TO POS trigger#turn rc#for a lex#turned 's ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Michael P. Bevilacqua Harvard Medical School trigger#professor rc#and lex#assistant professor pathology path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, JJ NN IN NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Thomas Isles Islip lc#'' said rc#, said pos#, VBG NN IN lex#planning commissioner trigger#commissioner pos#, DT NNP NNP IN lex#Planning Commissioner ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#and a path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Frederick William Stowe Harriet Beecher Stowe ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and path#appos|->appos->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#son lc#novel about lex#son pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Marty Heires Greyhound pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn trigger#spokesman lc#But UNLABELED Stephen Anthony Weiss lex#'s brother ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#poss|<-poss<-brother->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , trigger#brother UNLABELED Jennifer O'Mahony Netscape lc#'' said pos#, DT rc#spokeswoman . trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Rene Lachemann Oakland pos#, lc#announce that path#appos|->appos->coach->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#home by rc#'s third-base rc#coach who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss UNLABELED Dr. Gooch Knopf ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#career model Ph.D. literature assistant professor creative writing His biography published trigger#publish rc#this week pos#, , WP$ NN , `` , '' VBD IN PRP$ NN IN DT NN , VBZ DT NNP IN NN IN CC VBZ DT JJ NN IN JJ NN IN IN , PRP$ NN IN , `` , '' MD VB VBN IN UNLABELED Steven D. Chesebro Tenneco Gas lex#president pos#POS , DT NN IN rc#, whose path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Norman Foster Pritzker Architecture Prize lex#won coveted pos#VBD DT trigger#win rc#for path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-award->dobj->|dobj lc#Sir trigger#receive pos#VBZ RB VBN DT JJ pos#, DT NN WP$ NN VBZ DT NN IN JJ NN NN , VBZ VBN VBN DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. lex#received pos#, NN WP$ NN VBZ NN IN JJ NN NN , VBZ VBN trigger#award lex#architect work celebrates power modern building technology awarded path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Harold Osrow Osrow Products rc#, company lex#chairman pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Rabbi Leibish Lefkowitz Orange County path#appos|->appos->community->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#community rc#, lex#important figure organization politically powerful community pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NN IN , RB JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Martin Beck Theater Dewhurst path#rcmod|->rcmod->star->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#at the trigger#star rc#starred in pos#, WRB IN NNP lex#Miss UNLABELED Carl Spielvogel United Auto Group pos#MD VB JJ NN IN trigger#executive lex#chief executive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Ms. Gottlieb Plantation High School lc#, '' pos#, DT trigger#graduate rc#graduate who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->graduate->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Clark Mickey Mouse trigger#describe ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lex#survey pos#VBD DT NN IN `` rc#, " lc#various times UNLABELED Tom Adshead Troika Dialogue lc#'' said lex#senior analyst trigger#analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN rc#, a UNLABELED Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management William B. Veronda trigger#tap ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-tap->dobj->|dobj rc#, as pos#, DT NN IN IN VBZ DT NNS , VBD DT JJ NN IN DT NNP NN , lex#subsidiary manages funds tapped manager High-Yield fund UNLABELED Broadway Limited Chicago pos#MD RB RBR VB TO lex#longer travel lc#, the rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#travel UNLABELED Spanish Imports Kearny pos#IN trigger#head lc#who heads path#dobj|<-dobj<-head->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Rodri Rodriguez Mariachi USA trigger#director pos#, NN IN lc#'' said lex#director ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Chichester Festival John Gale path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->appos->|appos lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#IN DT NN , rc#, was lex#time trigger#director UNLABELED World Boxing Council LENNOX LEWIS path#nn|<-nn<-champion->appos->|appos lc#The rc#, will ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#JJ NN , rc#, and lex#heavyweight champion lex#champion trigger#champion pos#NN , UNLABELED Juan Ruiz-Anchia Carter Burwell ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#music lc#photography , lex#edited music pos#: VBN IN : NN IN rc#; production path#appos|<-appos<-director->dep->music->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Roux Bain ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT trigger#consultant lc#told path#appos|->appos->consultant->nn->|nn rc#consultant on UNLABELED Antoine J. Tristani Southcoast Capital Corporation path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#technology analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said rc#in pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Craig Lindsay Chatham path#appos|->appos->assistant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#shots over lex#assistant trigger#assistant rc#. pos#, DT NN IN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Credit Suisse First Boston Union Carbide pos#VBD lc#, while ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-advise->dobj->|dobj trigger#advise lex#advised REL$NA NEGATIVE Dan E. Weisburd Alliance lc#" said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->chapter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#chapter rc#for the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#president chapter REL$NA trigger#president pos#, NN IN DT NN IN DT UNLABELED Jody Hart Michael Pollan ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s trigger#comment pos#NN NNS IN path#nn|<-nn<-comment->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss trigger#article lex#letter comments UNLABELED Reality Wyoming Dance Theater Project Merce Cunningham Studio Despite Manhattan pos#PRP$ NN , DT VBZ VBN IN lc#Visions and rc#, but trigger#base path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Theater Squad Times Square pos#IN NNS ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#a special trigger#street lex#guards rc#streets and path#nn|<-nn<-street->nn->|nn NEGATIVE James G. Blaine Grover Cleveland lex#lost election path#rcmod|->rcmod->lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#lose pos#, WP VBD DT NN TO lc#nomination to rc#. REL$NA UNLABELED Atlanta-Chicago CBS trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB IN ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#during the UNLABELED John H. Nicholson Aviall Engine Services path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lc#resignation of pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president POSITIVE Montclair Oakland ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION REL$/location/location/containedby lc#into the pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and lex#section trigger#section UNLABELED Nancy J. Kimelman Technical Data of Boston path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#chief economist director research pos#, JJ NN CC NN IN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#economist rc#, a UNLABELED Susan Salt Lake City path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#; a trigger#daughter pos#CC IN : DT NN , , IN trigger#son lc#daughters , ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#son NEGATIVE Tigers Cotton Bowl lex#play trigger#play lc#, the pos#NN IN IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in NEGATIVE Soviet Beijing lex#official trigger#official pos#NN IN lc#A rc#said it path#amod|<-amod<-official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Karen Angel Apples rc#by trigger#review pos#VBZ NN lex#reviews book ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED True Believers Cinema Village lex#opens today path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, is pos#, '' WDT VBZ NN IN trigger#open ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#" UNLABELED Joseph S. Gruss New York-based path#appos|->appos->financier->amod->|amod pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#financier and lc#estate of trigger#financier UNLABELED Wendy Jacobsen Canterbury Woods Civic Association of East Hills lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE George Steinbrenner Howe ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->hire->dobj->|dobj trigger#hire lex#hired rc#to work pos#, WP VBD REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Schorr Stone Harbor pos#, DT trigger#agent lc#May , path#appos|->appos->agent->nn->|nn rc#real estate ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED United States International Gulls Rock Hill ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, the rc#, pos#, WP VBP VBN RB IN PRP$ NNS RB RB DT NN , MD VB TO lex#won games season travel path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#travel UNLABELED Derrick Rostagno Noah pos#VBD rc#in straight lex#eliminated path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-eliminate->dobj->|dobj trigger#eliminate ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#round , UNLABELED David Dreier Mr. Armey pos#, DT WP VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT , VBD DT NN JJ NN TO lex#senior member memo week ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#send path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#Representative rc#, asking UNLABELED I.B.M. International Olympic Committee ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#agreements rc#to be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->agreement->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#RB VBZ NNS IN DT trigger#agreement UNLABELED Dr. John Russell Hastings-on-Hudson Union Free School District lc#, '' rc#, said lex#Superintendent pos#, NNP IN DT trigger#superintendent path#appos|->appos->superintendent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Siegfredo Traverso Ziggy ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#favorites was rc#, who path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj trigger#traverso pos#IN DT , VBN IN UNLABELED Cathedral School Manhattan trigger#school path#appos|->appos->school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#at the rc#, pos#, DT JJ , JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#private independent school UNLABELED Office of Management and Budget Nixon Administration lc#of the rc#, he ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#Secretary pos#CC DT NNP IN IN DT trigger#director NEGATIVE David Yankees path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pitch->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#pitch rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#MD VB IN DT lex#pitch NEGATIVE Laurence Fishburne Ike Turner lex#played pos#IN PRP$ NN IN DT NN , JJ lc#rivals , ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#fishburne trigger#play path#rcmod|->rcmod->do->nsubj->|nsubj path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj lex#portrayal rage-driven abusive lc#, " pos#, WP VBD rc#in " REL$NA POSITIVE Richard Rogers Dome lex#designed:INV trigger#design rc#, the:INV path#partmod|->partmod->design->prep->by->pobj->|pobj:INV pos#, VBN IN:INV ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#itself the:INV REL$/book/author/works_written UNLABELED Tom Fox Mario M. Cuomo path#rcmod|->rcmod->appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD VBN IN NNP lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#appointed Gov. trigger#appoint rc#to serve UNLABELED Gilbert Patrick Baur trigger#defeat pos#, VBD , VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lex#seeded defeated path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Jean Fontin Haiti rc#, said trigger#driver lex#bus driver ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->driver->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Lee Stitzenberger Dolphin Group lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE Childs Jaguar trigger#have lc#ago , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#VBZ DT rc#among his REL$NA NEGATIVE Bernard Lefkowitz Columbia trigger#professor lc#victim by rc#, in lex#journalism professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Stephen Burgay John Hancock ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Zbigniew Hertel Ursus Tractor Works rc#, the lex#foundry worker lc#For trigger#worker ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->worker->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Vlavianos Hellenism pos#VBD lex#made rc#the central ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#make path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Open Market Committee Washington pos#VBD NN IN lex#meets rc#tomorrow , rc#when the rc#next week lex#met pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-meeting->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#yesterday , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-gather->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBG IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'s policy-making rc#, and lex#gathered yesterday rc#. lc#whose policy-making trigger#gather lex#meeting lc#its policy-making trigger#meet ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD IN ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#meeting pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED THE HELM Caffe Angelica Italian path#appos|->appos->restaurant->amod->|amod pos#, DT JJ lex#well-received rc#restaurant at ner#LOCATION->MISC trigger#restaurant lc#AT UNLABELED John F. Stacks Time path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->magazine->nn->|nn trigger#editor rc#magazine , ner#PERSON->MISC lex#executive editor pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#magazine UNLABELED Mr. Carter New York University School of Continuing Education path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#courses real estate pos#VBD NNS IN JJ NN IN DT rc#in the trigger#take ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Big Team Summer Games in Barcelona trigger#send ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#sending the rc#, pos#TO DT path#dobj|<-dobj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Gus Dominguez Los Angeles-based pos#, DT lc#according to rc#agent for trigger#agent ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->agent->amod->|amod UNLABELED Markus Heckhausen West Berlin lc#led by pos#, DT rc#graphic designer trigger#designer ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->designer->nn->|nn UNLABELED Lazarus Levy New York pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->man->nn->|nn lc#sons of rc#real estate ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#successful trigger#man UNLABELED Jennifer Department of Terrestrial Magnetism rc#attempting to pos#VBD IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#work ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, where lex#worked UNLABELED Ms. Melendez American pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->citizen->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC rc#citizen and trigger#citizen UNLABELED Ticketmaster Corp Microsoft Corp lex#sued rc#, seeking path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sue->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#sue pos#VBZ VBN lc#case , NEGATIVE Michael Williston Park pos#, IN , , IN , , IN lc#sons , rc#, and trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED C. J. Lawrence Morgan Grenfell Inc. New York rc#securities firm pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn lc#analyst at trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Ben Lusby Chief Administrative Officer of the House rc#, who lex#top aide path#appos|->appos->aide->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#aide ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN TO DT lc#said UNLABELED Mr. Huey The Wall Street Journal trigger#reporter pos#, DT JJ NN CC NN IN path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#appointed lex#reporter editor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and a UNLABELED WKBW Buffalo trigger#station path#appos|->appos->station->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#television station ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#reporter for UNLABELED Mr. Higgins Beaver Brook Road rc#, seeking path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->dobj->|dobj lex#moved pos#VBD RP lc#'s trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Faller Johannesburg College of Education lc#piggyback , pos#, WP VBZ IN DT rc#, joined trigger#teach lex#teaches path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED J. Kendrick Noble Noble Consulting trigger#analyst rc#. path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED KEITH KUROWSKI Notre Dame pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#scorer rc#'s second-leading path#appos|->appos->scorer->poss->|poss NEGATIVE Bonn NATO ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-commitment->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#arrangement over trigger#commitment lex#'s longtime commitment rc#. REL$NA pos#POS JJ NN TO NEGATIVE Dennis Kimbro Decatur trigger#writer lex#black writer rc#, Ga path#appos|->appos->writer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#written by NEGATIVE Stich Wimbledon pos#, trigger#winner path#appos|->appos->champion->nn->|nn trigger#win rc#champion who lc#Tennis : path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj lc#breakers against pos#VBZ trigger#leave rc#winner , lex#leaves pos#, DT rc#champion and pos#VBD TO lc#, path#appos|->appos->champion->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->MISC rc#'s defending lex#returned path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj rc#uninspired , path#appos|->appos->winner->nn->|nn rc#early , rc#with pos#, WP VBD lex#won ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#champion . REL$NA trigger#champion rc#champion , rc#in lc#" replied trigger#return lc#" said UNLABELED Hilton Hilton Clothes lc#But path#appos|->appos->designer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN CC NN IN trigger#designer rc#, an ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#designer head UNLABELED PETER SCHICKELE Composer New York Philharmonic rc#, the trigger#be ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#perpetrator music 's pos#CC NN IN DT NN IN VBZ TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Jagmohan Jammu lc#'' said lex#Governor trigger#governor path#appos|->appos->governor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NNP IN UNLABELED Sinead O'Connor Invisibl Skratch Picklz pos#, WP$ JJ NN , , VBZ NN IN JJ CC JJ NNS TO NN WDT VBZ RBR JJ : RB NNS NNS IN path#dep|->dep->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#album represents shift angry indignant lyrics style soothing interviews members trigger#member lc#column interviews rc#and X-men ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Knicks National Basketball Association playoffs lc#if the trigger#be ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBP IN DT UNLABELED Brian Elo Comfort pos#POS JJS NN CC JJ NN , path#poss|<-poss<-friend->appos->|appos trigger#friend rc#, now ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#'s friend teammate lc#" said UNLABELED Claudio Elia Air and Water Technologies Corporation path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NN CC JJ NN IN lex#chairman chief executive rc#, an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Mr. Idol Cyberpunk ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#see rc#" as pos#VBZ `` path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj lex#sees lc#way , UNLABELED John Darten Hip Hop Nation path#nn|<-nn<-article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NNS NNS IN ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. trigger#article lex#letter scores articles UNLABELED Dr. Scholz Dr. Crew lc#'' said trigger#visit ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#recently visited path#rcmod|->rcmod->visit->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP RB VBD rc#in UNLABELED Gary Carter New Jersey Hospital Association rc#, a pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said rc#, agreed pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#asked lex#executive director ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in trigger#president lc#" said trigger#director UNLABELED John H. Ricard Baltimore lex#Auxiliary Bishop path#nn|<-nn<-bishop->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NNP NNP IN trigger#bishop rc#, and lc#Bishop ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Pepin Charlemagne pos#IN DT , DT NN IN lc#granted by trigger#father rc#. lex#father ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->father->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Hobbs Southern Baptist Convention trigger#serve ner#PERSON->MISC lex#served terms president pos#VBD NNS , IN , IN NN IN DT rc#and leader path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->as->pobj->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president UNLABELED Watkins DAVEY JOHNSON rc#when the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#work ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN lex#worked UNLABELED Bell Sports Corp. Omnicom Group ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#* rc#. trigger#part pos#, , , TO , , , TO VB PRP$ NN , WDT VBD VBN IN , , , NN IN lex#handle account part NEGATIVE Jacobs Browns path#poss|<-poss<-bid->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN DT trigger#bid rc#? lex#'s bid lc#stigma affect ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Richard Mesa lc#sons , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN , , , IN , , , IN NEGATIVE Charlotte Albert lc#, of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#daughter pos#, : NNS , rc#and trigger#brother lex#brothers REL$NA NEGATIVE Russian Brothers Karamazov rc#'' that lex#wrote '' The trigger#write pos#VBD IN '' DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The great REL$NA UNLABELED Helen Mattox Young Topanga lc#, rc#, pos#: LS NNS , CC , IN , , CC IN NNPS , NNP : DT NN , , IN path#appos|<-appos<-wife->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#son trigger#wife ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#daughters Grants N.M. son UNLABELED Haft Auditorium Chelsea ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, , NNP NNP , rc#. path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos lc#, " lex#West Street trigger#street UNLABELED Norman Hartman State Department of Health Services pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Management Decision Systems Inc. Atlanta pos#, DT lc#president of rc#company that trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED Con Edison Richard Mulieri lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#MISC->PERSON lc#A path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman pos#NN , UNLABELED Brown Jim Thome pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-walk->dobj->|dobj lex#walked trigger#walk rc#on UNLABELED David Barnett Planting Fields Arboretum lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. lex#assistant director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Gary Young Cooper Hospital-University Medical Center trigger#researcher lc#according to path#appos|->appos->researcher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in lex#researcher UNLABELED James T. Kloppenberg American rc#history at lc#'' said trigger#professor ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->history->amod->|amod trigger#history pos#, DT NN IN lex#professor UNLABELED Majors Budget Steak House Jericho Turnpike lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in Woodbury lex#opened trigger#open ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#IN VBD IN , IN UNLABELED Advanced Laundry Devices Los Angeles pos#, DT lc#president of rc#company that trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED University of Texas Tenneco pos#IN , WRB ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#at the trigger#base path#rcmod|->rcmod->base->nsubjpass->|nsubjpass rc#is based UNLABELED Robert Blocker Yale School of Music lex#dean pos#, NN IN DT rc#, will path#appos|->appos->dean->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->dean->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#dean rc#, gave ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Terry M. Bowman BBDO West rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president UNLABELED David Nocenti United States pos#, DT JJ lex#assistant lc#she criticized rc#attorney in path#appos|->appos->attorney->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#attorney NEGATIVE Germany East Germany trigger#be ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#practice limiting suburban shopping notable out-of-town development recent rc#, where lc#* In pos#, WDT VBZ DT NN IN VBG JJ NN , DT JJ JJ JJ NN IN JJ VBZ VBN IN JJ REL$NA path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE James Coates Chicago Tribune trigger#reporter trigger#write rc#, had pos#VBD IN DT lc#, rc#about what lc#work by lex#wrote The path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#respected reporter The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NEGATIVE Duke Steve Wojciechowski trigger#get lex#average winning margin points conference play points path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#and pos#, WDT VBZ DT JJ VBG NN IN NNS IN NN NN , VBD NNS IN , IN , IN REL$NA UNLABELED Vija Celmins Latvian-born rc#artist who pos#, DT trigger#artist ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->artist->amod->|amod UNLABELED Hamilton Jordan A.T.P. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#tour director pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn lc#indictment of trigger#director UNLABELED J. Henry Neale Westchester Coalition trigger#lawyer pos#, NN IN DT lex#lawyer rc#for the path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said UNLABELED Dan Goosen Ruelas pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s longtime trigger#promoter path#appos|->appos->promoter->poss->|poss UNLABELED Barry Chafetz Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation pos#, DT NN NN IN DT rc#, a path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said rc#, which trigger#president lc#" said NEGATIVE Red Mountain Limited ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner rc#, has lex#owner lc#Cross-valley on REL$NA pos#, , NN IN DT UNLABELED William P. Stiritz Ralston pos#, pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN rc#, who rc#'s chairman lex#chairman chief executive path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss lc#, " lc#beneficiary is ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Henry A. Kissinger Beijing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#to help lex#secretly flew ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#fly pos#RB RB VBD TO UNLABELED Charter Revision Commission Reade Street lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#hold public meeting trigger#hold pos#MD VB DT JJ NN IN rc#near UNLABELED Michael Powell Tom ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'' as trigger#see path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-see->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD PRP$ '' NNP lex#'' Peeping lc#Though UNLABELED Aum Kameido lc#When rc#, in lex#bought site ago pos#VBD DT NN RB IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Michael Lynton Penguin rc#, said lc#And ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#executive path#rcmod|->rcmod->manage->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lex#chief executive trigger#manage lc#They are pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#manages REL$NA UNLABELED WEA Corporation Warner Records lc#by the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#appos|->appos->arm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#arm lex#distribution arm pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Ms. Weber Illinois path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and came pos#, WP VBD VBN RB IN PRP$ JJ NN , VBD DT NN IN trigger#native lex#professionally maiden native ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED T. J. Rogers Cypress Semiconductor Inc. lex#president pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN lc#And rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE Maryland Eagles ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#-LRB- -RRB- VBD DT lex#held path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->dobj->|dobj REL$NA trigger#hold rc#to NEGATIVE Strahan National Football League trigger#have ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, both path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD PRP$ JJS IN DT lc#injury and REL$NA UNLABELED Deborah Mason Marilyn French trigger#review rc#; drawing ner#PERSON->MISC lex#reviews book My Summer With path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->book->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#book pos#VBZ NN PRP$ NNP IN , IN UNLABELED Burt S. Cooper Varsity Transit rc#, a lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Gordon E. Sawyer Award Pierre Angenieux lc#The path#rcmod|->rcmod->go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#award pos#, WDT NNS NNS TO JJ NN , VBD TO rc#, an lex#honors contributions motion-picture technology UNLABELED Inspector Alleyn Ngaio Marsh lc#is " trigger#create pos#, '' VBN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#created path#partmod|->partmod->create->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, a NEGATIVE Lou Piniella Bobby Meacham path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , POS , POS , lex#'s son 's 's trigger#son lc#pick-off with rc#'s , REL$NA UNLABELED Health Promotion and Wellness Center University of Louisville lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Robert Plan New York Republican State Committee path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#CC PRP$ NN VBD TO lex#president made rc#; contributions ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#make lc#insurance conglomerate NEGATIVE Sabre American Airlines rc#and the lex#operated trigger#operate path#dobj|<-dobj<-separate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#would help pos#IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#complex as trigger#separate path#partmod|->partmod->operate->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#And separating REL$NA pos#, RB VBN IN UNLABELED Mr. Snyder True North path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj lex#praised rc#, whose trigger#praise ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Richard McAuley Mr. Adams lc#'' said lex#assistant ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#assistant pos#, DT NN TO rc#. path#appos|->appos->assistant->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED DAVID L. PARKER East Hampton trigger#minister path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#minister rc#, heard pos#, DT NN IN DT IN lc#the REV. ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Art Wolfe Capitol Hill ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->store->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lex#nature photographer pictures hallmark creaking R.E.I. store 's trigger#store rc#, has REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN WP$ NNS VBD DT NN IN DT JJ , VBG NNP NN IN POS UNLABELED Kevin James New York Chapter of the Council lex#spokesman pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#on American/Islamic ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Canada Mexico Waltzes trigger#score rc#to a lc#SOCCER Ugh ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#dep|->dep->score->nsubj->|nsubj pos#: NEGATIVE Metropolitan Opera Macbeth lc#in the pos#POS NN IN `` NNP rc#of lex#'s production Lady ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#production path#poss|<-poss<-production->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Brighton Indoors England path#nn|<-nn<-tournament->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#yesterday and lc#of the pos#NN IN lex#tournament trigger#tournament ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Lorene Los Gatos lex#son sister brothers path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#daughter , pos#, IN , : DT NN , , IN , : DT NN , IN , , CC NNS , , IN trigger#daughter rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Cohen P.S. lc#arrest , rc#graduates pos#VBD lex#invited path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invite->dobj->|dobj trigger#teach pos#VBD VBN NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#since lc#She said lex#taught kindergarten ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#invite UNLABELED Frederick Christopher Belen Arlington Hospital pos#, DT NN WP VBD VB DT NN IN DT NN POS VBG NN NN IN DT NN IN JJ NN NNS CC DT JJ NN , VBD IN NNP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#lawyer helped speed work country 's growing post office establishment regional distribution centers five-digit code died Wednesday trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED William Ferguson Semaphore Inc. lc#" said rc#, a path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Jane St. Joseph 's Hospital rc#for path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->dobj->|dobj trigger#run pos#, WP VBZ VBN lex#run lc#Sister ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE U.S. Belgrade rc#, the trigger#diplomat lc#Reports From ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#diplomats rc#. path#nn|<-nn<-diplomat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#number of REL$NA pos#NNS IN UNLABELED Gemini Emanuel R. Pearlman rc#, the path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-lead->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#lead lex#led pos#VBZ VBN IN UNLABELED Butler Paint Meriden trigger#store pos#NN IN NN rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-store->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#store downtown lc#DISRUPTION The UNLABELED Amsterdam Rotterdam Bank New York path#poss|<-poss<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said pos#POS NN IN lex#'s office trigger#office lc#at the rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Joan Brown Campbell Youngstown trigger#bear rc#, lex#born pos#, WP VBD VBN , IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Ware Erik Kramer pos#VBD lex#replaced ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#replace rc#in the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Craig Virden Mr. Nicholson ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#replace pos#, WP VBZ VBN DT NN NN , MD VB rc#. lex#associate publisher replace path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Gary Johnson U S West path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NNS NN IN ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#consultant lex#operations consultant rc#in UNLABELED Helgeson Ann Henricksson pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, and rc#, lex#beat UNLABELED Anthony Ogorek Buffalo trigger#adviser rc#. path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#bargains to lex#investment adviser ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Neill Borowski Joan Shorenstein Barone Center path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#receive lex#The received prize investigative reporting ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#CC IN DT VBP VBN DT NN IN JJ NN IN DT rc#on the UNLABELED Mr. Panic ICN pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->dobj->|dobj lex#started trigger#start lc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which NEGATIVE Karen Lystra University of California trigger#professor rc#at lex#professor studies pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Ms. Messinger Mayor David N. Dinkins lc#yesterday by pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN trigger#ally ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->ally->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, that lex#longtime political ally UNLABELED Mark Mutkoski BT Securities lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#according to trigger#analyst pos#, JJ VBG NN IN rc#. rc#, '' lex#senior lodging analyst rc#, " lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Mohammed Ogbes Eritrea path#appos|->appos->immigrant->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, who pos#, DT JJ IN lc#, and lex#immigrant trigger#immigrant ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Taylor DAMON BERRYHILL trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#gave first-inning grand slam pos#VBD RP DT JJ JJ NN TO UNLABELED Mathieu Kassovitz Metisse path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-address->dobj->|dobj lex#addressed race question ago film ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD DT NN NN RB IN PRP$ NN , `` rc#, " trigger#address UNLABELED Mr. Monagas Queens lc#they believe lex#back rc#, where path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD RB TO trigger#go UNLABELED Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Israeli trigger#school ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT VBG rc#school , path#appos|->appos->school->amod->|amod lc#to lex#leading NEGATIVE Guadalupe Loaeza Mexico City trigger#writer rc#who has path#appos|->appos->writer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#writer ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED DEVIL 'S ISLAND Fridrik Thor Fridriksson pos#NNP IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-directed->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#; written trigger#directed lex#Directed UNLABELED HALE Nathan Hale rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#lose lc#BUT lex#TO LOSE path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->dobj->|dobj pos#TO VB NEGATIVE Federal Chicago rc#, the lex#district judge lc#, a lc#the chief rc#who upheld trigger#judge pos#JJ NN IN lc#by the rc#into possible rc#found that rc#to smuggling rc#indicted pos#NNS NN IN rc#, contended lc#of the lc#that a rc#gave final rc#, discussing rc#marked an lc#to a lc#: A lc#sentenced in lc#But the lex#appeals court rc#, said rc#, seeking trigger#jury rc#, took rc#yesterday denied pos#NNS NNS WDT VBP VBN JJ NNS , IN rc#observed in lc#The rc#ruled that lex#district court lex#grand jury rc#ruled in trigger#court lex#jury lc#fight in rc#gave rc#that upheld rc#, who rc#yesterday , rc#investigating insurance lc#When a rc#who is rc#declared unconstitutional rc#penalized the lc#investigation by lc#the lc#, the rc#had adopted rc#, in rc#that had lc#to the lc#sued in rc#, to path#nn|<-nn<-prosecutor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, had lc#by a rc#has ruled rc#blocked then lc#in lc#February a lc#from a path#nn|<-nn<-judge->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nn|<-nn<-court->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS NN NN IN lc#in a lc#November in lex#judge lc#the former rc#, from rc#upheld lex#theater lex#court lc#when a lc#asking a rc#. rc#had dismissed lex#courts rc#today upheld rc#has struck trigger#theater lex#prosecutors lex#appeals court judge rc#for the rc#applied a lc#and a lc#guilty in pos#NN IN rc#, lc#filed in lex#appeals courts considered similar cases rc#had given lc#month in rc#, with rc#to let lc#A rc#handed down rc#on Monday lc#after a lc#ago a pos#NN NN IN rc#when he rc#, viewing rc#on lc#month a rc#and prove rc#dismissed lc#lawsuit in rc#on charges lex#appeals judge lc#But a lc#became a rc#refused to lc#indicted by rc#later ruled lc#today in lc#a retired rc#and for rc#to force rc#, ruling trigger#prosecutor lex#prosecutor rc#on whether ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#NNS IN path#nn|<-nn<-jury->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nn|<-nn<-theater->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, which lc#disaster with REL$NA lc#before the rc#in their lc#filed at rc#in rc#found the lc#successfully by rc#. '' NEGATIVE Berlin Broadway path#poss|<-poss<-show->nn->|nn trigger#show pos#POS JJ lc#who conducted rc#shows , lex#'s ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA UNLABELED Cooperativo Orlando Furioso trigger#be lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, '' pos#, DT NN NN , VBZ IN NN IN NNP IN NNP IN DT CC TO VB '' DT , '' DT NN IN POS NN NN , '' lex#marionette theater town Wednesday Saturday present '' The '' episode 's epic poem '' UNLABELED Blue Water Grill Mad Fish path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj lc#things , ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#take pos#, CC , VBD RP DT JJ rc#on NEGATIVE Norman Stowe ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#sons , rc#, Vt. trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#, IN NEGATIVE Princeton Green Party ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#'s candidate pos#, DT lc#, of path#appos|->appos->candidate->poss->|poss REL$NA trigger#candidate NEGATIVE Arab Beit Hanina lex#village lc#and the pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-village->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#village rc#, volunteers REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Ms. Gallace Agnes Martin pos#VBZ IN trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->like->pobj->|pobj rc#, an lc#Or perhaps NEGATIVE Alfonso Soriano Posada trigger#run rc#and advanced path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN REL$NA lex#ran NEGATIVE Owens Princeton pos#, DT JJ lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->player->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#player REL$NA rc#baseball player NEGATIVE Los Angeles Syracuse ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, of rc#. pos#CC , IN trigger#son path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Astros Los Angeles pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lc#The rc#, lex#beat ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED NATHAN KOLODNEY Hartsdale Kaufmann Concert Hall trigger#director pos#, NNP NN VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#The writer director UNLABELED Richard Berman LeBoeuf Lamb Leiby MacRae lex#partner law firm trigger#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN rc#. lc#and trigger#firm ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Century Tower on Church Street Cesar Pelli trigger#design ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#designed pos#, VBN IN rc#and opened lc#is path#partmod|->partmod->design->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED CHARLES O. PORTER Eugene House of Representatives pos#, , DT NN VBD IN DT trigger#serve rc#from rc#, lex#The writer served ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Hollywood Mississippi Burning ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD RB VBN '' rc#, '' lex#released '' trigger#release path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-release->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Vacco G. Oliver Koppell lex#'s predecessor ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-predecessor->appos->|appos trigger#predecessor rc#, commissioned UNLABELED Ruth A. Gordon Dataquest rc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN trigger#analyst lex#facsimile industry analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#But UNLABELED Mr. Marquez Herman Graber trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lc#police called lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Josef Krofta Theater Drak rc#, recently ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN POS lex#founder 's trigger#founder lc#sanctity , path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Richard Valcich City of New York rc#, defends lex#executive director office payroll administration path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN DT NN IN NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Dairy Management Inc. United Dairy Industry Association rc#and the lex#joint venture trigger#venture lc#nationally after ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->venture->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Beth Ann Goodwin Rumson lc#woman , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, insisted trigger#woman path#appos|<-appos<-woman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, IN UNLABELED Villanova Arron Bain lex#led forward path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-lead->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, who ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#lead pos#VBD VBN IN DT JJ UNLABELED Scott Perschke Vin Scelsa Digest lc#'' said lex#runs ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->dobj->|dobj trigger#run pos#, WP VBZ DT rc#, a UNLABELED Lee Liu IES pos#, rc#'s chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Western Mexico rc#say that trigger#diplomat lex#diplomats REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION path#amod|<-amod<-diplomat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS IN NEGATIVE Laughs Montreal lc#Just for ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#comedy festival trigger#festival pos#NN NN IN rc#, comedy REL$NA path#nn|<-nn<-festival->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Marilyn Monroe DiMaggio pos#, lc#bring up ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->wife->poss->|poss trigger#wife rc#'s wife UNLABELED Dorn McGrath George Washington University trigger#professor lex#professor urban planning pos#, NN IN JJ NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Stephen A. Barre Long Island Forum pos#, NN IN DT CC NN IN DT rc#for Technology path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president chairman ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president NEGATIVE George Bush Japan lc#during President trigger#come lc#When pos#VBD lex#'s visit rc#last lc#and for trigger#visit path#poss|<-poss<-visit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#bring path#poss|<-poss<-trip->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj lc#Why lex#'s trip rc#along with pos#CC DT '' : NNS IN , CC : `` TO VB RB IN rc#. rc#, trigger#trip lc#when President rc#with good pos#POS NN TO rc#to assist lex#-- representatives -- back lex#n't bring commissioner commissioner fabulous rise league lex#visited ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#in pos#VBD RB VB , DT NN IN DT , CC , JJR RB , , DT NN IN DT JJ NN IN DT NN , TO UNLABELED Pan American Road Race Piero Taruffi lex#1,932-mile race trigger#win lc#won the pos#, DT JJ NN IN , IN DT IN DT rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->with->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Williams Weston Field lc#finale and pos#POS NN NN IN rc#. trigger#game ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#'s homecoming game path#poss|<-poss<-game->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Caitlyn Nana pos#, , CC , , WP$ VBD VBN IN DT NN NN , CC , , CC , , WP$ `` lex#killed automobile accident rc#" died trigger#die lc#he joins ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->die->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Andrew Jergens Company Suissa Miller Advertising trigger#select lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ VBN lex#selected rc#in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-select->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Tennessee Valley Authority Alabama lc#by the trigger#authority rc#, and pos#, WDT VBZ CC VBZ DT NN IN JJ path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#owns operates reactor northern UNLABELED James McDaniel Lieut. Arthur Fancy lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, WP VBZ lex#plays path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Dan Weinman Neligh pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->teacher->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC lc#away , rc#teacher , trigger#teacher UNLABELED Rupublicans United States Senate lex#running women trigger#run pos#VBP VBG NNS IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and lieutenant lc#time the ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Israel Likud and Labor ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-party->appos->|appos lc#context as pos#POS JJ NNS , trigger#party rc#, prepared lex#'s major parties UNLABELED Germans Berliner Luft trigger#speak lex#spoke lc#past , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, " pos#VBD IN DT `` UNLABELED Mr. Kohl West path#rcmod|->rcmod->urge->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, WP VBZ RB VBN DT lex#consistently urged rc#to proceed trigger#urge lc#But UNLABELED O.A.S. Jamaica pos#IN lc#meet the rc#, path#dobj|<-dobj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#meet ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Hunt Brooklyn pos#CC , WP VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and were lex#lived trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#buyers were UNLABELED Sylvia McClain Board of Education pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#employee lc#, like rc#accused of path#appos|->appos->employee->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#employee UNLABELED GARY BETTMAN National Hockey League lc#have prompted pos#, DT trigger#commissioner ner#PERSON->MISC rc#commissioner , path#appos|->appos->commissioner->nn->|nn UNLABELED Multimart Corporation Atlanta-based lc#of the rc#international marketing ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company NEGATIVE John Kowalski Robert Morris College lex#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA trigger#coach rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Calloway Sesame Street pos#VBD DT NN IN '' rc#'' during trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#joined cast '' UNLABELED Murray S. Flander Mr. Cranston lex#press secretary pos#, path#appos|->appos->secretary->poss->|poss rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s press path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#secretary lc#, " pos#, DT NN NN TO UNLABELED Maureen Megerian Storm King rc#, aptly lc#reliefs that path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#curator ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#curator UNLABELED Mr. Vazquez Chicago trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn pos#, , DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mrs. Whitman California rc#for speeches lex#travel path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB TO lc#month , ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#travel UNLABELED Eugenio F. Lari European lc#'' said ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT POS rc#chief . lex#'s trigger#chief path#appos|->appos->chief->amod->|amod UNLABELED Russell B. Aitken Sea Bird Colony Bronx Zoo/Wildlife Conservation Park lc#like the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#opened month trigger#open pos#, WDT VBD JJ NN IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Antonovich Steven Herbert path#poss|<-poss<-spokesman->appos->|appos lc#court , ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , rc#, arrives lex#'s spokesman trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Joseph Bencivenga Salomon Brothers trigger#director trigger#manager lc#, '' trigger#head lex#head corporate bond research rc#. path#appos|->appos->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN NN NN NN IN rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said lex#manager junk bond research NEGATIVE James Hooper London lc#name of pos#, DT trigger#inspector path#appos|->appos->inspector->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#sewer inspector NEGATIVE Mitchell Buffalo rc#and should lex#play trigger#play pos#VBD VB IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->against->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Greene Work You Love For rc#everything you trigger#do path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, VBP DT lc#GIBBONS lex#Do UNLABELED Mr. Stella Museum of Modern Art trigger#have pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN DT lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#retrospective UNLABELED Mr. Kenan Thomas S. Kenan path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj pos#RB VBZ DT NN CC NN , VBG TO IN PRP$ NNS , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#takes salary bonus sons trigger#take NEGATIVE Germans Spain path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB lex#play lc#The trigger#play rc#for the REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Franco Myers pos#VBD trigger#get ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->dobj->|dobj rc#on a UNLABELED Mr. Kaifu Taro Nakayama ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bring rc#, who lex#brought Foreign Minister pos#VBD NNP NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Walter O. Steiglitz Fish and Wildlife Service trigger#director pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#regional director lc#" said NEGATIVE Chris Washburn North Carolina pos#, DT JJ rc#State star path#appos|->appos->star->nn->|nn trigger#star ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#past was REL$NA UNLABELED J. W. Seligman & Company New York pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn lc#consultant to trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#investment-management firm UNLABELED Nancy N. Sloan Lida Wilson ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos lc#daughter , rc#of trigger#daughter lex#Nev. mother pos#IN , NNP : PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Mr. Rosen Leta Gordon trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#son , lex#survived wife daughter pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , : DT NN , trigger#daughter rc#, of path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Ms. Magelowitz Kliegerman James trigger#broker path#appos|->appos->broker->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#associate broker ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT JJ NN IN rc#, a UNLABELED Mary Pierce Zina Garrison-Jackson pos#VBD rc#by lex#routed ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-route->dobj->|dobj trigger#route lc#Breezes : UNLABELED Jared Paul Stern The New York Post trigger#reporter lex#gossip reporter path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#, dropped UNLABELED United Steelworkers of America Continental Can Company trigger#win path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#won settlement pos#VBZ VBN DT NN IN DT NEGATIVE Jon Robin Baitz Lear lex#'s plays modern King ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play path#dep|->dep->play->dobj->|dobj rc#of pos#POS `` , '' VBZ DT JJ NNP lc#-- In REL$NA UNLABELED Michael T. Robinson Weichert Relocation Company lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said trigger#president NEGATIVE Davis Lions lex#resigned pos#VBD IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-resign->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#days REL$NA trigger#resign UNLABELED Hasek Daren Puppa ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced trigger#replace pos#VBD VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj rc#after UNLABELED Col. Steven Rausch United States pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#military spokesman trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Michael R. Taylor Food Safety and Inspection Service lex#department 's administrator lc#promised by rc#, it pos#, DT NN POS JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->administrator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#administrator UNLABELED John Pugliese Super Stud Building Products trigger#engineer lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->engineer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN lex#technical engineer rc#in NEGATIVE Abass Bundu Economic Community of West African States rc#, said lex#executive secretary 16-member path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#secretary ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#IN , NN NN IN DT JJ NEGATIVE Robert Kennedy Virginia rc#, and lex#lived trigger#live pos#VBD IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Prospect Street New Haven trigger#overlook ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, is lex#overlooking path#partmod|->partmod->overlook->dobj->|dobj lc#high on pos#VBG REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Levine VMS Realty Partners rc#, responsible lc#filing , lex#resigned pos#VBD VBN JJ NN NN IN rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-resign->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#senior vice president pos#VBD IN trigger#president trigger#resign UNLABELED Mr. Shimada Mr. Hosokawa ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#adviser rc#. pos#, DT JJ NN TO lex#longtime adviser lc#" said UNLABELED Barbara C. Fleischman Dr. Alan F. Carpenter ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos rc#of trigger#daughter lex#sons lc#daughters , pos#IN , , CC IN , , CC NNS , NEGATIVE New York Henry Kaufman & Company ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, said path#nn|<-nn<-firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#money management firm trigger#firm pos#NN NN NN IN REL$NA lc#heads the UNLABELED Hermann Grohe Christian Democrats pos#, DT NN IN NNP POS lc#'' said lex#member Chancellor 's path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. '' UNLABELED American Jewish Representative Michael P. Forbes path#amod|<-amod<-group->appos->|appos pos#NNS , CC RBS RB , trigger#group lc#But other rc#, ner#MISC->PERSON lex#groups recently UNLABELED Dimensions Washington Art Association in Washington Depot path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#New trigger#run rc#. pos#IN NNP '' VBZ IN DT JJ NN IN DT lex#Photography '' runs date ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Witt Vail pos#, DT rc#spokesman , path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Paul Griffiths Midori path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#performing with ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ DT NN pos#VBZ NN NN IN rc#at trigger#review lex#reviews violinist lex#reviews violin recital REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Sally Goldfarb National Organization for Women 's Legal Defense and Education Fund path#appos|->appos->attorney->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#senior staff attorney pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#attorney lc#" said UNLABELED Christy Strumpen-Darrie Princeton rc#High School pos#, DT trigger#sophomore path#appos|->appos->sophomore->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Minneapolis Chris Mullin pos#, lc#: In trigger#score rc#scored a path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-score->nsubj->|nsubj ner#LOCATION->PERSON REL$NA UNLABELED Gen. Robert B. Johnston American trigger#commander lc#over from pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->commander->amod->|amod rc#commander in UNLABELED Dale Lang Lang Communications rc#, which lex#chairman pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner rc#, was ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#owner pos#, DT NN IN trigger#chairman lc#happened , path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Showalter Seattle path#rcmod|->rcmod->trail->dobj->|dobj trigger#trail lex#team trailed rc#and pos#, WP$ NN VBD ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Islanders McCabe rc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-trade->dobj->|dobj trigger#trade lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#today traded pos#NN VBD REL$NA NEGATIVE Soils Silesia path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->region->nn->|nn ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#region rc#region carry REL$NA pos#IN DT UNLABELED San Bernardino County Castle Mountains trigger#be ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#is in rc#, on pos#IN NNS RB IN IN DT JJ lex#miles south jagged path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Mason Tulsa trigger#spend path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#of the pos#VBD JJS IN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#spent season REL$NA UNLABELED Indians American League Championship Series path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#play lc#where the lc#The trigger#play path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB DT IN DT lex#face ner#MISC->MISC rc#beginning Wednesday trigger#face rc#. '' UNLABELED JERRY RICE JAMES LOFTON lex#joined pos#VBD trigger#join rc#( ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj lc#quarter , UNLABELED JAMES J. GREEN Sparkill St. Thomas Aquinas College trigger#professor path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->appos->|appos lex#The writer assistant professor criminal justice rc#. pos#, , DT NN VBZ DT JJ NN IN JJ NN , pos#, NNP NN VBZ JJ NN IN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Kuluva Al Jolson lex#made Broadway debut Hold On ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, trigger#make rc#. pos#VBD PRP$ NNP NN IN `` VB IN TO , '' IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Diane Bonaventure East New York Economic Development Corporation trigger#director rc#, wishes path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#program director UNLABELED Yuri Feofanov Izvestia pos#IN rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-ask->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#asked ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#ask UNLABELED LOEWS CORPORATION Laurence A. Tisch rc#, stands lc#THE path#partmod|->partmod->control->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, VBN IN lex#controlled trigger#control UNLABELED Mr. Kirschenbaum Hartman & Craven lex#partner law firm lc#, '' rc#, said trigger#partner pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Sheila Thorne New American Wellness pos#, VBG NN IN rc#, attributed lex#managing director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Norc Penn South Houses lc#by the path#nn|<-nn<-program->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN DT lex#program trigger#program rc#, a NEGATIVE Clinton Ronald Reagan path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-compare->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#compare ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. pos#RB VBD PRP TO JJ NNP lc#, Governor lex#recently compared Gov. REL$NA UNLABELED Rick Britton Arnold Communications path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN CC NN NNS NN IN trigger#partner lc#* rc#, lex#partner technology/information resources director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED The New York Times Times Tower path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->dobj->|dobj lex#opened ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, VBD DT rc#in what trigger#open lc#publisher of UNLABELED Ms. Tripp Howard County pos#, WP VBZ IN lc#considering whether rc#, Md. path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives UNLABELED John A. Conley State University of New York trigger#department lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#at lex#chairman criminal justice department pos#, NN IN DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Georgette Scott New York path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. lex#novelist playwright wrote died home trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN CC NN WP VBD IN DT NN , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN UNLABELED Health Insurance Association G. David Hurd path#partmod|->partmod->head->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#of the pos#VBN IN rc#, chief trigger#head ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#headed UNLABELED Government-owned El Nacional lc#off a path#amod|<-amod<-newspaper->appos->|appos trigger#newspaper lex#newspaper ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#, which pos#NN , UNLABELED Xerox Xerox Quality Services pos#VBD trigger#form ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#formed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-form->dobj->|dobj lc#group , UNLABELED Rangers-Panthers Miami path#nn|<-nn<-game->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#tonight 's lex#game rc#. trigger#game pos#NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Johnston Industries Richard J. Gibney path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn rc#vice president ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#appointed pos#, , VBN lc#unit of lc#subsidiary of trigger#president NEGATIVE Mae Questel Manhattan path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN , NN CC NN WP VBD POS NN IN '' '' CC VBD DT NN NN IN CC , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN lex#rubber-voiced veteran stage screen vaudeville played 's mother '' '' cartoon voice died Sunday home REL$NA UNLABELED Anthony Tucker Wake Forest pos#VBD trigger#lead lex#led rc#with a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Chris McCarron Artax pos#, WP MD VB lex#ride trigger#ride rc#for the path#rcmod|->rcmod->ride->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Eric Liljestrand Jim Manley path#appos|<-appos<-design->appos->|appos trigger#design ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#stage manager stage combat pos#: NN NN , : NN NN , rc#; production lc#design , UNLABELED Frank LaRue Center for Human Rights Legal Action lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT rc#here . lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED George Adler Smith Barney Inc. path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Jordan Mr. Letterman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. trigger#meet lex#meet pos#VBD RB VB IN NEGATIVE Miho I. M. Pei trigger#design ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#reach the rc#. pos#, POS JJ NN NN , VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->design->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#'s art museum designed UNLABELED Ronald A. Klempner American Marine lex#principal rc#, said trigger#principal ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Willard Gaylin Columbia University trigger#professor pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#psychiatry professor UNLABELED Joseph Mahowald Westchester Broadway Theater rc#production has path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->production->nn->|nn trigger#production ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED Joe Townley Channel pos#, lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss trigger#director NEGATIVE Smith Winter Games path#rcmod|->rcmod->return->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, WP VBD IN DT lex#returned rc#yesterday . lc#options for REL$NA trigger#return UNLABELED Drug Enforcement Administration Divinci trigger#agent lex#agent working undercover fate coincidence-packed screenplay writer director path#nn|<-nn<-agent->appos->|appos ner#MISC->PERSON lc#be a rc#and pos#NN VBG JJ , CC IN NN CC DT JJ NN IN DT NN CC NN , , MD VB PRP , UNLABELED Terence Mann Mr. Jones lex#played ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play rc#, capsulized pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#the character UNLABELED Jon Robin Baitz Mitzi Newhouse ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#plays by rc#and pos#IN DT UNLABELED Black Shirts East End of London ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#fought anti-Semitic rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-fight->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#fight pos#IN DT UNLABELED Karl Stoll National Religious Broadcasters lex#spokesman rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Amos Dacy Haiti rc#in a lc#When pos#VBD PRP$ JJ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-flee->dobj->|dobj trigger#flee lex#fled native ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Tysan West Virginia trigger#artist path#appos|->appos->artist->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, POS JJ JJ NN , CC DT RB JJ , NN , DT NN NN IN lc#, including ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#'s radiant young daughter delightfully giddy hard-dancing guest artist rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Edwards Mr. Duke lc#, showed trigger#win ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#RB IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#ahead pos#, , VBD NN IN DT NN IN DT JJ , TO NN IN lex#won percent vote primary percent path#advmod|->advmod->ahead->dep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#by at lex#ahead UNLABELED Prokofiev Orchestra of the Royal Opera House lc#) , rc#with the lex#played trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#CC , DT VBN IN DT UNLABELED Clara McBride Hale Hale House pos#, NN IN trigger#founder rc#. lex#founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#physics ; pos#, DT NN IN rc#in lc#award after UNLABELED Jerry Clinton St. Louis rc#businessman and pos#, DT trigger#businessman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->businessman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Gorecki Chocholow trigger#visit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ RB VBN lc#Yet ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#visited rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Bergman American Association of Museums lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' conceded pos#, WP VBZ RB NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Jelin South Orange pos#VBD RP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#grow ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew UNLABELED Clendinen The New York Times trigger#write rc#, and path#rcmod|->rcmod->write->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#writes editorials ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBZ NNS IN NEGATIVE Robin Renwick British lc#as Sir pos#, DT trigger#ambassador ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->ambassador->amod->|amod REL$NA rc#Ambassador to UNLABELED World Paris-based path#appos|->appos->program->amod->|amod lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT trigger#organization rc#relief organization ner#LOCATION->MISC rc#medical assistance trigger#program path#appos|->appos->organization->amod->|amod UNLABELED John Askildsen Hawk Watch Committee trigger#head rc#for the lex#heads pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj lc#Year ' UNLABELED Charles Wyant Clinton pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#superintendent rc#'s highway path#appos|->appos->superintendent->poss->|poss UNLABELED Army Col. Robert Gaylord lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#and an path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman pos#NN , UNLABELED Linda Iglehart Mount Vernon lc#" said pos#, NN IN DT rc#center . path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->center->nn->|nn trigger#center lex#director ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Charlie Fletcher Watson Bluefields Express pos#POS `` rc#" offers trigger#offer lex#'s ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Barry Diller HSN Inc path#rcmod|->rcmod->agree->nsubj->|nsubj lc#company ; pos#, WP$ ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#agreed to trigger#agree UNLABELED Nader The Project West ner#MISC->MISC lc#and trigger#street rc#126th Street path#nn|<-nn<-street->nn->|nn UNLABELED Restaurant Systems Everything Yogurt path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj rc#and other ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#president of lex#owns pos#, WDT VBZ trigger#systems UNLABELED New York-based RHI Entertainment Inc. lex#chairman rc#, said lc#, the pos#NN IN path#amod|<-amod<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Ms. Ceballos Leslie Browne ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced rc#, who trigger#replace path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-replace->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN VBN IN UNLABELED Hotchkis & Wiley Los Angeles trigger#manager rc#money manager pos#, DT pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lc#, rc#. lc#to acquire path#appos|->appos->manager->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#institutional money manager UNLABELED Charlie Yardbird ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, VBN TO DT IN rc#, and path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lc#great friend trigger#charlie UNLABELED Mr. Richards Stow Wengenroth ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#that rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-study->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD IN DT RB JJ NN , trigger#study lex#studied deft lithographer UNLABELED Cousin Giuseppe Cipriani West Broadway path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#( near pos#, DT NN IN , WP VBZ POS IN CC IN , VBZ VBN DT NN NN , VBN , IN lex#son owns 's opened restaurant downtown called trigger#open lc#'s ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Clinton Gotta Believe path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-adopt->dobj->|dobj rc#. " pos#VBD WP PRP VBD VBD DT NN IN DT NN NN : `` PRP lc#, Governor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#adopt lex#adopted slogan world champion -- You UNLABELED Haggar Apparel Company Tracy-Locke lex#left trigger#leave lc#and the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->dobj->|dobj pos#, WDT VBD rc#, a POSITIVE Luciano Pavarotti Italy trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj:INV lex#tenor:INV REL$/people/person/nationality ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#MD VB DT NN:INV lc#enough ,:INV rc#appear as:INV UNLABELED Roger W. Marshall Riggs Investment Management Corporation lex#president managing director lc#" said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN CC VBG NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Winter Winter Works on Paper lc#" said pos#, NN IN lex#co-owner ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#co-owner path#appos|->appos->co-owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Melvin E. Velazquez John Jay College of Criminal Justice path#appos|->appos->student->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, asserted lex#student trigger#student ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mike Hendricks Andrew pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#father rc#'s father path#appos|->appos->father->poss->|poss UNLABELED Juan Antonio Marin Bastad trigger#victory pos#IN IN rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-over<-prep<-victory->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#yesterday over UNLABELED Theresa Margiotta Mount Holly Board of Education rc#. pos#, NN NN IN DT lex#business administrator ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#administrator path#appos|->appos->administrator->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Yale University lc#of the pos#IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#dean path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-dean->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED GTE Mobile Communications Group GTE Corp. path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#intent with rc#, to ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#unit trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Maurice H Stans Nixon Cabinet pos#, DT JJ trigger#member path#appos|->appos->member->nn->|nn rc#members , lc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Dr. Miriam Adderholdt-Elliott University of North Carolina path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#at lex#educational psychologist trigger#psychologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Bassett Southeast Banking Corporation rc#, the lex#chairman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Joel Peresman Garden ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s vice trigger#president NEGATIVE French Open Russia lc#the path#nn|<-nn<-champion->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, and pos#NN IN lex#champion REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#champion UNLABELED Green Table Ballet of the Rhine pos#, '' MD VB VBN IN DT trigger#perform lex#'' performed ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-perform->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#'' The rc#on UNLABELED Center for Legislative Studies Rockefeller Institute trigger#director lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Kraft Inc. CPC International pos#VBD PRP$ POS VBG NN TO ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#, trigger#sell rc#and lex#sold 's baking unit UNLABELED Jane Adams Tony trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj lc#last week lex#won rc#in UNLABELED Antique Furniture Workroom New York pos#NNP NNP , trigger#shop pos#, DT NN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->shop->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#custom cabinetry shop rc#. path#nn|<-nn<-street->appos->|appos rc#, lex#East Street lc#business at trigger#street ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Tim Gibbon Bernard Hodes Advertising trigger#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Central Intelligence Agency Mr. Ames pos#, WRB ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#to the trigger#work rc#had worked path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED John Erb New York rc#with the lex#principal lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#principal lex#managing consultant trigger#consultant lc#Some Rates rc#with ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Margaret Shapiro Florida trigger#go pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ NNS IN DT NN , RB VBZ TO rc#with her path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#spends warm months village lc#" said UNLABELED DILLARD Little Rock pos#NNP NNP NNP , rc#, trigger#inc. lex#DEPARTMENT STORES INC. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-inc.->appos->|appos UNLABELED Strategic Legal Resources Elihu Gordis trigger#found ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD VBN IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#founded rc#and UNLABELED John Bereheiko Atlantic City lc#, said rc#Deputy Fire pos#, DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->chief->nn->|nn trigger#chief UNLABELED Robert Kennel Hadson Power Systems rc#, who path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#president NEGATIVE Kevin Lima Walt Disney Pictures path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#: VBN IN , CC , VBN IN DT NN IN : VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN : VBN IN lc#Directed by rc#. trigger#directed lex#written based story edited music production designer produced released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA UNLABELED Lory Rosenberg American Immigration Law Foundation trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#who has rc#who worked lex#lawyer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Todd Van Poppel Boras rc#client , ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#client pos#, RB DT lc#to what path#appos|->appos->client->nn->|nn UNLABELED Clinton Mr. Hosokawa lc#that President ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write rc#'s predecessor rc#demanding a trigger#predecessor path#appos|->appos->predecessor->poss->|poss pos#CC , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#between President pos#VBD VBN DT NN TO lex#written letter UNLABELED Pendarvis House The Saturday Evening Post rc#as ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD VBN IN lc#point , path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-choose->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#choose lex#chosen UNLABELED Romania Tiriac rc#played here lex#fledgling capitalism Ion pronounced Yon trigger#play path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->nsubj->|nsubj pos#CC DT IN JJ NN , NNP -LRB- VBD NNP -RRB- ner#LOCATION->MISC lc#office in UNLABELED Mr. Ludwig Mr. Clinton trigger#speak ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#spoke pos#VBD TO rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#hours after NEGATIVE Carl Hiaasen Martin Cruz Smith path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ NN NNP IN trigger#review rc#; drawing lex#reviews book Bay REL$NA UNLABELED Randy Tate Washington State lc#are rc#, and trigger#congressman pos#, DT JJ NN , DT JJ JJ NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#executive director boyish Congressman path#appos|->appos->congressman->prep->from->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Temptations Chicago trigger#concert rc#and was path#nn|<-nn<-concert->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lc#attended a REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#concert UNLABELED Mr. D'Amato Mr. Forchelli ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner path#poss|<-poss<-partner->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, received lc#Noting that lex#'s partner NEGATIVE East Lansing Milwaukee rc#for ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, , WP VBZ VBN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#lived trigger#live lc#native of REL$NA UNLABELED Scott Jennifer rc#( the ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lc#upset that pos#VBZ VBN trigger#ask UNLABELED Lawrence Lachman Manhattan pos#, DT JJ NN IN POS , VBD IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#on Tuesday lex#chairman 's died home trigger#home trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Drawings Miriam Stewart pos#, CC , '' VBN IN DT IN lc#: lex#'' organized ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#and path#partmod|->partmod->organize->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#organize UNLABELED Walter D. Gasior Palatine lc#Deputy Chief path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->police->nn->|nn trigger#police rc#police said ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED CLEVELAND Kirby Puckett lex#AP -- ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#hit a trigger#hit path#dep|->dep->hit->nsubj->|nsubj pos#-LRB- NNP -RRB- : lc# UNLABELED Mr. Foxman Ms. Bershtel lex#wrote ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write rc#that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj lc#October , pos#IN DT , VBD UNLABELED Patricia Reid Cal Trans lex#spokesman rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED House Banking Committee New York Federal Reserve pos#JJ , , NN IN DT lex#president rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#before the trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Joseph F. Kett University of Virginia trigger#professor lex#professor history pos#, DT NN IN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said NEGATIVE Mary Ann Manhattan pos#POS NNS IN lc#owns rc#, closed trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#'s restaurants NEGATIVE William Weaver Loreto pos#POS JJ NN IN lc#Readers of rc#, '' trigger#article path#poss|<-poss<-article->prep->about->pobj->|pobj lex#'s informative article ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Testaverde Anthony McDowell pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#hit rc#for a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->dobj->|dobj lex#hit lc#play , NEGATIVE Cold Mountain Underworld ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#win lex#'' won 's '' rc#, '' pos#'' VBD IN POS '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->over->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED East 90th Street Park Avenue ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#amod|->amod->east->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ IN rc#, in trigger#east lex#east lc#now on UNLABELED Commission Social Action of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations lc#of the pos#IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, stressing path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED OIC Janet Reno lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#presented evidence Attorney General path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT NN TO NNP NNP rc#. trigger#present UNLABELED Ms. Steele John West trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Brooklyn Jamaica Avenue ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#side pos#NN IN rc#, has lex#side path#nn|<-nn<-side->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#on the NEGATIVE Serbian Limassol path#amod|<-amod<-company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, who lex#company pos#NN IN trigger#company REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lc#of a UNLABELED Laurie Palma Chanel Inc. rc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president fragrance marketing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Zeile Orioles lc#'' said path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD TO DT rc#with trigger#zeile ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Postmasters SoHo trigger#show rc#last pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#shown at path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-show->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Society for Savings Hartford path#appos|->appos->institution->nn->|nn trigger#institution pos#, DT lc#, the rc#lending institution ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. el Hage Texas pos#VBD PRP IN trigger#call lex#called rc#in early lc#said that ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mrs. Gandhi Muslims trigger#apologize path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-apologize->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#for the lex#apologized lc#campaign , pos#VBZ VBN TO UNLABELED American Animal Welfare Act pos#VBD DT trigger#violate lc#argued that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-violate->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->MISC rc#, which lex#violated NEGATIVE Lakers Utah Jazz pos#VBD DT rc#to embark trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#when the lex#beat REL$NA NEGATIVE David Wood Oneida County lc#'' said trigger#legislator path#appos|->appos->legislator->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA rc#legislator . UNLABELED Miss Goddard Hollywood pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->star->nn->|nn trigger#star rc#star of ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED G.I. JANE David Twohy trigger#write ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#Directed written trigger#directed path#nn|<-nn<-directed->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#NNP IN : VBN IN rc#and NEGATIVE Lucky Lady Las Vegas ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#casino lc#at the rc#pays off pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-casino->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#casino UNLABELED Mario M. Cuomo Bush lex#President ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write lc#that Gov. lc#on Gov. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj pos#TO VB NNP lex#recently wrote President pos#RB VBD NNP rc#, praising trigger#ask rc#to declare UNLABELED Lewis S. Kurland Hovnanian pos#, lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->attorney->poss->|poss rc#'s attorney trigger#attorney UNLABELED Mama Ianelli Italian Deli Port Washington lc#opened the pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#open ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Carlson Hospitality Group Radisson Hotels path#appos|->appos->parent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#parent lex#parent ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#for the rc#, which UNLABELED Thomas A. Reppetto New York City Citizens Crime Commission pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, praised ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Jordan Eastern Conference playoffs ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' lc#of facing trigger#face pos#IN DT path#dobj|<-dobj<-face->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Shapiro General Motors trigger#lawyer rc#, said lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Kathleen A. Lawrence State University of New York College trigger#coordinator rc#at path#appos|->appos->coordinator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#coordinator women 's studies program pos#, NN IN DT NNS POS NNS NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Susan Meiselas CD-ROM rc#about the ner#PERSON->MISC lc#makers like lex#making trigger#make path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ VBG DT REL$NA NEGATIVE Jim Edwards Louisville trigger#dealer path#appos|->appos->dealer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#dealer ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Craig Atwater Moody 's Investor Service path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Vancouver Grizzlies Continental Arena path#pobj|<-pobj<-over<-prep<-victory->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#victory pos#IN rc#and brought lc#the dismal ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Gelber Brooklyn pos#, DT NN POS lex#native lc#'' said rc#bureau chief trigger#native path#appos|->appos->native->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#site 's ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->chief->nn->|nn trigger#chief rc#, flew UNLABELED Brenda Van Cleave Tunica Chamber of Commerce trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, boasts UNLABELED Philip Reston lc#son , rc#, Va. trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Dr. Regina Arnold Sarah Lawrence trigger#professor ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT lc#developed by path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn rc#sociology professor UNLABELED Principles Harold Shapiro Princeton University rc#and the lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#Free-Market path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Garcia Spain path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#make rc#, after lex#made pro debut ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#VBD PRP$ JJ NN IN UNLABELED Defense Department 's Strategic Defense Initiative Organization Clementine lc#by the rc#as an ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#organization lex#sees path#rcmod|->rcmod->see->dobj->|dobj pos#, WDT VBZ UNLABELED Carla Maxwell Jose Limon path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-study->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD IN DT trigger#study rc#and lc#'s , lex#studied UNLABELED Dr. Raymond J. Wlodkowski Antioch University path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#psychologist trigger#psychologist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in lc#" said NEGATIVE Susan Jones Arizona pos#, NN IN NNS VBP RB VB IN lc#'' said trigger#work path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#director Drugs Do n't Work ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#, a NEGATIVE Mike Wise Notebook REL$NA pos#, IN rc#column , ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->column->nn->|nn trigger#column UNLABELED Diminished Capacity New Group Kurt S. Nelson pos#NNP NNP NNP IN IN : VBN IN : NN NN , NNP : JJ NN , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#dep|->dep->director->appos->|appos lex#West 42d Street Through By directed design director Zaniz technical director rc#; sound trigger#director UNLABELED Nancy Webster Toronto Fringe pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#producer trigger#producer path#appos|->appos->producer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dr. Wetzel New York State Board of Regents trigger#speak lex#spoke pos#VBD IN DT rc#hearing on path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Marilyn Wheaton Arts trigger#director rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN IN DT lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Jackson Joan Hill McClain trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer POSITIVE Winston Groom Forrest Gump lex#author '' lex#creator trigger#author lc#Or that ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->creator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->author->dep->|dep rc#, '' lc#birthplace of rc#" ; REL$/book/author/book_editions_published pos#, DT NN IN '' ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN `` trigger#creator NEGATIVE Royal Shakespeare Company Antony lex#production path#nn|<-nn<-production->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lc#and rc#and trigger#production ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Avi Shlaim College trigger#professor lex#professor 's pos#, DT NN IN POS rc#, path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Hyman Besser Newark lex#founded accounting firm path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#found pos#, WP VBD DT NN NN IN rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#to NEGATIVE U.S. MEXICO path#nn|<-nn<-official->nn->|nn trigger#official ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#4 pos#NNP rc#COPTER SALE REL$NA lex#PRESSES UNLABELED Piper Cub Amber Waves of Grain pos#TO VB DT NNS IN `` lex#photographs ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#chosen a trigger#take rc#, " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED HAROLD H. KOH Yale Law School trigger#professor lex#professor international law rc#, has pos#, DT NN IN JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Kraft Myra ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife rc#, was trigger#wife lc#is that REL$NA UNLABELED Hughes Avenue South Bronx lc#building on rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-on<-prep<-building->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#building ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Yates Chicago trigger#apartment lc#doorman at path#poss|<-poss<-apartment->nn->|nn rc#apartment building lex#'s pos#POS ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE George Frazier Esquire pos#, NN IN rc#and other trigger#columnist path#appos|->appos->columnist->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#notes by ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lex#columnist UNLABELED Deitch Manhattan pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer affiliated path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#L UNLABELED Richie Bry Henderson pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->poss->|poss rc#'s agent lc#, " UNLABELED STEVEN JAY RECHNITZ Flatbush lex#IN THE WORKING-CLASS path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->nn->|nn lc#BORN pos#IN DT JJ ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#section rc#section of UNLABELED Rossana Rosado El Diario La Prensa trigger#editor lc#'' said lex#editor chief pos#, DT NN IN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chief path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->in->pobj->chief->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Margaret Tracey Liberty Bell pos#, VBG IN DT JJ JJ , VBD IN PRP$ NN IN POS trigger#be lc#And rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lex#minxish young element 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Carmen Julia Fischer trigger#perform ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#from '' lex#'' performed path#partmod|->partmod->perform->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#'' VBN IN rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Sanford-Covell House William Ralph Emerson trigger#design lc#and the ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#designed pos#, VBN IN rc#, with path#partmod|->partmod->design->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Return Journey Bob Kingdom pos#, '' trigger#have ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#: rc#has the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->nsubj->|nsubj lex#'' UNLABELED Loretta Veronica lc#And ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#( path#poss|<-poss<-friend->appos->|appos lex#'s friend trigger#friend pos#POS JJS NN , UNLABELED United States Robert Khuzami pos#NN WP VBZ VBG DT NN , lex#attorney prosecuting case ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, also lc#an assistant path#nn|<-nn<-attorney->appos->|appos trigger#attorney UNLABELED Mr. Butler Swaine path#appos|->appos->partner->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner rc#partner , lc#, " pos#, DT , UNLABELED Mr. Annan Mr. McCall rc#, the path#dep|->dep->have->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#just for trigger#annan pos#, DT NNP NNP : lex#Secretary General UNLABELED Thomas Grasso Oklahoma rc#to face lc#can send rc#for execution trigger#send pos#, VBN IN NN IN , TO lc#to return path#dobj|<-dobj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO lex#convicted murder ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return UNLABELED Calgarian New York lex#made pos#WP VBD DT NN IN PRP IN lc#and former trigger#make path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Mary Jane Martin Melinda Beagle ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#the former trigger#daughter path#dep|->dep->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#: DT NN , , IN , NNP : DT NN , trigger#son rc#, of lex#son Pa. daughter UNLABELED Mr. Timoney Irish pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#immigrant who path#appos|->appos->officer->amod->|amod trigger#officer rc#immigrant and path#appos|->appos->immigrant->amod->|amod trigger#immigrant UNLABELED John Haines Deer Camp path#poss|<-poss<-review->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#review lex#'s review pos#POS NN IN `` lc#writing regarding rc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Scot Woodland Amigo pos#, rc#'s business ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner lc#away , path#appos|->appos->partner->poss->|poss NEGATIVE Kosovo Liberation Army Albania trigger#leader lc#of the pos#IN pos#IN JJ lc#the rebel lex#northern path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#spoke openly ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA rc#today to UNLABELED Howard Rosenman Sandollar Motion Pictures trigger#co-president rc#, a pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->co-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#co-president rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Italian World Trade Center path#amod|<-amod<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#restaurant lc#, rc#. pos#NN IN ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#restaurant REL$NA UNLABELED Ann Bush of Olympia Brooklyn trigger#sister pos#, NNP : NNS IN DT JJR NN , , IN path#appos|<-appos<-sister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#sister , rc#, lex#Wash. sons earlier marriage ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Olympic Eugene lex#trials path#nn|<-nn<-trial->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#the trigger#trial rc#, pos#NNS IN REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lc# NEGATIVE Lieberman Old Dominion trigger#play pos#VBD VBG IN lex#playing rc#, she ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#that when UNLABELED Mack F. Rice Jr. Marsh & McLennan lc#'' said pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Berlin Jerusalem Mr. Gitai path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-use->nsubj->|nsubj lex#ambitious pos#, '' IN RB DT RBR JJ IN DT , ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#uses Expressionist trigger#use lc#In " UNLABELED Ms. Santiago Manuel Cortez lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s uncle path#poss|<-poss<-uncle->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, trigger#uncle UNLABELED Robert Ulrich Kmart path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT NNP NN NN VBD DT NN IN rc#to win ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#Target discount-store chain offer trigger#use UNLABELED Nathan Detroit Meadowbrook Dinner Theater trigger#play lc#first played path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Nosair Egyptian trigger#living lc#relative of lc#sure that pos#, DT rc#immigrant with ner#PERSON->MISC rc#immigrant who path#appos|->appos->immigrant->amod->|amod rc#living in pos#, , DT trigger#immigrant path#appos|->appos->living->amod->|amod UNLABELED Adair Turner Confederation of British Industry lc#'' said lex#director general trigger#general rc#, adding pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->general->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Floyd Mutrux Jeremy Iacone ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write rc#, from path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#CC RB IN lc#written by UNLABELED Michael Scardino Wells lex#joined ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj lc#* rc#, pos#VBZ VBN UNLABELED Mayor Commission pos#VBD PRP$ JJ lc#The lex#appointed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appoint->dobj->|dobj rc#on trigger#appoint ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Felix G. Rohatyn Lazard Freres path#appos|->appos->banker->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, the rc#, described lex#partner lc#wife of path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lc#And lc#people like path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner rc#, investment rc#& Company lc#regulars include rc#, and lex#senior partner rc#. lc#, and path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#banker lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN rc#and a pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#, which pos#, JJ NN IN lc#list includes lex#investment banker path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Ken Griffey Jr Seattle Mariners pos#, WP trigger#jr rc#have been path#rcmod|->rcmod->try->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#trade for REL$NA UNLABELED Werner Neugebauer Bavaria path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, referring pos#, NN NN IN IN lex#district chief ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chief lc#" said UNLABELED Martin L. Glass Rite Aid pos#, trigger#executive rc#'s chief path#appos|->appos->executive->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Skat Players New York path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ship->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#" The rc#and was lex#private hands painted shipped trigger#ship pos#, '' WDT VBD VBN IN JJ NNS IN PRP VBD VBN , VBD VBN VBN TO ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Naturalization Service Comr Doris Meissner trigger#letter path#nn|<-nn<-letter->nn->|nn rc#letter contends ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#Immigration and pos#NNP UNLABELED John Fath Nationsbanc Capital Markets lex#trader path#appos|->appos->trader->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#trader rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Amor Artis Orchestra Te Deum trigger#perform path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-perform->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#and the lex#direction perform 's '' rc#, '' pos#, IN DT NN IN VB POS '' UNLABELED Mr. Anton Mr. Thompson trigger#deputy ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , rc#, lc#chosen is lex#'s deputy path#poss|<-poss<-deputy->appos->|appos UNLABELED Catherine Shaw State Department 's Office of International Narcotics Matters pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#But UNLABELED Fox-owned Channel trigger#make path#advmod|<-advmod<-make->nsubj->|nsubj lc#, but ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#made UNLABELED Molly O'Neill New York Cook Book lex#food reporter author lc#'S BOOKS pos#, DT NN NN IN , VBZ DT NN IN `` trigger#author rc#. " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-author->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Joseph R Zanga American Academy of Pediatrics rc#, says lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#Letter from ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Martin Olav Sabo Republicans path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj lex#accused ner#PERSON->MISC lc#Representative rc#of harboring trigger#accuse REL$NA pos#, IN , VBD UNLABELED Joe McIlvaine Jim Neader path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, trigger#meet pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Raymond P. Panzica University of Rhode Island College of Pharmacy lex#chairman department medicinal chemistry trigger#department path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, said pos#, NN IN DT NN IN JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Neon Deion Niners pos#, '' IN DT JJ JJ NNS , MD VB IN DT rc#for so lex#highest-profile professional athletes sign lc#that " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#sign UNLABELED Dr. Gerald Fink Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research pos#, NN IN DT lc#studies , lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Grace Glueck Catherine Opie pos#VBZ NNS IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review lex#reviews photographs path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->photograph->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, at trigger#photograph NEGATIVE Coalition Homelessness rc#say that lc#of the pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-member->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#member ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Ernie Hudson Mr. Magoo path#rcmod|->rcmod->include->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP$ NN NNS VBP DT '' '' NNS CC '' rc#, '' trigger#include lex#film credits include '' '' movies '' REL$NA UNLABELED Marlins Stratton pos#VBD lc#The rc#because of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#returned path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->dobj->|dobj trigger#return UNLABELED Villa Pomerado San Diego path#nn|<-nn<-home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#home lc#at the pos#NN NN IN rc#at the lex#nursing home UNLABELED Golf Digest Sleepy Hollow Country Club lc#conducted by pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-conduct->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#conduct rc#. ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Tim Capstraw Wagner ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->coach->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#coach , trigger#coach UNLABELED Dana Robinson Eaton Vance Management rc#, a trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Shirley Tessler Stanford Computer Industry Project lex#researcher pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, a lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->researcher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#researcher UNLABELED Firefighter Kevin C. Kane A.M. trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#'s funeral rc#on Monday pos#POS JJ MD VB IN UNLABELED John Foster Dulles Mr. Hiss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recruit->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#for his pos#, WP MD VB VBN VBN IN DT NN IN VBD VBN VBN , VBD VBN trigger#recruit lex#destined post elected recruited UNLABELED Javier Zuluaga Middies pos#, DT rc#' middle ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#linebacker path#appos|->appos->linebacker->poss->|poss NEGATIVE William Cunningham Roman Catholic pos#, DT JJ rc#priest , lc#the Rev. ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#priest path#appos|->appos->priest->nn->|nn REL$NA lex#tough-talking UNLABELED Vernon Jordan Revlon lex#board member path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lc#surely include path#rcmod|->rcmod->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#take pos#VBD PRP TO ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBZ RB RB DT NN NN IN rc#and arranged rc#but of UNLABELED Economists Inc. Washington pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn lc#economist at rc#consulting firm trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Robert Trumbull Times path#appos|->appos->correspondent->nn->|nn pos#, JJ lc#B6 ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#correspondent REL$NA rc#correspondent in UNLABELED Ronald Leitgeb Muster pos#, lc#" said rc#'s coach ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss UNLABELED Mr. Opotowsky Tulane University pos#VBD rc#for path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attend->dobj->|dobj lex#attended ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#attend UNLABELED Mr. Vare New York City pos#VBD TO lc#, trigger#immigrate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-immigrate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#with his ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#immigrated UNLABELED Naina Viktor V. Ilyushin ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife->appos->|appos rc#, who lex#top aide lc#wife , trigger#wife pos#, CC PRP$ JJ NN , NEGATIVE London Selfridge rc#, the path#rcmod|->rcmod->include->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#in central lex#hotels include pos#, WRB PRP$ NNS VBP DT trigger#include REL$NA UNLABELED Caroline White Plains pos#VBZ IN rc#with her trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#lives NEGATIVE Carlos Salinas Monterrey lc#jets that rc#to begin lex#reportedly flew path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#RB VBD TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#fly UNLABELED KEVIN EDWARDS FELTON SPENCER lc#have sent trigger#send path#dobj|<-dobj<-send->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#has stalled pos#TO NNP NNP IN lex#Golden State UNLABELED Dykstra Mr. Wacks trigger#draw lc#" But ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#n't draw pos#VBD RB VB RB IN DT , '' rc#said recently path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-draw->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Scott Leucadia path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ DT NN POS NN IN IN rc#. lex#lives hour 's drive trigger#live ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Guity Ms. Turner lc#assembly , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-thank->dobj->|dobj rc#of the trigger#thank lex#thanked pos#RB VBD NEGATIVE Dallas Michael Irvin path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->dobj->|dobj lex#offers pos#VBZ rc#( ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#offer REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Murtha Defense Appropriations Subcommittee trigger#head lex#heads pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Glass Lewis J. Yevoli path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#work pos#VBD IN lex#worked UNLABELED Carole Oglesby Temple University rc#who specializes trigger#professor lex#professor psychology pos#, DT NN IN NN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED ANDREA KANNAPELL NEIGHBORHOOD BRONX ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#REPORT rc#UP CLOSE pos#NNP : trigger#report path#nn|<-nn<-report->dep->|dep UNLABELED William H. Salgado Jackson Heights trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer rc#and president path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Commissions Cruise Lines International Association path#prep|->prep->accord->dep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#accord ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#IN NN NNS , VBG TO DT lex#cruise sales rc#, average UNLABELED Paul W. H. Trevor St. James lex#founder chairman investment management firm died home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN DT NN NN NN IN , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN UNLABELED John Passonno Hardwood Club rc#and the pos#, DT NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Davenport Pan Pacific trigger#lose rc#final at lc#title to path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-lose->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED Linda Mayes Yale University trigger#professor lex#professors child development lc#'' wrote pos#CC , DT NNS IN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Gagliardo Criminal Court pos#VBD VBN NN IN lex#arraigned yesterday path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-arraign->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#arraign UNLABELED Jim Lampley TVKO path#appos|->appos->partner->nn->|nn trigger#partner pos#, PRP$ lc#looked at ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#partner . UNLABELED JEFF CRISWELL Jets path#advmod|->advmod->also->dep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB IN DT lc#offensive tackle rc#. trigger#criswell ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Alain Buu French path#appos|->appos->photographer->amod->|amod pos#, DT trigger#photographer ner#PERSON->MISC rc#photographer working lc#he and UNLABELED Fraschilla Ron Artest ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who pos#VBD VBN IN DT NN POS JJ NNS , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->|dobj lex#signed nation 's top recruits trigger#sign UNLABELED Joseph J. Lombardo St. Vincent 's Hospital lex#justice died pneumonia Tuesday path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#LEAD : trigger#die pos#, DT NN IN , VBD IN NN IN NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Paul V. Christianson Au Pair USA trigger#director pos#, NN IN lc#'' said lex#director ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Phil Esposito Tampa Bay franchise lc#suspicions because path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-run->dobj->|dobj rc#, and trigger#run ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBZ VBG DT lex#running UNLABELED Ms. Danza Molly Fox Studio trigger#teach pos#, WP RB VBD IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#taught ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE Tony Meola Alexi Lalas rc#and midfielder lex#defender path#pobj|<-pobj<-with<-prep<-have->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have lc#With goalkeeper pos#, NN REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Curt Lively Indiana University lc#'' said trigger#professor lex#assistant professor biology rc#, '' pos#, JJ NN IN NN IN path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED MRB Group WPP Group path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#executive of ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, replacing lex#unit trigger#unit UNLABELED Tinian Island Marianas ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#send rc#in the lc#sent to pos#, IN DT path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-send->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dan Reicher Natural Resources Defense Council trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lex#lawyer lex#senior lawyer rc#, points ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Larry Ferguson Vincent Ward ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, VBN IN DT NN IN path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->on->pobj->story->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#and characters trigger#story lex#based story trigger#base lc#and UNLABELED Ms. Veloudos Hill path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#previously associate media director pos#VBD RB DT JJ NNS NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Gene Krekorian Economics Research Associates path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#senior vice president trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Charles Black National Conservative Political Action Committee pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, and trigger#founder lex#founder lc#include ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Rashidi Yekini African lc#striker pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->player->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC rc#player of trigger#player UNLABELED Gojko Susak Muslim trigger#visit pos#, NNP NNP IN DT VBG NN IN , VBD DT JJ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj lex#Defense Minister neighboring republic visited mixed ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and lc#lit when UNLABELED Michael A. Pirro Jersey City Fire Department pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman lc#said Capt. rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Tony Sharma India lc#, rc#more than pos#, WP VBD IN JJ lex#emigrated northern trigger#emigrate ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->emigrate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Social Democratic Karsten Voigt rc#, said pos#JJ NN NN , lex#foreign policy spokesman ner#MISC->PERSON lc#A path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Dr. Samuel L. Taylor Brooklyn trigger#minister pos#, DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home lc#The Rev. rc#. pos#, DT NN WP VBD CC NNP NNP NNS IN JJR IN NNS , VBD IN NN IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->minister->nn->|nn rc#minister who lex#minister served Reformed Church congregations decades died cancer Wednesday home NEGATIVE Moscow American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#of the path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#office pos#NN IN DT lex#office REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED European Repsol path#amod|<-amod<-company->prep->like->pobj->|pobj rc#of lex#energy companies lc#For pos#NN NNS IN trigger#company ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Panamanian Isabel De Obaldia lc#by the trigger#artist rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON path#amod|<-amod<-artist->dep->|dep lex#artist pos#NN UNLABELED Dr. Maureen Storey Georgetown University 's Center for Food and Nutrition Policy lc#'' said trigger#fellow path#appos|->appos->fellow->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#faculty fellow assistant research professor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN CC JJ NN NN IN NEGATIVE Venter Steinberg pos#, WP VBZ PRP VBD IN NNS IN DT NN , VBD DT NN IN lex#savings time accepted offer trigger#accept path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accept->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#, receiving UNLABELED Paula Alice Carpenter lex#daughters trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#wife , trigger#daughter pos#: NNS , trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Mr. Howard U-turn pos#, WP VBD DT lex#made rc#after crossing ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#make path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj lc#followed UNLABELED D. Lynn Gordon Customs Management Center pos#, NN IN DT rc#of lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED John Morris Senior P.G.A. Tour rc#in pos#, DT NN NN IN NNS IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president communications trigger#president UNLABELED Burnett Hansen Dean Witter ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, is trigger#analyst lex#analyst pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said UNLABELED Joan Philip trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#wife , lex#sons trigger#son rc#, of pos#: NNS , trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->appos->|appos UNLABELED Foote Tampax path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-handle->dobj->|dobj lex#handled ner#PERSON->MISC rc#only since trigger#handle pos#, VBD VBN UNLABELED Mr. Duncan Cummington Press pos#VBD DT lex#moved path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->dobj->|dobj rc#, whose lc#said , trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Indianapolis Kentucky ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#in pos#, WRB PRP MD VB path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->dobj->|dobj trigger#meet lex#meet REL$NA rc#on Saturday UNLABELED Tom Rich Stars & Stripes lex#created 's latest pos#, WP$ VBD POS JJS path#rcmod|->rcmod->create->dobj->|dobj trigger#create rc#, asked lc#the boatbuilder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Judy Ashley ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife->appos->|appos lex#grown daughters pos#, JJ NNS , lc#wife , trigger#wife rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Lotus Cognos trigger#join lc#, joined ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-join->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#IN IN rc#, a NEGATIVE Charing Cross Road Britain trigger#popular lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-popular->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, where ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#'' hugely popular pos#'' VBD RB JJ IN UNLABELED Dr. Bjork Shiley path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj rc#to switch lc#, pos#VBD VBN lex#urged ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#urge NEGATIVE Manhattan O'Melveny & Myers ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, he trigger#office pos#NN IN lex#office REL$NA lc#joined the UNLABELED Bisons Robert E. Rich Jr. lc#The trigger#bisons ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, have path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#owned businessman pos#, VBN IN DT NN UNLABELED Japan Society Tokyo path#rcmod|->rcmod->return->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#of the pos#, WP VBD IN rc#last week lex#returned ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#return UNLABELED JOHN WATERS Pecker path#nn|<-nn<-film->dep->|dep pos#NN '' ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#film '' rc#, '' trigger#film lc#for the NEGATIVE Sam Olivia lc#When ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife trigger#wife REL$NA rc#, rejects UNLABELED Robin Willner Strategic Planning trigger#director rc#for the lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Walter E. Dellinger Duke University trigger#professor lc#Constitutional Politics lex#law professor rc#, cited path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED David Eppler Public Citizen Congress Watch trigger#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#staff lawyer rc#, an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Florie Wachtenheim Scarsdale Council of Parent Teacher Associations lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Iranian Oklahoma City pos#WP VBD DT NN NN NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#months lex#opened clothing design shop lc#a native trigger#open ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Alexandr Neratoff Armory lex#architect recently bought loft mother artist pos#, DT NN , RB VBD DT NN IN PRP$ NN , , DT NN , IN DT rc#, at trigger#buy ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Yinger Pennsylvania pos#, WP VBZ DT NN NN IN JJ lc#'' said trigger#yinger path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#research nursery central rc#. '' UNLABELED Mississippi Delta Tunica trigger#town lex#town lc#the small rc#has systematically pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Neely Bruce Wesleyan University Choir trigger#conduct path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-conduct->dobj->|dobj lc#, pos#VBZ DT rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#conducts UNLABELED Phyllis Kaniss University of Pennsylvania path#appos|->appos->lecturer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT IN DT lex#lecturer trigger#lecturer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said NEGATIVE James Carr Manhattan pos#, , NNP NNP , path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos trigger#street lex#West Street rc#, (212) 727-7788 ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc# UNLABELED Mr. Chavis Ellicott City path#poss|<-poss<-house->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN rc#, Md. trigger#house lc#December on lex#'s house ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Marina Nudell Manhattan lc#woman , trigger#woman rc#, was path#appos|<-appos<-woman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, , IN UNLABELED CLAUDE LELOUCH French path#appos|->appos->director->amod->|amod pos#, DT lc#woman : ner#PERSON->MISC rc#film director trigger#director NEGATIVE Texaco West Africa rc#, the lc#president of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-president->appos->|appos lex#overseeing company 's far-flung international business ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#IN , VBG DT NN POS JJ JJ NN IN , , REL$NA trigger#president NEGATIVE Tom Laidlaw Kennedy pos#, lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#agent path#appos|->appos->agent->poss->|poss rc#'s agent REL$NA UNLABELED George Klein Park Tower Realty lc#setback for pos#, WP VBZ trigger#head rc#, and lex#heads ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Bruce Yandle Clemson University path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#economist REL$NA rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Alan Kyle Rogers Lake Authority lex#chairman lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Christina Jeffrey Kennesaw State University trigger#professor lex#associate professor political science lc#, rc#, and lex#assistant professor political science lc#had hired path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN JJ NN IN rc#in NEGATIVE Sky and Star Murdoch trigger#sky pos#, WDT ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA rc#owns . lc#such as UNLABELED F. Stone Roberts Lintas pos#, lc#employees , rc#, coming lc#" said path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president lex#group executive vice president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president pos#, DT NN NN NN NN IN UNLABELED Merrill Womach National Music Service pos#, NN IN lc#according to trigger#founder lex#founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Tim Etchells Mountain Sports and Living trigger#editor rc#, said lex#senior editor magazine path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Frederick Mac Monnies British path#rcmod|->rcmod->set->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#WRB DT trigger#set rc#had set lc#sculpture by UNLABELED Earl Wrightson East Norwich lex#singer actor brought deep baritone voice imposing stage presence dozens musical comedies concerts television variety shows 's 's died Sunday home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die pos#, DT NN CC NN WP VBD PRP$ JJ NN NN CC VBG NN NN TO NNS IN JJ NNS CC NNS , CC WP VBD PRP$ JJ NN NN NNS IN DT POS CC POS , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Norma Berman Judith E. ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lc#the former trigger#daughter rc#, of lex#sons daughter pos#: NNS , , IN , , CC , IN , : DT NN , NEGATIVE Republican Western Hemisphere lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->subcommittee->nn->|nn pos#WP VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT lc#the trigger#subcommittee rc#subcommittee of ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#chairman UNLABELED John E. McKinley Sovran ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#executive pos#, DT NNP NNP lex#C&S rc#executive , path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn UNLABELED Navratilova Christina Singer trigger#defeat ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#RB VBD POS path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#easily defeated 's rc#, lc#Top-seeded NEGATIVE Mark Collins Houston trigger#minister path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lex#minister ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Reagan Administration Hudson Institute path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ RB IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#administration lc#during the rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Enrile Aquino path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-dismiss->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#dismissed President rc#, who trigger#dismiss pos#VBD RB VBN IN DT IN NNP UNLABELED Steven Margolies Plumbing Supply Company path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president rc#, pointed lc#showroom , pos#, DT NN NN IN NN CC NNP ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Laura Winters Wes Anderson trigger#profile ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-profile->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#profile pos#NN IN rc#, NEGATIVE Don Davis Martin Lancaster path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-face->dobj->|dobj rc#in November ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN DT NN , MD VB NNP trigger#face REL$NA lex#winner race face Representative UNLABELED Pamela E. Goldstein Mayor pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->secretary->poss->|poss lc#today , ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->poss->|poss rc#'s press lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman trigger#secretary rc#'s spokeswoman lc#, said lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Claessens Belgium rc#, continued pos#VBD NN IN PRP$ JJ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#began training native ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#begin UNLABELED Judy Smith Mr. Bush pos#, DT NN , VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#as disclaiming trigger#characterize path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-characterize->dobj->|dobj lex#spokeswoman characterized UNLABELED Jon Urbanchek Dolan path#rcmod|->rcmod->coach->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP NNS DT ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#coaches rc#at the trigger#coach lc#" said UNLABELED Richter Lemieux pos#RB VBG ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#there was trigger#stop path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-stop->dobj->|dobj lex#stopping rc#and his UNLABELED Rubel Thomas Varig lc#yesterday by lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Lynn Tierney Port Authority of New York pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman rc#and trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Michael Giliberto Salomon Brothers lex#real-estate analyst trigger#analyst rc#. path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN NEGATIVE Roberts Lauren Lloyd pos#, VBN IN DT NN IN : NN IN NN , : NN NN , : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#by June rc#, trigger#produce lex#based director photography film editor music production designer produced path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-screenplay->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#screenplay UNLABELED Mr. Sudhalter Europe pos#VBD TO lc#, rc#to perform path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#go UNLABELED Mike Huckabee Southern Baptist lc#Lieut. Gov. trigger#minister pos#, DT VBN lex#ordained pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#allowing Gov. path#appos|->appos->minister->nn->|nn rc#minister who rc#minister , UNLABELED Bill Paterson Proviso West rc#social studies pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->teacher->nn->|nn lc#and to ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#teacher UNLABELED Sumiran V Neriya Anders Aslund rc#'s ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#comment pos#NN NNS IN path#nn|<-nn<-comment->prep->on->pobj->article->poss->|poss trigger#article lex#letter comments UNLABELED Carla A. Hills London trigger#visit lc#began when lc#, when trigger#make rc#. lex#trade representative made unannounced visit pos#, DT NN NN , VBD DT JJ NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->visit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#made quiet visit ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT , VBD DT JJ NN TO UNLABELED Jerry Butler Northern Jubilee Singers lc#he met rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#gospel group trigger#meet ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT NN NN UNLABELED Lubell Jonathan ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#when the pos#NNS , rc#and trigger#brother lex#brothers path#nn|<-nn<-brother->appos->|appos UNLABELED James Davey National Wrestling Hall of Fame lc#; pos#, WP VBD IN , CC , WP VBD RB IN : VBD VBN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-induct->prep->into->pobj->|pobj lex#started wrestled -- inducted trigger#induct rc#in UNLABELED Barbara Anderson McDonnell Douglas Corporation pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lc#Out Both lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Wilson AIDS ner#PERSON->MISC lex#died rc#. trigger#die path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN REL$NA lc#when NEGATIVE Arthur Vanderbilt path#nn|<-nn<-comment->nn->|nn rc#2d comment trigger#comment lc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#NNP REL$NA UNLABELED Abe Eisner GFI lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Mario M. Cuomo James Flateau path#poss|<-poss<-spokesman->appos->|appos pos#POS NN NN IN NN NNS , lex#'s chief spokesman criminal-justice issues ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Gov. rc#, responded trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Bill Parcells Giants Super Bowl lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-team->nn->|nn trigger#team pos#POS rc#championship teams ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#member of UNLABELED Adel al-Jubeir Prince Bandar bin Sultan rc#, the lex#spokesman ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Washington College of Maryland Geneva trigger#victory pos#IN DT NN NN IN rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#victory over lex#home field path#pobj|<-pobj<-over<-prep<-victory->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Republican Uniondale trigger#lawyer lex#lawyer lc#to the rc#. pos#, , DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Massoud Barzani Kurds pos#, NN IN DT , POS pos#, DT NN IN IN DT JJ JJ NNS IN DT JJ NN , `` DT rc#have taken rc#have no trigger#have lc#fighters behind path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lex#sold ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#barzani lex#successfully terrorist trigger#take rc#. pos#VBZ VBN DT trigger#sell lex#chief 's path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->nsubj->|nsubj path#rcmod|->rcmod->take->nsubj->|nsubj lc#out by lex#leader main insurgent groups fractious coalition path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->dobj->|dobj REL$NA rc#to lc#" said pos#RB VBD IN DT JJ UNLABELED Ms. Vernell New Jersey path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#grow ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew pos#VBD RP IN lc#children , UNLABELED Bennett District of Columbia path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#do pos#VBZ VBN IN DT rc#- and lc#how little ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Bush Vincent path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-know->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, NN , VBZ VBN DT lex#age REL$NA trigger#know rc#since childhood UNLABELED New York Pure Water Alliance pos#, DT NN VBZ DT NN NN IN DT ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#The writer board member trigger#member rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc# NEGATIVE Andrew Marcus Richard Robbins ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#music rc#; production lc#edited by pos#: NN IN lex#music path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-dep<-director->dep->music->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#edit trigger#director UNLABELED Thomas Carter Jonathan Marc Feldman rc#; director ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write lex#written lc#Directed by trigger#directed path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#: VBN IN NEGATIVE Alexander Turney Stewart Garden City pos#, path#appos|->appos->founder->poss->|poss trigger#founder lc#memorial to ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#'s founder REL$NA UNLABELED Christian Lacroix Ms. Manners path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and trigger#meet pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Robert Crompton of Coatesville Olympic ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#the co-skippers trigger#medalist rc#silver medalist lex#Pa. owner teams 50-foot yacht Full Cry Md. path#appos|->appos->medalist->nn->|nn pos#, NNP , NN IN DT NNS POS JJ JJ NN , NNP NNP , CC IN , NNP , DT UNLABELED Sonata Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach lc#to a lex#minor trigger#bring ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-bring->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#IN NNP JJ IN rc#and a UNLABELED Jay Coleman Entertainment Marketing and Communications International lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#, who path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#but by ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Grandpa George Hearn lex#played stage actor pos#-LRB- VBN IN DT NN NN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#) sings UNLABELED Mohandas K. Gandhi Natal Indian Congress lex#spent decades start century established pos#, WP VBD NNS RB IN DT NN IN DT NN , VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-establish->dobj->|dobj rc#, now ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#establish lc#telling , NEGATIVE Barber Shop Bronx ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#run rc#. lc#'s path#dobj|<-dobj<-run->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#IN DT UNLABELED Ms. McGeehan Wunnerful ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#written with pos#, VBG `` rc#, trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj lex#including UNLABELED Sheena Lester Vibe trigger#editor lc#'' said lex#music editor path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->at->pobj->magazine->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#magazine rc#magazine . pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Duchess Maitre Suzanne Blum trigger#lawyer ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#and the path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS JJ NN , rc#( who lex#'s late lawyer UNLABELED Arun Kumar United States lc#, '' lex#senior trigger#strategist path#appos|->appos->strategist->nn->|nn pos#, JJ rc#equities strategist ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dr. John G. Clark Harvard trigger#psychiatrist pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->psychiatrist->nn->|nn rc#psychiatrist whose ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Constance Campanella Stateside Associates lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said trigger#head path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#According to path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Dover Mass Nantucket path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#for trigger#resident ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#summer resident pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#of UNLABELED Jose Angel Gurria Mexico pos#, trigger#minister path#appos|->appos->secretary->poss->|poss path#appos|->appos->minister->poss->|poss lc#, " trigger#secretary rc#'s Foreign ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#'s Secretary UNLABELED The New York Academy of Medicine Waldorf-Astoria path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#-- ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#MD VB PRP$ JJ NN IN DT trigger#hold lex#hold annual gala UNLABELED Manley Fried Los Angeles trigger#lawyer pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn lex#top rc#custody lawyer ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Adele Peter trigger#survive lex#daughters son ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#: NNS , , CC : DT NN , pos#, IN : NNS , rc#, and trigger#daughter lc#wife , lex#sons trigger#son trigger#wife rc#and path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->appos->|appos path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->dep->son->appos->|appos UNLABELED Richard Eugene Cross Rochester Hills path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT CC JJ NN , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN trigger#die rc#, Mich ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief executive civic leader died home UNLABELED Dr. Blackbourne San Diego path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#left trigger#leave lc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN rc#because UNLABELED JALAL LEACH Class AAA Columbus pos#VBD VBN RB TO trigger#send ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#. . . . Outfielder lex#outright path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Devils Mike Van Ryn rc#, a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#take REL$NA lex#choice round pos#, WP RB VBD DT NN IN DT NN , VBD UNLABELED Mr. Rich Center for Jewish Life rc#, puts lex#student president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#As ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Eileen Gillespie Slocum Newport pos#: DT NN , , IN path#dep|->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#; lc#wife , trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#son UNLABELED Howe California-based pos#CC NNP , DT ner#PERSON->MISC lex#CDT path#appos|->appos->firm->amod->|amod trigger#firm rc#firm charged lc#revolving around UNLABELED Mr. Kaczynski Michael Donahoe trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos lex#'s lead lawyer pos#POS NN NN , UNLABELED Kinshasa Airport Mr. Talbott lex#met path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#interview at ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, trigger#meet pos#, WRB PRP VBD IN UNLABELED PRB Astra Holdings trigger#own path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NNS NN rc#. lex#owned munitions company UNLABELED Richard C. Holbrooke State Department pos#, DT JJ rc#official , lc#for sending trigger#official lc#'' said lc#led by lex#senior rc#official who ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Nyman BBC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#receive pos#VBZ RB VBN DT NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lex#received commission UNLABELED Nynex John Bonomo lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#A path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman pos#NN , UNLABELED Frank Doroff Bonwit pos#, rc#'s chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Incarnation Children 's Center Washington Heights rc#section of path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->nn->|nn lc#at the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#section pos#IN DT UNLABELED Becky Morgan Joint Venture Silicon Valley rc#, the lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Julie Coates Learning Resources Network path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#information director rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Gamsakhurdia Mr. Shevardnadze rc#of being path#rcmod|->rcmod->accuse->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP RB VBZ lex#regularly accuses trigger#accuse UNLABELED Mira Academy Award rc#, may lc#daughter , trigger#accept ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accept->dobj->|dobj pos#, VB PRP$ lex#accept UNLABELED Wantagh Avenue Sunrise Highway lex#blocks north ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#north rc#, path#advmod|->advmod->north->dep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NNS RB IN lc#Good NEGATIVE Spike Lee Bedford-Stuyvesant lex#'s vision pos#POS NN IN lc#'' and path#poss|<-poss<-vision->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#vision ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in '' UNLABELED Jon Gellman Flanders lex#junior trigger#junior lc#For rc#, path#appos|->appos->junior->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Irving Eisen Mount Pleasant lc#father , trigger#father path#appos|<-appos<-father->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN NEGATIVE Starks Bulls path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN DT NN TO DT trigger#play rc#despite the lc#how well ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#played loss REL$NA UNLABELED George Artandi Book-of-the-Month Club rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN DT lex#president chief executive ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president lc#But UNLABELED Beatrice Byrd P.S. rc#when path#appos|->appos->teacher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#teacher pos#, DT NN IN trigger#teacher lc#" said UNLABELED Russ Solomon Tower lex#president ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lc#met with pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Antoinette Emerson Westchester County Board of Realtors rc#, anticipates pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president lex#'s president pos#, NN IN DT pos#, JJ POS NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Jerry P. Hirshberg Nissan Design International rc#, the lex#president lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president NEGATIVE Wave Hill New Yorkers path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-like->dobj->|dobj lex#public garden lc#confinement , trigger#like ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT , MD VB rc#to remember REL$NA UNLABELED Mary P. Quinn Bruyette & Woods Inc. trigger#analyst pos#, DT NN IN , lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Dewey Ballantine Bushby Palmer & Wodd New York pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn lc#specialist at rc#law firm trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Charles M. Beeghly Delray Beach lex#steel executive began career salesman rose chairman chief executive died home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN WP VBD PRP$ NN IN DT NN CC VBD TO VB NN CC JJ NN IN DT , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN trigger#home rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dr. Ernest Dichter Hudson Valley Hospital Center pos#, DT NN CC DT NN IN NN , VBD IN NNP IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die lex#psychologist expert marketing died Thursday ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#outside UNLABELED Rosemarie Carfagna Ursuline Studies pos#, NN IN lc#said Sister rc#, as lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Rich Dauer Kansas City rc#third-base coach path#appos|->appos->coach->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#coach lc#But UNLABELED Cleonice LoSecco P.S. path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#principal pos#, NN IN trigger#principal rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Jackie Connecticut rc#. lex#lived trigger#live pos#VBD IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Humanitarian Award Concert Avery Fisher Hall trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT IN , NNP CC MD VB IN rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON lex#Cancer lc#-- The NEGATIVE Ethel Santa Monica trigger#mother rc#, lc#mother , path#appos|<-appos<-mother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Ken Berents Baltimore Sun trigger#reporter rc#who is lex#reporter The path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Goodwill Games Manhattan path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The rc#and pos#, DT IN NN , MD VB NN IN trigger#begin ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#miniature begin tomorrow UNLABELED Greene Avenue Mr. Webb path#rcmod|->rcmod->set->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WDT rc#then set trigger#set lc#at UNLABELED Benevento Vernon Boulevard rc#summed it ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, WP VBZ IN DT IN lc#Al trigger#live path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lex#lives UNLABELED F.C.C. Mr. Murdoch lex#yesterday asked lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NN VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj rc#for more trigger#ask UNLABELED New York Business Crain Communications trigger#publication rc#, to ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->publication->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#publication lc#'s pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED GRAFFITI TATS Cru South Bronx pos#, path#appos|->appos->artist->nn->|nn rc#graffiti artists trigger#artist lc#EDGE IN ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Ray Perkins New England path#appos|->appos->coordinator->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#, rejoins rc#offensive coordinator trigger#coordinator ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Milos Budin ex-Communist pos#, DT JJ trigger#politician rc#politician who ner#PERSON->MISC lex#prominent path#appos|->appos->politician->amod->|amod lc#" said UNLABELED William Zimmer Martin Beck ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review trigger#work rc#, sculptures path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->work->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NNS IN NN lex#reviews works painter UNLABELED Syntagma Square Astir Palace pos#EX VBZ DT trigger#be lc#On rc#( ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-on<-prep<-be->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Koyo Shimizu Buddhist pos#, DT VBN lex#ordained rc#cleric from lc#the Rev. ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#cleric path#appos|->appos->cleric->nn->|nn UNLABELED Douglas J McCarron United Brotherhood of Carpenters lex#president lc#urging of pos#, WP VBZ NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Anderson All-Star Game path#rcmod|->rcmod->go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#as a pos#, WP IN IN MD VB VBG TO PRP$ trigger#anderson lc#" said UNLABELED John N. LaCorte Italians pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->champion->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and lex#champion trigger#champion UNLABELED Stern Charles Grantham N.B.A. Players Association rc#, said trigger#head lc#Meeting With lex#heads pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Ball Mr. Casper German-born lc#After the trigger#scholar pos#, DT rc#legal scholar ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->scholar->amod->|amod UNLABELED WalkerGroup/CNI WPP Group path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#NNP->ORGANIZATION pos#, , DT JJ NN NN IN lex#retail design unit rc#. lc#design at trigger#unit POSITIVE Tretyakov Gallery Moscow trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/location/containedby lc#at the rc#. UNLABELED PHYLLIS FOGELMAN Dial pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president trigger#president UNLABELED Islamic Holy War Malta trigger#leader pos#NN , IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#leader lc#leader of rc#on path#nn|<-nn<-leader->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION lc# rc#in pos#, IN UNLABELED Ms. Feingold A. & S. path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#work pos#, WP VBD IN DT lex#worked ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, including rc#in NEGATIVE Indianapolis Colts Gino Torretta pos#VBD lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#signed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->|dobj rc#yesterday to REL$NA trigger#sign UNLABELED Dehere Saratoga Special path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, IN NN , VBD JJ NNS IN DT NN NN IN DT rc#. trigger#make ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#fact made remarkable dashes stretch today UNLABELED Helmut Dietl Schtonk pos#POS NN '' lc#started with ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, '' trigger#film lex#'s film '' path#poss|<-poss<-film->dep->|dep UNLABELED Kenneth Howard Mr. Clarke rc#as Home lc#changes , ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#replace lex#current Environment Secretary replace pos#, , DT JJ NNP NNP , MD VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Patrick Alexis Bank of Boston trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#lawyer rc#and other ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Clinton Austin lex#met lex#Governor rc#last week path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#clinton pos#WRB DT NNP VBD IN path#dep|->dep->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#met with trigger#meet ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN lc#opponents when UNLABELED Lycoming College Prof Michael G Roskin rc#letter disputes ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-column->nn->|nn trigger#column UNLABELED Nynex New York-based ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#move by pos#, DT lc#neck with path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod rc#regional phone trigger#company rc#telecommunications company lc#, including rc#phone company UNLABELED Bob Harnar Ford pos#, DT rc#spokesman attending path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Most Precious Blood Church Bensonhurst pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-pastor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#pastor ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#pastor of rc#, which UNLABELED Since Golden Whippany rc#, N.J.,-based lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Long Branch Goldman , Sachs & Co. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->co-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#Jr. of pos#CC , DT NN IN lex#co-chairman rc#, have trigger#co-chairman UNLABELED Mahorn Pippen path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-know->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ ner#PERSON->MISC rc#from way trigger#know lc#" UNLABELED Iowans Bulworth trigger#iowan path#dep|->dep->be->nsubj->|nsubj pos#IN PRP VBZ NN IN NN NN , IN NN , VBZ ner#MISC->MISC rc#with all lc#country telling lex#agriculture policy UNLABELED Ann Lieberman Columbia University 's Teachers College trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#professor rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Mike Hillman Horton pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s crew path#appos|->appos->chief->poss->|poss trigger#chief lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Poulsen SRI pos#, WP RB VBD IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#work rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#worked NEGATIVE Ted Breitenstein Pittsburgh pos#VBD trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lc#, when rc#, lex#beat ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Elizabeth M. Tamposi Bush path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-dismiss->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#dismiss rc#on lex#Assistant Secretary supervised search 's files dismissed President pos#, DT NNP NNP IN WP VBD DT NN IN POS NNS , VBD VBN IN NNP UNLABELED Dr. Peter R. Breggin International Center pos#, NN IN DT rc#for the lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Neuchatel Plaza rc#and at path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell pos#, IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Dr. DeVries Science lex#published findings journal rc#last path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-publish->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD PRP$ NNS IN DT NN trigger#publish ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Michael Chinich Gramercy Pictures path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce<-dep<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. trigger#produce pos#, CC : VBN IN lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED NEW YORK Michael Kesend Publishing path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-try->nsubj->|nsubj lc#IN rc#, paper ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#try pos#-LRB- UNLABELED Sebastian D'Elia Mr. Bollwage pos#, path#appos|->appos->secretary->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s press lc#, " trigger#secretary UNLABELED Ms. Robinson Cozumel path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, in pos#, JJ , WP$ NNS VBP IN , CC , VBD RP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#grow lex#ancestors grew UNLABELED Charles J. Hynes New York City Council rc#. lc#candidates include lex#District Attorney president Speaker pos#, DT NNP NNP : , NN IN DT : , DT JJ , CC , DT NNP IN DT trigger#speaker ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->speaker->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED London The Financial Times pos#, ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#reported today lc#In path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-report->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#report UNLABELED Grote Reber Mr. Jansky rc#as '' ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recall->dobj->|dobj trigger#recall pos#, , WP IN DT POS CC POS VBN POS NN , VBD lex#'s 's duplicated 's work recalled UNLABELED Avon Barbie Spring Blossom pos#, '' lc#The trigger#have rc#, '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->nsubj->|nsubj lex#'' ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Liberal Party Democrat pos#POS NN IN DT path#poss|<-poss<-support->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#, State lc#, the trigger#support REL$NA lex#'s support UNLABELED David Hytha A.T. & T. Microelectronics lc#, " rc#said today lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Yankee Stadium Bronx Historical Society pos#VBN IN DT lc#the inner lex#sponsored trigger#sponsor path#partmod|->partmod->sponsor->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#will take NEGATIVE Councilman Conservative Party lc#of the trigger#tie ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-tie->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#'s close ties rc#, which REL$NA pos#POS JJ NNS TO DT UNLABELED Bunkers Faldo Masters lc#Avoiding the trigger#win path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD PRP$ ner#PERSON->MISC rc#in April lex#won NEGATIVE John Douglas Federal Bureau of Investigation trigger#investigator path#appos|->appos->investigator->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, said trigger#have lex#serial murder investigator rc#as a pos#, DT JJ NN NN NN IN DT lex#retired career ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB VBN , VBD DT NN IN DT NEGATIVE Green Bay Packers Andy Reid ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#and the pos#POS NNS NN , rc#. lex#quarterbacks coach path#poss|<-poss<-coach->appos->|appos REL$NA trigger#coach NEGATIVE Pete Wilson Bob Dole lc#CANDIDACY Gov. pos#IN , WP$ JJ NN IN DT NNP NN VBD TO VB JJ NN , NN CC JJ NN , VBD NNP ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#abortive Presidential nomination failed attract sufficient money excitement public support endorsed Senator rc#. REL$NA trigger#endorse path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-endorse->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Kylie Hunt Shaun Stafford trigger#beat pos#IN , DT JJ IN DT , VBD lex#senior beat ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#ADVANCES : rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->tmod->|tmod UNLABELED Nabil Abu Rdeineh Yasir Arafat rc#, the lex#spokesman ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Francis J. Duffy William H. Miller rc#wrote " ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->write->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#write pos#, WP IN NEGATIVE Kenneth Riverdale rc#, pos#, IN , , , IN , , , IN , , , IN trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#brothers , REL$NA POSITIVE Linda McCartney Tucson REL$/people/deceased_person/place_of_death path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#When lex#died breast cancer pos#VBD IN NN NN IN trigger#die rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED R Bruckner Private Life trigger#review pos#VBZ NN lc#D J lex#reviews play rc#, written ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Guanajuato Mexico City ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#: the pos#VBZ VBN RB RBR TO lex#moved steadily closer path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move REL$NA lc#highways , NEGATIVE John McNeill Jesuit pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#priest path#appos|->appos->priest->nn->|nn rc#priest who REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Florida Greg Zaun lex#backup catcher lc#from path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-acquire->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, trigger#acquire pos#IN DT NN NN UNLABELED Ms. Lawson England lc#SHE visited pos#IN trigger#visit path#dobj|<-dobj<-visit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Lawrence Gunn Time Distribution Services pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Hayward Collaborative Group lex#president pos#POS NN , DT rc#of path#poss|<-poss<-company->appos->|appos lex#'s company pos#VBZ NN IN DT trigger#company ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#graduate is rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Hiram Jacqueline Pickering trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#, of rc#of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#daughter pos#, : DT NN , trigger#son UNLABELED Miss Ross Mr. Shawn lex#describes trigger#describe pos#VBZ rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->PERSON lc#book , NEGATIVE Lakers Campbell path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-select->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#as the lex#selected REL$NA trigger#select NEGATIVE Lott Washington path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#do rc#is put pos#CC DT VBN NN MD VB IN lc#thing ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#added visibility NEGATIVE Scott Reds trigger#partner rc#since path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-partner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#limited partner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#VBD VBN DT JJ NN IN DT NEGATIVE Hunter New South Wales lex#region ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#( pos#NN IN lc#from the trigger#region path#nn|<-nn<-region->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Icahn Mr. LeBow pos#VBD NN IN pos#VBD lc#reorganization , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#put path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pressure->dobj->|dobj lex#put pressure trigger#pressure rc#to forgo lex#pressured UNLABELED Mr. Hutner Bronx pos#VBD VBN IN DT path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and was trigger#bear lex#born ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Ann S. Lavin Chicago lex#clarinet player path#appos|->appos->player->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, was ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#player pos#, DT NN NN IN NEGATIVE Richard Raysman New York pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#partner trigger#partner rc#law firm path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->firm->nn->|nn trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#said UNLABELED National Indian Foundation Brazilian lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#government agency trigger#agency path#appos|->appos->agency->amod->|amod UNLABELED Maria Roach Ms. Farrow path#appos|->appos->friend->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#camp when ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lifelong friend trigger#friend rc#'s , pos#, DT JJ NN IN NEGATIVE Tim Carvell Spectator trigger#editor pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->editor->poss->|poss rc#'s editorial ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Black & Veatch Kansas City lc#partner at path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, Mo. trigger#consultant trigger#base rc#, lex#engineering construction company path#appos|->appos->consultant->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#company lex#international environmental management consultant based lc#report by ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN CC NN NN IN pos#, DT JJ JJ CC NN NN VBN IN UNLABELED Mrs. Morris Curtis Institute of Music rc#in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-study->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#study ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#studied composition pos#VBD NN IN DT UNLABELED Paul Basile Backer Spielvogel ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#and created path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#senior vice president group creative director pos#, WP VBZ RB DT JJ NN NN CC NN JJ NN IN trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Daniel Wyndmore lex#daughter pos#, IN : DT NN , , IN lc#son , trigger#daughter trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, Pa. ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Rogers Memorial Library Building Fund Southampton trigger#go pos#IN lc#to the rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-go->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Audrey Kelly Florio rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NNP lex#spokeswoman Governor trigger#spokeswoman NEGATIVE Don Beebe Super Bowl pos#MD VB trigger#miss rc#because of lex#miss path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-miss->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#wide receiver UNLABELED Mama Leone Italian rc#restaurant . path#appos|->appos->restaurant->amod->|amod lc#action at pos#POS , DT JJ , JJ NN lex#'s late great area ner#LOCATION->MISC trigger#restaurant UNLABELED Russell Werner Microsoft trigger#manager lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN IN CC NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#general manager business unit rc#. '' UNLABELED Joseph P. Rose Citizens Housing and Planning Council trigger#director pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director rc#, expressing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Royal Ulster Constabulary Britain trigger#tie path#poss|<-poss<-tie->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#'s overt ties rc#-- like pos#POS JJS JJ NNS IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#that the UNLABELED Frederic Remington Indians lex#cast trigger#cast ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, IN NN , VBD rc#as savage path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-cast->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Indian Council Brooklyn trigger#district lc#a majority-West path#nn|<-nn<-district->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, she ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#NN IN JJ lex#district central UNLABELED Mario Mitarotonda Vincci rc#, a path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Leopold Games rc#because they trigger#remain lex#remain ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-remain->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#and said REL$NA pos#MD VB IN DT NEGATIVE Bonilla St. Louis lc#" said pos#, WP VBD JJ NN NNS NNP IN rc#to lead lex#two-run home runs Wednesday path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#bonilla UNLABELED Sachiko Goodman Sachiko Bower path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->nsubj->|nsubj pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#when trigger#be UNLABELED Christina Roden Music trigger#manager pos#, NNS NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, " lex#sales manager 's rc#, a NEGATIVE Keith Carradine Will Rogers Follies path#appos|->appos->star->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#star rc#. " pos#, DT NN IN `` DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lex#star The lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Courtney Alexander ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->brother->appos->|appos lc#son , trigger#son rc#, of pos#, IN : DT NN , lex#brother trigger#brother UNLABELED Estella Kwan Michelle pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#mother rc#'s mother lc#, " path#appos|->appos->mother->poss->|poss UNLABELED Aaron Dare Urban League lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and lc#, said trigger#president UNLABELED Community Board Mott Haven ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj pos#, WDT VBZ lex#represents rc#, voted trigger#represent lc#But NEGATIVE Vatican Library Pope Nicholas V trigger#found lc#The path#partmod|->partmod->found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, housing ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#founded REL$NA pos#, VBN IN IN UNLABELED Washington Cascades Olympic Range lc#to the path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->MISC pos#TO DT rc#on the trigger#move UNLABELED Blueprint Cafe London pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#open lc#'s ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#before going UNLABELED Mr. Spencer Conservative Parties trigger#candidate pos#, , DT VBN NN IN DT CC rc#. lex#endorsed candidate ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#challenged by path#appos|->appos->candidate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Mendez First Boston lex#left trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj pos#, , VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Pollan Krath pos#VBD DT lc#end , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->dobj->|dobj trigger#introduce ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#introduced rc#, a UNLABELED Andrea Martin Breast Cancer Fund lc#Working with path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN DT lex#president executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in NEGATIVE Barbara Cohen Washington pos#, rc#bureau chief ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->chief->nn->|nn trigger#chief REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Kostikov Yeltsin rc#press spokesman ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn lc#, " trigger#spokesman UNLABELED CARMINE AGNELLO MARY GOTTI ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, CC PRP$ NN , rc#. lex#aunt path#appos|<-appos<-husband->appos->|appos lc#husband , trigger#husband UNLABELED Eleanor Marjorie Rackow ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife->appos->|appos pos#: DT NN , , IN , , CC DT NN , rc#of lc#wife , lex#brother sister trigger#wife NEGATIVE Mother Teresa Caesar trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ RBR JJ rc#than is lc#is that path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Judy Reiner Planned Parenthood of Houston trigger#director lex#deputy director rc#, and lc#identifications of ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Hammock Bernd Schwieren trigger#manager lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s campaign manager rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-manager->appos->|appos pos#POS NN NN , NEGATIVE Daniel Littlefield English path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said trigger#professor ner#PERSON->MISC rc#at the pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lex#professor UNLABELED Mr. Mustafa Macedonia rc#this trigger#work path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#RB VBD IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#worked UNLABELED urbane Frenchman Jeremy Irons lex#played pos#VBN IN trigger#play lc#, the rc#, is ner#MISC->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Ray Crockett Denver rc#cornerback . pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->cornerback->nn->|nn trigger#cornerback ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Citizens Union Mr. Dryfoos pos#, DT JJ JJ NN , VBN IN lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#nonpartisan civic organization called trigger#call path#partmod|->partmod->call->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#to give UNLABELED National Federation Jewish Culture rc#and the lc#of the pos#IN ner#LOCATION->MISC path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#president UNLABELED Brian J. Fabbri Midland Bank path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief economist trigger#economist rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Gilbert H. Jr. Eleanor M. Cares ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#, trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#, of path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#, IN , , CC , IN , : DT NN , UNLABELED Giorgio Capeletti Mr. Nolfo path#appos|->appos->friend->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#who helps ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, and trigger#friend lex#friend pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED El Flamingo Manhattan path#nn|<-nn<-club->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#club lex#club pos#NN IN lc#Dream at rc#; photo UNLABELED Jo Muriel lc#colony when ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-mother->appos->|appos rc#( trigger#mother pos#POS NN , lex#'s mother NEGATIVE William Fay Merrill Lynch lc#" said trigger#broker path#appos|->appos->broker->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#broker rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, PRP$ NN IN NEGATIVE Kemp Reggie Miller trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#team rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD RB IN DT NN , IN REL$NA UNLABELED Sheila Jack New York City Human Resources Administration pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lc#' UNLABELED Dennis J Carroll Billy Gashade rc#by ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review pos#VBZ NN lex#reviews book path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Christopher J. Dodd Democrat of Connecticut pos#, lc#, Senator trigger#sponsor rc#, said path#appos|<-appos<-sponsor->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Seton Hall North Carolina pos#VBZ TO pos#MD VB JJ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#, VBN IN DT TO VB DT CC RB RB VB DT JJ NN , VBD VBN RB IN pos#MD VB trigger#beat lex#play trigger#play trigger#lose pos#POS NN IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#Wednesday , lc#, after rc#at lc#matchups , pos#VBD TO rc#at home lex#play powerful lex#lost path#poss|<-poss<-meeting->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-beat->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#picked win Final team beaten mercilessly rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#loses lc#Sunday when ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#on Wednesday trigger#meeting lex#'s meeting rc#, a UNLABELED Michael Ault Owner Watts Street rc#club The trigger#club path#appos|->appos->club->nn->|nn pos#, , DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Andrew Biviano Seattle lex#student home path#appos|->appos->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said trigger#home rc#for the ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Name Game Like Andrea Martin lc#The rc#recently found pos#JJ NNS IN NN NN , ner#MISC->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->nsubj->|nsubj lex#people show business trigger#find UNLABELED Meryl Bernstein Suffern pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#broker path#appos|->appos->broker->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#broker rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Eugene Lee Tony Award trigger#win lc#by pos#, WP VBD DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#for the lex#won REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Schmoke Samuel Culotta trigger#win ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#IN VBD DT NN IN NN IN DT NN IN RB VBG PRP$ NN , lex#won term percent vote largely ignoring adversary path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj rc#, a NEGATIVE Vaclav Havel Opera trigger#adaptation path#poss|<-poss<-adaptation->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#'s stage adaptation The 's pos#POS NN NN IN `` DT POS rc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#adaptation of UNLABELED Shawn Alleman David Eldridge rc#, the pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman lc#" said UNLABELED Achim Blau German Federation of Wine Growers pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#economist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#economist rc#, a UNLABELED Cafe Habana Cuban-Mexican path#appos|->appos->restaurant->nn->|nn lc#opens pos#, JJ ner#PERSON->MISC rc#restaurant , trigger#restaurant lex#cafeteria-style UNLABELED George E. Reedy St. John 's Tower path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->nn->|nn pos#, DT JJ NN WP VBD DT IN POS NN NN CC IN IN PRP$ JJ JJ NNS , VBD NN IN DT trigger#home trigger#die rc#nursing home ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#thoughtful reporter served 's press secretary private whipping boys died today UNLABELED TENNECO INC. Paul T. Stecko lex#named ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, , , VBN rc#chief operating path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn trigger#officer UNLABELED David Duval Motorola Showdown trigger#defeat path#dobj|<-dobj<-defeat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#at pos#, CC , IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#to defeat UNLABELED Invesco Funds Kellogg ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#with the lex#owns stock rc#. trigger#funds pos#IN , WDT RB VBZ NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Roberta Smith Jewish Museum rc#of film lex#reviews exhibit trigger#review pos#VBZ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Chechens Klaptsov lc#, the ner#MISC->PERSON lex#suddenly released Colonel trigger#release pos#RB VBN NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-release->dobj->|dobj rc#, driving NEGATIVE Max Italy path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-publish->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ RB VBN IN trigger#publish rc#, lex#published ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Regional Bell United States pos#NNS IN DT rc#were especially path#nn|<-nn<-company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#companies trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Joseph D. McDonell Lilco lex#spokesman lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman rc#. '' NEGATIVE Ronald Reagan Ireland lc#distinction as rc#; trigger#ambassador pos#POS NNP TO path#poss|<-poss<-ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#'s Ambassador ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Phil Sharpe House Energy Subcomittee lc#position strikes lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#, as ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Bob City Ballet lc#addressed to path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn rc#musical director pos#, RB DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Jerome Metzner New York City path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#teach lc#LEAD : lex#taught biology pos#, WP VBD NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#for more UNLABELED David Marriott Cravath trigger#associate path#appos|->appos->associate->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#associate ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said UNLABELED Frank M. Staten Island rc#; lc#son , trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED JITNEY Cynthia Mayeda lex#By August directed sets lighting costumes sound fight choreographer production stage manager co-dramaturgs co-founder artistic director interim managing director pos#IN NNP : VBN IN : NNS IN : NN IN : NNS IN : NN IN : NN NN , : NN NN NN , : NNS , CC : NN CC JJ NN , : JJ NN NN , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#. path#dep|->dep->director->appos->|appos trigger#director UNLABELED Carolyn Hayworth Calgene path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said NEGATIVE Taylor Queens lc#Miss lex#attends high school pos#, WP VBZ JJ NN IN rc#, was ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#attend path#rcmod|->rcmod->attend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Robert Wulf Portland rc#, Ore. trigger#start pos#, NN NNS NN IN , DT NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->nsubj->|nsubj lex#investor relations manager timber company lc#" said UNLABELED Too Taylor California path#appos|->appos->rookie->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#, trigger#rookie lex#rookie ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#selected on UNLABELED Scott Miller New York-based lc#advisers include pos#, DT trigger#strategist ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->strategist->amod->|amod rc#media strategist UNLABELED Animal Behavior Society Flagstaff lex#meetings lc#at the rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#meeting pos#NNS IN path#nn|<-nn<-meeting->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Rangers Playland Ice Casino path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#get lc#The rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#consecutive defeats victory games message today pos#, IN JJ VBZ CC RB NN IN PRP$ NNS , VBD DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Ray Julio pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj rc#and trigger#ask UNLABELED Lufthansa A.G. West German pos#, DT JJ trigger#carrier ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#state-controlled pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->airline->amod->|amod rc#airline that ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->carrier->amod->|amod rc#carrier , lc#, to trigger#airline lc#more than NEGATIVE Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN rc#. trigger#cooperation REL$NA lc#members of UNLABELED Ms. Conway Smith lex#president pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#from trigger#president POSITIVE Mevlana Turkey pos#IN:INV rc#, or:INV REL$/film/film/country lc#known in:INV path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj:INV ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#know UNLABELED Stock Sale Goldman , Sachs & Company American trigger#bank ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT lc#'s path#appos|->appos->bank->amod->|amod rc#investment bank UNLABELED Milton Singer Chicago lex#anthropologist expert died Monday home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN CC NN IN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN NEGATIVE Oiler Edmonton rc#was still lc#becoming an pos#, WRB path#dep|->dep->be->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#oiler REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Leviton Retirement Growth trigger#manager lc#replaced by pos#, DT rc#manager . path#appos|->appos->manager->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Michael Strippoli Queens rc#, said path#appos|->appos->salesman->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lex#retired jewelry salesman trigger#salesman lc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Portland Kia Motors Corporation ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , , DT NN IN DT rc#of lc#, and lex#unit trigger#unit UNLABELED Jeff Ceterko Union trigger#manager pos#, DT NN NN NN IN rc#, path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#convenience store manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Franco Costa Padua trigger#official lex#school official path#appos|->appos->official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#, brought UNLABELED Pieter Bottelier China lc#" said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#'s resident director pos#, DT POS JJ NN IN rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Dolman New York rc#, he lc#While pos#MD VB VBN IN trigger#base path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and will ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Carmine A. Iannaccone Hannoch Weisman lex#partner law firm lc#'' said trigger#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Timothy Smith Interfaith Council on Corporate Responsibility lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which trigger#director UNLABELED Gleb Uspensky Mr. Brodsky pos#, DT JJ NN CC NN IN DT NN NN , VBD VBN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#that trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj rc#in lex#senior editor co-publisher publishing house met NEGATIVE Sunnyside Westchester trigger#visit ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-visit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#people visited rc#and pos#, , CC DT IN REL$NA UNLABELED Irishman James Galway rc#and the trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#A fellow lex#onetime manager ner#MISC->PERSON pos#, , JJ NN IN UNLABELED Hay Day Markets Sutton Place Gourmet pos#, DT NN IN NN NN NNS IN , , VBZ VBN IN trigger#merge ner#MISC->PERSON lex#chain specialty food stores merged path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-merge->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Dr. Philip Schambra National Institutes of Health path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, told pos#, NN IN DT IN DT UNLABELED Hartmax Specialty Stores Inc. Hartmax Corp. path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, named lc#* lex#unit pos#, , DT NN IN trigger#unit UNLABELED Lehman College Education and Labor Committee pos#CC , NN IN path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#graduate of rc#. lex#member UNLABELED Robin Lee Hatcher Romance Writers of America rc#and the lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Peter Marshall Manhattan Film lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Anthony Porto Purple Heart Museum Inc. lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#'' We ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED American Retail Federation Washington pos#, DT NN NN VBN IN path#appos|->appos->group->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->group->nn->|nn lc#and the lex#trade group based trigger#group lc#with the trigger#base rc#trade group ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, voted UNLABELED Lucy Kirk Cleaver Elizabeth Stedman ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lex#daughter rc#of lc#the former trigger#daughter pos#: DT NN , NEGATIVE Alonzo Powell Calgary trigger#purchase ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-contract<-dobj<-purchase->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN , IN rc#. trigger#contract lc#contract of lex#outfielder REL$NA NEGATIVE Richard Klein Americans pos#, DT NN IN IN CC DT JJ JJ NN , VBD ner#PERSON->MISC lex#professor self-described fat man advised path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-advise->dobj->|dobj trigger#advise rc#to loosen REL$NA UNLABELED Sky Beauty Belmont Park trigger#win path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#last Saturday lc#along with pos#, WP VBD DT IN lex#won ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Shigeru Hatakeyama Defense Agency trigger#minister pos#, DT NNP NNP IN POS lc#Recently rc#, was lex#Vice Minister 's path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED My Flag Belmont rc#, the trigger#win path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#won ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#RB VBZ VBN DT IN UNLABELED Rocco Marinaccio English path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#professor at lc#'' said trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->amod->|amod pos#, DT rc#at ner#PERSON->MISC lc#, and pos#, DT NN IN lex#professor UNLABELED Lyudmila Reyngach Oceanview Optical lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner rc#on ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#owner UNLABELED Yankees-Seattle Yankee Stadium path#nn|<-nn<-game->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#game trigger#game pos#NN IN rc#on ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#. . . . The NEGATIVE Intel Washington rc#office , pos#POS NN lc#head of trigger#office path#poss|<-poss<-office->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#'s six-person REL$NA UNLABELED Barry Jackson House Republican Conference trigger#director pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director rc#, suggested ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#But UNLABELED Travelers Ireland lc#The rc#for hundreds pos#, RB VBN NNS CC NNS : NN IN NNS , IN JJ JJ NNS PRP VBD RB : VBP VBN IN trigger#live path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#called itinerants tinkers -- slang tinsmiths odd jobs moved -- lived UNLABELED Nikos Kazantzakis Christ Recrucified trigger#novel ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. " lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-novel->dep->|dep lc#based on pos#POS NN `` UNLABELED Mr. Shevchenko Natasha pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos rc#, a UNLABELED Robert McKinley RAM Research lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said lc#according to pos#, NN IN DT NN NN NN NN lex#president credit card research firm path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president rc#in lc#But rc#, a UNLABELED John H. Miers Amoco Worldwide Exploration Business Group path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president rc#. pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Helen Caulfield Hoffman Carole Lee Hancock ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lex#daughter rc#of lc#wife , trigger#daughter pos#: DT NN , UNLABELED Candido Feliciano da Ponte Neto Caritas trigger#director rc#, said pos#, DT NN RB IN lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#But UNLABELED Mr. Anderson Darex ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#marketing director rc#, an pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#director UNLABELED Willie Jean Hayes Pine Bluff ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT trigger#woman path#appos|->appos->woman->nn->|nn lc#someone like rc#woman with NEGATIVE Carl Banks Redskins pos#, DT rc#' new trigger#linebacker path#appos|->appos->linebacker->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Elisa Hinken trigger#letter path#nn|<-nn<-letter->nn->|nn rc#letter opposes ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NNP NEGATIVE Chadwick Rockville Centre pos#POS NN IN lex#'s restaurant rc#, trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#reviews REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Linda Dozoretz International Management Group pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#according to path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->poss->|poss lc#, " trigger#spokeswoman lex#spokeswoman rc#'s spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which UNLABELED Daniel Callahan Hastings Institute pos#, NN IN DT lex#co-founder trigger#co-founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->co-founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#said rc#in UNLABELED Kennedy Center Bicentennial Scarecrow path#nn|<-nn<-production->dep->|dep lc#and the pos#NN IN '' lex#production '' ner#MISC->MISC trigger#production rc#. '' UNLABELED NANCY ROMEO South Plainfield New York path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->nn->|nn pos#, , DT NN VBZ ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#The writer rc#region vice trigger#president UNLABELED American Embassy Iraqis path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#receive pos#IN VBD VBN NN IN lc#the besieged rc#sparked the lex#received food UNLABELED Mr. Cary Honeywell Corporation lex#senior buyer trigger#buyer path#appos|->appos->buyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Strauss Zelnick North American lc#" said pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->chairman->amod->|amod trigger#chairman rc#chairman of NEGATIVE Marcel Aubut Quebec Nordiques pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president rc#; pos#, NN IN DT lc#decided that lc#; rc#, said lc#And pos#, DT rc#, had path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and trigger#owner rc#. lc#them was lc#, and path#appos|->appos->owner->nn->|nn lc#operations ; ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#owner rc#owner , REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED Gerson Nieves Nidus Corporation lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in the lc#them are ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Morris White House rc#with the lex#met lc#summer between lex#avid proponent early television commercials deputy rc#chief of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ NN IN VBG JJ NN NNS , CC , DT NN pos#VBD IN DT lc#, trigger#meet ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->chief->nn->|nn trigger#chief NEGATIVE Michael Hurley Mr. Weber rc#'s from path#appos|->appos->friend->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Written by trigger#friend REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN IN lex#boyhood friend NEGATIVE Hanoi Saigon ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#capital rc#by flying lc#trip from path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#place like pos#TO trigger#trip trigger#hanoi pos#, DT NN , CC , RB VBN IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-trip->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Reeves Pepper Johnson lc#When trigger#cut pos#VBD lex#cut ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD RB VBN lex#cut linebacker lc#heads when lc#, when rc#and some rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-cut->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD NN rc#last season REL$NA rc#and kicker UNLABELED Dr. Albert Sheffer National Institutes of Health path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, urged trigger#consultant pos#, DT NN NN TO DT lex#asthma consultant ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Rabbi Perilman Congregation Emanu-El trigger#come rc#as an pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Montreal Astrodome ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#victory rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-over<-prep<-victory->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#victory over pos#IN DT UNLABELED Loyola Keir Rogers trigger#score rc#scored lc#FRIDAY path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->nsubj->|nsubj ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#-LRB- NNP -RRB- , , NNP -LRB- NNP -RRB- : lex#Ill. Ill. AP -- UNLABELED Nicolas Rojas Ms. Bertomen lex#bookstore 's staff invite path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invite->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#book prompted rc#to organize trigger#invite pos#, IN DT NN POS NN , TO VB UNLABELED Mr. Pollak The Times lex#joined trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj rc#as a pos#, , VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Norwalk Charles lc#, of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, NNP : NNS , IN , , IN , , CC IN : DT NN , trigger#daughter rc#, of trigger#brother lex#Conn. sisters brother UNLABELED Mr. Holbrooke Veton Surroi path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, the lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Later , trigger#meet pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Mr. Laupheimer Washington Mutual rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-like->dobj->|dobj pos#RB VBZ trigger#like lex#likes UNLABELED Pamela Pulleyn Machold Gurdon W. Wattles pos#IN : DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#daughter , rc#of lex#brother trigger#brother path#dep|->dep->brother->appos->|appos UNLABELED Lawrence Dwyer Westchester County Association rc#, the rc#, a lex#president rc#; lc#, '' pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said lc#Executive ; path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED U.S. Ice Hockey Team lc#: The ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#and the pos#NNP POS trigger#women path#nn|<-nn<-women<-poss<-|poss lex#Women 's UNLABELED Graham Noyes San Francisco trigger#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn pos#, PRP$ rc#lawyer , ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Scott Klinger Franklin Research and Development Corporation pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' added trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED When Fordham Sugar Bowl trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN DT rc#, lex#beat ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Siemens Duewag Corporation Germany-based Siemens A.G. path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#, the rc#, pledged lex#unit trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Gurriero Brooklyn rc#, because path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-arraign->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN JJ IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#arraigned trigger#arraign UNLABELED Anspach Grossman Enterprise WPP lc#president at path#appos|->appos->unit->nn->|nn pos#, , DT trigger#unit ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#unit , UNLABELED Michael Newmann Paper magazine trigger#executive rc#, who pos#, NN NN IN NN IN lex#account executive advertising ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ms. Kingsolver Kentucky lex#left hometown northeastern trigger#leave pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN JJ ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#to train UNLABELED Miccosukee Mr. Pimm path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj lc#The lex#accuse ner#MISC->PERSON rc#and others trigger#accuse pos#VBP UNLABELED Velazquez Frick Collection pos#IN NNPS '' VBZ IN DT trigger#remain path#dep|->dep->remain->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#Museums '' remains NEGATIVE Bay Shore Medellin trigger#bear lc#broker from rc#, lex#born pos#, , WP VBD VBN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Moises Ville Jewish path#poss|<-poss<-population->amod->|amod lc#But as ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#population lex#'s pos#POS rc#population dwindles UNLABELED Expos All-Star Game ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#send pos#VBD DT JJ NNS TO DT lc#when the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#in lex#league-high players UNLABELED David M. Pyke Ms. Jones trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#lawsuit , lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Michael Schelew Toronto trigger#lawyer pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#immigration lawyer ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#Credibility ' UNLABELED Mr. Noyer Maurice L. Noyer lex#born son ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->dobj->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear trigger#son pos#VBD VBN IN , IN , DT NN IN rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Murray Senate pos#CC , DT lc#, path#appos|->appos->aide->nn->|nn rc#aide working trigger#aide ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Ms. Davis Brown University rc#and holds lex#graduate trigger#graduate pos#VBZ DT NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE James Traub Nation pos#POS '' NNP DT trigger#suggest rc#'' suggests path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-suggest->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#'s '' Inyourface REL$NA lc#Though NEGATIVE Republican Steven Pierce pos#NN , rc#, a lc#and the ner#MISC->PERSON path#amod|<-amod<-candidate->appos->|appos lex#candidate REL$NA trigger#candidate UNLABELED Institute for Physical Sciences University of Maryland lc#of the pos#CC NNP IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lex#Technology path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Ralph Ellison Charge pos#VBD DT IN trigger#call lex#called path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#-- known ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#the novelist UNLABELED Don Hauka The Province trigger#reporter lc#that , path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#political reporter ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN rc#, a UNLABELED W. Ann Reynolds W. pos#: DT lex#-- ner#PERSON->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->nsubj->|nsubj rc#is for trigger#reynolds UNLABELED Steve Hoskins Virginia Beach Pavilion trigger#defeat pos#, , IN DT NN NN IN DT rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-defeat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#by defeating lex#title match ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Taylor Rosedale Nurseries of Hawthorne lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said Powers trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Breech Henry Ford pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#introduce lc#EVENTUALLY , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#introduced UNLABELED Neil Young Shoreline Amphitheater trigger#concert lex#'s concert weekend rc#here . pos#POS NN DT NN IN DT path#poss|<-poss<-concert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#causes was UNLABELED Media and Marketing Ltd. Media lex#publisher pos#, , NN IN rc#, lc#stake in ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#publisher path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ms. Norton Bush Administration path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#CC , DT NNP IN NNP CC IN DT lc#joined by rc#. trigger#secretary lex#Secretary Housing ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Bernard J. LeGeros Mr. Crispo path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD IN trigger#work rc#, was lex#worked NEGATIVE Mariners Ramiro Mendoza lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-want->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#want pos#VBP REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED Monique P. Yazigi Sweet-16-Going-On-25 Party pos#POS NN -LRB- '' DT path#poss|<-poss<-article->dep->|dep lc#Editor : rc#, '' trigger#article lex#'s article '' ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Twins North Carolina pos#VBP NN IN DT NN , VBG , RB , IN lc#The trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#foot door heading ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mentor Institute English-language trigger#school ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#IN , DT lc#from the rc#school . path#appos|->appos->school->amod->|amod UNLABELED Evelyn Ortner Unity Group Inc lc#Article on pos#, , NN IN trigger#founder rc#, nonprofit lex#founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Emmylou Maria Callas path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fan->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#CC PRP VBP DT trigger#fan rc#fans . NEGATIVE Coyle Ronald Reagan path#rcmod|->rcmod->appoint->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#Judge pos#, WP VBD VBN TO DT NN IN NNP trigger#appoint lex#appointed bench President REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Guerlain Inc. American ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#appos|->appos->unit->amod->|amod pos#, DT trigger#unit lc#October , rc#unit of UNLABELED Bruce Maddy-Weitzman Dayan Center for Middle Eastern trigger#researcher path#appos|->appos->researcher->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#and lex#senior researcher ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Bull Bull pos#, WP VBZ IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#bull lc#" said UNLABELED Lieut. Dennis Cooney Danbury rc#police . path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->police->nn->|nn trigger#police ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said pos#IN DT UNLABELED N. Erlanger New York lex#wholesale textiles concern trigger#concern path#appos|->appos->concern->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#chairman of rc#. pos#, , DT JJ NNS NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Michael Levine School of Organization pos#, DT NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->dean->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#dean 's trigger#dean lc#" commented ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and Management UNLABELED Long Shadow of Little Rock Eleanor Roosevelt path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, '' rc#wrote , trigger#write ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#'' The lex#'' UNLABELED Robert Merrill Ferdinand the Bull pos#, CC VBG DT NN TO `` ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-deliver->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#delivering narration lc#around with rc#, " trigger#deliver UNLABELED Julia Seattle trigger#school rc#school calls lc#, what path#poss|<-poss<-school->nn->|nn lex#'s pos#POS ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Utley Marty lc#shoulders of ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, and trigger#make path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ lex#makes forceful NEGATIVE Alfredo Rodriguez Harlem rc#small supermarket pos#, DT trigger#owner path#appos|->appos->owner->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Music Box Costa-Gavras path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-direct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj path#rcmod|->rcmod->include->dobj->|dobj lex#'' directed lc#The pos#'' IN , DT NN VBD ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#'' VBD VBN IN rc#, whose rc#as the lc#'' The trigger#direct lex#'' deal included trigger#include ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Alfred L. L. Sophie B. Kelley lex#daughters ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#sons , rc#of trigger#daughter trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#, IN , , CC , IN , : NNS , UNLABELED Mark Fabiani Los Angeles path#appos|->appos->mayor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#mayor lex#Deputy Mayor pos#, DT NNP NNP IN rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Villa Police Department lex#filed complaint pos#VBD DT NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#file rc#and with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Boca Raton Englewood Cliffs ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, of rc#, trigger#son lex#daughter brother path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#: PRP$ NN , IN , CC DT NN , , IN REL$NA UNLABELED Nancy Wackstein Mr. Dinkins pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->adviser->poss->|poss path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->office->poss->|poss trigger#adviser rc#'s chief trigger#office rc#'s new lex#director pos#, DT NN IN trigger#director UNLABELED Westchester County Republican Committee County Center lex#met lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN DT trigger#meet ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED David Warden London pos#, , JJ NN NN CC JJ NN IN POS NN , MD VB TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, as trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#executive vice president general manager 's office move UNLABELED Moises Ville Russia trigger#come rc#and brought lex#agrarian colonies lc#who founded pos#CC JJ JJ NNS VBD IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED DUDLEY CLENDINEN Dudley Clendinen The New York Times path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-correspondent->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#VBZ RB DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#correspondent lex#national correspondent NEGATIVE Robinson Riverdale lc#) path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear rc#, lex#born pos#VBD VBN , IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Ridgefield Lassus ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, WRB DT NN VBZ IN lc#in lex#program moves rc#and trigger#move path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Hirsch Martin Straka trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#from similar lex#beat REL$NA pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Roy Gutierrez Democratic lex#county pos#, DT NN ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->chairman->amod->|amod rc#chairman , trigger#chairman UNLABELED James Skillen Center for Public Justice pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#director lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Straw Geer ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#executive vice president director strategic services pos#VBD RB DT NN NN NN CC NN IN JJ NNS IN rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#duties ; trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Mang Bon Marche lex#report company 's chairman chief executive president rc#, pos#, WP MD VB TO , DT NN POS NN CC JJ NN , VBZ RB NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#president UNLABELED Ms. Dorrison Ms. Faniola trigger#beat pos#, WP ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->nsubj->|nsubj rc#beat in lc#tournament to UNLABELED International Amateur Athletic Federation Carl Lewis trigger#pay ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->dobj->|dobj lc#said the lex#world governing body track field paying rc#and pos#, DT NN VBG NN IN NN CC NN , VBD VBG NEGATIVE McCarthy Yankee trigger#manager ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, RB DT path#dep|->dep->manager->nn->|nn rc#manager , REL$NA UNLABELED Solar Kinetics Teflon rc#coated with lc#( trigger#look pos#VBZ RB VBG IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-look->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Germany Henckels pos#IN ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-make->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#make rc#, was lc#made in NEGATIVE El Paso Federal trigger#judge rc#judge ruled ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, , DT lc#, in REL$NA path#appos|->appos->judge->nn->|nn UNLABELED Charles R. Thamarus Clothier trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#manager 's rc#on pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE James Polk Innocent Blood rc#by trigger#review pos#VBZ NN lex#reviews book ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED David Meggett Jets rc#just this path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD TO DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#meggett UNLABELED Cinque charismatic trigger#leader pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#who plays rc#leader of path#appos|->appos->leader->amod->|amod UNLABELED Mr. Caspe E.P. A pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss rc#'s regional ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Federal Roland Riopelle rc#, said lc#The path#nn|<-nn<-prosecutor->appos->|appos ner#MISC->PERSON pos#NN IN DT NN NN , lex#prosecutor heroin case trigger#prosecutor UNLABELED Charles Schwab & Company Montgomery North path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-name->dobj->|dobj trigger#name pos#, DT JJ NN NN NN VBN IN , VBZ VBN lex#national discount brokerage firm based named ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Pioneer Aero Corporation Connecticut pos#, DT lc#with the trigger#manufacturer rc#parachute manufacturer path#appos|->appos->manufacturer->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Yamato Shiine Hanako pos#, lc#" said trigger#editor pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->editor->poss->|poss path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor rc#'s editor ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Fingerscan Australian pos#, DT RB VBN lc#company acquired path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod ner#MISC->MISC trigger#company lex#privately held rc#company in UNLABELED Mr. Falanga Mr. Kuby pos#IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-replace->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#replace lc#, replaced rc#and his UNLABELED Elgallo Jay Lynch lex#played trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-play->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN IN rc#who , NEGATIVE Rome Pope lex#private audience trigger#have lc#there , ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, pos#TO VB DT JJ NN IN DT REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Judge Jose Martinez Starr County lc#, '' trigger#official rc#, said lex#chief elected official path#appos|->appos->official->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ VBN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Calvin River That Flows Uphill lex#written topics books '' The '' '' The trigger#write path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NNS RB , IN JJ NNS IN '' DT '' CC '' DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' NEGATIVE Western Conference Chicago Blackhawks lc#in the trigger#final pos#NNS IN DT path#nn|<-nn<-final->prep->against->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#finals ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED H. Lynn Horak Norwest Bank Iowa rc#, the lex#chairman pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Howard Chester Kocur ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#accord lex#physician path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-dep<-accord<-prep<-have->nsubj->|nsubj lc#According to rc#had a pos#, DT NN , NEGATIVE Robert Alexander Fleet lex#Insignia/Edward represented rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-represent->dobj->|dobj pos#CC IN NNP VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#represent UNLABELED New York Shakespeare Festival Jason Steven Cohen path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-present->dep->|dep lc#by the lex#artistic director ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, managing trigger#present pos#, , JJ NN : UNLABELED Union Church of Pocantico Hills in Sleepy Hollow Croton-on-Hudson path#appos|->appos->house->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#house rc#. lex#stained-glass windows 18th-century manor house ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, WDT VBZ NN NNS IN CC , CC , DT JJ NN NN IN lc#; the UNLABELED Thailand Salomon Brothers Singapore Pte ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#market strategist trigger#strategist lc#, rc#. pos#NN NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-strategist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Stuart Stock Covington & Burling lex#partner lc#married to path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, for UNLABELED Mr. Thompson D'Agostino Hall lc#project , trigger#design ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#at path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-design->dobj->|dobj lex#designed pos#VBZ VBN UNLABELED Chaytor Mason University of Southern California pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lex#psychology professor trigger#professor rc#. path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Desiree Haynes Tinton Avenue ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#mother rc#in the lc#mother , path#appos|<-appos<-mother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , IN NEGATIVE Mike Lieberthal Philadelphia trigger#catcher path#appos|->appos->catcher->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#catcher , UNLABELED Marianne G. Bye Lehman Brothers lc#And rc#, said trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED WARREN MOON Minnesota Vikings lex#joined pos#VBD DT trigger#join rc#yesterday , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Hollywood Mr. McKellen pos#IN , DT DT NN , WP trigger#play rc#plays , lc#the still-grand ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#director path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Alysa Herman Nassau lex#parents live path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#live pos#, , WP$ NNS VBP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, came UNLABELED Howard A. Rubel Boeing rc#for lc#'' said trigger#follow pos#, WP VBZ ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->follow->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Nancy Moore Mr. McClester pos#, lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s trigger#mother path#appos|->appos->mother->poss->|poss NEGATIVE David Carney New Hampshire pos#, DT JJ lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->coordinator->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#coordinator rc#who is trigger#strategist path#appos|->appos->strategist->nn->|nn lex#longtime strategist lex#venerable rc#coordinator for path#appos|->appos->strategist->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#strategist REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Eamonn Doran Manhattan pos#VBZ VBN NNS IN rc#, all lc#, trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#opened restaurants ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Gilbert Giants rc#and the pos#CC , DT pos#VBD TO DT lex#turned trigger#turn path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss lc#, rc#' new lc#later , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-turn->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#president UNLABELED General House Vietnam pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->veteran->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#veteran trigger#veteran rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#comment , UNLABELED Curtis Joseph Maple Leafs pos#, DT trigger#goalie rc#' goalie path#appos|->appos->goalie->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Sierra BOBBY VALENTINE lex#played Manager lc#'' said pos#, WP VBD IN NNP trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Citation Calumet Farm ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#citation lex#star lc#horses , rc#, who pos#, VBN IN path#appos|->appos->star->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, won trigger#star path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN lex#owned UNLABELED Sharon Neal Southland trigger#manager lc#'' said rc#, said pos#, NN IN NN NNS IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NN NNS IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#manager community affairs lc#But UNLABELED Democrats Who Aided Him Some Democrats Pataki lex#endorsed Governor pos#WP VBD NNP lc#Budget Helps ner#MISC->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->endorse->dobj->|dobj rc#for re-election trigger#endorse UNLABELED WILLIAM H. MILLER Nuclear Engineering University of Missouri Columbia pos#NNP , rc#, Mo. lex#Chairman path#nn|<-nn<-chairman->appos->|appos ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Mr. Gingrich The Weekly Standard pos#VBZ RB '' DT RBS JJ NN IN NNS , '' VBZ DT VBN NNP , DT , IN trigger#write rc#this week lex#'' powerful liberal politics '' writes betrayed Representative path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Harry Truman Truman Balcony path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-add->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD DT rc#. lex#added ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#add UNLABELED Reeves Oklahoma State pos#, path#appos|->appos->center->poss->|poss trigger#center ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#'s senior UNLABELED Inspector Austin P. Mulryan Bronx Detective Bureau pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#officer lex#executive officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said UNLABELED Columbia Gorge Portland pos#, DT JJ NN VBN IN lc#of the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#nonprofit organization based trigger#organization trigger#base path#appos|->appos->organization->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, NEGATIVE Moscow Syria pos#VBZ JJ NNS TO ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#sell rc#, where lex#sells heavy weapons REL$NA UNLABELED Sumitomo Bank International Finance N.V. Sumitomo Bank Ltd. lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#* rc#, pos#, DT NN IN trigger#subsidiary path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ms. Speyer French pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#teacher , path#appos|->appos->teacher->amod->|amod trigger#teacher UNLABELED Mr. Chevenement Saddam Hussein pos#VBD lex#reminded ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#remind path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-remind->dobj->|dobj rc#that he UNLABELED Tom Shone Sunday Times of London pos#VBZ DT NN NN IN DT lex#film critic The trigger#critic rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-critic->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Durosier Haitian pos#, rc#singer and ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#singer path#appos|->appos->singer->amod->|amod lc#Guy UNLABELED Rachelle Lisa Swiedler trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#: NNS , IN , IN , , CC IN , : DT NN , lc#wife , trigger#daughter trigger#son lex#sons daughter trigger#wife UNLABELED Jerry D. Henderson Ford International trigger#manager pos#, DT JJ NNS NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said lex#general sales manager NEGATIVE Peter Tarnoff Beijing rc#this pos#VBD IN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#of State lex#flew ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#fly NEGATIVE Yankees Graeme Lloyd trigger#obtain pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#, the trigger#receive ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD JJ NNS IN rc#from rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-obtain->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lex#received significant contributions lex#obtained UNLABELED Libby Joyce Cooper trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos pos#: DT NN , : DT NN , rc#; a lex#son daughter lc#wife , trigger#daughter trigger#son trigger#wife NEGATIVE Harley Emmaus trigger#daughter lc#brother , path#appos|<-appos<-brother<-dep<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, Pa. trigger#brother ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Warwick Baker & Fiore Van Munching rc#agency , trigger#agency lc#officer of pos#, , DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->agency->amod->|amod UNLABELED Fern Dworkin Cohn Seattle pos#: DT NN , , IN path#dep|->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#; a lc#wife , trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#son NEGATIVE America Judy Shelton pos#NN , lc#Another Empower ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-director->appos->|appos lex#director REL$NA rc#, provided trigger#director NEGATIVE David X. Cohen Simpsons pos#, DT NN IN '' DT path#appos|->appos->veteran->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#veteran '' The rc#'' and trigger#veteran lc#pilot with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA POSITIVE Olympia Washington ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/location/containedby pos#, DT rc#state capital path#appos|->appos->capital->nn->|nn trigger#capital lc#park in UNLABELED " Remains of the Day Castle Rock rc#hit " trigger#hit lex#financed distributed lc#'s ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#, '' CC VBN CC VBN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED USA Networks Paramount trigger#own pos#VBZ RB VBN IN lex#jointly owned path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#and POSITIVE Savannah New York trigger#come ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/location/containedby lc#come from pos#TO rc#, where path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Nancy Nauser Consumer Credit Counseling Service Mid-America rc#in lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Pearl Theater Company Chelsea lc#by the lex#West 22d Street ner#LOCATION->LOCATION ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, NNP NNP NNP IN lc#at the rc#. pos#, NNP NNP NNP , path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos trigger#street path#appos|->appos->street->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Kazakhstan Igor M. Orlov pos#, VBD DT NN , lc#in faroff ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. trigger#meet path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-meet->dobj->|dobj lex#met actor NEGATIVE Organization of American States Inter-American Convention Against Corruption lex#adopt path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-adopt->dobj->|dobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#have the pos#VBP DT trigger#adopt REL$NA UNLABELED Bereaved Families Association Japan trigger#oppose pos#VBZ lc#The lex#opposes ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-oppose->dobj->|dobj rc#'s apologizing UNLABELED Joe Silverberg Knot Shop Stores path#appos|->appos->co-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT lex#co-chairman lc#the reasons trigger#co-chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Washington Michael E. Dutton lex#spokesman rc#, said ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#'s path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman pos#NN , NEGATIVE Clark Minneapolis rc#; lc#son , trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN NEGATIVE Depression California lc#until the pos#CC DT NN VBD PRP TO trigger#send path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#to work lex#drought REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Jean-Michel Cousteau Cousteau Fiji Islands Resort path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->dobj->|dobj rc#, printed lc#claims that trigger#open lex#partner opened ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#CC PRP$ NN , , VBD DT UNLABELED Ms. Elion Hunter College pos#, WP VBD IN trigger#graduate lex#graduated rc#with top path#rcmod|->rcmod->graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Robert Venturi Venturi Scott Brown rc#, the lex#partner ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner lc#, path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Berry Street North Eighth Street rc#. '' trigger#open path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#at pos#, IN NEGATIVE Dave Lewis Detroit trigger#assistant pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->assistant->nn->|nn rc#assistant under ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Neville Jeffress Advertising Group Sydney lc#acquired the pos#IN rc#, trigger#acquire path#dobj|<-dobj<-acquire->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Edwin H. Cohen East Rutherford pos#, JJ NN IN DT NN POS trigger#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->office->nn->|nn lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN IN DT trigger#office rc#office . lc#, added lex#executive director ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#executive director concern 's pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#office of NEGATIVE Mickey Kantor Los Angeles trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn rc#lawyer and pos#, , DT lc#, notably ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Mira Sorvino Mighty Aphrodite pos#, WP VBZ DT JJ NN IN POS `` trigger#play ner#PERSON->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#plays cheerful whore 's rc#, " REL$NA NEGATIVE Keith Millard Pro Bowl path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT TO VB IN NNP IN DT trigger#play lc#would permit lex#play Sunday ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in NEGATIVE Davie Holtz pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#best . . . . trigger#call lex#called path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj rc#at halftime REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Asimov The New York Times trigger#write rc#. lex#writes path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#weekly columns ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Mrs. Scott Milwaukee rc#, found pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Judge Devaud Pakistan pos#, WP VBD NNS IN DT NN IN NNP , RB VBD rc#last month path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lex#indicted case June asked ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#ask UNLABELED Dr. Beckman Beckman Instruments trigger#found lex#chemistry professor founded pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT , VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-found->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Miss Johns Tony Award pos#VBD DT trigger#win ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#for her lex#won path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Charcoal Grills Manhattan pos#IN rc#Q. Now lex#In ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#q. path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->q.->nn->|nn UNLABELED TEXTRON INC. Maaq Holding Co. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, , , VBD , DT NN IN NN NN NNS IN , , IN rc#of ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#acquire lex#acquired maker precision metal components UNLABELED Fernando Solana Morales Mexico pos#, path#appos|->appos->secretary->poss->|poss trigger#secretary ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#'s Secretary lc#conference with UNLABELED Somerset East 72d Street rc#, said ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#at the path#appos|->appos->building->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#38-story apartment building trigger#building pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN IN UNLABELED Danny Jack path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#-LRB- -RRB- , rc#is in lc#, bumptious UNLABELED Bobby Ray Inman Central Intelligence lex#Deputy Director lc#state ; rc#; rc#, said lc#[ pos#, DT JJ NNP NNP IN lc#testimony by lc#Adm. rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NNP NNP IN lc#by Adm. rc#, today rc#, at rc#] and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#directed by rc#] . lc#said Adm. trigger#director UNLABELED Southeastern Conference Blockbuster Bowl ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj lc#from the rc#. trigger#conference pos#IN DT , RB VBN IN DT NEGATIVE Far East BankAmerica lc#in the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#east path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->nsubj->|nsubj rc#and REL$NA pos#, WRB DT UNLABELED Mr. Schaeffer Philadelphia Museum School and City College pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#of lex#graduate trigger#graduate path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Elizabeth A. Paul Snake River Alliance trigger#director rc#, was lex#executive director lc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Jonathon Riley Brookline trigger#school pos#IN rc#High School path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->school->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#'s , UNLABELED Legislature Freshwater Wetlands Appeals Board pos#VBD DT trigger#give lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave rc#, an UNLABELED Clifford Odets Michael Rosenfeld Gallery lc#paper by trigger#review path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Philip Gordon trigger#letter path#nn|<-nn<-letter->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NNP rc#letter expresses UNLABELED Dr. Baldwin University of Michigan pos#VBD NN IN DT IN DT rc#from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Nobel Committee Mr. Hume lex#cited pos#IN VBD lc#The trigger#cite ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-cite->dobj->|dobj rc#, UNLABELED Dan Yakir Association of Civil Rights trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said rc#in UNLABELED Ed Herschler Laramie County Memorial Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#die lex#elected record terms died cancer Monday ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT WP VBD VBN IN DT NN NNS , VBD IN NN NNP IN lc#Former Gov. UNLABELED Raytheon Engineers and Constructors Carnegie Center pos#MD VB RP PRP$ JJ NN NN IN rc#at ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#set pos#MD VB RP PRP$ JJ NN NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#set eastern region headquarters UNLABELED T. Kreutz Jan Peek House trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#said rc#, a UNLABELED Justice Stephen G. Crane State Supreme Court trigger#judge lc#came from lex#administrative judge charge civil cases pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN JJ NNS IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->judge->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Klaus J. Abstoss Germany pos#, WP VBD VBN IN rc#and moved trigger#bear lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Goldhagen Harvard University trigger#professor rc#, said lc#controversy , lex#assistant professor government social studies lc#, " path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN CC JJ NNS IN UNLABELED Jim McCullaugh Random House path#partmod|->partmod->publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#co-author book Entertainment published week rc#. trigger#publish pos#, NN IN IN DT NN `` NNP IN DT , '' VBN JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED David B. Graeven San Francisco lex#trial consultant path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#consultant ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" says pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Victoria Lewis James Capel Inc. path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Hugo Van Lawick Channel Pictures path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#Directed by rc#. trigger#directed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release pos#: VBN IN : NNS IN NN , CC : VBN IN CC : NN IN : VBN IN CC : VBN IN NNP lex#written directors photography edited music produced released Discovery UNLABELED Susan Whitewater Development Company path#appos|<-appos<-wife->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#wife , pos#, IN DT trigger#wife ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Mark Kellner Internet lc#And path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-agree->nsubj->|nsubj lex#author '' pos#, NN IN '' IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#'' ( trigger#agree UNLABELED Vanya Kewley Sarajevo rc#for the lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Jacques Kaplan Kent trigger#dealer path#appos|->appos->dealer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#who represented ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN lex#art dealer UNLABELED Kim Ackerman Northern Territory Museum lc#'' said pos#, NN IN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#curator lex#curator prehistory UNLABELED Barbara Spencer Transit Authority path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#influenced by rc#executive vice ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED ANDREW L. TERNER Greenwich Village trigger#dealer rc#. path#appos|->appos->dealer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#-- ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN lex#art dealer UNLABELED Audrey Philcox Congregational Church pos#, JJ NN IN DT NN POS trigger#minister rc#. lex#associate minister town 's path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Isuzu Motors G.M. pos#, trigger#partner ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#appos|->appos->partner->poss->|poss rc#'s closest UNLABELED Masayuki Tanamura Japanese path#appos|->appos->professor->amod->|amod trigger#professor pos#, DT rc#law professor ner#PERSON->MISC lc#statement by UNLABELED Ron V. Wilson San Francisco International Airport trigger#director pos#, NN IN NN NNS IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#director community affairs ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Yeltsin Oleg Sysuyev path#poss|<-poss<-chief->appos->|appos pos#VBD lc#today when lex#tapped ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#tap rc#as the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-tap->dobj->|dobj lex#'s deputy chief staff rc#, acknowledged pos#POS NN NN IN NN , trigger#chief UNLABELED Roy Furman Furman Selz Inc. lc#that of lc#When lex#investment firm trigger#partner path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT NN NN IN pos#, DT NN IN DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#'' We trigger#firm ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, told lex#partner investment firm UNLABELED Mr. Botstein Unjust Obscurity path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP MD VB IN NN NN JJ NN , VBD DT NN IN DT JJ JJ NN VBN TO VBN NNS , VBN `` rc#? " ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#succeed music director season presented planned annual concert devoted neglected works titled trigger#present UNLABELED Mr. Pipes Civil War ner#PERSON->MISC lex#meets challenge coherence organizing chapters topically The rc#, " trigger#meet path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ DT NN TO NN IN VBG PRP$ NNS RB : `` DT UNLABELED U.S.-Mexican University of California path#amod|<-amod<-study->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#at lex#studies lc#Center for trigger#study ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#NNS IN NEGATIVE Savannah George Bush pos#VBG IN rc#? lc#Is path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON REL$NA trigger#go UNLABELED Spanish Domingo lex#restaurant ner#MISC->PERSON path#amod|<-amod<-restaurant->appos->|appos lc#his new trigger#restaurant rc#, which pos#NN , NEGATIVE Paris Match French ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#appos|->appos->magazine->amod->|amod pos#, DT lc#arrangement with trigger#magazine REL$NA rc#magazine . NEGATIVE Jack Devers ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#brothers , REL$NA pos#CC , DT IN rc#, Tex. UNLABELED Kate Sanford Hill Productions ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#production designer produced released Castle path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-dep<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#edited by pos#: NN NN , : VBN IN CC : VBN IN NNP rc#and trigger#release trigger#edit trigger#director NEGATIVE Administration Israelis rc#at least path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-call->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#and try pos#MD VB DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-like->dobj->|dobj lc#, the pos#VBZ VBN IN DT trigger#call lex#called lex#back pos#MD RB RB RB VB RB TO DT trigger#like path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#So the rc#to come REL$NA trigger#go UNLABELED Nancy Florida trigger#come pos#CC PRP$ NNS RB VBD TO path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#daughter , rc#, and rc#in the trigger#daughter path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#parents pos#, IN UNLABELED Arovox Rank Organization rc#for lc#he sold trigger#sell pos#TO DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Kenneth Zunder James Lima rc#; costumes trigger#producer ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#photography , pos#: NN NN , : NN NN , lex#production designer art director path#appos|<-appos<-producer->appos->|appos NEGATIVE John Lister New York City trigger#executive pos#, DT rc#advertising executive path#appos|->appos->executive->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Anne E. Becker Harvard Eating Disorders Center of Harvard Medical School lc#led by rc#, who pos#, NN IN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#director research path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Louis Melendez P.R.C. rc#, the lex#associate counsel trigger#counsel path#appos|->appos->counsel->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT lc#But UNLABELED Walter Bodmer Oxford University path#appos|->appos->geneticist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, reminded lex#leading geneticist pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#geneticist UNLABELED Caterina Paris trigger#survive lc#wife , rc#. trigger#son lex#sons daughter trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#: NNS , CC , DT IN , CC DT NN , , IN UNLABELED Padres Mike Maddux lex#AP -- ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#dep|<-dep<-allow->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#allow pos#, -LRB- NNP -RRB- : rc#, a NEGATIVE Mr. Jones Columbia College lex#graduate trigger#graduate rc#and path#appos|->appos->graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Paul Truax Reform Party of Texas pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#chairman rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Marion M. Boucher Donaldson lex#telephone industry bond analyst lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#telecommunications analyst trigger#analyst rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN pos#, DT NN NN NN NN IN lc#" said NEGATIVE Frank Rowlett Rose Hill path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear rc#, Va. pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Jay Seeman Cohen path#appos|->appos->partner->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner lc#was when rc#partner , pos#, DT , UNLABELED Nicholas Day Festival Van Cortlandt House rc#, the pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-present->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#annual Saint ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#present NEGATIVE Buffalo Sabres Philadelphia trigger#victory rc#last path#dobj|<-dobj<-lead->prep->to->pobj->victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj lc#lead the lex#3-2 comeback victory trigger#lead ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA pos#TO DT JJ NN NN IN UNLABELED Michigan Great Lakes Invitational pos#VBD DT trigger#win path#nn|<-nn<-state->appos->|appos lc#; lex#State ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#at trigger#state rc#for the lex#won ner#LOCATION->MISC pos#NNP DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED East Germans Germany pos#MD VB TO DT VBN pos#MD VB VBN DT JJ rc#, but trigger#bring lex#bring united lex#chosen reunified path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-vote->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, with trigger#choose lex#voted lc#that many rc#on the pos#VBD VBN IN DT IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-choose->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#vote path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc# UNLABELED Danny Wofford Nashville pos#IN IN rc#; the path#dobj|<-dobj<-fight->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#fight ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#will fight UNLABELED Firmenich S.A. Swiss pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC lc#conjunction with path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod rc#fragrance company lex#large trigger#company NEGATIVE Guinness Johnnie Walker trigger#own rc#, the pos#VBZ trigger#have ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj lc#, rc#, lex#owns REL$NA NEGATIVE Carrollton West Point rc#when the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, , WP$ NNS MD VB IN NN NNP IN lc#runner-passer from lex#skills display Saturday trigger#carrollton path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Tim Gullikson Sampras pos#, lc#" said pos#VBD rc#'s coach ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#coached rc#before dying path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->dobj->|dobj trigger#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss UNLABELED Paula Stern Mr. Perrin path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj rc#. '' ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#member board member board praised trigger#praise pos#, DT NN IN DT NN CC DT JJ NN IN DT NN , VBD UNLABELED Thomas Friedman Teheran pos#NNP NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-column->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#describes back-and-forth ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#Op-Ed column trigger#column NEGATIVE Edgardo Alfonzo Henderson lc#single to trigger#send lex#hits tied career high ner#MISC->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj pos#-LRB- WP$ NNS VBD DT NN JJ -RRB- WDT VBD REL$NA rc#to UNLABELED Mr. Soto Nicolas Velez rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner path#poss|<-poss<-partner->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s partner lc#But UNLABELED Harris Wofford Labor and Industry lex#state 's Secretary lc#, appointed rc#, to path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#secretary pos#, DT NN POS NNP IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED THE PALLBEARER Matt Reeves pos#NNP IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-directed->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#; written trigger#directed lex#Directed UNLABELED C. Johnson Wax Skintastic trigger#have pos#, IN NN , RB VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#instance rc#, which UNLABELED Philip L. Smith Pillsbury path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#chairman chief executive rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman pos#, DT JJ NN CC JJ NN IN NEGATIVE Jews Hudson Institute pos#, , NN IN DT JJ rc#, and lc#that lex#director conservative ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#director UNLABELED Dale Rogers Marshall Wheaton College lc#" said lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Susan G. Ricci Manhattan lex#hotel consultant rc#, said path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#consultant lc#services , ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Graham Sims Sheraton Hotel rc#in trigger#spend path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN , , VBD PRP$ JJ NN IN DT lex#teacher spent entire captivity UNLABELED Patrick J. Buchanan Harsh Language For Party Leaders NASHUA Mr. Buchanan ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, , : lex#-- lc#saying : path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#run rc#ran today NEGATIVE Hawaiian Aloha Airlines lex#'s main interisland competitor rc#, is ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-competitor->appos->|appos trigger#competitor pos#POS JJ NN NN , REL$NA NEGATIVE Stephen Low IMAX path#appos|->appos->maker->nn->|nn rc#film maker pos#, DT lc#made by ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#maker UNLABELED Evelyn Swarthout Elizabeth trigger#survive pos#: NNS , IN CC IN : DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lc#wife , trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#, of lex#sons daughter trigger#wife UNLABELED Zuckerman Boston Properties Inc lex#chairman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NN IN rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman lc#deal ; NEGATIVE Dartmouth James Blackwell trigger#score lc#AP ) rc#scored ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, : path#dep|->dep->score->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA UNLABELED Shari Epstein International Facility Management Association lc#told lex#associate director research rc#, that ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Apple Jr Tadich Grill path#nn|<-nn<-article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN POS lex#article 's trigger#article rc#, favorite lc#R W UNLABELED John Michell The Cereologist lc#" said trigger#editor pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Doug Herzog Fox Entertainment lc#Interview with lex#president chief programmer lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#, who rc#, will rc#, is path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN CC NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#As rc#put it ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#says trigger#president lc#role of lc#) : UNLABELED Equitable Capital Management Corp. Equitable Life Assurance Society path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#subsidiary ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, named lc#* rc#of the pos#, , DT NN IN pos#, , DT NN IN DT trigger#subsidiary lex#investment management subsidiary pos#, , DT NN NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Nicholas Crismale Connecticut Commercial Lobstermen 's Association lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#president rc#. '' NEGATIVE Frank G. Wisner Egypt pos#, DT JJ NNP TO trigger#ambassador path#appos|->appos->ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#and top lex#Ambassador ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#headed by REL$NA UNLABELED Liz Levine City Council rc#for overriding lex#letter praises path#nn|<-nn<-letter<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj trigger#letter trigger#praise pos#NN VBZ ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Bagdikian Media Monopoly rc#" ( trigger#write lc#, lex#wrote The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD `` DT UNLABELED Mr. Shipp Mary Ellen lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#daughter , rc#, and trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Mr. Burke Canadian pos#, DT lc#language that ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#novelist path#appos|->appos->novelist->amod->|amod rc#novelist and UNLABELED Dr. Stephen Friedman Health Department path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said trigger#commissioner lex#assistant commissioner immunization city 's rc#. pos#, NN NN IN NN IN DT NN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Bill Webb Yankees pos#, DT rc#' director path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss lc#games ; ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA trigger#director NEGATIVE U.F.O. The New York Times trigger#reporter ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#research into rc#, tells lex#'s reporter path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#POS , , DT JJ NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Associated Group Myles P. Berkman path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-control->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#controlled pos#VBZ VBN IN trigger#control rc#, a NEGATIVE Martina Hingis Grand Slam path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->title->nn->|nn lc#the top-seeded trigger#win pos#, WP VBD DT rc#champion in pos#, , VBD DT NN POS JJS ner#PERSON->MISC rc#champion by lex#century 's youngest path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-champion->nn->|nn rc#title except lex#won pos#VBD DT JJS lc#after REL$NA trigger#champion lex#youngest trigger#title lc#piranha , UNLABELED World of Insects New York Hall of Science lc#: The trigger#be pos#'' MD VB IN NN IN IN DT lex#view path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, UNLABELED Jaime Rotondo Thyssens path#appos|->appos->friend->poss->|poss pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC lc#lap of trigger#friend rc#' good UNLABELED Novartis Ciba pos#VBD lc#But then rc#and moved lex#bought ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Carey Schofield British lc#" by path#appos|->appos->journalist->amod->|amod trigger#journalist pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#journalist , REL$NA UNLABELED Catholic Paulist Pictures lc#, a lex#president pos#WP VBZ NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Randall R. McCathren Nashville lex#executive vice president general counsel pos#, JJ NN NN CC JJ NN IN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, which trigger#president NEGATIVE Frankie Fredericks Michael Johnson trigger#defeat ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lc#Track : rc#in 200-meter lex#defeats REL$NA UNLABELED Andy Cahill Manhattan path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#talent agent rc#, said trigger#agent ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN NEGATIVE Gale Anne Hurd Savoy Pictures path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. trigger#produce lex#released ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA pos#: VBN IN NEGATIVE Moody Nassau lex#'s faulted trigger#fault lc#downgrade , rc#for delays pos#POS VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fault->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Hall Bristol path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#aviator , NEGATIVE Israeli Health trigger#minister pos#NNP IN rc#, said lc#, the path#nn|<-nn<-minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#Minister rc#and ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Richard Cornelia ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, IN , NNP : DT NN , lc#son , trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#, of lex#Conn. daughter path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Carol M. Browner Federal Environmental Protection Agency pos#, DT NN IN DT pos#, NN IN DT rc#, who trigger#head lc#dispute , pos#, NNP IN DT rc#, tells rc#. lc#explored ; path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-head->dobj->|dobj rc#, sent lex#administrator lex#Secretary head pos#, DT NNP IN IN , TO VB DT path#appos|->appos->administrator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head lc#has named path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#Administrator trigger#administrator lc#" said UNLABELED Pond Amboy Road path#advmod|->advmod->south->dep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#south rc#. trigger#south pos#RB RB IN lc#'s ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Roger Headrick Vikings pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president lc#And lc#led by pos#, DT rc#' president path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, told trigger#president UNLABELED Timothy O'Halloran Town Council pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Lottie General Queens rc#Answer : trigger#answer lc#. . . pos#, , path#appos|->appos->answer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Sunglasses Irvine path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#base rc#, pos#CC NN NN , VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA lex#goggle manufacturer based UNLABELED Charles Williams Harlem Hospital lc#Give Back lex#administrator path#appos|->appos->administrator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, spent ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#administrator UNLABELED Jay Severin Severin & Aviles lex#partner political consulting firm pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ NN NN IN trigger#partner rc#. path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Eidson Costa Rica pos#, WP RB VBZ IN lc#face with path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#lives NEGATIVE Jesuit Florence trigger#school lc#in a rc#. pos#NN IN path#amod|<-amod<-school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#school UNLABELED Robert J. Dunphy Woodstock pos#, DT NN CC NN NN IN IN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die lex#editor travel writer died Thursday home ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. D'Amato Mayor David N. Dinkins pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attack->dobj->|dobj lex#attacked lc#, trigger#attack rc#for how UNLABELED Zenith Data Groupe Bull lc#sale of trigger#sale path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-acquire->prep->by->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#advantages to ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN DT NN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#acquire lex#based suburb acquired pos#TO pos#, VBN IN DT NN IN , , VBD VBN IN trigger#division path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-sale->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, which lex#division company rc#in NEGATIVE United States Agency for International Development Zimbabwe path#poss|<-poss<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#of the pos#POS NN IN lex#'s office trigger#office rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Ericson Brooklyn path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Beregovoy Gilberte lex#survived wife trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Ms. Gotschall Robinson ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#employee lc#" wrote rc#, path#appos|->appos->employee->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN trigger#employee UNLABELED Miss Duke Chandi Heffner Duke ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#daughter pos#POS VBN NN , lc#week , path#poss|<-poss<-daughter->appos->|appos lex#'s adopted daughter UNLABELED Miguel A. Muniz Harlem pos#IN , WP VBD NNP NNP NNP IN lex#owned West 135th Street trigger#muniz rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#suit by UNLABELED Gelmans Mexico City lc#in the pos#POS JJ NN IN trigger#home rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#home UNLABELED Fernando Ortiz Arana Senate trigger#leader pos#, DT lc#figures , path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn rc#majority leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Bart Becker Water Department pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn rc#spokesman . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Domenico Cimarosa Secret Marriage lex#'s opera The rc#" at lc#production of path#poss|<-poss<-opera->dep->|dep trigger#opera pos#POS NN `` DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Renaissance Revival TriBeCa West Historic District pos#NN , IN DT lc#The rc#, will path#nn|<-nn<-building->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#building trigger#building ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Kathy Butler New Jersey rc#woman , pos#, DT trigger#woman path#appos|->appos->woman->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#Adoption ' UNLABELED Mr. Dadakis Republican pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->chairman->amod->|amod rc#town chairman trigger#chairman lc#" said UNLABELED Nadine Strossen Paul D. Houston rc#, the lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, NN IN DT NNP path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president A.C.L.U. trigger#president UNLABELED Mr. Andros Hyde Park path#poss|<-poss<-house->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#to search pos#POS NN IN trigger#house lc#arrived at lex#'s house ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Sununu Kremlin trigger#be rc#last week lc#there was path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED Bath Festival England trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN JJ lc#at the rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#western UNLABELED House Representative William F. Clinger pos#NN NN WP VBD PRP TO JJ , lc#as the rc#of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-chairman->appos->|appos lex#committee chairman brought light trigger#chairman UNLABELED Mrs. Pirro Mrs. Zaleski trigger#criticize ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#for her lex#criticized pos#VBZ VBN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-criticize->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Boras Atlanta Braves trigger#win lex#won deal guaranteed lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT NN , IN DT VBN , IN DT rc#pitching ace ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Cybersuds El Teddy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#The trigger#take pos#, VBN IN DT NN IN , VBD NN IN DT JJ lex#organized fall place trendy rc#'s in UNLABELED Emma Barbara Hauptfuhrer pos#: DT NN , , IN : DT NN , trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lex#son daughter lc#wife , trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#, of trigger#wife UNLABELED Paula Corbin Jones Clinton rc#of sexual lc#institute underwriting lc#witness in pos#POS JJ NN NN IN NNP lc#ruling dismissing pos#VBG NNP rc#on grounds path#rcmod|->rcmod->accuse->dobj->|dobj lc#presiding in pos#POS JJ NN NN IN rc#, said lex#'s sexual harassment lawsuit President pos#POS JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#suit lex#'s sexual harassment suit pos#, WP VBZ VBN NNP lc#in ending lc#Lawyers for rc#, conservatives rc#at request path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sue->dobj->|dobj pos#POS NN IN NNP lc#judge dismissed lex#'s civil suit path#poss|<-poss<-lawsuit->prep->against->pobj->|pobj trigger#lawsuit rc#. lex#'s sexual misconduct lawsuit President lex#'s sexual harassment suit President rc#of making lc#appeal of rc#, top rc#, there lex#'s lawsuit President lex#sued President lex#suing President lc#dismissing path#rcmod|->rcmod->sue->dobj->|dobj lc#affidavit in trigger#sue lc#audit of rc#; photo lc#dismissal of path#poss|<-poss<-suit->prep->against->pobj->|pobj lc#presided over rc#said today rc#; reportedly lc#is about trigger#accuse lc#documents from lex#'s sexual misconduct suit lex#accused President rc#, saying lc#affidavit for UNLABELED Chavez Leon Pizante lex#'s attorney rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-attorney->appos->|appos trigger#attorney NEGATIVE Amper Telefonica lc#supplier to lex#'s primary owner ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#owner pos#POS JJ NN , rc#, path#poss|<-poss<-owner->appos->|appos REL$NA UNLABELED West Germany Grand Cross of Merit pos#VBD DT rc#for service lc#, trigger#award lex#awarded ner#LOCATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-award->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Bill Ceil rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife trigger#wife UNLABELED Robert M. Gates Bush Administration rc#'s Director pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director NEGATIVE Steinberg Floyd Peters ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-like->dobj->|dobj lex#likes credentials defensive coordinator rc#. trigger#like pos#RB VBZ DT NNS IN DT POS JJ NN , REL$NA NEGATIVE Walton Jay Haas pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#all lc#swing , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-battle->dobj->|dobj trigger#battle REL$NA lex#battled NEGATIVE Lisa Baldwin path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#daughter , rc#; a trigger#daughter REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Dr. Paul Lioy Environmental lex#deputy director pos#, NN NN IN DT rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Meadow Club Mr. Downe pos#, WRB trigger#member ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->member->nsubj->|nsubj lc#the redoubtable rc#and his UNLABELED Rose Slippers Looking Glass Theater lex#'' recently opened pos#, '' WDT RB VBD IN DT rc#, is lc#'' The trigger#open ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED James Stacy Coles Bowdoin College lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#who went pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Georgia path#rcmod|->rcmod->cover->dobj->|dobj lex#covers trigger#cover lc#the rc#, pos#, WDT VBZ ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Serge Klarsfeld French trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->lawyer->amod->|amod rc#lawyer whose rc#lawyer and REL$NA lc#" said NEGATIVE Monroe Red Smith trigger#draw lex#draws combination ingenuousness guile glamour neutralize male chauvinist columnists pos#VBZ IN DT NN IN NN , NN CC NN TO VB JJ JJ NNS , rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#box , REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-draw->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Snyder Tampa trigger#found path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP IN VBD DT IN rc#, lex#founded ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Sachs David A. George lex#partner ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#partner rc#, will path#nn|<-nn<-partner->appos->|appos lc#, pos#NN , UNLABELED Michael East Side duplex trigger#writer pos#, DT NN IN WP$ rc#the birthday lc#played path#appos|->appos->writer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#writer UNLABELED Lew Fader Intercontinental Hotel trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#general manager rc#, where ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Ito-Yokado Masatoshi Ito lex#'s president guiding force ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-president->appos->|appos lc#, pos#POS NN CC VBG NN , rc#, announced trigger#president UNLABELED Rudolf Hoess Auschwitz trigger#commander rc#; recalls rc#, silently lc#him when path#appos|->appos->commander->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#commander pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, JJ NN IN lc#words of NEGATIVE Kerrigan England pos#, WP VBZ IN rc#to look trigger#arrive lex#arrives ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA path#rcmod|->rcmod->arrive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Signac Braque lex#played ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD lc#work of rc#to UNLABELED Creston Avenue Mount Hope Community Housing Corporation ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#sold trigger#sell rc#. pos#, WDT VBD TO DT lc#at path#rcmod|->rcmod->sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Yehuda Harel Third Way Party lex#leader centrist trigger#leader pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ rc#, said pos#, NN IN DT rc#, indicated path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Heath Albert ( Tootie lc#drums was lex#'s brother ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-brother->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#) trigger#brother UNLABELED William R. Hawkins Knoxville rc#economist and rc#economist , path#appos|->appos->economist->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#beat lc#rival , ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#economist UNLABELED diaspora Croatia lc#in the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, voting lex#lived trigger#live pos#, WP VBP RB VBN IN UNLABELED Saudi Arar trigger#town lex#town rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#amod|<-amod<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN pos#NN NN IN lc#near the ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#desert town UNLABELED Dr. John F. Rosen Bronx lex#professor pediatrics trigger#professor lc#; path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#; and UNLABELED Mr. Siegel Lakewood pos#, WP$ NN IN NN NN VBD RB NNS , VBD VBN IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#career show business spanned decades born trigger#bear rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Last Christmas Richard Donner pos#, DT NN ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#appos|->appos->director->dep->|dep rc#( " lex#director trigger#director UNLABELED Americans Providence Journal Co. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-accuse->dobj->|dobj lc#groups , lex#accused pos#IN DT CC DT , VBD DT rc#, ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#accuse UNLABELED William P. O'Halloran Suntrust Banks Inc. trigger#officer path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chief financial officer rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Tyson Columbia-Presbterian Hospital rc#where his pos#VBD VBN TO trigger#take path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Subcommander Marcos Zapatista National Liberation Army trigger#leader rc#, decried pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#top military leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Steve Waxberg Duane Reade trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#lunged toward lex#manager rc#on pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Marquis Bertrand de Lur Saluces Alexandre path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#life , trigger#work pos#VBD IN rc#and mentioned lex#worked NEGATIVE Dale Brown Wildcats pos#, DT JJ NN WP VBD DT JJ NN IN POS NN , VBD DT trigger#lead path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with lex#senior guard important part 's defense led ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Theodore Rotante Julien J. Studley ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Dorrian Upper East Side of Manhattan pos#POS NN IN DT lex#'s restaurant rc#. lc#, owns trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#poss|<-poss<-restaurant->prep->on->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Harvard Mr. Decherd rc#attended at pos#, WDT ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->attend->nsubj->|nsubj lc#graduating from trigger#attend UNLABELED John Sabolich Sabolich Prosthetic & Research Center lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#designed by path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#in UNLABELED Steve Solomon Adell Corporation lex#spokesman trigger#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which UNLABELED Paul Silver New York trigger#architect pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->architect->nn->|nn rc#architect who ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#up by NEGATIVE Wynn Mirage pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#King named trigger#owner ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner REL$NA rc#in POSITIVE Michel Friedman Germany lc#'' said trigger#member path#appos|->appos->member->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, DT NN IN DT IN REL$/people/person/nationality lex#member ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dodgers JEFF HAMILTON pos#VBD trigger#give lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc# path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave UNLABELED Mr. Strawberry Charisse ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , rc#, alluded lex#'s wife trigger#wife lc#week , UNLABELED Mr. Frasure Europe path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD TO rc#once or lex#flew lc#months , ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#fly UNLABELED Emmanuel Hotekins Godelieve Kets lc#are ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#wife path#appos|->appos->wife->appos->|appos rc#, pos#, JJ , PRP$ NN , trigger#wife UNLABELED NADIA MORITZ Young Women 's Project pos#, JJ NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#, and lex#executive director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Brod Gadsden pos#VBD RP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#grow ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew UNLABELED Walter J. Benedict Venice path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#retired minister died home trigger#home lc#The Rev. rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN UNLABELED Dr. Richard C. Mohs Mount Sinai rc#and the lex#psychologist trigger#psychologist ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. William C. Scott University of Arizona Medical Center trigger#president pos#, NN NN IN JJ NNS IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president medical affairs ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Alfred Rosenberg Association of Struggle for German Art pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head rc#, in lc#" asserted path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Regent Beverly Wilshire Beverly Hills pos#IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-buy->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#bought the rc#, trigger#buy UNLABELED J. C. Decaux French lc#Commissioned by rc#firm best pos#, DT lc#administration authorized ner#PERSON->MISC rc#company that path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company path#appos|->appos->firm->amod->|amod trigger#firm UNLABELED Ms. Benedict Henry Gifford trigger#contact pos#VBD lex#contacted ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#that , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-contact->dobj->|dobj rc#, president UNLABELED Mr. Delaney Mr. O'Rourke pos#, trigger#manager ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss rc#'s campaign NEGATIVE Les Aspin Democratic lc#'' said pos#IN , DT rc#representative from pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->representative->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->chairman->amod->|amod lc#like Representative REL$NA trigger#chairman rc#chairman of trigger#representative UNLABELED Bruins Ray Bourque path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->without->pobj->|pobj rc#to a lc#The trigger#play trigger#lose rc#, their ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#playing consecutive game pos#VBD PRP$ NN lex#lost defenseman pos#, VBG PRP$ JJ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Charles Guardia Jr. Liro Group rc#, the path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN NN NNS IN DT lex#director field operations ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Croatian Mike Newlin lc#run this trigger#version rc#around a path#amod|<-amod<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN ner#MISC->PERSON lex#version UNLABELED Kathy Karpan Democratic lc#comment , rc#candidate for pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->candidate->amod->|amod trigger#candidate POSITIVE Velvet Goldmine Maryse Alberti ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj rc#. pos#'' VBD DT JJ NN , lc#and '' REL$/film/film/cinematography lex#'' cinematographer NEGATIVE Oregon Thomas Browne rc#, the lex#appeal Sir ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#appeal pos#MD VB TO NNP REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-appeal->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#Perhaps UNLABELED N.B.A. San Diego Rockets ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->nsubj->|nsubj rc#made him trigger#make lc#for the pos#, WRB DT UNLABELED Michael A. Hough Pentagon rc#'s director pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss lc#said General ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED John Melas China Grill pos#, NN IN DT JJ NN IN IN , VBD JJ NN IN DT lex#chef Harvest executive chef rc#, trigger#chef ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chef->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Chuck McElroy Colorado pos#, RB RB VBN IN lc#And reliever path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#, began trigger#arrive lex#newly arrived ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Brattleboro Environmental Building News ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->publish->dobj->|dobj trigger#publish lex#Vt. publishes pos#, NNP , WRB PRP VBZ `` rc#" a lc#office in UNLABELED Anthony Newman New York Chamber Symphony pos#VBD DT rc#from the lc#, trigger#lead lex#led path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Kelly A. Price Berks County Visitors Information Association lc#according to pos#, JJ NN IN DT rc#. lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Raptors Harold Miner lc#The rc#from the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBD NN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj lex#acquired guard trigger#acquire REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Wright Haiti path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->on->pobj->way->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#be rc#today and pos#VBD IN PRP$ NN TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Bob Whitsitt Portland Trail Blazers lex#'s personal representative president general manager 's trigger#representative pos#, POS JJ NN CC DT NN CC JJ NN IN DT POS path#appos|->appos->representative->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lc#" said UNLABELED Monica Seles Natalya Zvereva trigger#defeat pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#defeated UNLABELED SHAUN F. Price Waterhouse New York lex#O'MALLEY1 Chairman Senior Partner path#nn|<-nn<-chairman->appos->|appos rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#NNP NNP CC NNP NNP , trigger#chairman UNLABELED Kasper Price Sea Gate Association pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#objection of ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Kathleen Arnos Gallaudet University path#appos|->appos->geneticist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#medical geneticist pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#geneticist rc#, a UNLABELED Dr. Odegaard Chicago Heights path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, Ill UNLABELED David Korevaar Paganini Variations path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play lex#pianist won play 's '' '' 's lc#LEAD : rc#, pos#, DT NN WP VBD DT IN , MD VB POS '' '' , POS NEGATIVE Israelis Hussein lc#war , lc#, the rc#of rc#as a pos#VBD NNP lex#saved King ner#MISC->PERSON lex#viewed King trigger#save trigger#view pos#VBP RB VBN NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-save->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-view->dobj->|dobj REL$NA UNLABELED Philip F. Searle National Advisory Board lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#to the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman lc#statement by path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Franklin Berger J. P. Morgan Securities lc#'' said trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED ' Change Is Best ' Art Shell Raiders pos#, DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#' coach trigger#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->poss->|poss UNLABELED St Vartan Cathedral Manhattan path#nn|<-nn<-complex->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#complex rc#. lc#auctioned at pos#NN IN trigger#complex UNLABELED Spear Building West pos#, rc#22d Street path#appos|->appos->street->nn->|nn lc#buy 100,000-square-foot trigger#street ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Clinton Mr. Ribicoff path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-telephone->dobj->|dobj lc#Neither ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#emissaries telephoned rc#. trigger#telephone pos#CC PRP$ NNS VBP VBN UNLABELED Braveheart Mr. Gibson pos#, '' VBG IN NNP , lex#opening Wednesday trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-play->nsubj->|nsubj rc#, playing lc#In " UNLABELED Ervin Taylor University of California trigger#professor rc#at lc#determined by path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#anthropology professor pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Shaun Westmount rc#High School trigger#sophomore path#appos|->appos->sophomore->nn->|nn pos#, , DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Ted Turner Time Warner Inc lc#associate of lex#vice chairman trigger#chairman rc#. lc#, and pos#, NN NN CC NN NN IN DT NN POS NN NN , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->chairman->appos->|appos lex#vice chairman percent owner studio 's parent company path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Wellpoint Health Systems pos#MD VB VBN rc#for rc#, its pos#MD VB lex#'s stock-swap offer pos#POS JJ NN IN lc#under which ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#acquire lc#deal , trigger#offer rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-offer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj lex#acquired trigger#acquire lc#renegotiate " NEGATIVE Lakhdar Brahimi Haiti lc#and say path#appos|->appos->representative->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT POS JJ NN IN rc#, is lex#special representative ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#representative UNLABELED Robert Haft Herbert Haft rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT VBN NN IN lex#estranged son path#appos|->appos->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#confirmed , trigger#son UNLABELED Michael White Alan Cohn ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write rc#; stars pos#CC CC VBN IN lex#directed path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#written by UNLABELED Kurt Peters Credit Card News path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#publisher trigger#editor pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#editor rc#, rc#, an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said rc#, which trigger#publisher lc#" said rc#, a NEGATIVE Chicago Milwaukee lex#routed host rc#, the rc#in a lex#beaten path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pound->dobj->|dobj path#dobj|<-dobj<-lead->prep->over->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD lc#runs as trigger#victory trigger#win trigger#beat lex#pounded path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj pos#IN pos#POS JJ NN IN rc#and moved path#dobj|<-dobj<-beat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-route->dobj->|dobj trigger#route rc#, cut path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#the lc#coupled with ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#pound trigger#lead rc#. pos#NNS , lc#twice as pos#VBD NN rc#for a lc#as pos#, WDT VBD VBN pos#TO lex#beat trigger#team rc#and rc#with a path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->dobj->|dobj lc#as host lex#won lc#leading host pos#VBD IN lex#'s 2-0 victory lex#teams lc# lc#mail from path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#nn|<-nn<-team->appos->|appos REL$NA trigger#fly lc#run as rc#in pos#CC VBD path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Caterpillar Jeff Hawkinson lex#spokesman lc#to a ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#. path#nn|<-nn<-spokesman->appos->|appos trigger#spokesman pos#NN , UNLABELED Mr. Broder Mr. Bailey trigger#pay ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD RB VBN VBG rc#directly ( path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pay->dobj->|dobj lex#previously paying lc#in , pos#VBD VBN rc#directly , lex#paid UNLABELED Mr. Hurd Euroskepticism pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attack->dobj->|dobj lex#attacked ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#attack rc#, saying UNLABELED Delaware North Yosemite National Park rc#, the trigger#win path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#won concession contract pos#VBD DT NN NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Icon Russia pos#, VBZ VBN IN DT path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-set->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#novel , trigger#set rc#disintegrating in ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#set REL$NA UNLABELED Tuneful Celebration Mr. Haring path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-continue->nsubj->|nsubj lex#Despite arrests criminal mischief pos#POS IN NNS IN JJ NN , ner#MISC->PERSON rc#continued to trigger#continue lc#' NEGATIVE Uvira Bukavu path#advmod|->advmod->south->dep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, and trigger#south lex#miles south pos#, NNS RB IN lc#camps around REL$NA UNLABELED Ravi Patel N.C. lc#" said rc#, company pos#, WP$ , path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#patel UNLABELED Graham Wilson United Newspapers Group rc#, which trigger#director lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Ted Fang The Independent lex#publisher rc#, has ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA trigger#publisher path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Michigan Tim Biakabutuka rc#, its lc#he expected ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#feature path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-feature->dobj->|dobj REL$NA pos#TO VB lex#feature UNLABELED Ms. Tureck Aria pos#POS NNS IN DT lex#'s performances trigger#performance path#poss|<-poss<-performance->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#and in rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Siddhartha Gautama Lumbini path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#. lc#moon , lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Driansky Fulton Market Fish Mongers Association lc#'' said pos#, WP VBZ DT NN IN DT rc#. lex#secretary trigger#secretary path#rcmod|->rcmod->secretary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Nicotine Dependence Center Mayo Clinic rc#in lc#of the trigger#director ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT UNLABELED Paul W. Grace Washington path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn trigger#office lc#hired , ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT rc#office of UNLABELED Indians Mark Clark pos#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-trade->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD PRP$ JJ NN , lc#The trigger#pitch trigger#lose trigger#trade ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, to lc#when the rc#pitched his path#rcmod|->rcmod->pitch->nsubj->|nsubj pos#VBD DT JJ NN lex#lost 11-game winner ner#MISC->PERSON rc#to the lex#traded underrated pitcher path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Seagram Company Universal Music path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#. lex#owns trigger#company pos#, WDT VBZ UNLABELED Alvin Michaelson Angelo Buono rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#list include trigger#defend lex#defended path#rcmod|->rcmod->defend->dobj->|dobj pos#CC , WP VBD UNLABELED Edward Barbini Mr. Abrams rc#'s office lex#spokesman lc#'' said rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#office rc#. rc#, called path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->office->poss->|poss lc#, said trigger#spokesman lc#" said lc#But UNLABELED Silvia Moreno Lima trigger#lawyer rc#, said lex#lawyer pos#, , DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#But UNLABELED Mr. Forbes Far Hills trigger#survive pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , , IN , : NNS , , IN , , IN , , IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->dobj->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and trigger#son ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#survived brother sons UNLABELED Charles Bukowski San Pedro Peninsula Hospital pos#, DT NN , NN CC NN WP$ JJ NN CC JJ NN VBD VBN TO DT NN IN DT NN `` NNP , '' VBD IN NNP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#die lex#poet novelist screenwriter heavy drinking hard living brought screen film Barfly died Wednesday ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Aaron R. Marcu Federal pos#, DT JJ rc#prosecutor and path#appos|->appos->prosecutor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#prosecutor UNLABELED Mubarak Osama al-Baz rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS JJ JJ NN , lc#Alert President trigger#adviser lex#'s key political adviser path#poss|<-poss<-adviser->appos->|appos UNLABELED Lafayette Street Third Street path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#be ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, in lc#at pos#, IN UNLABELED Long Island Lutheran Private Schools Athletic Association rc#final . trigger#lose lc#, to path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-lose->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED Communist Asia trigger#ally lc#and its lex#state lex#nations lex#allies lc#the lc#to the rc#? trigger#state rc#. pos#NN IN lc#democratically elected trigger#nation path#amod|<-amod<-nation->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#government rc#to initiate trigger#government path#amod|<-amod<-state->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS IN ner#MISC->LOCATION path#amod|<-amod<-ally->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#amod|<-amod<-government->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Karok California lc#of the path#nn|<-nn<-people->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#people lex#people ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#NNS IN NEGATIVE Sonic Smith lc#( trigger#have rc#, and pos#-RRB- ner#MISC->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA UNLABELED Dan Polsby Berkeley trigger#freshman rc#, lex#freshman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->freshman->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Wayne Virginia Tech lex#sophomore trigger#sophomore lc#their son path#appos|->appos->sophomore->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, about ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Irit Shilo Dafi rc#, the trigger#operate lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBZ lex#operates path#rcmod|->rcmod->operate->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Neil Strauss Downing Stadium lex#reviews trigger#review rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Stephen Girsky Morgan Stanley & Company trigger#analyst pos#, DT NN NN NN IN rc#. lc#asked lex#tire industry analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Rosenblum Open Teams NEC World Bridge Championships pos#VBD RB NN IN DT rc#, there ner#MISC->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-continue->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#When the lex#continued today trigger#continue NEGATIVE Piet Zwart Dutch pos#, DT rc#graphic designer ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->designer->amod->|amod trigger#designer lc#brochures by REL$NA NEGATIVE Edgar College Park rc#, says lc#who defended trigger#owner lex#owners pos#CC , DT NNS IN path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Vera University of Wisconsin trigger#professor lc#president of pos#WP VBZ RB DT NN NN IN DT rc#. lex#law professor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Kenneth DeRegt Mr. Karches lc#turn , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj pos#, , VBZ rc#as head lex#succeeds trigger#succeed UNLABELED New City Patricia Tierney lc#, of rc#of lex#sister ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-brother->appos->|appos pos#, , CC DT NN , trigger#brother UNLABELED Linda Bub Jenny rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, WP VBZ lex#plays path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED William Bermudez New York pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->detective->nn->|nn trigger#detective lex#cynical rc#detective who ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Shanken Wine Spectator pos#, NN IN rc#and other path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#publishes The trigger#publish pos#RB VBZ DT trigger#owner ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner rc#, which path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-publish->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Mr. Weissmann Columbia Law School pos#, WP PRP VBD IN trigger#graduate lex#graduated path#rcmod|->rcmod->graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Travelers Group David B. Walsh lc#of the path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn pos#, VBN rc#senior vice ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#appointed trigger#president UNLABELED Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Pierre lc#of the pos#, IN PRP$ JJ IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-chairman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#chairman lex#annual UNLABELED Dorothy Siminski Urban Park Rangers pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#Dismantling Recycling rc#, said lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Lion Australia lc#would make pos#DT JJS NN NN IN trigger#company rc#and lex#largest beverage company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Amos Famous Amos Cookie Company path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->dobj->|dobj trigger#start lex#started original rc#with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD DT JJ UNLABELED S. Kuniczak Polish-born American trigger#writer lc#by W. pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#writer who path#appos|->appos->writer->amod->|amod NEGATIVE South Africa Organization of African Unity ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#MD VB VBN TO DT lc#hope that path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-admit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#admitted rc#. trigger#admit REL$NA UNLABELED Patterson-Schwartz & Associates Wilmington path#appos|->appos->agency->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#agency rc#real estate ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#of UNLABELED Mr. Koval Mansfield path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn trigger#resident pos#, DT rc#resident , ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Sacchi Daniele Massaro path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj lc#teams , pos#MD VB lex#play ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#from the trigger#play UNLABELED Cadbury Beverages Oasis trigger#line pos#POS JJ lc#competition for ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#poss|<-poss<-line->nn->|nn rc#line of UNLABELED Dr. Richard Blacher Tufts University School of Medicine lc#'' said trigger#professor lex#psychiatry professor lecturer surgery pos#, DT NN NN CC NN IN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in NEGATIVE Davis O'Neill trigger#throw ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#intentionally . lc#was sure pos#VBD RB VB IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-throw->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lex#throw UNLABELED Museu Negro trigger#do lc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->dobj->|dobj rc#. ner#LOCATION->MISC pos#VBP UNLABELED Barry J. Barbash S.E.C. lc#" said pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#'s investment trigger#division lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->division->poss->|poss trigger#director UNLABELED Islamic Holy War Islamic pos#, DT JJ rc#group , path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod trigger#group lex#militant ner#MISC->MISC lc#was that NEGATIVE Tracy Nelson Manhattan pos#, , NNP NNP , path#appos|->appos->street->appos->|appos trigger#street lex#West Street rc#, (212) 727-7788 ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#Country Plus UNLABELED Benjamin W. Bull American Family Association rc#, a lc#" said rc#, said trigger#counsel pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#general counsel path#appos|->appos->counsel->prep->for->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->counsel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#week , pos#, JJ NN TO DT UNLABELED Mrs. Hill Rooster 's trigger#manager rc#, although path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#business manager pos#VBZ RB DT NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Jeffersons Lionel path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos lc#married the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#POS NN , rc#. trigger#son lex#son UNLABELED William E. Brock Houston lc#'' said trigger#brock rc#as a path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#special trade representative pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT , WP VBD IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mark Hershhorn National Media Corporation lc#'' said trigger#executive pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which UNLABELED Mr. Levinthal Modern Romance pos#VBD RB '' ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, rc#, '' trigger#put lex#put '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED New York Jets Coach Bill Parcells Jimmy Johnson lc#Article on ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#Coach pos#CC VBP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-coach->dobj->|dobj rc#in view trigger#coach NEGATIVE Mercedes-Benz New York lex#literary agent trigger#win path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and an path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#agent lc#and the rc#, lc#in his pos#PRP VBD IN lex#won pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Tennessee Northwestern in Citrus Bowl ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#B8 trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ rc#. lex#beats UNLABELED David N. Fleisher Goldman , Sachs & Company path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, who trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Lucie J. Fjeldstad New Canaan path#appos|->appos->consultant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#consultant rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lex#consultant lc#" said UNLABELED Simon Bowden McCabe lex#joined ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join pos#, WP VBD rc#by leaving path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->dobj->|dobj lc#" said NEGATIVE Scott Rudin Addams Family lex#producer trigger#producer path#appos|->appos->producer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, " pos#, NN IN DT JJ `` REL$NA UNLABELED Andrew Lofthouse Fiddler 's Elbow trigger#manager lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#manager UNLABELED Investigative Group Inc. New York City pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#president of rc#. trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#private investigative company UNLABELED Golden Griffins Jaspers trigger#defeat lc#when the rc#, ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-defeat->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#defeated pos#-LRB- -RRB- VBD VBN IN DT UNLABELED Kansas Gas Kansas Power lex#wholly owned subsidiary path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-subsidiary->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. pos#MD VB DT RB VBN NN IN lc#utilities , trigger#subsidiary NEGATIVE Don Baker The Washington Post trigger#reporter rc#, was path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#reporter lc#in which ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Deng Xiaoping America trigger#go trigger#come lc#When rc#, he rc#as the pos#VBD TO lc#about since pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN , VBD trigger#pick path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pick->dobj->|dobj lex#late paramount leader picked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in lc#leader since NEGATIVE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Federal trigger#site ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#IN , DT path#appos|->appos->center->nn->|nn lc#at the rc#site that lc#from the rc#center for trigger#center REL$NA path#appos|->appos->site->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mr. Blutnick Zawiercie path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Peryali Greek path#appos|->appos->restaurant->amod->|amod pos#, DT rc#restaurant at ner#LOCATION->MISC trigger#restaurant lc#interest in NEGATIVE Conecuh County Mobile path#appos|->appos->northeast->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN lc#jail in lex#northeast rc#, " trigger#northeast ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA UNLABELED Burt Wides Aristide rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->adviser->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#adviser lex#legal adviser Father pos#, DT JJ NN TO NNP UNLABELED Ramon Cernuda Museum of Arts trigger#director pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#apartment of lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and Culture UNLABELED Khayam Persian-Armenian path#appos|->appos->restaurant->amod->|amod pos#, DT rc#restaurant in ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#restaurant lc#felt that UNLABELED Mr. Redmond Grand Canyon trigger#describe pos#VBD DT IN DT '' path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->prep->as->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#of northern lc#jeep , lex#'' UNLABELED PAM STEBBINS Sam Deutscher path#prep|->prep->accord->dep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#accord ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, senior pos#, NNP EX VBP JJ NNS IN WDT JJ NNS MD VB VBN IN VBG DT NN NN , VBG TO lex#There major ways withdrawals made paying penalty tax UNLABELED Denise Korniewicz Johns Hopkins School of Nursing rc#, examined trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN lex#assistant professor UNLABELED Mr. Woo Broken Arrow lc#made under ner#PERSON->MISC lex#director recent hit rc#. " path#appos|->appos->director->dep->|dep pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ VBD `` trigger#director UNLABELED Abbas Moussawi Lebanon trigger#kill pos#, DT NNP NNP IN , VBD VBN IN IN rc#. lex#Secretary General killed ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-kill->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Shaw Hawaiian Eye lex#wrote trigger#write rc#" and lc#, ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD `` UNLABELED Mr. Burgess Honolulu pos#, WP MD VB POS RBS JJ NN , VBZ DT VBG NN IN VBZ PRP$ NN IN NNS , IN NNS IN TO trigger#have rc#to Ho path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#'s successful restaurateur calling card lists affiliation companies offices ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Ruud Polet Amsterdam path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#'s spokesman ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#spokesman pos#, POS NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Marshall Freeman Harris Balkans lc#" said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN DT IN DT rc#. lex#executive director ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Art Dealers Association of America Seventh Regiment Armory lc#: The lc#by the lex#incarnation weekend lc#The pos#VBD IN DT JJ ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#on lex#moved giant trigger#move pos#, WDT VBZ IN PRP$ NN DT NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->into->pobj->|pobj trigger#association UNLABELED Laura X Berkeley lc#" said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#heads Women 's rc#, said pos#, DT NN IN DT IN IN trigger#head pos#, WP VBZ DT NNP POS IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. lc#known as lex#director ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director NEGATIVE American Express New York City lex#offices lc#week at rc#rose by lc#month at trigger#office path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, for REL$NA pos#NNS IN NEGATIVE Newell Stanley pos#, VBN IN , NNP RB VBZ NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#percent path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->percent->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#, which lex#based Ill. owns percent NEGATIVE Berkeley Northampton ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, of rc#, trigger#son path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , , IN , , , IN REL$NA UNLABELED DOROTHY Yellow Brick Road trigger#follow lex#pals path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-follow->dobj->|dobj pos#CC PRP$ NNS MD VB VBG DT rc#twice today ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Quigley Bee Estess pos#VBD DT NN IN DT NN IN PRP$ NN , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-observe->dobj->|dobj lc#, when trigger#observe rc#, at ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#observed version game inventor UNLABELED North Roslyn Kurlan of Great Neck path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#be ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, pos#CC VBD UNLABELED Mr. Piech Volkswagen rc#, died lex#chairman rc#chief , pos#, DT lc#husband , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->chief->nn->|nn trigger#chief pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#chairman NEGATIVE David Wright William Schuman path#nn|<-nn<-article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#NN IN NNS lex#article composers trigger#article rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Bernard Sosnick Deutsche Bank Group lex#retail analyst pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, who trigger#analyst path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN rc#in NEGATIVE Bob Stoops Gator lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->coordinator->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#coordinator ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#defensive coordinator NEGATIVE Empire Airlines Hayden Lake path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base lc#operated by REL$NA lex#based UNLABELED Jeff Stewart Square Earth pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->dobj->|dobj lex#started trigger#start lc#WHEN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a NEGATIVE Raymond Anderson Miller pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, although path#appos|->appos->agent->poss->|poss rc#'s agent trigger#agent REL$NA UNLABELED Columbia Lieut. Col. Andrew M. Allen trigger#commander lc#" the pos#POS NN , ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-commander->appos->|appos lex#'s commander rc#of the NEGATIVE University of Notre Dame East lc#, the pos#, WDT VBZ VBG PRP$ NN IN PRP$ NN IN , , VBD NNS IN NNS CC NNS IN POS trigger#sell lex#renovating stadium campus sold items lockers seats 's path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED HBO Pictures White Mile lex#produced ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#president with trigger#produce path#rcmod|->rcmod->produce->dobj->|dobj rc#, " pos#IN , WDT VBD `` UNLABELED Enrique Piana Argentine pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->citizen->amod->|amod ner#PERSON->MISC lc#conspiracy with rc#citizen and trigger#citizen UNLABELED David E. Duke Ku Klux Klan lc#dossier on pos#, DT JJ rc#leader whose trigger#leader lc#generated by rc#leader and rc#leader . path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#Saturday for UNLABELED EDWARD J. CAMPBELL Newport News Shipyard trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, won lex#chief executive 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN POS UNLABELED Lord McAlpine British Conservative Party path#appos|->appos->treasurer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, says lex#treasurer trigger#treasurer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN UNLABELED White House Mr. Ryan pos#MD VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-nominate->dobj->|dobj lex#nominate rc#and ask ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#Friday the trigger#nominate UNLABELED Gerald Jennings Harold L. Joyce trigger#defeat pos#, DT JJ , RB VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj lex#insurgent narrowly defeated NEGATIVE European Commission Berlin rc#and an pos#POS NN IN path#poss|<-poss<-representative->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, the lex#'s representative ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#representative NEGATIVE Bledsoe Jefferson lex#threw pass trigger#throw lc#left , ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD DT NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-throw->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#from his REL$NA UNLABELED Florida Everglades Olympic Peninsula ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#TO DT IN DT TO DT trigger#take lc#from the path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Jerry Falco Student Activities pos#, NNP IN lex#Director rc#at the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Boston Rapp Collins Marcoa lc#acquired the ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN lex#unit trigger#unit rc#, a UNLABELED Ms. Colwin Lake Ronkonkoma path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#, rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew trigger#grow pos#VBD RP IN UNLABELED Rachel Shteir Brooklyn lc#BOOKEND lex#writes lives rc#. pos#, WP VBZ IN CC , VBZ IN trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Wilson News International lex#international development director pos#, , MD VB JJ NN NN IN rc#, publisher ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Sanger United States pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN DT lc#, lex#opened birth-control clinic trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, behind ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Liotti William Kunstler pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invite->dobj->|dobj lex#invited ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, when rc#to address trigger#invite NEGATIVE Pirates Sooners pos#VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-outscore->dobj->|dobj lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#outscored trigger#outscore REL$NA rc#, 12-4 NEGATIVE Richard Yarborough English path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and chairman pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lex#professor lc#" said UNLABELED Ms. Saunders Mr. Warden lex#describes trigger#describe ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ rc#as an path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-describe->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Robert Coplan Washington pos#, DT NN NN IN DT pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#office of lex#partner path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->in->pobj->office->nn->|nn trigger#partner trigger#office lex#tax partner ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said lc#" said NEGATIVE David Fanshel Columbia University rc#who followed lex#professor emeritus ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN REL$NA path#appos|->appos->emeritus->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#emeritus UNLABELED General Motors National path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj trigger#motors pos#VBD lex#bought ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#work for rc#, including lex#sold percent stake lc#, trigger#sell rc#, while pos#VBD PRP$ NN NN IN lex#owns pos#, WDT VBZ rc#to an path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sell->dobj->stake->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj trigger#stake UNLABELED I.B.M. Corporation Armonk path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#; pos#, VBN IN trigger#base lc#include the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Newspaper Publishing P.L.C. Independent rc#, the lc#are path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj lex#owner The pos#, NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#owned by rc#and The path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner trigger#p.l.c. lex#owns The pos#, WDT VBZ DT NEGATIVE Bob Randall Denver path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#runs station trigger#run rc#. pos#, WP VBZ DT NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Bowen Coalition Party trigger#leader pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Jason D. O'Grady Power Page lc#'' said lex#publisher 's rc#( www.ogrady.com pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#publisher path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Savage Reservation New Mexico pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-travel->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#to the trigger#travel rc#to see UNLABELED Lawrence S. Murray ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#son , rc#of pos#IN : DT NN , IN : DT NN , trigger#daughter path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->daughter->dep->brother->appos->|appos trigger#son lex#daughter brother trigger#brother UNLABELED Ms. Smith East 60th Street lc#use , trigger#make pos#VBD PRP$ NN TO DT NN IN rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#made club UNLABELED Irishwomen Britain rc#for abortions lc#that pos#DT VB TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#go UNLABELED Cast CASINO PARADISE Renee Lutz trigger#manager lc#The pos#, NN IN : NNS IN : NN IN CC : VBN IN : VBN IN : NN , : JJ NN , : NNS , : NN , : NN , : NN NN NN , lex#music lyrics book directed conducted choreography scenic design costumes lighting sound production stage manager path#dep|->dep->manager->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. UNLABELED Gant Manhattan pos#, DT NNS POS CC NNS POS NN NN , MD VB PRP$ NN IN DT NN , IN , IN NNP NNP , IN rc#. trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#men 's boys clothing retailer open store tomorrow 51st Street UNLABELED Republican Christopher J. Mega trigger#challenger rc#, is path#amod|<-amod<-challenger->appos->|appos lex#challenger ner#MISC->PERSON lc#and his pos#NN , NEGATIVE Cambridge Michael Porter trigger#found lc#firm in path#partmod|->partmod->found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#of the lex#founded pos#, , VBN IN REL$NA UNLABELED William C Rhoden Sports of The Times St John path#nn|<-nn<-column->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#'s Coach lex#column ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#NN IN rc#'s naming trigger#column UNLABELED Culbro New York City rc#. trigger#base path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED John R. Barrows Nabisco Inc. lex#spokesman rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Lambright Husky Stadium rc#when trigger#play pos#IN , , PRP$ NNS CC DT JJ NN NN , , MD VB DT JJ NN IN DT NN IN lex#teammates head coach play central role melodrama ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Chris Lee Arlington Hotel trigger#manager pos#VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#assistant manager rc#on ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Croatia Prague pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#flee rc#. lc#to flee path#dobj|<-dobj<-flee->prep->for->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Dakota Upper West Side of Manhattan rc#, the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-building->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NN IN DT lex#apartment building lc#include the trigger#building UNLABELED Agassi Thomas Enqvist rc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB JJ trigger#go ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play rc#, who lex#play 13th-seeded lc#match , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->against->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN NEGATIVE Richard Avedon Paris pos#VBD TO rc#to photograph path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#of trigger#go UNLABELED Mr. Murphy Senate lex#conservative elected path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-elect->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#, trigger#elect ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ , VBD VBN TO DT rc#, defeating NEGATIVE Queens Afghanistan pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc# lc#moved to trigger#move REL$NA path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Frerotte Turner path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj lc#But if ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#ultimately sinks trigger#take rc#with him pos#RB VBZ , PRP MD VB UNLABELED Adventure of the Clapham Cook Poirot pos#, '' ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#'' The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-break->nsubj->|nsubj lex#'' rc#breaks his trigger#break UNLABELED Dolores Apodaca Alfond National Alliances of Families pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head lc#of Families path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which UNLABELED Mr. Lebed Kremlin path#poss|<-poss<-appearance->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-keep->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD DT lc#behavior , trigger#appearance trigger#bring lc#fear that lex#'s appearance rc#, many rc#in constant path#dobj|<-dobj<-bring->prep->into->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#may lead pos#IN DT lc#brought trigger#keep NEGATIVE Gary Freehold path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, pos#CC , VBD RP IN lc#the brothers ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew REL$NA trigger#grow UNLABELED Arthur J. Hill Coldwell Banker Real Estate Group lc#; rc#, and pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN DT lex#chairman chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Thomas Pickering Moscow lc#They said trigger#ambassador path#appos|->appos->ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#Ambassador rc#, was rc#, today ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NNP TO NEGATIVE Joe Montana Pro Bowl trigger#replace path#dobj|<-dobj<-replace->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'s ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Barbara Zabalza Telepizza pos#, rc#'s director ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss lc#'' explained trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Myers Hollywood Hills of Los Angeles lc#, lex#living comfortably rc#with his trigger#live ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBG RB IN DT UNLABELED Greek Anaktoro rc#) , pos#IN DT lc#known in path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj trigger#know ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Courbet Napoleon lc#When pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced trigger#replace rc#with peasants path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Yankees Mo Vaughn trigger#go lc#about the lex#possibly replacing ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#RB VBG PRP IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#: " trigger#replace path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->after->pobj->|pobj pos#MD VB IN lc#not the REL$NA rc#, a NEGATIVE Pennsylvania Avenue Brooklyn lc#; ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#IN DT NN IN path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, with lex#section REL$NA trigger#section UNLABELED Patrolmen 's Benevolent Association Del-Debbio lc#of the rc#for path#rcmod|->rcmod->know->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ VBN NNP ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#Officer trigger#association UNLABELED Minnesota Northern States Power ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, WRB rc#has run lc#In path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#run UNLABELED Thomas C. Lynch Academy pos#, DT lc#Rear Adm. rc#'s Superintendent trigger#superintendent ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->superintendent->poss->|poss UNLABELED J. Farruggia Syska pos#, JJ JJ NN IN lex#chief sanitary engineer path#appos|->appos->engineer->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#and lc#said Salvagore ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#engineer UNLABELED Pierre-Henry Gagey Louis Jadot pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->company->nn->|nn rc#company and trigger#company ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Wordperfect Corel Inc. pos#NN CC JJ NNS TO lc#its struggling rc#of path#nn|<-nn<-unit<-dobj<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#sell lex#unit related products trigger#unit UNLABELED Harry Schwarz South African lc#'s Comments pos#, DT trigger#ambassador ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->ambassador->amod->|amod rc#Ambassador to UNLABELED New Philharmonic Pied Piper ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#by the path#rcmod|->rcmod->call->dobj->|dobj lex#called trigger#call rc#of the pos#IN , , WP VBZ VBN VBN DT UNLABELED Ms. Schuster B. North America rc#, said pos#, , NN IN NNP CC path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#'' with ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#president D.M.B. trigger#president UNLABELED Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky Worldwide Lubavitch Movement pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Violin Concerto Requiem pos#IN : VBZ `` '' CC PRP$ NN `` '' : POS NNP NNP , CC `` NNP '' IN NNS : DT rc#by path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#be lex#'s ballet 's Piano Concerto Lyric strings lc#a 19th-century ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED VICTORIOUS Eduard A. Shevardnadze Soviet trigger#minister pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC rc#Foreign Minister lc#LEADER path#appos|->appos->minister->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Flyers Karl Dykhuis path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-trade->dobj->|dobj trigger#trade lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#traded rc#and pos#VBD RB REL$NA NEGATIVE Amp Lee Warner lc#left , rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-catch->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#catch REL$NA lex#caught 15-yard scoring pass UNLABELED Amir Drori Antiquities Authority pos#, NN IN DT lc#made by lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which trigger#director UNLABELED Shari Gruhn Lewis Carrie Ann ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lex#daughter lc#wife , trigger#daughter rc#, of pos#: DT NN , UNLABELED Bakers Dragon Dictate pos#VBD lc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->dobj->|dobj rc#, ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#introduce lex#introduced UNLABELED Uganda Mr. Daldry lc#festival in rc#sees as pos#, WDT ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#uganda path#rcmod|->rcmod->see->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Awful Rhythm Mr. Tosches rc#writes about path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#write ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#, pos#CC DT , '' UNLABELED Francis Pickens John C. Calhoun ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN DT NN trigger#cousin rc#. lex#cousin statesman path#appos|->appos->cousin->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#politician , UNLABELED Leonard Conway Westhampton Beach pos#JJ NN IN lc#of the lex#beachfront estate trigger#estate rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-estate->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Black America Congress ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#lose rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN PRP$ NN IN DT NN IN DT lex#lost place table lc#" UNLABELED Whitman Mr. Eisenberg ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#order lex#ordered lc#Governor rc#'' to path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-order->dobj->|dobj pos#RB VBD UNLABELED Minerva Gutierrez Yautepec pos#IN JJ lc#found rc#, through path#dobj|<-dobj<-find->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#find lex#bustling NEGATIVE Oakley American trigger#envoy pos#, DT rc#envoy , ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->envoy->amod->|amod REL$NA UNLABELED Soho Machido East Asian lc#'' said trigger#professor ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#study pos#, DT JJ NN IN lex#assistant professor rc#studies at path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->study->amod->|amod UNLABELED Catholic Ronnie Lewis rc#, the trigger#follow path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-follow->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, PRP VBD VBN IN ner#MISC->PERSON lc#A UNLABELED Petro Marko Srbica trigger#school pos#JJ NN IN lex#elementary school lc#at the rc#said as ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-school->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED GATT Republican-controlled ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT lc#vote on path#rcmod|->rcmod->begin->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#begin rc#next UNLABELED Ms. Hershey T. K. Katwuller ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , WP$ JJ NN VBZ path#poss|<-poss<-character->appos->|appos rc#. lc#perspective of trigger#character lex#'s character improbable NEGATIVE Northeastern University Dedham lc#director of pos#POS NNP IN NNP NNP IN rc#, Mass. path#poss|<-poss<-center->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#center ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#'s Center Family Business REL$NA UNLABELED Wayne Valley North Jersey trigger#victory path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#play trigger#play ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-over<-prep<-victory->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#victory over pos#MD VB IN DT rc#, Section pos#IN DT NEGATIVE Hank Greenberg Jewish Publication Society lc#as " path#partmod|->partmod->publish->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#publish lex#published ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#: '' IN , VBN IN DT REL$NA UNLABELED Parke Lutter Chelsea lex#owns glittery indie boutique lc#'' said pos#, WP VBZ DT NN NN NN IN rc#with his path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#lutter UNLABELED Drawing Center University of California pos#CC NN IN DT IN DT lc#of the rc#at ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#director path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Cook Saudis pos#VBD DT rc#of a ner#PERSON->MISC lex#warned path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-warn->dobj->|dobj trigger#warn UNLABELED Spencer Abraham Senate Judiciary Committee lc#said Senator path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#. lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, IN , DT NN IN DT NEGATIVE Steppenwolf Sam Shepard rc#'s '' lc#the trigger#revival ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#NN IN lex#revival REL$NA path#nn|<-nn<-revival->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Geopartners Research Inc. Cambridge lex#management consulting firm lc#president of rc#, path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN VBG NN IN UNLABELED Warner Turner Pictures and Castle Rock lc#Time ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj lex#acquired trigger#acquire rc#, as UNLABELED Allenwood Federal Montgomery path#nn|<-nn<-camp->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#camp lex#prison camp lc#at the pos#NN NN IN rc#, Pa. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Bennie Thayer National Association lex#chairman 350,000-member pos#, NN IN DT JJ rc#for the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Don Scardino Andre Bishop pos#VBD pos#IN VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced rc#, who trigger#replace rc#as artistic path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj lc#leaders ( UNLABELED L. Howard Fox Montclair path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident lex#resident rc#, lc#, to ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. McGourty Scotch thistles path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-love->dobj->|dobj trigger#love pos#VBZ rc#, magnificent ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#loves UNLABELED Excelsiors Green-Wood Cemetery lex#buried pos#CC VBD VBN IN lc#called the path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bury->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#bury UNLABELED TOMMIE FRAZIER Montreal Alouettes lex#led national titles signed contract rc#of the trigger#contract lc#Quarterback path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->dobj->contract->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#sign pos#, WP VBD TO JJ NNS , VBD DT NN IN DT UNLABELED Financial Control Board Metropolitan Transportation Authority pos#, DT , DT , DT lc#of the rc#and other trigger#member ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-member->appos->|appos UNLABELED Alan Ginsberg Smith Barney trigger#director lc#'' said lex#managing director pos#, DT VBG NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Karen S. Sandler Foothill rc#, a path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#president NEGATIVE Kentucky New Orleans lc#will face ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#in its pos#JJ NNP IN lex#Saturday trigger#face REL$NA path#dobj|<-dobj<-face->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED HUGH CULVERHOUSE Buccaneers pos#, NN IN DT lc#" with rc#, to path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#owner lex#owner UNLABELED Ann P. McHugh Princeton path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->firm->nn->|nn rc#law firm trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT lc#" said UNLABELED National Collegiate Athletic Association University of Lowell lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#put rc#on probation path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->dobj->|dobj pos#NN VBD DT lex#today put NEGATIVE Poker Washington lex#moved rc#and The path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#'s trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, '' WP VBD JJ TO UNLABELED Claud Mann Los Angeles-area pos#, DT JJ rc#chef who path#appos|->appos->chef->nn->|nn trigger#chef lc#hiring of ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#young NEGATIVE Jack N. Green Terry Rawlings lex#edited ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-director->dep->edit->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#; music lc#photography , REL$NA pos#: VBN IN trigger#edit trigger#director UNLABELED John Ogden Florida Institute of Oceanography trigger#director lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Social and Democratic Labor Party Catholic lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lex#province 's largest path#appos|->appos->party->amod->|amod rc#party . pos#, DT NN POS JJS trigger#party UNLABELED New York Philharmonic Ensembles Merkin Concert Hall lc#The path#nn|<-nn<-program->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#programs rc#give the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#NNS IN trigger#program UNLABELED Amr Aly Saudi Arabia rc#; pos#, DT JJ JJ IN , VBZ VBN VBN TO lc#; lex#all-American assigned path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-assign->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#assign UNLABELED Pepe Fanjul Flo-Sun Inc rc#, says lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#by J ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president POSITIVE Marimba Kim Polese lex#'s president lc#'' said:INV lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#.:INV path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV trigger#executive rc#, who lex#chief executive:INV REL$/business/company/founders ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT JJ NN NN:INV rc#, a:INV path#poss|<-poss<-president->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#president chief executive:INV ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN:INV trigger#founder pos#,:INV lc#leaders like:INV lex#young founder high-profile software start-up:INV path#appos|->appos->executive->poss->|poss:INV pos#, JJ NN IN:INV lc#;:INV path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN:INV lex#founder:INV rc#, which:INV rc#'s chief:INV trigger#president path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV rc#;:INV lc#But:INV UNLABELED Marvin Womack Procter lc#But path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#vice president pos#, DT trigger#president UNLABELED Orchestra of St. Luke Avery Fisher Hall lc#conducted the path#dobj|<-dobj<-conduct->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#conduct rc#on Friday lex#'s ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#POS IN UNLABELED Lewinsky Clinton rc#; path#poss|<-poss<-relationship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#deliver documents path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-deliver->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#them to lc#of seeing pos#VB NNS TO lex#'s relationship trigger#deliver trigger#relationship rc#in NEGATIVE Derby Line Newport path#appos|->appos->northeast->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#northeast rc#, is pos#, RB NN IN trigger#northeast ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA POSITIVE Tipperary Hill Syracuse ner#LOCATION->LOCATION REL$/location/neighborhood/neighborhood_of lex#neighborhood rc#, fixed path#appos|->appos->neighborhood->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#fireman from pos#, DT NN IN trigger#neighborhood UNLABELED Ms. Schembri Brooklyn rc#, taking lc#And pos#VBZ NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#home trigger#go NEGATIVE Whitman Southern California trigger#visit pos#VBD DT IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#When Governor rc#in April ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#visited REL$NA UNLABELED Judge Borden Justice Ellen A. Peters lc#addition to path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-addition<-pobj<-in<-prep<-include->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, VBD NNP trigger#addition rc#, trigger#include lex#included Chief UNLABELED San Francisco Arlo Smith lex#'s District Attorney pos#NNP NNP , lc#The rc#, said lex#District Attorney ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#POS NNP NNP , rc#, attacked path#poss|<-poss<-attorney->appos->|appos lc#opponent , trigger#attorney path#nn|<-nn<-attorney->appos->|appos UNLABELED Fifth Monkey Directed Jacques Zibi rc#; director path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->on->pobj->novel->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#base lex#written based '' '' pos#CC VBN IN : VBN IN DT NN '' '' IN UNLABELED C. Fred Fetteroff Aluminum Company of America pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED American Association of Kidney Patients Dialysis Worldwide pos#, , NNP , , , NN NNS , VBZ `` ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#publish lex#LL1 phone (813) 251-0725 publishes rc#for the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-publish->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Jean Chauncey South Jamaica Senior Citizens Center trigger#director pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Arthur Sufrin Emmanuel Sufrin path#appos|<-appos<-brother->appos->|appos pos#IN , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of trigger#brother lc#brothers , UNLABELED Jacques A. Nasser Ford Automotive Operations lex#president lc#, '' pos#, NN IN rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Hugh Culverhouse Tampa Bay lc#By replacing pos#, DT trigger#owner path#appos|->appos->owner->nn->|nn lc#meeting with ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#owner , UNLABELED William Burch Australian lc#When pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#physicist path#appos|->appos->physicist->amod->|amod rc#physicist , UNLABELED Jack Lee Marshall Space Flight Center lex#director 's pos#, NN IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Del Tredici Ms. Supove lex#compares trigger#compare ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-compare->dobj->|dobj rc#to UNLABELED Mr. Zimet Jacques Perrin ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. pos#VBD DT JJ NN IN IN DT NN lex#bought royal commode dealer trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED E.P.A. Washington path#poss|<-poss<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#'s noise office pos#POS NN NN IN trigger#office lc#at the rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Tremblay Devine pos#VBD trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj lex#gave rc#the red REL$NA UNLABELED Silvia Ordaz Mexico City pos#, DT lc#, path#appos|->appos->officer->nn->|nn trigger#officer rc#police officer ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Sherrod Washington lex#died home pos#VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#. trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Andre Agassi David Wheaton trigger#defeat pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#defeated REL$NA lc#: Top-seeded NEGATIVE Bruce Jackson American Studies rc#professor at trigger#professor pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Dallas Stars Texas Rangers rc#last pos#, VBD DT NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#owner path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'s lex#owner REL$NA UNLABELED Social Services Department Waterford rc#, the lex#put office pos#VBD DT NN IN trigger#put path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#that the UNLABELED Angotti Interpublic path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBN IN lc#with an lc#; lc#: rc#, and lex#part path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , , NN IN lex#unit pos#, , DT NN IN trigger#part path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#unit rc#, confirmed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#angotti rc#because " lex#owned pos#, RB VBN IN lc#officer at UNLABELED Turner Construction Company New York rc#that specializes lc#of the lex#territory general manager ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#base lc#venture between trigger#company path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#CC NN JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ JJ NN VBN IN trigger#president lex#giant national company based UNLABELED Holiday Inn Yak Hotel ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#IN TO DT lc#from the path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#move UNLABELED Dale M. Volker Senate rc#who represents lc#'' said lex#senior member path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Gent Gosport path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Dr. Porter Dr. Santavy trigger#letter lc#, '' ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write pos#VBD IN DT NN TO rc#that accompanied path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write->prep->in->pobj->letter->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#wrote letter UNLABELED Tony Staffier Avis rc#for trigger#work pos#, DT NN IN NN NNS IN DT , VBZ VBN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#manager car sales worked UNLABELED Mr. Ferrer Yankee Stadium lc#'' said pos#, WP VBD DT NN NN IN lex#held news conference ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#yesterday to trigger#hold path#rcmod|->rcmod->hold->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Nancy M. Coleman American Bar Association 's Commission pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said rc#on lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED SUSANNAH HUNNEWELL James R. Kincaid University of California pos#, WP VBZ IN DT trigger#teach lex#teaches rc#, path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#-- ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Ms. Streep Academy Award pos#, DT JJ trigger#winner rc#winner , ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->winner->nn->|nn lex#two-time UNLABELED Mary Vivian Elinor Edmundson pos#IN , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos rc#of trigger#daughter lc#daughters , UNLABELED Coubertin Lausanne lex#increasingly odds sporting authorities moved 's headquarters rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, RB IN NNS IN VBG NNS , VBD DT POS NN IN TO lc#when UNLABELED Theo Waigel Germany trigger#minister pos#, lc#corruption , lc#'' said rc#, and pos#, DT NNP NNP IN path#appos|->appos->minister->poss->|poss lex#Finance Minister lc#bank ; path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#worse , ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#'s Finance rc#'s blunt-spoken rc#'s embattled lc#" said UNLABELED Ri Pak PageNet Tour Championship trigger#win rc#golf tournament pos#VBZ lex#wins lc#Se path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->tournament->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#tournament UNLABELED McCannon Norwich University lex#teaches history trigger#teach ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBZ NN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->teach->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#in UNLABELED Jeffrey L. Hamley Native American Program trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT rc#at the lex#director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED John Leavers English lc#built by pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->worker->amod->|amod rc#lace worker ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#worker UNLABELED Libyan Col Muammar el-Qaddafi trigger#leader path#amod|<-amod<-leader->appos->|appos rc#, is ner#MISC->PERSON lex#leader lc#sign that pos#NN , UNLABELED Azerbaijanis Yugoslav Communist Party rc#voted to lc#to keep ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-keep->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN NNP NNP lex#A8 The trigger#keep UNLABELED Sarah Jean Baptist P.S. lex#attended path#rcmod|->rcmod->attend->dobj->|dobj pos#, , WP VBD ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#attend rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Orestes Kindelan Cuba pos#, rc#'s trigger#baseman path#appos|->appos->baseman->poss->|poss ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Willis Avenue Northern State Parkway pos#, JJ NN IN DT trigger#south rc#, path#appos|->appos->south->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc# lex#quarter-mile south UNLABELED JONATHAN LASH Environmental Law Center Vermont Law School South Royalton pos#NNP , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, Vt. lex#Director path#nn|<-nn<-director->appos->|appos trigger#director UNLABELED Dr. Daniel Rubenstein Princeton University lex#behavioral ecologist path#appos|->appos->ecologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#ecologist rc#, called pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Boomer 's Upper West Side path#appos|->appos->restaurant->nn->|nn ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#, PRP$ lc#research at trigger#restaurant rc#restaurant ; UNLABELED Mr. Bush Pennsylvania Republican Party lc#today with path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn pos#, , DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#chairman , trigger#chairman NEGATIVE Jerry Zaks Scott McPherson ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write lex#written lc#Directed by trigger#directed path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, based REL$NA pos#: VBN IN UNLABELED Mr. Lynch Jim Florio ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#president skillfully Gov. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->dobj->|dobj pos#, DT NN IN DT , VBZ RB VBN NNP lc#not , rc#in recent trigger#use UNLABELED Jeff Strong Association of Marine Industries lex#president pos#, NN IN DT lc#according to path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and owner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Allen Stayman Department of the Interior lex#senior official trigger#official path#appos|->appos->official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT rc#who oversees UNLABELED Mrs. Uris Brooklyn pos#, WP VBD VBN IN trigger#bear lex#born path#rcmod|->rcmod->bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, started UNLABELED George V. Grune Digest Association lc#will honor lex#chairman 's pos#, DT NN IN DT POS rc#, at ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Thomas Ackerman Scott Kroopf ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#photography , lex#edited music production designer produced trigger#produce rc#and path#appos|<-appos<-screenplay->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#screenplay pos#: VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN UNLABELED Bush Jr. Texas lc#him as lex#Governor trigger#governor rc#. path#appos|->appos->governor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NNP IN UNLABELED Nancy Scherer Kathryn Nyrop pos#IN , ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of trigger#father lc#sisters , path#appos|<-appos<-father->appos->|appos UNLABELED Rudy Crew Teachers College lex#speaks strongly favor requiring uniforms students primary grades suggesting children basing self-image clothes wear school address trigger#speak rc#at path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-speak->dobj->|dobj lc#Schools Chancellor pos#VBZ RB IN NN IN VBG NNS IN NNS IN JJ NNS , VBG IN RB JJ NNS IN VBP VBG PRP$ NN IN NNS PRP VBP TO NN , NN , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mrs. Ernest Simpson American pos#, DT lc#friendship for ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#woman rc#woman . . . path#appos|->appos->woman->amod->|amod UNLABELED Susan Silverstein Nationsbanc Montgomery Securities lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#. '' NEGATIVE Amelita Ramos Fidel V. Ramos lc#Monday when ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#boutique while pos#, DT NN IN NNP path#appos|->appos->wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#of the trigger#wife REL$NA lex#wife President UNLABELED Janice Chatmon Mitchell lex#principal ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#principal rc#said : pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE British Edward Gray lex#Foreign Secretary Sir rc#, said lc#, the ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#secretary REL$NA pos#NNP NNP , NNP path#nn|<-nn<-secretary->appos->|appos UNLABELED Georgianna Darmento Spanish lc#share birds pos#, DT rc#teacher at ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->teacher->amod->|amod trigger#teacher UNLABELED Nimbo Hammons George Washington pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#lead lex#led path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with NEGATIVE Paul L. Tractenberg Rutgers University trigger#professor pos#, DT rc#law professor path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Kuwaiti Abdel Rahman al-Awadi trigger#minister lc#The pos#NNP IN , rc#, has ner#MISC->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-minister->appos->|appos lex#Minister NEGATIVE Dolphins Baruch path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#MD VB lex#play lc#The trigger#play ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#in the REL$NA UNLABELED Makvala Kasrashvili Connecticut Choral Artists rc#and the lc#performance are lex#conducting trigger#conduct path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-conduct->dobj->|dobj pos#, CC , IN VBG DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE WSHU Fairfield lex#station trigger#station lc#host at ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#. path#appos|->appos->station->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Navy Steven S. Honigman trigger#lawyer lc#only the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, and path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS JJ NN , lex#'s top lawyer UNLABELED Josef Muzik Czech lc#land is pos#, DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->officer->amod->|amod rc#military officer trigger#officer UNLABELED Knight Stanford pos#VBD lex#picked rc#nonetheless , trigger#pick path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pick->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Bob Johnson Republican trigger#senator pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#state senator path#appos|->appos->senator->amod->|amod REL$NA UNLABELED DAVE CHEKETTS Knicks pos#, DT rc#' president ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss lc#speak to trigger#president UNLABELED Dr. Warren Brooklyn path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN lex#born rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Rabbi Meir Kahane Kach Party trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#slain leader militant rc#. lc#, and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT VBN NN IN DT JJ UNLABELED DR. NIKOLAI A. MAKAROV Russian trigger#scientist pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->scientist->amod->|amod rc#scientist working UNLABELED Lagrange Suntory rc#, the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#own path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#IN NNP VBZ VBN IN lex#St.-Julien owned NEGATIVE Israel NBC News ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#cover pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-cover->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#who covers REL$NA rc#. '' NEGATIVE Nathan Cincinnati trigger#child pos#, CC : PRP$ NNS , CC IN , CC DT NN , , IN rc#. lex#parents brother ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#children , REL$NA path#appos|<-appos<-child->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Swoopes Europe lc#season , rc#, probably pos#MD VB NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#find basketball employment trigger#find path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Edythe Neiberg Melvin trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, of trigger#brother lc#sisters , lex#brothers path#appos|<-appos<-sister->dep->brother->appos->|appos pos#, CC , DT IN , CC IN : NNS , NEGATIVE Budd Lake Mount Olive path#appos|->appos->section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#pastoral section pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, in REL$NA rc#, which trigger#section UNLABELED European division Belgium path#rcmod|->rcmod->include->dobj->|dobj rc#, lc#company 's trigger#include pos#, WDT VBZ lex#includes ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Jonathan L. Grand Blanc lc#son , ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, Mich. pos#, IN NEGATIVE Gerald Benjamin Senate pos#, DT NN POS trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn rc#majority leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#county 's REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Michael Zirmo New York City rc#gun shop pos#, DT trigger#owner path#appos|->appos->owner->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED New England New Orleans Superdome lc#plays trigger#play pos#IN IN DT path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#on ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED der Alte Blitzkreig lex#'' '' pos#'' VBD , WP DT '' lc#who '' ner#PERSON->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#alte rc#'' was NEGATIVE Lake Forest High School Dover trigger#town pos#IN , , DT JJ NN IN rc#, is lc#, path#appos|->appos->town->prep->near->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#small town REL$NA UNLABELED Dodd Patty ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife rc#, was lc#slumping ; trigger#wife UNLABELED Financial Network New York lc#Children 's pos#, DT trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn rc#company formed UNLABELED Antique Radio and Television New London lc#Article on pos#IN NN lc#, opened lex#store path#dobj|<-dobj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#store pos#NN IN rc#, lex#downtown trigger#open path#nn|<-nn<-store->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED GLORY DAZE Written Aaron M. Weinberg path#partmod|->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#CC VBN IN : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN rc#, ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#produce lex#directed director photography edited music production designer produced UNLABELED New York City Mr. Carroll trigger#give rc#gave away pos#, WRB lc#in ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Fox Children 's Network Chester Cheetah pos#VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#base lc#for the lex#based rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Mays Englewood pos#POS NN IN lex#'s home rc#, south trigger#home path#poss|<-poss<-home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#school near UNLABELED Gulf Coast Pascagoula lc#in the path#nn|<-nn<-city->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#town lex#town pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#city rc#, rc#, where lex#city UNLABELED John Condry Effects of Television path#appos|->appos->director->prep->on->pobj->|pobj rc#, in lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said pos#, NN IN DT IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Mr. Scepbo Queens Hospital Center trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#guarded condition rc#. pos#VBD IN VBN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Dole M. Warner path#dep|<-dep<-%<-dep<-president->dep->%->dep->|dep lc#% lex#-- -- -- -- reporting ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#: : NN : : NN NN NN trigger#% rc#-- pos#: : NN NN NN trigger#president lex#-- -- reporting NEGATIVE Nancy Hollister Republican lc#Lieut. Gov. path#appos|->appos->nominee->nn->|nn trigger#nominee rc#nominee , ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, , DT REL$NA UNLABELED Austin Sullivan General Mills pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn rc#spokesman . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Jim Sinegal Price/Costco ner#PERSON->NNP rc#, said lc#Friday , path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president chief executive officer pos#, NN CC JJ JJ NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Elizabeth Connolly Betsy Malesardi ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos rc#of lc#the former trigger#daughter pos#: NNS , , IN , NNP , CC , IN : DT NN , lex#sons Va. daughter NEGATIVE ESPN MSNBC path#dobj|<-dobj<-leave->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#last pos#IN trigger#leave lc#he left ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Jeremy Shen Coordination Council for North American Affairs lex#economic officer trigger#officer path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Ron Reale Transit Patrolmen 's Benevolent Association rc#, the pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#advocate of rc#. lc#, and rc#, called ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president lc#" said UNLABELED Druse Syria trigger#living path#nn|<-nn<-living->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#the lex#living rc#are fiercely pos#NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Alexandre Daigle Hartford pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-recall->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#to recall trigger#recall rc#as possible ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Leonard Haber Miami pos#, DT trigger#psychologist path#appos|->appos->psychologist->nn->|nn rc#forensic psychologist ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" says NEGATIVE Manhattan Vicki lc#lives in lex#wife pos#IN PRP$ NN , ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#live trigger#wife path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-live->prep->with->pobj->wife->appos->|appos REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED Bill Matthies Verity Group lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE First Lady New York rc#for several trigger#be rc#, in rc#, yesterday path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, has lc#because the lex#lived pos#MD VB IN trigger#live ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#that the REL$NA lc#for the pos#, WP VBZ RB VBN IN NEGATIVE Best Congress trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#simply to pos#IN DT MD VB IN REL$NA UNLABELED Fred S. Kummer HBE Corporation lex#chief executive officer pos#, JJ JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#officer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#statement , rc#, which NEGATIVE Emperor Meiji Matsumoto lex#'s visit path#poss|<-poss<-visit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#visit lc#commemorating the pos#POS NN TO ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Syrian Sephardic Brooklyn lc#of the trigger#community lex#community pos#NN IN ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#for more path#amod|<-amod<-community->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Peter Vann Jukebox Radio lex#moved rc#from another path#rcmod|->rcmod->move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD TO trigger#move ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED U.S. Fistiana path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invade->dobj->|dobj rc#? pos#VB trigger#invade ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#Should the lex#invade UNLABELED Mr. Davidson East New York pos#, WP VBZ IN DT JJ lex#lives rough-edged path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->section->nn->|nn trigger#live ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#section rc#section of lc#" said UNLABELED Louise Garfield Cinevista ner#PERSON->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-produce<-dep<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#produced by rc#. pos#CC : VBN IN trigger#produce lex#released trigger#release trigger#director UNLABELED Colgate Colgate-Palmolive Company ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#made rc#, is pos#, VBN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#make trigger#base lex#based The path#partmod|->partmod->make->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN DT rc#, a NEGATIVE Carillon Teaneck path#poss|<-poss<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#POS NN IN lex#'s office trigger#office lc#interview from rc#, REL$NA UNLABELED Len Sturm KPMG lex#partner lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->partner->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#partner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#. '' UNLABELED Plea Anne Kohlbecker pos#TO NN `` PRP RB VBD VBG , '' PRP$ NN VBD NN IN PRP CC JJ NNS VBN IN DT NN IN DT NN , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-recall->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. lc#A trigger#recall lex#Return He enjoyed flying brother recalled yesterday relatives gathered home sister NEGATIVE Chile Clodomiro Almeyda path#poss|<-poss<-ambassador->appos->|appos pos#POS NNP TO , rc#, is trigger#ambassador ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#'s Ambassador REL$NA UNLABELED Donald Roth World Bank rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president treasurer pos#, DT NN NN CC NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Emerson Atkins Wallabout Management Corporation pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#broker path#appos|->appos->broker->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#broker ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in NEGATIVE Jennings Lynn Jennings lex#Sets Record ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of trigger#set pos#VBZ NNP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-set->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lc#AND FIELD UNLABELED Ms. Citron Mary path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-take->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#take pos#VBD RB VBN IN rc#'s , UNLABELED Mr. Varone Broadway trigger#come pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#with a ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Bill Argiriou Merrill Lynch & Company trigger#broker path#appos|->appos->broker->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#broker ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Orangemen Redmen trigger#defeat pos#VBD DT lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, lex#defeated NEGATIVE Fredericks Olympic pos#, DT trigger#medalist ner#PERSON->MISC rc#silver medalist path#appos|->appos->medalist->nn->|nn REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Deborah Law School path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#his daughter lex#graduating 's rc#, said trigger#graduate pos#VBD VBG IN POS ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Blue Jays Kingdome path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#this trigger#victory pos#POS NN IN NNS IN DT lc#, the lex#victory games ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED National Council of Churches National Audubon Society lc#of the lex#Northeast regional vice president ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , NNP JJ NN NN IN DT rc#, and trigger#president UNLABELED Bleek Gilliam Denzel Washington path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#make rc#) makes lc#'s , pos#-LRB- UNLABELED Scott Zolak Parcells lex#played lc#agents include ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, WP VBD IN rc#at path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-rejoin->dobj->|dobj trigger#rejoin rc#in the lex#backup quarterback rejoined pos#, DT NN NN TO IN IN , VBD path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->for->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Brancusis United States trigger#bring rc#were a lc#bring the path#dobj|<-dobj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO DT ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Kansas City John Wathan trigger#manager rc#. '' ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-manager->appos->|appos lc#said the lex#manager REL$NA pos#NN , UNLABELED Bronx Mr. Dinkins pos#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-give->nsubj->|nsubj rc#gave the trigger#give ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#In the UNLABELED Kathleen Brown Masha Chomski ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos lex#daughter sons mother rc#of pos#: DT NN , : NNS , CC , DT IN , CC PRP$ NN , lc#the former trigger#daughter UNLABELED Le Muscadins France lc#who owns trigger#own pos#IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Zambia A.N.C. ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#disease in path#appos|->appos->headquarters->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#headquarters rc#in exile lex#headquarters UNLABELED Richard S. Ginny Akabane lex#daughters ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#sons , rc#of path#appos|<-appos<-son->appos->|appos trigger#son pos#IN , , IN , , CC IN , , CC NNS , IN , UNLABELED Torbjorn Yggeseth Soininen trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT JJ NN MD VB VBN rc#an unfair lex#four-meter-per-second headwind lc#federation , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj UNLABELED Tuttnauer Jerusalem pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said trigger#base ner#MISC->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Potosi City Cemetery Breton lc#in the trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT NN NN IN DT , IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#west side rc#and NEGATIVE American Kismayu path#dobj|<-dobj<-replace->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#some trigger#replace rc#. lex#troops pos#CC NNS IN REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Murray Riese Great Neck path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJR IN DT JJ NNS , WP VBD IN NN NNS , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN lex#younger redoubtable brothers blanketed fast-food restaurants died Tuesday home UNLABELED Jim Crutchfield Berkeley trigger#scientist rc#computer scientist pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->scientist->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Manhattan Newark Airport rc#, the ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#trip from pos#TO trigger#trip path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-trip->prep->to->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE New York Harold Ickes trigger#manager rc#, said ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-manager->appos->|appos lex#manager lc#'s REL$NA pos#NN , UNLABELED Ronni Sonnenberg PC lex#publisher path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->magazine->nn->|nn rc#magazine , pos#, RB NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#magazine trigger#publisher UNLABELED Jovanni Davila Bronx pos#POS NN IN DT lc#door of lex#'s home trigger#home path#poss|<-poss<-home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#this spring UNLABELED Steve Alfers Denver trigger#lawyer rc#lawyer who pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->lawyer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Rogers Lloyds rc#headquarters in path#poss|<-poss<-headquarters->nn->|nn lc#buildings like ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#headquarters lex#'s pos#POS UNLABELED Mr. Plaut Lena Kim ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#girlfriend pos#POS NN , path#poss|<-poss<-girlfriend->appos->|appos rc#, lc#hired lex#'s girlfriend NEGATIVE Igor Tamm Watch Hill pos#, DT JJ NN CC NN WP VBD NN IN PRP$ JJ NNS IN DT NN IN NNS CC WRB PRP VBP IN DT NNS PRP VBP , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#biomedical scientist educator earned renown pioneering studies composition viruses replicate cells invade died Monday home trigger#home rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Maloney Harry Truman Haberdashery Institute trigger#attend path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attend->dobj->|dobj rc#in the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ VBG DT lex#attending UNLABELED Gray Kunz St. Regis Hotel rc#, the lex#executive chef pos#, DT NN NN IN IN DT pos#, DT NN IN IN DT lc#created by lc#seems that lc#For trigger#chef rc#, deserves ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, for lex#chef path#appos|->appos->chef->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Grand Slam Lukas lex#trained path#partmod|->partmod->train->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#train lc#won by rc#with NEGATIVE Steven Norris London trigger#minister lex#Minister Transport rc#, said path#appos|->appos->minister->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, DT NNP IN NNP IN UNLABELED Dannon Company Procter & Gamble Company ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#NN IN : DT NN NN NN IN DT , CC DT NNS CC NN NN IN DT trigger#unit lex#unit home care division cosmetics fragrance division lc#; the UNLABELED Larry Burstein Self path#appos|->appos->publisher->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#publisher rc#, owned ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#publisher lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Hoti Kosovo pos#VBD lex#left trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#comfortable , NEGATIVE Treasury Merrill rc#, the lc#and the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. pos#VBZ VBG RB TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#notes back ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#go UNLABELED Mr. Major Mr. Bush path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->advmod->ahead->dep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, rc#in recognizing lc#, and trigger#ahead lex#urged pos#VBD RB IN lex#ahead rc#to modify trigger#urge UNLABELED Project Adventure Hamlin pos#, DT JJ NN VBN IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#nonprofit organization based trigger#organization trigger#base path#appos|->appos->organization->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#course of UNLABELED Entrance Buckingham Palace Road trigger#be ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#; ( path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->on->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Ms. Buckley Sunset Boulevard lex#nuanced interpretations '' path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#buckley pos#, VBN IN PRP$ JJ NNS IN '' rc#'' and ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mount Vernon Latoya lc#house in pos#, WRB ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->nsubj->|nsubj rc#is in trigger#vernon UNLABELED Aleksandr V. Kligman Viktor F. Grushko rc#, the trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#asked pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mary Plitsas Westchester County rc#, said path#appos|->appos->nurse->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lex#nurse ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#nurse UNLABELED Larry Mondry CompUSA lc#'' said pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Charles Brown St. Vincent 's Hospital pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT , VBD IN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die lex#soloist died ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Ludvigsen Associates London rc#, said lc#chairman of path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN VBG NN IN lex#automobile consulting firm UNLABELED Gary Sheffer Department of Environmental Conservation pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman lc#, '' rc#, said pos#, DT NN IN DT NN POS lex#spokesman state 's rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said rc#, which trigger#spokesman lc#" said rc#. '' UNLABELED George W Bush City Hall pos#IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-with<-prep<-meet->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#Gov trigger#meet rc#; Bush ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Chris Meade Poetry Society pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Coke Orangina pos#VBD lex#bought lc#that if rc#, it ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj trigger#buy NEGATIVE Vince Spadea Petr Korda lex#beat second-seeded trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD JJ lc#matches , rc#of the REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Schamus Mr. Lee pos#, DT NN IN POS NN , VBD DT NN IN PRP TO trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#fan 's gave copy NEGATIVE Heat Rony Seikaly path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD IN PRP$ VBG NN , lc#The lex#'s center trigger#play rc#, who ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#POS NN , lex#played starting center rc#, was path#poss|<-poss<-center->appos->|appos trigger#center REL$NA UNLABELED Freydis Eirik pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s illegitimate trigger#daughter path#appos|->appos->daughter->poss->|poss lc#character - UNLABELED Austrian Schattendorf lex#border town rc#, he trigger#town path#amod|<-amod<-town->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#NN NN IN lc#near the ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Health Benefits Newsletter Alexandria path#partmod|->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#of the pos#, VBN IN rc#, trigger#base ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#based UNLABELED Mr. Roh Seoul rc#and periodically lex#lived quietly lc#office , trigger#live pos#VBD RB IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Federal law Prison Litigation Reform Act ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#of trigger#lead path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->nsubj->|nsubj lc#a new UNLABELED Marilyn F. Somerville Mason Gross School lex#dean pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->dean->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and trigger#dean ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Ms. Chaplin Gentile Alouette ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ IN '' rc#'' ( path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-star->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#star lex#stars '' UNLABELED Robert Fulton Federal Aviation Adminstration pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman rc#in UNLABELED Kraft Food Services New York path#poss|<-poss<-region->nn->|nn rc#region , trigger#region lex#'s pos#POS lc#manager of ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Stockholm Exhibition Scandinavia lc#, the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#introduce ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD JJ NN TO lex#introduced international modernism UNLABELED Eric Evenson New Jersey lc#, said pos#, DT rc#district chief ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->chief->nn->|nn trigger#chief UNLABELED Marin Pinochet lex#called General rc#, who lc#Mrs. trigger#call path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#VBD NNP UNLABELED Dr. Kappner Dr. Joseph Shenker pos#MD VB ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who trigger#replace path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj lc#She said lex#replace UNLABELED Justice Tierney Manhattan path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#. lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Alcoholics Anonymous Dick B. pos#, ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#native lc#historian of path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn REL$NA rc#A native UNLABELED TATER TOMATER Phil Morrison rc#; screenplay pos#, VBN IN path#partmod|->partmod->direct->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON lex#directed trigger#direct NEGATIVE News Newsday rc#and the lex#filed suit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->against->pobj->|pobj lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBZ VBN NN IN trigger#file REL$NA UNLABELED Jeanine Moss New York City Convention pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman rc#and trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said lc#" said UNLABELED Rabbi Philip Horowitz Gabrielle Miller ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of pos#: NNS , IN , IN CC IN : DT NN , trigger#daughter path#dep|->dep->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#son lc#husband , lex#sons daughter NEGATIVE Richard Ruland English path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor ner#PERSON->MISC lc#, and rc#and pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA lex#professor UNLABELED Dr. Ntatho Motlana Soweto pos#, DT JJ rc#community leader trigger#leader lc#led by lex#longtime path#appos|->appos->leader->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Nationalore Basic Trainee lex#50-1 shot path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-go->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC rc#alongside at lc#went to pos#, DT JJ NN , IN trigger#go UNLABELED Dr. Michael Garvey Animal Medical Center lex#chairman department medicine pos#, NN IN DT NN IN NN IN DT lc#" said pos#, NN IN NN IN DT RB VBN trigger#department lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, who pos#, JJ NN IN DT pos#, NN IN NN IN DT lex#chief medicine pos#, DT NN IN DT NN IN NN IN DT lex#chief medicine highly regarded lex#medical chairman lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chief pos#, NN IN DT IN DT trigger#chairman rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Jerry Miccolis Towers Perrin path#appos|->appos->president->nn->|nn rc#vice president pos#, DT lc#so , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Hugh L. Carey New Yorkers path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD rc#to vote ner#PERSON->MISC lex#urged trigger#urge lc#Former Gov. UNLABELED David Kruidenier Cowles Media Company lex#chairman lc#'' said pos#, , DT JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Clinton U.S. Funds WASHINGTON pos#VBZ lex#Seeks path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-seek->dobj->|dobj rc#, lc#-------------------- ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#seek UNLABELED Landmark Communications Norfolk path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#owned by rc#, Va. lex#family-controlled company trigger#company pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Tariq Aziz Russians path#rcmod|->rcmod->urge->dobj->|dobj lc#talks with ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, POS JJ JJ NN , WP VBD DT rc#to oppose lex#'s deputy prime minister urged REL$NA trigger#urge NEGATIVE Klin Hammer ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#of the pos#NN NN , path#nn|<-nn<-newspaper->appos->|appos trigger#newspaper lex#party newspaper rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Richard Barreto Miami Beach lc#Chief lc#declared Chief rc#police concluded rc#police . path#prep|->prep->of->pobj->police->nn->|nn trigger#police lc#'' Chief rc#police said ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED Dr. Joli Yuknek Westchester Medical Center trigger#director lc#'' said lex#director pediatric emergency medicine pos#, NN IN JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Pullman Hartford pos#CC , DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn rc#lobbying firm trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#each to REL$NA UNLABELED Emilio Cardelia St. Joachim Parish trigger#pastor path#appos|->appos->pastor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lex#pastor ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, JJ NN IN UNLABELED Harry A. Kidder Wadsworth Avenue path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#: rc#, and pos#, DT JJ NN , VBD IN trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#electrical engineer moved NEGATIVE Ken Carey Andy Carey pos#, DT NN IN NN lc#by lex#father baseman ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#father rc#. path#appos|->appos->father->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE Democrats Mr. Brown lc#of the pos#MD VB VBG lex#challenging path#rcmod|->rcmod->vote->prep->for->pobj->|pobj trigger#challenge ner#MISC->PERSON lex#voted path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-challenge->dobj->|dobj rc#and rc#and for REL$NA trigger#vote lc#other pos#WP VBD IN NEGATIVE Steve Bruce Manchester path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#and led trigger#score pos#VBD JJ NNS IN DT JJ JJ NN NN IN lc#Rallies lex#scored late goals furious 10-minute stretch yesterday ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Superior Coffee and Foods Bensenville pos#NN IN rc#, lex#unit lc#'s trigger#unit ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-unit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Thunder Rumble Jim Dandy rc#and the pos#VBD DT trigger#win ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#ago , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#won rc#at a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Ashley Minihan Barbara Berresford lc#marriage , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos rc#of lex#sister trigger#daughter pos#IN , CC DT NN , UNLABELED Edward C. Vassallo North of 25A Properties pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#, warned path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#owner rc#in UNLABELED Jimmy Sotheby rc#'s in pos#RB VBD DT IN NN IN lex#attended auction ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-attend->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#attend NEGATIVE Herbert Muschamp Modernism lc#illustrations accompanying ner#PERSON->MISC lex#'s article trigger#article pos#POS NN IN DT JJ -LRB- `` path#poss|<-poss<-article->prep->about->pobj->|pobj rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Shirley Alston Reeves P.M. rc#opens the pos#, WP IN trigger#open lc#songs by ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Aeneas Williams Johnson trigger#cover ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-cover->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBN lex#covered REL$NA rc#one-on-one all lc#cornerback UNLABELED Cousin Lymon Marvin Macy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fall->prep->in->pobj->love->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#love lc#, when rc#. trigger#fall lex#falls love UNLABELED Bill Travilla Hollywood pos#, DT rc#clothing designer trigger#designer ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->designer->nn->|nn UNLABELED Arthur S. Kell New York Public Interest Research Group lc#" said pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->coordinator->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#coordinator trigger#coordinator ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Aysha Zaman European pos#, trigger#strategist ner#PERSON->MISC rc#equity strategist path#appos|->appos->strategist->amod->|amod NEGATIVE American Cracker lex#version '' pos#NN IN NN NN rc#and popular trigger#version pos#NN IN '' rc#, '' path#amod|<-amod<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON lex#version television program ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc#a new lc#Differences between REL$NA NEGATIVE Polish Zbigniew Herbert trigger#writer lc#of the rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON path#amod|<-amod<-writer->dep->|dep lex#writer REL$NA pos#NN UNLABELED FMC Gold Co. FMC lc#of the pos#, WDT VBZ NN VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->percent->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#percent rc#. lex#percent owned UNLABELED Mr. Saboia Belem path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#resident lex#resident rc#in northern ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Mike Boddicker Kansas City rc#debut . lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-debut->nn->|nn pos#POS trigger#debut ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#to spoil UNLABELED MARY L. EMBLEN Hoboken trigger#come pos#`` IN DT '' `` IN DT '' VBZ VBG NN TO lex#ON THE On coming home path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#on Thursday ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Nathaniel Duncan Kosher Sinai Delicatessen lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN POS path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner lex#owner 's rc#. '' UNLABELED Condor Flugdienst Lufthansa pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->subsidiary->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#use by trigger#subsidiary rc#subsidiary that UNLABELED New Line Miramax ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#division path#appos|->appos->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, finally trigger#division pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Barry Schwabsky Emmet Gowin path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ NN IN NNS IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review rc#, REL$NA lex#reviews show photographs UNLABELED Stanley Meyer Mr. Fama trigger#lawyer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Conchita Nardin Nardin Galleries pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Kiyotaka Sasaki Financial Supervisory Agency lc#'' said trigger#official trigger#sasaki pos#, DT pos#, WP VBZ IN NN IN NNS IN JJ JJ NNS IN DT lex#charge inspections international financial institutions rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn rc#official in UNLABELED Lloyd Truman White House trigger#come rc#after having pos#VBD TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#know that NEGATIVE Hernandez Chicago White Sox lc#arm , lex#started trigger#start path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN DT rc#against the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Amsterdam Avenue Head lc#cathedral ( trigger#take pos#IN NNP NNP -RRB- , NNS , NN NNS , NNS , NNS , NNS , JJ NNS CC NNS MD VB NN IN DT JJ POS lex#112th Street mimes fire jugglers pipers dancers mummers stilt walkers musicians part annual 's rc#and ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->in->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Foley Keyshawn Johnson pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lex#sought trigger#pass path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-seek->dobj->|dobj lc#interception , lc#, lc#pass from pos#VBD RP trigger#hit path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-pass->prep->to->pobj->|pobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hit->dobj->|dobj pos#TO lex#hit trigger#seek REL$NA rc#as he rc#on a UNLABELED Patricia Tanner Werner & Acker Cypress Hills Florist trigger#own rc#at path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->|dobj lex#husband owned ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, IN IN PRP$ NN , , VBZ VBN UNLABELED Narayama Joyce Herring path#rcmod|->rcmod->perform->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, '' WDT PRP VBD IN lex#performed trigger#perform lc#'s " ner#MISC->PERSON rc#, was UNLABELED Dr. Ted Holford Yale trigger#professor pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->professor->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc# rc#public health NEGATIVE Annan Saddam trigger#get ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-get->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#seems what pos#VBD IN REL$NA rc#includes this UNLABELED Biz Cap International Boston pos#, DT NN NN NN IN rc#. path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#market research firm ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#firm lc#of UNLABELED Sadie Alexander Melbourne trigger#sister path#appos|<-appos<-sister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#sister , rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Mac Gache Bal Harbour lex#publisher popularized tan green volumes encyclopedia sets door-to-door canvassing supermarket sales puzzle contests dishware prizes died home pos#, DT JJ NN WP VBD DT NN CC JJ NNS IN NN VBZ IN JJ NN CC NN NNS , NN NNS CC NN NNS , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED David Testa T. Rowe Price ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ NNS NN IN lex#chairman international funds group path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#chairman lc#" said UNLABELED Val Mashkin Soviet trigger#living pos#, DT rc#emigre living ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->living->amod->|amod lc#Playing with UNLABELED Mr. Schechter Israel path#rcmod|->rcmod->settle->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD IN rc# trigger#settle lex#settled ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Albany Hudson Valley Tourism lex#president rc#, said ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , NN IN lc#to trigger#president UNLABELED Ellen Archer Mr. Grisham ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->publisher->poss->|poss rc#'s publisher pos#, DT NN IN , lex#spokeswoman trigger#publisher lc#" said UNLABELED Kathleen McGinty White House trigger#director path#appos|->appos->adviser->nn->|nn pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#director environmental policy trigger#adviser pos#, DT trigger#head path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn pos#, DT NN rc#'s top trigger#office rc#. rc#director of pos#, NN IN JJ NN IN DT rc#environmental policy lex#head lex#chief trigger#aide ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn rc#environmental adviser path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->aide->poss->|poss lc#" said UNLABELED Isamu Noguchi Cullen Sculpture Garden lc#the sculptor trigger#design pos#VBD PRP$ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-design->dobj->|dobj lex#designed rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Campbell Sonoma County pos#, DT rc#native , trigger#native ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn UNLABELED David Rikl Pioline ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-knock->dobj->|dobj rc#, pos#IN DT VB RP DT JJ lex#knock third-seeded trigger#knock UNLABELED Foreign Ministry Liu Rucai lex#official path#nn|<-nn<-official->appos->|appos rc#, said trigger#official ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#A pos#NN , UNLABELED East Orange Cardell Cooper trigger#mayor path#poss|<-poss<-mayor->appos->|appos lc#secretary to pos#POS NNP , ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#'s Mayor rc#. '' UNLABELED Bill Dobbs West Village path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT rc#, says trigger#resident lex#resident ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Howard Dean Democratic Governors ' Association lex#chairman pos#IN , NN IN DT lc#that Gov. ner#PERSON->MISC rc#and trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED ING Barings Japan pos#IN trigger#analyst path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-analyst->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#analyst at ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#. '' UNLABELED Le Prince Dijon trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Ms. Mazzei Great Meadows pos#, WP VBZ IN lex#runs path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#run ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, works UNLABELED William J. Maloney Rockefeller Center Management pos#, lc#" said path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss rc#'s president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED R. J. Reynolds Tobacco RJR Nabisco Holdings rc#unit that pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->unit->nn->|nn trigger#unit ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Oliver Tuskegee Institute pos#, DT NN POS NN , VBD NN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-study->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, and lc#'s son trigger#study lex#author 's grandfather studied agronomy ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Yoshiya Abe Kokugakuin University lex#religion professor trigger#professor rc#. path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN lc#" said NEGATIVE Arlington Vincent Dole pos#, NNP , WDT VBZ VBN IN rc#, whose ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#arlington path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc#company in lex#Va. owned UNLABELED Heriberto Seda State Supreme Court lex#begins path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, lc#killer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#begin pos#VBZ IN NEGATIVE James Brooke Havana lex#NYT HUN SEN VISITS -- Prime Minister left President arrived pos#-LRB- NNP -RRB- : NNP NNP VBZ : NNP NNP IN , VBN IN VBN IN NNP , VBD IN trigger#arrive rc#for a path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED SHAW COMMUNICATIONS INC. Alberta Broadcasting Corp. lex#cable television systems operator buy ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj pos#, , , DT NN NN NNS NN , MD VB NEGATIVE Portland Trail Blazers New York rc#; trigger#bring ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#CC WDT MD VB JJ NN TO lex#bring veteran center path#rcmod|->rcmod->bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#deal involving REL$NA UNLABELED Voltaire Rome Sauvee rc#" ( trigger#play lc#has edited lex#'s play ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#POS NN `` path#poss|<-poss<-play->dep->|dep UNLABELED Magdy Martinez Soliman Youth Institute pos#, WP VBZ DT NN POS rc#, said trigger#head lex#heads Government 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED James E. Velten Coopers & Lybrand trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#senior tax manager rc#. pos#, JJ NN NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Hinde Esther Singer Kreitman Isaac Bashevis Singer trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN IN DT NN rc#. lc#writings of path#appos|->appos->sister->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#sister novelist UNLABELED Michel Neutelings K Club trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#manager rc#on ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#have hired UNLABELED Lawrence M. Harris Bateman Eichler lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#, lex#military industry analyst pos#, JJ NN NN IN lex#analyst pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Alexandra Lorraine Broyard ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-wife->appos->|appos lc#wife , pos#, DT NN , , IN , DT NN , , IN , CC NNS , trigger#wife rc#and lex#son daughter sisters UNLABELED Rodgers Bill Rodgers American pos#, DT JJ lc#Much for ner#PERSON->MISC lex#past path#appos|->appos->champion->amod->|amod rc#marathon champion trigger#champion UNLABELED Roland F. Simons Naples Community Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#retired health-care industry executive died Saturday lc#LEAD : trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN NN NN , VBD IN NNP IN DT rc#in UNLABELED Lynette Bondick West Texas trigger#father path#appos|<-appos<-father->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT IN lc#sister , rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Marines Marine Amphibious Ready Group lex#embassy small part path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#The pos#IN DT NN VBP DT JJ NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#deployed off trigger#part UNLABELED Mr. Erbakan Motherland Party trigger#leader rc#, said path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#meeting with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, , DT NN IN JJ lex#leader center-right UNLABELED Diane Anci Mount Holyoke College trigger#director lc#'' said lex#associate director admissions pos#, JJ NN IN NNS IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Alternative Russians path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->nsubj->|nsubj pos#IN NNPS IN DT NN , rc#used to lex#Vacationers In past ner#LOCATION->MISC REL$NA trigger#use UNLABELED Joel Paul Washington lc#supported by trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#law professor ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN IN UNLABELED Esiason No Name Defense " trigger#go pos#VBD VBG RP IN DT `` ner#PERSON->MISC rc#in the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->against->pobj->|pobj lc#have thought UNLABELED Lynne Tolley Boarding House pos#, DT NN IN POS trigger#proprietor path#appos|->appos->proprietor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#proprietor 's ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. McDonagh Mr. Butterworth lc#addition to ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, whose path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-addition<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->nsubj->|nsubj lex#represented excellent '' Beauty Queen '' production '' The '' trigger#addition pos#, VBN IN DT DT JJ '' NN NNP '' CC DT JJR JJ NN IN DT IN '' DT , '' EX VBD UNLABELED Council Jose Luis Jesus pos#, lc#of the rc#of ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-president->appos->|appos trigger#president UNLABELED Charles Lay Geneva Pharmaceuticals lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->unit->nn->|nn pos#, NN IN DT NN POS trigger#unit ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#president company 's rc#unit , trigger#president NEGATIVE Murray L. Weidenbaum Washington University trigger#professor lex#heads business study center lex#professor economics trigger#head pos#, WP VBZ DT NN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->economist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NNS IN lex#economist rc#and who pos#, NN IN NNS IN lc#skeptic is path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA trigger#economist rc#in lc#But UNLABELED Robinson Brian O'Dwyer trigger#lawyer lc#Officer rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-lawyer->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s lawyer UNLABELED Manhasset CIT Corporation rc#, died ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#retired executive trigger#executive path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , DT JJ NN IN DT lc#lived in UNLABELED Khalil Ian pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#he was lc#, lex#warned path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-warn->dobj->|dobj trigger#warn UNLABELED A. Porter Snite Museum of Art lc#by Dean pos#, NN IN DT rc#at the lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Meyers Sunnyvale lex#family pos#NN IN rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-family->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#For the ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#family UNLABELED City Council Oklahoma City lc#, a rc#and the trigger#member pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-member->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#member ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Neilson Nordiques path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj pos#, CC PRP$ JJ NN , DT , VB DT trigger#play rc#tomorrow ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#team play UNLABELED Elizabeth Custer Lieut. Col. George Armstrong Custer lex#widow pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->widow->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, built lc#aware that trigger#widow UNLABELED Christopher Florentz Robert Del Tufo rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NNP NNP lex#spokesman Attorney General trigger#spokesman UNLABELED GERALD A. SHIENER Wayne State University path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-professor->appos->|appos lex#The writer assistant professor psychiatry trigger#professor rc#. pos#, , , DT NN VBZ JJ NN IN NN , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Vyacheslav Gordeyev Bolshoi Ballet pos#, DT JJ rc#principal and path#appos|->appos->principal->nn->|nn trigger#principal ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#He named UNLABELED Baltimore Anne Hazelton lex#daughter lc#, of rc#of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#daughter trigger#son pos#: DT NN , UNLABELED Manhattan Elizabeth Morrill path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->appos->|appos lc#, of lex#sisters ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#son pos#, CC NNS , rc#, of UNLABELED Pistons DENVER pos#, trigger#have ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#( AP path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->nsubj->|nsubj UNLABELED Ted Casner Pratt & Whitney pos#, lc#, '' path#appos|->appos->director->poss->|poss rc#'s program ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Hrbaty Bratislava path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ IN rc#, trigger#hrbaty ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#The 76th-ranked UNLABELED Mr. Cohen Mr. Yeltsin trigger#explain rc#, explaining ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-explain->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT NN NN TO lex#explained plot briefly UNLABELED Mr. Dumpson Westminster Choir College of Rider University rc#, says trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, JJ NN IN JJ NN IN lex#assistant professor sacred music UNLABELED Steven Norwitz T. Rowe Price lex#spokesman lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#vice president rc#. path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said pos#, DT NN NN IN trigger#spokesman trigger#president rc#in lc#" said rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Mantello Brad lex#'s production 's Imagining rc#" at ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#production path#poss|<-poss<-production->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#saw pos#POS NN IN POS `` NNP UNLABELED Yakima Valley Washington State rc#, he pos#IN trigger#visit ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-visit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#visited the UNLABELED George Ortiz Patino pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#Wednesday by ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#member rc#family , path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->family->nn->|nn lex#member trigger#family UNLABELED Amy Weiss White House pos#, DT rc#spokeswoman , trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn UNLABELED Thomas Gulotta Islanders lex#prospective co-owner rc#, and trigger#co-owner path#appos|->appos->co-owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , DT JJ NN IN DT lc#Executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Ronnie McAda Army pos#, trigger#quarterback lc#) Quarterback lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->quarterback->nn->|nn pos#-LRB- NN -RRB- VBZ TO rc#'s star pos#, DT rc#quarterback held lc#as does path#appos|->appos->quarterback->poss->|poss rc#quarterback , rc#after missing lex#ankle returns ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA trigger#return UNLABELED Murray Rosalyn Lein trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lex#sister path#appos|<-appos<-brother->dep->sister->appos->|appos trigger#brother lc#brothers , pos#IN CC IN : DT NN , UNLABELED Mr. Falk Philadelphia Newspapers Inc. pos#: NNP , JJ NN IN DT , CC , NN IN DT , VBD VBN rc#as a trigger#manage path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-manage->dobj->|dobj lex#Jr. executive editor The editor The managed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Daniel Rosensweig Ziff-Davis Internet lc#'' said pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#group path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->group->nn->|nn lex#executive vice president rc#publishing group trigger#president UNLABELED Ms. Gibson Birds of Prey Rehabilitation Center lex#runs path#rcmod|->rcmod->run->dobj->|dobj trigger#run pos#, WP VBZ DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Edna Garth Joan Glatt pos#, CC DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#sister trigger#mother rc#, both lc#mother , path#appos|<-appos<-mother->appos->|appos UNLABELED Police Department Lee Ann Tracy ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#NN , NNP rc#. lex#spokeswoman Officer trigger#spokeswoman lc#said a path#nn|<-nn<-spokeswoman->appos->|appos UNLABELED James Jr. Harwood ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, Md. lc#son , trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, IN UNLABELED Pedro Querejazu Fundacion BHN pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#organized by rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Louisiana gubernatorial path#poss|<-poss<-primary->amod->|amod lex#'s nonpartisan lc#finish in pos#POS JJ rc#primary , ner#LOCATION->MISC trigger#primary UNLABELED Mladic Trnovo rc#in a pos#VBD TO lex#traveled path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#General ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#travel UNLABELED Hans Christian Andersen Tinder-Box trigger#write lex#wrote The rc#. " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-write<-dep<-|dep ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD `` DT lc#" where UNLABELED Mina Newman Turkey lc#'' said trigger#visit path#rcmod|->rcmod->visit->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ VBN rc#and has ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#visited UNLABELED Steve Trimble Jets path#appos|->appos->coach->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#defensive assistant coach rc#last season pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#coach lc#" said UNLABELED St. Francis Porziuncola pos#VBD DT lc#hermitage of ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#call lex#called path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-call->dobj->|dobj rc#. UNLABELED Robert W. St. Petersburg lc#sons , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN NEGATIVE Sandy Miller Brooklyn pos#CC , NNS IN JJ NN NN IN trigger#owner rc#, have lex#owners tiny publishing company path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Jean M. Mahoney Reebok Foundation trigger#director pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Amelia Chadd Mr. Handford lc#'' said ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, NNS NN IN , rc#'s path#appos|->appos->publisher->poss->|poss lex#promotions manager trigger#publisher UNLABELED Mr. Mullins Sherry Dresback ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-seek->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB , RB VBD NN IN lex#sought advice trigger#seek rc#, a UNLABELED Eunice Williams Francine pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s lc#then killed trigger#daughter path#appos|->appos->daughter->poss->|poss UNLABELED University of Michigan Reagan Administration trigger#spend path#rcmod|->rcmod->spend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#and the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#WP VBD IN DT rc#, is lex#spent UNLABELED Ms. Tyre Long Island pos#, , CC NNS VBP VBN TO rc#to testify lc#Still , lex#traveled path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-travel->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#travel UNLABELED Bum Phillips Houston Oilers rc#and the pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->coach->nn->|nn lex#coach path#appos|->appos->coach->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, RB DT path#dep|->dep->coach->nn->|nn lc#father is lc#, " lc#advertisements feature rc#coach , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#coach pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT NEGATIVE Marco Polo Waldorf-Astoria pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#club rc#. path#appos|->appos->club->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#club lc#consolidated with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Fairservis Peabody Museum trigger#associate pos#VBD VBN IN DT lc#the rc#at path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-associate->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Gregg Delany Lodging path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president pos#, NN NN IN DT rc#and ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Maria Thomas Pendragon , Ink lex#company path#appos|->appos->company->appos->|appos pos#, WP$ NN , rc#, specializes trigger#company ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Pilsudski Breeders ' Cup Turf path#appos|->appos->winner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#winner rc#at pos#, NN IN JJ POS ner#PERSON->MISC lex#winner 's UNLABELED Lawrence Reilly Pet Taxi pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->dobj->|dobj lex#started trigger#start rc#because it lc#PET TAXI ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Jonathan AIDS pos#VBZ trigger#have pos#, WP VBD IN pos#VBZ VBG IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->|dobj lex#died ner#PERSON->MISC lc#'s son trigger#die rc#; he path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#My son lex#dying rc#. ' path#rcmod|->rcmod->die->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Geoffrey L. Trumbull lc#brother , rc#, trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED John Garvey University of Illinois Jazz Band pos#, NN IN DT lc#, rc#, asked lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Michael J. Kelly Three Lakes path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN rc#, Wis path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home lc#LEAD : lex#vice president died Wednesday home trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Chrysler Corporation Mercedes-Benz path#rcmod|->rcmod->lose->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#lose lc#And the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, WDT VBD RB RB JJ TO lex#lost earlier rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Hayes New Yorkers pos#VBD rc#not to lex#-- represents homeless lc#support of rc#who make pos#: WP RB VBZ DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC lex#warned path#rcmod|->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-warn->dobj->|dobj trigger#warn trigger#represent lc#But UNLABELED Selected Cronicas Clarice Lispector pos#IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review rc#. lc#reviews book path#dobj|<-dobj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Nancy Fogelson Robert Falcon Scott rc#and the trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#NN IN NNP NNS IN DT NNP NNP NNP : lex#letter Dec reviews First Rate Tragedy path#nn|<-nn<-letter->dep->|dep REL$NA UNLABELED Libby Nessanbaum Friedberg Harriet Caspar ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lc#, trigger#daughter path#dep|->dep->son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#son lex#sons daughter pos#: NNS , IN , IN CC IN , : DT NN , UNLABELED Pulitzer Prize Fourth Wind Quintet pos#IN IN PRP$ `` trigger#win rc#" as path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc#won a UNLABELED Rita Rodriguez Spanish lc#'' said pos#, , DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->speaker->amod->|amod lex#lone rc#speaker advising trigger#speaker UNLABELED Incyte Palo Alto pos#, WDT VBZ VBN IN path#rcmod|->rcmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN lc#, near path#appos|->appos->company->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT RB VBN NN VBN IN trigger#headquarters rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-headquarters->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#base rc#, lex#privately held company based lc#, but trigger#company lex#'s headquarters path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#to lex#based UNLABELED Democratic Representative Jim McDermott lex#opponent provision rc#of path#amod|<-amod<-opponent->appos->|appos ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#opponent pos#NN IN DT NN , lc#said UNLABELED American National Can Co. Thomas N. Eagleson lex#manufacturer promoted rc#to senior ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#, , DT MD NN , VBN lc#* lc#: * path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-promote->dobj->|dobj trigger#promote NEGATIVE Bullets John Williams trigger#score lex#Md. AP -- pos#, , NNP -LRB- NNP -RRB- : rc#scored a ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-score->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA UNLABELED Associated Merchandising Association New York path#appos|->appos->office->nn->|nn lc#executive of pos#, DT trigger#office rc#buying office ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION NEGATIVE Chicago White Sox Huey rc#to develop pos#VBD lc#, the ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#asked path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj REL$NA trigger#ask UNLABELED Senator Hatch Judge Thomas pos#VBD lc#Today , ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->nsubj->|nsubj lex#asked rc#, " trigger#ask UNLABELED Pertamina Exxon Corporation path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, POS JJ NN NN WDT VBZ DT NN NN IN DT NN , CC , DT NN IN DT lc#partnership with rc#, with lex#'s state-owned petroleum company percent interest contract unit trigger#unit NEGATIVE Memoirs Jeff Siegel pos#, VBN IN ner#MISC->PERSON lc#My path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#and trigger#memoirs REL$NA lex#owned NEGATIVE Narciso Rodriguez Rodriguez lc#hall ; trigger#win rc#named for lex#win talent ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#CC VBP IN JJ NN , IN REL$NA UNLABELED Harrods Egyptian lc#bidder for pos#IN , DT path#appos|->appos->entrepreneur->amod->|amod trigger#entrepreneur rc#entrepreneur , ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED Mr. Nichols Joyce Wilt ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-mother->appos->|appos rc#, and pos#POS NN , trigger#mother lex#'s mother NEGATIVE Moore Park Central Business District ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->drive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#are in trigger#drive rc#. lex#10-minute drive REL$NA pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Seymour Greenstein Golden Valley Dairy lc#" said pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->owner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#owner ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#owner rc#, a UNLABELED Yang Rudai Communist Party pos#, DT lc#out is trigger#secretary ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->secretary->nn->|nn rc#secretary of NEGATIVE Cleveland Hawks pos#VBD DT trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lex#held ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hold->dobj->|dobj rc#. lex#beat lc#time when REL$NA trigger#hold rc#to their lc#each , UNLABELED Lefrak Organization New York pos#, DT lc#to the rc#real estate trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Americans Oak Ridge pos#PRP VBD PRP IN lex#made lc#and the trigger#make path#rcmod|->rcmod->make->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#in NEGATIVE Eric Asimov Annie ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review rc#'s , REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Orioles Kevin Appier pos#, VBD ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#hand lex#handed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hand->iobj->|iobj rc#his UNLABELED Mr. Dziadul Representative Gallo pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-invite->dobj->|dobj lex#invited ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#and state lc#February , trigger#invite UNLABELED Thomas S. Wurster Boston Consulting Group lc#'' said lex#vice president rc#and co-author path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Chavez Robles rc#to promote ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD VBN IN lex#signed path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sign->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#sign lc#a contract POSITIVE San Jose Sharks National Hockey League rc#'s worst path#appos|->appos->team->poss->|poss ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT lc#to the REL$/sports/sports_team/league trigger#team UNLABELED Storrs Xenophon Zorba ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBN IN rc#, who trigger#storrs lc#restaurant in path#partmod|->partmod->own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#owned UNLABELED Dr. Renee Fredrickson St. Paul rc#, whose lex#psychologist path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#psychologist ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#hand , UNLABELED Ms. Peters Jane Murray path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ lc#movie , trigger#play lex#plays rc#, a UNLABELED Councilman Bill O'Dea Mayor rc#, said ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#critic path#appos|->appos->critic->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#longtime critic pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Candela Laser Center Candela Corporation trigger#own lc#The path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-own->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#IN VBZ VBN IN DT rc#, which lex#owned UNLABELED Jeslie Kaleak North Slope Borough path#appos|->appos->mayor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#mayor pos#, NNP IN DT lex#Mayor ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, which lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Biggs Morgan Stanley Asset Management lex#chairman pos#, NN IN rc#, predicted rc#, is ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Sarah Anne Morrison trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lex#mother brother sisters trigger#daughter pos#, IN , , IN CC IN : PRP$ NN , IN : DT NN , , IN , : NNS , path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->sister->appos->|appos lc#daughters , POSITIVE Paris France pos#CC RB VBP JJ NNS IN DT NN '' NN NN , IN:INV lex#flight:INV lex#cities pos#, lc#watching when:INV path#rcmod|->rcmod->ambassador->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#called for trigger#be lex#formally received Foreign Minister:INV trigger#beat path#dobj|<-dobj<-beat->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->with->pobj->|pobj:INV rc#, but lc#Air:INV rc#, with:INV lc#lives in trigger#have rc#.:INV trigger#lose ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#RB VBD NNP NNP IN:INV rc#in the:INV path#nn|<-nn<-flight->prep->from->pobj->|pobj:INV trigger#receive lex#southeast:INV pos#IN:INV lex#interpretations corps peacetime role:INV trigger#call rc#that arrived:INV rc#and were:INV lc#,:INV rc#on the:INV lc#In path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-call->nsubj->|nsubj pos#NN IN:INV rc#to get:INV trigger#ambassador path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-move->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#Government ,:INV pos#, WRB DT NN VBZ VBG NNS TO VB DT JJ NN TO DT NN , DT JJS NN VBD IN:INV path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV rc#and to:INV pos#CC VBP IN:INV trigger#offer lex#meet:INV lc#an Air:INV rc#. lex#northeast:INV pos#IN IN:INV pos#, NN IN:INV REL$/film/film/country pos#, WRB PRP VBD VBN RB VBN DT NNP TO trigger#directed path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-lose->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV lc#In:INV path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV pos#CC JJ NNS IN rc#to:INV trigger#northeast lex#Government leading efforts find diplomatic solution crisis largest turnout:INV trigger#meet lc#beat:INV rc#Directed by lex#previously Ambassador pos#, IN DT NN IN JJ NN , VBD DT NNP CC JJ NN NNS TO:INV path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->prep->to->pobj->|pobj:INV lc#moved to trigger#move path#appos|->appos->northeast->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV lc#losing to:INV lc#district of:INV lc#board Air:INV path#appos|->appos->directed->nn->|nn trigger#flight path#appos|->appos->southeast->prep->of->pobj->|pobj:INV lex#gesture good offered Senator free round-trip tickets:INV trigger#southeast rc#arguing that:INV UNLABELED Lewis H. Jordan Valujet Inc. lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Apple Centris path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-offer->dobj->|dobj lex#offers lc#( trigger#offer pos#RB VBZ DT ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Netanyahu Amnon Lipkin-Shahak trigger#be path#pobj|<-pobj<-for<-prep<-be->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, another lex#race '' left '' term slur attached fairly middle-of-the-road establishment figures -- leader army Chief Staff lc#For pos#, DT NN VBZ IN PRP CC '' DT NN , '' DT NN PRP VBZ IN DT NN CC VBZ RB RB VBN TO RB JJ NN NNS : , DT NN CC JJ NN NNP IN NNP : UNLABELED Ms. Simons English trigger#speak pos#, WP VBZ ner#PERSON->MISC lex#speaks rc#fluently , lc#, like path#rcmod|->rcmod->speak->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Jean-Pierre Duchiron French path#appos|->appos->expert->nn->|nn trigger#expert pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC rc#expert on UNLABELED Good Arm Kamieniecki lc#Got a path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#join ner#MISC->PERSON rc#will join pos#'' UNLABELED Ron Ginger Kettering-Oakwood Times pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#editor lex#editor The path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#She persuaded ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a UNLABELED Gita Bajaj Indian-born pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#woman path#appos|->appos->woman->amod->|amod rc#woman who lc#" said UNLABELED Mark Chassin Mount Sinai School of Medicine trigger#department lex#chairman department health policy lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT NN IN NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chairman rc#in NEGATIVE Tatsuya Sakuma Washington path#appos|->appos->secretary->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#secretary trigger#secretary pos#, NN IN DT IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED Asakura Sculpture Museum Fumio Asakura ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#beautiful home trigger#home lc#at the path#appos|->appos->home->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN rc#, a NEGATIVE Cleveland Cavaliers Utah Jazz path#dobj|<-dobj<-lead->prep->over->pobj->|pobj lc#leading the pos#IN DT VBG trigger#lead lex#visiting rc#, ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Edward J. Forand Jr. Connecticut Deputy Treasurer pos#, DT JJ lc#director , path#appos|<-appos<-director->appos->|appos rc#and Deputy ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director NEGATIVE James M. Jenness North America path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, echoed lex#group president ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#president pos#, NN NN IN UNLABELED Nightline Press lex#Meet pos#, '' `` VB DT rc#. " lc#, " path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->dobj->|dobj trigger#meet ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Ecogen Monsanto Company pos#VBZ JJ NNS IN DT lex#similar agreements ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->dobj->agreement->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#agreement rc#and UNLABELED Joe Schiesl Weather Service pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#official trigger#official rc#, said path#appos|->appos->official->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Arndt Bonner County Human Rights Task Force trigger#give path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#CC JJ JJ NNS VBP VBN PRP$ NNS TO DT lc#She , ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#religious leaders energies rc#, a UNLABELED Gretchen Betz Rohn & Hass trigger#manager lc#But lex#staffing manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#, a UNLABELED Stephanie Marks New York path#appos|->appos->group->nn->|nn trigger#group rc#advocacy pos#, NN IN DT NN NN IN DT , DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#coordinator asylum program lc#" said NEGATIVE Manhattan Mindy Aloff path#nn|<-nn<-article->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#on vistas ner#LOCATION->PERSON pos#NN IN lex#article trigger#article lc#My REL$NA NEGATIVE Greenwich Village St. George ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO lc#moved from trigger#move REL$NA UNLABELED Daugherty Oak Room of the Hotel Algonquin trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#: lex#Field Sing The musical comedy duo pos#CC NNP NNP POS DT JJ NN NN VBN IN CC VBZ IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#these nights UNLABELED Walker Carol ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, predicted path#poss|<-poss<-mother->appos->|appos trigger#mother pos#POS NN , lc#the draft rc#, was lex#'s mother UNLABELED Ahold N.V. Dutch lc#by ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#company , path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod trigger#company UNLABELED Beverly Hot Springs P.M. Entrance pos#, , RB RB IN , NNP , VBZ JJ RB IN NN TO ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#to the trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#north (213) 734-7000 open daily A.M. NEGATIVE Gordon Khartoum trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN NN IN CC NNS IN rc#, not lc#General ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA lex#command troops UNLABELED Robert Pugsley Southwestern University School of Law lc#" said pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#professor lc#'' said rc#. rc#here . path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said lex#professor lc#said rc#in lc#But rc#. '' UNLABELED Rosa Jane Marciano lex#daughters trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, pos#: NNS , IN , , CC , trigger#daughter trigger#wife rc#and path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Jack Lombardi Town of North Castle path#appos|->appos->supervisor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT lc#according to rc#, is pos#, NNP IN DT rc#. trigger#supervisor lex#Supervisor ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lex#supervisor rc#. '' NEGATIVE Seattle James Cotton pos#IN NNS trigger#send ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#and lex#guards path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-send->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#to REL$NA UNLABELED Edward London pos#VBZ TO lc#When lex#moves path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#move ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#and meets UNLABELED Mrs. Sarraute Claude lc#married to ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s eldest daughter rc#, paints pos#POS JJ NN , trigger#daughter path#poss|<-poss<-daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Joan Embery Zoological Society of San Diego pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#led by path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#member rc#, are lex#member ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Paul Griffiths Amistad pos#VBZ POS NN NN IN rc#by composer trigger#review trigger#performance path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->performance->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#reviews 's premiere performance ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Linda Grant Raider trigger#survive lex#daughters son ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#: NNS , IN , , CC IN : DT NN , rc#of lc#wife , trigger#daughter trigger#son trigger#wife path#appos|<-appos<-wife<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->dep->son->appos->|appos UNLABELED Billy Connors Perez ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#pitching coach put trigger#put pos#, DT VBG NN , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->dobj->|dobj lc#, where rc#through a UNLABELED Jakes Gerwel Nelson Mandela ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#chief staff President rc#of path#appos|->appos->chief->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#, and pos#, NN IN NN TO NNP trigger#chief UNLABELED Hideo Hirasawa HSST lex#president pos#, NN IN rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, " ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Marion Merrell Dow Hoescht A. G. path#appos|->appos->unit->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#; Rhone-Poulenc lex#unit lc#settlement were trigger#unit pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Joseph P. Kearney PG & E Corporation rc#who built path#appos|->appos->president->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#senior vice president trigger#president UNLABELED Nathan Cunningham Walker trigger#defeat ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#age defeats path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj rc#, age pos#, NN , VBZ NNP UNLABELED Bill Clinton North American Free Trade Agreement pos#POS NN IN DT lex#'s qualified endorsement trigger#endorsement lc#about Gov. lc#that Gov. path#poss|<-poss<-endorsement->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#'s endorsement ner#PERSON->MISC pos#POS VBN NN IN DT rc#had cleared rc#misstated its UNLABELED Arlo Smith Mr. Waldron rc#with first-degree ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NNP NNP , VBD trigger#charge path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-charge->dobj->|dobj lex#District Attorney charged UNLABELED Elsa Bernardy Houston path#dep|->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#; lex#daughters son lc#the former pos#: NNS , IN , , CC IN , : DT NN , , IN trigger#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Occidental Petroleum Corporation North Sea pos#POS NNS IN DT rc#; Enterprise lc#buy the lex#'s interests path#poss|<-poss<-interest->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#interest UNLABELED Robert Crespi Harlem pos#, WP VBZ IN lc#said Officer trigger#work path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#works ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Toshi Reagan Irving Plaza pos#POS JJ NN NN IN lex#'s annual birthday concert trigger#concert rc#; photo path#poss|<-poss<-concert->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#reviews NEGATIVE Bethesda Open trigger#site path#appos|->appos->site->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#in rc#. ner#LOCATION->MISC lex#Md. site 's REL$NA pos#, NNP , DT NN IN POS UNLABELED Fred Harmatz Jacob Harmatz pos#, WP$ NN path#rcmod|->rcmod->start->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#start lex#grandfather rc#started UNLABELED Patrick O'Neal Dworin rc#, the trigger#director pos#, DT NN NN IN NNP ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#art director lc#So is path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Lautenbach Mr. Kuehler lex#reported ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBD TO lc#past , rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-report->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#report UNLABELED Ruth W. Messinger Shanghai trigger#visit path#rcmod|->rcmod->visit->dobj->|dobj rc#this week pos#, WP VBD ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#Borough President lex#visited NEGATIVE West End H. Rap Brown rc#, the lc#called the path#partmod|->partmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON lex#'s pos#, , VBN IN DT POS IN REL$NA trigger#end UNLABELED Mrs. Cohen Eye Movement Desensitization path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-use->dobj->|dobj lc#, path#appos|->appos->part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#For lex#important part pos#VBZ VBN VBG trigger#part rc#and pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#use UNLABELED McEnroe New York trigger#resident path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#resident who ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Carl David Steen Science Times rc#article on trigger#comment pos#NN NNS IN trigger#article ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-comment->prep->on->pobj->article->nn->|nn lex#letter comments UNLABELED Mostafa Barky Al Osbu lc#interpretations is trigger#editor pos#, NN IN DT JJ path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#editor weekly rc#. '' NEGATIVE The New York Times Siegel pos#VBD rc#as saying ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#In lex#quoted trigger#quote REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-quote->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Shakespeare Ruskin pos#CC TO ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#, trigger#extend path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-extend->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#extended from UNLABELED Surviving Dotty Weiss lex#wife path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-wife->appos->|appos rc#; a pos#VBP PRP$ NN , DT JJ ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#wife UNLABELED Margarita Lopez Judy Rapfogel rc#, the trigger#defeat lex#months ago made heart race candidates nabe beat trigger#beat pos#, WP NNS IN VBN PRP$ NN NN IN NNS POS IN PRP$ NN , VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj lex#social worker competing ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who pos#, DT JJ NN , VBZ VBG IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-defeat->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD VBN lc#out , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-compete->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#president : lex#defeated trigger#compete UNLABELED Lymual Blakney Manning ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#pastor lc#the Rev. rc#. lex#pastor path#appos|->appos->pastor->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Bums Yankees trigger#beat path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-beat->dobj->|dobj rc#to become lc#-- the lex#beat pos#VBP DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Smithies University of Wisconsin pos#VBD DT lex#left trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Jordan Office of Emergency Preparedness ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN POS NN IN DT lex#city 's director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#, laughed trigger#director UNLABELED Alex Lolli Fifth Avenue path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-arrest->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, the lex#West 88th Street arrested yesterday paid laptop computers shipped forged money orders office pos#, , IN NNP NNP NNP , VBD VBN NN IN PRP VBD IN NN NNS , VBN IN CC , IN VBN NN NNS IN DT NN IN lc#man , trigger#arrest ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Streit Tamino rc#in a pos#VBD path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-sing->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#sang trigger#sing UNLABELED Federico F. Pena John MacGregor path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-meet->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, the lex#met ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT , VBD RB IN trigger#meet UNLABELED Aline New York lc#the late rc#collectors who pos#CC , path#appos|->appos->collector->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#collector NEGATIVE Gaetano Ferro Westport trigger#lawyer lex#lawyer rc#. lc#, says path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN REL$NA UNLABELED Erra Weiner West Hartford path#dep|->dep->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#: NNS , CC , IN lc#the former lex#sons trigger#son rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Joseph J. White Vietnam rc#veteran and pos#, DT lc#courtesy of trigger#veteran path#appos|->appos->veteran->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Barbara Clark Assembly pos#, DT lc#: trigger#veteran path#appos|->appos->veteran->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#veteran , REL$NA UNLABELED Rivka Shraga Education Ministry pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' NEGATIVE Stephen Gyllenhaal Gramercy Pictures path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-directed->partmod->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#written produced director photography edited music production designer released lc#Directed by rc#. pos#: VBN CC VBN IN : NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN trigger#directed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA UNLABELED Abdi Hassan Awale Aidid path#appos|->appos->adviser->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT trigger#adviser rc#adviser who UNLABELED Mr. Mitterrand World Bank and International Monetary Fund path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD DT rc#to use lc#speech , lex#urged ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#urge UNLABELED Ann Burguieres Royal Olympic Cruises rc#in trigger#director pos#, JJ NNS NN IN lex#corporate communications director ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Ms. Beggs Connecticut lex#probation mail credit card fraud rc#, according trigger#beggs path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ IN NN IN NN CC NN NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Albrecht Durer St. Eustace path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->nsubj->|nsubj pos#IN WDT DT JJ lex#future trigger#durer lc#engraving by ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#suddenly comes UNLABELED Mark W. Verbrugge General Motors rc#technology specialist pos#, DT trigger#specialist ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->specialist->nn->|nn UNLABELED Julian Caroline lc#talk of ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->wife->appos->|appos rc#, and trigger#wife pos#CC PRP$ JJ NN , PRP$ NN , lex#overbearing father wife NEGATIVE Albert Whittle Scotland rc#, and lc#brother , trigger#brother path#appos|<-appos<-brother->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, IN NEGATIVE Unesco Mexico City lex#conference rc#. lc#at a path#nn|<-nn<-conference->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN trigger#conference ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Muslim North Nigeria ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#the predominantly path#rcmod|->rcmod->control->dobj->|dobj rc#for all lex#military rulers controlled pos#, WP$ JJ NNS VBP VBN trigger#control UNLABELED Dressing Room Pan Asian Repertory Theater lex#rarefied backstage play opens 15th-anniversary season path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, '' DT VBN RB VB IN , VBZ DT JJ NN IN DT lc#" The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. trigger#open UNLABELED Englishman anti-Fascists trigger#join rc#in the lc#of an pos#WP VBZ DT ner#MISC->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->dobj->|dobj lex#joins NEGATIVE Baltimore Montpelier ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, of rc#, Vt. trigger#son path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, , IN REL$NA UNLABELED Jake Kauble Yorba Linda path#appos|->appos->student->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#with silver trigger#student lex#college student ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" says pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED EMMA SOAMES WILLIAM SHAWN lex#joined trigger#join ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj lc#LEAD : rc#, pos#VBZ VBN UNLABELED Washington Piet W. Koornhof ner#LOCATION->LOCATION pos#IN POS NNP TO DT , rc#. trigger#meet lex#'s Ambassador path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-meet->dobj->|dobj lc#met in UNLABELED Camerata of Westchester Community College P.M. lc#The path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, with pos#IN VBZ PRP$ NN IN JJ NNP IN lex#begins season Sunday ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#begin UNLABELED Apple Computer Powerbook pos#POS RB JJ rc#; machines trigger#series path#poss|<-poss<-series->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#line rc#portable series lc#teams for pos#POS JJ ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#'s extraordinarily successful lex#introduces lighter lc#success of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-introduce->dobj->|dobj lex#'s rc#line . trigger#introduce pos#VBZ JJ JJR path#poss|<-poss<-line->nn->|nn UNLABELED Ralph D. Hetzel Jr. Encino path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#home rc#, pos#, DT JJ NN NN NN IN DT CC DT JJ NN IN DT , VBD IN IN PRP$ NN IN trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#executive vice president provost died home UNLABELED Mr. Cronin Fox Kids Worldwide pos#POS NN NN , DT NN path#poss|<-poss<-company->appos->|appos trigger#company lc#is that ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#'s parent company unit rc#, headed NEGATIVE Nick Zito Champagne trigger#win pos#, WP VBD JJ POS path#rcmod|->rcmod->win->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC lex#won 's REL$NA rc#with The lc#the trainer NEGATIVE Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina Janet Fitch path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review pos#VBZ NN IN rc#. lex#reviews book REL$NA UNLABELED Interlock Media Inc. Cambridge path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'' by rc#that focuses pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lex#nonprofit filmmaking company trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Gore China trigger#come lex#'s visit path#poss|<-poss<-visit->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#visit path#poss|<-poss<-trip->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#MD RB VB NN IN lex#'s trip pos#VBD TO lc#Yet rc#in the lex#find relief rc#. rc#this week trigger#trip lc#eve of rc#provided the pos#POS NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#But while trigger#find path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED George Frelinghuysen Adaline path#appos|->appos->son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#son rc#, " lex#son ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said NEGATIVE Jack Parker American path#appos|->appos->citizen->amod->|amod pos#, , DT JJ ner#PERSON->MISC lex#naturalized REL$NA lc#identified as rc#citizen from trigger#citizen NEGATIVE Nintendo Nintendo Entertainment System rc#, or trigger#bring pos#VBZ VBN RP DT JJ NNP ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. lc#market , lex#brought 16-bit Super path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj lc#sales , REL$NA pos#VBZ VBG RP PRP$ NNP lex#bringing Super UNLABELED Microsoft Netmeeting lc#cameras and trigger#software lex#'s path#poss|<-poss<-software->nn->|nn pos#POS rc#software . ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED DOMINIQUE WILKINS Hawks pos#VBD DT lc#hip . . . . trigger#lead lex#led path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj rc#with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Dr. Post University of Chicago path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-receive->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#receive pos#VBD PRP$ JJ NN IN DT lex#received medical degree ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and a NEGATIVE Richard Riley Democratic path#appos|->appos->governor->amod->|amod lex#popular trigger#governor ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, DT JJ JJ rc#Governor of REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Giuliani Florence lex#ancestors emigrated century ago -- rc#on his pos#, WP$ NNS VBD JJR IN DT NN RB : IN trigger#emigrate ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->emigrate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#, so UNLABELED Spain Unichips Finanziaria S.p.A. ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#sell lc#business in rc#, pos#TO path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-sell->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Daniel Pipes Mr. Assad ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#who is trigger#critic path#appos|->appos->critic->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#sharp critic pos#, RB JJ NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED M.D. Bellevue Hospital Center New York trigger#director lc#LINK , rc#, pos#NNP IN NNP NNP ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lex#Director Medical Clinics path#nn|<-nn<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Dr. Sybil Barten Purchase College lex#professor emeritus pyschology rc#. pos#, NN NN IN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said trigger#emeritus path#appos|->appos->emeritus->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED George W. Bush Gary Mauro rc#, the trigger#win ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->prep->over->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD RB IN lex#won easily UNLABELED Mr. Mamet Hollywood path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#spend pos#VBZ RB VBN NN IN lex#spent time rc#, where ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Living Stage Theater Company Arena Stage pos#, DT NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#branch rc#that works trigger#branch path#appos|->appos->branch->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#Monday the UNLABELED Psychoanalytic Quarterly Psychoanalytic Study of the Child lc#of The trigger#editor lex#editor The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->editor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, CC IN , DT NN IN DT rc#, a NEGATIVE Yamaguchi Kurt Browning ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lex#signed agent represents lc#began , path#rcmod|->rcmod->represent->dobj->|dobj REL$NA pos#, WP VBZ JJ , VBN IN DT NN , , WP VBZ trigger#represent UNLABELED Stephen L White Walter Kendrick trigger#letter ner#PERSON->PERSON rc# lex#letter trigger#review pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->review->nn->|nn NEGATIVE Brantt Myhres Sharks lc#spotted lex#left trigger#leave path#rcmod|->rcmod->leave->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBZ RB VBN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#to spend REL$NA NEGATIVE Cassell Danny Manning ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#start lc#trade ( path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-start->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#start quarter flexible pos#, CC -RRB- RB VB DT NN IN DT JJ rc#and REL$NA UNLABELED Gascot Brandin Bronx lc#, path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, was pos#, IN IN DT NN IN DT lex#section ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#section POSITIVE Walden Henry David Thoreau REL$/book/book_edition/author_editor ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. '':INV trigger#put path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->prep->in->pobj->|pobj:INV lex#put '':INV pos#VBD PRP DT NN IN '':INV UNLABELED Dr. Joshua Colwell Munich path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-report->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#'s reported findings week rc#, pos#CC IN DT POS CC IN , VBD PRP$ NNS JJ NN IN lc#scientists , ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#report UNLABELED Mr. Wilansky Lord & Taylor trigger#president rc#in pos#, WP VBZ , VBZ JJ NN NN IN lex#executive vice president ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE David University of Connecticut rc#, but pos#VBZ RB DT NN IN DT lex#student trigger#student lc#her son path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-student->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA UNLABELED Joseph P. Harris Mr. Pearson trigger#manager rc#, says ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT NN POS JJ NN CC NN IN path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lex#show 's general manager spokesman NEGATIVE Tim Thomas New Jersey pos#, DT RB VBN lex#highly touted rc#player from lc#heavily recruited path#appos|->appos->player->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#player REL$NA UNLABELED Abdul Hamid al-Awadhi Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry pos#, DT JJ trigger#official lex#senior rc#official . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->official->nn->|nn lc#" said UNLABELED Carlos Barba Petry Television pos#, NN IN DT NN NNS NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->division->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#division ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#president advertising sales division rc#in trigger#president NEGATIVE Luis Polonia Yanks trigger#win path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->nsubj->|nsubj rc#won for pos#, IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA lc#" said UNLABELED OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM CORP. Placid Oil Co. trigger#acquisition pos#, , VBD PRP$ NN IN lex#completed acquisition ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-complete->dobj->acquisition->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#complete UNLABELED New York Conklin Rossant Architects lc#in the ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#firm pos#NN IN rc#, has trigger#firm UNLABELED Edward C. Sullivan Julius C. C. Edelstein ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#deal included pos#, NN IN DT POS JJR NN NN , , NN IN DT NN NN , , DT NN IN DT NN NN , , DT JJ NN , lex#chairman 's higher education committee chairman faculty senate head faculty union chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->appos->|appos trigger#chairman rc#, a UNLABELED Cradle Hymn Ms. Limansky lc#, '' ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#work pos#'' IN , VBZ IN CC , IN NN , rc#, path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->dobj->|dobj lex#'' works choir UNLABELED Maloof New Mexico lc#of the lex#family pos#NN IN path#nn|<-nn<-family->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#also said trigger#family UNLABELED Dr. Bernard Gee Yale University lex#professor medicine trigger#professor pos#, DT NN IN NN IN rc#, and path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Hamed Manhattan trigger#be pos#, , VBD IN rc#yesterday , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Caitlin Buchman Los Angeles lc#names of pos#, DT NN IN , DT pos#, WP VBZ , DT NN NN IN rc#. lex#runs consulting firm lc#" suggested rc#consulting company trigger#company path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#head trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn UNLABELED Leonard Koppett Concise History of Major League Baseball lex#stimulating 's pos#, IN PRP$ JJ CC JJ POS rc#, published trigger#write lc#'' writes ner#PERSON->MISC path#dobj|<-dobj<-write->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED House Judiciary Committee Brian Bilbray lex#sponsored pos#VBN IN trigger#sponsor path#partmod|->partmod->sponsor->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#before the rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Posner Britain path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD DT JJ NNS TO trigger#make rc#to explore ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#made trips UNLABELED Mr. Weissmandl Community Health Aide Services lc#, pos#VBD RB NN CC JJ NN IN lex#president executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which trigger#president UNLABELED Telesis Medical Management Manhattan path#appos|->appos->concern->partmod->base->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN VBN IN trigger#concern trigger#base rc#that works lex#innovative concern based lc#associated with ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Sherri Hadsell Indianapolis trigger#freshman rc#, said lex#freshman ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->freshman->prep->from->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Martin Munkasci America trigger#come pos#, DT NNS NN CC NN , VBD TO rc#in the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#sports photographer photojournalist UNLABELED Bill Hybl United States Olympic Committee lex#president lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED STEPHEN SHEPARD Business Week New York trigger#editor pos#NNP IN NNP , ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#Editor Chief rc#, path#nn|<-nn<-editor->appos->|appos UNLABELED Ted Gramkow Eastern pos#, path#appos|->appos->director->nn->|nn lc#* rc#advertising director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Margaret Tafoya Santa Fe path#appos|->appos->artist->nn->|nn lc#designed by pos#, DT rc#artist , trigger#artist ner#PERSON->MISC UNLABELED American College of Physicians American Board of Internal Medicine lc#of the lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#and a trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Chicago Bulls Bethpage lc#of the rc#in the pos#, VBN IN trigger#graduate lex#graduated path#partmod|->partmod->graduate->prep->from->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Newbridge Communications division Macmillan Book Clubs Inc path#rcmod|->rcmod->know->prep->as->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#. pos#, WDT VBD RB VBN IN DT lc#'s trigger#division UNLABELED IPHIGENIA Kate Cherry rc#; movement ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#CC NNP NNPS IN : VBN IN : VBN IN : NNS IN : NN IN : JJ NN CC NN IN : NN NN NN , : JJ NN , : JJ NN , lex#AND OTHER DAUGHTERS By directed set costumes lighting original music sound production stage manager artistic associate assistant director path#dep|->dep->director->appos->|appos trigger#director NEGATIVE Arts France lex#page article publication rc#of trigger#article ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-article->prep->in->pobj->|pobj REL$NA lc# pos#NN NN IN DT NN IN UNLABELED Morris Lapidus Fountainebleau Hotel pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#creator path#appos|->appos->creator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#those of ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#creator rc#in UNLABELED Penans Tong Tana path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-allow->nsubj->|nsubj rc#" allows trigger#allow pos#PRP , `` ner#MISC->PERSON lc#, hard-working UNLABELED Larry King Mr. Sununu ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#about his path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj lex#interviewer asked lc#, where trigger#ask pos#, DT NN , VBD UNLABELED Ms. Squillacote Pentagon path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-steal->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#steal pos#VBD JJ NNS IN DT rc#and handed ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#stole secret documents lc#said UNLABELED Leon Cooperman New York rc#investor , trigger#investor path#appos|->appos->investor->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#, said UNLABELED Nora Cooper Janet Giaimo pos#: NNS , IN , , CC , DT NN IN DT , CC DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos rc#of lex#daughters student sister trigger#daughter lc#companion , UNLABELED Karen Woods Dutchess County Tourism pos#, NN IN rc#, said lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Harold Barlow North Shore University Hospital pos#, DT NN CC NN IN NN NN , VBD IN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#songwriter consultant music plagiarism died trigger#die ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Joshua Anderson Nick pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#'s path#appos|->appos->son->poss->|poss trigger#son UNLABELED Community Service Society Manhattan-based lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->group->amod->|amod trigger#group rc#group that UNLABELED Colorado Press Association Shawnee rc#, said path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#WP VBZ IN trigger#live ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#for the lex#lives NEGATIVE Watchung Plainfield rc#; trigger#survive ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#, of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#daughter trigger#son lex#daughter brother pos#, : DT NN , IN , : DT NN , , IN REL$NA NEGATIVE Rams Candlestick trigger#beat pos#IN trigger#lose path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-lose->prep->at->pobj->|pobj path#dobj|<-dobj<-beat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#to the pos#IN IN rc#. lc#beaten the rc#on ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Jacopo Quadri Massimo Cortesi ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#music production designer produced pos#: NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-dep<-director->dep->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#produce lc#edited by rc#; released trigger#edit trigger#director UNLABELED ERIC HILLMAN New York lex#flew back path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#to be rc#with an path#rcmod|->rcmod->return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#returned pos#, WP VBD TO pos#VBD RB TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#homers . . . . trigger#fly trigger#return lc#will replace UNLABELED Ukrainian Catholic Manhattan pos#NNP IN rc#, lc#'s trigger#church ner#MISC->LOCATION path#nn|<-nn<-church->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#Church NEGATIVE Salt Lake City Dan Majerle pos#, lc#: In trigger#score rc#scored path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-score->nsubj->|nsubj ner#LOCATION->PERSON REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Talbott Brooke Shearer rc#, a ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-marry->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, has lex#'s wife trigger#wife trigger#marry lex#married pos#VBZ VBN TO UNLABELED Robert W. Walsh Street-Union Square Development Corporation rc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN DT lex#executive director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED L. Syriotis Chatsworth Avenue Elementary School lex#assistant principal trigger#principal lc#said Ivy ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN rc#in path#appos|->appos->principal->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Hispanics Sosa lc#that all pos#MD VB path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-support->dobj->|dobj rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#support lex#support UNLABELED Canada Cup Pittsburgh path#nn|<-nn<-game->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#in a trigger#game rc#today . lex#tournament game pos#NN NN IN ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Cynthia Roberts Roach Wheeler trigger#broker path#appos|->appos->broker->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#associate broker ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, with lc#, said pos#, JJ NN IN UNLABELED Sun Cindee Mock path#nn|<-nn<-spokeswoman->appos->|appos rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman lc#said a pos#NN , UNLABELED Robert Gretczko R. G. Designing path#rcmod|->rcmod->own->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBZ lex#owns rc#, an lc#businessmen -- trigger#gretczko UNLABELED Mr. Brenner Cuba trigger#scholar pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->scholar->nn->|nn rc#scholar . ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Arcature Corporation Stamford lc#of the path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#at the rc#, Conn rc#, lex#marketing consulting company trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT NN VBG NN IN UNLABELED Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation Federal ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#appos|->appos->agency->nn->|nn rc#agency , pos#, DT lc#to the trigger#agency lc#paid the UNLABELED Spectrum Pete Kember pos#, IN NNP , -LRB- WP$ JJ NN VBZ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-try->nsubj->|nsubj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#Wednesday real rc#) tried trigger#try lc#band , UNLABELED Paris C.I.P. Hotels ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#through the path#nn|<-nn<-office->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#at ( trigger#office pos#NN IN lex#office UNLABELED Sumatrans Joyce lc#The lex#remain tomorrow trigger#remain rc#, ner#MISC->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-remain->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBP IN NN IN DT UNLABELED Louis Armstrong Archive Archival Center path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#in the pos#MD VB NN IN DT RB VBN , JJ lex#part technically advanced climate-controlled trigger#part UNLABELED Saul Jonathan path#poss|<-poss<-son->appos->|appos lex#'s son ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, who lc#, as pos#POS NN , rc#, trigger#son lc#instead of UNLABELED Cuban Communist Societies lex#church '' Politics rc#'' ( ner#MISC->MISC trigger#church pos#NN IN '' CC NNP IN path#amod|<-amod<-church->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#on the UNLABELED Norman E. Richardson Gettysburg College trigger#department path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#from lc#LEAD : lex#chairman philosophy department pos#, NN IN DT NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED Lord Cowdray Elizabeth Georgiana Mather lex#survived wife pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN IN , , DT JJ rc#; trigger#survive ner#LOCATION->PERSON trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos UNLABELED Cerone RON HASSEY pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#replaced rc#, who trigger#replace lc#old path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE Beijing Li Peng path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-meeting->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, felt ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#meeting in lex#Prime Minister pos#IN NNP NNP REL$NA trigger#meeting UNLABELED Karen Ceramsak Eastern lex#spokesman rc#, said pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#spokeswoman , trigger#spokeswoman lex#spokeswoman path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->nn->|nn pos#, DT NN IN trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Martin Walsh Buena Vista Pictures pos#: NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN CC : VBN IN rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-edit<-dep<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lc#edited by ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release lex#music production designer produced released trigger#edit trigger#director UNLABELED Mrs. Sauerbrey Maryland House trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, won lex#leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT UNLABELED Mark D. Wilson Newport Beach lc#employees , pos#, DT JJ JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->planner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, trigger#planner lex#certified financial planner ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Barry Seal Mena ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#pilot charged smuggling flew weapons path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fly->prep->from->pobj->|pobj rc#to the REL$NA trigger#fly pos#, DT NN VBN IN NN , VBD NNS IN UNLABELED Ronald R. Parry Kentucky trigger#lawyer lc#When rc#, comes lex#soft-spoken lawyer pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED J. Wilt Wagner Mr. Brandt ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#succeed rc#as executive path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj trigger#succeed pos#, , MD VB UNLABELED Patrick Levis Young Josh ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#play pos#, WP VBZ lex#plays rc#, and lc#those of path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Tanglewood Music Festival Baroque Weekend ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#; pos#VBZ PRP$ NN IN IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#begins season trigger#begin lc#photo ; UNLABELED Reader Fantasie Impromptu pos#POS NN IN POS '' lex#'s version 's '' ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#version lc#perform a rc#, '' path#poss|<-poss<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Arizona Cardinal Upper Montclair Country Club lc#now an trigger#play lex#playing pos#, WP VBZ VBG IN DT IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#this week ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Cuauhtemoc Cardenas Democratic Revolutionary Party path#appos|->appos->candidate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#leader lex#leader left-nationalist pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said lc#ally of lex#leader leftist pos#, NN IN DT JJ path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#candidate left-of-center rc#, referring rc#. lex#leader rc#, filled ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said trigger#candidate NEGATIVE Wallace Harrison Rockefeller Center lex#architect path#appos|->appos->architect->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#architect rc#, and lc#purchased by ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Bill Peterson Mr. Brockman pos#, WP VBZ IN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#. path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#live lex#lives lc#" said UNLABELED Vincent Laino Tigers pos#, WP VBD PRP$ trigger#guide lex#guided path#rcmod|->rcmod->guide->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc# rc#to their NEGATIVE Lola Broadway path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#play pos#IN DT NN NN IN lc#be playing lex#revival opening ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#next month REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Parker Joseph Conrad trigger#compare ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-compare->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO lc#to compare rc#; '' UNLABELED Alan Ables Correction Department pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Veongviact Phongsit Cauthen lex#meets ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBZ rc#in the lc#the lightweight path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->dobj->|dobj trigger#meet UNLABELED Van Slyke Pittsburgh Pirates pos#VBD DT NN JJ NN IN DT trigger#have rc#, who lex#contract season ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Allen Moore National Solid Wastes Association lex#president pos#, NN IN DT rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Lachemann Bryan Harvey rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#bring pos#VBD RP lex#brought path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->dobj->|dobj lc#when UNLABELED Marc Balmuth Caldor Inc. lc#" said lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a UNLABELED Jim Fisher Ball Metal trigger#manager pos#, NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'' said lex#marketing manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, a POSITIVE Owen Arthur Barbados trigger#minister lc#Minister of:INV path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-minister->appos->|appos:INV pos#,:INV REL$/people/person/place_of_birth ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, warned:INV NEGATIVE Sarah Greenwood Sony Pictures Classics lex#produced released lc#designer , path#appos|<-appos<-director->dep->release->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#release REL$NA pos#: VBN IN : VBN IN trigger#director UNLABELED Town of Islip Casamento Park trigger#operate lc#The pos#VBZ DT JJ path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-operate->dobj->|dobj lex#operates 14.5-acre ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#, which UNLABELED Mr. Trump Foundling Hospital Building rc#in pos#VBD DT lex#bought trigger#buy ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED C. E. L.I. rc#Answer : trigger#answer lc#. . . pos#, , path#appos|->appos->answer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Assembly Mr. Rules pos#NNP , , IN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#to the path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-refer->prep->as->pobj->|pobj trigger#refer rc#. lex#Speaker UNLABELED JON KYL Washington U.S. pos#, trigger#senator rc#Senator from path#appos|->appos->senator->nn->|nn ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Fred Hartman Ramada Inn trigger#manager path#appos|->appos->manager->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT lex#manager ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#near UNLABELED Mr. Beaugard Montrachet path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD IN trigger#work rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#worked UNLABELED S. Steven Brody Cadoro Jewels Corporation pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN lex#co-founder president trigger#co-founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->co-founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, a POSITIVE Mike Caruso Queens lc#and shortstop REL$/people/person/place_lived rc#native who pos#, DT trigger#native ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->native->nn->|nn UNLABELED Dr. William W. Monafo Washington University School of Medicine trigger#professor pos#, DT NN IN NN IN lc#According to path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#professor surgery rc#in UNLABELED United Nations gubernatorial pos#, DT JJ NN IN , DT ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#to the lex#two-term mayor path#appos|->appos->candidate->amod->|amod rc#candidate , trigger#candidate NEGATIVE Simms Lionel Manuel pos#, IN DT NN , VBD NNS TO lc#When ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#third-and-13 , trigger#pass path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-pass->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#in the rc#. path#poss|<-poss<-pass->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN TO lex#run passed yards REL$NA lex#'s pass UNLABELED Evans Evander Childs High School lex#played trigger#play pos#, WP VBD IN rc#in the path#rcmod|->rcmod->play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Muslim-held Sarajevo lex#cities path#amod|<-amod<-city->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#as the rc#, trigger#city ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#NNS IN NEGATIVE Nina Italian path#appos|->appos->restaurant->amod->|amod rc#restaurant in pos#POS , DT NN ner#PERSON->MISC lex#'s neighborhood lc#has replaced trigger#restaurant REL$NA UNLABELED Carol Philbin Ireland pos#VBD lex#left trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#just out UNLABELED Sergei Rogov Institute trigger#director rc#for pos#, NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Fresh Meadows Fakler Eliason lc#of the path#nn|<-nn<-firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#LOCATION->PERSON lex#firm pos#NN IN rc#, trigger#firm UNLABELED Mildred Duran Street Activity Permit Office lc#But path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#commissioner lex#director 's pos#, NN IN DT POS pos#, NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, could rc#, which lex#assistant commissioner trigger#director NEGATIVE Christopher Lehmann-Haupt The Island of the Colorblind trigger#review path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->book->dep->|dep lex#reviews 's book trigger#book rc#; photo ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#VBZ POS NN NEGATIVE Joyce Carol Oates Oates pos#, IN WDT lc#" by trigger#give ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#gives the path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->nsubj->|nsubj REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Travilla Mia pos#VBZ VBN IN DT NN , lex#survived daughter trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#daughter rc#, of path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Mr. Peralta Iusacell rc#, having pos#VBD trigger#found trigger#create path#rcmod|->rcmod->create->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#premised on lc#sources said lex#created lc#, pos#POS NN , lex#'s company path#poss|<-poss<-company->appos->|appos lex#founded rc#or trigger#company pos#, WP VBD pos#VBD RB VB DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-warn->dobj->|dobj trigger#warn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-found->dobj->|dobj lex#warn rc#in rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Ford Mr. Pakula pos#VBD lex#suggested ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#-- the trigger#suggest path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-suggest->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Lawan Mingmuangthai Jackson Heights ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->immigrate->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#from trigger#immigrate pos#, WP VBD TO lex#immigrated UNLABELED ALAN COWELL Rome rc#bureau of rc#bureau chief pos#VBZ DT trigger#bureau pos#VBZ NN IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chief->prep->of->pobj->bureau->nn->|nn lex#chief ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#chief path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chief->nn->|nn UNLABELED McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Co. Bob Grace path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-announce->dobj->|dobj trigger#announce ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#* lex#announced management assignments part reorganization pos#, , , VBD NN NNS IN NN IN PRP$ NN : rc#, vice UNLABELED Breeders ' Cup Race Happy Jazz Band rc#by trigger#beat lc#Won lex#In October beat path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#IN NNP , PRP VBD UNLABELED Russell Ross University of Iowa lc#" said lex#professor emeritus political science trigger#professor lex#professor political science rc#. path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT JJ NN IN JJ NN IN DT pos#, NN NN IN JJ NN IN DT rc#and a trigger#emeritus path#appos|->appos->emeritus->prep->at->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Will Kessler Beyond Technology Inc. lc#'' said rc#of trigger#founder lex#founder ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Johnson Fingerhut lc#promotion , pos#VBD lex#left trigger#leave rc# pos#VBD TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in trigger#go UNLABELED Dean Valentine UPN Network lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#president chairman pos#, NN CC NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and a trigger#president UNLABELED Palio Equitable Building ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#of the lex#restaurant path#nn|<-nn<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#on pos#NN IN DT trigger#restaurant NEGATIVE Haifa Jacques Chirac path#pobj|<-pobj<-to<-prep<-visit->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#IN NNP lex#President trigger#visit rc#of ner#LOCATION->PERSON lc#visit to REL$NA UNLABELED Ms. Feldman Lower East Side lex#regular teaching job path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#have pos#VBD PRP$ JJ JJ NN NN , IN IN DT lc#, rc#. ner#PERSON->LOCATION POSITIVE Vincent Ward New Zealand path#advmod|->advmod->also->dep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#ward rc#, created REL$/people/person/nationality ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, RB IN UNLABELED Monica Seles Lipton Championships rc#because of pos#VBD IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-withdraw->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#, and lex#withdrew path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-compete->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#at the trigger#withdraw pos#CC MD RB VB , IN DT lex#compete trigger#compete UNLABELED Fishers Fisher Body Company trigger#found lc#of the pos#WP VBD DT rc#. lex#founded ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->found->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Ciba-Geigy Manchester path#appos|->appos->company->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lex#multinational chemical company lc#chemist at rc#, trigger#company ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Zagar United States trigger#come pos#VBD TO DT rc#from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Pininfarina Cambiano lex#design firm lc#is by rc#, path#appos|->appos->firm->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Anthony Barone Richmond County Bar Association pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#president path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which trigger#president lc#" said NEGATIVE Chevrolet Geo lc#addition to trigger#line ner#PERSON->MISC rc#line , lex#'s rc#division have lc#commercials for pos#POS lc#and trigger#division rc#line of path#poss|<-poss<-division->nn->|nn path#poss|<-poss<-line->nn->|nn REL$NA UNLABELED Music From Down the Hill By John Ford Noonan Mimi Maxmen ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#costume lex#directed set lighting costumes rc#; sound pos#: VBN IN : VBN IN : NN IN : NNS IN path#dep|->dep->costume->prep->by->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Curtis B. Dall Hospice of Northern Virginia pos#, DT JJ NN CC DT JJ NN IN NNP WP RB VBD NN IN DT , VBD NNP IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die lex#retired stockbroker son-in-law President chairman died Friday ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Orientation of Sweet Willie Rollbar New York pos#, '' WDT PRP VBD IN lex#performed trigger#perform rc#a lc#" The lex#performed Obituary Parts performed path#rcmod|->rcmod->perform->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, '' WDT PRP VBD IN IN , CC `` NNP : IN NNS , '' WDT VBD VBN IN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Gregory Perry Herndon ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, Va. lex#chief technology officer trigger#officer path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN IN UNLABELED Willcock Stanton St. John lc#driven to pos#POS NN IN lex#'s home trigger#home rc#, path#poss|<-poss<-home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Goddard Kristy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#to gymnastics lc#injury , trigger#take UNLABELED Rizzo Westmount Golf trigger#shoot path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-shoot->dobj->|dobj lex#shot even-par yesterday totals rolling 6,415-yard rc#and ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBD DT JJ CC VBD DT NN IN NNS IN DT NN , JJ UNLABELED Mark D. Stubbs Idaho National Engineering Laboratory path#appos|->appos->southwest->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#lawyer chairman miles southwest lc#them was trigger#southwest ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN CC NN IN DT IN , IN NNS NN IN DT rc#. '' NEGATIVE John Greaves Cobb lex#gay resident spokesman opponents county left trigger#leave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-leave->dobj->|dobj rc#after living ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA pos#, DT JJ NN WP VBD DT NN IN NNS IN DT NN , VBD UNLABELED George Semidey New York City Fire Department pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman rc#, said path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman UNLABELED Mayor Dinkins United States Open trigger#do lc#What path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-do->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#MD VB IN DT UNLABELED Cleveland Orchestra Mr. Dalbavie pos#, WDT RB VBD lc#by the lex#recently gave trigger#give ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#the odd path#rcmod|->rcmod->give->iobj->|iobj UNLABELED Louis Joseph Crescenti Sprague Hall lc#the pianist-composer lex#lives returning pos#, WP VBZ IN , VBZ VBG TO rc#at ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return UNLABELED Mr. Eubanks Symantec lex#head business-directory software manufacturer led trigger#lead path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj pos#, RB DT NN IN , DT JJ NN NN , VBD ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#during the NEGATIVE Velvet Revolution French Revolution ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->like->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ , IN DT lc#'s rc#, traveled REL$NA UNLABELED Grupo Tran Chan New York pos#VBD PRP$ lex#made path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->debut->nn->|nn trigger#make trigger#debut ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#debut on UNLABELED Paul S. Sledzik National Museum lc#according to lex#curator anatomical collection rc#. path#appos|->appos->curator->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN DT JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#curator UNLABELED Treasurer Planning Board rc#and the pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#chairman lc#including the ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Lieutenant Unick Brooklyn Special Victims Squad pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head rc#. path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED C. Michael Armstrong Harleys trigger#own path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-own->dobj->|dobj pos#, NNP POS NN , VBZ rc#. ) ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#AT&T 's chairman owns lc#all , UNLABELED Sotheby 's International Realty Braverman Newbold Brennan lex#bought ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBZ VBN trigger#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj rc#, a UNLABELED Dr. Stanley N. Williams Arizona State University rc#who has trigger#professor lc#research of lex#geology professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Astoria Boulevard Check Cashing Corp Queens pos#IN NN IN path#prep|->prep->in->pobj->section->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#section ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#section lc#holdup at UNLABELED Time Warner Inc. Comedy Channel pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->owner->poss->|poss trigger#owner rc#'s owner lc#, sued ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED New Dance Collective Danbury-based lc#by the ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->company->amod->|amod rc#jazz dance trigger#company NEGATIVE Sikhs Bucharest pos#VBN IN lex#held lc#the rc#. REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION path#partmod|->partmod->hold->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#hold UNLABELED Michael McCurry Clinton path#appos|->appos->adviser->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, DT trigger#adviser rc#campaign adviser NEGATIVE Nepal Appalachia lc#explain that trigger#be ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->like->pobj->|pobj rc#, and REL$NA pos#VBZ IN UNLABELED Claire Pospisil New York State Health Department pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#. lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Portia Merchant of Venice ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#in playing trigger#play path#dobj|<-dobj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#The pos#IN `` DT rc#' with REL$NA NEGATIVE Jets Ervin Randle lc#The pos#RB VBD RP DT JJ NN ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON trigger#work rc#. lex#worked linebacker REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-work->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Republican House-Senate Joint Economic Committee lex#chairman path#rcmod|->rcmod->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#WP VBZ NN IN DT ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc# trigger#chairman rc#and a NEGATIVE Ethiopia League of Nations trigger#be lc#what pos#VBD TO DT rc#: the ner#LOCATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. David Dunning Cornell University lex#psychologist trigger#psychologist rc#who did ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->psychologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Tele-TV Creative Artists ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#review rc#. pos#VBD VBG PRP$ NN IN lc#, said lex#reviewing relationship UNLABELED LeMond Breukink path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-praise->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD rc#for his ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#praised trigger#praise lc#off , UNLABELED CURCIO Flushing National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, , DT NN , JJ NN IN JJ NN IN , VBZ NN IN DT lex#The writer associate professor elementary education director rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc# trigger#director UNLABELED Viscount Paul de Rosiere Hospice of Palm Beach lex#international businessman executive jewelry companies died path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, in pos#, DT JJ NN WP VBD DT NN IN DT CC NN NNS , VBD IN IN DT trigger#die ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Doris B. Hiester Highland Falls pos#, path#rcmod|->rcmod->get->nsubj->|nsubj rc#, lc#-- ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#hiester UNLABELED Bare Wood Inc. Brooklyn lc#who owns trigger#own pos#IN rc#, said path#dobj|<-dobj<-own->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Mohammed Yaqub International Monetary Fund lex#governor veteran lc#, appointed trigger#governor path#appos|->appos->governor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, as ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN DT CC DT NN IN DT UNLABELED Jose Maria Aznar Hafez al-Assad lex#met President ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#rcmod|->rcmod->meet->dobj->|dobj trigger#meet pos#IN , WP VBD NNP lc#Prime Minister UNLABELED Rosetta M. Adler N.C. pos#IN , trigger#sister path#appos|<-appos<-sister->appos->|appos lc#sister , ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#; and UNLABELED Tocca Mercer ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, begins trigger#begin pos#, IN NEGATIVE Tarusa Moscow ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#small city south pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN trigger#south rc#, has path#appos|->appos->south->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Thornton Franklin Hospital Medical Center path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-treat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, hospital pos#, VBG IN DT VBN NN , VBD VBN IN lex#suffering bruised ankle treated ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#treat UNLABELED Mr. Pennington Washington Police Department pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->veteran->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lex#veteran trigger#veteran ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE MacLean Devils lex#joined lex#played trigger#leader pos#VBD DT rc#to a path#rcmod|->rcmod->lead->dobj->|dobj pos#, WP VBD DT pos#RB VBD DT trigger#give trigger#spend lc#season , rc#a 2-1 trigger#join trigger#play pos#, WP VBP VBN IN DT rc#' career pos#VBD VBN PRP$ JJ NN IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT trigger#send pos#POS VBD DT rc#at lc#, when rc#since lex#'s gave path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD JJR IN IN DT pos#VBD IN DT lc#, rc#on Tuesday rc#a 3-1 trigger#put lex#put lc#asked if trigger#lead rc#on top path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->iobj->|iobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#played game lex#finally gave lex#gave path#appos|->appos->leader->poss->|poss lc#game before lc#said about lex#led rc#with his lex#spent path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-send->dobj->|dobj rc#before being lc#and rc#back on rc#with path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lead->dobj->|dobj path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#a little lc#arose with ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-put->dobj->|dobj rc#a three-goal REL$NA trigger#maclean rc#in their path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->against->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Bernard Holland Johannes Brahms pos#POS NN IN NN path#poss|<-poss<-article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s article composer lc#letter disputes rc#. trigger#article NEGATIVE Monika Judaism rc#, and lc#had married path#rcmod|->rcmod->convert->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#converted pos#, WP VBD TO trigger#convert ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Robert Lang Mike Richter lex#beat goalie trigger#beat pos#, WP VBD NN ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#high on path#rcmod|->rcmod->beat->dobj->|dobj lc#passed to REL$NA UNLABELED School of Education University of Southern California lc#of the ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#dean path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-dean->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, which pos#IN DT UNLABELED Brian Morris Dailey & Associates lex#president pos#, NN IN pos#, DT NN NN NN CC JJ NN IN rc#, another pos#, JJ NN NN CC JJ NN IN pos#, NN IN NN NNS IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, lc#* rc#, path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#executive vice president general manager ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, succeeding trigger#president lex#director client services path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED University of California Board of Regents lc#by the pos#POS VBG ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#partmod|->partmod->govern->dobj->|dobj trigger#govern lex#'s governing rc#, which UNLABELED Harlow B. Osteboe Mr. Hall lex#vice chairman succeed ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#bylaws , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-succeed->dobj->|dobj rc#as chairman pos#, DT NN NN , MD VB trigger#succeed UNLABELED Robert M. Segal Wolf path#appos|->appos->co-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN lex#co-chairman rc#, trigger#co-chairman ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#" said UNLABELED Jean-Michel Bournot Le Perigord lc#Openings path#rcmod|->rcmod->chef->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#chef lex#sous chef renowned pos#, WP VBD DT JJ NN IN DT JJ IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED O'Neill Cabaret Symposium Eugene O'Neill Theater Center lc#attending the path#dobj|<-dobj<-attend->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#summer ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#JJ NN IN DT trigger#attend rc#in UNLABELED New York Times Neediest Cases Fund Herbert Weiss trigger#help path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-help->dobj->|dobj lex#helped ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, lc#on how pos#VBZ VBN NEGATIVE Charles M. C. Lee University of Michigan trigger#professor lex#assistant professor accounting rc#who conducted path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, concluded ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA pos#, DT JJ NN IN NN IN DT UNLABELED Scott Irby-Ranniar Lion King lc#right sits path#appos|->appos->member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#original cast member '' The trigger#member pos#, , DT JJ NN NN IN '' DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#. '' UNLABELED William Alfred ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-son->dep->brother->appos->|appos lc#sons , trigger#son rc#, of pos#, IN , , CC , IN , NNP : NNS , trigger#brother lex#Wis. brothers UNLABELED Argentines Falklands War lc#memorial honoring pos#WP VBD IN DT lex#died trigger#die ner#MISC->MISC path#rcmod|->rcmod->die->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, a UNLABELED Chrysler Corp Chrysler Phaeton pos#CC , VBG ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#cars from rc#, trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj lex#including UNLABELED Jerry Schneiderman Travel Forum path#appos|->appos->administrator->nn->|nn pos#IN , DT rc#administrator on ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#administrator lc#" said UNLABELED Dr. Michael J. S. Belton National Optical Astronomical Observatories pos#, DT NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->astronomer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#astronomer ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#astronomer rc#in lc#" said NEGATIVE William Ryan EDO Corporation trigger#executive pos#, JJ NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->executive->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" says REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED Daniel Vale Esquire trigger#reporter rc#reporter . pos#, DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->reporter->nn->|nn lc#identified as UNLABELED Janet Eleanor Benning trigger#sister ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of lex#sister trigger#daughter path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->dep->sister->appos->|appos lc#daughters , pos#IN CC IN : DT NN , UNLABELED Marty Adelstein Creative Artists lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#agent pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lex#top television agent rc#who joined ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Harvey E. Heinbach Merrill Lynch path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#. lc#, says lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN NEGATIVE Norris Connecticut rc#debut at path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-make->dobj->debut->nn->|nn trigger#make lex#make lc#Professor pos#MD VB PRP$ trigger#debut ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Internet The Washington Post trigger#reporter path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#and the rc#. lex#reporter ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#, VBD DT NN IN REL$NA NEGATIVE Postal Service Phelps Dodge pos#VBD NN IN lex#filed suit path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->against->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#when the trigger#file rc#over the REL$NA UNLABELED Dr. Michael B. McElroy Harvard trigger#department path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->department->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#committee is rc#. pos#, NN IN DT NN IN NN CC JJ NNS IN lex#chairman department earth planetary sciences ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#chairman UNLABELED John P. LaWare New England lc#retirement of pos#, DT rc#banker . path#appos|->appos->banker->nn->|nn rc#banker , trigger#banker ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#spring of UNLABELED Mr. Goldmark World Trade Center pos#VBD PRP IN DT NN JJ NN IN DT lex#raised meeting month trigger#raise path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-raise->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#proposal when UNLABELED Steinbrenner American Shipbuilding trigger#have lc#phone numbers path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#VBZ VBN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Book Award Sons of the Revolution trigger#win rc#. path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->from->pobj->|pobj lc#a ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION pos#IN DT UNLABELED Peter Hidalgo Metrolink lex#spokesman rc#. path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#, said trigger#spokesman NEGATIVE Born Sarah Lawrence College ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#IN , VBD DT NN IN lex#graduate trigger#graduate path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-graduate->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED No Comment About Tape Mr. Crowe trigger#contact pos#IN VBD rc#, they lex#After contacted path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-contact->dobj->|dobj ner#MISC->PERSON NEGATIVE Mayor East Peoria path#rcmod|->rcmod->grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The pos#, WP VBD RP IN rc#and said ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#grew REL$NA trigger#grow UNLABELED V.F.W. Seniors Championship Belton trigger#win pos#IN lc#won the rc#, Mo. ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Abbott Angels lex#played trigger#manager rc#had for trigger#abbott trigger#play path#appos|->appos->manager->poss->|poss pos#, WP DT rc#' general pos#VBD IN DT rc#, and lc#teammates when lc#went for path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#trading for path#rcmod|->rcmod->have->nsubj->|nsubj pos#, , DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Jackson Olympic rc#gold medalist pos#, DT trigger#medalist ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->medalist->nn->|nn REL$NA UNLABELED James F. Regan Todt Hill Civic Association pos#, NN IN DT IN CC NN IN DT lex#chairman president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED Eduard A. Shevardnadze Kremlin lex#figure path#appos|->appos->figure->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, has lc#coalition : pos#, DT RBS NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#figure UNLABELED Anthony DeSimone Mike Sizow trigger#throw ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#quarter when path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-throw->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#VBD DT JJ NN NN TO lex#threw 39-yard touchdown pass UNLABELED Roberto Cortez Conde University of San Andreas pos#, DT JJ NNS NN IN DT trigger#professor path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#political economics professor rc#in lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Hernandez Evelis rc#, having ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#'s eldest daughter pos#POS JJ NN , trigger#daughter path#poss|<-poss<-daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Republicans Sheffield Nelson rc#, the ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#include path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBG lex#including UNLABELED Ritz Diana pos#, WRB ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->nsubj->|nsubj lc#at the trigger#ritz rc#was . NEGATIVE Jon Pareles Tina Turner path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->concert->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review trigger#concert rc#concert at REL$NA UNLABELED Nicolas Jenifer path#appos|<-appos<-son<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#son , trigger#daughter trigger#son rc#, of pos#, IN : DT NN , UNLABELED Wendy Sherman Shrum ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, lex#political consulting firm pos#, WP$ JJ NN NN , , trigger#firm path#appos|->appos->firm->dep->|dep lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Brewster Judge Thomas ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, WP VBD IN lc#" recalled rc#in the trigger#work lex#worked path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Gates Kremlin rc#or to pos#POS JJ NN IN DT path#poss|<-poss<-view->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#view lex#'s pessimistic view ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#to fit UNLABELED Singing Sculpture Sonnabend Gallery pos#, '' WDT PRP RB VBD IN DT lc#" The lex#presented path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->LOCATION trigger#present rc#in UNLABELED Dr. Catherine Wotecki Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#; rc#, and pos#, RB DT NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#and now trigger#director NEGATIVE Brookhaven Island pos#, DT JJS NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->town->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#town rc#, issued lc#January while lex#largest town REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Ciorbea Bucharest pos#, RB DT NNP IN path#appos|->appos->mayor->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#mayor rc#, has lex#Mayor ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Roy Brunett Newsweek lex#spokesman trigger#spokesman path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN rc#, which NEGATIVE Francis Davis Sam Rivers path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->by->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#review rc#and group lex#reviews album jazz saxophonist pos#VBZ JJ NN IN NN NN REL$NA UNLABELED Doris L. MacKenzie National Institute of Justice trigger#scientist lex#visiting scientist rc#. path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT VBG NN IN DT lc#, said UNLABELED British Archigram lex#architectural group pos#JJ NN lc#and the trigger#group path#amod|<-amod<-group->dep->|dep rc#, as ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Britt Montero Miami News rc#, the trigger#reporter lex#police reporter The lc#mystery featuring path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN DT UNLABELED Mr. Garvey World War II pos#, DT NN IN , , VBD IN DT IN lex#native served trigger#serve path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-serve->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. UNLABELED Ronald Stowe Washington rc#office of pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head trigger#office lex#head ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->office->nn->|nn lc#" said UNLABELED Kenya Napper Bello Free Mind Generation lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE New York Rangers Kevin Hatcher ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON pos#VBP NN rc#from lex#acquire defenseman path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj trigger#acquire REL$NA NEGATIVE Charlotte Richfield lc#and beat trigger#beat pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-beat->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Feltsman New York pos#VBD NNS IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#played concerts trigger#play rc#during his ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Leon Lopez Madrid pos#, DT trigger#graduate rc#law graduate ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->graduate->nn->|nn REL$NA UNLABELED Towers Financial Corporation Steven Hoffenberg trigger#head ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#the bankrupt lex#headed path#rcmod|->rcmod->head->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, pleaded pos#, WDT VBD VBN IN UNLABELED Lestin Houston ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#consultant rc#real estate path#appos|->appos->consultant->nn->|nn pos#, , DT lc#of UNLABELED Mrs. Farkas Robin L. Farkas rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#wife path#appos|->appos->wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#is treating trigger#wife pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Mr. Beame Buck path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-know->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC pos#, WP VBD VBN VBN RBR IN DT NN , `` PRP VBZ DT rc#, " trigger#know lex#elected earlier slogan He Knows UNLABELED Sampras Alex O'Brien pos#MD VB ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj rc#against another lex#join NEGATIVE Alan Brown Florida trigger#agent pos#, DT NNS NN NN IN lex#sports marketing agent rc#who had ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->agent->prep->from->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Harry P. Kamen Metropolitan Life Insurance Company rc#, the lc#will honor pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#chairman rc#, will pos#, JJ NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN CC JJ NN IN DT rc#. pos#, DT NN CC JJ NN IN DT lc#, and lex#chairman chief executive ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#executive vice president trigger#chairman trigger#president path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Barnes & Noble Macy trigger#be ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->like->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN DT rc#'s of REL$NA UNLABELED David M. Brodsky Open Housing Center trigger#lawyer pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#lawyer lc#according to rc#. path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED William H. Bowen University of Arkansas pos#, DT RB VBN NN IN DT NN NN IN DT lex#recently retired dean law school rc#at lc#, path#appos|->appos->dean->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#dean ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Bob Mants Alabama Black Belt trigger#come pos#VBD TO DT rc#to work path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Robert Merlino Staten Island trigger#dealer pos#, DT rc#antiques dealer path#appos|->appos->dealer->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#to UNLABELED Choir Boys Stamford Center lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBP VBG VBN IN DT rc#for the path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-present->prep->by->pobj->|pobj lex#presented trigger#present NEGATIVE Jeff Maggert Tom Byrum trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#tied for path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->with->pobj->|pobj pos#VBZ IN NN IN , IN lex#place REL$NA UNLABELED Kapalua International Hawaii path#nn|<-nn<-tournament->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#in the rc#by trigger#win pos#IN lc#won the lc#win the rc#. pos#NN IN rc#by having pos#NN NN IN trigger#tournament lex#tournament ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc# path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#golf tournament UNLABELED Tutsi Camp Tshatshi path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#take lc#as pos#VBD VBN VBN TO ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#, a NEGATIVE European Yves Klein path#amod|<-amod<-artist->prep->like->pobj->|pobj lex#artists trigger#artist lc#, when ner#MISC->PERSON rc#and lc#'s by REL$NA pos#NNS IN NEGATIVE Sharon Stone Bill Macdonald rc#, the ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dobj|<-dobj<-introduce->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#friend trigger#introduce pos#TO PRP$ NN REL$NA lc#his friend UNLABELED Rabbi Daniel I. Kamesar Mazon pos#, JJ NN IN rc#: A trigger#director ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#regional director path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Timothy O'Donnell Mr. Lukomski pos#, trigger#lawyer rc#'s lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->lawyer->poss->|poss lc#, said UNLABELED Mr. Yousry Peregrine rc#'s in pos#VBD DT NN IN trigger#chef ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#chef path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chef->prep->at->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Armond Hill National Basketball Association pos#, DT JJ rc#point guard path#appos|->appos->guard->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, including REL$NA trigger#guard UNLABELED Hanifen Imhoff Denver pos#, DT JJ rc#investment firm lex#small lc#analyst with lc#company for rc#brokerage firm pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->firm->nn->|nn lc#has been trigger#firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Donald A. Falk Missouri Botanical Garden lc#" said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in trigger#director UNLABELED Houston Effler New York lex#opened trigger#open path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#VBD IN lc#agencies , rc#in UNLABELED F. John Mirek Kemper Securities in Milwaukee lex#industry analyst trigger#analyst rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said UNLABELED Marie Bacoli Robinson & Cole trigger#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->with->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#lawyer firm pos#, DT NN IN DT NN IN rc#, " trigger#firm ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Potter Joyford Hill path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear pos#VBD VBN IN rc#, lex#born ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Democrats Ruth W. Messinger lc#several prominent pos#WP VBP VBN JJ , VBG NNP lex#neutral including President lex#challengers including ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#include pos#WP MD VB PRP$ NNS IN , VBG path#prep|->prep->include->pobj->|pobj rc#and lc#other UNLABELED Mr. Healy Margaret lex#'s daughter ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN , trigger#daughter rc#, an lc#, said path#poss|<-poss<-daughter->appos->|appos UNLABELED Fourth Symphony West Hempstead pos#IN NN IN trigger#school lex#P.M. rc#High School ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#and the path#prep|->prep->at->pobj->school->nn->|nn UNLABELED Ms. Brown Bronx path#appos|->appos->resident->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN DT lc#addition to trigger#resident lex#resident rc#, she ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Sawgrass Ponte Vedra pos#JJ NN IN lex#master-planned community trigger#community rc#from path#nn|<-nn<-community->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#'s ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED R. William Donohue Con Edison lc#'' said pos#, DT NN NN IN NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president distribution engineering ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president rc#. '' UNLABELED Mr. Walsh Norwalk path#appos|->appos->resident->nn->|nn trigger#resident pos#, DT rc#resident who ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Gen. Joao Figueiredo Brazil lc#When path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->poss->|poss pos#, IN NN , VBD rc#'s President lex#instance ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president NEGATIVE Silicon Valley America pos#VBZ TO trigger#be ner#LOCATION->LOCATION rc#, and lc#, what path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->to->pobj->|pobj REL$NA UNLABELED Vidler Water Co. Global Equity Corp pos#IN ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lc#to buy rc#. trigger#buy path#dobj|<-dobj<-buy->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Terry Teachout Country of Country trigger#review rc#: People path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#VBZ VBG NNS : IN DT lex#reviews books In UNLABELED New York Midnight Basketball Mario M. Cuomo trigger#found ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#partmod|->partmod->found->prep->by->pobj->|pobj pos#, VBN IN NNP lex#founded Gov. rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Terfel Lesley ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#wife path#appos|->appos->wife->appos->|appos rc#, and pos#, PRP$ NN , trigger#wife UNLABELED Gustavo Vega United States pos#, NN IN DT lex#coordinator trigger#coordinator rc#and path#appos|->appos->coordinator->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION NEGATIVE Burger King Hasbro rc#for undisclosed lc#; lex#buys rights children 's toy ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#buy REL$NA pos#RB VBZ NNS TO VB , NNS POS NN , IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->prep->from->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Peter Lanciano Altus lex#president lc#, '' pos#, NN IN rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Kibbutz Afiq Golan Regional Council ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->spokeswoman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj lc#in lex#spokeswoman trigger#spokeswoman rc#, which UNLABELED Pepitone Yankees lex#played trigger#play pos#VBD IN DT rc#from path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED John Canavan Stone & McCarthy Research Associates Inc trigger#analyst rc#. lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lc#" said NEGATIVE Eleanor Great Gatsby path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-find->dobj->|dobj lex#honor roll student call nerd girl helps find The The lc#with , rc#, " pos#, DT NN NN NN PRP VBP DT `` NN NN , '' VBZ VB `` DT , '' `` DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA trigger#find UNLABELED Theodore N. Mirvis Wachtell trigger#lawyer path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->with->pobj->firm->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NNS NN IN DT NN NN IN rc#, lex#securities lawyer law firm ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#firm lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Raichel Federal District Court rc#in path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-convict->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#VBD VBN IN IN trigger#convict ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#convicted NEGATIVE Dave Matthews Band Roseland trigger#play lc#when the rc#. pos#VBD IN NNP IN lex#played Thursday ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-play->prep->at->pobj->|pobj REL$NA NEGATIVE William McLaughlin Martin House trigger#mclaughlin ner#PERSON->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lc#The Rev. pos#, WP VBD TO REL$NA rc#in UNLABELED Manhattan C.T.N. Tours ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#nn|<-nn<-agency->appos->|appos pos#NN NN , rc#. lc#at a lex#travel agency trigger#agency UNLABELED Akinwande Berlin rc#in pos#VBD TO lex#returned ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return UNLABELED Mr. Margolis Mayflower Compact trigger#quote pos#VBZ DT rc#, with lex#quotes ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-quote->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED John Villforth Food and Drug Law Institute pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head rc#, an path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Greenburgh Westhelp path#poss|<-poss<-project->nn->|nn lc#opposition to trigger#project lex#'s rc#project remained pos#POS ner#LOCATION->MISC UNLABELED Ira Neimark Bergdorf pos#, lex#chairman pos#, NN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#longtime chairman rc#'s former rc#'s chairman rc#, is pos#, JJ NN CC JJ NN IN ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#chairman chief executive lc#succeeded path#appos|->appos->chairman->poss->|poss rc#'s . lc#referring to lc#'' after pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION lc#location , trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said rc#, a NEGATIVE Mary Kane Destiny rc#with her lex#production manager trade magazine free cruise path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-take->prep->on->pobj->|pobj trigger#take pos#, DT NN NN IN DT NN NN , VBD DT JJ NN IN DT ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED CHRISTIAN LIAIGRE Paris trigger#designer lex#interior designer path#appos|->appos->designer->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#MISC->LOCATION rc#, creates UNLABELED Galbreath United States Steel Corporation trigger#have path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->to->pobj->|pobj rc#, an lex#close connections ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#CC VBD JJ NNS TO DT lc#Apparently because NEGATIVE Grand Slam Victory Gallop trigger#give pos#VBD NN TO path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->PERSON lex#gave REL$NA rc#, a UNLABELED Mr. Hunter Cleveland pos#, WP$ JJ NN VBD , VBD VBN IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-bear->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#bear lex#original born ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#and began UNLABELED Mr. McGrath Grand Met lex#joined pos#VBD trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->MISC rc#in UNLABELED Nina Schelemskaya-Schlesnaya Russian pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#dancer lc#He married rc#ballet dancer path#appos|->appos->dancer->amod->|amod UNLABELED Dieter Schulte German Labor Union Federation trigger#leader pos#, NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, which lc#" said UNLABELED Marines J. Walter Thompson trigger#spend ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#and the rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-spend->prep->with->pobj->|pobj lex#spent pos#VBD IN UNLABELED Walter Loeb Italian-Americans trigger#letter ner#PERSON->MISC path#nn|<-nn<-letter->prep->on->pobj->article->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lex#letter article lc#J rc#interned during trigger#article pos#NN IN NN IN UNLABELED Juneau Cleone T. Graham pos#, , CC , IN : DT NN , ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#, of rc#of path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-son->dep->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#daughter trigger#son UNLABELED Gorbachev T-shirts Misha Knight rc#was selling path#rcmod|->rcmod->sell->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#sell pos#WDT ner#MISC->PERSON lc#than the UNLABELED Pilgrim California Superior Court lex#filed lawsuit rc#accusing the pos#VBD DT NN IN trigger#file path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-file->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Jama Islamic Union pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#leader path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, lex#leader ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said NEGATIVE Emerson National Lawyers Guild lex#president lc#Professor ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj REL$NA pos#VBD NN IN DT rc#in trigger#president NEGATIVE Tom Pollock Universal REL$NA trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn pos#, DT rc#, is ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" says lc#, said rc#chairman , UNLABELED William H. Schlesinger New Mexico lc#led by trigger#area lex#botanist studied areas southern rc#. path#appos|->appos->area->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN IN , VBN NNS IN DT IN JJ UNLABELED HARTMAN Washington Institute for Policy Studies ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#fellow rc#. lex#The writer fellow path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fellow->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN VBZ DT NN IN DT lc# UNLABELED Romano Wheaton ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#restaurant path#nn|<-nn<-restaurant->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NN IN rc#, lc#A trigger#restaurant NEGATIVE Soleil San Francisco ner#LOCATION->LOCATION path#appos|->appos->shop->nn->|nn pos#, DT lc#du rc#shop that trigger#shop REL$NA NEGATIVE Sarah Clinton County ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#wife , rc#, path#appos|<-appos<-wife->prep->of->pobj->|pobj trigger#wife REL$NA pos#, IN UNLABELED Falling Rocket John Ruskin lc#: The pos#, '' WDT trigger#describe ner#MISC->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->describe->nsubj->|nsubj rc#famously described NEGATIVE Jimmy Jill pos#-LRB- -RRB- VBZ ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#( lc#episode , path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-catch->dobj->|dobj trigger#catch REL$NA lex#catches UNLABELED Islamic Jidda rc#who quietly lc#it to trigger#official path#amod|<-amod<-official->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#NNS IN lex#officials ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Herbert Benita Tobin path#appos|<-appos<-son<-pobj<-by<-prep<-survive->dobj->daughter->appos->|appos trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#daughter lc#sons , rc#of pos#, IN , , CC , IN : DT NN , trigger#daughter trigger#son UNLABELED IRT Train lex#No. trigger#no. lc#the path#nn|<-nn<-no.->dep->|dep ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, '' pos#NN NEGATIVE Mr. Carter Pale trigger#go path#poss|<-poss<-presence->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#POS NN IN lex#'s presence pos#VBD TO rc#and secured path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#officials say REL$NA trigger#presence rc#might allow UNLABELED Kevin Coyle Washington path#appos|->appos->group->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, said lex#president conservation group trigger#group pos#, NN IN , DT NN NN IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Councilman Thomas K. Duane Department of Finance pos#, WP VBD DT NN IN RB VBG NNS IN DT NN NN , VBZ VBG DT rc#to forgive lex#chastised city notifying residents policy change path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-ask->dobj->|dobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#ask UNLABELED Russian MTV Beach Party lex#version '' trigger#version pos#NN IN '' rc#, '' path#amod|<-amod<-version->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION lc#on a UNLABELED Ms. Braun Parsons School of Design rc#and the path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-study->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD VBN IN , VBD IN DT lex#born studied trigger#study ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Thomas Muster French Open lc#Pardon lex#defending path#appos|->appos->champion->nn->|nn pos#VBD DT trigger#win pos#, DT JJ trigger#winner lc#off third-seeded rc#winner , pos#, DT pos#, DT VBG ner#PERSON->MISC rc#. path#appos|->appos->winner->nn->|nn lc#CLAY : lex#won lc#for allowing REL$NA rc#champion , trigger#champion path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-win->dobj->|dobj lc#the way NEGATIVE O'Bannon Goldsmith path#dep|<-dep<-%<-dep<-president->dep->%->dep->|dep ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#% reporting lex#-- -- trigger#% rc#-- REL$NA pos#: : NN trigger#president NEGATIVE Fort Howard Morgan Stanley pos#VBD ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#hire path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-hire->dobj->|dobj lex#hired lc#later , REL$NA rc#to devise UNLABELED Fahd Administration pos#NNP JJ path#nn|<-nn<-official->nn->|nn trigger#official lex#senior lc#With King rc#official told ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Rochus Gliese Sunrise path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-design->prep->for->pobj->|pobj rc#" of trigger#design lc#designed by pos#IN POS `` lex#'s ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION REL$NA NEGATIVE Garibaldi Italian path#appos|->appos->restaurant->amod->|amod pos#, DT JJ lc#dinner at rc#restaurant allied ner#PERSON->MISC lex#trendy trigger#restaurant REL$NA UNLABELED Mr. Henderson Santa Claus path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->nsubj->|nsubj trigger#be ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#VBZ lc#understands that rc#. UNLABELED Fairfax Uunet ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#In nearby path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, views lex#Va. president pos#, NNP , , NN IN trigger#president UNLABELED Con Edison Keyspan Energy Corporation pos#POS JJS NN , DT path#poss|<-poss<-rival->appos->|appos lc#Moreover , rc#, is trigger#rival lex#'s biggest rival ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Raymond J. Struyk Washington-based Urban Institute pos#, DT NN NN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC lex#housing specialist trigger#specialist path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#, which lc#" said UNLABELED Metal Industry Merger Allegheny Teledyne Oregon Metallurgical rc#for pos#MD VB ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#buy path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-buy->dobj->|dobj trigger#buy UNLABELED Jerry Fischoff Simplex rc#. lex#director operations path#appos|->appos->director->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN NNS IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#, said trigger#director UNLABELED Mary V. Thompson Mount Vernon rc#, said lex#research specialist trigger#specialist path#appos|->appos->specialist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT NN NN IN UNLABELED Traigers Manhattan trigger#visit lc#The pos#RB IN path#dobj|<-dobj<-visit->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#, had rc#last summer path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#visited the trigger#live pos#, WP VBP IN lex#live ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE Socialist Party Lionel Jospin rc#, became trigger#leader lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#and the rc#. lex#leader path#nn|<-nn<-leader->appos->|appos REL$NA pos#NN , NEGATIVE Orchard House Louisa May Alcott lc#daughter to ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#rcmod|->rcmod->live->nsubj->|nsubj rc#lived with pos#IN , , WRB trigger#live REL$NA UNLABELED Joseph Ronning Brown Brothers Harriman path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#analyst rc#, noted rc#. lex#analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Steinbrenner White Sox pos#CC , DT trigger#owner path#appos|->appos->owner->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#owner , UNLABELED Aquarium Mystic Coast and Country ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lc#The trigger#member pos#CC IN VBP DT VBP NNS IN path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-member->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#members rc#, a UNLABELED Riesenberg Hampton ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-like->dobj->|dobj pos#VBZ rc#as a trigger#like lex#likes UNLABELED Central Intelligence William J. Casey pos#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->appos->|appos rc#, even rc#, but rc#, ran ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON rc#, in rc#, and rc#. rc#, presided lc#Director of rc#, reopened trigger#director UNLABELED Franko Tudjman Croatia pos#, DT JJ NNP IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, has lex#nationalist President ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#president UNLABELED Mario Nicolo Brooklyn pos#, path#appos|->appos->man->nn->|nn rc#man , ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#man UNLABELED West 52d Street Equitable Center ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-take->prep->in->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#take pos#IN DT lc#at UNLABELED Lawrence E. Pezzullo Haiti trigger#envoy rc#, argued lex#special envoy rc#, sought ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN TO path#appos|->appos->envoy->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Middlesex Somerset Mercer Regional Council New Jersey lex#nonprofit planning organization central trigger#organization path#appos|->appos->organization->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#from the ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN JJ rc#. '' UNLABELED Charles E. Hurwitz United Financial path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. pos#, WP VBZ , VBD NN CC JJ NN IN lc#financier ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#heads chairman chief executive trigger#chairman UNLABELED Pulitzer Delicate Balance trigger#win path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#. ' pos#IN IN '' DT lc#his NEGATIVE Philadelphia Bloomfield Hills ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, path#pobj|<-pobj<-from<-prep<-move->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#TO TO TO lc#moved from trigger#move REL$NA NEGATIVE Kaypro David Kay pos#, VBN IN , , VBN , DT NN NN NN , TO VB trigger#replace ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-replace->dobj->|dobj REL$NA lex#based named crisis management consultant replace UNLABELED Brown Tam O'Shanter path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#director golf pos#, , DT NN IN NN IN rc#on ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#director UNLABELED Harold B. Smith Good Shepherd Hospital path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#die lex#chairman died Tuesday pos#, JJ NN IN DT , VBD IN NNP IN ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Halter Afghanistan lc#the pos#VBD TO rc#to protest path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-go->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#go UNLABELED Sergeant Rodriguez Marines lex#attended joined trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj lc#recalled that ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, WP VBD , VBD VBN DT rc#in UNLABELED Indian Newark Avenue lex#restaurants path#amod|<-amod<-restaurant->prep->on->pobj->|pobj lc#strip of trigger#restaurant ner#MISC->LOCATION pos#NNS IN rc#in UNLABELED W. Val Oveson Winchester lc#Lieut. Gov. pos#VBD DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-present->dobj->|dobj rc# lex#presented ner#PERSON->LOCATION trigger#present UNLABELED Uunet Technologies Internet ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC lc#executive of pos#, DT VBG trigger#company rc#network-backbone company path#appos|->appos->company->nn->|nn lex#leading UNLABELED Patriot League Tournament Annapolis pos#IN trigger#give rc#, Md. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-give->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lex#In ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Akiya Shimoda Yamaichi Securities lc#'' said trigger#analyst lex#equity analyst ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN NN IN path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->with->pobj->|pobj rc#. '' UNLABELED British Willis Faber P.L.C. path#amod|<-amod<-company->dep->|dep lc#and the lex#insurance company pos#NN NN trigger#company ner#MISC->ORGANIZATION rc#to proceed UNLABELED Justice Alice Schlesinger State Supreme Court rc#justice in pos#, DT trigger#justice lc#residence with path#appos|->appos->justice->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Beck Community Service Society lc#" predicted pos#, JJ NN IN DT pos#VBD DT NN IN DT rc#. rc#and then lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#'s , trigger#director UNLABELED Cosgrove Gen. Kiki Syahnakri trigger#visit ner#PERSON->PERSON lc#, General path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-visit->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD IN NNP TO VB IN DT NN IN DT NNS RB , NNP rc#. lex#visited Sunday coordinate commander forces Maj. UNLABELED Walter L. T. Hang Toxics Targeting lex#president pos#, NN IN path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#delay worries ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president rc#, a NEGATIVE Marlboro Winston trigger#overtake pos#VBD rc#for ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#overtook lc#cigarette , REL$NA path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-overtake->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Tuinei Cowboys trigger#come lex#native rc#as an path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT NN IN , VBD TO DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Outreach Michael Stopford British path#appos|->appos->director->amod->|amod ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC pos#, DT rc#director of trigger#director UNLABELED Michael Bennahum New York-based trigger#producer rc#motion picture lc#she met pos#, DT ner#PERSON->MISC path#appos|->appos->producer->amod->|amod NEGATIVE Roman Catholic Franciszek Cardinal Macharski pos#NNS , VBG trigger#leader lex#leaders including rc#of ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#include lc#and REL$NA path#amod|<-amod<-leader->prep->include->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Bill Doyle Forrester Research Inc. lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->analyst->prep->at->pobj->|pobj rc#, in lex#senior analyst trigger#analyst pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Molecular Cardiology Research Center New England Medical Center rc#in lc#of the trigger#director ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION path#pobj|<-pobj<-of<-prep<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#IN DT NEGATIVE Germany Chile path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-urge->dobj->|dobj pos#VBD rc#not to ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lex#urged REL$NA trigger#urge UNLABELED Trevor Davis Cottages lc#And pos#CC RB VBD DT lex#recently acquired path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-acquire->dobj->|dobj trigger#acquire ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#, a UNLABELED Bing Colvin Dermott path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-grow->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN NNP POS NN , VBD RP IN lex#public defender Judge 's district grew ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#just as trigger#grow UNLABELED Sean Li Amsteel Securities lc#term , lex#associate director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, told pos#, JJ NN IN path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director NEGATIVE Marius Russo Dodgers trigger#beat lex#He beat rc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#dep|->dep->beat->dobj->|dobj REL$NA pos#: `` PRP VBD DT UNLABELED PRESTON WILSON MOOKIE pos#, lc#INSIDE PITCH ner#LOCATION->PERSON path#appos|->appos->son->poss->|poss trigger#son rc#'s son NEGATIVE British Rail Britain trigger#station path#nn|<-nn<-station->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#from every pos#NN IN NN ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION rc#at a REL$NA lex#station mainland UNLABELED Geoff Keezer Village Vanguard path#rcmod|->rcmod->perform->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBZ VBG DT NN IN DT trigger#perform lc#pianist lex#performing week ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#in UNLABELED Kelly Norris San Diego Princess Resort Hotel lc#began when lex#arrived pos#VBD IN DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-arrive->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#arrive rc#, where ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Drazen Petrovic National Basketball Association pos#VBD DT NN POS NN TO DT trigger#bring rc# lex#brought shooter 's mentality ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-bring->prep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Stanton Pixar lex#bearded young animator joined lc#'' said pos#, DT JJ JJ NN , WP VBD VBN trigger#join ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#rcmod|->rcmod->join->dobj->|dobj rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Busch Fritz Busch lex#born son conductor pos#, VBN IN , , IN , VBD DT NN IN DT NN ner#PERSON->PERSON path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. trigger#son UNLABELED Mark Messersmith Skyline pos#, lc#'' said rc#, said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj path#appos|->appos->president->poss->|poss pos#, JJ NN NN IN rc#'s executive ner#PERSON->LOCATION lex#executive vice president ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Joseph I. Lieberman Foreign Relations Committee rc#but has pos#, , WP VBZ RB IN DT path#rcmod|->rcmod->be->prep->on->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#Senator trigger#lieberman UNLABELED Vineyard Richard A. Shaffer rc#, the trigger#be lex#work ner#MISC->PERSON pos#, CC NN RB VBZ IN NN , '' lc#'s path#pobj|<-pobj<-in<-prep<-be->nsubj->|nsubj NEGATIVE Jews Jackson Heights rc#, in path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-settle->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#settle lex#settled pos#VBD RB VBN IN lc#said young REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Mr. Liu Arts Council lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->chairman->nn->|nn pos#, DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#chairman , trigger#chairman UNLABELED Marriott Corporation Florida lc#: The lex#began work complex elderly path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-begin->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#The pos#VBD NN IN DT NN IN DT JJ IN rc#in what ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION trigger#begin UNLABELED Ellen Haas Public Voice for Food and Health Policy trigger#director rc#, a lc#'' said pos#, NN IN lex#executive director pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#director pos#, JJ NN IN lc#" said UNLABELED Ayer Inc. A.T. & T. rc#since ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION trigger#work lc#away from pos#IN , WDT VBZ VBN IN lex#worked path#rcmod|->rcmod->work->prep->with->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Anton Netto Funai pos#, DT path#appos|->appos->spokesman->nn->|nn rc#spokesman . ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#spokesman lc#" said UNLABELED Ruth Reichl Inagiku pos#VBZ lex#reviews trigger#review rc#restaurant in ner#PERSON->MISC rc#, trigger#restaurant path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->restaurant->nn->|nn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-review->dobj->|dobj NEGATIVE American Civil Liberties Union Newark path#poss|<-poss<-office->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#of the rc#, said pos#POS NN NN IN trigger#office lex#'s state office ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Red Scare Gray Scare lc#The lex#replaced ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-replace->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#replace rc#, '' pos#VBZ VBN VBN IN DT UNLABELED Ali Christian Georgian pos#VBZ RB IN NN IN , DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-fall->prep->in->pobj->love->prep->with->pobj->|pobj trigger#love ner#PERSON->MISC lc#Yet rc#. trigger#fall lex#falls heedlessly love UNLABELED Bensonhurst State Supreme Court ner#LOCATION->ORGANIZATION lex#trials path#nn|<-nn<-trial->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#trial lc#over the pos#NNS IN rc#in UNLABELED Mr. Levens Joyce lex#survived wife rc#; trigger#survive ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#wife path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-survive->prep->by->pobj->wife->appos->|appos pos#VBZ VBN IN PRP$ NN , UNLABELED Charles H. Dalarra J. P. Morgan & Company pos#, IN DT POS JJ JJ NNS , MD VB trigger#join path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-join->dobj->|dobj rc#in June lex#'s top international experts join ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION NEGATIVE Hansel East Germany path#dep|<-dep<-name->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#IN ner#LOCATION->LOCATION trigger#name lc#'' named rc#and of REL$NA UNLABELED Florence United States pos#IN , DT ner#LOCATION->LOCATION lc#Sunday in rc#team has trigger#team path#appos|->appos->team->nn->|nn UNLABELED Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi Inkatha Freedom Party rc#, the pos#, DT NN IN DT trigger#leader lc#meet Chief lex#president lc#, Chief lc#Chief pos#, DT NN IN DT JJ pos#, NN IN DT rc#, refused lc#tonight with rc#, who rc#, whose trigger#head rc#, to path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, and path#appos|->appos->leader->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#to meet lc#with Chief rc#. lc#, and rc#, after lc#chief rc#, called rc#, caused lex#leader lex#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#is Chief ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION rc#, would rc#and head rc#, which lex#leader rival lc#and Chief trigger#president lc#But UNLABELED Julie Newton Ogilvy & Mather lex#creative director rc#, pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#said path#appos|->appos->director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#director UNLABELED Mrs. Johnson New Britain pos#VBD path#appos|->appos->senator->prep->from->pobj->|pobj trigger#senator pos#, DT JJ NNP NNP IN trigger#lose lex#State Senator lc#, lex#lost rc#, has rc#, her ner#PERSON->LOCATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-lose->dobj->|dobj UNLABELED Beverly Dolinsky Transit Riders Council lc#" said pos#, JJ NN IN DT ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION rc#, an lex#executive director lc#news for ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, DT JJ NN IN DT trigger#director UNLABELED Dr. L. Joseph Butterfield Denver path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-die->prep->at->pobj->home->prep->in->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP$ JJ NN IN NNS VBD PRP DT NN IN DT NN IN JJ NN , VBD IN NNP IN PRP$ NN IN trigger#home rc#. trigger#die lex#innovative care newborns earned reputation pioneer modern neonatology died Tuesday home ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Torri Motor Parkway pos#, trigger#serve pos#, DT JJ NN NN IN lc#Due rc#, path#rcmod|->rcmod->serve->nsubj->|nsubj path#appos|->appos->restaurant->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#glass-enclosed penthouse restaurant trigger#restaurant ner#PERSON->LOCATION ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#: Due UNLABELED Mark S. McClure Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#scientist trigger#scientist rc#, who lc#according to path#appos|->appos->scientist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Paul Mellon Clare College trigger#be path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-be->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD IN rc#in NEGATIVE Childe Hassam American pos#, DT JJ trigger#artist rc#artist , ner#PERSON->MISC lc#work by path#appos|->appos->artist->amod->|amod REL$NA lex#19th-century UNLABELED P. T. GOODALE White Plains Nynex Corporation pos#, , DT NN VBZ JJ NN , JJ NNS , IN DT rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-director->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lex#The author corporate director external communications ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#director UNLABELED Joe Conason Mr. Stewart rc#in a ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#IN DT VBD lex#caught path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-catch->dobj->|dobj trigger#catch UNLABELED Dames & Moore/Brookhill Corporation Manhattan lc#of the path#appos|->appos->estate->nn->|nn pos#, DT trigger#estate rc#real estate ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Raptors Zan Tabak lc#The ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lex#starting center back spasms backup center rc#( groin pos#POS VBG NN , -LRB- RB NNS -RRB- , CC JJ NN , path#poss|<-poss<-center->appos->|appos trigger#center UNLABELED David L. Eyles Mellon Bank Corporation lex#vice chairman pos#, DT NN NN IN DT rc#and chairman ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Mr. Penner Congressional Budget Office trigger#director rc#from path#rcmod|->rcmod->director->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#, WP VBD NN IN DT lex#director ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED Mr. Carey Hugh Carey pos#VBZ DT NN IN JJ NNP ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#of path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#son Gov. trigger#son UNLABELED Mr. Fields Republican pos#, DT JJ path#appos|->appos->congressman->amod->|amod lex#seven-term rc#Congressman from ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#congressman UNLABELED Trump Castle New Jersey Casino Control Commission pos#VBD JJ NN NNS IN IN , VBN IN DT IN , VBG TO DT DT lc#The trigger#accord ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION lex#gross gambling revenues compared rc#. path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-have->prep->accord->dep->to->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Nina Griscom Griscom trigger#writer rc#is well ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#, JJ NN lex#food-and-wine writer path#appos|->appos->writer->dep->|dep UNLABELED Stadler Torrey Pines Golf Course rc#in pos#VBD TO DT lex#returned ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-return->prep->to->pobj->|pobj trigger#return UNLABELED Vera Goulet Mr. Goulet pos#, ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|->appos->wife->poss->|poss lc#cancellation , trigger#wife rc#'s wife UNLABELED NEWARK ACADEMY Peter Ragosa trigger#throw rc#threw for ner#ORGANIZATION->PERSON lc#) dominated path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-throw->nsubj->|nsubj pos#-LRB- -RRB- , : UNLABELED Ernest Hemingway Mary ner#PERSON->PERSON path#poss|<-poss<-wife->appos->|appos pos#POS NN , lex#'s wife trigger#wife rc#, came lc#speaker , UNLABELED Jay Acton RBI League pos#, NN IN DT ner#PERSON->MISC trigger#founder lex#founder path#appos|->appos->founder->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#, which lc#" said UNLABELED Minnie Dorf Peggy Dorf ner#PERSON->PERSON path#dep|->dep->daughter->appos->|appos rc#of trigger#daughter lc#mother , lex#sons daughter pos#IN : NNS , IN , , CC IN , : DT NN , UNLABELED Bedford Avenue Belmore pos#IN ner#LOCATION->PERSON rc#. trigger#open path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-open->prep->in->pobj->|pobj lc#at UNLABELED Bhuwanneshwar Iselin lc#son , rc#, trigger#son path#appos|<-appos<-son->prep->of->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION pos#, IN UNLABELED Dr. Jack Stern New York Medical College lc#'' said trigger#professor lex#professor neurosurgery pos#, NN IN NN IN DT rc#, '' path#appos|->appos->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Mr. Armacost Asia-Pacific Research Center path#dep|->dep->professor->prep->at->pobj->|pobj trigger#professor lex#visiting professor pos#, RB DT VBG NN IN DT rc#, turned ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#But UNLABELED Pillsbury MacManus Group trigger#expand lex#expanded relationship path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-expand->dobj->relationship->prep->with->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->ORGANIZATION pos#VBD PRP$ NN IN trigger#relationship rc#in UNLABELED Allen Art Museum Young Americans lc#of the trigger#series ner#ORGANIZATION->MISC path#poss|<-poss<-series->nn->|nn rc#series . pos#POS JJ lex#'s well-known UNLABELED Inkatha G. Buthelezi trigger#leader lc#, the pos#NN , NNP NNP rc#. ner#MISC->PERSON path#nn|<-nn<-leader->appos->|appos lex#leader Chief Mangosuthu UNLABELED Marc Smith Cable Vision Magazine trigger#reporter rc#who was lex#reporter path#appos|->appos->reporter->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Ms. Sola Wu Man rc#, a ner#PERSON->PERSON lex#accompanied pos#VBD VBN IN path#nsubjpass|<-nsubjpass<-accompany->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#accompany UNLABELED Walker Merryman Tobacco Institute rc#, the rc#, defended pos#, DT NN IN DT lex#spokesman lc#Disagrees lc#'' said pos#, NN IN DT pos#, DT JJ NN NN , VBZ RB DT NN NN IN DT path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lex#vice president rc#, disputed lc#moment that lc#, and lc#asked path#appos|->appos->spokesman->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN NN IN DT rc#, an ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#, said rc#, which lex#chief spokesman lex#orange juice lover vice president trigger#spokesman rc#in trigger#president pos#, DT NN NN IN DT lc#" said rc#, a NEGATIVE Fair Stephen Cole lex#adapted lc#After the path#partmod|->partmod->adapt->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#from pos#, VBN IN ner#MISC->PERSON trigger#adapt REL$NA UNLABELED Gaspe Quebec path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-part->prep->of->pobj->|pobj pos#CC VBP NN IN lex#part rc#. lc#Both trigger#part ner#MISC->LOCATION NEGATIVE McNary Immigration and Naturalization Service lc#Gene rc#, whose trigger#commissioner pos#, NNP IN DT ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lex#Commissioner REL$NA path#appos|->appos->commissioner->prep->of->pobj->|pobj NEGATIVE Emigration Havana lex#conference lc#and the rc#, I path#nn|<-nn<-conference->prep->in->pobj->|pobj trigger#conference pos#'' NN IN REL$NA ner#MISC->LOCATION UNLABELED Richard Gordon Subic Bay Free Port lex#chairman pos#, NN IN DT rc#at the ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#chairman path#appos|->appos->chairman->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#" said NEGATIVE Benjamin Brafman Peter Gatien trigger#lawyer ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, accuses rc#, rests lex#lawyer prominent nightclub owner path#appos|->appos->lawyer->prep->for->pobj->|pobj pos#, NN IN JJ NN NN REL$NA UNLABELED Malachy McCourt United States trigger#come pos#VBD TO DT path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-come->prep->to->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->LOCATION rc#in UNLABELED Dr. Harry Chugani Wayne State University in Detroit trigger#neurologist rc#and pos#, DT JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION path#appos|->appos->neurologist->prep->at->pobj->|pobj lc#, said lex#pediatric neurologist NEGATIVE Andrea Gabor New York trigger#writer path#appos|->appos->writer->nn->|nn path#nsubj|<-nsubj<-writer->nn->|nn pos#, DT pos#VBZ DT rc#writer and rc#writer , ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA UNLABELED Black Cat Directed Lam Wai-Iun trigger#write pos#CC VBN IN : VBN IN path#dep|->dep->write->prep->by->pobj->|pobj rc#, ner#MISC->PERSON lex#produced written NEGATIVE Ron Carey Hoffa trigger#victory ner#PERSON->PERSON pos#POS NN NN IN rc#was invalidated lc#irony that lex#'s re-election victory REL$NA path#poss|<-poss<-victory->prep->over->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Philip M. Halpern Pirro path#appos|->appos->attorney->prep->for->pobj->|pobj ner#PERSON->PERSON rc#, lex#attorney trigger#attorney pos#, DT NN IN UNLABELED Edward G. Moss Dolphin Cruise Line of Miami lex#president pos#, NN IN lc#'' said path#appos|->appos->president->prep->of->pobj->|pobj rc#. ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION trigger#president UNLABELED Irina N. Volodina Education Ministry trigger#department pos#, NN IN DT trigger#head path#appos|->appos->head->prep->of->pobj->department->poss->|poss rc#'s department lex#head ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION lc#" said UNLABELED George V Gold Cup London rc#before placing lc#the prestigious trigger#win pos#IN ner#MISC->LOCATION path#dobj|<-dobj<-win->prep->in->pobj->|pobj UNLABELED Anne Troemmer Manhattan path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->prep->of->pobj->|pobj lc#daughter , rc#; a trigger#daughter pos#IN , : DT NN , , IN lex#brother ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED William P. Chapman Manhattan trigger#broker lc#for pos#, DT rc#broker . path#appos|->appos->broker->nn->|nn ner#PERSON->LOCATION UNLABELED Les Nanberg MFS Investment Management lc#'' said lex#chief fixed-income officer rc#. trigger#officer path#appos|->appos->officer->prep->at->pobj->|pobj pos#, JJ JJ NN IN ner#PERSON->ORGANIZATION UNLABELED Patrick Breen Hilary Gilford pos#: NN IN NN , : VBN IN : NN IN : NN NN , : VBN IN ner#PERSON->PERSON trigger#write rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-by<-prep<-write<-partmod<-directed->partmod->produce->prep->by->pobj->|pobj trigger#directed trigger#produce lex#director photography edited music production designer produced lc#written by NEGATIVE Mr. Jackson Mississippi path#poss|<-poss<-trip->prep->to->pobj->|pobj lex#'s trip trigger#trip pos#POS NN TO ner#PERSON->LOCATION REL$NA rc#is being UNLABELED Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Bahamas pos#CC IN , IN DT trigger#work lc#at the rc#. path#pobj|<-pobj<-at<-prep<-work->prep->in->pobj->|pobj ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION UNLABELED Martha Solomon Priscilla Pazzano pos#IN , ner#PERSON->PERSON path#appos|<-appos<-daughter->appos->|appos rc#of lc#, trigger#daughter UNLABELED Caladium World Sebring trigger#box rc#, Fla. path#appos|->appos->box->appos->|appos pos#, , , NNP , NN , JJ NN : , NNP , , NNP , NN , JJ NN , CC , NNP NNP , ner#ORGANIZATION->LOCATION lc#Sources include lex#Fla. (941) 385-7661 free catalogue East Fla. (941) 465-0044 free catalogue P.O. Box